UA-112394588-1 UA-112394588-1 Game Review: Xenosaga 1
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Game Review: Xenosaga Episode 1, Der Wille Zur Macht

by Tim Seltzer,
System: Playstation 2
Rating: 7/10

Now this is one of the most unique games I’ve played, and though the gameplay is somewhat mediocre, the storyline more than makes up for it.

Twists and turns galore, watching the characters go through the psychological effects of new realizations, and the hovering bit of knowledge that grows as time passes, that there is more going on than it seems, that the characters may just be the puppets of a greater power. Each and every moment of this game leaves you on the edge of your seat..

Too bad the one detail of gameplay isn’t the best. They tried to make it similar to Final Fantasy in that respect, but somehow it falls short. It’s rare that you’ll find an opponent that truly challenges you in this game, and the ones that do are very far apart from one another. There’s also the fact that you might go for over an hour without getting into a battle of any kind, just watching the characters interact and the story progress in innovative directions.

If you enjoy great storytelling, and are the patient type, this is a perfect game for you. If, however, you like a lot of hands on action to your games and will feel frustrated when you can’t just get the action going..then this game is not for you. A bit of a shame, really.

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