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What's Your Problem

By Inushoujo Sakura Akina,

Chapter 5:


This Fanfic is a good Kagome/Inuyasha where Kag isn't a halfdemon (as far as I know). That might change in later chapters but seems good so far. Tim Seltzer,

Disclaimer: yeah, yeah same old. I don't own Inuyasha, Rumiko Takahashi does, don't make me feel any worse :(



(blah)-authoress talking

I would like to thank all of you for the reviews. You have made me so happy :)

Inuyasha's Forest

Inuyasha found a nice big tree that he liked and jumped into its branches. He sat down on a big branch and leaned against then trunk with Kagome in his lap once again. Of course Kagome didn't complain. She loved sitting in his lap, she wished she could do it more often. "Thank you Inu-chan," Kagome whispered to Inuyasha as she got comfortable. He just hugged her. They sat that way for a couple of hours in complete silence before Kagome dozed off. Inuyasha then decided that when Kagome awoke the best thing to do was for them to get back to camp.

At Camp

"I hope that Kagome is okay," said a worried little kitsune.

"Don't worry Shippo, Inuyasha will make sure nothing will happen to Kagome, if something did happen he would never forgive himself," Sango reassured the kitsune.

"Yeah what Sango said," Miroku added in to make it sound like he was paying attention.

"I know that," Shippo said emphasizing the last part to let them know that he wasn't happy that they were still gone, "But they have been gone for a whole day now."

"I'm sure that they will be back some time tomorrow. They probably herd a rumor about a sacred jewel shard and went to investigate," Sango again reassured the worried little kawaii Shippo.

And again Miroku said, "Yeah what Sango said."

"Hey Miroku?" Sango said.


"Shut up!"


"I said shut up houshi."


"That's what I thought now lets go to sleep. And I mean not together Miroku."

"Awww man."

"Shut it."



"Can I sleep on Kagome-chan's sleeping bag tonight Sango?" Shippo asked.

"Yes Shippo you can. I'm sure Kagome wouldn't mind. Now go to sleep," Sango replied.

"Yay! I get to sleep on Kagome's bed," Shippo said happily.

"Shippo it's late now go to sleep. You can see Kagome some time tomorrow only if you go to sleep," Miroku said.

"Kay," Shippo said and curled up in a ball on Kagome's sleeping bag falling asleep almost instantly.

"Thanks Miroku," Sango said and went to sleep herself not long after Miroku followed suit.

Inuyasha's Forest

When Kagome woke up she still felt really exhausted. She figured it was because of yesterday. The other day had been very emotional for her maybe to much for her to handle. She smiled a little bit as she recalled some of yesterday's events. 'I will never leave Inuyasha for too long when ever I have to go home or just be away from him for some reason or another.' She was so deep in thought that she never noticed that Inuyasha was awake and looking at her.

"What are you smiling for?" he asked her.

Kagome jumped a little. "Don't startle me like that. Oh, I was just thinking about yesterday."

"Well when I think of what happened yesterday there aren't many things I can recall that make me want to smile," Inuyasha said frowning a bit.

"I was smiling because I was thinking that every time I leave you I know that I won't be gone too long cuz I will miss you too much."

"Why?" Inuyasha said with a cocky grin that Kagome didn't see.

"Cuz I love you silly," Kagome said giving Inuyasha a silly little grin.

"I know. I love you too Kagomes."

Inuyasha looked down at Kagome. She looked up at him. Their faces slowly became closer and closer. Soon their noses touched. Inuyasha closed what little remaining space there was by bringing his lips down softly onto her own. The kiss made Inuyasha feel like he was floating. Kagome felt like she was going to melt in his arms. Inuyasha deepened the kiss. He ran his tongue over her lips asking for entrance. Kagome opened her mouth without any hesitation. As his tongue went into her mouth she slipped her own into his. When they finally came up for air from their passionate kiss Kagome decided that they should head back to camp so the others wouldn't start to worry.

"Inuyasha I think we should bet back to camp. They might start to worry about us. And Miroku might start getting 'ideas'," Kagome said.

"Yeah I guess you're right," Inuyasha agreed.

Inuyasha held onto Kagome, leapt off of the tree branch and landed onto the ground gracefully. He set Kagome down on the ground with care. She walked around him so she could get on his back. She slowly crawled up onto his back with her arms hung loosely around his neck for support. Then she in slow and sexy motions wrapped her legs around Inuyasha's wait. Just those little movements gave Inuyasha pleasure and he growled a little. Once Kagome laid her head on his shoulder Inuyasha bounded off towards camp. Within a couple of minutes he and Kagome were there.

At Camp

"Hi Kagome, Inuyasha," Sango greeted as the said characters camp upon the camp.

"Hi Sango, Miroku, Shi- Uh where's Shippo?" Kagome asked as she walked up to her feudal era friends.

"Here I am," Shippo said.

"Oh, hi Shippo. Come here and give me a big hug," Kagome said. Shippo ran into her waiting arms.

"I missed you so much Kagome."

"I missed you too Shippo."


"Hello to you too Inuyasha," Shippo said hopping up onto Inuyasha's shoulder.

"Grrrrr. Ger off me," Inuyasha growled.

"Be nice Inuyasha, Shippo was only saying 'hello' to you," Kagome said.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Inuyasha replied.

"Inuyasha," Kagome said sternly.

"Grumble. Grumble," he mumbled.

"That's better."

"Wow she really has you trained just like a dog doesn't she," Miroku said to Inuyasha.

"Shut up damn houshi."

"You shouldn't be offended. If I was you I'd be happy. Soon she must start rewarding you," Miroku said with that hentai grin on his face that he usually has. (I bet you all know what Miroku is talk'n 'bout.)

"Grrrrr," Inuyasha growled at Miroku while also sending him a death glare.

"Uh, I think I better go find more, uh, firewood. Yeah we need more firewood," Miroku said before turning around and running towards the forest.

"I don't think so. Get back here damn fucking houshi," Inuyasha yelled at Miroku as he started chasing him.

"Kagome a little help here," he pleaded.

"Hmph," Kagome grunted giving him an evil glare that sent chills down his spine.

"Sango?" Miroku pleaded to her knowing that no chance in hell would Kagome help him.

"Sorry houshi-sama, but you dug your own grave that no one, especially me, will help you out of," Sango replied to the useless pleas coming form the pitiful Miroku.

Before Miroku could try and beg Shippo for help, (He stooped that low, how sad.), Inuyasha caught up to him. Miroku knew he was done for. Inuyasha would whoop his ass. He would probably be knocked out for a few days. If he some how did manage to wake up the next day he would pray everyday for an entire week. His thoughts were interrupted as a sharp pain jolted through his body. It had started at his head and hurt like hell. Before the world went black Miroku thought, 'Aw fuck.'

"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded him again as she took a look at Miroku. "You shouldn't have hit him so hard."

"I wouldn't have to if he wasn't such a damn hentai," was Inuyasha's simply yet very true reply.

"Yeah I know but now he will be out cold for 2 or 3 days. That means we have to wait until he is conscious again before we can go shard hunting," Kagome told Inuyasha. As she said that she formed a plan in her head.

"Oh fuck! You're right," Inuyasha said. "Wha- What? I'm right? Are you feeling okay?" Kagome asked.

"Of course I'm okay wench. What do you think? I'm a hanyou not a human. Hanyou's don't get sick easily. I was just saying that you were right about how we have to wait a little bit before collecting more shards. Kami. You over react way to much," Inuyasha said.

"Oh okay," Kagome said. She sat down next to the fire scheming up her plan. It wasn't something real big that she wanted to do she just need to do some small little things while she had they chance before they headed off on their journey again.

I'm really sorry this is one of my shortest chapters :( I hadn't meant for it to be so short. Don't worry though. I'm trying to make the chapters a little longer each time. PLEASE R&R!!!!!!! Next chapter will be up as soon as I have the time to type it. Don't worry I have the next few chapters already written, they just need to be typed.

Ja Ne

What's Your Problem This story is incomplete. We'll post the rest as soon as it's ready.

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