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What's Your Problem

By Inushoujo Sakura Akina,

Chapter 9:

Caught in the Act

This Fanfic is a good Kagome/Inuyasha where Kag isn't a halfdemon (as far as I know). That might change in later chapters but seems good so far. Tim Seltzer,

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha. Only Rumiko Takahashi owns him and the others. I only own this story.

Thanks for reviewing. I thank all of you that review. Anyone who reads this story and does not review should. Sometimes I will only update a story unless you, the readers, meet my demands, like the last chapter when I wanted at least 10 reviews. I really am thankful for the people who spare a minute or two of their time just to give me a little review. I really appreciate it. Thanks.



(blah)-authoress talking

Kagome's Time

Buyo lazily walked into the room. He jumped onto Kagome's bed, well at least tried to. Unsuccessfully he fell onto the ground. He was unfazed by this and tried again. And again. And again. And again. After a few more tries he managed to pull his very obese self up. Buyo walked in a circle on the bed before lying down and going to sleep. Though he probably wouldn't get a lot of it since Inuyasha was over. While Kagome and Inuyasha were making out in the middle of her room, Sota walked by the door. He went down stairs to eat breakfast. Ten minutes later a figure went by the door. It heard some strange unidentified noises. Since It was curious It went to check it out. Slowly It silently crept to the door, which happened to be cracked open a little bit. The figure peered inside.

"Eeeeew, yuck! That's gross," Sota said as he threw the door open when he saw what his sister and Inuyasha were doing. (Not literally. He just opened the door really fast.)

Kagome and Inuyasha jumped apart faster than the blink of an eye. (Another saying, but I would be funny to see them both move that fast. Hehe) "Sota it's not what you think," the very embarrassed Kagome said quickly.

"Moooom! Kagome and Inuyasha are mmphin ouph."

Sota was stopped mid sentence by Inuyasha. Because of his demonic fast reflexes Inuyasha managed to stop Sota from finishing his sentence. "You better keep your damn mouth shut twerp. If you don't I will break every bone in your puny little body," Inuyasha threatened furiously and callously (angrily). (For Zoah: I'm sorry. I decided not to use the word menancefully. For all you people who don't know what I'm talking about but want to know well: when I was writing this chapter I wrote a word which was menancefully, which means meanly. But you see the thing is that menancefully is not an actual word, only a word that I had created in my mind without knowing it. silly me. on with the fic!)

"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded him. Then she turned hr attention to Sota and got worried. "Sota please don't tell mom. I beg of you. We weren't doing anything bad. Anyways if mom found out Inuyasha wouldn't be allowed to visit anymore or me go to the feudal era to finishing collecting the jewel shards and see my other friends. Please. Please, please don't tell mom," Kagome pleaded to her younger brother. 'Plus I would be totally embarrassed. I know that mama is really understanding about things, but how would she react to this.'

"Fine. You owe me big time though, sis." Sota said as he went over to Kagome's bed to grab Buyo, "Oh yeah I have some advice. If you don't want any interruptions lock the door next time."

"Get out now!" Kagome yelled at him. No matter how embarrassed she was, Sota could still annoy her. Sota ran out of her room carrying Buyo in his arms. Kagome was mad. No she was pissed. Inuyasha was mad at Sota a lot too but he didn't want Kagome to go off and kill the poor kid, well just not right now. So he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around so he could hold her for a little bit. He swayed his body a little because his instincts were telling him that if he did so it would help calm the furious Kagome down. He also remembered from the previous night that making that purr like growl helped so he did that too. After about 10 minutes or so kagome relaxed and wasn't pissed anymore but she was still irritated of him. Inuyasha kissed the top of her head before letting her go. She turned around and kissed him on the lips, then got her school uniform and headed towards the bathroom. After she got her uniform on she went back into her room, grabbed Inuyasha, and went downstairs for breakfast. She glared at her brother's room before going down the staircase. As Inuyasha followed behind her alls he could do was stare at her ass. He also noticed how short her skirt actually was. He would have to talk to her about that.

Kagome made a big batch of chocolate chip pancakes for her and Inuyasha to eat for breakfast. She set the giant stack of pancakes on a plate in the middle of the table. She told Inuyasha to eat as much as he wanted because she could always make more if needed. They ate in silence, keeping their thoughts to themselves. When they had both finished off all of the pancakes, Inuyasha had about ¾ of the pancakes and Kagome had the rest, Kagome then cleared the table. The only reason Kagome took the time to make chocolate chip pancakes instead of just having a bowl of cereal was because they are Sota's favorite. Even though Sota had already ate and was upstairs playing video games if he had known about the chocolate chip pancakes he would have come down right away. Kagome didn't tell him about the pancakes because she was still made at him for coming into her room with out knocking but if she rubbed it in his face he might get mad at her getting mad and tell their mom about what happened between her and Inuyasha that morning. Kagome sat back down when she was finished. She had to clarify how things were going to work.



"I need set down the rules for you while I'm at school today and all the other days I'm supposed to have school."

"What is it?"

"Well first off, you can't go to school with me. Walk me to school or pick me up from school. I wouldn't really mind if you did those things. Essentially I would be flattered but how would I explain you to my friends? Your clothes are different and they are expecting to meet a human Inuyasha on the 21st not a hanyou Inuyasha with sliver/white hair, claws, fangs, cute dog ears, and beautiful amber eyes," Kagome said, "Not to mention that not that many people believe in demons anymore, that includes hanyous too."

"Feh." 'She thinks my ears are cute and that I have beautiful amber eyes!'

"I'm really sorry Inuyasha, but you have to stay here. I don't want to confine you but I have to since we are in my time. I'll only be gone for 7 hours today then I have two full days off until I have to go back to school," kagome said, "Wait hold on." Kagome went to check her calendar. "I only have to go to school for 4 ½ hours today but 7 hours tomorrow. I will be back around 12:30." Inuyasha knew how to tell time from one time he came over and both he and Kagome couldn't sleep and she had decided to teach him. "You can watch tv while I'm gone, just sit in my room, or do whatever. Try to not bother my mom or grandfather. Most importantly, stay out of trouble. Just stay in the house. Please be good."


"Thank you," Kagome said giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Well I gotta go now. I'll see you soon. Love ya. Bye."

When Inuyasha heard the front door close and Kagome's steps and sweet scent move farther away he felt sad. He wanted to be with Kagome. Even though she had lived here all her life and told him that there is nothing to worry about he still didn't trust her time. There were things to worry about that she didn't even know about and Inuyasha could immediately but barely sense. He remembered the incident quite well when he first started to sense everything. It had to do with the ancient Noh Mask came to life and tried to kill Kagome. He then realized that there were demons in her time but had thought that were so very few. Now he knows that about 1/6 of the population in her home village Kagome called Tokyo are demons and about 1/8 of the demons are hanyous. So very little people know about this other species. Mostly the only other people that know are the small line of demon exterminators, most likely Sango's ancestors; they leave the demons alone though, the small line of priests, most likely ancestors of Miroku, and the even smaller line a mikos, like their ancestors had to have been Kaede since Kagome was Kikyo's reincarnation, but she knows nothing of these secrets that she should have known about. Inuyasha figured that since her mom wasn't a miko that would explain why. But Kagome was getting stronger and will probably start seeing through the demon's disguises. Inuyasha hoped kagome wouldn't flip and was pretty sure that she wouldn't because she was very understanding like her mother but he guessed that her temper came from her father. He wondered what her father was like. Maybe one day he would ask her.

Inuyasha wasn't sure what to do. He knew how to use the tv and vcr thingy, Kagome had taught him the last time he was over, although he wasn't too fond of the stuff. He saw an action movie before and absolutely hated it. He didn't like all of the moves the people did because he could tell that it was not real. Kagome then told him that the movie was supposed to be fake. It was for entertainment purposes only. He decided that he would just wait for Kagome in her room so he could smell her wonderful scent even though she had left for school.

Kagome slowly walked to school. She would rather be with Inuyasha right now than go to school. (Who wouldn't?) When she left him at her house she felt really lonely and still does. She really misses him. 'Maybe I feel this way because I share a special bond with Inuyasha. No I couldn't. That would be really strange. Only two demon mates or hanyou mates can share a bond like this. I can't have a bond like that with Inuyasha unless I was a hanyou or demon, which I'm not. Plus we aren't even mated. Yet. I guess I will have to ask him how he felt when I left. If he felt the same emotions as I did then I will have to talk to Kaede,' Kagome thought to herself. She knew about the demon bonding from talking to Sango and from her miko studies taught to her by Kaede, which in fact Kaede said that Kagome was turning into a fine miko indeed.

Kagome got to her school just as the first bell rang. She had five minutes to get to homeroom. She walked into her homeroom slowly since she was too busy thinking about Inuyasha and sat down in her seat in the front corner by the door. A few minutes later her friends came funning into class afraid of being late. They all sat in a desk around kagome so they could talk to her. They all started talking to her at once but she didn't notice. Kagome was off in her own little world that revolved around Inuyasha. She missed him so much which she thought was unusual because she never missed him this much when she left him back I the feudal era so she could catch up in her school work. She was really confused. She had always missed him, but not like this. Being away from him right now made her feel almost depressed. 'I really need to talk to mom about all of this stuff that has been happening to me. But I have to wait until school is out. I should have looked for her before I left. She was probably doing laundry.' Kagome snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her friends calling her name repeatedly and quiet loudly in her face.

"Kagome. Kagome," Eri said concern in her voice.

"Hey Kagome!" Yuka shouted while waving her hands in front of Kagome's face.

"Huh? Oh sorry, what were you saying?" Kagome asked.

"I was wondering if you had finished all of your homework yesterday since you had quite a lot," Eri said.

"I wanted to know if we could somehow meet this Inuyasha guy before the dance," Yuka said.

"I wanted to know when you can come shopping with us for dresses," Ayume said.

"Yes I finished all of my homework Eri, but it took all day. No you can't meet Inuyasha before the day Yuka. The only day I can go shopping is next Thursday, the day right before the dance because I'm really busy every other day. I'm really sorry you guys." Kagome said.

"No it's okay. I can go next Thursday with you. I don't mind waiting," Ayume said.

"Yeah we can wait too," Eri and Yuka agreed.

"Thanks, you guys are the best," Kagome said. Before anyone could comment on that the teacher walked in. he was late though. The bell had already rung ten minutes ago. Even though almost everyone kept on talking the four girls did not want to get into any trouble with their teacher so they had stopped talking right away. Their homeroom teacher set out his stuff then waited a few minutes to see if the class would settle down. When nothing changed the teacher got angry.

"Settle down!" the teacher yelled. Everyone shut up instantly. "I have some important news to tell all of you. We teachers have just found out that we have an emergency meeting today. The problem is that it is during school and we can't miss it. There aren't enough substitute teachers in the district to sub for us and on such short notice we could get anymore over here. So the school board has decided that you, the students, will have an even shorter half day today and no school tomorrow because the meeting is in a different city far away. Today after your 3rd hour class the bell will ring for you to go home instead of after your 4th hour class.

"Yeah! Woo hoo!" the whole class shouted with relief of knowing they had less school. One person though shouted the loudest. That person happened to be Kagome. Everyone stopped and started at her. Kagome blushed a little with embarrassment then sat down in her seat quietly. Her friends gave her questioning looks and she replied by lightly shaking her head. They understood that it meant to just forget about it. The teacher decided to just let the class talk and hang out since he had nothing for them to do anyway. Ayume, Eri, and Yuka started to talk to one another. They had left Kagome out for a reason. One because she wouldn't have paid attention anyway; she was off in her own little world and already had been there. Two because they wanted to talk about her strange behavior lately, of course they wouldn't say anything bad about her. they don't gossip about each other behind their back. That was not the kind of friends they were. (I don't feel like writing their conversation. Actually I don't have the patience to make one up. I want to finish typing this. I leave it up to you to make up the conversation yourself.)

The bell rang and everyone walked out of the classroom with Kagome in the front. When she got out of the classroom kagome ran down the hall and got her stuff for her next class. She then head towards that class, World History, happy as a clam. She couldn't to tell Inuyasha the good news. Once World History was over she only had one more class until she could go home and she Inuyasha. Luckily for her, her last class was Language Arts which always happened to go by really fast. Today was no different. Next thing she knew the final bell rang. School was out. Kagome zipped out of the school as fast as she could. She ran all the way home, dodging people on the sidewalk, and cars in the street. she was so happy that was going to see Inuyasha in a few minutes. She was also very happy that her math test was postponed until Monday. Now she had all weekend to study.

Yay! I'm finally able to put this chapter up on Again I want to thank all of my reviewers. Actually before I put this up I had 10 new reviews for a few days. But life doesn't always go as planned. First I was really busy and I couldn't get on the internet. By the time I was able to go on it was past my time limit. Yes my evil mother put a time limit up so on weekdays I can't get on after 8:00 pm. Then when I was finally able to put this chapter up, which was on Tuesday, AOL wouldn't let me on at all. It was being stupid again. Then when it got fixed I was busy again. Now I'm sooo happy that I finally got this chapter up. I would also want to let you know that waiting for those 10 reviews almost drove me even crazy than I already am. This time I am only asking for at least 5 reviews. So please review. Try to make it quicker this time too. I also was wondering if you had the time to check out my other story I wrote if you already haven't. It is a one-shot Christmas story. I hope you will review on that one too.

Ja ne

What's Your Problem This story is incomplete. We'll post the rest as soon as it's ready.

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