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Strength Comes With Time

by Tim Seltzer,

Disclaimer: I own none of the Inuyasha characters. They belong to their respected (and overly rich) creators and owners. If I owned them then I'd make a movie instead of a fanfic. 

Chapter 12: Not All Is What It Seems

"You'd best start beleivin' in ghost stories, Miss Turner. You're in one." Captain Barbosa, Pirates of the Caribbean 1

Kyone ran as fast as she could, trying to ignore the pain of Shippo digging his nails into her shoulder.

Squeaking in fear, Shippo stuttered, "W-we aren't losing them. The damn things are starting to sound hungry. DO SOMETHING!!"

Panting, Miroku said, "All...right. I'll open...the...Kazzana. Buy us...some time."

Before Kyone could ask, Miroku stopped running, nearly ripped off his glove, and turned the hand in the direction they had run from. It was like he unleashed a black hole. The area he pointed his hand at seemed to have a powerful wind suddenly pushing everything towards the hand. Some trees tore from the ground, flying right at them.

Kyone was scared shitless. She just stood there and watched with little to no thoughts entering her head. That glove wasn't a weird part of an ensamble...

The monk seemed to notice something, and put the glove back on, with a strange expression on his face. Kyone followed his gaze and saw...Vera? Being pulled by the wind?

Vera landed hard on the ground when the wind stopped, sliding towards the small group painfully. When she completely stopped, she stood up shakily, looking angrily at Miroku.

Shippo looked at Vera with a cautious expression, and Kyone didn't blame him. She had somehow gotten from the burning village, run past that pair of wargs, and reached them without Shippo's nose smelling her. And her clothes weren't even dirtied when she slid on the ground. Kyone wasn't an untrusting person, but this was a case where she just thought things were a little too far-fetched to be good.

Vera started to speak, "So, you had a little something prepared for the wargs? I'm surprised you didn't use it back in the village. Well, it makes no difference now. In fact...I have the perfect solution to this little problem."

Kyone felt the air around her become almost ice cold. Shivering, she looked at Miroku. Her voice showed more fear than her expression, and that was saying something. "Get that glove off again, NOW!"

Before Miroku could answer, he looked shocked, and stared at the dark haired girl with pure terror. The world seemed totally still except for her, and them. Bugs, birds, leaves, everything seemed frozen in midair like a photograph; but Shippo, Kyone, and Miroku couldn't move much other than their heads and mouths.

Shippo's body seemed to sweat a storm, and he asked, "Wha...what are you doing?! Aren't you...human?"

Vera smiled in response, and seemed to say something...but it seemed jumbled. As if it was an unknown language. "Rav mack zai. Shoki quaztan. Maganara!"

The air ceased feeling cold...and things took a change for the weirder. The ground under them seemed to shift from grass and dirt to a star filled sky. The air between Vera and the group seemed to erupt in soundless lightning. Totally freaked out, Kyone looked all around them. It wasn't just between Vera and was like an egg of electricity was closing in around them.

Miroku seemed to break out of the weird paralysis. Grabbing his glove, he tried to take it off again. Tugging, pulling, and twisting, he just couldn't get it off. He yelled, "WHAT IS THIS?! I CAN'T BUDGE IT!!"

Shippo looked all around, then tried to move his feet. They seemed stuck to Kyone's clothes. He tried saying something...but his mouth wouldn't move anymore.

The egg seemed to close in until there was ten square feet around them, and the lightning became near blinding.

Kyone's body felt like it was on fire...a familiar fire. It was like when she fell into the dry well with Zack. Opening her mouth, trying to warn the others, that ice cold feeling entered her mouth. Exactly like the dry well.

In a second, the lightning ended, and the stars disappeared. Shippo unconscious on her shoulder; Miroku out cold on the ground; Kyone looked around at her new surroundings. A white lab room, with a weird-looking console behind her. It looked like something out of a science fiction movie.

Hearing an animalistic roar, she looked up. An air vent? Just where, and when, was she?

Vera stopped chanting, and looked around. Staring at a bush, she yelled, "Come out, Sarah. I know you're here."

A blond haired girl with lightning-like blue streaks walked out of the bush. Her clothes looked like a samurai's garb. "Let me guess, you figured it out when the static electricity held them motionless."

Vera growled out, "What are you doing here, Sahjan put me here ALONE!"

Sarah smiled. Not a kind smile, but a smile you might see on a shark. "Slight change in plans. We're going to need your skills in a different operation. He's gathering everyone. Soga, Kratos, Teskora..."

Vera looked at Sarah cautiously, "What kind of operation would need Teskora? He has all the subtlety of a rhino."

The blonde girl started to laugh. "You'll see. Oh, this is going to be so much fun. It's been far too long since the entire gang has been together."

Vera shut her eyes and sighed. "Knowing you, and how cheerful you are..."

"Yep, blood and gore are going to be rampant. Too bad, though, we can't see the end of this part. Sajhan's going to see the end of this piece of chaos. Oh, I love watching how he works. It's like a Broadway musical to me."

"...sadistic bitch."

When Kagura landed in Naraku's fortress, Kanna's expression changed back to its normal emotionless stare. Well, at least things were changing back to something she knew how to deal with.

Kagura looked at the feather they had flown in on, and almost did a snapping motion with her fingers. The feather shrunk to its original size, and flew into her hand. She considered putting in its usual spot...but decided against it.

Something about Naraku's last little 'mission' for them didn't seem right. Something other than Kanna's temporary insanity, or Kikyo fighting alongside a stranger. Naraku gave them less information than usual, and devoted a lot of resources to getting something even he seemed to know little about. Something was going on, and if it blew up in the bastard's face, Kagura didn't want to join him in hell.

Kohaku limped forward, and seemed to pause in surprise. Looking at the ground, he said, "Strange...there's blood here. But no signs of a struggle, no slide marks on the ground, no foot prints. Not even a demon can make things look this...weird. Like a ghost decided to bleed here."

Kagura snorted, "And how the hell would you know?"

Kohaku looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Demon slayer, remember?"

Kanna's eyes widened a fraction. Not enough to change her expression, but enough to catch Kagura's attenttion. Voice barely a whisper, the small girl said, "What else do you remember?"

Kohaku looked at her strangely, "What do you mean?"

Kagura's eyes widened a moment. That's right, Naraku repressed Kohaku's memories of his home. And if they somehow started appearing in his head, the shard in his back would send two signals. One to Naraku, saying he needs to repress them again. The other, sending intense pain to Kohaku's head, making all the memories feel terrible. The fact that a lot of the more recent memories were terrible...that was just a bonus.

But...the pain half seemed to just...not happen. Did that mean Naraku was weakening? Probably not, but still. Far too many weird happenings.

Kagura said, "Let's get inside and find out what's going on. If we're lucky, the place will be as creepy as it usually is. If not, then..."

"Ah, you've finally arrived," Naraku walked towards them, smiling yet scowling at the same time. "Tell me, how did you survive the werewolf? Did it toy with you? Or did you lure it to the bees that brought it here?"

A strange man with red hair and a brown hakima walked up next to Naraku. "Don't worry, they just got lucky. Look, the smaller demon girl was clearly used as the creature's chew toy. Now then, about my payment?"

Naraku glared, "I'm still not convinced you're telling the entire truth. Why did you reveal the information of werewolves to me? Why ask for a mere thousandth of the jewel? Why assume I'd give it to you, and not kill you?"

The red-haired man didn't even flinch. "Heh, you know I'm not the only one of my group, and you have enemies enough as it is. It isn't much I ask for, just a small piece of the Shikon no Tama. Your power will strengthen anyway, and you'll be able to destroy your enemies without such a small fraction. And after you're done with them, you can decide for yourself if it's worth trying to get such a miniscule peice when you're already so powerful."

Naraku looked conflicted. Just who was that red-haired guy, anyway? And what was that 'werewolf' thing they kept mentioning?

Naraku seemed to give in, handing over a small shard of the jewel. "If you ever come in my sight again, I'll rip that shard from your corpse, Hyezo."

"Trust me, you won't see me again. It will be as if...I left this world." The red-haired man looked like he was trying to hold back laughter. Walking off, he gave a passing glance to Kagura. Unconsciously, she shivered like from a cold breeze.

Kanna looked like she was trying to seem disinterested. But then, a girl with ripped clothes and blood stains didn't need to control her expressions. "Werewolf?"

If Naraku noticed or cared that his normally indifferent servant was asking him a question, he didn't show it. "Yes, a creature of extraordinary power. From what I was told, on nights with a full moon, one with human blood shall become this creature given certain...circumstances."

Kohaku looked at his bloody leg, gulped, and whispered, "Circumstances?"

Naraku just smiled, as if his thoughts were giving him intense pleasure. "I believe you would enjoy seeing the creature's accommodations. You might even like seeing the weak shell it has to live in."

Zack slowly took in his surroundings. Okay, chains on his arms, dried blood on his mouth, what looked like a dull stone prison all around him...not his usual bedroom, that was for sure.

For half a minute, he shut his eyes, trying to remember what happened last night. Okay, huge life threatening battle, Kikyo keeping him covered, bla bla bla. Full moon, he went wolfish, and killed rhino-sized spider. After that, total blur. Well, now that his situation was STILL a mystery...

Zack pulled experimentally on the chains. Yep, firm. They'd have to be if he was held last night...damn, his arms were cramped.

Hearing a door slide open, and footsteps coming near, he sighed. With his luck, probably some villagers from a random town he crashed in on. Hopefully, they'd think the 'demon' left, leaving 'an innocent boy' in its place.

The first person he saw was a long, dark-haired guy in blackish robes. The man seemed like a scary bastard. Great, next thing he'll see Dracula asking if he was this guy's new meal.

Next person down was that crazy wind woman from last night. As if he wasn't in a bad enough position as it was. No gun, chained to a wall, naked, and now a good- looking girl who could tear him apart with a tornado was staring at his crotch looking half disappointed and half relieved.

The next two, though, looked familiar. Oh yea, the kid with the chain scythe. Please say the blood on his leg was someone else's, please say the werewolf venom didn't go into him.

A little girl with silver hair, though, made Zack stare in wonder. Her clothes were totalled, her body covered in blood, but she didn't look like she had any wounds. She looked familiar...but he couldn't place her. He heard voices talking, but he couldn't take his eyes off her.

His eyes widened in recognition the moment he heard her whimper the words, "Blue eyes..." Memories rushed into his head at lightning speed. Feeling dizzy, he tried to put a hand on his forehead, forgetting about the chains. that's what happened last night. He bit the boy, and the girl was...

Zack didn't know when his 'visitors' left, all he knew was when he started puking, they were all gone.

Kikyo ran continuously, seeming not to become exhausted, not looking hungry, not even noticing when branches gave her small cuts or bruises. Tears on her clothes meant nothing to her.

Naraku did something to Zack, and it didn't bode well. This wasn't a scheme for jewel shards. This wasn't an attempt to rid himself of his human half. It made no sense no matter how she looked at it. That spider demon was clearly a shade of Naraku, but not only did her presence not affect it, it didn't seem seriously hurt when she shot it.

Slowing down, Kikyo finally felt fatuige set in. Damn it, not now! Not now!!

Her feet felt like they were burning off from sheer exhaustion, her body was sore all over, her stomach was aching for food, and her throat felt dry, as if her last drink of water was a day ago.

Breathing hard, she looked upwards. This was getting really old, really fast. What looked like floating snakes holding unseen objects seemed to slither towards her.

Sighing, Kikyo sat down, glaring at her hands. Damn it...

What a normal person would see as floating snakes twisting around her, looking at her like a meal, she saw something far different. She saw creatures supplying her body with fresh souls and letting the older ones slowly drift from her body. She saw what some called her 'soul stealers' supply her 'clay' body with the souls of recently dead women. She saw the symbol of the fact that she was no longer a 'living' being.

When she was first resurrected, the creatures were somewhat like blessings. She never needed to eat, sleep, drink, or anything else to keep from dying again. As long as she had a constant flow of souls going out of and into her body, she'd never feel hungry, thirsty, or tired again.

The problem was she couldn't eat with these souls in her without feeling pain. Drinks that she used to enjoy tasted like the clay some thought her body was made of. And anything she ingested came out a lot quicker, sometimes destroying her dignity. Until her own soul felt at peace, she'd live like a leech off others' souls. Until Naraku was dead by her hands, her torture would never end.

She'd done everything in her power to make sure Naraku would be hers to kill. Let him gather the shards, so when he has enough of them...shatter the jewel once again, tearing his body apart so even he wouldn't be able to survive. But if anyone killed him first...Kikyo would suffer eternally.

Kyone went to the console, looking at the controls -- buttons and switches with no labels to say what they were for. Just as she was about to give up hope, she saw a keyboard, a computer mouse and a screen. Hopefully that computer wouldn't need some kind of password to start it.

Turning on the screen, she looked for a moment at the desktop image. Huh, StarCraft. She had heard about it once or twice. Looked like the guy who owned this computer was a slacker. Played a game in a lab.

Looking at the files confirmed that this guy did no real work on his computer. Bioweapons, Project Rachel, Shikon no Tama, Chorika's Pleasure's, and Great Tunes. But...this place did look kind of weird. Maybe this was some sort of holographic room...nah. StarCraft was an old computer game. Why the hell would a futuristic kid who played games in a holo have StarCraft at all on his computer. That would be like an X-box 360 owner playing pong.

Hearing a moan, Kyone looked behind her. Miroku was waking up slowly, holding his head in pain. Shippo was only just opening his eyes, still half asleep.

Miroku took in the sights around him, and muttered, "Where are we?  Hell?"

Kyone just chuckled, "No, looks like we're in some kind of lab. Doubt we'll be going anywhere soon, though. Whoever designed this room forgot to make a door."

Miroku looked dizzy, "What is that glowing window you're next to? Nevermind, I'll walk over to it...who makes a room pure white? I'm getting sick just looking around. Roof, walls, ground, all white."

Smiling, Kyone said, "Scientists are supposed to work in 'clean' rooms. Boring bastards in my mind. Then again, this so-called 'scientist' doesn't have anything on his computer that has to do with work. Looks like games and music."

The monk grumbled, "Look, I've got a headache already. I have no idea what a 'scientists' or 'computers' are. Talk slowly in terms I can understand."

Sighing, the tomboy looked back at the screen. "Doubt there's anything I can do, unless you've heard of any of these. StarCraft, Project Rachel, Shikon-"

Shippo and Miroku spoke as one, both surprised. "-no-Tama?"

Kyone nodded. "Yeah...why the hell would this guy have something that means 'Jewel of Four Souls', anyway? It's kind of...wait, how did you guys know that's what it says here?"

The pair ran up to her, looking at the screen. Both looked puzzled. Shippo asked, "Where does it say Shikon-no-Tama? All I see are a bunch of strange symbols."

Kyone almost called them both idiots, then something regestered in her head. That was written in English. These two, if they knew how to read at all, would probably know something like kanji. Shaking her head, she tried to kill the growing headache forming in her skull. "It says it right here. Guess I'm gonna have to translate EVERYTHING I'm reading, huh?"

Miroku nodded, muttering, " there a way to see how much more these people know of it?"

Kyone took the mouse and opened the file, ignoring the two people jumping in shock at the changing screen. "Let's see...strange. Says it's made of an unknown elemental structure. Somehow generates an almost endless amount of power. Recharges on its own, without any help. And has a strange effect around...Project Rachel and Bioweapons. Still under research, more info will be posted when available."

Miroku looked curious. "Some of that I didn't understand, but I think I understand the general idea. They know the basic details of the jewel, like great power, and its effects on living creatures. Look under 'Fio-weapons', next."

"That's Bio-weapons. Let's see...huh, cool. Two separate categories. Virus, and animals. Under animals...enhanced Liger, enhanced Condor, and a pair of totally new creatures, apparently some fucked up...whatever. Cutter, and Hunter. Yeesh, weirder by the minute...just where exactly are we, anyway?"

Sango looked down at Kagome and Inuyasha, smiling a little at the schoolgirl fast asleep, head resting on Inuyasha's shoulder. Well, someone was relaxed. Was probably a good thing, too. Now, if only it was as comfortable up there.

Sango mildly chuckled. Damn, riding Kirara was nice, but it wasn't the most relaxing thing. The one and only time she fell asleep on the demon cat, she woke up a moment later with a broken arm. Of course, she was twelve at the time, and the winds were a little stronger, but there was no need to try sleeping again.

Shifting her weight, Sango turned around until she was leaning on her butt, looking behind them. She always did enjoy a good sunrise, and it was surprisingly rare she would have a lull long enough at the right time to enjoy it. A reddish morning. Some people believed a red sunrise was a sign of bloodshed during the night...but then, there was always bloodshed somewhere.

Sighing, Sango looked at the other colors, enjoying the simple splendor. Then something caught her eye. For a moment, she thought it was a shooting star...but it was lasting far too long. Could it be an airborn demon? No, it was moving faster than any demon she'd ever heard of in the sky, and wasn't in any animalistic shape. Then a loud, whirring sound reached her ears. No creature alive could make a noise like that...

Whispering to Kirara, Sango tried to stay calm. She hated things she didn't know before, they always seemed to end badly. "Move closer to the ground. Now."

The fire cat lowered their altitude until they were close to the ground, next to Inuyasha and Kagome. Sango looked on, and hated what she saw. The object changed course, and was heading right at them.


Sango's world almost completely turned silent and black. She felt a sharp pain on her back, and on her side. Damnit, what just happened?

Opening her eyes, she looked around. A ball of smoke was just in front of her. Wait...why was she laying down on the ground? And why was it so...silent around her.

Slowly standing up on shakey legs, Sango walked through the smoke, mind as foggy as the air around her. In the center of the smoke, Kirara lay on the ground, looking in terrible shape. Metal deep in her torso, rear legs looking heavily burned, and eyes glazed over.

Sango gently shook the fire cat, trying to say, "Hey, get up, we need to see if Kagome and Inuyasha need help." No sound came from her mouth that she could hear. Afraid, the girl tried to keep her composure. Putting a hand on the fur of her partner, she slowly led the hand across the cat's body. There...was no sign of life. No rise and fall of the chest to signify breathing, no rhythm that could mean a heartbeat...

Pulling her hand back slowly, Sango looked at it with wide eyes. They felt wet, and looked red. Oh, god. How hurt was Kirara if her red fur was soaked in blood?

Sango held back tears, putting her clean hand on her mouth. Kirara had been around since she was two. The fire cat had been a loyal companion, a constant presence, and a life-long friend. It just...couldn't end like this.

Hearing the sound of distant, clashing metal caught her attention. Walking slowly towards the sound, she saw Inuyasha battling greyish demons that looked humanoid. Tears disappearing from her eyes, she grabbed her sword from the strap her hip.

One of the creatures came close to her, smiling. Its voice barely reached her ears. "Come boys!! Easy pickings over here! A wounded girl...looks tasty."

Pulling the sword from the sheath, her eyes narrowed. And as the creature ran towards her, she charged, yelling away the sadness and frustration she was feeling inside.

Kagome woke up to Sango screaming, "VEER LEFT, KIRARA!! INUYASHA, KAGOME, SOMETHING'S--"

Her body flew off Inuyasha when an explosion near shattered her ears. Shaking the cobwebs from her mind, she stared at where Sango and Kirara were. Nothing but smoke and fire was there.

Inuyasha looked all around, yelling, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!"

Kagome shook her head. "I don't know. But a better question is, where did that come from?"

Inuyasha's ears twitched, and he looked shocked. "The fuck? Something's coming, and either it has a lot of legs, or there are a lot of them."

Kagome stared at Inuyasha for a moment, annoyed. "Why couldn't you smell them coming like you do when any other thing attacks us?"

Inuyasha shook his head. "They're coming downwind, I can't smell them from this angle."

Barking noises tore through the air, and Inuyasha drew his sword from its scabbard. Almost the moment it left the sheath, it seemed to grow from a normal sized katana to a huge looking scimitar-like blade.

Kagome got her bow, and notched an arrow. This was going to be rough, she just knew it.

Large wolf-like creatures with greyish-looking people riding them leaped from behind the foliage. Kagome fired an arrow, hitting one of the huge wolves in a shoulder blade. Inuyasha proceeded to cut the wolves down one by one. The riders each jumped off quickly, and slashed at Inuyasha with mean-looking blades. Trying to catch the grey guys with his sword, one of them ducked under Inuyasha's swings, and was able to knick him across the face.

Something seemed strange to Kagome, these things looked strangely familiar. It was kind of hard to identify, but their name seemed to be on the tip of her toungue.

Firing arrow after arrow, Kagome didn't even bother trying to see how Inuyasha was going to react at this point. There seemed to be no end to these things. One of them charged right at her, and she ducked down. Shooting an arrow into its chest, she had no time check if it was dead. Another one tackled her, and smiled at her under it.

Putting away its blade, it threw a punch right at Kagome's left cheek, causing a squeall of both surprise and pain to come from her mouth. It seemed to take delight in the sound, and threw a punch at the other cheek.

Throwing alternating punches, it toyed with Kagome under it. Feeling growing bruises, she threw her hands open wildly, trying desperately to find a way to stop it. The resistance only made it laugh, and Kagome noticed something. This thing was getting an erection from this, the growing member starting to dig into her stomach.

The laugh suddenly stopped, and Kagome looked up. Sango...she was still alive, and had put her sword through the sadistic creature's mouth, shutting it up.

Kicking the grey thing off Kagome, the demon slayer ran to another of them. Watching the older girl fight them was like watching a dancer. She deflected deadly stabs, dodged quick slashes, and used each one's momentum to kill it. One, two, three, they fell to her blade easily, the eighteen-year-old girl clearly in her element.

Kagome looked at Inuyasha, seeing him slicing through one at last. He was clearly having a harder time with the human like ones than Sango.

Something behind Inuyasha made Kagome's eyes stare in shock. Something in the shadows was aiming something towards the half-demon. Something that looked like a mini-gun...wait, mini-gun?


That was all the warning he had before the gun opened fire, bullets flying right at him.

Zack was feeling cramps and boredom slowly entering his mind. All he could do was stare at the same goddamn crack in the wall, and see the same goddamn roach run in and out of it. This had to be a violation of the Geneva Convention. Oh yeah, that wasn't INVENTED yet, along with the television, radio, or anything else that might help him forget he was CHAINED to a WALL in ANCIENT JAPAN!!

Hearing a door open, and someone step downwards, Zack sighed. Well, this might be a good time for conversation. Hell, a few more minutes, and he would have tried talking to the roach. All thoughts of talking stopped when he saw he had not one, but two visitors. The boy he bit when he was all wolfish, and the...silver haired girl. Well, at least she was in some fresh clothes. Said clothes, however, looked a little large for her. A kimono that would have fit the wind woman.

The boy was the first to speak, "Is it true? That being bitten by a...'werewolf', will make you into one?"

Zack looked at the ground. Well, this would be a pleasant little talk. "Yeah, kind of a curse. Someone bit by a werewolf will become a werewolf every night of a full moon. And don't ask why I bit you, when you turn wolven, you aren't in control of yourself."

The girl then pulled something from inside the oversized kimono. When Zack identified the object, he was a little scared. Okay, this silver-haired girl was pointing HIS gun right at HIS face. Whispering, she asked, "What is this, and how likely is it to kill if I pulled the trigger now?"

Zack tried to look as calm as possible...and failed miserably. Sweat started to appear on his forehead, and he stuttered, "N--now wait f-for a moment. Don't do a-anything rash, kid!!"

Her eyes narrowed in anger. "Do you realize what you did to me? Do you KNOW the pain, the horror, the FEAR you put in me? You bit me MULTIPLE times, TORE my skin with your hands, SLAMMED me on the ground repeatedly. And your looked gleeful. Like when Naraku has gained a good chunk of the Shikon-no-Tama. And now you tell me that Kohaku and I will become creatures just like YOU?! Maybe if I kill the one that bit us, we won't turn."

The boy looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "Didn't Naraku say that those with HUMAN blood would be effected? You should be fine, you're not human, Kanna."

Zack blinked rapidly. Not human? Okay, that explains why she wasn't dead from blood loss alone last night. But if she wasn't human, what was she?

Kanna snorted, finger starting to twitch. "Kohaku, think about it. I'm the offspring of a HALF-demon. No matter how subtle, I most likely have some human blood. Now, if you don't mind, I'll do the ONLY thing I can think of to make SURE I don't turn into what gave me the most TRAMITIZING EVENT in my LIFE!!"

Zack tried to talk as calmly as possible. "Look kid, even if you killed me--and I REALLY hope you don't--you would still be affected by the werewolf venom. It's still in your veins. But, since you're not entirely human, you might not change. For all I know, whatever kind of blood you have could fight the venom off. Now, killing me would do absolutely nothing for you. Why do something entirely pointless...right?"

Kanna continued to stare at him with a glare, and aimed the gun downwards. To a place that NO man would want hurt at all. Zack looked up from his crotch, and said, "You wouldn't."

Kohaku stared at her with a small bit of sweat on his brow. "Um, Kanna? This is a little extreme. It won't do anything to help or change things."

Kanna smiled sadistically. "No, but it'll make me feel better." She then pulled the trigger, the gun aiming at Zack's crotch.

Kyone jumped up in shock. Alarm sounds were going through the air. High pitched, annoying alarm sounds.

Shippo yelled, "WHAT'S THAT SOUND?!" He held his hands to his ears, blood starting to flow between his fingers.

A genderless, mechanized voice blared above the sirens. "Test subjects loose. All non-combat personel, evacuate immediately. Security teams, move to section four-three-one and proceed with emergency field test of Project Rachel. All locks will be deactivated, and electronic doors opened. This is not a drill."

A part of the wall seemed to slowly slide away. Kyone looked at it and hit herself over the head. Automatic doors colored white just like the could anyone find their way out when the door was shut?

Miroku stared at the opening. "I'd say now would be a good time to leave."

Nodding, Kyone lifted up Shippo and walked out the door. The halls were brownish yellow, and a sign above her read: Left exit/experiment holding area, Right guard rooms/labritories/armory/Project Rachel zone.

Bullets rang out from the left, and screams filled the air. Swallowing, Kyone muttered, "Right. The exit just HAD to be past a bunch of fucked up science projects and people who might try to blast us on sight."

Miroku looked both ways, saying, "This place is going to KILL MY EARS!!"

Kyone raised an eyebrow. His weren't bleeding like Shippo's, what did he have to complain about? Hearing the shooting come closer, she ran to the right, Miroku following closely.

They soon took a sharp turn left, and stopped abruptly. A group of seven masked guards aimed their guns at them. They opened fire at the group almost immediately.

Moving quickly back behind the corner, Kyone looked ahead. Damn, the nearest door was behind past those idiots.

Whispering, she said, "Hey, Scorch, we need a distraction. Think you can pull a good trick?"

Shippo whimpered, holding his ears in pain. She looked at him, then listened to the guards walking towards them cautiously.

Miroku said softly, yet frantically, "Shippo, if you don't do something, we'll all die right here. So, do some of your kitsune magic and buy us some time!"

Shippo opened his eyes slightly, and asked, "If I scare them, will the high pitched noise stop?"

Kyone saw heard something click. In a voice filled with fear, she said, "I'll do everything I can to stop that noise, if only you do something to scare these guys."

Tears in his eyes, the little fox demon said, "You're talking like you don't know you can. The noise is so painful, and the best you can say is you'll TRY?!"

Something seemed to snap in Miroku. He started to laugh like a madman. Kyone stared at him. Oh god, was she going to die with a crying kid in her arms and a psycho monk next to her?

Miroku took off his glove and pointed the hand past the corner. Kyone couldn't keep track of all the noises. It was like she went deaf, all she heard was Shippo screaming in agony, blood still pouring from his ears.

Shutting her eyes, she started to whisper, "I don't want to die. Not like this. Please. I don't care who saves us. Satan, God, Buddha, or anyone else. Just--"

She then started to rub her hand over Shippo's head, trying to keep sane. She felt tears in her eyes, and didn't bother trying to hold them back. Why bother?

She was suddenly shocked out of her thoughts when Miroku shook her out of it. He then said, "Let's go, the men are gone."

Unbelieving, Kyone looked past the corner. Oh my god...the walls looked like they were about to collapse, the lights on the roof having done so already.

Kyone asked, "Did you kill them?"

Miroku smiled at her like an idiot. "No, I scared them off. They ran into that room over there when the lights started crashing down. Now, I'd say we should RUN before they start to gain some courage."

Kagome let Inuyasha lean on her shoulder as he limped along. Sango continued slightly in front of them, ready to kill anything that stood in their way.

Sighing, Kagome couldn't help but be relieved. The thing that shot at them wasn't armed with a rocket launcher. If it HAD been the one that shot Kirara...they'd all probably be dead.

Inuyasha finally asked, "What the fuck hit me? It tore through the fire-rat fur like it was nothing."

To most, this would seem like a stupid comment, but Kagome had seen first hand the sort of things that armor could stop. Arrows, blades, and stones couldn't rip it in the least. Even fire did no damage. Whenever something damaged the fire-rat fur, that normally meant they were in BIG trouble.

She looked at the damage to his clothes. It was hard to tell if there was really anything left of the demonic armor. The armor, as well as his blood, was crimson. And for all she knew, all he had left were some small peices of cloth covering his crotch. One thing was for sure, he looked skinnier around the chest and stomach now. His usual muscles weren't there, Like it was...and then Kagome gasped.

Sango looked backwards. "What is it?"

Kagome whispered, "This can't be."

Inuyasha, annoyed, asked, "What can't be?"

"The places you were shot...they've reverted to human. Those bullets did something to them. What do you feel?"

Inuyasha snorted, "I feel pain all OVER, WHAT DO YOU THINK I FEEL!!"

Kagome nodded. "Yes, and your demon blood is supposed to help you ignore physical pain easily, no matter how bad the injury. Hold on, I'm gonna try taking out one of the bullets."

Slowly, Kagome put her hand on Inuyasha's chest and slowly raked it around. Finding something that felt metalic, she tried to carefully pull it out.

Inuyasha grimaced while it was taken out, but when it was removed, said, "No pain there? It felt like shit before!"

"I was right, something about these bullets does something to demon blood. Weakens it, or something like that. But...why? Why is it able to do that?"

Sango looked at the bullet. "Something that small did that much harm? How many more do you think are in him?"

"...I have no idea. Hundreds, thousands, whatever. He's covered in holes and blood, and not an inch of him is clean. This will take a long time to fix up."

The yipping sounds of the large wolves filled the air. Sango took out her sword, saying, "It looks like time is what we don't have. Inuyasha, you still able to fight?"

He took his own sword out of its scabbard. "I'll do fine, just don't get in my way."

Kagome snorted. For god's sake, even when he's covered in his own blood, and hurting like hell, he'll act like that. She just hoped he wouldn't push himself too hard.

The wolves leaped at them, and Inuyasha made an animalistic roar. As his sword changed, he swung it at a wolf comming at him.

A little girl in an orangish kimono was skipping around, picking flowers. She was humming a tune that she'd made up, and was putting the flowers in some kind of order. At one point or another, she said, "Yes. Sesshomaru-sama will look pretty in Rin's new necklace! Rin wonder why Jaken-sama won't let Rin put necklace on Jaken-sama? Maybe another of Jaken-sama's little weird traits."

A large looking man then started walking towards the girl. She looked at him curiously, yet cautiously. Something just...didn't seem right about him. He looked over six feet tall, and wore a monk's robes. His hair was short, ragged, and blue. But it was his eyes that told her this was a bad man. His face smiled, and his eyes made the smile seem...sadistic.

The man then raised his hands over his head, and then let them drop. A small circle of fire surrounded him, and he started to laugh as the little girl yelped in fear.

A toad-like person then appeared, brandishing a staff with two human heads. He shook it at the tall man. "Who are you, what buisness do you have here?"

The man chuckled, "Ah, Sesshomaru's little crew. The little girl named Rin, and the sniveling excuse of a demon named Jaken. I have a small job that requires your assistance."

The toad, Jaken, pointed the top part of his staff at the man. "I only serve Sesshomaru-sama, you ignorant little worm."

The man smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that. It just means I'll have to...leave a message."

Rin stuttered, "Me...message?"

"Yes. Your corpses."

Jaken held his staff out and the heads on it started to laugh. The man and Rin stared at the staff in surprise. Since when do heads laugh when they have no body?

Then fire spit out of their mouths, flying right at the man. The flames engulfed him, but strangely, he didn't seem in pain. He walked through the fire, smiling.


The man smiled. "Do you really think that I'd be killed by fire? I'm Kane, an incarnation of fire. But, I must admit, that was impressive. Maybe I won't kill you...but I will definitely take little Rin there."

Before Jaken could reply, the tall man grabbed him by the neck and slammed him into a tree. The small creature out cold, Kane stared at the cringing Rin.

He muttered, "I wonder if they'll mind if I have a little fun..."

A female voice came from behind him. "Don't do it, brother. You'll just get us in trouble."

The tall man turned around and saw a naked, blue-haired little girl. She looked around Rin's age, and could have been confused for a boy...if not for the lack of equiptment downstairs. "Kaaane, you were about to start slowly burning the poor girl, weren't you?"

The tall man flinched, "What if I was, Soki? You're not even old enough to do some of Sajhan's assignments. I'm supposed to get this kid to Naraku, as soon as possible. To help: 'test' something."

The little girl pouted. "But I want some fun."

He scowled. "What do you have in mind? Please, none of the bullshit that Reiko puts in your head."

"No. At about the halfway point between Naraku's place and here, I...brawl with the kid, here."

Kane raised an eyebrow. "Brawl? As in punching, kicking, and the like?"

"I brawled a little in a village near here. Only problem was the people were too damn easy. Three boys, and a girl. All of them crying before I was finished."

Rin stared at Soki, afraid of the smirk on her face. Internally, she prayed that Sesshomaru-sama would find her before long. She wasn't too sure what a 'brawl' was, but if some other kids were crying before it was done...