UA-112394588-1 UA-112394588-1
This is a game with little storyline, but very good gameplay and interesting opponents.
Using what looks and sounds like a light saber, Travis Touchdown is on a single-minded quest: to become the number one assassin. Starting at number eleven, he has to hunt down and kill each person above him in order to rise through the ranks. These opponents range from a duel-gunning cowboy to a schoolgirl with a sword, an old woman with a large laser cannon to a demented magician. Some of the battles leave you craving for more of a challenge, others leave your arms tired and the health bar dangerously close to empty. Between epic duels, you have to do odd jobs to pay the like mowing a lawn, killing a pizza CEO, clearing a minefield, and collecting coconuts.
If you don’t like to see blood splattering the
ground and ceiling, or are prone to seizures when there are
rapid movements and color changes, then this isn’t the game for
you. Otherwise, a nice way to spend your free-time.