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Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

by Tim Seltzer,
System: Playstation 2
Rating: 7/10

Good storyline and gameplay with a lot of potential. Give it some patience, and you’ll grow to love it.

You are a young man in Tokyo, and survive an event called the ‘Conception’. Each city on earth has become a minature planet, infested with demons. Now, you may be thinking that the hero wants to bring the world back together and destroy all the demons. Not a bad idea, but the designers decided to take a less traveled road. Our hero is turned into a demon, supported by mysterious benifactors and human survivors. He’s not trying to return the world to its original state, but is trying to decide the fate of the mini-world that Tokyo has become. The others aren’t even mentioned, everything is in Tokyo and the districts within.

This is a long one, and it isn’t hard to get lost in the storyline. Maybe if they made a few characters you could identify with, it would be more enjoyable. Still, it’s a good way to pass the time.

Other game reviews by Tim

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