Dimensional Exchanges

By XyoushaX

Chapter 49: Forgiveness

 (Tim Seltzer, seltzer@seltzerbooks.com)

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. I do not own Wedding Peach. I do not own any great quantity of money or property. I'm a STUDENT; that's why I'm poor, okay? 

Author's Notes: I forgot to put up a note for last chapter:

Pseudomembrane - these are real things, usually showing up in bacterial infections like Diphtheria. The bacteria in the throat makes a toxin, and then the toxin can harden with dead human cells at the back of the throat. This can lead to sudden death by suffocation. I twisted the same thing into this story to work with Orochimaru's chakra, since Kishimoto seems to really go into the stuff. Warning: I am not a specialist in medicine. The farthest I went in biology was Microbes and Human Health last semester — that's how I learned about this stuff. So if you're in medicine, and see anything horribly wrong in Sakura's actions in the last chapter, tell me via review.

Thedarkowns1: If you're wondering about that note in the last chapter, I was simply congratulating you for actually figuring out that Sakura wasn't going to kill Sasuke. Everybody else who reviewed that chapter was panicking.


Sasuke was not moving. He seemed frozen to the spot.

Sakura walked up to the raven-haired boy. He was almost a head taller than her now. But his posture told her that the usual confidence he once held was now gone. This both surprised and confused her. Sasuke's dark bangs covered his eyes; he turned away when she tried to look closer at him.

As Sakura calculated it further, why else was he wandering the forest near Konoha? To attack it? Hardly not. There would be more Oto-nin around if Orochimaru planned something like that. Sasuke would have some backup if he were a real enemy. Sakura practically removed his curse, and nobody interrupted her when she performed that quick operation on his neck. Sasuke was completely alone.

Sakura finally caught a glimpse of his dark eyes. What she saw startled her: they were tired, defeated. He did not want to run away. He probably did not even want to live. Sasuke had wanted to follow her to Konoha from the start. But when the kunoichi displayed a rock-hard exterior, cruelly ordering him to "run" — whatever hope he had of starting over was crushed, like a newly hatched caterpillar picked up by an unforgiving sparrow.

Was Sakura happy now? The high-and-mighty princess of books and kendo did not need the heir of a practically dead clan, not even as a friend! Sakura had traveled across space-time, trained with celestials, came back and freed Sasuke from the curse — and then tastefully finished it off with a cold glare to the broken teenager.

In the end, she really was no better than what Sasuke had been two years ago.

Sasuke felt a warm body crush against him. His heart seemed to stop. His black eyes trailed down to a form that was lightly embracing him.

"I'm sorry," Sakura whispered.

Sasuke was confused. She was apologizing to him, when he committed all those horrible things against her and the village? If anything, he was lucky that she did not execute the scum that he was.

"Do you want to go home together?" Sakura offered. Her voice was hesitant. But the tone was also coaxing and gentle, like that of a mother.

She was giving him a free choice now. Sakura was offering her friendship. She was forgiving him.

Sasuke had no idea what to say or do. The 'duty' part of him had clear enough answers. Sasuke would be in big trouble if he went back to Konoha. He could live and train alone if he had to. Sakura was only a distraction.

But another thing inside him said: 'This is your LAST chance.'

Last chance for what? Sasuke was not exactly sure.

"They'll probably interrogate you, and put you under surveillance," Sakura continued. "But I've been missing as well. I'll be going through the exact same process."

A chill went down his spine. He wanted to tell her that it was not as simple as that. There were no ninja reports on her movements, but Sasuke had obviously served Orochimaru. Sakura had probably been doing something peaceful, like traveling the countryside and healing people. Sasuke had already killed a few rogue ninja. Still...

Sasuke opened his mouth to say something, but his throat burned. He had to make more effort to speak.

The silence passed by.

The pink-haired girl felt a lump form in her throat: Sasuke was not responding.

"If you don't want to go, I understand," she said. Her arms loosened from his form.

Itachi rubbed his bandaged shoulder. The wound was sealing up fast with the ointments underneath. The blonde's remedies were quite good. "You have your instructions. I have to trail and shut up my partner now."

"Oh, I'm sorry to have injured him with that arrow, but I had to in order to keep things clean." Minoru flashed a smile. "Send my apologies to your lover." The elf ducked the incoming shuriken, which prickled into the tree trunk behind him. 'They're small, but sharp,' Minoru noted with amusement. 'He's not bad in aim.'

"I'll tell my partner in work," Itachi paused here, and continued, "that I made quick work of you." 'That is, after I get the tengu to do a forbidden jutsu on Kisame to erase his memory about my brother...'

The Uchiha glanced sideways. Something was moving towards them. It seemed like more work had to be done.

Minoru sensed the movement as well. "Animals," Minoru identified. "Two... no, three. I can tell that they're not aiming to kill. Maybe... to capture something."

Itachi closed his eyes, and listened. There were exactly four snakes on the ground, not the three Minoru estimated. From what Itachi knew of Orochimaru, the sage must have sent trailing snakes as a last-ditch attempt to retrieve Sasuke. Both Sasuke and Sakura were in poor condition for fighting anything.

The Uchiha kicked off the branches, readying his shuriken. Minoru followed. The snakes had to be stopped before they reached Sasuke.

Minoru's blue eyes caught three snakes on the ground. They looked normal — except for their size. The elf had never seen natural anacondas as large as these before. Who needed monsters, when these kinds of animals were in the forests? In slight shock, Minoru's boot scraped off one of the branches in an irregular manner. He slipped and began to fall.

Itachi frowned. Minoru did not even know how to put chakra in his feet to stick to surfaces. The last thing the Uchiha needed was the duty to take care of some weirdo from another reality.

Minoru shot a vine tendril out from his wrist. It attached to another tree, saving him from a drop of death.

This was normal practice for him. Minoru swung, and let go of the newly-made vine. After a flip in the air, he landed quietly on the ground.

The elf looked up to meet the disgusted look of Itachi. "What?" Minoru asked casually. "I can take care of myself."

That was not the point, in Itachi's opinion. He used one word to describe the real situation: "Incoming." Minoru was on the ground, directly in the way of the snakes.

'At least he makes a good decoy,' Itachi thought. He expected Minoru to be devoured any split-second now.

The elf quickly pulled an arrow across his shaft, and let it loose in the direction of the snakes. It streaked through the air, and stabbed into the forehead of the first anaconda. It fell to the ground dead, and another slithered over its carcass. Its wide-open mouth aimed at Minoru — tongue, fangs, and larynx nicely visible for him to see.

Two shuriken penetrated its eyes, thrown by Itachi from above. It let off a reptilian scream. Minoru's hard boot connected with the anaconda's chin in a high kick. The elf frowned as it continued to hiss in pain — 'It's still conscious?' — and let his leg fall back down in an axe-kick. His heel crushed the animal's head into the ground.

Itachi's hands let fly three shuriken. The assassin then flicked his hands together into some hand-seals. 'Kage-Shuriken no Jutsu.' The three flying weapons multiplied into nine.

The snake stealthily dodged all of the shuriken: the animal was more trained and intelligent than Itachi first thought. No problem. The prodigy's hands, still hidden within the folds of his Akatsuki cloak, formed another sequence.

Something sprouted out of the ground in front of the snakes. It was a narrow little stick, but shot up unnaturally fast. It revealed itself as a sprout, which turned into a tree. The roots began to crawl and entrap the snakes.

Minoru's brow furrowed. He realized that Itachi was using an illusion. That tree was only an image. But what was strange was that the animals seemed to believe it was real. They squirmed around to free themselves, from an object that was nothing more than a mirage.

Using this chance, the elf walked up to the struggling reptiles, and shot an arrow in each of their heads. The blood spurted out onto his boots. The tree disappeared, and the snakes lay dead at his feet.

Minoru looked up at Itachi. "Three down."

Itachi frowned. "There were four. Didn't you kill the last one?"

"I said that three were coming. You saw a fourth?" The corner of Minoru's eye twitched. "Oh, damnation," he whispered in a hoarse manner.

The fourth snake was probably far off. There was no way that the two of them could catch up and defeat the animal without revealing themselves.

"Amateur," Itachi snapped under his breath.

"It would be advantageous if you SPOKE more often," Minoru said through gritted teeth. He glanced at the sheathed kanata on his back. 'He and I cannot catch up with the last snake without showing ourselves to Sakura and Sasuke. But at least my abilities are developed enough to work with items like these.'

"No. I'm coming."

Sakura froze. She looked up, surprise lighting her emerald eyes. "What?" she asked.

Sasuke turned his head slightly. His inner self snarled: from how his face felt, his cheeks must have been turning red. It was a damn good thing that it was the moon, and not the sun, illuminating the two of them. "You're not facing that insane Morino Ibiki alone," Sasuke mumbled.

Sasuke huffed. He was uncomfortable with the look of utter shock on Sakura's face. The young Uchiha desperately wanted to bang his head against something dense and hard, realizing how dangerously sentimental his answer was. It sounded like he had feelings, of all things. 'Well, you actually do…' some random voice in his head trailed off.

Sakura looked down. She refrained from smiling; Sasuke would probably grow upset if she displayed her happiness of winning him back to Konoha. She picked up the now-cold lunchbox from the ground, and held it out to Sasuke. "You still want to eat?"

He shook his head in response. Sasuke had no appetite. His body felt strange, as if a heavy burden had been lifted. He was sure that if he ate anything at the moment, he would throw it up in sickness, which would be poor thanks indeed.

Sakura slipped the lunchbox back into her bag. She then began to walk, allowing the young man to trail her without any touching. One hug was a huge step for Sasuke, even if it was between friends. "This way. It's going to be at least one hour to the gates..."

The pink-haired girl gave a sudden gasp. She clutched her chest, the green cloak bunching in with the shredded red fabric. Another aura was calling at her soul. Somebody was touching Tennyo.

Sakura glanced in the direction where she had laid the katana, underneath shrubs and fine moss. A deity or spirit, working in favor of her, now possessed Tennyo. But what disturbed Sakura were the vines, which had suddenly grown over the spot where she had placed the weapon.

A foreign voice burst into her mind. 'Sakura-san! Something is coming at you!' The kunoichi froze at its sound. Time seemed to stop for her as she heard the warning signal. 'Keep on your guard AT ALL TIMES!'

"Sakura!" Sasuke's harsh voice suddenly entered her sphere of listening.

Sakura came out of her trance. She straightened her posture, and shook herself off. "Sorry, Sasuke. I was just a little distracted." The pink-haired girl glanced around. Wonder and confusion churned in her mind. 'Why was that voice so similar too...'

Sasuke tensed. Through the surrounding area, a familiar sound rustled: scales of keratin over bark and wet leaves.

An anaconda shot out from one of the bushes.

Immediately going with her survival instincts, Sakura threw a fist at the animal. "HAH!"

The animal went off flying, and skidded back one hundred meters.

Sakura blinked — that hit was too strong for her level. She glanced to her side, and saw Sasuke's arm in a similar position. The face he made at her was one of total disbelief. How in the world did the two of them simultaneously land a hit on an anaconda?

"Hey, we made a double-punch," Sakura said with a grin. She glanced back to the slithering heap.

The animal was still moving strong. It untangled itself, and made another go for them.

Sasuke put his hands together in a hand-seal. He growled as the anaconda rushed towards them. There was not enough chakra molding in his body. At this rate, Sasuke would never be able to make a proper jutsu. 'Damn! Not at a time like this!'

Sasuke pulled out several shuriken, and threw them at the snake. Only a couple hit; a moving target was harder to hit than a still object. The few that did manage to hit the snake were flicked off. The Uchiha kicked off the ground with chakra in his legs.

Sakura jumped away. "Sasuke!" she yelled. "The best way to hurt things like that is —"

The kunoichi felt a jolt through her aura system. Sakura felt her knees hit the ground. 'What?' She tried to get up, but little ki went through her leg muscles.

Sasuke was in the air. He then noticed the trembling form of Sakura on the ground. She wasn't moving out of the snake's way. What was she doing?

He then remembered: she used the Chiyute no Jutsu on him. She had spent too much of her aura while trying to save him, and now she was in danger. Her ki was flickering like the flame of a candle — it took her effort to even stand.

Even after she redeemed his life, Sasuke was still weak. He could not protect her.

"DAMN IT!" Sasuke roared. He vented all his anger and frustration into his system. The black eyes reverted into the blood-red Sharingan.

Sasuke's index finger found the tooth of a shuriken, and pressed down. The blood seeped out. He performed the hand-seals, and slammed his hand on the ground.

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" he shouted.

A loud explosion sounded out.

Out of the smoke, a second anaconda burst forth. It was nearly identical in size and strength to the first one.

Sakura gave a wry smile as she witnessed the scene. So Sasuke learned from Orochimaru how to call anacondas. Ironic, how a snake was now saving instead of attacking her.

The two reptiles whirled and twisted around each other's forms. Sasuke got ready his shuriken. After skillfully clicking them around his hands, he let them fly around the fighting anacondas.

The shuriken thudded into nearby tree trunks, missing the snakes by a long shot. Sakura bit her lip.

'Now.' Sasuke's left arm snapped upward. The nearly-invisible strings connecting the shuriken closed in around the snakes, and trapped them to a tree. From what Sasuke could tell, the combat between the animals was even, and they were nearly finished. But he could not risk the fighting animals to get close to the pink-haired girl.

Tied up in strings and mutual defeat, both snakes disappeared in a poof of smoke.

Something akin to fear creeped into Sakura. She gulped. Sasuke could be fast. What made the kunoichi wonder was how he got all that chakra in his weakened state, to summon such a large animal.

Sasuke turned his head towards Sakura. He saw her give a brief shudder as their eyes made contact.

He then realized: his eyes were as yet in the Sharingan. They sometimes turned on automatically when he felt anger. And masters of the bloodline trait could keep it on for extended periods of time. He willed the eyes back to normal before anymore chakra in him was wasted.

Sasuke walked toward Sakura, and lowered his hand to her kneeling form. She stared at it, confused at what he was doing.

"Aren't you coming?" Sasuke demanded.

Sakura gave a weak smile. "Oh. Yeah."

As Sasuke helped her up, he noticed the callous marks on Sakura's hands. They formed an odd shape within her palm. He would keep that feeling tucked in his memory for later reference.

Sakura brushed the dead leaves off her cloak with both hands. "Did the two anacondas kill each other?" she asked in concern. "It's not often that summoning animals fight against their own species."

"No. They were just tired," Sasuke said dryly. "It was a tie, and both gave up and ran away from each other."


Tsunade snorted out of her sleep. Somebody was banging on the door of her house, each sound callous to her ears. She picked up a nearby clock, cursed under her breath, and pulled a blanket tighter to her voluptuous frame.

"Hokage-sama, this is important," one chuunin's voice drawled. "Don't deny that you're awake! You're a light sleeper, even AFTER you drink."

A nerve popped out of her forehead. Whoever said that had some guts. The banging continued.

A circuit in Tsunade's patience exploded. "It's friggin' three o'clock in the morning!" she roared. She angrily pulled off the covers, and stomped to the door. Three chuunin and one jounin were at her door. "This had better be good," she muttered.

She then noticed the five or so jounin behind them, and a few ANBU. It was the nightly patrol group of this week. A pink mop of hair appeared amidst the collection of face-masks.

"Do you have to hold me so tightly?" a feminine voice snapped. "It's not like I can DO anything against you, you know."

Tsunade's hazel eyes widened.

Haruno Sakura slapped away a hand of one of the ANBU. The girl looked up, and then saw the dazed look of the Fifth Hokage. Sakura immediately let her hands drop to her side. Not only that, she dropped to her knees and bowed, her nose nearly touching the cold stone of the street. "Godaime-sama," she said respectfully.

Before Sakura left, she usually called the blond lady as 'Tsunade-sama,' which was a little more personal than 'Godaime-sama'. But these were special circumstances. The pink-haired girl was nervous: knowing Tsunade, she would at least get a scolding or two for turning up missing. Sakura also wanted to get on the woman's good side as soon as possible, for the sake of a traitor who was not far behind.

Sasuke stumbled on the ground, right next to Sakura. He glared at the ANBU member who pushed him in front of the Hokage. This ceremony was such a joke in his opinion. Then again, he did not have much choice in the matter. He was already here, chakra depleted and all.

The Fifth Hokage crossed her arms. "Haruno Sakura. Uchiha Sasuke."

Sasuke let off a disrespectful growl. A second afterwards, he felt a tremendous shove on top of his head.

The Uchiha weakly turned his face, finding that it was Sakura who had forced his head down in the traditional position of humility. 'How dare she!' Her new-found energy had nearly broken his spine in that maneuver. Then again, it was kind of nice being touched by her once more, although he would have preferred some places other than his scalp…

The nearby ANBU were quietly laughing as Sakura nearly plowed Sasuke's face into the street. The jounin kept straight faces, as they did not have the luxury of a face-mask.

Tsunade groaned as she massaged her temples. "I think we have a long night ahead of us."


If you have questions, comments, or suggestions, please tell me! If I suck, by all means tell me. In an intelligent manner.

Dimensional Exchanges By XyoushaX This fanfic is complete.
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