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Speeches by Richard Seltzer

In the past, Richard delivered speeches around the world as Digital Equipment's "Internet Evangelist" and as an independent Internet marketing consultant.  The speeches covered such topics as the importance of content for driving traffic to a web site, the future of business on the Internet, knowledge management, search engines, and new business opportunities. Those speeches, from the pioneering days of Web-based business, explain principles and seminal ideas that hold true today. Many of his speeches grew into articles and books.

Surviving as a Small Business in the Age of Google: Generate Search-engine Traffic (NEXPO, Washington, DC)  article

The Future of Business on the Internet (Lewiston, Maine)  script

Increase Traffic on the Internet Without Advertising (IQPC Conference, San Francisco, CA)  article

Corporate-wide Knowledge Management  (ExpoManagement 98, Buenos Aires, Argentina)  article

Business Opportunities on the Internet (Comdex, Buenos Aires, Argentina)  script

The Social Web: from Hyper-links to People-links  (Web Week 97, Oak Ridge National Labs, Oak Ridge, TN)  book

Basics of Effective Web Sites: How to Succeed When the Rules of the Game Change (Boston)  book

Building Communities on the Internet (Internet Expo/Email World, Boston, New Orleans)  article privacy statement
