Richard Seltzer's home page Publishing homeWORKS OF RICHARD SELTZER
The AltaVista Search Revolution:How to Find Anything on the Internet, Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1997 and 1998, with Eric J. Ray and Deborah S. Ray
The first consumer book about search engines. (AltaVista was the forerunner of Google.)
Winner of the "Distinguished Technical Communication Award," the highest award given by the Society for Technical Communication Publications.
2 editions, Hebrew and Japanese translations. Braille version published by National Braille Press
"This complete guide to using the AltaVista web searching/indexing system will be indispensable to both librarians and patrons.... Get one copy to circulate, nail one down in the computer lab, and pass one around the reference desk." -- Library Journal
Ethiopia Through Russian Eyes by Alexander Bulatovich, translation by Richard Seltzer (Red Sea/Africa World Press, 2000) at Kobo at Nook at Apple
"...the most important book on the history of eastern Africa to have been published for a century...." Old Africa (complete review)
This is a unique and detailed first-hand account of Ethiopia in 1896-98 includes 78 photographs taken in Ethiopia at the time. It recounts the adventures and observations of a Russian officer with remarkable understanding for the many varied people who lived there and keen insight into their destiny. Originally published in 1900. This edition includes the illustrations, diagrams and maps of the original edition.
The Lizard of Oz, fantasy, 1974, revised and expanded 2018 at Kobo at Nook query message for second edition at Apple at Nook at Kobo
"An intriguing and very entertaining little novel" Library Journal
"Carroll and Tolkien have a new companion" Aspect
"A work so saturated that the mind is both stoned with pleasure and alive with wonder" Lancaster Independent Press
"A commentary on our times done delightfully" Philadelphia Bulletin
"A gallery of figments of contemporary culture that could take its place on the library shelf of memory along with classic figures of children's fiction" Valley Advocate
When an elementary class sets out on a quest to save the world from disenchantment, their adventures reveal paradoxes of the human mind and ways of awakening the magic within us.
Now and Then and Other Tales from Ome, children's stories, 1976 at Kobo at Nook at Apple
Boston Globe -- "A highly original collection of short stories -- sometimes humorous, sometimes profound."
Philadelphia Daily News -- "Seltzer has produced four charming stories for, he suggests, children around the age of nine. Adults will find the book has its appeal too: My favorite story is the one about the little princess who had a nice mother and was very happy and therefore very unhappy because how could Prince Charming come and rescue her if there was nothing to rescue her from?"
The Name of Hero, historical novel, Tarcher/Houghton Mifflin, 1981 at Kobo at Nook at Apple
translation of this novel into Russian
sources and related documents
An historical novel based on the life of Alexander Bulatovich, a Russian who was an explorer in Ethiopia, a cavalry officer during Russia's conquest of Manchuria in 1900, and later, as a monk at Mount Athos, led a group of "heretics" who challenged the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church, asserting the divinity of the Name of God. (Originally published by Tarcher/Houghton Mifflin.) Set in early 20th century Manchuria, the Boxer Rebellion raging throughout the country, the Name of Hero involves readers in the strange career of Alexander Xavierevich Bulatovich of His Majesty's Life Guard Hussar Regiment. Blending fact, fiction, and adventure, this novel tells turbulent events sparked by religion and railroads, and the tension between facts and faith.
Saint Smith and Other Stories, 2011 at Kobo at Nook at Apple
This book consists of two novellas and six short stories. "Saint Smith" focuses on Charlie, a would-be experimental film maker, Sarah his traditional Bible-believing mother, and Irene the clever ironic uninhibited German woman he marries. "The Barracks" takes place in basic training at Fort Polk, Louisiana, at the time of the Viet Nam War. The six stories deal with puzzles of human nature and the meaning of life.
MGMT MEMO: Management Lessons from DEC, 2018 at Apple at Nook at Google Play
Snapshots of DEC, 2018 at Apple at Nook
Web Business Boot Camp Hands-on Internet lessons for manager, entrepreneurs, and professionals, Wiley, 2002 at Apple at Nook at Kobo
First published in 2002. The specific examples are dated, because business on the Internet changes rapidly. But the underlying principles and lessons hold true. "You're in basic training for the battle of your life. Your mission is to keep your company alive and to help it move forward quickly in unfamiliar territory. You must master the tools and techniques needed to serve customers and beat the competition into he strange and potentially hostile online business environment. This no-nonsense, tip-driven guide targets key activities that anyone can perform to truly achieve online business success. Internet marketing pioneer Richard Seltzer gets managers out of the boardroom and into the trenches for crucial hands-on Web experience -- which provides insight into how to win on the e-commerce battlefield. He also helps entrepreneurs develop a viable business model without depending on high-priced design services and consultants, as well as gives technology-oriented professionals a broad business perspective for tackling new online responsibilities."
- Take Charge of Your Web Site, MightyWords, 2001
Shop Online the Lazy Way (Macmillan, 1999. Braille edition published by National Braille Press) at Nook at Google Play at Apple
The Social Web: How to build successful personal or business Web sites, 1998) at Apple
This pioneering book, first published in 1997, details the process to empower businesses and individuals to build websites based on common interests and social interaction. It provides insights that are as relevant now as they were when the book was written.
The Way of the Web Lessons from the Internet. How to adapt to the new business environment, 1995) at Kobo at Apple
The internet emerged and evolved so rapidly, that companies were faced with the need to adapt to a new environment.This early book focuses upon building communities on the Internet. It further provides information on establishing identity, motivation to succeed, and community. First published in 1995, many of the principals explained here still ring true.
Dryden's Exemplary Drama, senior thesis at Yale (1969) at Apple at Google Play at Nook
Death of the Federalist Party, paper written in high school, in 1963. at Apple at Google Play privacy statement
Without a Myth and Five Other Plays at Apple at Google Play at Nook