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Zoids Chapter 2

By Chibi Reli,
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Chapter 6:

Harry’s Request For a Night to Remember, The Big Date

Zoids: Chapter Two - The Blitz Team is in the S Class, but someone is leaving the group. The pilot taking his place is a girl named Ami Kamiya, or better known as Fire Cat with her one of a kind Zoid Rapidfire. Can this new team have what it takes and is Bit falling for the new pilot.

This fanfic tells what happens to the Blitz Team after the television show. The Zoid called Rapidfire and the pilot nicknamed Fire Cat are unique. Tim Seltzer,

Disclaimer: Chibi Reli does not own Zoids, but did create the original characters who are not from the TV show.

            “I can’t believe it’s so hot,” Bit complains lying on the floor with the three other members lounging around.

            “And of course, the air conditioning had to of broken today. What are we going to do?” Leena asks trying to fan herself with her hand.

            “I wish we could go swimming.”

            “Great idea Ami. I know where we can go swimming.” Bit jumps up.

             “Benjamin, why are you making me come down here?” Harry asks his robot partner as it drags him down the hallway.

            “Because boss, we have a problem.” Harry and Benjamin enter a room and see Jamie, Bit, Ami, and Leena by his pool. Leena sits on the side with her legs in the water wearing her two piece while the others enjoy a swim. “What in the world are you guys doing here?” Harry screams having a fit.

            “Well, it seemed that our air conditioning was broken and it was really hot, so we decided to come over and have a nice swim the pool,” Bit says going back under.

            “This is not a public swimming pool.”

            “Do you want us to leave Harry?” Leena stands up and crosses her arms.

            “Oh, not you Leena. You can stay here for as long as you want.” He sneaks over to her side.

            “Bit Cloud! You come back here right now!” Bit runs past Leena and Harry and Ami follows in a red one piece. “How dare you! Come back here so you can pay!” Harry and Leena just stare.

            “Who’s that? She looks familiar.” Harry follows the chase with his eyes.

            “Oh, that’s Ami. She’s the pilot that replaced Brad. She calls herself Fire Cat when she battles though.” Ami continues to chase Bit around.

            “It was just a joke Ami. Please, spare me!”

            “No way are you getting away with a move like that!”

            “Do they always act like that?” They run past Harry and Leena again.

            “Always. It seems to be a habit now.” They continue to watch the chase as Ami suddenly starts to slip. She yelps and Bit turns around to help her, but they both fall into the pool. Then Ami grabs his head and starts to drown him playfully.

            “How do you like it now Bit?” Bit waves his arms above the surface and struggles to get out.

            “I wonder,” Harry thinks to himself.

             “Wow. That was great,” Jamie says putting a towel around his neck and walking out with three others following.

            “Thanks for letting us use the pool,” Ami says turning around and waving goodbye to him.

            “No problem. Hey Bit, can I talk to you?”

            “Sure.” The others leave as Bit walks over towards Harry. “So, what is it?” Bit asks taking his towel and drying his hair some more.

            “Well, just between us men, I’ve noticed that you have a thing for Ami, right?” Harry asks smiling and poking Bit in the chest.

            “What are you talking about?” Bit’s face starts to turn beet red as he takes off his towel.

            “I knew it. You wouldn’t be blushing if you didn’t.”

            “Well…” He looks down at the ground and starts to play with the towel in his hands.

            “Well, I think I have a little proposition for you. You see, I really want to go on a date with Leena, but sometimes she can be a bit stubborn. So, if you can get her to go out with me once, I’ll get Ami to go out with you. And we’ll make it like a double date, so it seems like you two are only going as friends. How about it?”

            “Well, I don’t know.”

            “We’ll go to one of the best restaurants and have a really romantic evening, and I’ll even pay for all of it.” He sticks out his hand.

            “In that case, how could I say no.” Bit takes his hand and shakes.

 Leena sits on the couch, reading a magazine as Bit walks in. He approaches her slowly. “Um, Leena, can I talk to you for a minute?”

            “I guess so.” She flips a page of her magazine. “What is it?”

            “I want to ask you a really big favor. You see, Harry wants to go on a date with you.”

            “Nope. Sorry. Not interested.” She flips another page.

            “But Leena, he said if you agree, he’ll invite Ami and then it could be my big chance. Oops.” He quickly covers his mouth with both hands.

            “Your big chance? Oh, you want to make a good impression on her, don’t you?” She puts the magazine down and stares right at Bit.

            “Well, yeah.”

            “Then the answer is still no.” She looks back to her magazine.

“Leena, come on.” He sits in front of her and clasps his hand together. “How about if I let you have my dessert and snacks for the next week?”

            “A month.”

            “What! How dare you!”

            “You do want to go on that date, don’t you?”

            “Fine. A month.” He lowers his head in defeat.

            “Hey Ami, you up there?” Harry screams toward the top of Rapidfire. Ami peers over the side.

            “Oh, hi Harry. I didn’t think you would be here. What do you want? If you’re looking for Leena, she’s in the common area.” She points to the left.

            “Actually, I wanted to talk to you for a minute. Do you think you can come down here?”

            “Sure. Hey Rapidfire, lower your head for a sec.” Rapidfire lowers its head and Ami jumps off fixing her outfit. Then Rapidfire lifts her head back up.

            “Wow. That’s no ordinary Zoid. It’s just like the Liger Zero.”

            “Alright, so what do you want to talk about?”

            “You see, I want to go on a date with Leena, but I’m afraid that she won’t want to go with just me, so I thought that we could do a group thing with me, Leena, you, and Bit. How about it?”

            “Well, I don’t see why not. Just make sure that wherever we go doesn’t have pineapple.”

            “Alright Bit, are you ready?” Harry asks Bit already in his maroon tux and holding a bouquet of white roses. Bit wear a regular black tuxedo holding a bouquet of red carnations with orange on the edges. “Did you remember everything I taught you?”

            “I think so,” Bit answers playing around with his bow tie.

            “Ug, you’re bow tie is all wrong.” Harry quickly adjusts it.

            “Hey you two,” Ami comes out in a red one shoulder cocktail dress and Leena follows in a simple strapless black dress. Both the boys do nothing but stare at the two girls.

            “Wow, you two look great.”

            “Why thank you Bit,” Leena answers, smiling sweetly.

            “Leena darling, I’ve brought you some flowers.” From behind his back appears the dozen roses.

            “This is so predictable of him. Oh Harry, they’re beautiful.” She smiles and Harry melts, but quickly regains his composure

            “Bit, don’t you have something for Ami?” Harry elbows him in the side.

            “Oh yeah. Here.” He hands her the bouquet of carnations. She takes them and smells them.

            “Oh Bit.”

            “Please don’t let her hate them,” Bit pleads to himself nervously.

            “I thought I told him to buy some expensive flowers,” Harry says to himself.

            “I can’t believe he brought cheap flowers after Harry gave me white roses,” Leena comments to herself as she holds her bouquet.

            “They’re beautiful. How did you know carnations are one of my favorite flowers?”

            “What!” Harry and Leena ask surprised and fall on their faces.

            “Well, I knew you liked the color red and they looked like little flames, like the ones you get in your eyes right before a battle.” Bit rubs his hand through his hair and looks at the ground, blushing slightly.

            “That’s so sweet.” She kisses him on the cheek and he blushes even more. “I want to go put these in water right away.”

            “Leena darling, don’t I get a kiss?” Harry points to his cheek.

            “Um, I gotta put these roses in water though.” She quickly follows Ami out of the room.

            “Harry, are you sure about this place? I mean, it looks really expensive and I feel bad about ordering something.” Ami starts to play with her fork. They are all sitting in a circular booth at a restaurant. Ami sits next to Bit, then Harry and Leena.

            “Don’t worry about it. I’m for paying everything anyways, so you can have whatever you want. It’s no skin off my back. That’s a benefit of being rich.” He fixes his tie to emphasize his statement.

            “That’s so nice of you Harry.”

            “Really? Do you think so Leena?” He looks at her with a big smile on his face.

            “Yeah. It’s just that we really haven’t had a fancy dinner like this in a long time.”

            “Wow!” Harry melts on his chair again.

“Oh yeah, I was wondering you two,” Leena looks at Ami and Bit, “what was the whole episode today at the pool?”

“Why did you have to bring that up Leena?” Ami gives Bit the evil eye.

“I was just curious. So, what happened?” She sits eagerly waiting for an answer.

“This brainless oaf next to me decided it would fun to step on my tail and see what would happen.” She takes her tail and holds it. “I don’t think anything’s broken, but I need to make an appointment just in case.”

“Um, Leena, can I talk to you?” Bit asks getting up and grabbing her arm.

“Sure.” She gets up and follows Bit to the other side of the restaurant.

“What are you trying to do? Make me look bad?” Bit asks.

“I was just curious. That’s all.”

“The whole purpose of this thing was to make me look good in front of her, so no more of making me look like an idiot, okay?”

“Fine.” She heads back for the table.

“What is she doing over there with him?” Harry asks looking at the two warriors talking.

“Don’t worry about it Harry. They have no interest in each other.” She continues playing with her fork.

“How do you know?” Harry looks at her.

“I just do.”

“Ami, I need you to do something for me.” He grabs her hands and looks straight at her.

“What?” She starts to back away.

“I want you to make sure that Bit falls in love with you.”


“That way I know he won’t go for Leena. Please? I’ll even buy you a new component for your Zoid.”

“Fine. But you’re just being paranoid.” She takes away her hands and sits back down. At that moment, Bit and Leena come back and take their seats.

“Sorry about that, but I just had to talk to Leena about something.”

“No problem.” Harry kicks Ami under the table. “Ow. I’m glad you’re back though.”

“Here is your food ladies and gentlemen.” The waiter gives Leena a chicken dish, Bit and Harry steak, and Ami twin lobster tails.

“Wow. This food looks so good. I can’t wait to eat.” They all start to eat, but Ami and Bit stop as soon as they take their first bites.

“This doesn’t taste as good…” Ami starts to say.

“As I thought it would.” Bit finishes off the sentence. They look at each other. “Do you want to try mine Ami?”

“Sure.” Bit cuts a piece and feeds it to her. “Yum. Try mine.” She does the same.

“Wow, it tastes better than this steak. How about…”

“We trade? Good idea.” They switch plates.

“Now we can eat!” They state in unison.

“Hey Leena, do you want to try a piece of mine?” Harry asks with a piece of steak already on his fork.

“No thanks Harry. I had a hamburger today and I’m trying to cut down on my red meat intake.” She takes a bit of her chicken.

            "Oh." Harry hangs his head in shame.

            "Hey Jamie. Where are the others?" Doctor Toros asks as Jamie works on his computer.

            "Don’t you remember? They went out for the night.”

            “Great. That means I can work on my models with out any interruptions.”

          “That had to have been one of the best meals I’ve ever had,” Bit comments putting down his fork.

            “I agree,” Leena says.

            “So, who wants dessert?” Harry asks.

            “Actually, I know a great little ice cream shop near here and I’ve wanted to go there for a while. We should try it,” Ami suggests taking a drink of water.

            “I have no objection to that,” Bit says.

            “Ice cream is great when it’s hot,” Leena agrees.

            “Alright then. You two can go over there and Leena and I will stay here to pay the check.”

            “You know Harry, maybe I should go with them,” she says as she starts to get up.

            “But Leena, you don’t want Harry to be all alone now, do you?” Bit stares evilly at Leena and she sits down.

            “I guess not.”

            “So what do you think about tonight Bit?” Ami asks Bit as they walk down the sidewalk together. Suspiciously, a few bulky guys walk behind them.

            “I think it’s nice. What about you?” Bit answers as he puts both hands behind his head.

            “Well, it definitely isn’t accomplishing anything. I mean, this was supposed to get Leena and Harry together, but nothing seems to be happening between them.” She starts to walk backwards so she can see Bit’s face.

            “Some things just take time though.” She turns back around and they continue to walk.

            “Hey kitty!” a deep voice comes from behind.

            “Huh?” Bit and Ami turn around to see three large men standing behind her.

            “Do you know them?” Bit asks.

            “No and I have a bad feeling about them too. Let’s get out of here.” They turn back around but see two more men in front.

            “I said hey kitty. The least you could have done was answer me.” They turn back to the first group.

            “She doesn’t have to answer you if she doesn’t want to,” Bit interjects.

            “Stay out of this geek.” He pushes Bit to the side and walks toward Ami. “Hey kitty, why don’t you dump this geek and come with the boys and me? I promise you a better time than you’ll ever have with him.”

            “I don’t think so.”

            “I said come on.” He grabs her wrist.

            “Let go.” She starts to pull away.

            “Get away from her you creep.” Bit charges at the guy and knocks him down in one blow.  The other guys come and Bit knocks them one by one, until one of them punches him in his right eye. He falls to the ground.

            “Bit.” Ami turns toward the man who looks happy and punches him back. The original man gets back up but Ami wraps her tail around his right leg and trips him. She goes back to Bit who looks at her stunned. “Oh Bit, are you okay?”

            “I think so.” He pokes at his eye and flinches.

            “We better get some ice on that.” She helps Bit up and they walk away.

            Ami and Bit now sit in a booth at the ice cream shop. Bit has an ice pack already on his eye. “Let me see it.” Ami leans over the table and takes the ice bag from Bit. His eye is a little swollen and is starting to turn purple. “You’re going to have one heck of a black eye for a while.” She puts the ice bag back on.

            “I kinda figured that out.”

            “Why did you do it Bit?” She sits back down.


            “What do you mean what? Why did you go after those guys like that? I could of taken care of them.”

            “I know that now, but I don’t know why. Something just snapped I think.” He looks away from her.

            “Well, I think it was sweet and heroic.” He blushes.

            “Really?” He looks back at her and smiles.

            “Yeah.” She looks back at him and gives him a quick smile.

            “Your ice cream’s ready.” The waitress puts a sundae on the table.

            “Thanks.” Ami takes the spoon and takes out a big spoonful of whip cream, ice cream, and hot fudge. “Here, this will make you feel better.” Bit takes the ice pack off and they both lean towards each other. He takes a bite and swallows.

            “Wow, it is good.” He opens his eyes and locks them with Ami and they just stare at one another. “Wow, she’s so pretty.”

            “He really has nice eyes.”

            “Harry, I can’t believe you told all those people that,” Leena screams as she stomps into the ice cream shop.

            “Sorry babe, but you know…” They stop fighting as soon as they see Ami and Bit looking at each other.

            “Hey is that Ami and Bit?” Leena suggests.

            “I think so but what are they doing?”

            “Hey Bit! Ami!” They lock out of their gaze and look toward the direction of the voice.

            “Harry. Leena. You’ve finally made it.” They both sit back down and Bit puts the ice pack back on.

            “Yeah, but what were you to doing?”

            “Oh, um…”

            “Bit had something on his nose and I was just getting it off for him.”

            “Okay. Well, let’s have some ice cream then.” Leena sits down and so does Harry.

            “I had a great night Leena. Thanks.” Harry inches his way over to Leena.

            “I guess I had an okay night too.” She crosses her arms across her chest.

            “I was wondering then, do you think I could have a little goodnight kiss?” He leans his face toward her getting ready for a kiss.

            “You know Harry, I try to be a conservative girl and well, I just don’t kiss until the second or third date.” She smiles at him and flutters her eyes sweetly.

            “Does that mean we can go out again?” His eyes light up.

            “Don’t hold your breath.” She turns her back to him.

            “Oh.” Harry sulks to the ground.

            “I guess things didn’t work out for them.” Ami leans against the wall.

            “Knowing Harry though, he’ll keep on trying.”

            “If he really does love her, he should.”

            “How about you. Have you had a great night?”

            “I think so. It was definitely a night to remember for me and I guess for you too.” She laughs and points at her eye.

            “Yeah, I guess so.” He laughs a bit too.

            “Well, I’m going to bed. You coming?”

            “I think I’m going to stay here for a sec and make sure Harry is okay.” He points behind him to show Harry hanging on to Leena’s leg as she screams and fights to get him off.

            “Alright. Thanks for a great night.” She kisses him on the cheek and heads to her room. Bit turns around and watches her.

            “I’ll keep trying Ami. I know I’m getting closer everyday.”

(Ami’s Voice): I’m so sorry you guys. I know you’ve been worried about me this past week because I’ve been looking so depressed and haven’t done my best during the recent battles. The thing is that tomorrow will be the fifth anniversary of my partner’s death. He was killed by a man named Pierce Duke who is the  leader of the Slasher Team. What? What! We’re going to be fighting against him tomorrow? I don’t think I’ll be able to fight. You three will have to fight by yourselves. But wait, what’s that voice? Next time on Zoids: Chapter Two- The Five Year Anniversary, Ami’s Day of Retribution. Ready? Fight!

Zoids Chapter 2 This fanfic is complete. Hallelujah!

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