UA-112394588-1 UA-112394588-1 Game Review: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga Author    About Us

Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga

by Tim Seltzer,
System: Playstation 2
Rating: 9.5/10

This one is difficult to describe. Intricate storyline, unique world, and not much to compare it to. Hell, the only reason I didn’t give it a full ten is because it was so difficult to understand, and I had to replay some portions to figure out what happened.

You are a man named Serph, in control of a group called the Embryon. In the ever chaotic Junkyard, in the heat of a never ending war for supremecy, the very rules of engagement change. Every warrior of this purgatory loses the mechanical way they deal with life, gaining emotions they can’t comprehend, and the ability to change into demons. A temple that offers a way to ‘Nervana’ to the winner of the war creates the amendment that the winners must consume the losers. In exact words, they are told to “Rend, slaughter, devour your enemies!” You’ll watch as they learn to love, hate, fear, and hope. With each kill, you become stronger and want the war to end all the more so you don’t have to kill any one else. Betrayal, revilation, uncontrolable emotions burning in an already combustable environment..this is a keeper.

The only way to learn the truth, to right the wrongs done to you and your people, is to conquer all other tribes. Those you befriend may end up your enemies soon enough. Fight, and perhaps die, with honor. There is no other way for one such as you..a Warrior of Purgatory.

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