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Game Review: Pokemon Red

by Tim Seltzer,
System: Gameboy
Rating: 7.5/10

The tv show may have always been a turnoff, but the games are better than that. This is one of the three originals. Red, blue, and green versions were all the same, basically, so reviewing all three would be very redundant.

Since this was made when the pokemon craze was in full swing, they didn’t really do a lot along the lines of explainations in it. I hear there are some remakes that have more tutorials and such, but I don’t see why they felt the need to. The game is, after all, simplistic at first glance, but can easily burn the time away.

If you’re into games where you go from zero to hero, or like to spend a lot of time in each of your games, look no further. If not, there may be something better suited for you.

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