Zoids Chapter 2

By Chibi Reli, chibireli@yahoo.com
Home page http://www.geocities.com/chibireli/

Chapter 17:

Bit Vs. Ami, The Champion Will Be Proclaimed.

Zoids: Chapter Two - The Blitz Team is in the S Class, but someone is leaving the group. The pilot taking his place is a girl named Ami Kamiya, or better known as Fire Cat with her one of a kind Zoid Rapidfire. Can this new team have what it takes and is Bit falling for the new pilot.

This fanfic tells what happens to the Blitz Team after the television show. The Zoid called Rapidfire and the pilot nicknamed Fire Cat are unique. Tim Seltzer, seltzer@seltzerbooks.com

Disclaimer: Chibi Reli does not own Zoids, but did create the original characters who are not from the TV show.

            “Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this year’s All Class Zoid Championship. If you’ve just tuned in and thought you missed the final battle, then it’s your lucky day.”

“Earlier today was the battle between Fire Cat and Bit Cloud, but then a wonderful event happened. Bit Cloud professed his love for the fiery female. Then, the BackDraft arrived, but thanks to the efforts of our other warriors, that obstacle has been eliminated.”

            “Then it looked like Fire Cat was going to get her Zoid gear revoked, but was able to get it back. The two warriors also asked for a different Zoid battlefield, which the commission agreed to.”

            “And so you have it. The real final battle between Fire Cat and Rapidfire of the Fire Team and Bit Cloud and Liger Zero of the Blitz Team. The real test of skill will be then.”

            “And to make things more interesting, Fire Cat hasn’t said anything about Bit’s little speech. I wonder how that will go.”

            “By the look in her eyes, I think the feeling is mutual.”

            “But now let’s go to Maria, who’s ready to interview these two warriors. Maria?”

            “Thanks guys. I’m sorry to announce though that I won’t be able to have an interview with the two. It seems they each have blocked off their sections to all reporters and even other Zoid warriors. They are really taking this battle seriously. Back to you guys.”

           “This day has been getting better with every passing minute and now the final battle will happen, under different circumstances. Instead of the usual battlefield stadium, the final fight will take place out in an open field on the outskirts of Zoid City. And instead of unlimited ammo, the two cat pilots have chosen to use only one gun rumor has it. So who do you think will win this fight Bob?”

            “It’s hard to tell here Martin. Bit and the Liger Zero have incredible raw skill plus their uncanny luck. Meanwhile, Ami and Rapidfire have skill due to their years of experience and always have great strategic ideas. It really is anyone’s battle.”

            “Are you ready Bit?” Jamie asks as the usual group of warriors wait around the white cat.

            “I sure am. Nothing is going to stop this fight,” Bit replies while punching the air, getting warmed up.

            “Now remember Bit, we need you to win this fight for the team. Just remember that.”

            “I will Doc. Don’t worry.”

            “If I was you, I would worry.” They look up to see a young woman standing upon Liger Zero.

            “Ami.” She jumps down and lands gracefully on the ground.

            “Hey you guys. How are you?”

            “We’re fine, no thanks to you. What are you doing here anyways?” Leena asks crossing her arms.

            “I came here to apologize for what happened before. I understand if you don’t want me on the team after this.” She lowers her head and looks away.

            “It wasn’t your fault Ami. You were being controlled.”

            “Leon’s right. Anyways, we need you for the team next year so we can get more money.”

            “Alright.” She looks at them and smiles, nodding her head. She then turns her attention towards Bit.

            “So, do you think you’re ready to fight Bit?”

            “I sure am. I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.”

            “Well, I better be going. The battle is going to happen soon.” Ami runs away as Bit starts to climb into the Liger.

            “Are you ready Fire Cat?” Bit says as Liger in his blue suit roars and stops at his destination in the field.

            “Ready and prepared for a great fight.” Rapidfire enters and roars back. From above, the white judge appears and lands on the ground.

            “The area within a fifty mile radius is a designated Zoid battlefield. Bit Cloud and Liger Zero of the Blitz Team versus Ami, the Fire Cat, Kamiya and Rapidfire of the Fire Team. Battlefield 0000-the final battle of the All-Class Zoid Championship. Ready? Fight!” The two stand in silent at first, until a wind blows and Rapidfire puts a paw forward.

            “You’re going down Bit Cloud!”

            “Not if I can take you down first!” The two charge at each other, ramming heads with one another, the other one try to move the other back. They soon break apart and start wrestling each other across the field.

            “This is truly going to be a great battle,” Brad comments.

            “It sure will. Who do you think will win?” Leena asks.

            “It’s hard to tell,” Jamie replies.

            “I hope it’s Bit. I don’t want to loose any more money.” The doc looks at his tickets.

            “It really looks like you’ve gotten faster Ami.” Bit continues to fire at Rapidfire, who easily dodges each attack.

            “Sure have. You’ll never be able to catch up to me.” She starts to speed up, running circles around him.

            “She’s right. There has to be a way to slow her down. And I think I know. Alright Liger, let’s make these count.” He continues to fire, directed at Rapidfire’s right leg and hits it, Rapidfire tripping.

            “No way. You still haven’t healed completely Rapidfire?” Rapidfire roars as the Liger Zero starts to charge. “I know you can get up. We can’t end this way.”

            “Get ready Ami. Strike Laser Claw!” Rapidfire gets up on all fours just as the Liger comes down. But in the knick of time, Rapidfire pushes herself into the air, and jumps over the Liger Zero, landing on its back and pushing off, the landing safely on the other side. “I can’t believe…”

            “That’s it Rapidfire!”

            “Ladies and gentlemen. That was truly a great feat we have just seen.”

            “If it wasn’t for that jump, the battle would’ve been over.” The two announcers lean over closer to their screen.

            Now the Liger Zero Jagar runs circles around Rapidfire as he fires and she tries to fire back. “Take it easy Rapidfire and then we’ll surprise Bit.” She begins to run around, slower this time and showing a limp.

            “It looks like she’s losing her ability to run fast and that was Ami’s greatest offense and defense. We have this in the bag.” They both start to fire at each other again, neither hitting except a few on Rapidfire.

            “I know you hate this. But it’ll work.”

            “I think it’s time to end this battle once and for all, wouldn’t you agree Liger?” He roars and gets his rockets ready.

“Alright. Let’s charge in with all we got!” Bit starts the charge toward Ami, and Ami charges as well, except gaining speed quickly she reaches speeds greater than his. “Uh oh.” Suddenly the Liger, starts to turn around, but before he can, Rapidfire head butts his side, pushing him a few meters away.

            “Man, that hurts. Now it’s my turn to end this. Strike Laser Claw!”

            “Liger, we need to get out of here now!” The Liger’s jets go on full blast, forcing the Liger out of the way before Rapidfire can strike. He soon gets back on his feet and the two continue the battle.

            “And another close call, this time for Bit Cloud.”

            “The battle just keeps getting better and better.” The two now enjoy a tub of popcorn.

            “That was pretty sneaky Ami,” Bit says dodging another attack, both Zoids looking pretty beat up

            “Oh and like what you pulled wasn’t so sneaky?” The two beaten up Zoids continue to run circles around one another, firing hoping to get the other. Suddenly, both Zoids stop firing.

            “Uh oh. It looks like we’re both out of ammo.” Liger freezes in place and so does Rapidfire.

            “Then it’s going to be a showdown.”

            “It looks like both Zoids are out of ammo and according to their rules, they are unable to get anymore.”

            “Now this will have to be a battle of wits and skills.”

            “We hit her before with our Strike Laser Claw and we can do it again. She may try to jump though, so we’ll just go a bit higher into the air to catch her. Right Liger?”

            “All we have left is our speed and Strike Laser Claw, but so does Bit and the Liger Zero. We need a plan.” Suddenly Rapidfire roars and a diagram is shown on the screen. It’s of the Liger Zero jumping up into the air, with the distance showing how far he jumps in to the air. “Do you have a plan Rapidfire? Because I think you just gave me one and I think it’s the same one.”

            “Let’s do this thing Liger. Strike Laser Claw!”

            “Gotcha Rapidfire. Let’s do this! Strike Laser Claw!” The two giants charge at top speeds towards one another. They soon get close enough to jump up, and start to bring back their paws for the final blow. “Now Rapidfire!” Suddenly, Rapidfire’s jets turn upwards, sending her to the ground.

            “What is she doing?” Once she lands, she points them to the ground and opens her wings, claws still glowing, and forces herself into the air, where she’s right under the Liger’s belly.

            “Perfect!” She brings back her paw and slices the Liger’s underside, and hearing the Liger roar in pain, takes him and throws him to the ground, with a cloud of smoke surrounding. Rapidfire lands as well, but not solidly, wobbling a bit.

            “Come on Liger. You can get up.” Slowly, Bit helps the Liger rise to its paws.

            “Sorry to do this.” Rapidfire charges again and rams heads together, sending the Liger Zero back a few yards on the ground and Rapidfire collapsing to the ground.

            “And both Zoids are down, but not out. Who will win this battle now?”

            “I would say the first one that gets up all the way and stays up will be the winner, but which one that will be? Each cat took a powerful blow, so only time can tell.”

            “Let’s go Liger. We can still win.” Bit frantically moves the controls.

            “Rapidfire, don’t give up now.” Slowly, the Liger Zero is the first Zoid to start getting up, but Rapidfire starts right after. Both Zoids shake, their legs being unstable, but get fully up eventually. They slowly turn around toward each other, and stare at one another for only a few seconds, though it seems like minutes. Neither one moves and all that’s heard is the wind and birds. Suddenly, a loud cracking is heard. The next thing seen by everyone is the Liger Zero’s legs giving out, falling to the grassy ground with a loud thump. He attempts to get up for a second time, but is unable to make it half way as he falls back down.

            “The Liger Zero’s command system has frozen. Bit and Liger Zero are unable to battle anymore. The winners and this year’s All Class Zoid Champions are Ami the Fire Cat Kamiya and Rapidfire of the Fire Team.”

            “We won? I can’t believe it. We won Rapidfire!” Ami jumps out of the cockpit and starts dancing. Rapidfire roars in her glory and arches her back, sending a dancing Ami rolling down her back, but quickly grabbing Rapidfire’s tail before falling off.

            “And there you have it ladies and gentlemen. This year’s All Class Zoid Champion is Ami, the Fire Cat, Kamiya and Rapidfire of the Fire Team.”

            “Congratulations you two. You girls earned it with all your hard work. And congratulations to all the other warriors that have participated.”

            “No. There goes the food budget for the next month.”

            “What? You bet all that money on Bit Dad?”

            “Well, yeah. I thought he would win.” He starts to sink, hiding behind the table for protection.

            “It really was a great match and the best did come out on top,” Leon states.

            “How about I buy a drink for everyone here? I have the money you know.” Naomi holds up a ticket, showing how much she bet on Ami.

            “You bet on Ami?” Leena asks surprised.

            “Of course. Us girls have to stick together.”

            “Rapidfire we did it! Kikeru would be so proud of us. We beat Bit and Liger.” She suddenly stops her victory dance and looks at the fallen Zoid. “Bit. Liger. Oh no.” She slides off Rapidfire and runs toward Liger Zero. She then climbs onto him and gets the hatch open, showing an unconscious Bit. She kneels on the counsel and starts to shake him. “Bit? Wake up Bit! Come on!” He starts to stir and Ami moves back for a second. Bit suddenly opens his eyes and his safety harness is taken off. He puts his hand to his head for a minute and then looks at Ami.


            “Oh man. I’m so glad you’re okay Bit.” She looks over him one more time.

            “I’m guessing this means that I lost.”

            “I’m sorry Bit. I just hope that you aren’t mad at me and that won’t ruin our friendship.” She looks straight at him, looking like she may cry at any moment.

            “I guess she doesn’t feel the same way. It won’t. We agreed at the beginning that we wouldn’t get mad at each other no matter who won. Anyways, the best warrior won. You’ve always been better than me. I just want us to be partners again. I mean there is always next year, right?” He holds out his hand so Ami can shake it, but instead, Ami smiles, jumping off the counsel and landing in Bit’s lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing her lips to his. Surprised at first, Bit puts his arms around her, closes his eyes and returns the action. They soon break away and Ami puts her forehead to his.

            “Right.” Bit blushes but Ami gives him another quick peck.

            “And what a great ending to this battle. Friends are reunited and a new kind of partnership kindles.”

            “It certainly is.”

            “That’s so cute. It’s about time they got together,” Jamie says.

            “And it was so romantic too.”

            “Leena honey, I can be romantic too,” Harry says coming out of nowhere right next to Leena.

            “Um, shouldn’t we go meet Ami and Bit and congratulate them?” She gets up and leaves.

            “Yeah.” The rest leave behind her and Harry still stands there now alone.

            “Maria here and I’m with this year’s All Class Zoid champion Fire Cat and the second place winner Bit Cloud. Bit, how does it feel getting second place? It is a big honor being only your first time here.”

            “I’m not upset about losing if that’s what you mean. I put my whole heart into my battle and enjoyed it. That’s all that matters. Plus, I can always win next year.”

            “And Fire Cat, congratulations on your win, this being your first year as well. I bet thousands of people are wondering how you thought of such a great plan.”

            “Well, I can’t take all the credit. Rapidfire was the one who helped spark my inspiration and it was her calculations that showed me what do to.”

            “So how do you feel?”

            “I don’t know how to express how happy I am right now. I feel like I’ve taken a big step in my life, but I still haven’t completed my goal of being the most powerful Zoid warrior.”

            “What do you mean?”

            “There are probably other pilots out there who didn’t participate because they thought it would be a waste of time. I can’t be called the most powerful Zoid warrior until I beat every Zoid warrior out there.”

            “So what will be happening next between you two?”

            “We were thinking about traveling until the next term begins,” Bit responds.

            “There is still so much of the Zoid world we haven’t even seen and warriors we haven’t fought, so we’re going out to explore and become even better pilots.”

            “Well that’s great. Congratulations to you two again.”

            “I can’t believe it’s over. It’s gone by so quickly with all the events that have happened. I can’t wait until next year.”

            “It isn’t over yet. We still have the awards ceremony. Then you can reminisce all you want.” The two announcers grab each other in a hug and start to cry.

            “Thank you ladies and gentlemen for participating in this year’s All Class Zoid Championships. We would also like to congratulate all warriors for trying their best. And now on to the awards ceremony. Our third place award goes to Isamu Ionue and his Helcat of the Ionue Team.” Isamu gets out of his Zoid and stands on the 3 block, while being handed a giant check.

            “Our second place award goes to Bit Cloud and the Liger Zero of the Blitz Team.” Bit gets out of the Liger Zero and is handed a check as well as he stands on the 2 block.

            “And last but not least, this year’s first place award winner and All Class Zoid Champion, Ami, the Fire Cat, Kamiya and Rapidfire of the Fire Team. Congratulations you two. You’re hard work and sacrifice have paid off. You’re brother would be proud.” Ami gets out of Rapidfire and stands on the highest block between Isamu and Bit, holding up her check. In the back, Rapidfire roars and so does the other two cats as everyone claps. A woman then comes over to Ami and hands her a microphone.

            “Oh, okay. I guess I want to thank everyone for a great battle and I’m sorry about damaging your Zoids. I also want to thank the Zoid Battle Commission for letting me back. Then there are the big thank yous. First, to the members of the Blitz Team. Doc, thanks for hiring me in the first place. Leena, I know we started off on rough grounds, but I think things have improved. Jamie, thanks for the great food and for getting me back into the championships.

            “Then there’s Bit. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you now. I still remember when we met each other on the street while you were posting up flyers. I loved all the battles that we went through together and I couldn’t wait to battle you. And then even though you were risking everything you fought for, you still tried to get me back and that meant so much to me. I love you so much Bit.

            “Now I can’t forget about Rapidfire. We have been through so much together and no matter what, you will always be my closest friend.

            “And finally there’s my brother. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be here right now. HE helped raised me before himself and even taught me how to pilot. He even gave up his life for me. I owe everything to him. This championship was for Kikeru.” Suddenly, a loud roar is heard and everyone looks to see a Red Blade Liger enter through one of the entrances. “Kikeru?” She stares as the Zoid as the hatch opens and inside Kikeru is seen. He’s a little taller than average with the same hair and eye color as Ami, but with short spiky hair. He wears a red waist length leather jacket with a white shirt under and a pair of black pants. He gets up from his seat and looks at Ami.

            “Little sister, you’ve grown up so much and I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it. “

            “Thank you for everything big brother.” He looks away from her and to Bit.

            “Take care of her for me Bit Cloud!”

            “I will.” He gives him the thumbs up.

            “Goodbye Ami.” He looks at his sister one more time and steps back into his Zoid and leaves in a startling exit as he jumps over the stadium in one leap, leaving a trail of red light behind. “I won’t let you down Kikeru,” Ami whispers as she wipes the tears away from her face.

            “Clothing and food?” Ami says standing on the ground with a clipboard in her hand and Bit in a red and white hover cargo looking around the giant crates.

            “Check and check.”



            “Spare systems?”

            “Double check on that.”

            “Robot connected to hover cargo?”

            “Triple check!”

            “I say we’re ready then.” He walks out as the rest of the team approaches.

            “Bit, Ami, I’m asking you two to change your minds. Why don’t you stay with us? We could battle and win a lot more money.”

            “Sorry doc, but nothing can change our minds.”

            “Yeah. We need to do this for us. And that’s more important than money in our eyes,” Bit says grabbing Ami’s hand.

            “So where are you guys going to?” Leena asks.

            “We’re not sure. The only thing we do know is that we’re heading west.”

            “Why west?” Jamie asks.

            “Because that’s the was Kikeru left. All this time he’s been showing me the right path to take and that was just another clue.” She points and looks, hoping to see her brother.

            “Well then, have fun and don’t forget us.”

            “Don’t worry Jamie. We’ll be coming back. It’s not like we’re going to join another team.” They both wave and walk into the hover cargo. Soon, it starts to drive away down the desert fields.

            “And there you have it. The end of the second chapter of our Zoid careers.

            “Wait a sec. This is the end of my third. First was with my brother, then as a floater, then with you guys.”

            “Alright. It’s the end of the second chapter for me and the third for Ami.”

            “That’s better.”

            “And with saying our final goodbyes, we end Chapter Two of our Zoid battling story as Ami and I leave towards the west for a much needed vacation.”

            “Wait a sec.”

            “Okay, sorry.

            “Who knows what will happen though? We may find other Zoid warriors who are just as good us. There are just so many possibilities for adventure and excitement and nothing is going to hold us back.

Zoids Chapter 2 This fanfic is complete. Hallelujah!

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