Here I
post thoughts, memories, stories, novels, plays, essays, reading
lists, genealogical research, info about ebooks for sale, and
matters of interest to friends and family. This isn't your
typical web. It's meant to be idiosyncratic and fun.
I welcome feedback and suggestions.
I'm finally in a position to write full-time. My latest book, One
Family, doesn't fit neatly in any genre. It's genealogy,
memoir, history, and mystery. Four of
my works of fiction are set during the Trojan War --
Breeze, We First Met in Ithaca, Trojan Tales, and Let
the Women Have Their Say. Two center on Shakespeare -- Shakespeare's
Twin Sister and We All Are Shakespeare. Six (Parallel
Lives, Beyond the 4th Door, Nevermind, Breeze,
Shakespeare's Twin Sister, and To Gether Tales)
overlap and echo one another, with stories inside stories and
touches of magical realism and alternate history. Others
include The Bulatovich Saga: The Name of Hero an
historical novel, Meter Maid Marion a story
collection, Grandad Jokes: 3000 jokes on Trump and
other nonsense, Why
Knot? a collection of essays, The Lizard
of Oz and Other Stories, and Echoes
the Attic, a suspense novel which I co-wrote with Ethel
I'm also
the publisher of Seltzer
Books, with over 14,000 time-tested books in ebook
format, available for sale through Barnes & Noble (Nook),
Kobo, Apple, Google Play, and PublishDrive. Earlier, I
published entire libraries of books on CD and DVD primarily
for the blind, who used "screen readers" to convert the text
to voice. This included a 4-DVD set with over 20,000 books for
just $149. I also made a quixotic attempt to build and run my
own ebook store, Quench, trying to single-handedly compete
with the likes of Amazon. My publishing company was originally
known as B&R Samizdat Express and consisted of just my
late wife Barbara (B) and me Richard (R). Samizdat means
"self-published" in Russian.
In the early days of the Web, I worked for Digital Equipment's
Internet Business Group as their "Internet evangelist." When
the company was swallowed by Compaq (which was later swallowed
by Hewlett-Packard) I worked independently as an Internet
marketing consultant, writing extensively about business on
the Internet. Many of the books,
and speeches
I wrote back then are available here. My AltaVista
Search Revolution was the first consumer-oriented
book about search engines. Library Journal, called
it "indispensable". My Web
Business Boot Camp was a pioneering guidebook for
Internet start-ups .It is now available for free at this
My original web site, which I used as a sandbox
to test ideas about the Web, has been preserved by the
Internet Archive as part of their Wayback Machine. They
have stored 666 versions of that web site, captured from
November 1996 to September 2017. This
link takes you to the part of the archive that is devoted to Select the date you are interested in;
then you can browse the archive the same as you do the live
web, clicking on link after link. Everything from the
web site is there, including all the issues of my
Internet-on-a-Disk newsletter and the hundreds of articles
from my blog. (They
now archive as well)
Richard Seltzer,
AltaVisa: Did DEC Have to Die? Zoom talk delivered to the DEC
Connection, an association of former employees of Digital
Equipment, Feb. 4, 2025. Recording
Podcast interview of me (June
2023) --Go to wherever you get your podcasts and search
for Woodbury Writes and Richard Seltzer. You can also
hear it on YouTube
page at Amazon
My author
page at Goodreads
at Goodreads
My web page at
Independent scholar page at Columbia
Scholar page
List of my published books
Medium account with 600+ stories,
essays, and poems
of me reading some of my stories and excerpts from my novels
sites of All Things That Matter Press Authors
Websites of Twitter friends
in the Ukraine, Alexander Bulatovich (1870-1919) was a tsarist
cavalry officer, an African explorer,
leader. He guided
an Ethiopian army through territory unknown even to them and
fought in Manchuria during the
Boxer Rebellion. When he retired at age 33 to join a
monastery, seven of his men followed him there. Later, he
led a religious movement at Mount Athos, fought in WWI, and, in the
aftermath of the Russian Revolution, was shot dead on his doorstep in the Ukraine. The
odd shifts in his career, his qualities as a leader, and the puzzle of what
motivated him first drew
me to him. I was also
drawn by the strangeness of the events — Russian exploration in Ethiopia, the Russian conquest
of Manchuria, and a heresy battle in the twentieth century
for which hundreds of monks were sent into exile. My
historical sources included books by Bulatovich himself and
over 25 hours of interviews with his sister, Princess Mary
Orbeliani, when she was 99. The
of Hero covers
life up through Manchuria. I will
continue his story in
two subsequent novels — The Name of Man and The
Name of God. "
Let the Women
Have Their Say
The women of Troy find ways to shape their own
destinies in a world dominated by men.
Their stories are familiar, but their motivations and
resourcefulness will surprise you.
See Cassandra, Helen, Clytemnestra, Iphigenia,
Polyxena, Andromache, Leda, and Hecuba as, despite all odds,
they have their say.
Home Again to Ithaca and Troy
Article in
Fantasic antiquities
and where to find them. Ancient Worlds in (post-) modern
novels. volume 19 (2024)
published by Thersites: Journal for
Transcultural Presence and Diachronic Identities from
Antiquity to Date
Trojan Tales
These stories,
selected from three novels, show events of the Trojan War
reflected through the minds of participants who are immersed
in the immediacy of the moment.
Dive into the world of the Trojan War as
lived by Helen. Paris, and Menelaus; Polyxena and Achilles;
Ktimene (Odysseus' sister) and Eumaeus the swineherd. What
should they do? Do they have a choice?
Meter Maid Marion, How to Tutor a Ghost, The Third Tortoise
First Met in Ithaca, or Was It Eden?
Elle and
Oz, strangers ready to restart their lives, meet by chance
and flirtatiously swap stories in a dark abandoned
They soon sense that these stories are coming from an
unknown source. It's as if they are watching the stories
rather than telling them.
Then they become actors inside the stories, seeing and
hearing as if they were the characters, affecting outcomes
but still conscious of their separate contemporary selves in
the dark abandoned house,
their attraction heightened by this mysterious adventure.
The stories transform: the two become characters from the
Odyssey and Genesis, facing challenges in previous lives,
challenges that they meet head-on .
Finally, and they find themselves in a future where whole
populations have transferred themselves to (or been absorbed
into) a massive computer network.
The human cycle of birth, death, and rebirth will end. They
will live in that network forever.
But Elle and Oz have a choice.
We All Are Shakespeare
Shakespeare literally comes alive.
Liam knows Shakespeare. All of Shakespeare. Every word of
every play. No one knows how or why. But tell him a line, and
he'll go into a trance and perform the whole play brilliantly.
He performs at the local beach pavilion, play after play.
Audiences swell, despite obstacles, until an unruly crowd
trashes this quiet town, and the show shuts down.
Then a professor prompts Liam to recite a lost Shakespeare
play and gets it staged at the Yale Bowl.
Years later, something even more extraordinary happens -- a
Spartacus moment.
132 short essays -- some fun, some profound.
Intriguing observations based on common sense logic.
that could change your life or the world.
don't think outside the box. The very notion of 'the box' is
an illusion taht limits the range of topics, squashes
curiosity and creativity, and precludes innovative solutions.
Please join me on my journey of exploration."
Categories covered:
Questions Big and Small
Identity, Memory, and Communication
Understanding Our World
Politics and Government
Literature, Reading, and Writing
Impact of Technology
Business and Product Ideas
Everyday Life
A romantic suspense novel.
Five strangers, two men and three women, share a Back Bay
apartment like a multi-generational family.
high jinks, vengeful jealousy, and violent death combine
to complicate lives and loves.
The Lizard of
Oz and Other Stories
Humorous fantasy for children and for adults who share stories
with them.
An elementary school class sets out on a
field trip to bring back enchantment
to the world. They learn that you hae to go under the world to
stand under it
and understand it. And there are many levels of understanding.
They meet
such characters as Mr. Shermin (who used to be a teacher until
he decided
to be a fish, and then he knew how to turn himself into a fish,
which not
many people, even teachers, know how to do). Humpty Dumpty
(who fell for
a little blue wallflower), Prince Frog (who would rather be a
frog than a prince
because that's much less trouble), Sir Real (who has cereal
instead of brains),
Lewis Carroll, the Knights of the Merry-Go-Round Table, the
Mothers of Fact
(Miss Hap, Miss Take, and Miss Fortune), Mr. Plato, Daniel
Boone, and
Joan of Noah's Ark.
Imagine The Phatom Tollboth crossing paths with a fifth grade
class in
The Magic School Bus.
Grandad Jokes
An antidote to social distancing, political chaos,
environmental crisis, and war.
Laughs to help you get back to feeling normal.
3000 jokes, 500 pages, a pound and a half of laughs.
Grouped as:
Trump and Company
Nonsensical Science, Philosophy, History,
and Religion
Letter, Number, and Grammar Play
Speaking in Tongues - Word Play in Two
Never Grow Up - General Fun
Bedtime Whimsy and Romance
Pithy jokes for every taste and mood and
This bittersweet comedy and romance has touches of tragedy and
magic. Writing during
the pandemic and feeling nostalgia for what has been lost, the
narrator, Abe, recounts stories told around the dinner table
on a Caribbean cruise two years before.
Abe explains the title:
"I'm writing from the midst of
this crisis, not with the wisdom of hindsight. Even if it gets
no worse than it is right now, much has been lost.
"I'm hoping that we can gether.
That's a word that isn't in the dictionary.
"To gether is to
find new ways to be together, new ways to meet, to bond, to
"Even when physically isolated,
we can come together in spirit, to share experiences and
emotions to the point that we are intimately connected.”
"In any case, may we always
treasure our normal life, knowing, as we now know,
that it is fragile and should never be taken for granted."
On one level, To Gether Tales is a collection of stories told around a dinner table. But it's also a novel, in which themes echo from one story to another and tellers both disguise and reveal themselves through what they say, all woven together in the frame of the narrator.
first review --
5.0 out of 5 stars Affairs to Remember
Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2022
Verified Purchase
refreshing antidote to the struggles borne of the pandemic,
politics and threatening conflicts that haunt our daily lives.
Richard Seltzer’s “To Gether Tales” takes us on an unusual
ocean cruise that elevates our spirits and counteracts the
current climate of cynicism and despair. Captivating, intimate
and poignant stories brimming with romance, friendship,
warmth, and humor bring a group of voyagers together.
Seltzer's inventive and engrossing writing enables us to join
the journey and participate as if we were on board, ourselves.
We disembark feeling enchanted, renewed and reinvigorated.
The Princess Tango,
a story from To Gether Tales, read by the author
(YouTube video)
Shakespeare's twin sister wakes up in the body of a
99-year-old woman in a nursing home in 1987. Kate has quite a
tale to tell:
-- her
coming-of-age story, posing as a boy to get an education,
-- twins
separated at birth sorting out the mystery of their
otherworldly connection to one another,
-- a lifelong
three-way love story,
-- soul projection and transference linking
individuals to one another and connecting past to present,
-- and the story of a young reporter who
falls in love with the soul he finds in the body of an old and
dying woman.
As a
cross-dressing sword-fighting teenager, Kate beats Mercutio,
captain of the King's Musketeers, in a duel in Paris.
As Will's
double and writing partner, Kate enables him to do the work of
two geniuses.
outlandish view of Shakespeare's life and times stays true to
the facts, while presenting explanations that are intriguingly
Like Shakespeare in Love, this is a humorous,
romantic take on Shakespeare the man.
Like Yentl, a brilliant young woman finds
creative ways to succeed in a man-dominated world.
Amazon reviews --
Seltzer’s story, Shakespeare’s Twin Sister, is a clever
insightful romp.
We first encounter Kate as Lettie, a 99-year-old woman in a
nursing home, 1987.
Her personality transforms and she tells her “real” story to
a young journalist, Bill Greene.
He, in turn, retells a surprisingly plausible tale of Kate’s
multiple identities (male and female) as Shakespeare’s twin
Apparently, Kate played a large role in the writing of the
famous works.
Not only that, but she is an arch feminist in men’s clothing
with longings of her own.
The book is full of good humor – the Arden family quotes
lines from Shakespeare’s play in their daily banter.
The titles are fun too – “If You Incest!”
Read this novel – it’s a mind-bending hoot!"
Breeze, a young woman
in present-day Connecticut, goes into a medically
inexplicable coma. Her boyfriend, Yannie, a senior at
Yale, has to get her the help she needs to survive while
trying to solve the mystery of this goddess-like free
spirit who appeared out of nowhere two months before.
In part two, Breeze
awakens in a different body in a different place and time.
She is at Troy in the body of Briseis, love-slave of
Achilles. She fears she’ll be taken for a demon. She knows
the story she is trapped in, and she learns that she can
make changes in what the story leaves unsaid, so long as
she doesn't alter the direction of the narrative.
part three, Breeze finds herself in still another body.
It's the fourth century AD and she’s at the temple of
the Eleusinian Mysteries, near Athens. A young woman
lies down on the altar next to the corpse of another
young woman. In the ritual, she expects her soul will
move to the body of the dead woman. Instead, the dead
woman comes to life with the soul of Breeze. That glitch
leads to humorous complications as well insights into
the ironies of everyday life and love.
A WWII romance veers off into an alternate
reality and then another and another.
"Richard Seltzer takes us on another
spellbinding journey into an alterante reality that defies our
familiar perception of space and time. Nevermind is a story
with a backdrop that seems grounded on the surface, but turns
into a flight of mind-bending twists."
Nevermind at Readers Magnet
Without knowing
why or how, two college students wake up 50 years older
than they were when they went to sleep and with no memory
of what has happened in between.
The first door is birth. The second is death. Finally, Frank
and Marge go through the fourth door.
"Richard Seltzer's vast imagination knows no
Think Thomas Wolfe. Think The Razor's
Edge by Maugham.
...the main character...talented,
energetic, charismatic... genre-defying Be prepared for a
wild ride."
"Richard Seltzer is a master of
educating us to the possibilities of existence once we set
our mind free and open the door to the unknown."
story, which begins in an assisted-living facity in New
Hampshire, leads to 18th century Boston and London, where
there's unfinished business that residents, through mirror
selves, must take care of.
trip through space and time"
Works by and about
historical figures who are characters in Parallel Lives:
Mercy Otis Warren, historian and playwright
Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution
3-volume work is 1317 pages long. Mercy wrote early drafts of
this work near the time of the events described, and completed
the work about four years before it appeared in 1805. Mercy
wrote in the third person even when dealing with events
involving her immediate family. James Otis (early advocate of
the rights of the colonies) was her brother, James Warren
(speaker of the Massachusetts House of Representatives) was
her husband, and Winslow Warren (would-be diplomat) was her
Other works by Mercy Otis Warren
Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne, general
and playwright
essays from Untrammeled thoughts
Barracks (from Saint Smith and Other
Stories), novella, 11K words, published online at
Was also published online at Untold Tales Publishing which
is now defunct.
The Barracks takes place
during basic training at Fort Polk, LA, in the
summer of 1970, during the Viet Nam War. The
overwhelming majority of the trainees are
reservists. All white, in a matter of weeks, they'll
return home and go about their usual lives, unless
something unexpected goes wrong. Four black trainees
in the same platoon face immediate assignment to
Viet Nam, so they have been deliberately failing the
course, being "recycled," over and over again.
Tensions of the war (which none of them support) and
race relations (which the reservists never faced
before) come to a head over an incident that in and
of itself seems to have little significance but
symbolically looms large.
based on that
novella The
Barracks, a three-act stage play (1989) and Spit
and Polish, a full-length screen play (2001)
Gentle Inquisitor and Other Stories,
Was published online at Untold
Tales Publishing, which
is now defunct.
These eight ironic stories deal with serious
questions in unique and playful ways. They'll make
you smile and wonder and prompt you to think about
human nature and the meaning of life from new
The AltaVista Search
Revolution:How to Find Anything on the Internet,
Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1997 and 1998, with Eric J.
Ray and Deborah S. Ray
The first consumer book
about search engines. (AltaVista was the forerunner
of Google.)
Winner of the
"Distinguished Technical Communication Award,"
the highest award given by the Society for
Technical Communication Publications.
2 editions, Hebrew and
Japanese translations. Braille version published by
National Braille Press
"This complete guide to
using the AltaVista web searching/indexing system
will be indispensable to both librarians and
patrons.... Get one copy to circulate, nail one
down in the computer lab, and pass one around the
reference desk." -- Library Journal
Through Russian Eyes by Alexander Bulatovich,
translation by Richard Seltzer (Red Sea/Africa World
Press, 2000) at
Kobo at
Nook at
including 78
photos taken in Ethiopia in 1896-1898
most important book on the history of eastern
Africa to have been published for a century...."
Africa (complete review)
Third Journey to Ethiopia, 1899-1900 by Alexander
Bulatovich, translation by Richard Seltzer
from previously unpublished items in the Russian
archives, this is a lively and detailed account of
Bulatovich's travels, at the behest of Ethiopian
Emperor Meneik II, in the northwestern border regions
of the country, at a time when war with England seemed
imminent. Bulatovich provides an insightful assessment
of England's likely moves and what Menelik could do to
block them, even including an invasion of the Sudan.
Once again he provides previously unknown details
about a critical time in Ethiopia's history. There's
also a brief account of Bulatovich's fourth journey to
Ethiopia in 1911, at which time he was a Russian
Orthodox monk and sought to found a monastery at a
lake to the south of Addis Ababa. This is a companion
to Ethiopia Through Russian Eyes.
of Oz, fantasy,
1974, revised and expanded 2018 at
Kobo at
Nook query
message for second edition at
Apple at
Kobo query message
intriguing and very entertaining little novel" Library Journal
"Carroll and Tolkien have
a new companion" Aspect
"A work so saturated that
the mind is both stoned with pleasure and alive
with wonder" Lancaster Independent Press
commentary on our times done delightfully" Philadelphia
gallery of figments of contemporary culture that
could take its place on the library shelf of
memory along with classic figures of children's
fiction" Valley
in Small Press Publishing" the story of how I
self-published this book in 1974
Now and Then and
Other Tales from Ome, children's stories, 1976
Kobo at
Nook at
"A highly original
collection of short stories, sometimes humorous,
sometimes profound." Boston Globe
Name of Hero, historical novel, Tarcher/Houghton
Mifflin, 1981 at
Kobo at
Nook at
this novel into Russian
and related documents
Smith and Other Stories, 2011 at
Kobo at
Nook at
newsletter published Feb. 1994 to Dec. 2011
MEMO: Management Lessons from DEC, 2018
Apple at
Nook at
Google Play
of DEC, 2018 at
Apple at
Business Boot Camp Hands-on Internet lessons for
manager, entrepreneurs, and professionals, Wiley,
Apple at
Nook at
Charge of Your Web Site, MightyWords, 2001
Online the Lazy Way (Macmillan, 1999. Braille
edition published by National Braille Press) at
Nook at
Google Play at
Social Web: How to build successful personal or
business Web sites, 1998) at
Way of the Web Lessons from the Internet. How
to adapt to the new business environment, 1995) at Kobo
Exemplary Drama, senior thesis at Yale (1969)
Apple at
Google Play at
Death of the Federalist Party, paper written in high school, in 1963. at Apple at Google Play
Woods and Other Poems
Apple at
- Laugh and Let Laugh, word play, over 3200 short jokes (looking for a publisher)
- Trumpisms (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2019) one of the top 10 most popular articles of the year (#6)
- Trumpisms 2.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire. 2019)
- Trumpisms 3.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2019)
- Trumpisms 4.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2020)
- Trumpisms 5.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2020)
- Trumpisms
(Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2020)
- Trumpisms
(Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2020)
- Tumpisms 8.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2020)
- Trumpisms 9.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire, 2020)
Trumpisms 10.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire,
Trumpisms 11.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire,
Trumpisms 12.0 (Trump jokes at Glossy News Satire,
- The Gentle Inquisitor (from Saint Smith and Other Stories)
- The Choice (from Saint Smith and Other Stories)
- Creation Story (from Saint Smith and Other Stories)
- Chiang ti Tales (from Saint Smith and Other Stories)
- The Mirror (from Saint Smith and Other Stories) (American Bystander #13, 2019
- Now and
Then (from Now and Then and Other Tales from Ome)
- Revolution (at Glossy News Satire, 2019)
Finnegan Died (at
News Satire, 2019)
- Size
Matters (at
News Satire, 2019)
- Hundreds
and Hundreds of Gerbils to be published in May
2021 online at
- Julie's Book: The Little Princess (from Now and Then
and Other Tales from Ome)
- Mary Jane's Book: The Book of Animals (from Now and
Then and Other Tales from Ome)
- The
Little Oops Named Ker Plop (from Now and Then and
Other Tales from Ome)
- Hands
- Tiger
in the Intercom
Yanni, to be published April 2021 online at
Without a Myth and Five Other
Plays at
Apple at
Google Play at
- Without
a Myth, three-act play (1971)
- Heel,
Hitler, ten-minute play (2015)
- The
Barracks, a three-act stage play (1989)
- Rights
Crossing, a two-act historical play, set in the
American Revolution (1976)
- Mercy,
a two-act historical comedy, set in the American
Revolution, based on the lives of Mercy Otis
Warren and General Johnny Burgoyne. (1975)
- Heel, Hitler, ten-minute play (2015)
- The
Lizard of Oz, children's play (1976)
- The Lizard of Oz radio script, episode1,
2, episode
- Spit
and Polish, a full-length screen play (2001)
- Traffic
Jam, a short screen play (1972)
- Family on Demand, first episode of proposed
sitcom, co-written with Ethel Kaiden (2004)
Glimpse of the Future, 1993 video about the future of
the Internet, written by Richard Seltzer
- From Russia and Ethiopia to the
Internet (Wesleyan College) article
- Surviving as a Small Business in the Age of Google:
Generate Search-engine Traffic (NEXPO, Washington,
DC) article
- The Future of Business on the Internet (Lewiston,
Maine) script
- Increase Traffic on the Internet Without Advertising
(IQPC Conference, San Francisco, CA) article
- Corporate-wide Knowledge Management (ExpoManagement
98, Buenos Aires, Argentina) article
- Business Opportunities on the Internet (Comdex, Buenos
Aires, Argentina) script
- The Social Web: from Hyper-links to People-links
(Web Week 97, Oak Ridge National Labs, Oak Ridge,
TN) book
- Basics of Effective Web Sites: How to Succeed When the
Rules of the Game Change (Boston) book
- Building Communities on the Internet (Internet
Expo/Email World, Boston, New Orleans) article
- Complete text of newsletter
Internet-on-a-Disk 1994-2011
- Current
thoughts on all topics
- Distance Education
Internet Present & Past
Internet History
Internet Strategy and Marketing
- EBay
and Other Online Auctions
Internet Search
Community and Collaboration
- Web
Site Design
Working At Home
- Publishing
and Ebooks
Glimpses (essays toward a personal
- My
book reviews
- 70
Online Dates - Learning to Date at 68
- Asthma in
Timisoara: A Glimpse at the Romanian Medical System
- Romantic
- Training,
Not Censorship: The Need for Cyber-Street-Smarts
- Global
Competition and the Long Road to General Prosperity
- Thoughts
Reading and Writing
- The
Bugle Boy
- Why
Bother to Save Halloween?
- The
Nostalgia of Tomorrowland
- Adventures
in Small Press Publishing: the Lizard of Oz
- From
Russia to Ethiopia to the Internet
- The
Serge Solovieff Mystery - A World War I Variant of
the Spanish Prisoner and Nigerian Scams
- Making
sense of the myths behind Greek tragedy, in
particular the mythos of Pelops/Atreus/Agamemnon,
grad school paper (1970)
- Filial
in Confucius and Socrates and the Divergence of
Western and Chinese Philosophic Traditions,
paper written while an undergraduate at Yale, May 1967
- Another
Look at Moliere's l'Avare (The Miser), paper
written while a student at Brentwood School in
Brentwood, Essex, England, May, 1965.
- The Story of the Trojan War in Unintentionally Humorous Verse doggerel written in the sixth grade (age 11)
- Hi-Q or Peg Solitarie, a solution to the game solved and recorded in the third grade (age 8)
- Stories Written in the Second Grade
Books (titles organized as Virtual Book Tables)
(with links to ebook stores)
Sixty-Six Years of Reading (complete list of books I've read since 1958)
My Current Reading list (2024)
Recommended contemporary books (published since WW II)
My book
reviews by Dean Rink
The Cary-Estes Genealogy by May Folk Webb and Patrick Mann Estes
The Cary-Estes-Moore Genealogy by Helen Estes Seltzer
All-inclusive genealogy page (listing over 1600 direct ancestors)
Brehm's Seltzer and Hocker Genealogy
Family Album
Daly Genealogy
Surfing (advice on genealogical research)
Bob Seltzer's chess career
Nancy Felson, Greek
Scholar, selected articles and CV
a Vocabulary of the Attic Language by S. C.
Woodhouse (1910), a hyperlinked version
(Digital Equipment Corporation), the world's
second largest computer company before its demise
in 1998,
I worked
to 1998.
Sherwood, Virginia Witch
Otis Warren
World War II
Robert Greene
Johnny Burogoyne