UA-112394588-1 UA-112394588-1
Not at bad game, all things considered. If you like StarWars, or enjoy role-playing games, this will float your boat.
Though the replay value is somewhat questionable, I can’t deny that it’s nice to play through once. Nice twists and turns in the plot, more than the recent StarWars movies anyway. Maybe it’s so good because it doesn’t try to deal with the already formed story-arc. After all, a few thousand years before the movie ‘A New Hope’ practically makes it a new world. This game is also one of the first to have growingly popular good/evil option of going through the world.
Will you conquer the galaxy as one of the Sith, or save it as a Jedi? Will you skillfully defeat your foes and hold out against vast numbers, or slaughter them quickly before numbers becomes an issue? Will you play as a man or a woman? There are so many choices, so little time.
If only it wasn’t such a chore to start this game from the beginning more than once, going in different directions each time. The game might have been perfect, otherwise.