Reign of Chaos

Part 2 of Trilogy, part 1 = New Age, part 3 = Tides of Darkness

By Sh33p,

Chapter 4


The great sequal of New Age. It'll knock your socks off. Tim Seltzer,

Sh33p Disclaimer: I don`t own Zoids. Consider this disclaimer valid for the whole damn story :P 

Foreword: Too many friggin` songs to choose from for this one... 

At the tender age of fifteen years old, Leyla Tsun was a girl who should have, by all means, been going to the prom with a highschool sweetheart. Pretty, intelligent, somewhat carefree and extremely thoughtful, Leyla Tsun was the kind of girl that most young men dreamed of taking home to their mothers and announcing being engaged to, after about three or four more years of aging, mind you. There were catches though, and chief among them was her current setting.

Alone, in a padded room with a barred, mostly plexiglass window, reinforced by a pattern of wires. She had only been in the institution for several hours now, there were still marks on her wrists from where the handcuffs had been too tight. Innocence still spoke in eyes that were rapidly showing that the girl was remembering more than anyone should have. Memories dating back to before she had even been re-awoken from a dreamlike state in the middle of a desert not too many years ago.

The institution was... A sad case, to say the least. With the apocalypse having come over just about everything on the planet, virtually all of the place`s caretakers had gone home to be with their families, leaving behind roughly 1,500 unsupervised, fairly dangerous headcases. They ranged from murderous schizophrenics to mostly harmless people with mental disorders like Leyla herself. It was hard to diagnose her case though, she didn`t exactly have the same physical make-up as a human, after all. Close though. Close enough that she could conceivably breed with a normal human being, but not quite human herself.

At present, Leyla Tsun had her door locked. The window had been clamped shut, and she`d somehow gotten a hold of a fairly sharp piece of what was once a table leg, now a lethal tool for stabbing someone. The idea wasn`t that she was going to harm herself, it was instead an idea that focused more so on self defense.

You see, Leyla had very sharp hearing. She could register an individual pin drop in the middle of a room filled with loud speech. Outside of her cell, screams, maniacal laughter and god knows what else could be heard, even through the thick, supposedly sound proof walls of her room. The light was off, the power to the entire facility had gone down and that was how so many people had gotten out in the first place. The only illumination came from vague moonlight, but with her sight, that was good enough.

Her own door was only 'locked' because Leyla had the intelligence and speed to swipe several rolls of duct tape and the strength to drag the same table she had broken a leg from for her weapon of defense, and proceed to prop the table up behind her door in the inside of her room, then tape it in place several times over. While true that it couldn`t hope to hold back a determined inmate or two, it could and would take at least a few seconds to power through, seconds that Leyla could use to get ready for a fight.

As it stood though, fighting was the last thing on the girl`s mind. Her strangely shifting eyes - they didn`t seem to have any permanent color anymore, varying from deep blue to a light green to a pale red every other second - had been set on the barred, wired window for an hour now. Silence dominated the room - aside from screams and laughter outside. Utterly alone, she had no one to rely on. Even the voices in her head, which she was able to only briefly hear for several minutes before the shock of the chaos that had engulfed the planet, had gone silent.

"I miss Jamie already," she thought with an emotion that seemed to bounce between sadness, bitterness and sorrowful affection all at once.

In the midst of a desert, miles from one of the world`s few remaining army bases, a battle was raging.

The battle in question was the final culmination of more than three hours of violent combat, brutally carrying from Zoids to fists. It was a battle between the Brothers Obscura, Kale versus Vega. If anyone was keeping tabs, it was round four, part two, and by any stretch of the imagination, it was also the single most personal battle that could be fought.

Fighting in a Zoid distanced one from the reality of a fight to the death, made it seem a little less personal. When man mastered the art of fighting in a Zoid, combat with soldiers became something that was almost a thing of the past. Kale and Vega were, in this sense, reliving the past. They were fighting face to face in as personal a fashion as possible.

A yell echoed, a mid-air kick unleashed by the smaller of the two combatants. Vega missed his mark though, and Kale moved like water, twisting his upper body out of the way with a fluid grace. The younger brother landed perfectly though, skidding on the ground before coming to a stop, shifting his stance right as his momentum died down, turning so that now he was looking back at Kale at a sideways angle, even as the older brother straightened himself up and cracked his knuckles.

It was almost sadistic, how calm the two were. In a battle to the death, they were each fighting in such a detached way that in a sense, fighting Zoids was actually more personal than fighting with fists and feet.

A low grunt and Vega went forward again, straightening up with another acrobatic jump that seemed to defy his own body`s ability to perform, carrying him through the air in a corkscrewing backflip. Kale was ready, making a quick step forward and twisting around on the ball of his ankle as if dancing, one elbow shooting up and virtually impaling Vega in the stomach as he finished his flip. The attack drew first blood, as Vega fell to his knees on the ground and sputtered up several drops onto the dirt.

Kale drew his still-curled arm back up again and then knelt down, his knee crashing across Vega`s shoulder, but his elbow missed it`s mark as the smaller of the two straightened up on instinct. Kale`s elbow continued onto the ground, leaving him kneeling and off balance compared to the seemingly perfectly balanced posture of his kneeling brother.

Vega`s arms were quick and agile, slipping around Kale`s forward leg below the knee and around his forearm below the elbow, rooting the stronger of the two fighters in an awkward position long enough for Vega`s lower body to come into play, one foot rooting to the ground and the other leg sweeping out in a half circle, tagging Kale`s ankle. The end result was that the older fighter lost his footing and Vega took keen advantage, knowing that his timing had to be perfect.

Kale`s face slammed into the dirt hard, Vega having carried through with the momentum and leverage to heave his considerably larger brother right over his head and drive him into the ground, rolling over on top of and in front of him a second later to try and do it again, but this time, he met a hard fist across his right shoulder, forcing him let go and preceeding the equally hard boot that crashed into the same spot a second later, spinning the smaller fighter out onto his stomach.

Kale sprang up, Vega rolled beneath him in the middle of it and made it to his hands and feet in a crouch, springing up himself in an instant that passed as a hard fought eternity. Kale spun around, his instincts true and his forearm even truer, blocking the violent knee that would have probably caved in his skull between the eyes if he was even a hundredth of a second slower.

For a moment, the two seemed almost deadlocked. Vega almost hung in mid-air against the whims of gravity, the force of his slim leg driving hard against the durability of Kale`s limberly built arm, just before the smaller fighter dropped down to his feet and lashed out with a punch. The older of the two dodged back in an utterly care free fashion, the punch missing his stomach swiftly. Vega tried again with two more, each of which was dodged in similar fashion with sidesteps, then he halted his punching attempts and lashed out with an angered sidekick, the kind that could ordinarily slice a man right in half if executed properly.

Kale dodged this too, hopping back and using his side to his advantage. A knifing punch flew out, every finger held straight in karate chop-fashion. Vega was caught off guard in the middle of his own kick, and his cheek promptly split from a grazing cut, though it was only a precursor. The younger stumbled, his balance compromised to the right, and the older took full advantage, one hand drawing back as the other arm launched up like a hook, latching under Vega`s right armpit.

In an instant, Vega was airborn, and Kale spun around, latching his arms together and slinging his younger brother right over his head and down into the ground with a sickening thud, only to receive a desperate kick in the chin in reply.

Kale stumbled back, his head spinning, and Vega rolled back to his knees and then to his feet, his entire body in pain and the cut on his cheek stinging with a non-existent venom. He didn`t pause though, sore and exhausted, he attacked again, jumping forward, straightening himself out sideways in mid-air and dedicating his entire body to a single mid-air punch that tagged Kale solidly in the left cheekbone with every ounce of Vega`s speed and weight going into it, knocking the older Obscura for a loop and sending him to stagger awkwardly back before faltering onto his knees dizzily, losing his balance again and falling forward to both knees and one hand, the other held firmly to his now-busted forehead.

The action paused, Vega took the opportunity to get to his feet from the ground and gather his breath again, unknowingly letting his shortlived advantage slip away to the middle ground, where Kale would likely snatch it back up when he inevitably rose again.

"This is for Specular, you bastard," Vega spat between ragged breaths, not knowing whether or not he truly meant his supposed motive, but still having his words carry all the impact that was needed. Kale only chuckled dimly between his own worn sighs for air, standing back up not too long after on uneasy legs, his back turned to the enormous diamond of energy that the two had turned into the nightlight for their apparently final confrontation.

The twin moons of Zi ran red with the blood that had been, and would be spilled again on a night that would forever be remembered as the night that dreams died.

Twelve minutes ago, the HoverCargo pulled to a graceless, blunt stop in front of the Blitz Team base, and once it had, the occupants had noticed the middle aged woman standing in front of the huge structure in a business suit looking like a timebomb had just gone off in her head. Six minutes ago, a Whale King known as the Empress Heart had touched down next to the HoverCargo right on the asphalt in front of main hangar.

Now, the entire group was gathered in what amounted to the 'meeting room' of the base, which was actually the room that the Blitz Team generally used to run tactical and strategic combat simulations. The technology was actually second rate but, with the constant tinkering of both Steven Tauros and Jamie Hameros, it all operated on at least equal standing with even the best modern military computers that served the same function.

The group in question consisted of six people: Steve and Leena Tauros, Jamie Hameros and Brad Hunter - who were all that really remained of the current roster of the Blitz Team - as well as Sarah Obscura and Leyon Martin. The last two had been unexpected, but with the impending destruction of the entire planet, none of the others really cared that much to try and stop them from joining the 'party.'

"All Hell`s broken loose," Steven concluded at the dozens of spartan news reports that were being sent out to anyone who could and would look at them.

"I think we figured that out already," Leena added somberly, leaning against the arm of her chair. She`d changed clothing by now, a turtleneck sweater and a pair of black pants. The glasses she wore set at a slightly off angle on her nose, but the lighting in the room reflected dimly against them, only vaguely illuminating each of the electrical scars across her face. All of the scars on her body were hidden by the clothing she wore.

"We need to get out of here and head somewhere that`s actually safe," Jamie mumbled out blithely. It seemed nobody could state anything other than the obvious at this point. Sarah was quiet, Brad was sardonic and Leyon was waiting for the chance to say something, leaving everyone to expectantly leer over at Leena and Steve.

"I`m with Jamie on this one. The base isn`t going to be excluded from any attack that might take place, especially with it`s proximity to both Farentown and Platston. My bet`s that we head to Farentown but..."

"But the place is the second biggest target for anyone gunning to inflict the maximum casualities in the shortest amount of time," Jamie cut in with a dry tone. He wasn`t as scientifically minded as Steven or Leyon, nor was he as ruthless and politically thoughtful as Sarah, but when it came to picking apart a strategy or a tactic, no one came close to him.

"I don`t really see what Rommel and his people are all going for," Sarah added, tossing her two cents into things. "He seems out to do nothing but cause death, and most people have a core desire to sustain their lives and the lives of others, if only out of greed."

"What fun is it when everyone`s dead, huh?" Brad interjected finally.

"Exactly. He doesn`t strike me as a dictator - or a criminal mastermind out to make a name for himself."

"He`s after Asmodeus," Leyon finally said.

"Asmodeus?" Leena asked, just a second ahead of the others.

"I`ve only theorized it`s existence until now. Zoidian mythology speaks of a number of terrible evils being the cause for the creation of the Death Saurer and the two original Death Stingers. I guesstimated - thanks to Steven and my college theory on the balance of the world - that there had to be one Zoid that, above all others, had death and destruction built into it`s very namesake."

A pause.

"Eventually, I found a single name. It wasn`t attached to a picture, only a line of names that grew increasingly frantic until the last line of text that read: Asmodeus. Nothing else."

"And how can Rommel be after something that only you knew about?" Steven asked dryly.

"I`m a mad scientist, dolt. We`re a dime a dozen, in case you haven`t noticed by now."

"Not that we can do anything about it," Brad cut in with calm resignation. "My Zoids`re all destroyed or in the hands of an utter lunatic, the Gunsniper`s had it`s throat ripped out and Bit`s been M.I.A. for days now. No offense to Jamie and the Wild Eagle, but the Raynos, a Whale King and the HoverCargo won`t do jack shit if they come after us in numbers," the former mercenary concluded.

"I`ve been meaning to talk to you about that," Leyon added. "But it can wait. Need the other half of the key first..."

"Anything you do know about this 'Asmodeus' thing?" Sarah asked, ending Brad`s chance of questioning Leyon on what he meant. The scientist coughed grimly.

"Only that it`s a futile gambit at best. No one knows where the thing is, and it requires an Ancient Zoidian to be activated, most likely a few other things as well, but I wasn`t able to get anything else from the ruins I got the information off of."

"Well, I don`t know any Ancient Zoidians so..."

"There`s Bit`s older-than-dirt grandmother," Leena pointed out, having actually remembered the inkling of information they had on the woman. "She could be an Ancient Zoidian if she`s that old."

"She`s dead. Suicide earlier tonight, along with an unknown partner," Leyon informed. At everyone`s questioning glance, he shrugged. "I keep an ear on every 'unused' frequency around. I am a mad scientist after all."

"So we know that there`s not really a chance they`ll get their hands on the Asmodeus-thing... This is all just an insane goosechase," Brad muttered. "It really fucking figures, doesn`t it?"

"No," Jamie replied as if he`d just stared at his own grave.

"What do you mean?"


By the time anyone could finish a sentence or thought other than a collective 'oh shit,' Jamie had literally ripped his way out of the room like a bat out of Hell, flinging the chair he`d been sitting in out of the way and almost falling over in his frantic run for the door.

Two figures charged one another, illuminated from on side by a purple-tinged diamond lined with a red-pink aura, and from above by the two moons Zi, each of which glowed an eerie, somewhat sickening red in the late night, or the early morning depending on one`s view of things.

A loud yell issued from each fighter, both went flying in an instant, the shorter going higher while the larger only making a hop the last way. They met at the midground, the smaller combatant practically stopping in thin air, halted on the forearms of his older brother, which braced together against his feet. Almost supernaturally, Vega tilted forward to crouch atop Kale`s elbows, his momentum only briefly allowing his weight to avoid coming into play as his hands locked firmly to his brother`s shoulders, allowing the younger of the two to come into a handstand for a few seconds.

Those seconds ended with Kale losing his balance and receiving a pair of knees right into his collarbone, which only precursed the roll that Vega pulled off a few seconds later, using his weight and the fact that Kale was already off balanced to drag the larger of the two brothers down and sling him over again, slamming Kale harshly into the ground with his own weight.

The younger brother was on his feet again in an instant, and was also making good to attack with a short sprint towards Kale`s downed form, lashing out with a punch. Kale caught his arm though, sitting up quickly into a kneel and judo-tossing Vega over his shoulder. The smaller of the two found himself wracked across Kale`s knee in an instant, letting out a scream of pain as a result, only to take a chop into the throat an instant later.

Vega slumped off of Kale`s knee, lying upside down on his head and shoulders for a second while the older brother got up to his feet, then flopping onto his back.

"Don`t you get it by now?" Kale asked, nonchalantly stomping into Vega`s gut. The reaction was a mix between a grunt and a yell of further pain. Kale smirked ruthlessly, grinding his boot right into Vega`s stomach before removing it and beginning to walk around the other`s downed form.

"You," a pause, which lead to a sadistic kick into the ribs. Vega yelled again and rolled over to try and shield the injury. Kale stepped around him some more.

"Can`t," another kick, this time into the shoulder and neck. Vega yelled once more and rolled over again, inching closer and closer to the gigantic cocoon that had enclosed around the Geno Saurer. He stepped around the downed eleven year old a bit more.

"Beat me!" This time the words were only a precursor to several stomps into the stomach, each one harder than the first. Kale stopped though, and Vega curled into a ball, coughing and gagging for several seconds before being dragged up to his feet by his hair, blood now trailing down in droves from around his mouth. For a moment, Vega stood on his own, doubled over and still coughing up blood from the damage to his insides that the stomping had caused. Kale then nonchalantly yanked him upright by his hair, one fist pulling back and nailing Vega across the back of the head.

Vega stumbled forward in a haze of pain, only to find another punch waiting for him, slipping between his admittedly small shoulderblades and jabbing into his spine.

"STOP IT!" He finally screamed out in agony, only to find another punch waiting, a hook across the back of his head. Before he could finish falling over though, Kale grabbed him by his hair again and jerked him back to his feet, half shoving and half pulling him into a short walk to the very edge of the ground around the enormous diamond, which still glowed with a malignant, cold air about it.

"I said: You can`t beat me!" Kale repeated, yelling the words right into Vega`s ears before using one hand on the boy`s left bicep and the other on his hair to yank him straight off the ground and then sweep a straight, long legged kick across his chest. If Vega had been wearing his armored vest, it would have cratered around Kale`s attack in an instant.

But the kick had another side effect. Vega flew back from it, continuing for all of a quarter of a second before slapping right into the wall of the diamond, and the results...


Weren`t a pleasant, nor enjoyable sight.

Vega went flying again, bouncing off of the huge, glass-like cocoon of energy, his entire body gone numb from the shock it caused. Sparks of electricity flew off of his small body, and after several seconds of moving through the air like a stone from a catapult, Vega smashed into the ground face first. The drop would have killed an ordinary human instantly, the roll that followed would have probably disfigured the corpse.

For Vega, it meant that he was now thrice bloodier and more bruised than before, laying on his back in unbearable agony with all limbs stretched out. He couldn`t even find the resolve to move, every fiber of his being was in pain from being electricuted and thrown at least fifty feet through the air. Kale grimly smiled, wiping the blood off of his face with a nonchalant way that would disturb any sane person, almost lazily biding his time in a swaggering walk.

In the crater, something was stirring. A pounding against the chest of the scorched Razorwind Fury -

"And now, dear little Vega, it`s time to be finished."

Kale stopped, now standing right over his brother`s downed form, smiling murderously while drawing one hand up and back, fingers slowly uncurling into a straight, knife-like posture.

Vega only laughed.

- a pounding that was frantic, causing an eerie glow to come across the Zoid`s chest, a glow -

"You can beat on me all you want Kale," the younger brother said in a moment of surprising clarity, pausing the older just by his smug tone. "But you`ll never be able to kill me..."

"And how do you figure that?" Kale asked with a near laugh.

- from within.


A pause as something sounding like shrieking metal echoed from the crater.

"I have friends."

At that exact moment, that same instant in time where Vega finished speaking, Kale cut a sideways glance at the crater, just in time to see a fierce blue light, desperate in it`s intensity, streak up at a sharp angle, then lash out right for him like a bullet. By the time he finished screaming his surprise, the blaze of energy had completely closed the gap, shattering on impact to reveal an angry blue Organoid materializing right on impact with Kale`s chest, snout first.

The force of the blow completely knocked Kale`s lights out, and it also sent him flying through the air at an unbelievable speed, landing with a hard skid across the ground until he lay right in front of the enormous purple cocoon.

"And that`s all I need..."

Vega only smiled whimsically from the dirt before passing out into unconsciousness, and Specular only managed what sounded like a guttural, protective growl before falling over, optics fading to black slowly.

All of twelve seconds ago, Jamie Hameros launched from the HoverCargo at full speed, charging off into the desert skyline at close to mach three and a half. The result was a frantic group of people - bar one or two - who now knew that even more Hell would probably be breaking loose fairly soon, especially since Jamie had gone off alone - which was never a good thing anymore.

"I don`t suppose anything any of us have can catch up to him, do you?" Steven asked in a resigned sigh, staring at the vapor trail of the disappearing Raynos.

"My Whale King can`t do it, I know that much..."

"Do you have any air Zoids aboard?" Brad asked, glancing at Leyon with that dangerous bit of mercenary fire returning to his eyes.

"A Pteras and thats it. You`d probably be better off ta-" "I`ll take the Pteras."

"Do you even know how to fly an aerial Zoid?" Leena asked as Brad took off in a sprint towards the Whale King`s open mouth. The reply was less than satisfactory...

"There`s a first time for everything!"

Steven and Sarah were both annoyedly staring at the disappearing mercenary, Leena let out a sigh and Leyon twiddled his thumbs annoyedly.

"And I didn`t even get the chance to tell the lousy bum about the Diamond Fox," he grumbled, knowing that he wouldn`t be able to catch up in time. A few seconds later, a Pteras that strongly resembled the one that Jamie had once piloted launched awkwardly from the mouth of the Empress Heart, arcing skyward and, after several clumsy seconds of wobbling around, blasting off at full speed after the Raynos.

"Ever get that feeling of being utterly useless?" Leena finally asked, hanging her head darkly.

"Yes," came the answer from all three of the others who had been left behind.

It is time.

The words were simple as Roc materialized from his teleportation, Madison still perched firmly atop the ancient Organoid`s head, all one hundred pounds of that weird, metal club laying across one shoulder, held in place by a single hand. Black hair, spikey and long enough to reach the middle of the six foot tall Guardian`s back shifted slightly in the wind. Pink eyes bearing what could only vaguely be seen as slightly darker irises fixed to a single shade of movement in the seemingly endless vastness of the desert.

It was a white movement, calm and subtle, slow and yet relentless, the stalk of a predatory lion or a tiger towards a pinkish-purple glow no less than a mile from it. At the current rate though, the predator would reach the prey none too soon.

"Their fight will start dawn," Madison presumed after several seconds of thought. While not exactly educated on the society of the people and the planet she was now working - if only behind the scenes, for the time being - to protect, she was still highly intelligent, particularly about matters of combat. Roc rumbled in agreement before speaking again.

Specular has broken from her bonds in the Fury. She surprises me, this time.

"Five`s life was in great danger. I`m more surprised she didn`t die in the process," came the slightly apathetic reply.

Do not underestimate the importance of this, Madison. The battle to come may very well alter the course of how this plays out. If Three is not brought back by the shock of Four, then we will be forced to consider almost all of the wild cards in this game lost.

"I don`t really see the point of letting them just battle as they will," Madison retorted. "If Vega is as important as you believe, we should at least try to get him out of the way."

This is a gamble. A desperate gamble, and things are going to be put at risk no matter what we do. The gamble we make now is just one of many that we are going to have to make in the future.


It will be a hard road to travel, Madison. We will not know rest, we will not know comfort and we will not know peace until this ordeal has been seen through to whatever finish it may have.

A pause. Madison sighed.

It will be a hard road to travel, but we shall take it as ever the Guardians have.

"If we have to travel fate`s roads, why are we standing by, doing nothing?"

This time, Roc failed to answer.

As the moons faded into twilight, and the most distant light from the sun began to shine a deep orange into the skies of the desert, movement could be seen in front of the diamond-like shield of evolution around what had once been the Geno Saurer. Ever so slowly, that movement picked up pace, and soon after, Kale Obscura raggedly sat up, breathing hard and favoring the place where his shirt had ripped over his chest, leaving the ragged looking, tight material of his jumpsuit visible beneath, though beneath that, the skin had bruised a near solid black.

The wounds would heal sooner than even Kale knew though, Shadow would see to that.

Assuming, of course, that Kale survived what was about to take place.

Standing raggedly, the eldest of the Brothers Obscura started a slow walk towards his two downed enemies. Specular had yet to move, Vega was still unconscious and nothing stood in his way. After almost a minute of staggering blithely about, trying to get his bearings and his wits in order, Kale came to stand directly betwee the Organoid and the boy, fists clenching and unclenching as he regarded each with an equal degree of pure spite and contempt, so enraged that it threatened to overflow and become more than just an emotion.

Of course there was an unforeseen roadblock that appeared in his path to killing both of them. It wasn`t that he couldn`t tear Specular apart - he most assuredly could do such a thing with enough effort, and it wasn`t that he couldn`t think of sixteen different ways to kill Vega with his hands alone. No, these were only minor technicalities that he was already able to overcome.

The roadblock in question appeared before him with ever slowing steps, and as he finally leered up with nothing but maliciousness in his eyes, Kale found himself staring into a broken mirror.

In front of him stood a bloodied young man with wild blonde hair and eyes that held an equal madness in them, and what was potentially an even more dangerous lust for blood, garbed in a crimson caked leather jacket, a teal shirt underneath, brown leather gloves and blue - though stained a reddish brown from blood - jeans, with a weird looking object concealed in a rough leather hilt hooked onto the back of his belt. In the crater, the roar of the Liger Zero could be heard, though the Zoid was holding back for whatever reason

Bit Cloud stood angrily across from Kale Obscura, and destruction ruled the air as equals in armageddon prepared to face off.

Author`s Note: Another cliffhanger! Ain`t I a stinker? :D

Illidan: I suppose we`ll have to find out next chapter, now won`t we? *Cackle.* Hopefully this`ll help cure Endless` ROC cravings :P

That`s all for now folks. Enjoy, leave a review, see ya next time and Sh33p out.

Reign of Chaos by Sh33p

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