UA-112394588-1 UA-112394588-1 Game Review: Shadow Hearts  Author    About Us

Game Review: Shadow Hearts

by Tim Seltzer,
System: Playstation 2
Score: 8/10
Ah, a gothic story that spans over the entire world, and explores the psychological side of our intrepid heroes. What is there not to love? Fighting demons in Japan, China, France, Germany ... very nice touch as well.
I wont go that far into the story line, because that's the main reason for you to get this game. Even games to the effect of Suikoden and Final Fantasy would be hard pressed to compete with this sort of complexity and heart-string playing. Just know that the two main characters are a man with a German mother and Japanese father, and a girl named Alice from Europe that has gained the .. attention of the demonic lords. Some of the people you will meet are oblivious to the chaos, some genuinely don't care, and those that know of it try not to go insane with despair.

You're probably wondering why I haven't given it a 9/10, or even a full 10/10. Well, the game play takes some getting used to, and is a little annoying. For each and every action, you have to time button pushes just right. Want to hit the enemy? Wait for the dial to reach the right points and press the ‘x’ button. Want to heal? Same problem. I cant fully describe the frustrations that occur when an enemy does something to effect that stupid little dial, and I cant name the number of times I haven't been able to heal my characters because they've all been affected one way or another! As if that isn't enough, if you donut occasionally go into Yuri’s mind at save points, you’ll be slaughtered by a fool that looks like Yuri’s dad wearing a fox mask. So, you have to occasionally hold back so you can bring Yuri into his mental graveyard, where the malice of all the humans and demons he's ever killed takes form. You then have to fight a monster, based on the amount of malice, and when you beat it, the malice is gone. While I like that concept, they didn't pull it off perfectly, making the game itself less than perfect.

Don't get me wrong, I love this game. It just isn't equal in all three areas of game perfection: story line, sound, and game play. I solute Shadow Hearts, and hope that the other games in the series are equally good.

Other game reviews by Tim

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