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Strength Comes With Time

by Tim Seltzer,

Disclaimer: I own none of the Inuyasha characters. They belong to their respected (and overly rich) creators and owners. If I owned them then I'd make a movie instead of a fanfic.

Chapter 3: Punk Rock

"Who's next?" Goldburg

Inuyasha wished he could figure out why Kagome went to the future so often. Was it one of those stupid future-girl nonsense things she talked about sometimes -- a favorite 'rock group', or 'TV series', or some 'boy friend', or she missed her family? No, not her. Whatever it was, she kept going back at the most inopportune times, and suddenly, without warning. But not entirely randomly -- it was always when he least expected it, and she always 'sat' him embarrassingly and painfully. She was a royal pain in the face. Damn it, she had to stop this nonsense, and now. Naraku wasn't getting any weaker.

Every day that went by Naraku could have gained another shard, made another shade, or massacred another village. Lives were at stake, one of which being Miroku, a friend of theirs.

From all her complaining, it would make more sense if she ditched that whole future business. Or was she some kind of a masochist wanting to do all that 'homework' and sit through those classes at 'school'...

She seemed to love it here, in the carefree days of frequent sword-play violence on the streets, taking the occasional arrow or bow from the corpse of a random soldier from a random clan, with opportunities to battle demons (who could resist THAT?), and the satisfying feeling that you were doing something good...okay. She must be rubbing off on him he he just thought of doing 'good'.

Why should she want to go back to the world of 'TV commercials' and 'deodorants' (some of those crazy chemicals did hell this his nose and she either didn't care or notice), of 'walkmen' and 'Internet' and 'videogames' -- all that 'technology' nonsense. Who needed technology? All that really matters is your strength, your sweat, your will, your wits. She said that was a key detail about around here herself, over and over again. And then poof she was gone again. What could possibly be appealing about that techno-whatever world of the future?

.....enough waiting. He was getting her NOW!! Screaming if need be.

The next day after school, the new friends continued their conversation.

"Do you have a dog?"

Kagome was tempted to say yes and his name is Inuyasha, but decided otherwise. "No, just know a few."

"And that's his version of a gift?" Kyone looked disbeleivingly at the dog bone Kagome showed her.

Kagome rolled her eyes. She didn't even know why she was talking about this. "Not his usual version. That would be some random herb he thinks will keep any sickness away."

"...and you haven't told him to fuck off?" Kagome looked at the ground.

"Well I, um, say, um..."

Kyone hit herself. "'re too polite to him, eh?"

", maybe?"

"You need to stop telling him softly you're not interested. You should scream 'get the fuck away you god damn stalker.' Anything less direct, blunt, and insulting won't get through his head."

"Hojo's not really that dumb. He's just..." Kagome was unable to to come up with a credible defense. She didn't even know why she was trying to defend this guy who could be classified as a walking talking rock.

"...a brain dead stalker who thinks a dog bone is a cool gift. Right."

Before Kagome could think of a response, they heard a crash. Not the kind of crash like cars colliding or a window breaking. More like a trash can dropped from a hundred feet. That noise gave Kagome an excuse to change the subject, "What was that?"

Before Kyone could answer, a body flew by and landed in a dumpster, with another loud crash.

"Sorry for the noise, ladies. That was me takin' out the trash," a masculine voice shot out, confidently, and casually. The speaker was a brown haired boy four inches taller than Kagome. He wore a black shirt and blue jeans, and was followed by four not-so-happy friends of the guy in the dumpster, who looked like a surgery patient who had just gotten enough anesthesia to knock him out for a week.

As the boy turned toward his would-be assailants, he said, "A little help would be good here, Kyone. These guys don't play fair."

Kagome raised an eyebrow and looked incredulously at Kyone. "Friend of yours?"

"His name's Zack, and I wouldn't expect him to need help against just four punks. But I haven't been in a fight for a long time -- almost three days now. In other words, excuse me for a minute. Looks like it's skull-cracking time."

After almost a year of being with Inuyasha, this situation sounded like same-old same-old to Kagome. "If you don't mind, I'll just watch this one."

One of the four charged Zack head on. The punk drew back his right hand and put all his weight behind the very predictable punch. Zack casually moved his head to the side, while at the same time delivering a left jab to the face, and a right kick to the stomach. A head butt to the jaw finished this one off.

Another ran up and delivered his knee to Zack's abdomen. The impact moved Zack back a foot, but he showed no more reaction than if someone had playfully shoved him. When the punk wound up and aimed a punch, Zack caught his hand, and using the punk's own momentum threw him into the same now-crowded dumpster.

Kyone ran towards the two remaining punks, with a sense of urgency -- if she didn't move quickly there would be no one left to fight.

She seemed to hesitate whether to take out the one on the right or the one on the left first. She chose the right.

While running she threw a punch. The punk dodged...only to end up with Kyone's knee at his stomach. Kyone then clobbered him on the back of the head with her entwined hands.

The final one picked up a nearby pipe and charged. When he swung it down, Kyone caught it. For a few seconds they struggled in a tug of war. Then, Kyone, with a look of disappointment that this wasn't any harder, kicked him in the groin, so hard that she raised him off the ground. He collapsed with gushers for eyes.

With a smile, Kyone asked, "Is that all there is? Oh well, fun while it lasted."

Zack had the same expression. "Took down three others before you got here. At first, they looked promising. Sorry to disappoint you. Guess I gave 'em too much credit."

"How did you get into this anyway?"

"Sat at 'their table' in 'their joint' and gave 'their leader' my fist."

"...itching for a fight, huh?"

"So? You were too."

".....but I didn't smash a gang leader's face to releive the itch."

"You just bashed someone's balls instead."

"So I got carried away and wanted to do something other than a cheesy struggle for a weapon."

"Then you should have headbutted 'em. Hittin' below the belt in"

"Like throwing two people into a dumster is any less cheap?"


Now Kagome, being the person she is, did not want these two to fight eachother...she spends enough first aid kits. "Come on, I think watching a movie would do you guys some good. I think my brother just bought the expanded editions of 'Two Towers' and 'Return of the King' just yester.....what?"

Zack and Kyone just stared at Kagome, then eachother, then Kagome again, and finally said in unison, "We'll watch it."

"Okay, do realize I live in a shrine. Now that may make you feel like your there in the movie, or it might make you feel like your in some parody of feudal times.....or you might have the urge to stop listening to my grandfather's constant talk of legends, jump on a table, and scream 'will somebody just let me die right now of some random toilet seat crushing my skull.'"

They just stared at Kagome again...

to be continued

Me: ....I need to get these idiots to the past quick. Otherwise Kagome will be completely insane.

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