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English-Greek Dictionary
A Vocabulary of the Attic Language
Late Scholar of Christ Church, Oxford
George Routledge & Sons, Limited
Broadway House, Ludgate Hill, E.C.
This hyperlinked version was created by Richard Seltzer in 2007
The University of Chicago has generously made available on the
Web images of the pages of the original edition of this book
At the request of scholars, I've put those images on the web and
made a list of all the words defined in the Woodhouse dictionary,
with links to the images of the pages on which they appear. The
original pages and the images of them here are in the public
You can open these page images by clicking on the links in this
index page from your Web browser.
Please keep in mind that the author used British spelling, e.g.,
centre, colour, colonise, defence, diarrhoea, to-day.
The ENGLISH-GREEK LEXICON here presented contains features which, I
trust, will render it acceptable both to teachers and to learners.
The vocabulary has been compiled from Attic authors of the best
period. So little composition is attempted nowadays outside the
range of Attic that I have refrained from introducing words and
phrases that belong to other dialects. Moreover, the scope of the
work within the limits I set myself has attained a magnitude that
would render any large increase of vocabulary a burden rather than a
help to the student. The writers from whom I have selected my
material are, as far as prose is concerned, THUCYDIDES, PLATO,
XENOPHON, DEMOSTHENES, and the ORATORS. For verse I depend upon the
authority of AESCHYLUS, SOPHOCLES, and EURIPIDES, excluding,
however, in each case, the lyrical passages. Comedy is covered by
Occasionally words have been incorporated from Homer, Herodotus,
and Aristotle. I have had recourse to these writers, however, only
when I could find no equivalent in the best Attic for the word I
wished to translate, and in all such cases I have indicated the
source from which the word is derived.
I have included in the vocabulary a few late Greek renderings of
Latin words such as the names of the Roman magistracies, but have
signified in each case that the word lies outside the sphere of
classical Attic.
I have not drawn upon Xenophon to any large extent, because his
style is unfortunately vitiated by the admission of many un-Attic
elements, and is therefore not a safe guide for budding composers.
In introducing phrases and sentences from the Greek I have
thought it best to give chapter and verse for the quotations. Not
only is the context so often essential for defining shades of
meaning, but the constant reference to the best models is the
surest way to success in composition.
It has not been my intention to supply any but the bare outlines
of grammatical information. My chief aim has been to suggest ideas
and to help in their analysis. I have marked quantities where no
indication is given by position or accent, but not in the case of
words used only in prose.
(Page Image) Acknowledgments are due to various works of
reference, among which I may single out for mention, Veitch's
Greek Verbs, and , above and before all, Liddell and Scott.
Mistakes in orthography and accentuation are, I fear, inevitable
in a work this size; but the proofs have been carefully revised,
and I can only hope that the number of errors is not large.
The abbreviations should cause no difficulty. P. before a word
signifies that it has prose authority. V. before a word shows that
it is found in verse. A word with both P. and V. before it may as
a rule be used in any species of composition. Should, however, the
name of an author be placed in brackets after the words, this
means that its use is limited to that particular writer.
If a word occurs in Aristophanes, I have indicated its presence
in that author by the letters Ar. before it, but in the case of
words occurring frequently in both prose and verse, I have not
thought it necessary to signify that they are found in
Aristophanes as well. A word used often both by Prose and Verse
writers may safely be employed in Comedy. It sometimes happens
that a word of prose associations is found in verse, and that one
commonly confined to poetry is used in prose. In such a case I
have put in brackets after the word a reference to the passage in
which it occurs. Thus on page 158 may be found the following: -
Confess. V. trans. P. & V. [Greek omitted] (Soph.
Phil. 980; Eur. I.A. 1142 & Frag.).
This means that the word [Greek omitted] appears both in Prose
and Verse, but its use in the latter is restricted to three
I have added a Supplement of Proper Names, including some of the
Greek equivalents for names famous in Roman History.
List of Abbreviations
absol. Absolutely
acc. Accusative
act. Active
adj. Adjective
adv. Adverb
Aesch. Aeschylus
Andoc Andocides
aor. Aorist
Ar. Aristophanes
Arist. Aristotle
conj. Conjunction
cp. Compare
dat. Dative
Dem. Demosthenes
Eur. Euripides
fem. Feminine
frag. Fragment
fut. Future
gen. Genitive
Hdt. Herodotus
impef. Imperfect
indic. Indicative
infin. Infinitive
Interj. Interjection
intrans. Intransitive
isae. Isseus
Isoc. Isocrates.
lit. Literally
Lys Lysias
masc. Masculine
met. Metaphorically
mid. Middle
neut. Neuter
opt. Optative
P. Prose
part. Participle
perf. Perfect
pl Plural
Plat. Plato
prep. Preposition
pres. Present
pro. Pronoun
sing. Singular
Soph. Sophocles
subj. Subjunctive
subs. Substantive
Thuc. Thucydides
V. Verse
v. Verb
v. trans. Verb transitive
v. intrans. Verb intransitive
voc. Vocative
Xen. Xenophon
Ag. Agamemnon
Choe. Choephoroe
Eum. Eumenides
Pers. Persae
P.V. Promethus Vinctus
Suppl. Supplices
Theb. Septem Contra Thebas
Ach. Acharnians
Av. Aves
Eccl. Ecclesiasusae
Lys. Lysistrata
Nub. Nubes
Pl. Plutus
Rar. Rarae
Thesm. Thesmophocriazuac
Vesp. Vespae
Alc. Alcestis
And. Andromache
Bacc. Bacchae
Cycl. Cyclops
El. Electra
Hec. Hecuba
Hel. Helen
Heracl. Heraclidae
H.F. Hercules Furens.
Hipp. Hippolytus
I.A. Iphigenia in Aulis
I.T. Iphigenia in Tauris
Med. Medea
Or. Orestes
Phoen. Phoenissae
Rhes. Rhesus
Supp. Supplices
Tro. Troades
Aj. Ajax
Ant. Antigone
El. Electra
O. C. Oedipus Coloneus
O.R. Oedipus Rex
Phil. Phlocttes
Trach. Trachiniae
Ap. Apology
Alc. I Alcibiades I
Alc. II Alcibiades II
Charm. Charmides
Crat. Catylus
Criti. Critias
Ethu. Euthyphro
Euthy. Eutheydemus
Gorg Gorgias
Hhipp. Maj. Hipppias Major
Hipp. Min. Hippias Minor
Lach. Laches
Legg Leges
Lys Lysis
Men Meno
Parm. Parmenides
Phaedr. Phaedrus
Phil. Philebus
Pol. Politicus
Prot. Protagoras
Rep. Republic
Soph. Sophista
Symp. Symmposium
Theaet. Theaetetus
Tim Timaeus
Page 56, under Await, v. trans., "Dem 292" is to be deleted
Page 70, under Beget, v. trans., and page 644, under Produce, v.
trans. for fiteuein read fityein
Page 75, under Besides, prep. instead of "P. & V. ... dica (gen.) read V. dica
Page 276, between Ensue and Entail, insert "Ensure, v. trans., see
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it larger, and click on the "back" button to return to this index
abandoned, abandonment, abase, abasement, abash, abashed, abate,
abatement, abbreviate, abbreviated, abbreviation, abdicate,
abdomen, abduction, aberration, abet, abettor, abeyance
abhor, abhorrence,
abhorrent, abide, abiding, abiding-place, ability, abject,
abjectly, abjuration, abjure, able, ablution, ably, aboard,
abode, abolish, abolition, abominable, abominably, abominate,
abomination, aboriginal, abortion, abortive, abortively, abound
about, above,
abreast, abridge, abridged, abroad, abrogate, abrogation,
abrupt, abruptly, abruptness, abscess, abscond, absence
absent, absolute,
absolutely, absolution, absolve, absorb, abstain, abstemious,
abstemiously, abstemiousness, abstinence, abstinent, abstract,
abstraction, abstruse, abstrusely, abstruseness, absurd,
absurdity, absurdly
abundant, abundantly, abuse, abusive, abusively, abut, abysmal,
abyss, academy, accede, accelerate, accent, accentuate, accept,
acceptable, acceptably, acceptance, access, accessible,
accident accidental, accidentally, acclaim, acclamation,
acclimatise, accommodate, accommodating, accommodation,
accompaniment, accompany, accomplice, accomplish, accomplished,
accomplishment, accord
accordance, accordant, according, accordingly, accost, account,
accountable, accountant, account-book, accoutre, accoutrement,
accredited, accretion, accrue, accumulate, accumulation,
accuracy, accurate
accursed, accusation, accuse, accused, accuser, accustom,
accustomed, ace, acerbity, ache, achieve, achievement, acid,
acidity, acknowledge, acknowledgment, acme, acorn, acquaint,
with, acquiesce, acquiescence, acquire, acquired, acquirement,
acquisition, acquit, acquittal, acre, acreage, acrid,
acrimonious, acrimoniously, acrimony, acrobat, acropolis,
across, act, action
active, active agent, actively activity, actor, actual,
actually, actuate, acumen, acute, acutely, acuteness, adage,
adamant, adamantine, adapt, adaptable, add
adder, addicted,
addition, additional, additionally, addled, address, adduce,
adept, adequate, adequately adhere, adherent, adhesion,
adhesive, adieu, adjacent, adjoin, adjoining, adjourn
adjudge, adjudicate, adjudication, adjunct, adjuration, adjure,
adjust, adjustment, administer, administration, admirable,
admirably admiral, admiralty admiration, admire, admirer,
admissible, admission, admit, admittance, admixture, admonish
admonition, admonitory adolescence, adolescent, adopt, adopted,
adoption, adorable, adoration, adore, adorer, adorn, adorned,
adornment, adroit, adroitly, adroitness, adulation, adulatory,
adult, adulterate, adulterated, adulteration, adulterer,
adulteress, adultery, adumbrate, adumbration, advance
advanced in years, advanced-guard, advanced-post advancement,
advantage, advantageous, advantageously , advent, adventitious,
adventurous, adversary, adverse, adversely, adversity, advert,
advertise, advertisement, advice, advisability, advisable,
advisably, advise, advised, advisedly, adviser, advocacy,
advocate, aedile, aerial, afar, affability, affable
affably, affair,
affect, affect, affectation, affected, affection, affectionate,
affectionately affiance, affidavit, affinity, affirm,
affirmation, affirmative, affix, afflatus, afflict
affliction, affluence, affluent, affluently, afford, affray,
affright, affront, afoot, afraid, afresh, aft, after, afternoon,
again, against,
agape, age, aged, ageless, agency, agent, aggrandise,
aggrandisement, aggrandiser, aggravate, aggravating, aggravation
aggressive, aggressively, aggressor, aggrieved, aghast, agile,
agility, agitate, agitation, agitator, ago, agonising, agony,
agrarian, agree
agreeably, agreed upon, agreement, agricultural, agriculturist,
agriculture, aground, ague, ah, ahead, aid,
aider, aiding,
ail, ailing, ailment, aim, aim at, aim, aimless, aimlessly, air,
airily, airs, airy, akin, alabaster, alack, alacrity
alarm, alarm bell,
alarming, alarmingly, alas, albeit, alchemist, alchemy, alcove,
ale, alert, alertness, alien, alienate, alienation, alight,
alike, aliment, alive, all
allay, allayer,
allaying, allegation, allege, allegiance, allegorical, allegory,
alleviate, alleviation, alley, alliance, allied
allocation, allot, allotment, allotted, allottee, allow,
allowable, allowance, alloy, alloyed, all-powerful, all-seeing,
allude to, allure, allurement, alluring, alluringly, allusion
deposit, all-wise, ally, almighty, almost, alms, aloft, alone,
along, aloof, aloofness, aloud, alphabet, already, also, altar,
alter, alterable, alteration, altercation, alternate with
alternation, alternative, although, altitude, altogether,
always, am, amain, amalgamate, amalgamation, amanuensis, amass,
amateur, amateurish, amateurishly, amatory, amaze, amazement,
amazing, amazingly ambassador, amber, ambient, ambiguity,
ambiguous, ambiguously, ambition, ambitious
amble, ambrosia, ambrosial, ambuscade, ambush, ameliorate,
amenable, amend, amendment, amends, amenity, amerce, amiability,
amiable, amiably, amicable, amicably, amid, amiss, amity,
amnesty, among
amorous, amorously, amorousness, amorphous, amount, amphora,
ample, amplification, amplify, amply, amputate, amputation,
amulet, amuse, amusement, amusing, amusingly, analogous,
analogously, analogy, analyse, analysis, anapaests, anarchic
anarchy, anathema,
anthematise, ancestor, ancestral, ancestress, ancestry, anchor,
anchorage, anchoring, ancient, anciently, and, anecdote, anger,
angle, angler, angling, angrily, angry
angular, animadversion, animadvert on, animal, animate,
animated, animation, animosity, animus, anise, ankle, anklets,
annalist, annals, annex, annexation, annihilate, annihilation,
anniversary, annotation, announce, announcement
annoy, annoyance, annoying, annoyingly, annual, annually, annul,
anoint, anomalous, anomalously, anomalousness, anomaly, anon,
anonymous, another, answer
answering, ant, antagonism, antagonist, antagonistic,
antagonistically, antecedent, antecedents, ante-chamber,
antediluvian, antelope, anterior, anthem, antics, anticipate,
anticipation, antidote, antipathy, antiquarian research,
antiquated, antique, antiquity, antithesis, antler, antlered,
anxious, anxiously, any, anyhow, any one, anything, anywhere,
apart, apartment, apathetic, apathetically, apathy, ape,
apex, aphorism,
apiece, apocryphal, apologist, apologise, apolgue, apology,
apophthegm, apostasy, apostate, apostatise, apostle, apothecary,
appall, appalling, apparatus, apparel, apparent, apparently,
apparition, appeal
appear, appearance, appease, appeasement, appeasing,
appellation, append, appendage, appertain, appetite, applaud,
applauder, applause, apple
applicable, application, apply, appoint, appointment, apportion,
apportionment, apposite, appositely, appraise, appreciable,
appreciably, appreciate, appreciation, apprehend, apprehension
apprehensively, apprentice, apprise, approach, approachable,
approbation, appropriate, appropriately, appropriation,
approval, approve, approximate, approximately, approximation,
april, apron, apt, aptitude, aptly
aptness, aquatic,
aqueduct, aqueous, aquiline, arable, arbiter, arbitrament,
arbitrarily, arbitrary, arbitrate, arbitration, arbitrator,
arbitress, arbour, arbutus, arch, arched, archer, archery,
archetype, architect, architectural, architecture, archives,
archly, arctic
ardently, ardour, arduous, arduously, arduousness, area, arena,
argent, argue, argument, argumentative, argumentatively,
argumentativeness, arid, aright, arise, aristocracy,
aristocratical, arithmetic
arithmetician, ark, arm, armada, armament, armed, arming,
armorial bearings, armory, armour, armour-bearer, arm-pit, arms,
army, aroma, aromatic, around
arouse, arraign,
arraignment, arrange, arrangement, arrant, array, arrear,
arrears, arrest, arrival, arrive, arrogance
arrogant, arrogantly,
arrogate, arrow, arrow-head, arsenal, arsons, art, artery,
artful, artfully, artfulness, article, articulate, articulately,
artifice, artificer, artificial, artillery, artisan artist,
artistic, artistically, artless, artlessly, artlessness, as
ascend, ascendant,
ascendency, ascending, ascent, ascertain, ascetic, asceticism,
ascribe, ash, ashamed, ashen, ashes, ashore
ashy, aside, ask,
askance, askew, asking, aslant, asleep, asp, aspect, asperity,
asperse, aspersion
aspiration, aspire, ass, assail, assailable, assailant,
assassin, assassinate, assassination, assault, assay,
assemblage, assemble, assembled, assembly, assent, assert,
assertion, assertive, assertively, assess
assessor, asseverate, asseveration, assiduity, assiduous,
assiduously, assign, assignee, assignment, assimilate,
assimilation, assist, assistance, assistant, assisting
association, assort, assorted, assortment, assuage, assuaged,
assume, assumed
assumption, assurance, assure, assured, assuredly, astern,
astonish, astonishing, astonishingly, astonishment, astray,
astride, astringency, astringent, astrologer, astronomer,
astronomical, astronomy, astute, astutely astuteness, asunder,
at, atheist,
atheistical, athirst, athlete, athletic, athletics, athwart,
atmosphere, atone, atoning, atonement, atrocity atrocious,
atrociously, atrociousness, atrophy, attach,
attached, attachment
attack, attain,
attainable, attainder, attainment, attaint, attainted, attemper,
attempt, attend
attendance, attendant, attention, attentive, attentively,
attenuated, attenuation, attest, attestation, attic, attire,
attitude, attitudinise, attorney, attract, attraction,
attractive, attractively
attribute, attribution, attrition, attune, auburn, auction,
audacious, audaciously audacity, audible, audience, audit,
auditor, auger, aught, augment, augmentation, augur, augury
augustly, augustness, aunt, auspices, auspicious, auspiciously,
austere, austerely austerity, authentic, authenticate,
authenticity, author, authorisation, authorise, authorised,
authoritative, authoritatively
autochthonous, autocracy, autocrat, autocratic, autocratically,
automatic, automatically, autonomous, autonomy, autumn,
autumnal, auxiliary, avail, available, avarice, avaricious,
avariciously, avaunt, avenge
avenging, avenue, aver, average, averse, aversion, avert,
averted, averting, avidity, avocation, avoid, avoidance
avow, avowal, await,
awake, awaken, awakening, award, aware, away, awe, awestruck,
awful, awfully, awfulness, awhile, awkward, awkwardly,
awkwardness, awning
awry, axe, axiom, axis,
axle, ay, azure, babble, babbler, babbling, babe, babel, baby,
babyhood, babyish, baboon, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian,
bacchante, bacchic, bachelor, back
back, backbite,
backbiter, backbiting, backbone, backdoor, background, backing,
backward, backwardly, backwardness, backwards, bad
badge, badger,
badinage, badly, badness, bad-tempered, baffle, baffled,
baffling, bag, baggage, bail, bailiff, bait, bake, baked, baker,
bakery, baking, balance
balance, balanced,
balancing, bald, baldric, bale, bale out, baleful, balefully,
balk, ball, ballad, ballast, ballot, ballot-box, balm, balmy,
balsam, ban, band
bandage, bandit,
bandy, bane, baneful, bang, bangles, banish, banished,
banishment, bank, banker, bankrupt
banned, banner,
banquet, banqueter, banqueting-hall, banter, bantling, bar,
barb, barbarian, barbaric barbarism, barbarity, barbarous,
barbarously, barbed, barber, barber's shop, bard, bare
bare, barefaced,
barefooted, bare-headed, barely, bareness, bargain, barge, bark,
barley, barn, barque, barrack, barrel, barren, barrenness,
barricade, barrier
barrow, barter, base, base-born, baseless, baselessly,
baselessness, basely, baseness, bashful, bashfully, bashfulness,
basin, basis, bask, basket, bass, bastard, bastion
bat, batch, bath, bathe,
battalion, batten, batter, battering-ram, battery, battle,
battle-axe, battle-cry, battle-field, battlements, bauble,
baulk, bawl, bay
bay, bayonet, bazaar,
be, beach, beacon, beak, beaker, beam, beaming, bean, bear
bearable, beard,
bearded, beardless, bearer, bearing, bearings, beast, beastlike,
beastliness, beastly, beat
beat, beaten, beating,
beau-ideal, beautiful, beautifully, beautify, beauty, beaver,
becalmed, because, because of, beck, beckon, becloud, become,
becoming, becomingly, bed
bedaub, bedazzle,
bed-clothes, bedding, bedeck, bedew, bedfellow, bedim, bedizen,
bedraggled, bed-ridden, bedroom, bedstead, bee, beech,
beef, beehive,
bee-keeper, beer, beestings, beeswax, beetle, beetling, beeves,
befall, befit, befitting, befittingly, befool, before
beforehand, befoul, befriend, beg, beget, begetter, begetting,
beggar, beggarly, beggary, begging
begin, beginner,
beginning, begone, begrime, begrudge, beguile, beguiler, behalf,
behave, behaviour, behead, beheaded, beheading, behest
behindhand, behold, beholden, beholder, behove, being, belabour,
belated, belch, beldam, beleaguer, belfry, belie, belief,
believable, believe, believing, bell, belles lettres, bellicose,
belligerent, bellow, bellows, belly, belong to
beloved, below, belt, bemoan, bench, benched, bend, bend
forward, bend, beneath, benediction, benefaction, benefactor,
benefactress, beneficence
beneficently, beneficial, beneficially, benefit, benevolence,
benevolent, benevolently, benighted, benign, benignant,
benignantly, benignly, benison, bent, benumb, bequeath, bequest,
bereave of , bereavement
bereft, berry, berth,
beseech, beseem, beset, besetting, beside, besides, besiege,
beslaver, besmear, besom, besotted, bespangle, bespangled,
bespatter, bespeak, besprinkle, best
best, bestial,
bestiality, bestir oneself, bestow, bestrew, bestride, bet,
betake oneself, bethink oneself, betide, betimes, betoken,
betray, betrayal, betrayed, betrayer, betroth
betrothed bride, better, betters, between, betwixt, beverage,
bevy bewail, beware, bewilder, bewildering, bewilderingly,
bewilderment, bewitch, bewitching, bewitchingly, beyond
beyond, bias,
biassed, bibber, bicker, bickering, bid, bidding, bide,
biennial, bier, big, bight, bigness, bigot, bigotry, bile
bilge, bilingual,
bilious, bill, bill and coo, billet, billingsgate, billow, bin,
bind, binding, biped, bird, bird-cage, bird-catcher, bird-lime,
bird's-eye view, birth
birth-place, birthright, bisect, bit, bitch, bite, biting,
bitter, bitterly, bitterness, bitumen, bivouac, blab, blabber,
blabbing, black, blackbird, blacken
blackguardly, black-hearted, blackmail, blackmailer, blackness,
black-rimmed, black-robed, blacksmith, black-winged, bladder,
blade, blain, blamable, blame, blameless, blamelessly,
blameworthy, blaming, blanch, blanched, bland, blandish,
blandishment, blandly
blank, blanket,
blare, blaspheme, blasphemous, blasphemously, blasphemy, blast,
blasted, blatant, blatantly, blaze, blazing, blazon, blazoner,
blazonry, bleach, bleak, blear-eyed, bleat, bleating, bleed
bleeding, blemish,
blend, blended, bless, blessed, blessedness, blessing, blight,
blind, blindly, blindness, blink
bliss, blissful,
blissfully, blister, blithe, blithely, blizzard, bloated, block,
blockade, blockhead, blockhouse, blonde, blood, blood-guilty,
blood-guiltiness, bloodless, blood-red, blood-relation,
bloodshed, blood-stained, blood-sucking, blood-thirsty, bloody
bloom, blooming,
blossom, blot, blotch, blow, bludgeon, blue, bluff
bluff, bluffness,
blunder, blundering, blunderingly, blunt, bluntly, bluntness,
blur, blurt out, blush, blush at, blushing, bluster, blustering,
blusteringly, boa, boar, board
boast, boaster,
boastful, boastfullly, boastfulness, boasting, boat, boatman,
boatswain, bode, bodily, boding, bodkin, body, bodyguard, bog,
bogey, boggy, bogus, boil
boil, boiled,
boiling, boisterous, boisterously, boisterousness, bold, boldly,
boldness, bole, bolt, bombard, bombast, bombastic, bona fide,
bond, bondage
bond, bondman,
bondwoman, bone, bon-fire, bonnet, bonus, bony, book, bookish,
boom, boon, boon-companion, boor, boorish, boorishly,
boorishness, boot, bootmaker, booth, bootless, bootlessly,
booty, border, borderers
bordering, border
line, bore, borer, born, borough, borrow, borrower, bosom, boss,
both, bother, bottle, bottom, bottomless, bottomry, bough,
boulder, bounce, bouncing, bound
bound, boundary,
bounden, boundless, bounteous, bounteously, bounteousness,
bountiful, bountifully, bountifulness, bounty, bourgeon, bourn,
bout, bow,
bow, bowed, bowels,
bower, bowery, bowl, bowman, bows, bowshot, bowstring, bow-wow,
box, boxer, boxing, boxing-gloves, boy, boyhood, boyish, brace,
braced up, bracing, bracelets, brackish, brag
brag, braggart,
bragging, braggingly, braid, brain, brainless, brake, bramble,
bran, branch, branching, brand, brandish, brandishing, brasier,
brass, bravado
brave, bravely,
bravery, bravo, brawl, brawler, brawn, brawny, bray, braze,
brazen, brazen-armed, brazen-backed, brazen-beaked,
brazen-faced, brazen-footed, brazen-hoofed, brazenly,
brazen-mouthed, brazenness, brazier, breach, bread
breadth, break
break, breaker,
breakfast, breaking up, breakwater, breast, breast-band,
breast-plate, breast-work, breath, breathe, breathing
breathing space, breathless, bred, breeches, breed, breeder,
breeding, breeding horses, breeze, brevity, brew, bribable,
bribe, bribery, brick, bricklayer, brickmaker, bridal
bride, bridegroom,
bridesmaid, bridge, bridle, bridle up, brief, briefly,
briefness, brier, brig, brigade, brigadier, brigand, brigandage,
bright, brighten, brightly, brightness, brilliancy, brilliant,
brilliantly, brim
brimstone, brindled, brine, bring
bringer, bringing,
bringing u, brink, briny, brisk, briskly, briskness, bristle,
bristling, bristly, brittle, broach, broad, broad-backed,
broad-cast, broaden, broadly, broad-minded, broadmindedness,
broadness, brocaded, brogue, broider, broil, broiled, broken,
broken-hearted, brokenness, bronze
bronzed, brooch,
brood, brooding, brook, broom, broth, brothel, brothel keeper,
brothel keeping, brother, brotherhood, brother-in-law,
brotherless, brotherly, brow, brow-beat, brown, browse,
browsing, bruise, bruit
brunt, brush,
brushwood, brusque, brusquely, brusqueness, brutal, brutalise,
brutality, brutally, brute, brutish, bubble, bubbling,
buccaneer, buccaneering, buck, bucket, buckle, buckler, bucolic,
bud, budge, buff, buffet
buffononery, bug, bugbear, bugle, bugler, build, builder,
building, bulge, bulk, bulkiness, bulky, bull, bullet, bullion,
bull-necked, bullock, bully, bullying, bulwark
bump, bumper,
bumpkin, bunch, bundle, bung, bungle, buoy, buoyancy, buoyant,
buoyantly, burden, burdensome, burgeon, burgess, burglar,
burglarious, burglary, burial
burlesque, burly, burn, burning, burning glass, burnish, burnt,
burt-offerings, burr, burrow, burst
burst, bury, bush,
bushel, bushy, busily, business, business-like, buskin, bust,
bustle, bustling, busy
busybody, but,
butcher, butchery, butler, butt, buttocks, buttress, buxom, buy,
buyer, buying, buzz, buzzard, by, by-and-bye, by-gone, by-way,
cabal, cabbage, cabin,
cabinet, cabinet-maker, cable, cackle, cadaverous, cadence,
cage, cairn, caitiff, cajole, cajolery, cake, caked, calamitous,
calamitously, calamity, calcine, calculate, calculation,
calculator, caldron, calf, calk, call
call, calling,
callous, callously, callousness, callow, calm, calmly
calumniate, calumniator, calumnious, calumniously, calumny,
cambric, camel, camp, campaign, camp fires, camp followers,
camp-stool, can, canal, cancel, cancelling, cancer, candid,
candidate, candidly, candle, candour, cane, canine, canister,
cannibal, canoe,
canon, canopy, cant, cantankerous, cantankerously,
cantankerousness, canter, canting, canton, cantonment, canvas,
canvass, canvassing, cap, capability, capable, capably,
capacious, capacity, caparison, caparisoned, cape, caper, capers
capitalist, capitally, capitol, capitulate, capitulation, capon,
caprice, capricious, capriciousness, capsize, capstan, captain,
captaincy, captious, captiously, captivate, captivating, captive
captive, captivity,
capture, car, caravan, caravansary, carbon, carcass, card,
carder, cardinal, care
career, careful,
carefully, carefulness, careless, carelessly, carelessness,
caress, caressing, careworn, cargo, caricature, carious,
carnage, carnal, carnival, carnivorous, carol, carousal,
carouse, carouser, carp, carpenter, carpentry, carper, carpet
carpingly, carriage, carriage-road, carrion, carry, carrying,
cart, carte-blanche, cart-load
cartoon, carve,
carved, carver, carving, cascade, case, casement, cash, chasier,
casing, cask, casket, casque, cast
castanets, caste, castellated, castigate, castigation,
casting-vote, castle, castrate, castration, casual, casually,
casualty, casuist, casuistical, casuistically
casuistry, cat,
catalogue, cataract, catarrh, catastrophe, catch, catching,
catechise, categorical, categorically, category, cater,
cathedral, cattle, cattle-driver, cauldron, caulk
cause, causeless,
causelessly, causelessness, causeway, caustic, caustically,
cauterise, cautery, caution, cautious, cautiously, cautiousness,
cavalcade, cavalier, cavalierly, cavalry, cave, cavern
cavernous, cavil,
caviller, cavilling, cavity, caw, cease, ceaseless, ceaselessly,
cedar, cede, ceiling, celebrate, celebrated, celebration,
celebrator, celebrity, celerity, celestial, celibate, cell
cellar, cement,
cemetery, cenotaph, censer, censor, censorious, censoriousness,
censorship, censurable, censure, censurer, census, central,
centralise, centre, centurion, century, ceramic, ceramics,
cereals, ceremonial, ceremonious, ceremoniously,
ceremoniousness, ceremony, certain
certainty, certify, certitude, cerulean, cessation, cession,
chafe, chaff, chaffer, chagrin, chain, chair, chairman
chaise, chalice,
chalk, challenge, chamber, chamberlain, champ, champaign,
champion, championing, championship, chance, chancel,
chandelier, change
changeability, changeable, changeableness, changeful,
changeless, changeling, channel, chant, chaos, chaotic,
chaotically, chapel, chaplain, chaplet, chapter
char, character,
characterise, characteristic, characteristically, charcoal,
charger, charily,
chariness, chariot, charioteer, chariot-rail, charitable,
charitably, charity, charlatan, charm, charmer, charming,
charmingly, chart, charter, chary, chase
chase, chased, chasm,
chaste, chastely, chasten, chastener, chastening, chastise,
chastisement, chastiser, chastity, chat, chattels, chatter,
chatter-box, chatterer, chattering, cheap, cheapen, cheaply,
cheapness, cheat
cheat, cheating,
check, checker, checkered, checkmate, cheek, cheep, cheer,
cheerful, cheerfully
cheering, cheerless, cheese, cheesemonger, cheeseparing,
cheese-strainer, chemist, chemistry, cheque, chequer, chequered,
cherish, cherished, chest, chew, chicanery, chick, chicken,
chide, chief, chiefly, chieftain, chieftainship, chilblain,
childbirth, childhood, childish, childishly, childishness,
childless, childlessness, child's play, chill, chilliness,
chilly, chime, chimera, chimerical, chimney, chin, chine, chink,
chip, chirp, chisel, chivalrous
chivalry, choice, choir, choke, choking, choler, choleric,
choose, chop, chopper, choral, chord, choric, chorus, chosen,
chough, christening, chronic, chronicle, chronicler
chronometer, chubby, chuckle, church, churl, churlish,
churlishly, churlishness, cicatrix, cincture, cinder, cinerary,
cipher, ciphering, circle, circuit, circuitous, circuitously,
circular, circular circulate, circulation, circumsambient,
circumference, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumnavigation,
circumspection, circumspectly, circumstance, circumstantial,
circumstantially, circumvallate, circumvallation, circumvent,
cistern, citadel, citation, cite, citizen, citizenship, city,
civic, civil
civilisation, civilise, civilised, civility, civilly, claim,
clamber, clammy, clamorous, clamour, clamp, clan, clandestine,
clank, clanship, clansman, clap, clap-trap, clarion, clash,
clashing, clasp, class, classification
classify, clatter,
clause, claw, clay, clayey, claymore, clean, cleanliness,
cleanly, cleanse, cleanser, cleansing, clear,
clear-headedness, clearly, clearness, cleave, cleaver, cleft,
clemency, clement, clerk, clever, cleverly, cleverness, clew,
client, cliff, climate, climax, climb,
clinch, cling, clip,
clique, cloak, clock, clod, clod-hopper, clog, cloister, close
close by,
closed, closely, closeness, close-shaven, closet, close
together, close woven, closing, clot, cloth, clothe, clothes,
clothing, clotted, cloud, clouded, cloudless, cloudy
cloven, clown,
clownish, clownishly, clownishness, cloy, club, clue, clump,
climsily, clumsiness, clumsy, cluster, clustering, clutch,
clutches, coach, coachman, coadjutor coagulate, coal, caolesce,
coalition, coarse, coarsely
coast, coast along, coat, coating, coax, coaxing, cob, cobble,
cobbler, cobbler's shop, cobbling, cobweb, cock, cockchafer,
cockle, cockroach, coddle, coddling, code, codicil, codify,
coequal, coerce, coercion, coercive, coeval, coffer, coffin
cogency, cogent, cogently, cogitate, cogitation, cognate,
cognisance, cohabit (with), cohabitation, cohere, coherence,
coherent, coherently, cohesion, cohort, coil, coiled, coin,
coinage, coincide, coincidence, coincident with, coined, cold,
coldly, coldness, collaborate, collaboration, collaborator,
collapse, collar,
collar-bone, collate, collateral descent, colleague, collect,
collected, collection, collective, collectively, collector,
college, collide, collision, colloquial, colloquy, collude with,
collusion, colonisation, colonise, coloniser, colonist,
colonnade, colony, colossal, colour
colour, colourable,
colouring, colourless, colt, column, coma, comatose, comb,
combat, combatant, combative, combativeness, combination,
combine, combing, combustible, combustion, come
comedy, comeliness, comely, comer, comet, comfort
comfortably, comforting, comfortless, comic, comical,
comicality, comically, coming, comity, command, commander
commemorate, commemoration, commence, commencement, commend,
commendable, commendably, commendation, commender, commensurate,
comment, commentary, commentator, commerce, commercial,
commercial centre, commingle
commiseration, commissariat, commission, commissioner, commit,
committee, commix, commodious, commodiously, commodiousness,
commodity, commodore, common, commonality, commoner, commonly
commonplace, commons, common-sense, commonwealth, commotion,
commune with, communicable, communicate, communication,
communicativeness, communion, community, commutation, commute,
compact, compactness, companion
company, comparable, comparative, comparatively, compare,
comparison, compass, compassion, compassionate, compassionately,
compatibility, compatible, compatriot compeer, compel
compendiously, compendiousness, compensate, compensation,
compete, competence, competent, competently, competition,
competitor, compilation, compile, compiler, complacency,
complacent, complacently complain, complaining, complaint
complement, complete, completely completion, complex,
complexion, complexity, compliance, compliant, complicate,
complicated, complication, compliment, complimentary, comply,
comport oneself, compose
composedly, composer, composite, composition, composure,
compound, comprehend, comprehensive, comprehension,
comprehensive, comprehensively compress, compressed,
compression, comprise, compromise
compromising, comptroller, compulsion, compulsorily, compulsory,
compunction, computation, compute, comrade, con over, concave,
concavity, conceal, concealed, concealment, concede, conceit,
conceited, conceitedly, conceivable, conceivably, conceive,
concept, conception, concern, concerning, concert, concerted,
concession, conciliate, conciliation, conciliatory, concise,
concisely, conciseness, conclave, conclude
conclusion, conclusive, conclusively, conclusiveness, concoct,
concocter, concoction, concomitant, concord, concordant,
concordantly, concourse, concrete, concubine,
concupiscence, concupiscent, concur, concurrence, concurrently,
concussion, condemn, condemnation
condensed, condescend, condescending, condescendingly,
condescension, condign, condiment, condition, conditionally,
condole, condolence, conduce to, conducive to, conduct,
conducting, conductor, conductress, conduit, confectionery,
confederacy, confederate
confer, conference, confess, confessedly, confession, confetti,
confidant, confide, confidence, confident, confidential,
confidentially, confidently, confidently, confiding,
configuration, confine, confinement, confines
confirmation, confiscate, confiscation, conflagration, conflict,
conflicting, conform, conformable, conformation, conformity,
confound, confounded, confront, confronting, confuse, confused,
confusedly, confusing, confusion
confute, congeal, congealed, congenial, congenially, congenital,
congratulate, congratulation, congregate, congregation,
congress, congruity, congruous, conjectural, conjecturally,
conjecture, conjecturer, conjoin, conjointly, conjugal,
conjunction, conjuncture, conjure, conjurer
connect, connected, connection, connivance, connive, connote,
connubial, conquer, conquerable, conquered, conquering,
conqueror, conquest, consanguineous, consanguinity, conscience
conscientiousness, conscious, consciously, consciousness,
consecrate, consecrated, consecration, consecutive,
consecutively, consent, consequence
consequential, consequentially, consequently, conserve,
consider, considerable, considerably, considerate,
considerately, considerateness, consideration, consign, consist,
consistency, consistent, consistently
console, consolidate, consolidation, consoling, consonant with,
consonants, consort, consort with, conspicuous, conspicuously,
conspicuousness, conspiracy, conspirator, conspire, constancy,
constant, constantly, constellation, consternation, constitute
constitutional, constitutionally, constrain, constraint,
construct, construction, construe, consul, consular, consulship,
consult, consultation, consume
consummate, consummately, consummating, consummation,
consumption, contact, contagion, contagious, contain,
contaminate, contaminated, contamination, contaminator, contemn,
contemner, contemplate, contemplation
contemporary, contempt, contemptible, contemptibly,
contemptuous, contemptuously, contemptuousness, contend,
content, contented, contentedly, contentedness, contention
contentiously, contentiousness, contentment, conterminous,
contest, contested, contiguity, contiguous, contiguously,
continence, continent, continental, continental, continently,
contingency, contingent, contingently, continual, continually,
continuance, continuation, continue
continuously, contort, contorted, contour, contract, contracted,
contraction, contractor, contradict, contradiction,
contradictory, contrariety, contrarily, contrariness,
contrariwise, contrary, contrast, contravene
contribute, contribution, contributor, contributory, contrite,
contrition, contrivance, contrive, contriver, contriving,
control, controller, controversial, controversy, controvert
contumaciously, contumaciousness, contumacy, contumelious,
contumeliously, contumely conundrum, convalescence,
convalescent, convene, convenience, convenient, conveniently,
convention, conventional, conventionality, conventionally,
converge, convergence, conversant, conversation, converse
conversion, convert, convertible, convex, convexity, convey,
conveyance, convict, conviction, convince, convincing,
convincingly, convincingness, convivial, conviviality,
convivially, convocation, convoke, convoy, convoying, convulse,
convulsion, convulsive, cook
cooked, cookery,
cooking, cooking-pot, cool, coolly, coolness, coop, co-operate,
co-operation, co-operator, co-ordinate, co-ordinately, coot,
cope with, coping-stone, copious, copiously copiousness, copper,
coppersmith, coppice, copse, copy
correction, corrective, correctly, correctness, corrector,
correspond, correspondence, correspondent, corresponding,
correspondingly, corridor, corroborate, corroboration, corrode,
corrupt, corrupted, corrupter, corruptibility, corruptible,
corsair, corse,
corselet, cortege, coruscate, coruscation, cost, costliness,
costly, costume, cot, coterie, co-trustee, cottage, cotton,
couch, cough, council, council-hall, councillor, counsel
count, countenance, counter, counteract, counterbalance,
countercharge, counterclaim, counterfeit, countermand,
coutner-maneuvring, counterpane
counterpoise, countersign, counting, countless, countrified,
country, countryman, country-side, countrywoman, county, couple,
couplet, courage, courageous, courageously, courageousness,
courier, course
courser, court,
courteous, courteously, courtesan, courtesy, courtier, courting,
courtliness, courtly, courtship, courtyard, cousin, cousinship
cove, covenant, cover,
covered, covering, coverlet, covert, covertly, covet, covetous,
covetously covetousness, cow
coward, cowardice,
cowardly, cower, cowering, cowherd, coxcomb, coy, cozen, crab,
crabbed, crabbedly, crabbness, crack, cracked, crackle, cradle,
craft, craftily, craftiness, craftsman
crafty, crag,
craggy, cram, crammed, cramp, crane, crane forward, cranny,
crash, crate, crave, craven, craving, crawl, craze, crazed,
craziness, crazy, creak, cream
crease, create,
creation, creative, creator, creature, credence, credentials,
credibility, credible, credit, creditable, creditably, creditor,
credulity, credulous, credulously, creed, creek, creep
cresset, crest, crested, crevice, crew, crib, crier, crime,
criminal, ciminality,l criminally, criminate, crimson, cringe,
cringer, cringing, cringingly, cripple, crippled, crisis, crisp,
critic, critical,
critically, criticise, criticism, croak, crockery, crocodile,
crocus, crofter, crook, crooked, crookedly, crop, cross
crossing, crossly, crossness, cross-question, crosswise, crouch,
crow, crow-bar, crowd, crowded, crowding, crown
crowned, crowning,
crucial, crucify, crude, cruel, cruelly, cruelty, cruet, cruise,
crumb, crumble, crumbling, crunch, crusade, cruse, crush,
crushing, crust, crutch, cry
cry, crying, crypt,
crystal, crystalise, cub, cube, cubical, cubit, cuckoo,
cucumber, cud, cudgel, cue, cuff, cuirass, culinary, cull,
culminate, culminating, culmination, culpabilitiy, culpable,
culprit, cultivate
cultivation, cultivator, culture, cultured, cumber, cumbersome,
cumbrance, cumbrous, cumbrously, cunning, cunningly, cup,
cup-bearer, cupboard, cupidity, cur, curable, curator
curb, curdle,
curdled, curds, cure, cureless, curer, curiosity, curious,
curiously, curl, curling, curly, curmudgeon, currency, current,
currently, curricle
curry, curse,
cursed, cursorily, cursory, curt, curtail, curtly, curtness,
curule, curve, curved, curvet, curving, cushat, cushion,
custodian, custody
customarily, customary, customer, customs, cut, cutlass, cutler,
cut-purse, cut-throat, cutting
cuttingly, cuttle-fish, cycle, cymbal, cynosure, cypress,
dabble, dabbler, dactyl, dagger, daily, daintily, daintiness,
dainty, dais, dale, dalliance, dallier, dally, dam, damage,
damaging, damask
damask, dame, damn,
damnable, damning, damp, dampness, damsel, dance, dancer,
dancing, dancing-girl, dancing-master, dandified, dandle, dandy,
danger, dangerous, dangerously, dangle, dangling, dank,
dankness, dapple
dappled, dare,
daring, daringly, dark, darken, dark-eyed, darkly, darkness,
darling, darn, dart
dart, dash, dashing,
dastard, dastardly, data, date, daub, daughter, daunt,
dauntless, dauntlessly, dauntlessness, daw
dawdle, dawdler,
dawdling, dawn, day, day-break, day-dream, daylight, daze,
dazzle, dazzling, dead
deaden, deadlock,
deadly, deaf, deafen, deafness, deal, dealer, dealings, dear,
dearly, dearness, dearth, death
deathless, debar,
debark, debase, debased, debatable, debate, debater, debauch,
debachcee, debauchery, debility, debouch debris, debt, debtor,
decadent, decamp, decapitate, decay
deceased, deceit, deceitful, deceitfully, deceitfulness,
deceive, deceiver, december, decemvir, decemvirate, decency,
decennial, decent, decently, deception, deceptive,
deceptiveness, decide, decided
decimate, decipher, decision, decisive, decisively, deck,
decked, declaim, declamation, declamatory, declaration, declare,
declared, decline
decline, declivity,
decompose, decomposed, decorate, decoration, decorous,
decorously, decorousness, decorum, decoy, decrease, decree,
decrepit, decrepitude, decry, dedicate, dedication, dedicatory
offering, deduce, deduct, deduction, deductive,
deductively, deed
deem, deep, deepen,
deeply, deepness, deer, deface, defacement, defalcate,
defalcation, defamation, defamatory, defame, default, defaulter,
defeat, defect,
defection, defective, defectively, defence, defenceless,
defencelessness, defend, defendant, defender, defensible,
defer, deference,
deferential, defiance, defiant, defiantly, deficiency,
deficient, deficiently, deficit, defile, defiled, defilement,
defiler, define, definite, definitely, definition, deflower,
deform, deformed
defraud, defrauder, defray, deft, deftly, deftness, defunct,
defy, degenerate, degeneration, degradation, degrade, degraded,
degrading, degree, deify, deign, deity
dejectedly, dejection, delay, delectable, delectation, delegate,
delegation, delete, deleterious, deliberate, deliberately,
deliberation, deliberative, delicacy, delicate
delicious, delight, delighted, delightful, delightfully,
delineate, delineation, delinquency, delinquent, delirious,
deliriously, delirium, deliver, deliverance, deliverer,
delivering, delivery
dell, delude,
deluge, delusion, delusive, delve, demagogic, demagogue, demand,
demarcation, demean, demeanour, demented, demesne, demigod,
demise, democracy, democratic democratically, demolish,
demon, demoniac,
demonstrate, demonstration, demonstrative, demonstratively,
demonstrativeness, demoralisation, demoralise, demoralising,
demur, demure, demurely, demureness, demurrer, den, denial,
denizen, denominate, denote, denounce, dense, densely denseness
density, dent,
denude, denunciation, deny, depart, department, departure,
depend, dependant, dependence
depict, deplete, deplorable, deplorably deplore, deploy,
depopulate, depopulated, depopulation, deport, deportation,
deportment, depose, deposit, deposition, depositor, depository,
deprave, depraved
deprecate, deprecating, deprecatingly, deprecation, deprecatory,
depreciate, depreciating, depredation, depredator depress,
depressed, depression, deprivation, deprive, depriver, depth,
deputation, depute, deputy, derange
derangement, derelict, dereliction, deride, derider, derision,
derisive, derivation, derive, derived, derogate from,
derogatory, descant, descend, descendant, descent, describe,
description, descry, desecrate
desecration, desert, deserted, deserter, desertion, deserve,
deserved, deservedly, deserving, design, designate, designation,
designedly, designedly, desirable, desire
desire, desired,
desirer, desirous, desist, desk, desolate, desolate, desolation,
despair, despairing, despairingly, despatch
desperate, desperately, desperation, despicable, despicably,
despise, despised, despiser, despite, despiteful, despitefully,
despoil, despoiler, despond, despondency, despondent,
despondently, despot, despotic, despotically, despotism,
dessert, destination, destine, destined
destitute, destitution, destroy, destroying, destructible,
destruction, destructive, desultorily, desultory, detach,
detached, detachment, detail
detain, detect,
detection, detention, deter, deteriorate, deterioration,
determination, determine, determined, deterrent, deterring,
detest, detestable, detestably, detestation, dethrone,
dethronement, detour, detract from
detractor, detriment, detrimental, detrimentally, deus ex
machina, devastate, devastation, devastator, develop,
development, deviate, deviation, device, devil, devilish,
devious, deviously, devise, deviser, devoid of, devolve on
devote, devoted,
devotedly, devotee, devotion, devotional, devour, devoured,
devouring, devout, devoutly, dew, dewy, dexterity, dexterous,
dexterously, diadem, diagonal, diagram
dial, dialect,
dialectic, dialectical, dialogue, diameter, diametically,
diaphanous, diaphragm, diarrhoea, diatribe, dice, dice-player,
dicing, dictate, dictates, dictation, dictator, dictatorial,
dictatorship, diction, die
diet, differ,
difference, different, differentiate, differently, difficult,
difficulty, diffidence, diffident, diffidently, diffuse,
diffusion, diffusive, diffusiveness, dig
digest, digestible,
digestion, digger, diggings, dight, dignified, dignify, dignity,
digress, digression, dike, dilapidated, dilate, dilatorily,
dilatoriness, dilatory, dilemma, dilettante, diligence,
diligent, diligently, dilute, dim
dim, dimension,
diminish, diminution, diminutive, diminutiveness, dimly,
dimness, dimple, din, dine, dinginess, dingle, dingy,
dining-hall, dinner, dinnerless, dint, dip, diplomacy
diplomatically, diplomatist, dire, direful, direfully,
direfulness, direct, direction, directly, directness, director,
dirge, dirgelike, dirk
dirt, dirtiness,
dirty, disable, disabled, disablement, disabuse, disadvantage,
disadvantageously, disaffected, disaffection, disagree,
disagreeable, disagreeableness, disagreeably, disagreement,
disallow, disappear, disappeared
disappoint, disappointment, disapprobation, disapproval,
disapprove, disarm, disarrange, disarranged, disarrangement,
disarray, disaster, disastrous, disastrously, disavow,
disavowal, disband, disbanding, disbelief, disbelieve,
disburden, disburse, disbursement, disc
discern, discerning, discernment, discernible, discharge,
discharged, disciple, discipline, disciplined, disclaim,
discolour, discomfited, discomfiture, discomfort,
discomfortable, disconcert, disconnect, disconnectedly,
disconsolate, disconsolately, discontent, discontented,
discontentedly, discontentment, discontinuance, discontinue,
discord, discordance, discordant, discordantly, discount,
discountenance, discourage
discouragement, discourse, discourteous, discourteously,
discourtesy, discover, discoverable, discoverer, discovery,
discredit, discreditable, discreditably, discredited, discreet,
discreetly, discrepancy, discrepant, discretion, discriminate
discursively, discuss, discussion, disdain, disdainful,
disdainfully, disdainfulness, disease, diseased, disembark,
disembarkation, disembodied, disenchant, disenchantment,
disencumber, disengage
disentanglement, disfavour, disfigure, disfigurement,
disfranchise, disfranchised, disfranchisement, disfurnish,
disgorge, disgrace, disgraced, disgraceful, disgracefully,
disguise, disgust
dish, dishearten, disheartened, dishevelled, dishonest,
dishonestly, dishonesty, dishonour, dishonourable,
dishonourably, dishonoured, dishonourer, disinclination,
disincline, disinfect, disinfection, disingenuous,
disingenuously, disingenuousness, disinherit, disintegrate,
disintegration, disinter, disinterested, disinterestedly,
disjoin, disjointedly, disk, dislike
dislocate, dislocated, dislocation, dislodge, disloyal,
disloyally, disloyalty, dismal, dismally, dismantle, dismay,
dismember, dismiss, dismount, disobedience, disobedient,
disobey, disoblige disobliging, disorder
displease, displeasing, displeasure, disport oneself,
disposable, disposal, dispose, disposed, disposition,
dispossess, dispossession, dispraise, disproof
disproportionately, disprove, disputable, disputant,
disputation, disputatious, dispute, disputed, disqualified,
disqualify, disquiet, disquieting, disquisition, disregard,
disregarded, disreputable
disrepute, disrespect, disrespectful, disrespectfully, disrobe,
disruption, dissatisfaction, dissatisfied, dissatisfy, dissect,
dissection, dissemble, dissembling, dissemblingly, disseminate,
dissension, dissent, dissertation, disservice, dissever,
disseverance, dissimilar, dissimilarity, dissimilarly,
dissimulate, dissimulation, dissipate
dissipation, dissociate, dissoluble, dissolute, dissolutely,
dissoluteness, dissolution, dissolve, dissonance, dissonant,
dissonantly, dissuade, dissuasion, distaff, distance, distant
distaste, distasteful, distemper, distempered, distend,
distention, distill, distillation, distinct, distinction,
distinctive, distinctly, distinctness, distinguish,
distinguishable, distinguished
distorted, distract, distracted, distractedly, distraction,
distrain, distraught, distress, distressing, distressingly,
distribute, distribution, distributor, district, distrust,
distrustful, distrustfully, disturb
disturber, disunion, disunite, disuse, ditch, dithyramb,
dithyrambic, ditty, dive, diver, diverge, divergence, divergent,
divers, diverse, diversely, diversified, diversify, diversion,
diversity, divert, diverted, diverting, divertingly, divest
divide, dividing,
divination, divine, divinely, diviner, diving, divinity,
divisible, division, divorce
dizziness, dizzy, do, docile, docility, dock, docked, doctor,
doctoring, doctrine
documentary, dodge, doe, doer, doff, dog, dogged, doggedly,
doggedness, dogma, dogmatic, dogmatically, dogmatise, dogmatism,
dog-star, doings, dole, doleful, dolefully, dolefulness, doll,
dolorous, dolour, dolphin, dolt, domain, domestic
domesticate, domesticated, domestication, domicile, dominance,
dominant, dominate, domination, domineer over, domineering,
domineeringly, dominion, don, donation, donative, donjon,
donkey, donor, doom, door, door-keeper, door-post, dormant,
dose, dot
dotage, dotard, dote,
double, double up, double-dealing, double-edged, double-faced,
doublet, doubly, doubt, doubtful, doubtfully, doubtless,
doubtfully, doughty, douse, dove
dove-cot, dowdy,
dower, dowerless, down, downcast, downfall, downright, downs,
down-trodden, downward, downy, dowry, doze, dozen, drab, draft,
draggled, dragon,
drain, drama, dramatic, dramatically, dramatist, drape, drastic,
draught, draughts, draw
drawers, drawing, drawn, dray, dread, dreadful, dreadfully,
dreadfulness, dream
dreariness, dreary, dregs, drench, drenched, dress, dressed,
dressing, dressing-room, drift, drill, drily, drink
drinking, drinking bout, drink offering, drip, dripping, drive,
drivel, driveller, driver, driving, drizzle, droll, drolly,
drone, drone-like,
droop, drooping, drop, dross, dropsical, dropsy, drought, drove,
drover, drown, drowning, drowsiness, drub, drudge, drudgery
drug, drugging,
druggist, drum, drunk, drunkard, drunken, drunkenness, dry,
dryness, dubious, dubiously, dubiousness, duck, dudgeon, due,
duellist, dulcet,
dulcimer, dull, dullard, dully, dulness, duly, dumb, dumbly,
dumbness, dumfound, dummy, dumpy, dun, dunce, dune, dung,
dungeon, dupe, duplicate, duplicity, durability, durable
durance, duration, during, dusk, dusky
dust, dusty, dutiful,
dutifully, dutifulness, duty, dwarf, dwarfish, dwell, dweller,
dwelling, dwelling near, dwelling with, dwindle, dye, dyed
dyeing, dyer, dying,
dyke, dynasty, dysentery, each, eager, eagerly, eagerness,
eagle, ear, early,
earn, earnest,
earnestly, earnestness, earnings, earring, earshot, earth,
earthborn, earthen, earthenware, earthly, earthquake, earthwork,
earthy, ease, easily, easiness, east
eastwards, east wind, easy, easy-tempered, eat, eatable,
eatables, eating, eaves, eavesdropper, ebb, ebbing, ebony,
ebullient, ebullition, eccentric, eccentrically, eccentricity,
echo, echoing
eclipse, economic,
economical, economically, economise, economist, economy,
ecstasy, ecstatic, ecstatically, eddy, edge, edged, edgewise,
edible, edict, edification, edifice, edify
edit, educate,
educated, education, educator, eel, efface, effaceable, effect,
effective, effectively, effects, effectual, effectually,
effeminacy, effeminate, effeminately, effervesce, effervescence
effete, efficacious,
efficaciously, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently,
effigy, effluence, effort, effrontery, effulgence, effulgent,
effusion, effusive, effusively, egg, egg-shell, egotistical,
egregious, egregiously, egress, eight, eighth, eightfold, eight
hundred, eighty, either, ejaculate, ejaculation, eject,
ejectment, eke
eke, elaborate,
elaborately, elaboration, elapse, elastic, elasticity, elate,
elation, elbow, elbow one's way, eld, elder, elderly, elders,
eldest, elect, election, elective, elegance, elegant, elegantly,
elegiac, elegy
element, elemental,
elementary, elephant, elevate, elevated, elevation, eleven,
eleventh, elf, elicit, eligible, eliminate, ell, elm, elocution,
elongate, elongation, elope, elopement, eloquence, eloquent,
elsewhither, ellucidate, elucidation, elude, emaciated,
emaciation, emanate, emanation, emancipate, emancipation,
emasculate, emasculation, embalm, embank, embankment, embark,
embarkation, embarrass
embarrassingly, embarrassment, embassy, embattled, embellish,
embellishment, embers, embezzle, embezzlement, embezzler,
embitter, embittered, emblazon, emblazoner, emblem,
emblematically, embodiment, embody, embolden, embossed,
embowered, embrace
embroider, embroidered, embroiderer, embroidery, embroil,
embryo, emendation, emerald, emerge, emergency, emigrant,
emigrate, emigration, eminence, eminent, eminently, emissary,
emit, emolument
emotional, emperor, emphasis, emphasise, emphatic, emphatically,
empire, empirically, empiricism, employ, employment, emporium,
empower, empress, emprise, emptiness, empty, empty-handed,
empty-headed, empyreal, empyrean, emulate
emulator, emulous, emulously, enable, enact, enactment,
enamoured of, encamp, encampment, enchain, enchant, enchanted,
enchanter, enchanting, enchantingly, enchantment, enchantress,
enclose, enclosure, encomium, encompass, encore, encounter,
encourage, encouragement, encouraging, encroach, encroachment,
end, endanger, endear oneself to, endearing, endearments,
ending, endless,
endlessly, endorse, endorsement, endow, endowed with, endowment,
endue, endurable, endurably, endurance, endure, enduring, enemy,
energetic, energetically, energy, enervate, enfeeble, enfeebled,
enfeeblement, enfold, enfolding
enforce, enforced, enfranchise, enfranchised, enfranchisement,
engage, engaged, engagement, engaging, engender, engine,
engineer, engineering, engraft, engrave, engross
engulf, enhance,
enhancement, enigma, enigmatical, enigmatically, enjoin, enjoy,
enjoyable, enjoyably, enjoyment, enlarge, enlargement,
enlighten, enlightened, enlightenment, enlist, enlistment,
enliven, enmity
ennoble, ennui,
enormity, enormous, enormously, enough, enquire, enrage,
enratpure, enratpured, enrich, enroll, enrolment, ensample,
ensconce oneself, enshrine, ensign, enslave, enslavement,
ensnare, ensue, entail, entangle
enter, enterprise, enterprising, entertain, entertainer,
entertaining, entertainingly, entertainment, enthrall,
enthusiasm, enthusiastic, enthusiastically, entice, enticement,
enticing, enticingly, entire
entirely, entitle,
entomb, entombed, entombment, entrails, entrance,
entrance-gates, entrancement, entrap, entreat, entreaty,
entrench, entrenchment, entrust, entry
enumerate, enumeration, enunciate, enunciation, ensure, envelop,
envelopment, envenom, envenomed, enviable, envied, envious,
enviously, environment, environs, envoy, envy ephemeral, ephor,
epic poem, epicure, epidemic, episode, epistle, epitaph,
epitome, epitomise
epoch-making, equability, equal, equably, equal, equalise,
equality, equally, equanimity, equerry, equestrian, equilateral,
equilibrium, equine, equip, equipment, equipoise, equipoised,
equitable, equitably
equivalent to, equivocal, equivocally, equivocate, equivocation,
era, eradicate, erase, ere, erebus, erect, erection, erectly,
erectness, erotic, err, errand, errant, erratic, erratically,
erroneous, erroneously, error, erst, erudite, eruditely
eruption, escapade, escape, eschew, escort, escorting,
escutcheon, especial, especially, espionage, espousal, espouse,
espy, esquire
essay, essence,
essential, essentially, establish, establishment, estate,
esteem, esteemed, estimable, estimably, estimate
estrange, estrangement, estuary, eternal, eternally, eternity,
etesian winds, ether, ethereal, ethical, ethics, etiquette,
eulogise, eulogy, eunuch, euphemism, euphony, evacuate,
evacuation, evade, evanescent, evaporate, evasion, evasive,
evasively, eve, even
even, evening,
evening-star, evenly, evenness, event, eventful, eventuality,
eventually, ever, ever-memorable, evermore, ever since, every,
everybody, every one, everything, everywhere, evict, eviction,
evidently, evil, evil-doer, evilly, evilly-disposed,
evil-minded, evil-speaking, evince, evoke, evolve, ewe, ewer,
exacerbate, exact, exacter, exacting
exactitude, exactly, exactness, exaggerate, exaggerated,
exaggeration, exalt, exaltation, exalted, examination, examine,
examiner, example, exasperate, exasperation, excavate
excavation, exceed, exceeding, exceedingly, excel, excellence,
excellent, excellently, except, excepted, exception,
exceptional, exceptionally, excess, excessive, excessively,
exchequer, excise, excise-officer, excitability, excitable,
excite, excited, excitement, exciting, exclaim, exclamation,
exclude, exclusion, exclusive, exclusively, excogitate,
excommunicate, excrement, excrescence, excruciating, exculpate
excursion, excusable, excuse, execrable, execrably, execrate,
execrated, execration, execute, execution, executioner,
executive, executor, exemplary, exemplify, exempt
exercise, exert, exertion, exhalation, exhale, exhaust,
exhaustion, exhaustive, exhaustively, exhautless, exhibit,
exhibition, exhilarate, exhilarating, exhilaration
exhortation, exhume, exigence, exigent, exile, exiled, exist,
existence, exit, exonerate, exorbitance, exorbitant,
exorbitantly, exorcise, exordium, exotic, expand, expanse,
expansion, expansive, expatiate, expatiation
expatriation, expect, expectancy, expectant, expectation,
expected, expectorate, expediency, expedient, expediently,
expedite, expedition, expeditious, expeditiously, expel,
expelled, expend, expenditure
expensive, expensively, expensiveness, experience, experienced,
experiment, experimentally, expert, expertly, expertness,
expiable, expiate, expiation, expiatory, expiration, expire,
expiry, explain, explanation, explicit, explicitly
explode, exploit,
exploration, explore, explorer, explosion, exponent, export,
exportation, expose, exposed, exposition, expostulate,
expostulation, exposure, expound, expounder, express
expressible, expression, expressly, expulsion, expunge,
expurgate, expurgation, exquisite, exquisitely, extant,
extemporaneously, extempore, extemporise, extend, extension,
extensive, extensively, extent, extenuate, extenuation,
exterior, exterminate, exterminated, extermination
externally, externals, extinct, extinction, extinguish,
extirpate, extirpation, extol, extort, extorted, extortion,
extorionate, extortionately, extortioner, extra, extract,
extraction, extraneous, extraordinarily, extraordinariness,
extraordinary, extravagance
extravagantly, extreme, extremely, extremity, extricate,
exuberance, exuberant, exuberantly, exudation, exude, exult
exultantly, exultation, eye, eye-ball, eye-brow, eye-disease,
eye-holes, eye-lash, eye-lid, eye-sight, eyewitness, eyot, eyry,
fable, fabric, fabricate, fabricated, fabrication, fabricator,
fabulous, face
face, facetious,
facetiously, facetiousness, facile, facilitate, facility,
facing, fact
factious, factiously, factiousness, factor, factory, faculty,
fade, faded, fagot, fail, failing
failure, fain,
faint, faint-hearted, faint-heartedly, faint-heartedness,
faintly, faintness, fair, fair-armed, fairly, fairness,
fair-spoken, fairy, fairylike
faith, faithful,
faithfully, faithfulness, faithless, faithlessly, faithlessness,
falchion, falcon, fall,
fallacious, fallacy, fallen, fallibility, fallible, fallow,
false, falsehood, falsely, falseness, false prophet, false
witness, falsify, falter, faltering, falteringly
fame, familiar,
familiarise, familiarity, familiarly, family, famine, famish,
famished, famous, famously, fan
fanatic, fanatical,
fanatically, fanaticism, fanciful, fancifulness, fancy, fane,
fang, fanged, fantastic, fantastically, far
farcical, fare, farewell, far-fetched, farm, farmer, farming,
farm-land, farm-servant, farm-yard, far-shooting
farther, farthing,
fascinate, fascinating, fascinatingly, fascination, fashion,
fashionable, fashionably, fast, fasten
fastidious, fastidiousness, fasting, fastness, fat, fatal,
fatality, fatally, fate, fated
fatherhood, father-in-law, fatherland, fatherless, fatherly,
fathers, fathom, fatigue, fatiguing, fatling, fatness, fatted,
fatten, fattened, fatuity, fatuous, fatuously, faugh, fault,
faultless, faultlessly, faulty, favour, favourable, favourably
favouritism, fawn, fawn upon, fawning, fawn-skin, fealty, fear,
fearful, fearfully fearfulness, fearless, fearlessly,
fearlessness, feasible, feast, feaster
feasting, feat,
feather, feathered, featherless, feathery, feature, february,
fecund, fecundity, federal, federate, federation, fee, feeble,
feebleness, feebly, feed, feeder, feeding, feel
feelingly, feign, feigned, feint, felicitate, felicitation,
felicitous, felicitously, fell, felloe, fellow
felly, felon,
felonious, feloniously, felony, felt, female, feminine, fen,
fence, fenced, fencing-match, fennel, fenny, ferment
ferocious, ferociously, ferocity, ferret out, ferry. ferry-boat,
ferryman, fertile, fertilise, fertiliser, fertilising,
fertility, ferule, fervency, fervent, fervently, fervid,
fervour, festal, fester, festering, festival, festive, festivity
festoon, fetch,
fetid, fetlocks, fetter, fettered, feud, fever, feverish,
feverishly, few, fibre, fibrous, fickle, fickleness, fiction,
fictitious, fictitiously, fidelity, fidget, fidgety, fie
field, fiend,
fiendish, fiendishly, fiendishness, fierce, fiercely,
fierceness, fiery, fife, fifteen, fifteenth, fifth, fiftieth,
fifty, fifty, fig, fight
fighter, fighting,
figment, figuratively figure, figure-head, filch, file, filial,
filibuster, filings, fill
fill, filled, fillet,
filling up, filly, filter, filth, filthily, filthiness, filthy,
fin, final, finality, finally, finance, finances, financial,
financially, financier, finch, find
finder, finding,
fine, finely, fineness, finery, finesse, finger, finical, finish
finishing, finite, fir, fire, fire-brand, fire-light,
fire-place, fire-ship, fire-side, fire-signal, fire-wood,
firkin, firm, firmament, firmly
firmness, first,
first-fruits, firth, fiscal, fish, fish basket, fish bone,
fisher, fisherman, fish-hook, fishing, fishing-boat,
fishing-line, fishing-net, fishing-rod, fish-market, fishmonger,
fishy, fissure, fist, fit
fit, fitful, fitfully,
fitly, fitness, fitting, fittingly, fittings, five, fix
fixed, fixedly,
fixity, fixture, fizz, flabby, flaccid, flag, fagellate,
flagging, flagitious, flagon, flagrant, flagrantly, flag-ship,
flake, flambeau, flame, flaming, flank
flap, flapping, flare,
flaring, flash, flashiness, flashing, flashy, flask, flat,
flat-fish, flatly, flatness, flatten flatter, flatterer,
flattering, flattery, flatulence, flaunt, flaunting, flavour,
flavouring, flaw
flawlessly, flax, flaxen, flay, flea, flecked, fledged,
fledgling, flee fleece, fleecy, fleet, fleeting, fleetly,
fleetness, flesh, fleshed, fleshiness, fleshless, fleshly,
flexibility, flexible, flicker, flickering, flight
flighty, flimsiness, flimsy, flinch, flinching, fling, flint,
flippancy, flippant, flippantly, flirt, flit, flitting, float,
flock, flock-master,
flog, flogging, flood, floor, florid, flotilla, flotsam,
flounder, flour, flourish, flourishing, flout, flow
flowerless, flowery, flowing, fluctuate, fluctuating,
fluctuation, fluency, fluent, fluid, fluidity, flurry, flush,
flushed, fluster, flute, flute-girl, flutemaker, flute-making,
flutter, flux, fly, flying, foal, foam, foaming, fodder, foe,
foeman, foetus
fog, foggy, fogey,
foible, foil, foiled, foist, fold, folded, foliage, folk,
folk-lore, follow, follower, following, folly, foment, fomenter
fond, fondle, fondly,
fondness, food, fool, fool-hardiness, fool-hardy, foolish,
foolishly, foolishness, foot
foothold, footing, footman, foot-mark, foot-pad, foot-path,
foot-print, foot-race, foot-soldier, foot-sore, foot-step, fop,
foppery, for
forage, foraging,
foray, forbear, forbearance, forbearing, forbearingly,
forbid, forbidden, forbidding, force, forced
forcibly, ford, fordable, fore, forearm, forearmed, forebear,
forebode, foreboding, forecast, fore-court, forefather,
forefront, foreground forehead, foreign, foreigner, forejudge,
foreknow, foreknowledge, foreland, forelock,
forenoon, forensic, forerunner, foresee, foreseen, foreshadow,
foreshow, foresight, foresighted, forest, forestall, forestay,
forester, foretaste, foretell, forethought, forewarn,
forewarning, forfeit, forfeiture, forfend, forgather, forge
forged, forger,
forgery, forget, forgetful, forgetfulness, forgive, forgiveness,
forgiving, forgo, fork, forked, forlorn, forlornly, forlornness,
formal, formality,
formally, formation, former, formerly, formidable,
formidableness, formidably, formless, formula, formulate,
fornication, forsake, forsooth, forswear, forsworn, fort
forth, forth-coming,
forthwith, fortieth, fortification, fortified, fortify,
fortitude, fortress, fortuitously, fortunate, fortunately,
fortune, forty, forward, forwardness, fosse, foster,
foster-child, foster-father, foster-mother, foster-parents, foul
foul, foully,
foulness, found, foundation, founder, foundling, fount,
fountain, four, fourteen, fourth, fowl, fowler
frantic, frantically, fraternal, fraternisation, fraternise,
fraternity, fratricidal, fratricide, fraud, fraudulent,
fraudulently, fraught with, fray, freak, freakish, free
freshly, freshness, fret, fretful, fretfulness, fretted, fretted
work, friable, friction, friend, friendless, friendlessness,
friendliness, friendly friendship, frigate, fright, frighten,
frightened, frightful, frightfully
frigid, frigidity, frigidly, fringe, fringed, frisk, frisky,
frith, fritter away, frivolity, frivolous, frivolously, fro,
frock, frog, frolic, frolicsome, from, front
front, frontal,
frontier, fronting, frontispiece, frontlet, frost, frost-bound,
frosty, froth, frothy, froward, frowardness, frown, frowning,
frozen, frugal, frugality, frugally, fruit
fruitful, fruitfulness, fruition, fruitless, fruitlessly,
fruit-trees, frustrate, frustration, fry, frying-pan, fuddle,
fuel, fugitive, fulfill, fulfilled, fulfilment, fulgent, full
full, fuller,
fuller's earth, fuller's shop, full-grown, fulling, fully, full
moon, fulminate, fulmination, fulness, fulsome, fulsomely,
fulsomeness, fumble, fume, fumigate, fumigation, fun, function,
functionary, fund, fundamental, fundamentally, funeral
fungus, funnel, funnily, funny, fur, furbish, furious,
furiously, furiousness, furl, furlong, furlough, furnace,
furnish, furniture, furrow, furrowed, further
furtive, furtively, fury, fuse, fusible, fusion, fuss,
fussiness, fussy, futile, futility, future, gabble, gabbler,
gable, gad, gadfly, gag, gage, gaiety
gaily, gain,
gainful gainsay, gait, galaxy, gale, gall, gall-bladder,
gallant, gallantly
gallery, galley, galling, gallon, gallop, galloping, gallows,
gamble, gambler, gambling, gambling-den, gambol, game, gamester,
gander, gang, gangrene, gangrened, gangway, gantlet, gaol,
gaoler, gap, gape, gaping, garb, garbage
garble, garbled,
garden, gardener, gardening, gargle, garish, garishness,
garland, garlanded, garlic, garment, garner, garnish, garrison,
garrote, garrulity, garrulous, gash, gasp, gasping, gate,
gate-keeper, gather
gauche, gaucherie, gaud, gaudily, gaudiness, gaudy, gauge,
gaunt, gauntlet, gauntness, gauze, gay, gaze, gazelle, gear,
gem, gender, genealogy, general
generality, generally, generalship, generate, generating,
generation, generative, generosity, generous, generously, genial
genially, genius, gentility, gentle, gentleman, gentleness,
gently, genuine, genuinely genuineness, genus, geography,
geometer, geometrical, geometry, germ, german, germane,
germinate, gesticulate
gesture, get,
ghastliness, ghastly, ghost, ghostly, ghoul, giant, giantess,
gibbet, gibe,
giddiness, giddy, gift, gifted, gig, gigantic, giggle, gild,
gilded, gimlet, gin, gipsy, gird, girded, girdle, girl,
girlhood, girlish, girt
girth, gist, give,
giver, glad, gladden, glade
gladiator, gladly,
gladness, gladsome, glamour, glance, glancing, glare, glaring,
glaringly, glass, glassy, glazed, gleam, gleaming, glean, glebe,
gleefully, glen, glib, glibness, glide, glimmer, glimmering,
glimpse, glisten, glitter, glittering, gloaming, gloat over,
globe, globular, gloom, gloomily, gloomy
glorify, glorious, gloriously, gloriousness, glory, glory in,
gloss over, gloss, glossy, glove, glow, glower, glowing,
glowingly, gloze, glue, glum, glut
glut, glutinous, glutton,
gluttonous, gluttonously, gluttony, gnarled, gnash, gnat, gnaw,
gnawed, gnawing, gnome, go
goad, goal, goat,
goat-herd, goat-like, gobble, go-between, goblet, goblin, god,
goddess, god-fearing, godhead, godless, godlessly, godlessness,
god-like, godliness, godly, godsend, going
gold, golden,
gold-mine, gold-plate, goldsmith, gone, good, good-bye,
good-humouredly, good-looking, goodly, good-nature,
good-natured, good-naturedly, goodness, goods, good-temper,
good-tempered, good-temperedly, good-will goose, gore, gorgeous,
gorgeously, gorgeousness, gorgon, gormand, gormandise, gory,
gossamer, gossip, gossiping, gouge out, gourd, gourmand, gout,
government, governor, governorship, gown, grab, grace, graceful,
gracefully, gracefulness, graceless, gracelessness, gracious,
gradation, grade, gradual, gradually, graft, grain, grammar,
grammarian, granary, grand, grandchild, grand-daughter, grandee,
grandeur, grandfather, grandiloquence, grandiloquent,
grandiloquently, grandly, grandmother, grandsire, grandson,
grant, grape
graphic, graphically, grapnel, grapple, grappling-iron, grasp,
grasping, graspingly, grass, grass-green, grasshopper, grassy,
grate, grateful, gratefully, gratefulness, gratification,
grating, gratingly, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, gratuitously,
gratuity, gratulation, grave, grave-clothes, gravel, gravely,
graven, gravestone, gravitate, gravitation, gravity, gray,
gray-eyed, gray-haired, graze, grazier, grazing, grazing-land
grease, greasy,
great, great-grandfather, great-hearted, great-heartedness,
greatly, great-minded, great-mindedness, greatness,
great-souled, greaves, greed, greedily, greediness, greedy,
green, greengrocer, greens, greet
gregarious, grey, gridiron, grief, grievance, grieve, grievous,
grievously, grievousness, griffin, grill, grim, grime, grimly,
grimy, grin,
grind, grindstone, grip, grisly, grist, gristle, gristly, grit,
grizzled, grizzly, groan, groom, groove, grope, gross, grossly,
grot, grotesque,
grotesquely, grotesqueness, grotto, ground, groundless,
groundlessly, groundlessness, ground-work, group, grove, grovel
grow, growl, grown, growth, grub, grudge, grudging, grudgingly,
gruel, gruff, grumble, grumbling, grunt, gryphon, guarantee,
guard, guarded,
guardedly, guardedness, guardian, guardianship, guarding,
guard-post, guardianship, guarding, guard-post, guard-ship,
guerdon, guess
guess, guesser,
guest, guest-chamber, guidance, guide, guiding, guild, guile,
guileful, guilefully, guilefulness, guileless, guilelessly,
guilelessness, guilt
guiltiness, guiltless, guitlessness, guilty, guise, guitar,
gulf, gull, gullet, gully, gulp, gum, gumption, gums, gurgle,
gush, gushing, gust, gusty, gut, guts, gutter, guzzle, guzzler
gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastic, gymnastics, gyrate, gyration,
gyves, ha, habiliment, habit, habitable, habitation, habitual,
habitually, habituate, habituation, hack, hackneyed, haft, hag,
haggard, haggle, hail, hail-stones, hair
hairdresser, hairless, hairy, halcyon days, hale, half,
half-broken, half-brother, half-caste, half-dead, half-done,
half-eaten, half-finished, half a head, half-human, half-sister,
half a slave, half-witted, hall, hall-mark, halloo, hallow,
hallowed, hallucination, halt
halt, halter, halting,
halve, ham, hamlet, hammer, hammered, hamper, hand
hand, handful, handily,
handicap, handicraft, handicraftsman, handiwork, handkerchief,
handle, handmaid, handsome, handsomely, handwriting, handy, hang
hanger on,
hanging, hangings, hangman, hanker for, hankering, hap,
haphazard, hapless, haplessly, haplessness, haply, happen,
happily, happiness, happy,
harangue, harass,
harassing, harbinger, harbour, harbour-dues, harbouring,
harbourless, hard, hard by, harden, hardened, hard-fought,
hard-hearted, hardihood, hardily, hardiness, hardly
hardship, hardy, hare, hare-brained, harem, hark, harlot,
harlotry, harm, harmful, harmfully, harmless, harmlessly,
harmonious, harmoniously, harmonise, harmony, harness, harp,
harp on, harper
harping, harpoon,
harpy, harridan, harrow, harrowing, harry, harsh, harshly,
harshness, hart, harvest, hash up, hasp, haste, hasten, hastily,
hastiness, hasty
hat, hatch, hatchet,
hate, hated, hateful, hatefully, hatefulness, hating, hatred,
hauberk, haughtily, haughtiness, haughty, haul, hauling, haunch,
haunt, haunting, have,
haven, havoc, hawk, hawk about, hawker, hawser, hay, hazard,
hazardous, hazardously, haze, hazy, he
head, headache,
head-dress, head-foremost, headland, headless
head-quarters, headship, headstrong, headway, heal, healer,
healing, health, healthily, healthiness, healthy, heap, hear
hear hear, heard,
hearer, hearing, hearken, hearsay, heart, heart-broken, hearten,
hearth, heartily, heartiness, heartless, heartlessly,
heartlessness, hearty
heat, heated, heath,
heather, heave, heaven, heavenly, heavenly body, heaven-sent,
heavily, heaviness, heaving, heavy
hecatomb, heckle, hector, hedge, hedgehog, heed, heedless,
heedfully, heedfulness, heedless, heedlessly, heedlessness,
heel, heifer
height, heighten,
heinous, heinously, heinousness, heir, heiress, heirloom,
heirship, hell, hellebore, hellish, helm, helmet, helmet-maker,
helmsman, helot, help
helper, helpful,
helpfully, helpfulness, helping, helpless, helplessly,
helplessness, helpmate, hem, hemlock, hemp, hen, hence
henchman, herald, herb, herd, herding, herdsman, here,
hereafter, hereditary, heretofore, hereupon, hermit, hero
heroic, heroically,
heroine, heroism, heron, hesitancy, hesitate, hesitating,
hesitatingly, hesitation, heterodox, heterogeneous, hew,
hexameter verse, heyday, hiatus, hibernal, hibernate, hiccough,
hidden, hide
hideously, hiding, hiding-place, hie, hieroglyphics, high, high
birth, high-born, higher, highest, high-handed, high handedness,
highlands, highly, high-minded, high mindedness, high-priced,
high-principled, high rank, high road, high seas,
high-sounding,, high spirit, high-spirited, high tide
high time, high
treason, highway, highwayman, high wind, high words, hilarious,
hilarity, hill, hillock, hilly, hilt, himself, hind, hinder,
hindrance, hinge, hinge upon, hint, hip, hire
hire, hired, hired
servant, hired service, hired soldier, hireling, hiring,
hirsute, hiss,
historian, history, hit, hitch, hither, hitherto, hive, ho,
hoar, hoard
hoar frost,
hoarse, hoarseness, hoary, hoax, hobble, hobby, hobgoblin, hocus
pocus, hod, hoe, hog, hoist, hoisting, hold
hold, hole, holiday,
holiness, holloa, hollow, holocaust, holy, homage, home
home, home-bred,
home-coming, home-grown, homeless, homeliness, homely,
homestead, homeward, homicide, homicidal, homogenous, hone,
honest, honestly, honesty, honey, honey cake, honeycomb,
honeycombed, honied, honour
honourable, honourably, honoured, hood, hood-wink, hoof, hook,
hooked, hook-nosed, hoop, hoopoe, hoot, hop, hope, hopeful,
hopefully, hopefulness
hopelessly, hopelessness, hoplite, horde, horizon, horizontal,
horn, horned, hornet, hornless, horny, horrible, horribleness,
horribly, horrid, horrify, horror, horse, horseback, horse
breeder, horse breeding
horsed, horseless,
horseman, horsemanship, horse race, horse tender, horticulture,
hospice, hospitable, hospitably hospitality, host, hostage,
hostelry, hostess, hostile, hostility, hostler, hot
hotel, hotly, hough,
hound, hour, hourly, house, house breaker, household,
housekeeper, house keeping, house maid, housewife, hovel, hover,
how, howbeit, however, howl
howl, howsoever,
hubbub, huckster, huddle together, hue, hug, huge, hugely,
hugeness, hulk, hulking, hull, hum, human, humane, humanely,
humanise, humanity, human kind, humanly, humble
humbleness, humbly, humbug, humid, humidity, humiliate,
humiliation, humility, hummock, humour, humourous, humourously,
hump-backed, hunch-backed, hundred, hundred-headed, hundredth,
hunger, hungry, hunt
hunter, hunting,
huntress, huntsman, hurdle, hurl, hurrah, hurricane, hurried,
hurriedly, hurry, hurt, hurtful, hurtle, husband
husbandless, husbandman, husbandry, hush, hushed, hush money,
husk, huskiness, husky, hustings, hustle, hustling, hut, hutch,
huzza, hyaena, hybrid, hydra, hygiene, hygienic, hymeneal, hymn,
hyperbole, hyprocisy, hypocrite, hypocritical, hypocritically,
hypothecate, hypothesis, hypothetical
hysteria, hysterical, I, iambic verse, ice, ice-bound, icy,
idea, ideal, idealise, ideally, identical, identify, idiocy,
idiosyncrasy, idiot, idiotic, idle
idleness, idler,
idly, idol, idolise, if, igneous, ignite, ignition, ignoble,
ignobleness, ignobly, ignominious, ignominiously, ignominy,
ignoramus, ignorance, ignorant, ignorantly, ignore, ill
ill, ill-advised,
ill-assorted, ill-bred, ill-clad, ill-considered, ill-disposed,
illegal, illegality, illegally, illegible, illegitimate,
ill-fated, ill-favoured, ill-gotten ill health, illiberal,
illiberally, illicit, illimmitable, illiterate, ill-matched,
ill-mated, ill-natured, illness, illogical, illogicality,
illogically, ill-omened, ill-spread, ill-starred
success, ill temper, ill-tempered, ill-temperedly, ill-timed,
ill-treat, ill treatment, ill turn, illuminate, illunination,
illumine, ill usage, ill-use, illusion, illusive, illusory,
illustrate, illustration, illustrious, illustriously,
illustriousness, ill will, image, image maker, imaginary
imagine, imbecile, imbecility, imbed, imbibe, imbitter, imbrue,
imbue with, imbued, with, imitate, imitation, imitative,
imitator, immaculate, immaculately, immaterial, immature,
immaturely, immeasurable, immeasurably, immediate, immediately,
immensely, immensity, immerse, immersion, immigrant, immigrate,
immigration, imminent, immoderate, immoderately, immodest,
immodestly, immodesty, immolate, immoral, immorality, immorally,
immortal, immoralise, immortality, immortally, immovable,
immovably, immune, immunity
immure, immutable,
immutability, immutably, impact, impair, impale, impaled,
impalpable, impannel, impart, impartial, impartiality,
impartially, impassable, impassioned, impassive, impassively,
impassivity, impatience, impatient, impatiently, impeach,
impeachment, impede, impediment, impedimenta, impel
impending, impenetrable, impenetrably, impenitence, impenitent,
impenitently, imperative, imperatively, imperator,
imperceptible, imperceptibly, imperfect, imperfection,
imperfectly, imperial, imperially, imperil, imperious,
imperiously, imperiousness, imperishable
impersonate, impersonator, impertinence, impertinent,
impertinently, imperturbability, imperturbable, imperturbably,
impervious, impetuosity, impetuous, impetuously, impetuousness,
impetus, impiety, impinge upon, impious, impiously,
implacability, implacable, implacably, implant
implicate, implication, implicit, implicitly, implied, implore,
imploring, imply, impolicy, impolite, impolitely, impoliteness,
impolitic, import, importance, important
imported, imports, importunate, importunately, importune,
importunity, impose, imposing, imposingly, imposition,
impossibility, impossible, impost, imposter, imposture,
impotence, impotent, impotently, impoverish, impoverished,
impracticability, impracticable, imprecate, imprecation,
impregnable, impregnate, impress
impressionable, impressive, impressively, impressiveness,
imprint, imprison, imprisonment, improbability, improbable,
impromptu, improper, improperly, impropriety, improve
improvidence, improvident, improvidently, improvise, imprudence,
imprudent, imprudently, impudence, impudent, impudently, impugn,
impulse, impulsion, impulsive, impulsively, impulsiveness,
impunity, impure, impurely, impurity, imputation, impute, in
inaccessibility, inaccessible, inaccuracy, inaccurate,
inaccurately, inaction, inactive, inactively, inactivity,
inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately, inadmissible,
inadvertence, inadvertent, inadvertently, inane, inanely,
inanimate, inanition, inanity, inapplicable, inapposite,
inappropriate, inappropriately, inaptitude, inarticulate,
inarticulately, in as much as, inattention, inattentive,
inaugurate, inauspicious, inauspiciously, in-born, in-bred,
incalculable, incalculably, incantation, incapability,
incapable, incapably, incapacitate, incapacitated, incapacity,
incarcerate, incarceration, incase, incautious, incautiously,
incautiousness, incendiarism, incendiary, incense, incentive
incessant, incessantly, incest, incestuous, inch, incident,
incidental, incidentally, incipient, incision, incisive,
incisively, incisiveness, incite, incitement, incivility,
inclemency, inclement, inclination, incline
inclined, inclose, inclosure, include, incoherent, incoherently,
income, income-tax, incommensurable, incommensurate, incommode,
incommodious, incommunicable, incomparable, incomparably,
incompatibility, incompatible, incompetence, incompetent,
incompetently, incomplete, incompletely, incompleteness,
incomprehensible, inconceivable, inconceivably, inconclusive,
inconclusively, incongruity, incongruous, incongruously,
inconsiderable, inconsiderate, inconsiderately
inconsistent, inconstancy, inconstant, incontestible,
incontestibly, incontinence, incontinent, incontinently, in
controvertible, incontrovertibly, inconvenience, inconvenient,
inconveniently, incorporate, incorporeal, incorrect,
incorrectly, incorrigible, incorrigibly, incorruptible,
incorruptibly, increase, incredibility, incredible, incredibly,
incredulity, incredulous, incredulously
incriminate, incrust, incubate, incubus, inculcate, inculpate,
inculpated, incumbent, incumber, incumbrance, incur, incurable,
incurably, incursion, indebted, indecency, indecent, indecently,
indecision, indecisive, indecisively, indecorous, indecorously,
indecorum, indeed
indefatigably, indefensible, indefinable, indefinite,
indefinitely, indelible, indelibly, indelicacy, indelicate,
indelicately, indemnify, indemnity, indent, indentation,
indenture, independence, independent, independently,
indescribable, indescribably, indestructible, indeterminate,
indeterminately, index, indicate
indict, indictment, indifference, indifferent, indifferently,
indigenous, indigence, indigent, indigestion, indignant,
indignantly, indignation, indignity, indirect, indirectly
indiscreetly, indiscretion, indiscriminate, indiscriminately,
indispensible, indisposed, indisposition, indisputable,
indisputably, indissoluble, indissolubly, indistinct,
indistinctly, indistinctness, indistinguishable,
indistinguishably, indite, individual, individuality,
individually, indivisible, indolence, indolent, indolently,
indomitable, indorse, indubitable, indubitably, induce,
inductive, inductively, indue, indulge, indulgence, indulgent,
indulgently, industrial, industrious, industriously, industry,
indwelling, inebriated, inebriation, ineffable, ineffably,
ineffaceable, ineffaceably, ineffective, ineffectively,
ineffectual, ineffectually, inefficacious, inefficiency,
inefficient, inefficiently, inelegance, inelegant, inept
ineptly, inequality, inequitable, inequitably, ineradicable,
ineradicably, inert, inertly, inertness, inestimable,
inevitable, inevitably, inexcusable, inexhaustible,
inexhaustibly, inexorable, inexorably, inexpediency,
inexpedient, inexpensive, inexpensively, inexpensiveness,
inexperience, inexperienced, inexpiable, inexplicable,
inexplicably, inexpressible, inexpressibly, inextinguishable,
infallible, infallibly, infamous, infamously, infamy, infancy,
infant, infantile, infantry, infatuated, infatuation, infect,
infected with, infection, infectious, infectious disease,
infelicitous, infelicitously, infer, inference, inferential,
inferentially, inferior, inferiority
infest, infidelity, infinite, infinitely, infinitesimal,
infinity, infirm, infirmity, inflame, inflammable, inflammation,
inflammatory, inflate, inflated, inflation, inflection,
inflexibility, inflexible, inflexibly, inflict, infliction
influence, influential, influx, infold, inform, informal,
informally, informant, information, informer, infraction,
infrequency, infrequent, infrequently, infringe, infringement,
infuriate, infuse, infusion, ingathering
ingenious, ingeniously, ingenuity, ingenuous, ingenuously,
ingenuousness, inglorious, ingloriously, ingloriousness, ingot,
ingraft, ingrafted, ingrained, ingratiate, ingratitude,
ingredient, ingress, ingulf, inhabit, inhabitable, inhabitant,
inhabited, inhale, inharmonious, inharmoniously,
inharmoniousness, inhere, inherent, inherently, inherit,
inheritance, inherited
inheritrix, inhibit, inhospitable, inhuman, inhumane,
inhumanity, inhumanly, inimical, inimical, inimically,
iniquitous, iniquitously, iniquity, initial, initiate,
initiated, initiation, initiative, initiator, initiatory,
inject, injudicious, injudiciously, injudiciousness, injunction,
injure, injurious, injuriously, injury
ink, inkling, inlaid, inland, inlay, inlet, inmate, inmost, inn,
innate, innately, inner, innkeeper, innocence, innocent,
innocently, innocuous, innocuously, innovate, innovation,
innovator, innuendo
inoffensive, inoffensively, inoperative, inopportune,
inopportunely, inopportuneness, inordinate, inordinately,
inordinateness, inquest, inquest, inquietude, inquire, inquirer,
inquiring, inquiry, inquisitive, inquisitiveness, inroad,
insalubrious, insane, insanely, insanity, insatiable,
insatiably, insatiability, insatiate
inscription, inscrutability, inscrutable, inscrutably, insect,
insecure, insecurely, insecurity, insensate, insensately,
insensibility, insensible, insensibly, inseparable, inseparably,
insert, insertion, inside, insidious, insidiously, insight
insignificance, insignificant, insincere, insincerely,
insincerity, insinuate, insinuating, insinuation, insipid,
insipidly, insist, insistence, insistent, insistently, insnare,
insobriety, insolence, insolvent, insolently, insoluble,
insolvent, inspect, inspection, inspector
inspire, inspired, inspirit, instability, install, instalment,
instance, instant, instantaneous, instantaneously, instantly,
instate, instead, instead of, instigate, instigation,
instigator, instill, instinct
instinctively, institute, institution, instruct, instruction,
instructive, instructor, instructress, instrument, instrumental,
instrumentality, insubordinate, insubordination, insufferable,
insufferably, insufficiency, insufficient
insult, insulter, insulting, insultingly, insuperable,
insupportable, insupportably, insurance, insure, insurgents,
insurmountable, insurrection, intact, intangible, integral,
integrity, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, intelligent,
intelligently, intelligibility, intelligible, intelligibly,
intemperance, intemperate
intense, intensely, intensity, intent, intention, intentional,
intentionally, intentioned, intently, intent on, inter,
intercalcary, intercalate, intercede, intercept, interception,
wall, intercession, intercessor, intercessory, interchange,
intercommunication, intercommunion, intercommunity, intercourse
interdicted, interest, interested, interesting
interference, interfering, interim, interior, interject,
interlace, interlude, intermarriage, intermeddle, intermediary,
intermediate, intermediately, interment, interminable,
interminably, intermingle, intermission, intermit, intermittent,
intermittently, intermix, intermixed
internal, internally, international, internecine, interpellate,
interpellation, interpolate, interpolation, interpose,
interposition, interpret, interpretation, interpreter,
interregnum, interrex, interrogate, interrogation, interrupt,
intersecting, intersperse, interstice, intertwine, interval,
intervene, intervening, intervention, interview, interweave,
intestate, intestine
inthral, inthralment, intimacy, intimate, intimately,
intimation, intimidate, intimidation, into, intolerable,
intolerably, intolerance, intolerant, intomb, intonation,
intone, intoxicate, intoxicated, intoxication, intractability,
intractable, intractably, intrap, intrench, intrenchment,
intrepid, intrepidity
intricacy, intricate, intricately, intrigue, intriguing,
intrinsic, intrinsically, introduce, introducer, introduction,
intrude, intruder, intrusion, intrusive
intuition, intuitive, intuitively, inundate, inundation, inure,
inutility, invade, invader, invalid, invalidate, invaluable,
invariable, invariably, invasion, invective, inveigh against,
inveigle, invent
inventive, inventiveness, inventor, inventory, inventress,
inverse, inversely, inversion, invert, invertebrate, inverted,
invest, investigate, investigation, investigator, investment,
inveterate, inveterately, invidious, invidiously, invidiousness,
invigorate, invigorating, invincible, inviolability
inviolably, inviolate, invisible, invisibly, invitation, invite,
inviting, invocation, invoice, invoke, involuntarily,
involuntary, involve
invulnerable, inward, inwardly, inwrought, irascibility,
irascible, irascibly, ire, irk, irksome, irksomely, irksomeness,
iron, iron-backed, iron-hearted, ironical, ironically,
iron-worker, irony, irradiate, irrational, irrationality,
irrationally, irreclaimable, irreconcilable, irrefragable,
irrefragably, irrefutable, irrefutably, irregular, irregularity,
irreligious, irreligiously, irremediable, irremediably,
irreparable, irreparably, irrepressible, irrepressibly,
irreproachable, irreproachably, irresistible, irresolute,
irresolutely, irresolution, irresponsible, irretrievable,
irretrievably, irreverence, irreverent, irreverently,
irrevocable, irrevocably, irrigate, irrigation, irritability,
irritable, irritably, irritate, irritation, irruption, island,
islander, isle, islet
isolate, isolated, isolation, issue, isthmus, itch, itinerant,
ivory, ivy, jack-daw, jaded, jagged, jail, jailor, jamb, jangle,
janitor, january
jar, jargon, jarring,
jasper, jaundice, jaundiced, jaunty, javelin, javelin-man, jaw,
jaw-bone, jealous, jealously, jealousy, jeer, jejune,
jeopardise, jeopardy, jerk, jerkin, jest, jester
jestingly, jet,
jet-black, jetsam, jetty, jewel, jewelled, jib, jibe, jingle,
job, jobbery, jocose, jocosely, jocular, jocularity, jocund,
jog, join, joiner, joinery, joint
jointly, joke,
joker, joking, jokingly, jollity, jolly, jolt, jostle, jostling,
jot, journey, journey money, joust, jovial, joviality, jovially,
joy, joyful
joyfully, joyless,
joylessly, joylessness, joyous, joyously, joyousness, jubilant,
jubilation, judge, judgment, judgment hall, judicial,
judicially, judicious, judiciously, judiciousness, jug, juggle,
juggler, jugglery, juice, juicy, july
jumble, jumbled,
jump, junction, juncture, june, junior, junketing, jurisdiction,
jurisprudence, jurist, jury, just, justice, justifiable,
justifiably, justification, justify
justly, justness,
jut, juvenile, keel, keen, keenly, keenness, keen-scented, keep
keep, keeper, keeping,
keepsake, keg, ken, kennel, kerchief, kernel, kettle, kettle
drum, key, kick, kid, kidnap, kidnapper, kidnapping, kidneys,
killer, killing,
kiln, kin, kind, kindle, kindliness, kindly, kindness, kindred
king, kingdom,
king-fisher, kingly, kingship, kinsfolk, kinship, kinsman,
kinswoman, kiss, kit, kitchen, kite, kith and kin, knack,
knapsack, knave, knavery, knavish, knavishly, knead, knee,
kneel, knell, knife
knight, knit,
knob, knock, knocker, knoll, knot, knotty, know, knowable
knowingly, knowledge, known, knuckle, label, laborious,
laboriously, laboriousness, labour
labourer, labyrinth, labyrinthine, lace, lacerate, laceration,
lack, lackey, lacking, laconic, laconically, lachrymose, lad,
ladder, lade, ladle, lady, lady's maid, lag, laggard, lagging
lagoon, lair, laissez faire, lake, lamb, lambent, lame,
lameness, lament, lamentable, lamentably, lamentation, lamp,
lamp-maker, lampoon, lamp-stand, lance
lance, lancet,
land, landed estate, landed proprietor, land holder, landing,
landing net, landing place, landing stage, landlady, landlord,
landlubber, landmark, landowner, landscape, landsman, lane,
languidly, languish, languishing, languor, lank, lankness,
lantern, lap, lapse, larceny, larch, lard, large, large-hearted,
largely, large-minded
largess, lark, larva, larynx, lascivious, lasciviously,
lasciviousness, lash, lass, lassitude, last
lasting, lastly,
latch, latchet, late, lately, latent, later, lateral, laterally,
latest, lath, lathe, lather, latitude, latter, latterly,
lattice, lattice work, laud, laudable, laudably, laudation,
laughably, laughing stock, laughter, laughter-loving, launch,
laurel, laurelled, lava, lave, laver, lavish, lavishly,
lavishness, law
lawful, lawfully, lawfulness, law giver, law giving, lawless,
lawlessly, lawlessness, law maker, lawn, lawsuit, lawyer, lax,
laxity, lay
lay, layer, laying out,
layman, lazily, laziness, lazy, lea, lead
lead, leader,
leadership, leading, leaf, leafage, leafless, leafy, league,
leaguer, leak, leaky, lean, leaning, leanness, leap
leap, learn, learned,
learnedly, learner, learning, lease, leash, least, leather,
leather dresser, leather garment, leathern, leather seller,
leather worker, leave
leaven, leavings,
lecture, ledge, ledger, leech, leek, leer, leering, lees,
leeward, left, leg, legacy, legal, legalise, legality, legally,
legate, legatee, legend, legendary, legerdemain, legion
legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, legitimately,
leisure, leisurely, lend, lender, lending, length, lengthen,
lengthy, leniency, lenient, leniently, lenity, lentil, leopard,
leopard-skin, leprosy, less, lessen, lesser, lesson
lest, let, lethargic,
lethargically, lethargy, letter, lettered, lettuce, level
level, lever,
leveret, levity, levy, lewd, lewdly, lewdness, liability,
liable, liar, libation
libellous, liberal, liberality, liberally, liberate, liberation,
liberator, libertine, liberty, libidinous, libidinously,
libidinousness, licence, licentious
licentiousnes, lick, lictor, lid, lie, lieu, lieutenant, life,
life blood, life-giving, life exile
lifelessly, lifelessness, lifelike, lifetime, lift, ligament,
lighten, lightening, light-fingered, light-headed,
light-hearted, light-heartedly, light-heartedness, lightly,
lightness, lightning, like
like, likelihood,
likely, like-minded, liken, likeness, likewise, liking, lilt,
lily, limb, lime, limit, limitation, limited, limitless, limn,
limp, limpet, limpid, limping, linch pins, linden, line
line, lineage,
lineal, lineaments, lined, linen, linger, lingerer, lingering,
liniment, lining, link, linseed, lint, lintel
lion, lioness,
lion-hearted, lionskin, lip, liquefy, liquid, liquidate,
liquidation, liquor, lisp, lissom, list, listen, listener,
listening to, listless, listlessly, listlessness, lists, litany,
literal, literally, literalness, literary
lithe, litigant, litigation, litigious, litter, little,
little-minded, little-mindedness, littleness, littoral, liturgy,
liveliness, livelong, lively, liver, livery, livestock, livid,
living, lizard, lo, load, loadstar, loadstone, loaf, loan,
loath, loathe, loathing
loathsomeness, lobe, local, localise, locality, locate, lock,
locomotion, locust, lodge, lodging, lodging house, loft,
loftily, loftiness, lofty, log, loggerheads, logic, logical,
logically, loin, loiter
loitering, loitering, loll, lone, loneliness, lonely, lonesome,
long, longer, longing, longingly, long-legged, long-lived,
long-necked, long-suffering, long-winded, long-windedness, look
look, looking glass,
look-out, loom, loop, loop-hole, loose
loose, loosely,
loosen, looseness, loosening, loot, lop, lopping, lop-sided,
loquacious, loquacity, lord, lordliness, lordly, lordship, lore,
loss, lost, lot, loth,
lotion, lotus, loud
loudly, loudness,
loud-voiced, lounge, louse, lovable, love, loved, loveless,
loveliness, lovely, lover, love-sick, loving, loving-cup,
loving-kindness, lovingly, low
low-born, lower,
lowering, lowing, lowlands, lowliness, lowly, low-lying,
lowness, low-spirited, low spirits, loyal, loyally, loyalty,
lubber, lucid, lucidity, lucidly, luck
luckily, luckless,
lucklessly, lucklessness, lucky, lucrative, lucratively, lucre,
ludicrous, ludicrously, ludicrousness, lug, luggage, lugubrious,
lugubriously, lugubriousness, luke-warm, luke-warmly,
luke-warmness, lull, lulling, lumber, luminous, luminously,
lump, lumpy, lunacy
lunar, lunatic, lunch,
lung, lunge, lurch, lure, lurid, lurk, lurking, luscious, lust,
lustful, lustily, lustiness, lustral, lustrate, lustration,
lustre, lustrous, lusty, lute
luxuriant, luxuriantly, luxuriate, luxurious, luxuriously,
luxury, lye, lying, lynx, lyre, lyric poet, lyric poetry,
mace, machination, machine, machinery, mad, madden
madly, madness,
magazine, maggot, magic, magician, magistracy, magistrate,
magnanimity, magnanimous, magnanimously, magnate, magnet,
magnificence, magnificent, magnificently, magnify,
magniloquence, magniloquent, magniloquently, magnitude, maid
maidenhood, maidenly, maid servant, mail, mail-clad, maim,
maimed, maiming, main, mainland, maintain, maintainer,
maintenance, majestic, majestically, majesty, majority
make, maker,
makeshift, making
malady, malcontent,
male, malediction, malefactor, malevolence, malevolent,
malevolently, malformation, malice, malicious, maliciously,
malign, malignant, malignantly, malignity, mallet, mallow,
malpractice, maltreat, maltreatment, malversation, mammon, man
man, manacle,
manage, manageable, management, manager, mandate, mandrake,
mane, manful, manfully, manfulness, mange, manger, mangle,
mangled, mangling, mangy, manhood, mania, maniac, maniacal
manifestation, manifestly, manifesto, manifold, manikin,
manipulate, manipulation, mankind, manlike, manliness, manly,
manner, mannerly, manners, manning, manoeuvre, manservant,
mansion, mantle
mantling, manual,
manufactory, manufacture, manumission, manumit, manure,
manuscript, many, many-sided, map, maple, map out, mar,
marauder, marauding, marble, march
marches, mare,
marge, margin, marine, mariner, maritime, marjoram, mark,
market, marketable, marksman, marksmanship, maroon, marriage
marriage bed, marriage chamber, marriage feast, marriage gifts,
marriage song, marring, marrow, marry, marsh, marshal,
marshallling, marshy, mart, martial, martyr, martyrdom, marvel
marvellous, marvellously, masculine, mash, mask, mason, masonry,
mass, massacre, massive, massiveness, massy, mast, master,
masterful, masterfully, masterly, masterpiece, mastery
masticate, mastiff, mat, match, matchless, matchlessly,
match-maker, mate, material
maternal, maternity, mathematical, mathematician, mathematics,
matin, matricidal, matricide, matrimony, matrix, matron,
matronly, matted, matter, mattock, mattress, mature, maturity,
maudlin, maul, mausoleum, mavis, maw
mawkish, maxim, may,
mayor, maze, mazy, mead, meadow, meadowed, meagre, meagrely,
meagreness, meal, meal tub, mean
meander, meaning,
meanly, meanness, means, mean-spirited, mean-spiritedness,
meantime, meanwhile, measurable, measure
measured, measureless, measurement, measuring rod, meat,
meat-hook, mechanic, mechanical, mechanically, mechanism,
meddle, meddlesome, meddlesomeness, mediate, mediation,
mediator, medical, medicinal, medicine, mediocre
mediate, meditation, meditative, medium, medley, meed, meek,
meekly, meekness, meet
meeting, meetly,
melancholy, melee, mellifluous, mellow, melodious,
melodiousness, melodrama, melodramatic, melodramatically,
melody, melt
melted, melting,
member, membrance, memento, memoirs, memorable, memorandum,
memorial, memory, menace, menacing, mend, mendacious,
mendaciously, mendacity, mendicant, mediocrity, menial, mental,
mentionable, mentor, mercantile, mercenary, merchantman,
merciful, mercifully, mercifulness, merciless, mercilessly,
mercilessness, mercurial, mercy
mere, merely,
meretricious, meretriciously, meretriciousness, merge, merit,
merited, meritorious, meritoriously, merrily, merriment, merry,
merry-making, mesh, mess, message
messmate, messroom, metal, metal work, metal worker,
metamorphosis, metaphor, metaphorically, metaphysical,
metaphysics, meteor, meteorological, meteorologist, meteorology,
mete out, methinks, method, methodical, methodically, metre,
metrical, metrically, metropolis, mettle, mettlesome, mew,
miasma, miasmatic, mid, mid-day
middle-age, middle-aged, middle-class, middleman, middling,
midge, midland, midnight, midriff, midst, midsummer, midway,
midwife, midwifery, mien, might, mightily, mighty, migrate,
migratory, mild,
mildew, mildly, mildness, mile, militant, military, militate
against, militia, milk, milk-white, mill, miller, millet,
milliner, millinery, million, mill stone, milt, mime, mimic,
mimicry, mina, minatory, mince
mincing, mind,
minded, mindful, mine
mine, miner,
mineral, mingle, mingled, minimise, mining, minion, minish,
minister, ministering, ministrant, ministration, ministry,
minor, minority, minstrel, minstrelsy
mint, minted
money, mint mark, minute, minutely, minuteness, miracle,
miraculous, miraculously, mire, mirror, mirth, mirthful,
mirthfully, mirthfulness, mirthless, miry, mis, misadventure,
misanthrope, misanthropic, misanthropy, misapply, misapprehend,
misapprehension, misappropriate, misappropriation, misbecome,
misbecoming, misbegotten, misbehave, misbehaviour, miscalculate,
miscalled, miscarriage, miscarry, miscellaneous, mischance,
mischief, mischievous, mischievously, misconceive,
misconception, misconduct, misconstrue, miscount, miscreant,
misdeed, misdeameanour, misdirect, miser, miserable
miserliness, miserly, misery, misfortune, misgive, misgiving,
misgovern, misguide, misguided, mishap, misjudge, mislay,
mislead, misleading, misletoe, mismanage, mismanagement,
misname, misnamed, misplace
misreckon, misreckoning, misrepresent, misrepresentation,
misrule, miss, misshapen, misshapenness, missile, missing,
mission, missionary, missive, misstate, misstatement, mist,
mistakenly, mistletoe, mistress, mistrust, mistrustful,
mistrustfully, misty, misunderstand, misunderstanding, misusage,
misuse, mite, mitigate, mitigating, mitigation, mix, mixed,
mizzle, moan, moat, mob, mobile, mobilisation, mobilise,
mobility, mock, mocker, mockery, mocking, mode, model, modeller,
modelling, moderate, moderately
modern, modernise, modest, modestly, modesty, modification,
modify, modulate, modulation, moiety, moist, moisten, moisture,
molar, mole, molest, molestation, mollify, molten, moment,
momentarily, momentary
momentum, monarch, monarchical, monarchy, monetary, money,
moneyed, money maker, money making, monger, mongrel, monition,
monkey, monopolise, monotonous, monotonously, monotony, monsoon,
monster, monstrosity, monstrous, monstrously, month, monthly,
monument, monumental
mood, moodily, moodiness, moody, moon, moonless, moonlight,
moonstruck, moor, mooring, mooring cables, moot, mop, mope,
moping, moral, moralise, morality, morally, morals
morass, morbid,
morbidly, more, moreover, moribund, morn, morning, morning star,
morose, morosely, moroseness, morrow, morsel, mortal, mortality
mortar, mortgage, mortgagee, mortgaging, mortification, mortify,
mosquito, mossy, most, mostly, moth, mother, motherhood,
mother-in-law, motherless, motherly, motion, motionless
motive, motley,
mottled, motto, mould, moulder, mouldering, mouldiness, mouldy,
moult, mound, mounded, mount, mounted, mountain, mountaineers,
mountainous, mounttain-torrent, mountebank
mourn, mourner,
mournful, mournfully, mournfulness, mourning, mouse, mouth,
mouthe, mouther, mouthpiece, move
move, moveable,
moveables, mover, movement, moving, movingly, moving spirit,
mow, mower, much, mud, muddle, muddy, muffle
muffled, mug,
muggy, mulberry, mulct, mule, muleteer, mulish, multifarious,
multifariously, multiplication, multiplicity, multiply,
multitude, multitudinous, mum, mumble, mummer, mummery, mummify,
mummy, munch, mundane, municipal, municipality, munificence,
munificent, munificently, munitions of war, murder
murderer, murdering
one's children, murderous, murdress, murkiness, murky, murmur,
murrain, muscle, muscular, muse, music, musical, musical
instrument, musically, musician, muslin, mussel, must
mutually, muzzle,
my, myriad, myrmidons, myrrh, myrtle, myrtle berry, myrtle
grove, myself, mysterious, mysteriously, mystery, mystic,
mystification, mystify, myth, mythical, mythological, mythology,
nagging, nail,
naive, naively, naivete, naked, nakedly, nakedness, name,
nameless, namely, namesake, nap, nape, napkin, napping, narcotic
nard, narrate,
narration, narrative, narrator, narrow, narrowly, narrow-minded,
narrow-mindedness, narrowness, narrows, nastily, nastiness,
nasty, natal, nation, national, nationalise, nationality,
native, native land, nativity, natty
naturalise, naturally, natural phenomena, natural philosopher,
natural philosophy, natural ties, nature, naught, naughtily,
naughtiness, naughty, nausea, nautical, naval, nave, navel,
navigable, navigate, navigation
navvy, navy, nay, near, nearly, nearness, neat, neatherd,
neatly, neatness, nebulous, necessarily, necessary
necessitous, necessity, neck, necklace, necromancer, necromancy,
nectar, need, needful, neediness, needle, needless, needlessly,
needlework, needy, nefarious, nefariously, nefariousness,
negation, negative, neglect
neglectful, neglectfully, negligence, negligent, negligently,
negotiate, negotiation, negotiator, negro, neigh, neighbour,
neighbourhood, neighbouring, neighbourless, neighbourly, neither
nemesis, nephew,
nerve, nerveless, nervous, nervously, nervousness, nescience,
nest, nestle, nestling, net, nether, nethermost, nettle,
network, neutral, neutralise, neutrality, never, nevertheless,
new-comer, new-fangled, newly, newly-bought, newly-cut,
newly-dealt, newly-delivered, newly-enriched, newly-established,
newly-flayed, newly-fleshed, newly-flowing, newly-gotten wealth,
newly-killed, newly-made, newly-married, newly-plucked,
newly-reported, newly-shed, newly-sown, newly-traced,
newly-trapped, newly-whetted, newly-yoked, new moon, newness,
news, next, next best, nibble, nice
nicely, niceness,
nicety, niche, nick, nickname, niece, niggardly, niggardliness,
nigh, night, nightly, nightmare, nightingale, nimble,
nimbleness, nimbly, nine, nine hundred, nineteen, ninety, ninth,
nip, nipple
nitre, no,
nobility, noble, nobleman, nobleness, nobly, nobody, nocturnal,
nod, noise, noise abroad, noiseless, noiselessly, noisily,
noisiness, noisome, noisy, nomad, nominal, nominally, nominate,
nonage, nonce,
nonchalance, nonchalant, nonchalantly, non-combatant,
nondescript, none, nonentity, non-plus, nonsense, nonsensical,
non-suited, nook, noon, noose, nor, normal, normally, north,
northern, northward, north wind, nose, nostril, nostrum, not
notable, notably, notch, note, noted, noteworthy, nothing,
notice, noticeable
notification, notify, notion, notoriety, notorious, notoriously,
notwithstanding, nought, noun, nourish, nourishing, nourishment,
novel, novelty, november, novice, now, no way, nowhere, nowise,
noxious, nozzle, nucleus, nude, nudge, nudity, nugatory, nugget,
nuisance, null and void, nullify, numb
numb, number,
numberless, numbness, numeral, numeration, numerically,
numerous, nuptial, nuptials, nurse, nursery, nursing, nursling,
nurture, nurturing, nut
nutritious, nutshell, nymph, o, oak, oak-coppice, oaken, oar,
oared, oarsman, oasis, oath, oats, obduracy, obdurate,
obedient, obediently, obeisance, obese, obesity, obey, object,
objection, objectionable, objectionableness, objectionably,
objurgation, oblation, obligation, oblige, obliging
obsequiously, obsequiousness, observable, observance, observant,
observantly, observation, observe, observer, obsolete,
obsoleteness, obstacle, obstetric, obstinacy, obstinate,
obstinately, obstreperous, obstreperously, obstreperousness,
obtain, obtainable, obtaining, obtrude, obtuse, obtusely,
obtuseness, obviate, obvious, obviously, obviousness, occasion,
occasional, occasionally, occult, occupation, occupied
occupy, occur,
occurrence, ocean, o'clock, october, oculist, odd, oddity,
oddly, odds, ode, odious, odiously, odiousness, odium,
odoriferous, odour, of, off
offal, offence,
offend, offender, offensive, offensively, offensiveness, offer
offer, offering,
off-hand, office, officer, official, officially, officiate,
officious, officiousness, offscouring, offset, offshoot,
oft, often, often-times,
oft-times, ogle, ogre, ogress, oh, oil, oil-flask, oily,
ointment, old, old age, olden, older, old-fashioned, old man,
old woman, oligarch, oligarchical, oligarchically, oligarchy,
olive, olive oil, omen
ominous, ominously,
omission, omit, omnipotent, omniscient, on, once, one
one, one-eyed, onerous,
onerously, onerousness, oneself, one-sided, onion, onlooker,
only, only-begotten, onset, onslaught, onus, onward, ooze, oozy,
opaque, ope, open
open, open-handed,
open-hearted, opening, openly
openness, operate, operation, operative, ophthalmia, opiate,
opine, opinion, opinionated, opponent, opportune, opportunely,
opportunity, oppose, opposer
opposition, oppress, oppression, oppressive, oppressively,
oppressiveness, opprobrious, opprobriously, opprobrium, optical,
option, opulence, opulent, opulently, or, oracle
oracular, oracularly, oral, orally, orange, orate, oration,
orator, oratorical, oratorically, oratory, orb, orbit, orchard,
ordain, ordeal, order
orderliness, orderly, ordinance, ordinarily, ordinary, ordure,
ore, organ, organisation, organise, orgies, orient, oriental,
orifice, origin
originality, originally, originate, originator, orison,
ornament, ornamental, ornamentally, ornate, ornately,
ornateness, orphan, orphaned, orphanhood, oscillate,
oscillation, osier, osprey, ostensible, ostensibly, ostentation,
ostentatious, ostentatiously
ostler, ostracise,
ostracism, ostrich, other, otherwise, otter, ought, ounce, our,
ourselves, ousel, oust, out, outbalance, out-bawl, out-bid,
outbreak, out-building, outburst, outcast, outcry, outdo, outer
outfit, outflank, outflow, out-going, outgrow, out-house,
outlandish, outlast, outlaw, outlawed, outlawry, outlay, outlet,
outline, outlive, outlook, outlying, outmanoeuvre, outnumber,
out of, outpost, outpour, outpouring, outrage
outraged, outrageous, outrageously, outrageousness, outrider,
outright, outrun, outset, outshine, outside, outsider,
outskirts, outspoken, outspokenly, outspokenness, outspread,
outstanding, outstep, outstretch, outstrip, outvote, outward,
outwit, outwork, oval, ovation, oven, over, overawe,
overbalance, overbearing, overbearingly, overboard, overburdened
with, overcast, overcome
overdue, over-estimate, overflow, overflowing, overgrown,
overhang, overhanging, overhaul, overhear, overjoyed, overlap,
overlay, overload, overlook, overlooked, overlooking, overlord,
overpower, overpowering, overrate, overreach, overrule, overrun,
oversea, overseer, overset, overshadow, overshadowed,
overshadowing, overshoot, oversight, overspread, overstate,
overstatement, overstep, overt, overtake, overthrow
overtop, overture, overturn, overvalue, overweening,
overweeningly, overwhelm, overwhelming, overwhelmingly,
overwrought, owe, owing, owl, own, owner, ox, ox-herd, ox-hide,
oyster, pabulum,
pace, pacific, pacifically, pacification, pacify, pack, package,
pack-animal, pack-ass, packed, pack-saddle, pact, pad, padding,
paddle, paddock, paean, page, pageant, pageantry, pail, pain
pain, painful,
painfully, painless, painlessly, painstaking, paint, painted,
painter, painting, pair, palace, palaestra, palanquin,
palatable, palatably, palate, palatial, pale
palfrey, paling, palinode, palisade, palisading, pall, pallet,
palliate, palliation, palliative, pallid, pallor, palm,
palpable, palpably, palpitate, palpitation, palsied, palsy,
palter, paltriness, paltry, pamper, pampered, pamphlet, pan,
panacea, pander
panegyric, panegyrist, pang, panic, panic-stricken, pannier,
pannikin, panoply, pant, panther, panting, pap, paper, papyrus,
par, parable, parade, paradise, paradox, paradoxical,
paradoxically, paragon, parallel
paralyse, paralysis, paramount, paramountcy, paramour, parapet,
paraphernalia, paraphrase, parasite, parasol, parcel, parch,
parched, parching, parchment, pard, pardon, pardonable, pare,
parent, parentage, parenthesis, pariah
paring, parish,
parishioner, parity, park, parlance, parley, parliament,
parliament-house, parlous, parochial, parody, parole, paroxysm,
parricidal, parricide, parrot, parry, parsimonious,
parsimoniously, parsimony, parsley, part
part, partake of,
partaker, partial, partiality, partially, participant,
participate in, participating in, participation, particle,
particular, particularly, parting, partisan
partition, partition, partly, partner, partnership, partridge,
parturition, party, party-coloured, party leader, party spirit,
party walls, parvenu, pasquinade, pass
passable, passably,
passage, passage money, passenger, passing, passion, passionate,
passionately, passionateness, passive, passively, passivity,
passport, password, past
past, pastime,
pastmaster, pastoral, pastry, pasturage, pasture, pasture land,
pasturing, pat, patch, patchwork, pate, patent, patently,
paternal, paternity, path, pathetic, pathetically pathless,
pathos, pathway, patience, patient
patient, patiently,
patois, patrician, patrimony, patriot, patriotic, patriotism,
patrol, patron, patronage, patroness, patronise, patronising,
patter, pattern, paucity, paunch, pauper, pauperise, pause,
pave, paved
pavilion, paw,
pawn, paw the ground, pay, paymaster, payment, peace
peaceableness, peaceably, peaceful, peacefully, peacefulness,
peacock, peak, peal, pear, peasant, peasantry, pease, pebble,
peccadillo, peccant, peck, peculate, peculation, peculiar,
peculiarity, peculiarly, pecuniary, pedagogue, pedant, pedantic,
pedantry, peddle, pedestal, pedestrian, pedigree
pedlar, peel, peep, peepholes, peer, peerless, peevish,
peevishly, peevishness, peg, pelf, pell, pellet, pell-mell,
pellucid, pelt, peltast, pen, penal, penalise, penalty
penchant, pendant, pendent, pending, pendulous, penetrate,
penetrating, penetration, peninsula, penitence, penitent,
penitently, penman, pennant, penniless, penny, pension,
pensionary, pensioner, pensive, pensiveness, penthouse,
penurious, penuriously
people, pepper, peradventure, perambulation, perceive, per cent,
perceptible, perceptibly, perception, perch, perchance,
percipient, percolate, percussion, perdition, peregrination
peremptoriness, peremptory, perennial, perennially, perfect,
perfection, perfectly, perfidious, perfidiousness, perfidy,
perforate, perforated, perforation, perforce, perform,
performance, performer, perfume, perfumed, perfumer
perfunctoriness, perfunctory, perhaps, peril, perilous,
perilously, period, periodical, periodically, perish,
perishable, perjured, perjure oneself, perjurer, perjury,
permanence, permanent, permanently, permeate, permissible,
perniciously, peroration, perpendicular, perpetrate,
perpetration, perpetrator, perpetual, perpetually, perpetuate,
perpetuity, perplex, perplexing, perplexity, perquisites, per
se, persecute, persecution, perseverance, persevere,
persevering, perseveringly, persiflage
persistence, persistent, persistently, person, personage,
personal, personalities, personally, personate, personify,
perspicacity, perspicuity, perspicuous, perspiration, perspire,
persuade, persuasion, persuasive, persuasively, persuasiveness
pert, pertain to, pertinacious, pertinaciously, peruse, pervade,
perverse, perversely
perversity, pervert, pest, pester, pestilence, pestilent,
pestilential, pertinacity, pertinent, pertinently, pertly,
pertness, perturb, perturbation, pestle, pet, petal, petition,
petitioner, pet name, petrify, pettifogger, pettifogging,
pettiness, pettishly, pettishness, petty, petty-officer,
petulantly, phalanx, phantasy, phantom, pharmacy, phase,
phenomenal, phenomenally, phenomenon, phial, philanthropic,
philanthropically, philanthropy, philippic, philomel,
philosopher, philosophic, philosophically, philosophise,
philosophy, philtre, phlegm, phlegmatic, phlegmatically,
phosphorescent, phrase, phraseology, phrensy, phthisis, physic,
physician, physics, physiognomy, physique, pick, pick-axe,
picked, picket, pickle, pick-pocket, picture, picturesque,
piebald, piece
piece, piecemeal,
pier, pierce, piercing, piercingly, piety, pig, pigeon, piggish,
piggishness, pigment, pigmy, pig-sty, pike, pile, pilfer
pilfering, pilgrim, pilgrimage, pillage, pillar, pillared,
pillory, pillow, pilot, pilotage, pimp, pimple, pin, pincers,
pinch, pinchbeck, pine
pining, pinion,
pink, pinnace, pinnacle, pint, pioneer, pious, piously, pip,
pipe, piper, piping, pipking, pique, piracy, pirate, piratical,
pirouette, pit, pitch
pitched battle, pitcher, pitch-fork, pitchy, piteous, piteously,
piteousness, pitfall, pith, pithily, pithiness, pithy, pitiable,
pitiably, pitiful, pitifully, pitifulness, pitiless, pitilessly,
pitilessness, pittance, pity, pitying, pivot, placability,
placable, placidly
placard, place,
placid, placidity, placidly, plagiarise, plague, plague-spot,
plaice, plain
plain, plain dealing,
plainly, plainness, plain-spoken, plain-spokenness, plaint,
plaintiff, plaintive, plaintively, plait, plaited, plan, plane,
planet, plank, plant
plash, plashing, plaster, plastic, plate, plateau, plated,
platform, platitude, platter, plaudit, plausibility, plausible,
plausibly, play
played out, player,
play-fellow, playful, playfully, playfulness, plaything,
playwright, plea, plead, pleader, pleading, pleasant,
pleasantly, pleasantness, pleasantry, please
pleasing, pleasingly, pleasurable, pleasurably, pleasure,
pleasure ground, plebeian, pledge, plenary, plenipotentiary,
plenitude, plenteous, plenteously, plenteousness, plentiful,
plentifully, plentifulness, plenty, plethora, pleurisy, pliable
pliancy, pliant, plight, plod, plodding, plot, plotter,
plotting, plough, ploughing, plough land, ploughman, pluck,
plug, plumage, plumb-line, plume
plume oneself,
plummet, plump, plumpness, plunder, plunderer, plundering,
plunge, ply, pneumonia, poach, poacher, pocket
pod, poem, poesy, poet,
poetess, poetic, poetical, poetically, poetry, poignancy,
poignant, poignantly, point
point-blank, pointed, pointedly, pointless, poise, poison,
poisoner, poisoning, poisonous, poke, pole, pole-axe, pole-cat,
polemic, polemically, police, police station, policy, polish
polished, polite, politely, politeness, politic, political,
politically, politician, politics, polity, poll, pollen, poll
tax, pollute, polluted, polluter, pollution, poltroon,
poltroonery, pomegranate, pommel, pomp, pomposity, pompous,
pond, ponder, ponderosity, ponderous, ponderously, poniard,
pontifex, pontoon, pony, pool, poop, poor, poorly, poorness,
poor-spirited, popinjay, poplar, poppy, populace, popular,
popularity, popularly, populate, population
populousness, porch, porcupine, pore, pore over, pork, porous,
porousness, porpoise, port, portable, portal, portend,
portentous, portentously, porter, portico, portion, portioning,
portliness, portly, portrait, portray, portress, pose
pose, posit,
position, positive, positively, positiveness, possess,
possessed, possession, possessor, possible
possibly, post,
posterior, posterity, postern, post haste, posthumous, postpone,
postponement, postulate, posture, pot, potable, potash,
potation, pot-bellied, potency, potent, potentate, pother,
potion, potsherd, potter
pottery, pouch,
poultice, poultry, pounce, pound, pour, pout, poverty,
poverty-stricken, powder, power, powerful
powerless, powerlessness, practicable, practical, practically,
practice, practise, practised, practitioner, praetor,
praetorian, praetorship, praise, praiser, praiseworthy, prance,
prank, pranked, prate, prater
prattle, prattling, prawn, pray, prayer, preach, preamble,
precarious, precariously, precaution, precede, precedence,
precedent, preceding
preceptor, preceptress, precincts, precious, precipice,
precipitate, precipitation, precipitous, precise, precisely,
preciseness, precision, precocious, preconcert, precursor,
predatory, predecessor, predicable, predicament, predicate,
predict, prediction
predispose, predominance, predominant, predominate,
pre-eminence, pre-eminent, pre-eminently, pre-exist, preface,
prefect, prefer, preferable, preferably, preference, preferment,
prefigure, pregnant, prejudge, prejudice
prejudicial, prejudicially, preliminary, prelude, premature,
prematurely, premeditate, premeditated, premeditation, premise,
premises, premiss, premium, premonition, preoccupied, preoccupy,
preordain, preparation, preparatory, prepare, prepared, prepense
preponderating, prepossessing preposterous, preposterously,
preposterousness, prerogative, presage, prescience, prescient,
prescribe, prescription, presence, present, presentiment
preservation, preservative, preserve, preserver, preside,
presidency, president, press, pressing
prestige, presumably, presume, presumption, presumptive,
presumptuous, presumptuously, presumptuousness, presuppose,
pretence, pretend, pretended, pretension, pretentious,
pretentiously, pretentiousness, preternatural, preternaturally,
pretext, prettily, prettiness, pretty
prevail, prevalence,
prevalent, prevaricate, prevarication, prevent, preventer,
prevention, preventive, previous, previously, prey
prey upon,
price, priceless, prick, prickle, prickly, pride, priest,
priestess, priesthood, priestly, prim, primacy, primal,
primarily, primary, prime
prime, primeval,
primitive, primitiveness, primness, primogenitor, primogeniture,
primordial, prince, princely, princess, principal, principality,
principally, principle, principled, print
print, prior,
priority, prise, prison, prisoner, pristine, privacy, private,
privateer, privateering, privately, privation, privilege,
privility, privy, prize
probability, probable, probably, probation, probation,
probationer, probe, probity, problem, problematical, proceed,
proceeding, proceeds, procedure, process, procession, proclaim
proconsul, proconsular, proconsulate, procrastinate,
procrastination, procrastinator, procreate, procreation,
procreator, procurable, procure, procurement, procurer,
procuress, prodigal, prodigality, prodigally, prodigious,
prodigiousness, prodigy, produce
produce, product,
production, productive, productiveness, proem, profane,
profanity, profess, professedly, profession, professional,
professor, proffer, proficiency, proficient, proficiently,
profitable, profitably, profitless, profitlessly, profligacy,
profligate, profligately, profound, profoundly, profundity,
profuse, profusely, profuseness, progenitor, progeny,
progress, prohibit, prohibited, prohibition, prohibitive,
project, projectile, projection, proletariat, prolific,
prolifically, prolix, prolixity, prologue, prolong, promenade,
prominence, prominent, prominently
promiscuously, promise, promising, promontory, promote,
promotion, prompt, prompter, promptitude, promptly, promptness,
promulgate, prone, proneness, prong, pronounce, pronounced,
pronunciation, proof
prop, propaganda,
propagate, propagation, propagator, propel, propensity, proper,
properly, property
prophesy, prophet, prophetess, prophetic, prophetically,
propitiate, propitiation, propitiatory, propitious, propitiously
proportional, proportionate, proportionately, proportioned,
proposal, propose, proposer, proposition, propound, propounder,
propraetor, proprietor, proprietorship, propriety, prorogation,
prorogue, prosaic, proscribe, proscription, prose
prosecution, prosecutor, prose-writer, prosiness, prospect,
prospective, prosper, prospering, prosperity, prosperous,
prosperously, prostitute, prostitute, prostitution prostrate,
prostration, prosy, protect
protection, protector, protectorate, protectress, protest,
protestation, prototype, protract, protrude, protuberance,
protuberant, proud
proudly, prove,
provender, proverb, proverbial, proverbially, provide,
providence, provident, providentially, provider, province,
provincial, provision
provisional, provisionally, proviso, provocation, provocative,
provoke, provoking, provokingly, prow, prowess, prowl,
proximity, prudence, prudent, prudently, prudery,, prudish,
prune, pruning, pruning-knife, pruriency, prurient, pry, prying,
puberty, pubescent, public
publication, public-house, publicity, publicly, public speaker,
public speaking, public spirit, public-spirited, publish,
pucker, puckered, puddle, puerile, puerility, puff, puffed-up,
pugilistic, pugnacious, pugnaciously, pugnacity, puissance,
puissant, pule pull, pullet, pulley, pulsate, pulsation, pulse,
pumice-stone, pummel, pump, pumpkin, pun, punch, punctilious,
punctiliously, punctiliousness punctual, punctuality,
punctually, puncture, pungent, puniness, punish, punishable
punishment, punt, puny, pupil pupilage, puppet, puppy, purblind,
purchasable, purchase, pure, purely, purgation, purgative purge,
purging, purification, purifier, purify, purifying, purity
purling, purloin,
purple, purport, purpose, purposeless, purposely, purse, purse
up, pursuance, pursue, pursuer, pursuit
purvey, purveyor, push, pushful, pushfulness, pusillanimity,
pusillanimous, pusillanimously, pustule, put
putrefy, putrefying, putrescent, putrid, putridity, puzzle,
puzzling, pygmy, pyramid, pyre, python, pythoness, qua, quack,
quackery, quadrangular, quadruped, quadruple, quaestor,
quaestorian, quaestorship, quaff, quagmire, quail, quaint,
quaintly, quaintness, quake
qualification, qualified, qualify, quality, qualm, quandary,
quantity, quarrel, quarrelsome, quarrelsomeness, quarry, quart,
quarters, quarter-staff, quash, quaver, quay, queen, queen-bee,
queenly, queer, queerly, queerness, quell, quench, quenchless,
quenchlessness, querulous
querulousness, query, quest, question, questionable,
questionably, quibble, quick, quicken
quickly, quickness,
quicksilver, quick-tempered, quick-witted, quiescence,
quiescent, quiet, quietly, quietness, quill, quill-driver,
quilt, quinquennial, quinsy, quintessence, quip, quire, quit,
quite, quits
quiver, quivering, qui vive, quixotic, quixotism, quoit, quota,
quotation, quote, quoth, rabble, rabid, rabidly, race,
race-course, race horse, racer
racing, rack, racket,
rackety, racy, radiance, radiant, radiantly, radiate, radical,
radically, radish, radius, raft, rafter, rag, rage, ragged,
raging, raid, rail
railing, raiment,
rain, rain-bow, rainy, raise
raised, raisin,
raising, rake, rakish, rakishly, rally, rallying-point, ram,
ramble, rambling, ramblingly, ramification, ramming, rampant,
rampantly, rampart, rancid, rancorous, rancorously, rancour,
range, rank, rankle,
rankly, rankness, rankling, ransack, ransom
rant, ranter, rantling,
rap, rapacious, rapaciously, rapacity, rape, rapid, rapidity,
rapidly, rapier, rapine, rapture, rapturous, rapturously, rare,
rarely, rarity, rascal, rascality, rascally, rase, rash
rashly, rashness,
rasor, rasp, ratable, rate, rather, ratification, ratify, ratio,
ratiocination, ration, rational, rationality, rationally,
rattle, raucous, ravage
ravage, ravager,
rave, ravel, raven, ravening, ravenous, ravenously,
ravenousness, ravine, raving, ravish, ravisher, ravishing,
ravishingly, ravishment, raw, rawness, ray, rayless, raze,
razing, razor
reach, reaction, reactionary, read, readily, readiness, reading,
ready, real
realise, reality,
really, realm, reap, reaper, reaping hook, rear, rear-guard,
rearing, rearward, reason
reason, reasonable,
reasonableness, reasonably, reasoner, reasoning, reassure,
reave, rebel, rebellion, rebellious, rebelliously,
rebelliousness, rebound, rebuff, rebuild, rebuke
rebut, recall,
recant, recantation, recapitulate, recapitulation, recast,
recede, receding, receipt, receive, received, recent, recently,
receptacle, reception, receptive, recess
reciprocal, reciprocate, reciprocity, recital, recitation,
recite, reciter, reck of, reckless, recklessly, recklessness,
reckon, reckoner, reckoning, reclaim, recline
recognise, recognisable, recognised, recognition, recoil,
recollect, recollection, recommend, recommendation, recompense,
reconcile, reconciler, reconciliation, recondite, reconnaissance
reconnoitring, reconsider, reconsideration, reconstruct, record,
recording, recount, recoup, recourse, recover, recoverer,
recreation, recriminate, recrimination, recriminatory,
recrudescence, recruit, rectification, rectify, rectitude,
recumbent, recuperate, recuperation, recur, recurrence, red,
redden, reddish, redeem, redeeming feature, redemption, red-hot,
redistribution, red-legged, redness, redolent, redouble, redoubt
redoubtable, redound to, redress, reduce, reduction, redundance,
redundant, redundantly, red-winged, reecho, reed, reef, reek
reek, reel, reeling,
re-establish, refection, refectory, refer, referee, reference,
refill, refine, refined, refinement, refit, refitting, reflect
reflective, refluent, reform, reformer, refractoriness,
refractory, refrain, refresh, refreshing, refreshment, reft of,
refuge, refugee, refulgence, refulgent, refund, refurbish,
refutation, refute, regain, regal, regale, regally, regard,
regarding, regardless, regardlessly, regardlessness, regency
regeneration, regenerator, regent, regime, regimen, regiment,
region, register, registrar, registration, regress, regret,
regretful, regretfully, regrettable, regretted, regular,
regularity, regularly
regulation, rehabilitate, rehearsal, rehearse, reign, reimburse,
reimbursement, rein, reinforce, reinforcements, reins,
reinspirit, reinstate, reinstatement, reiterate, reiteration,
rejoice, rejoicing, rejoin, rejoinder, rejuvenate, rekindle,
relapse, relate, related, relation, relationship
relatively, relax, relaxation, relay, release, relegate, relent,
relentless, relentlessly, relentlessness, relevant, relevantly,
reliability, reliable
reliance, reliant, relic, relief, relieve, reliever, relieving,
religion, religious, religiously, religiousness, relinquish,
relinquishment, relish
reluctance, reluctant, reluctantly, rely on, remain, remainder,
remaining, remains, remand, remark, remarkable, remarkably,
remediable, remedial, remedy, remember
remembrance, remind, reminder, reminiscence, remiss, remission,
remissly, remissness, remit, remnant, remodel, remonstrance,
remonstrate, remorse, remorseful, remorseless, remorselessly
remotely, remoteness, remould, removable, removal, remove,
remunerate, remuneration, rencounter, rend, render, rendering,
renegade, renew, renewal, renounce, renovate, renovation,
renown, renowned, rent, renunciation, reopen, repair, repairer,
reparable, reparation, repartee, repast, repay, repayment
repeal, repeat,
repeated, repeatedly, repel, repellent, repent, repentance,
repentant, repetition, repine, repining, replace, replenish,
replenishment, replete, repletion, replica, reply
reply, report,
reporter, repose, repository, reprehend, reprehensible,
reprehensibly, reprehension, represent
repress, repression, reprieve, reprimand, reprisal, reproach
reproachfully, reprobate, reprobation, reproduce, reproduction,
reproof, reprove, reptile, republic, republican, repudiate,
repudiation, repugnance, repugnant, repulse, reputable,
reputably, reputation
repute, request,
require, requirement, requisite, requisition, requital, requite,
rescind, rescission, rescript, rescue
rescue, rescuer,
research, resemblance, resemble, resent, resentfully,
resentment, reservation, reserve, reserved, reservoir, reside,
resident, residue, resign, resignation, resigned, resignedly,
resilient, resin, resinous, resist, resistance, resistless,
resolute, resolutely, resolution, resolve
resonance, resonant, resort, resound, resource, resourceful,
resources, respect, respectable, respectability, respectably,
respectably, respected, respectful, respectfully,
respectfulness, respecting
respire, respite, resplendence, resplendent, resplendently,
respond, respondent, response, responsibility, responsible,
responsive, rest
restfully, restfulness, resting-place, restitution, restive,
restiveness, restless, restlessly, restlessness, restoration,
restorative, restore, restorer, restrain
restrict, restriction, result, resultant, resume, resumption,
resurrection, resuscitate, retail, retailer, retail-trading,
retain, retainer, retaining-fee, retaliate, retaliation, retard,
retch, retching, retention, retentive
reticent, retinue, retire, retired, retirement, retiring,
retort, retouch, retrace, retract, retraction, retreat, retrench
retributary, retribution, retributive, retrieve, retrograde,
retrogression, retrospect, return
reveal, revealer, revel, revelation, reveller, revelry, revenge,
revengeful, revengefully, revenue, reverberate, reverberation,
revere, revered, reverence
reverent, reverently, reverie, reversal, reverse, reversed,
reversely, reversion, reversionary, revert, review, revile,
reviling, revisal, revise, revision, revisit, revival, revive
revocable, revocation, revoke, revolt, revolting, revolution,
revolutionary, revolutionise, revolutionist, revolve, revulsion
reward, rhapsodise,
rhapsodist, rhapsody, rhetoric, rhetorical, rhetorically,
rhetorician, rheum, rhythm, rhythmic, rhythmical, rhythmically,
rib, ribald, ribaldry, riband, ribbon, rice, rich, riches
richly, richness,
rid, riddance, ridden, riddle, ride, rider, ridge, ridicule
ridiculously, ridiculousness, riding, rife, riff-raff, rifle,
rift, rig, rigging, right
right, righteous,
righteously, righteousness, rightful, rightfully, rightly,
right-minded, rightness, rigid, rigidity, rigidly, rigmarole,
rigorous, rigorously, rigour, rill, rim
rime, rimmed, rind,
ring, ringing, ringleader, ringlet, rinse, riot, rioter,
riotous, rip, ripe, ripen, ripeness
ripple, rise, risible
faculties, risibility, rising, risk
risky, rite, ritual,
rival, rivalry, riven, river, rivet, rivulet, road, roadstead,
roaming, roar,
roaring, roast, rob, robber, robbery, robe, robust, robustly,
robustness, rock
rock, rockiness,
rocking, rocky, rod, rodomontade, roe, rogue, roguery, roguish,
roisterer, roistering, role, roll, roller, rollick, rollicking,
rolling, rollock, romance
romantic, romp,
roof, roofed, roofless, rook, room, roomy, roost, root, root
out, rooted, rope, rope-seller, rosary, rose, rostrum, rosy
rot, rotate, rotation,
rote, rotten, rottenness, rotund, rotundity, rough, roughen,
roughly, roughness, rough-shod, round
round, roundabout,
rounded, roundly, roundness, rouse, rousing, rout, route,
routine, rove, roving, row, rowdy, rowel, rower, rowing
rowing-benches, rowlock, royal, royally, royalty, rub, rubbish,
rubble, rubicund, rudder, ruddiness, ruddy, rude, rudely,
rudeness, rudiment, rudimentary, rue, rueful, ruefully
ruffian, ruffianly, ruffle, rug, rugged,
ruggedness, ruin, ruined, ruiner, ruinous, rule
rule, ruler, ruling,
rumble, ruminate, rumination, rummage, rumour, rump, rumple, run
run, runaway, rung,
runner, running, rupture, rural, ruse, rush
rush, rushing,
russet, rust, rustic, rusticity, rustle, rusty, rut, ruth,
ruthless, ruthlessly, ruthlessness, sable, sabre, sacerdotal,
sack, sacred
sacrifice, sacrificer, sacrificial, sacrilege, sacrilegious,
sacrosanctity, sad, sadden, saddle, saddler, sadly, sadness,
safe, safe-conduct, safe-guard, safe-keeping, safely, safety,
saffron, sag,
sagacious, sagaciously, sagacity, sage, sagely, sail, sailing,
saint, saintly, sake,
salaam, salaried, salary, sale, salesman, salient, saline,
saliva, sallow, sallowness, sally, saloon, salt, salt-fish,
salubrious, salubriously, salubriousness, salutary, salutation,
salute, salvage, salvation, salve, salver, same
samely, sameness,
samite, sample, sanctification, sanctify, sanctimonious,
sanctimoniously, sanctimoniousness, sanction, sanctity,
sanctuary, sand, sandal, sandy, sane, sanely, saneness,
sang-froid, sanguinary, sanguine, sanitary
sanity, sap,
sapience, sapient, sapiently, sapless, sapling, sarcasm,
sarcastic, sarcastically, sarcophagus, sardonically, sash,
satchel, sate, satellite, satiate, satiety, satire, satirical,
satirically, satirise, satirist, satisfaction, satisfactorily,
satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy
satrap, satrapy,
saturate, saturated, saturnalia, saturnine, satyr, satyric,
sauce, saucer, saucily, sauciness, saucy, saunter, sausage,
sausage-seller, savage, savagely, savageness, savagery, savant,
save, saving
savings, saviour,
savour of , savour, savoury, saw, sawdust, sawn, sawyer, say,
saying, scab, scabbard, scabby, scaffold, scaffolding, scald,
scalene, scaling,
scalp, scalpel, scaly, scamp, scamper, scan, scandal,
scandalise, scandalous, scandalously, scant, scantily,
scantiness, scanty, scape, scape goat, scar, scarce, scarcely,
scarcity, scare
scare, scared,
scarf, scarlet, scarp, scathe, scathless, scatter, scattered,
scaur, scene, scenery, scent, scented, sceptic, sceptical,
sceptically, scepticism, sceptre
scheme, schemer, scheming, schism, schismatic, scholar,
scholarly, scholarship, school, school-fellow, schooling,
school-master, school-mistress, school-room, schooner, science,
scientific, scientifically, scimiter, scintilla
scintillation, scion, scissors, scoff, scoffer, scoffing, scold,
scolding, scoop, scope, scorch, scorching, scorching-heat, score
scorn, scornful,
scornfully, scorpion, scotch, scot-free, scoundrel, scour,
scourge, scourging, scouring, scout, scouting, scowl, scowling,
scrap, scrape, scraper, scrapings, scratch, scream, screech,
screech-owl, screen, screw, screw up, scribble, scribbler,
scribe, scrip, scrivener
scroll, scrub,
scruple, scrupulous, scrupulously, scrupulousness, scrutinise,
scrutiniser, scrutiny, scud, scuffle, scull, scullion, sculptor,
sculpture, scum, scurrility, scurrilous, scurrilously, scurry,
scurvy, scuttle,
scymetar, scythe, scythed, sea, sea-board, sea-coast, seafarer,
seafaring, sea-fight, sea-girt, sea-going, seal, seal-ring
seam, seaman,
seamanship, seaport, sear, search, searcher, searching, seared.
sea-room, sea-shore, sea-sick, season, seasonable, seasonably,
seasoned, seasoning, seat
seat, seated,
sea-tossed, sea-urchin, sea-washed, sea-water, sea-weed,
sea-worthy, secede, secession, seclude, secluded, seclusion,
second, secondary
seconder, secondly,
second-rate, secrecy, secret, secretary, secrete, secretive,
secretiveness, secretly, sect, sectarian, section, secular,
secure, securely
security, sedan,
sedate, sedately, sedateness, sedentary, sedge, sediment,
sedition, seditious, seditiously, seditiousness, seduce,
seducer, seduction, seductive, seductively, seductiveness,
sedulous, sedulously, sedulousness, see
see, seed, seedling,
seed-time, seeing, seek, seeker, seeking, seem, seeming,
seemingly, seemliness, seemly
seen, seer,
seer-craft, seethe, segment, seize, seizure, seldom, select,
selection, self, self-abasement, self-command, self-complacency,
self-complacent, self-conceit, self-confidence, self-confident,
self-confidently, self-conscious, self-consciousness,
self-contained, self-control
self-defence, self-denial, self-detected, self-evident,
self-importance, self-important, self-imposed, self-indulgence,
self-indulgent, self-inflicted, selfish, selfishly, selfishness,
self-opiniationed, self-possessed, self-reliance, self-reliant,
self-respect, self-restraint, self-satisfied, self-seeker,
self-seeking, self-sown, self-sufficiency, self-sufficient,
self-summoned, self-will, self-willed, sell, seller, selling,
semblance, seminary, senate, senator, senatorial, send
sender, sending,
seneschal, senile, senility, senior, seniority, sensation,
sensational, sense
senselessly, senselessness, sensibility, sensible, sensibly,
sensitive, sensitiveness, sensual, sensualist, sensuality,
sensually, sensuous, sentence, sententious, sententiously,
sentiment, sentimental, sentinel, sentry, separable, separate,
separately, separation, september, sepulchral, sepulchre,
sepulture, sequel, sequence, sequestered, sequestrate,
sequestration, serene, serenely, serenity, serf, serfdom,
seriatim, series, serious
seriousness, sermon, serpent, serpentine, serrated, serried,
servant, serve
service, serviceable,
serviceably, servile, servile, servility, serving-man,
serving-woman, servitor, servitude, sesame, session, set
settle, settled, settlement
settler, seven,
seventh, seventy, sever, several, severally, severance, severe,
severed, severely, severity, sew, sewing, sex
sexual, shabbily,
shabbiness, shabby, shackle, shade, shaded, shading, shadow,
shadow forth, shadowing, shadowy, shady, shaft
shaggy, shake,
shaking, shaky, shallop, shallow, shallowness, shallows, sham,
shamble, shame, shame-faced, shame-facedly, shame-facedness,
shameful, shamefully, shameless, shamelessly
shank, shanty, shape, shapeless, shapeliness, shapely, shard,
share, sharer, sharing, sharp, sharpen, sharpened, sharper,
sharp-practice, sharp-sighted, sharp-witted, shatter, shave,
shaven, shaver, shavings, shawl, sheaf, shear, shearing, shears,
sheath, sheathe, shed
shed, sheen,
sheeny, sheep, sheep-fold, sheepish, sheepishly, sheepisness,
sheep-rearing, sheep-pen, sheep-seller, sheep-skin, sheer,
sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, sheltered
shelve, shelving, shepherd, sherd, sheriff, shew, shield,
shield-bearer, shield-bearing, shield-factory, shift,
shiftiness, shifting, shiftless, shiftlessly
shifty, shilling, shilly-shally, shin, shine, shingle,
shininess, shining, ship, shipbuilder, ship-building,
shipmaster, ship-mate, ship-owner, ship-owning, shipping,
shipwreck, ship-wrecked, ship-wright, ship-yard, shire, shirk,
shirking, shirt
shiver, shivering,
shoal, shoals, shock, shocking, shockingly, shod, shoddy, shoe,
shoeless, shoemaker, shoemaker's shop, shoemaking, shoot
shoot, shooter,
shooting, shop, shore, shorn, short
short-lived, shortly, shortness, short-sighted,
short-sightedness, short-spoken, shot, shoulder, shoulder-blade,
shoulder-strap, shout, shove, shovel
shovel, show,
shower, showily, showiness, showy, shred
shrewishness, shrewd, shrewdly, shrewdness, shriek, shrill,
shrillness, shrill-voiced, shrilly, shrimp, shrine, shrink,
shrinkage, shrinking, shrive, shrivel, shrivelled, shroud,
shrub, shrubbery, shrug, shrunken, shudder, shuffle
shuffling, shun,
shut, shuttle, shy, shyly, shyness, sick, sicken, sickening,
sickle, sickle-maker, sickle-shaped, sickliness, sickly,
sickness, side
side, sided,
side-dish, side-glance
sidelong, sideways,
sidle, siege, siesta, sieve, sift, sigh, sight, sightless,
sight-seeing, sight-seer, sign
sign, signal,
signalise, signaller, signalling, signally, signature, signet,
significance, significant, signification, signify, silence
silent, silently,
silk, silk-worm, sillily, silliness, silly, silt, silt up,
silver, silver-gold, silver mines, silver ore, silver-plate,
silver-smith, similar, similarity, similarly, simile,
similitude, simmer, simper, simpering, simple, simple-minded,
simpleton, simplicity, simplify
simply, simulate,
simulated, simultaneously, sin, since, sincere, sincerely,
sincerity, sinew, sinewy, sinful, sinfully, sinfulness, sing,
singe, singer, singing, single
single, single
combat, single-handed, single-minded, singleness, singly,
singular, singularity, singularly, sinister, sink
sinlessly, sinlessness, sinner, sin-offering, sinuous, sip, sir,
sire, sister, sisterhood, sisterly, sit, site, sitting, sitting
together, sitting with, situated, situation, six, sixteen,
sixteenth, sixth, sixtieth, sixty, size, skein, skeleton,
sketch, sketchily, skewer, skiff, skilful, skilfully,
skilfulness, skill, skilled, skim
skim, skimp, skin,
sin-deep, skin-flint, skinniness, skinny, skip, skipper,
skirmish, skirmisher, skirmishing parties, skirt, skittish,
skittishness, skulk, skulker, skull, skurry, sky
sky-high, slab,
slack, slacken, slackening, slackly, slackness, slain, slake,
slam, slander, slanderer, slanderous, slanderously, slang,
slanting, slant-wise, slap, slash, slashing, slate, slatternly,
slaughter, slaughterer, slaughterous, slave
slave-dealing, slaver, slavery, slavish, slavishly, slavishness,
slay, slayer, slaying, sledge-hammer, sleek, sleep, sleeper,
sleepiness, sleeping-draught, sleepless, sleeplessly,
sleeplessness, sleepy, sleet, sleeve, sleight
slender, slenderly,
slenderness, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slightness, slily,
slim, slime, slimness, slimy, sling, slinger, slinging, slink,
slip, slipper,
slippery, slit, sloop, slope, sloping, sloppy, slops, slosh,
sloshy, slot, sloth, slothful, slothfully, slothfulness, slouch,
slouching, slough, slovenly, slow
slowness, sluggish, sluggishly, sluggishness, sluice, slumber,
slumberous, slur, slur over, slush, slushy, sly, slyly, slyness,
smack, small, smallness, smart, smarten, smartly, smartness
smash, smattering,
smear, smell, smelling, smelt, smile, smiling, smilingly,
smirch, smirk, smite, smiter, smith, smithy, smock-frock, smoke
smoky, smooth,
smoothly, smoothness, smooth-tongued, smother, smoulder, smudge,
smuggle, smutch, snaffle, snail, snake, snaky, snap, snare
snarl, snatch,
sneak, sneaking, sneer, sneeze, sniff, snivel, snood, snore,
snort, snout, snow, snow-flake, snow-white, snowy, snub,
snuff, snug, snugly,
so, soak, soaking, soap, soar, soaring, sob, sober, soberly,
soberness, sobriety, sociability, sociable, sociably, social
socialist, society, socket, sod, soda, sodden, soever, soft,
soften, softened, soft-hearted, softly, softness, soft-spoke,
soil, soiled, sojourn
sojourner, solace, solder, soldier, soldiering, soldierly, sole,
solecism, solely, solemn, solemnise, solemnity, solicit,
solicitation, solicitor, solicitous, solicitously, solicitude,
solid, solidarity, solidify, solidity, solidly, solitary
solo, solstice, soluble, solution, solve, solvent, sombre,
sombreness, some, somebody, some day, somehow, something,
sometime, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, somewhither,
somnolence, somnolent, son, song, songster, songstress,
soon, sooner, soot, sooth, soothe, soothing, soothsayer,
soothsaying, sooty, sop, sophism, sophist, sophistical,
sophistically, sophistry, soporific, sorcerer, sorceress,
sorcery, sordid, sordidly, sordidness
sore, sorely, soreness,
sorriness, sorrow, sorrowful, sorrowfully, sorrowfulness, sorry,
sort, sortie, sort,
out, sot, sottish, sottishness, sough, soul, soul-stirring,
sound, sounding, soundly, soundness, soup, sour
sour, source, sourly,
sourness, souse, south, southern, southward, south wind,,
souvenir, sovereign, sovereignty, sow, sower, sowing, sown,
space, spacious, spaciousness, spade, span
spangle, spangled,
spar, spare, sparely, sparing, sparingly, sparingness, spark,
sparkle, sparkling, sparrow, sparse, sparsely, sparseness,
spasm, spasmodic, spasmodically, spatter, spawn, speak
speaker, speaking, spear, spearman, special, specialise,
specialist, specialty, specially special, specialise,
specialist, specialty, specially, special-pleading, species,
specific, specifically, specify, specimen
speciously, speciousness speckled, spectacle, spectacular,
spectator, spectral, spectre, speculate, speculation,
speculative, speculator, speech, speechless, speechlessly,
speechlessness, speed
speed, speedily,
speeding, speedy, spell, spell-bound, spelt, spend,
spend-thrift, spew, sphere, spherical, spice, spick and span,
spicy, spider, spigot
spike, spiked, spill,
spin, spinal, spindle, spine, spinner, spinning, spinster,
spiral, spirit, spirit away, spirited, spiritless, spiritual,
spirit, spit, spite
spitefully, spitefulness, spittle, splash, spleen, splendid,
splendidly, spendour, splice, splinter, split, splutter, spoil
spoiler, spoiling,
spoken, spokesman, spoliation, sponge, spongy, sponsor,
spontaneity, spontaneous, spontaneously, spoon, sporadic,
sporadically, sport, sportive, sportively, sportsman,
sportsmanship, spot, spotless, spotlessly, spotlessness,
spotted, spouse
spousals, spout,
sprain, sprawl, sprawling, spray, spread, sprig, sprightliness,
sprightly, spring
spring, sprinkle,
sprinkling, sprout, sprouting, spruce, spruceness, spume, spur,
spurn, spurt,
sputter, spy, spying squabble, squad, squadron, squalid,
squalidly, squall, squalor, squander, squandering, square
squash, squat,
squeak, squeal, squeamish, squeamishness, squeeze, squib,
squinting, squire, squirt, stab, stability, stable, stablish,
stack, stade, staff, stag, stage, stagger
staggering, staging, stagnant, stagnate, stagnation, staid,
staidly, staidness, stain, stainless, stainlessly,
stainlessness, stair, staircase, stake, stale, staleness, stalk,
stall, stallion
stalwart, stamina,
stammer, stamp, stamped, stampede, stanch, stanchion, stanchly,
stanchness, stand
standing, standstill, staple, star, stare, star-gazer, staring,
stark, starry, start
starting point, startle, startling, starvation, starve,
starving, state, stateliness, stately, statement, statesman,
station, stationary, statuary, statuary, statue, stature,
status, statutable, statute, statutory, staunch, staunchly,
staunchness, stave, stay
stayer, stead, steadfast, steadfastly, steadfastness, steadily,
steadiness, steady, steal, stealing, stealth, stealthily,
stealthy, steam
steed, steel, steep,
steer, steerer, steering, steersman, stem, stench, stentorian,
step, step-child,
step-daughter, step-father, step-mother, step-son, sterile,
sterility, sterling, stern, sternly, sternness, stew, steward,
stewardship, stick, stickiness, stickler
sticky, stiff,
stiffen stiffly, stiff-necked, stiffness, stifle, stifling,
stigma, stigmatise, stiletto still, stillness, stilted,
stimulant, stimulate, stimulation, stimulative, stimulus, sting
stinginess, stinging, stingy, stink, stinking, stint, stinted,
stipend, stipulate, stipulation, stir, stirring, stitch, stithy,
stockade, stocks,
stoical, stoicism, stolen, stolid, stolidity, stolidly, stomach,
stone, stoner, stone-mason, stone-quarry, stone-work, stoniness,
stoning, stony, stony-hearted, stool
stoop, stooping,
stop, stoppage, stopper, store
house, store keeper, store room, store ship, storey, storied,
stork, storm, storming, storm-tossed, stormy, story, story
teller, story telling, stout, stout-hearted, stoutly, stoutness,
stow, straddle
stragglers, straggling, straight, straighten, straightforward,
straightforwardly, straightforwardness, straightness,
straightway, strain, strait
strait, straiten,
strait-laced, straitly, stand, stranded, strange, strangely,
srtangeness, stranger, strangle, strangling, strap, strapping,
stratagem, strategic, strategically, straw
straw, stray,
streak, streaky, stream, streaming, street, strength, strengthen
strenuous, strenuously, strenuousness, stress, stretch,
stretcher, strew, stricken, strict, strictly, strictness,
strictures, stride, strife, strigil, strike
striking, string,
stringent, stringently, strip, stripe
stripe, striped,
stripling, stripping the dead, strive, striving, stroke, stroll,
strolling, strong, stronghold, strongly
strong-willed, structure, struggle, struggling, strumpet,
strung, strut, stubble, stubborn, stubbornly, stubbornness,
stucco, stuccoed, stud, studded, student, studied
studious, studiously, studiousness, study, stuff, stultify,
stumble, stump, stun, stunt, stunted, stupefaction, stupefy,
stupendous, stupendously
stupid, stupidity, stupidly, stupify, stupor, sturdily,
sturdiness, sturdy, stutter, sty, style, stylish, stylishly,
suasion, suave, suavely, suavity, subdue, subdued, subject
subjection, subject matter, subjoin, subjugate, subjugation,
subjugator, sublime, sublimely, sublimity, sublunary, submerge,
submersion, submission, submissive, submissively,
submissiveness, submit
subordination, suborn, suborned, subpoena, subscribe,
subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subserve, subservience,
subservient, subserviently, subside, subsidence, subsidiary,
subsidise, subsidy, subsist, subsistence, substance, substantial
substantiate, substantiation, substantive, substitute, subtend,
subterfuge, subterranean, subterraneous, subtle, subtlety,
subtly, subtract, subtraction, suburb, suburban, subvention,
subversion, subversive, subvert, subway, succeed
success, successful, successfully, successfulness, succession,
successive, successively, successor, succinct, succinctly,
succinctness, succour, succourer, succouring, succulent,
succumb, such, suck
sucker, suckle,
suckling, sudden, suddenly, suddenness, sue, suet, suffer,
sufferance, suffering, suffice, sufficiency, sufficient
suffocate, suffocating, suffocation, suffrage, suffuse, suggest,
suggester, suggestion, suggestive, suicidal, suicide, suit,
suitability, suitable, suitably, suite
suitor, sulk,
sulkily, sulkiness, sulky, sullen, sullenly, sullenness, sully,
suphur, sultriness, sultry, sum, summarily, summarise, summary,
summer, summersault, summit, summon, summoner, summons, sumpter,
sumptuousness, sun, sunbeam, sunburnt, sunder, sundial, sunken,
sunk in, sunless, sunlight, sunnily, sunny, sunrise, sunset,
sunshine, sup, superabundance, superabundant, superabundantly,
superannuated, superb, superbly, superbness, supercargo,
supercilious, superciliousness, supererogation, superficial
superfine, superfineness, superfluity, superfluous,
superfluously, superhuman, superimpose, superinduce,
superintend, superintendence, superintendent, superior,
superiority, superlative, superlatively, supernal, supernatural,
supernaturally, supernumerary, superscribe, superscription,
supersede, supersession, superstition, superstitious
supervise, supervision, supervisor, supine, supinely,
supineness, supper, supplant, supple, supplement, supplementary,
suppleness, suppliant, supplicate, supplication, supplier,
supply, supplies,
support, supportable, supporter, suppose
supposition, suppositious, suppress, suppression, suppurate,
suppurating, suppuration, supremacy, supreme, supremely, surds,
surely, surety,
surf, surface, surfeit, surge, surgeon, surgery, surging,
surily, surliness, surly, surmise
surround, surrounding, surveillance, survey, surveyor, survive,
susceptible, susceptibility, suspect, suspected, suspend,
suspense, suspension
suspicious, suspiciously, suspiciousness, sustain, sustenance,
sutlers, suture, suzerain, suzerainty, swaddle, swaddling
clothes, swagger, swaggering, swain, swallow, swamp, swampy,
swan, sward, swarm
swarthy, swath,
swathe, sway, swaying, swear, swearing, sweat, sweep
sweepings, sweet, sweeten, sweetheart, sweetly, sweetmeats,
sweetness, sweet-tempered, swell, swelling, swelter, sweltering,
swerve, swift, swift-footed, swiftly
swift-winged, swill, swim, swimming, swimming bath, swindle,
swindler, swindling, swine, swineherd, swing, swinging, swinish,
swinishness, swipe, switch, swollen, swoon, swooping, sword
maker, sworn, sybarite, sycophancy, sycophant, syllable,
syllogise, syllogism, sylph, sylvan, symbol, symbolical,
symbolically, symbolise, symmetrical, symmetrically, symmetry,
sympathetic, sympathetically, sympathise, sympathy
symphony, symptom,
symptomatic, synchronise with, synod, synonymous, synonyms,
synopsis, syringe, syrup, system, systematic, systematically,
systematisation, systematise, table, tablet, taboo, tabulate,
tacit, tacitly, taciturn, taciturnity, tack, tacking, tackle,
tackling, tact
tactful, tactfully
tactician, tactics, tactless, tactlessly, tactlessness, tag,
tail, tailor, tailoring, taint, tainted, take
taking, tale, tale
bearer, tale bearing, talent, talisman, talk, talkative,
talkativeness, talker, talking, tall, tallness, tallow, tally,
tamable, tame,
tamely, tamer, taming, tamper with, tan, tangible, tangle, tank,
tankard, tanner, tantalise, tantalising, tantamount, tap, taper,
tapestry, tar, tardily, tardiness, tardy, tare, targe, target
tariff, tarn, tarnish, tarnished, tarry, tarrying, tart,
tartarean, tartarus, tartly, tartness, task, taskmaster, tassel,
taste, tasteful, tastefulness, tasteless
tastelessness, tattered, tatters, tattle, tattler, tattling,
tattoo, taunt, tavern, tavern keeper, tawdry, tawny, tax,
taxable, taxation, tax-collecting, tax-collector, teach,
teachable, teacher, teaching
team, teamster,
tear, tearful
tearfulness, tearing, tearless, tease, teasel, teasing, teat,
technical, te deum, tedious, tediously, tediousness, tedium,
teem, teeming, telegraph, tell, telling, tellingly, tell tale,
temerity, temper
temper, temperament,
temperance, temperate, temperately temperateness, temperature,
tempest, tempest-tossed, tempestuous, temple, temple guards,
temples, temporal, temporarily, temporise, temporary, tempt,
temptation, tempting, ten
tenacious, tenaciously, tenacity, tenancy, tenant, tenantless,
tend, tendance, tendency, tender, tender-hearted,
tender-heartedness, tenderly
tendon, tendril, tenement, tenet, tenfold, tenor, tension, tent,
tentatively, tenterhooks, tenth, tenuity, tenure, tepid,
terebinth, tergiversation, term
term, termagant,
terminate, termination, terminology, terrace, terraced, terra
firma, terrestrial, terrible, terribleness, terribly, terrify,
territory, terror, terrorism, terse, tersely, terseness,
tertian, tesselated, test, testament, testator, testify,
testily, testimony, testiness, testy, tetanus
tether, tetrarch, text, textile, texture, than, thane, thank,
thankful, thankfully, thankfulness, thank-offering, thanks,
thanksgiving, that, thatch, thaw, theatre, theatrical,
theatrically, theft, their
them, theme,
themselves, then, thence, thenceforth, thenceforward, theology,
theoretical, theoretically, theory, therapeutics, there,
thereabout, thereafter, thereat, therefore, therefrom, therein,
thereupon, thesis, thews, they, thick
thicken, thicket,
thick-headed, thickly, thickness, thick-set, thick-skinned,
thief, thieve, thieving, thievish, thievishness, thigh, thin,
thine, thing, think
thinker, thinking, thinly, thinness, thin-skinned, third,
thirdly, thirst, thirstily, thirstiness, thirsty, thirteen,
thirteenth, thirtieth, thirty, this, thither, thistle, tho,
thole, thong, thorn
thorough, thoroughbred, thoroughfare, thorough-going,
thoroughly, thoroughly, thoroughness, though, thought,
thoughtful, thoughtfully, thoughtfulness, thoughtless,
thoughtlessly, thoughtlessness
thousandth, thraldom, thrall, thrash, thrashing, thread,
threadbare, threat, threaten, threatening, threateningly, three
three-fold, three-headed, three hundred, three, threnody,
thresh, threshing floor, threshold, thrice, thrift, thriftily,
thriftless, thriftlessly, thriftlessness, thrifty, thrill,
thrilling, thrive, thriving, throat, throb, throe, throne,
throned, throng
thronging, throstle, throttle, throttingling, through,
throughout, throw
throw, thrum, thrush,
thrust, thud
thumb, thump, thunder,
thunderbolt, thunderstruck, thus, thwart, thwarts, thy, thyme,
thyrsus, thyself, tiara, ticket, tickle, tickling, tide
till, tillage, tiller,
tilt, tilth, tilt-waggon, timber, timbered, time
time, time-honoured,
time-limit, timeliness, timely, timepiece, time server, timid,
timidity, timidly, timocracy, timocratic, timorous, timourously,
timorousness, tin, tincture, tinder, tinge, tingle, tingling,
tinkle, tinsel,
tint, tiny, tip, tipple, tippler, tippling, tipsiness, tipsy,
tip-toe, tirade, tire, tired, tireless, tiresome
tiresomeness, tire-woman, tiring, tissue, tit for tat, tithe,
titillate, titillation, title, title-deeds, titter, tittle,
tittle-tattle, titular, to, toad, toady, toadyism, toast,
tocsin, to-day, toe, toga, together
toil, toilet, toils,
toilsome, toilsomely, toilsomeness, tolerable, tolerably,
tolerance, tolerant, tolerantly, tolerate, toleration, toll,
toll-collecting, toll-collector, tomb
tome, tomfoolery, to-morrow, tone, tone down, tongs, tongue,
to-night, tonnage, tonsure, tonsured, too, tool, tooth
toothsome, top, toper, top-heavy, topic, topmost, topography,
topple, topsy-turvy, tor, torch, torch bearer, torment, torn,
tornado, torpid, torpidness, torpor, torque
torrent, torrid,
tortoise, tortoise shell, tortuous, tortuously, torture,
torturer, torturing, toss, tossing, total, totally
tot down,
totter, tottering, tot up, touch, touching, touchingly,
touch-stone, tough, toughly, toughness, tour, tourist,
tournament, tourney, tow, towards
towel, tower,
towered, towering, to wit, town, town clerk, town council, town
hall, towns folk, township, townsman, toy, toy with, trace
trace horse, tracery, traces, trachea, tracing, track, tracker,
trackless, tract, tractability, tractable, traction, trade,
trader, tradesman, trade winds, trading station, tradition
traditionally, traduce, traffic, trafficking, tragedian,
tragedy, tragic, tragical, tragically, trail, trailing, train
trainer, training, training school, trait, traitor, traitorous,
traitress, trammel, trammel, tramp, trample, trampling, trance,
tranquil, tanquilise, tranquility
transact, transaction, transcend, transcendental,
transcendently, transcending, transcribe, transcript,
transcription, transfer, transferable, transference,
transfigure, transfix, transform, transformation, transgress,
transient, transit, transition, transitory, translate,
translucent, transmarine, transmigrate, transmigration,
transmission, transmit, transmute, transmutation, transparency,
transparent, transparently, transpire, transplant, transport,
transportation, transpose
transship, transverse, transversely, trap, trapezium, trappings,
traps, trash, travail, travel, traveller, travelling expenses,
travel-stained, traversable, traverse
tray, treacherous, treacherously, treachery, tread, treason,
treasonable, treasure
house, treasurer, treasure-trove, treasury, treat, treatise,
treatment, treaty, treble, trebly, tree, treeless, tremble,
tremendous, tremendously, tremor, tremulous, trench, trenchant,
trenchantly, trencher, trencherman, trend, trepidation,
trespass, tress, trestle, triad, trial
triangle, tribe,
tribesman, tribulation, tribunal, tribunate, tribune,
tribunician, tributary, tribute, trice, trick, trick out,
trickery, trickle, trickster, tricky
trident, tried,
triennial, trierarch, trierarchy, trifle, trifler, trifling,
triglyph, trim, trimly, trimming, trimness, trinket, trip,
triple, triply, tripod
tripping, trireme,
trite, triumph, triumphal, triumphant, trivial, triviality,
trochee, trodden, troop, trooper, troops, troop-ship, trophy,
troth, troubadour, trouble, troubled, troubler, troublesome,
troublesomely, troublesomeness, troublous, trough, trounce,
trowel, truant,
truce, truceless, truckle to, truckling, truculence, truculent,
truculently, true, truism, truly, trump, trumpery, trumpet,
trumpeter, truncate, truncheon, trundle
trunk, truss, trust,
trustee, trusteeship, trustful, trustfully, trustfulness,
trustily, trustiness, trustworthily, trustworthiness,
trustworthy, trusty, truth, truthful, truthfully, truthfulness,
trying, trysting,
tub, tube, tubular, tuck, tuck up, tuft, tug, tuition, tumble,
tumbler, tumbrel, tumid, tumour, tumult, tumultuous,
tumultuously, tumultuousness, tumulus, tun, tune, tuneful,
tunefully, tunefulness, tunic
tunnel, tunny,
turban, turbid, turgot, turbulence, turbulent, turbulently,
turf, turfy, turgid, turgidity, turgidly, turmoil, turn
turn, turning,
turnip, turpitude, turret
turretted, tusk,
tussle, tutelage, tutelary, tutor, twaddle, twain, twang,
tweezers, twelfth, twelve, twentieth, twenty, twice, twig,
twilight, twin, twine, twinge
twinkling, twirl, twist, twisted, twit, twitch, twitter, two,
two-edged, two-fold, two-formed, two-handled, two-headed, two
hundred, two-legged, two-oared, type, typhoon
typically, typify, tyrannical, tyrannically, tyrannise,
tyrannous, tyrannously, tyranny, tyrant, tyro, ubiquitous,
udder, ugliness, ugly, ulcer, ulcerate, ulceration, ulcered,
ulterior, ultimate, ultimately, ultimatum, umbrage, umbrageous,
umbrella, umpire, unabashed, unabated
unabolished, unacceptable, unaccomodating, unaccompanied,
unaccomplished, unaccountable, unaccountably, unaccustomed,
unacquainted, unadapted, unadorned, unadulterated, unaffected,
unaffectedly, unaffianced, unaffrighted, unaided, unallotted,
unalloyed, unalterable, unalterably, unambiguous, unambiguously,
unambitious, unambitiously, unamenable, unamiability, unamiable,
unamiably, unaneled, unanimity, unanimous, unanimously
unanswerably, unappeasable, unapproachable, unapt, unarmed,
unashamed, unasked, unaspiring, unassailable, unassisted,
unassuming, unatoned, unattached, unattainable, unattempted,
unattended, unattested, unattractive, unauthenticated,
unauthorised, unavailable, unavailing, unavenged, unavoidable,
unavoidably, unaware, unbar, unbearable, unbearably, unbeaten,
unbefitting, unbefriended, unbegotten, unbeknown, unbelief,
unbelieving, unbeloved, unbend, unbending, unbetrothed,
unbiassed, unbidden, unbind, unblameable, unblemished,
unblessed, unblushing, unblushingly, unboastful, unbolt, unborn,
unbosom oneself, unbound by oath, unbounded, unbreakable,
unbribed, unbridled, unbroken, unbrokenly, unbuckle, unburden,
unburied, unbusinesslike, uncalled for, uncared for
unceasingly, uncensured, uncertain, uncertainty, unchallenged,
unchangeable, unchangeablenes, unchangeably uncharitable,
uncharitableness, unchaste, unchastened, unchastity, unchecked,
uncivil, uncilivised, uncivilly, uncle, unclean, uncleanliness,
uncleanly, uncleanness, uncleansed, unclose, unclosed, unclothe,
unclothed, unclouded
uncoined, uncombed, uncomeliness, uncomely, uncomfortable,
uncomfortableness, uncomfortably, uncommon, uncommonly,
uncommonness, uncommunicative, uncompanionable, uncompassionate,
uncomplaining, uncomplainingly, uncomplimentary, uncompounded,
uncompromising, unconcern, unconcerned, unconcernedly,
unconditionally, unconfirmed, unconfuted, uncongenial,
unconnected, unconnectedly, unconquerable, unconquered,
unconscionable, unconscious, unconsciously
unconsidered, unconstitutional, unconstitutionally,
unconstrained, unconsummated, uncontaminated, uncontested
uncontrollable, uncontrovertible, unconvinced, uncorrected,
uncorroborated, uncorrupted, uncorruptible, uncouple, uncourted,
uncourteous, uncourtly, uncouth, uncouthly, uncouthness,
uncover, uncovered, uncreated, uncredited, uncrowned, unctuous,
uncultivated, uncultured, uncurbed, uncut, undamaged, undaunted,
undecayed, undeceive, undecided, undecidedly, undecked,
undefeated, undefended, undefiled, undefinable, undefined,
undeniable, undeniably, undeplored, undepraved, under
undercurrent, underestimate, undergird, undergo, underground,
undergrowth, underhand, underlie, underling, undermine,
undermost, underneath, underrate, under-secretary, understand,
undertake, undertaker, undertaking, undertone, undervalue,
underwood, underworld, undeserved, undeservedly, undeserving,
undesigned, undesignedly, undesirable, undetected, undetermined,
undeveloped, undeviating, undigested, undignified, undiluted,
undiscerning, undisciplined, undiscoverable, undiscriminating,
undisguised, undisguisedly, undismayed, undisputed
undisturbed, undivided, undivulged, undo, undoing, undone,
undoubted, undoubtedly, undowered, undreamt of, undress,
undressed, undrilled, undrinkable, undue, undulate, undulation,
undutifulness, undying, unearned, unearth, unearthly, uneasily,
uneasiness, uneasy, unedifying, uneducated, unembarrassed,
unemployed, unenchanted, unencumbered, unending, unendurable,
unendurably, unenlightened, unenterprising, unenviable,
unenvied, unequal, unequalled, unequally, unequivocal
unevenness, unexamined, unexampled, unexceptionable,
unexercised, unexpected, unexpectedly, unexpiated, unexplored,
unexpressed, unextinguishable, unfading, unfailing, unfailingly,
unfair, unfairly, unfairness, unfaithful, unfaithfully,
unfaithfulness, unfaltering, unfalteringly, unfamiliar,
unfamiliarity, unfashionable
unfastened, unfathomable, unfavourable, unfavourableness,
unfavourably, unfeathered, unfeeling, unfeelingly,
unfeelingness, unfeigned, unfeignedly, unfelt, unfenced,
unfermented, unfettered, unfilial, unfinished, unfit, unfitness,
unfix, unflagging, unflattered, unflattering, unfledged,
unflinching, unflinchingly, unfold, unforeseen, unforgetful,
unforgiving, unforgotten, unfortified, unfortunate
unfrequented, unfriended, unfriendliness, unfriendly,
unfruitful, unfruitfully, unfulfilled, unfurl, ungainliness,
ungainly, ungallant, ungarlanded, ungarrisoned, ungathered,
ungenerous, ungenerously, ungentle, ungentleness, ungently,
ungodliness, ungodly, ungovernable, ungovernably, ungraceful,
ungracefully, ungracefulness, ungracious
ungraciousness, ungrateful, ungratefully, ungratefulness,
ungrounded, ungrudging, ungrudgingly, unguarded, unguardedly,
unguent, unhallowed, unhand,
unhappily, unhappiness, unhappy, unharmed
unhealthiness, unhealthy, unheard, unheeded, unheeding,
unhesitating, unhesitatingly, unhewn, unhinge, unhinged,
unhired, unholiness, unholy, unhonoured, unhoped for,
unhouseled, unhurt, unification, unify, uniform, uniformity,
uniformly, unimaginable, unimpaired, unimpassioned
unimpeded, unimportant, unimpressed, unimproving, unincumbered,
uninfected, uninfluenced, uninfluential, uninformed,
uninhabitable, uninhabited, uninitiated, uninjured,
uninstructed, unintelligent, unintelligible, unintelligibly,
unintended, unintentional, unintentionally, uninteresting,
uninterred, uninterrupted, uninterruptedly, uninvestigated,
uninvited, univiting, union
unique, unison,
unit, unite, unity, universal, universally, universe, unjust,
unjustifiable, unjustifiably, unjustly, unkempt, unkind,
unkindly, unkindness, unknowable, unknowing, unknowingly,
unlace, unlade, unladyllike, unlamented, unlawful, unlawfully,
unlawfulness, unlearn, unlearned, unless, unlet, unlettered,
unlighted, unlike, unlikely, unlikeness, unlimited, unload,
unlock, unlocked, unlooked for, unloose, unlovable, unloved,
unloveliness, unlovely, unloving, unluckily, unluckiness,
unmake, unman, unmanageable, unmanageably, unmanliness, unmanly,
unmannerliness, unmannerly, unmarked, unmarred, unmarried,
unmask, unmatched, unmeaning, unmeasured, unmeet, unmelted,
unmentionable, unmerciful, unmercifully, unmercifulness,
unmerited, unmeritedly, unmindful
unmistakably, unmitigated, unmixed, unmolested, unmoor,
unmortgaged, unmounted, unmourned, unnavigable, unnecessarily,
unnecessary, unneighbourly, unnerve, unnoticed, unnumbered,
unobjectionable, unobservant, unobserved, unobstructed,
unobtrusive, unoccupied, unoffending, unofficial
unorganised, unostentatious, unpack, unpaid, unpalatable,
unparalleled, unpardonable, unpatriotic, unpeopled, unperceived,
unperformed, unphilosophic, unpillaged, unpitied, unpitying,
unpleasant, unpleasantly, unpleasantness, unpleasing,
unploughed, unplundered, unpolished, unpolluted, unpopular,
unpopularity, unpractised, unprecedented, unprejudiced,
unpremeditated, unpremeditatedly
unprepossessing, unpretentious, unprincipled, unproductive,
unprofaned, unprofessional, unprofitable, unprofitableness,
unprofitably, unpromising, unpropitious, unpropitiously,
unprotected, unproved, unprovoked, unpunished, unpurified,
unqualified, unquenchable, unquestionable, unquestioanbly,
unquestioning, unquestioningly, unravaged, unravel, unreadily
unreal, unreasonable, unreasonableness, unreasonably,
unreasoning, unrebuked, unreclaimed, unrecognisable,
unrecompensed, unreconcilable, unrecorded, unredressed,
unrefined, unreflecting, unreflectingly, unrefreshed, unrefuted,
unregarded, unregenerate, unregistered, unregulated,
unrehearsed, unrelenting, unrelentingly, unremedied, unrelieved,
unremembered, unremitting, unremittingly, unrenowned,
unrepealed, unrepentant, unrepented, unrepressed, unrequited,
unreserved, unreservedly
unrest, unrestrained, unrestrainedly, unrestricted, unrevenged,
unrewarded, unrighteous, unrighteously, unrighteouness, unripe,
unrivalled, unrobe, unrobed, unroll, unroof, unruffled,
unruliness, unruly, unsacked, unsacrificed, unsafe
unsaid, unsaleability, unsaleable, unsated, unsatisfactorily,
unsatisfactoriness, unsatisfactory, unsatisfied, unsavoury,
unsay, unscathed, unscientific, unscrupulous, unscrupulously,
unscrupulousness, unseal, unseasonable, unseasonableness,
unseasonably, unseaworthy, unseat, unsecured, unseemliness,
unseemly, unseen, unselfish, unselfishly, unselfishness,
unserviceable, unsettle, unsettled, unschackled
unshattered, unshaven, unsheathe, unship, unshod, unshorn,
unshrinking, unshrinkingly, unsifted, unsightliness, unsightly,
unskilful, unskilfully, unskilfulness, unskilled, unsociable,
unsoiled, unsold, unsolicited, unsophisticated, unsound,
unsoured, unsown, unsparing, unsparingly, unspeakable,
unspeakably, unspoiled, unspoken
unstable, unstained, unstamped, unsteadily, unsteadiness,
unsteady, unstinted, unstintedly, unstring, unstudied,
unsubdued, unsubmissive, unsubstantial, unsubstantiated,
unsuccessful, unsuccessfully, unsuccessfulness, unsuckled,
unsuitability, unsuitable, unsuitably, unsullied, unsung,
unsupported, unsurmountable, unsurpassed
unsuspectedly, unsuspecting, unsuspectingly, unsuspicious,
unswayed, unswept, unswerving, unswervingly, unsworn,
unsymmetrical, unsympathetic, unsympathetically, untainted,
untaken, untamable, untamed, untanned, untarnished, untaught,
unteach, unteachable, untempered, untenable, untenanted,
unterrified, untested, unthankful, unthankfully, unthankfulness,
unthinking, unthinkingly, unthrifty, untidily, untidiness,
untidy, untie, until, untilled, untimeliness, untimely,
untiring, untiringly, untithed, untitled
unto, untold,
untouched, untoward, untowardly, untowardness, untractable,
untrained, untrammelled, untravelled, untraversed, untried,
untrodden, untroubled, untrue, untruly, untrustworthiness,
untrustworthy, untruth, untruthful, untruthfully, unturned,
untutored, untwine, untwist, unused, unusual, unusually
unutterably, unvanquished, unvaried, unvarnished, unvarying,
unvaryingly, unveil, unveiled, unversed in, unvexed, unviolated,
unwalled, unwarily, unwariness, unwarlike, unwarned, unwarped,
unwarrantable, unwarrantably, unwary, unwashed, unwatched,
unwatchful, unwatchfulness, unwavering, unwaveringly, unwearied,
unweave, unwedded, unweighed
unwelcome, unwell,
unwept, unwholesome, unwieldiness, unwieldy, unwilling,
unwillingly, unwind, unwinged, unwisdom, unwise, unwisefly,
unwitnessed, unwitting, unwittingly, unwomanly, unwonted,
unwontedly, unwontedness, unwooded, unwooed, unworkmanlike,
unworldliness, unworldly, unworthily, unworthiness, unworthy,
unwounded, unwrap, unwritten, unwrought, unyielding, unyoke, up
up, upbear,
upbringing, upbraid, upheaval, upheave, uphill, uphold,
upholder, upholsterer, upholstery, uplands, uplift, uplifting,
upon, upper, upper-room, uppermost, upright
uprightness, uprising, uproar, uproarious, uproariously, uproot,
upset, upshot, upside down, upstart, upturn, upward, urban,
urbane, urbanely, urbanity, urge, urgency
urgent, urgently,
urn, usage, use, used to, useful, usefully, usefulness, useless,
uselessly, uselessness, usher, usher in, usual, usually,
usurer, usurp,
usurpation, usurper, usurious, usuriousness, usury, utensil,
utilise, utilitarian, utility, utmost, utopia, utopian utter,
utterance, utterly, uttermost, uxorious, vacancy, vacant
vacate, vacation, vacillate, vacillating, vacillation, vacuity,
vacuum, vagabond, vagary, vagrancy, vagrant, vague, vaguely,
vagueness, vain, vainglorious, vaingloriously, vainglory,
vainly, vale, valedictory
valetudinarianism, valiant, valiantly, valid, validity, validly,
valley, valorous, valorously, valour, valuable, valuation,
value, valued, valueless, vamp up, vampire, van, vandalism,
vanguard, vanish, vanished, vanity
vantage, vapour, vapouring, vapourous, variable, variableness,
variance, variation, varied, variegate, variegated, variety,
various, variously, varlet
varnish, vary, vase,
vassal, vassalage, vast, vastly, vastness, vastly, vat,
vaticination, vault, vaulted, vaunt, vaunter, vaunting,
vauntingly, veal, vedette, veer
vegetable market, vegetable seller, vegetate, vegetation,
vehemence, vehement, vehemently, vehicle, veil, veiled, vein,
veined, vellum, velocity, venal, venality, vend, vendible,
vendor, veneer, venerable, venerably, venerate, venerated,
vengeance, vengeful, vengefully, venial, venison, venom,
venomous, venomously, vent, vent hole, ventilate, venture
venture, venturer,
venturesome, venturesomeness, veracious, veraciously, veracity,
verandah, verb, verbatim, verbally, verbiage, verbose,
verbosity, verdant, verdure, verdict, verge, verification,
verify, verily, verisimilitude, verity, vermillion, vermin,
vernacular, vernal, versatile, versatility, verse
versed in, versify,
version, vertebra, vertex, vertical, vertigo, very, vessel,
vest, vestal virgins, vestibule, vestige, vestments, vesture,
vetch, veteran, veto, vex
vexatious, vexatiously, vexatiousness, viaduct, vial, viands,
vibrate, vibration, vice, vice-admiral, viceregent, viceroy,
vice-versa, vicinity, vicious, viciously, viciousness,
vicisstitude, victim
victor, victorious, victory, victual, victuals, vidette, vie
with, view, vigil, vigilance
vigilantly, vigorous, vigorously, vigour, vile, vilely,
vileness, vilification, vilify, villa, village, villager,
villain, villainous, villainously, villainy, villein, vindicate,
vindication, vindictive
vindictiveness, vine, vine-dresser, vine-dressing, vinegar,
vine-prop, vineyard, vintage, violate, violation, violator,
violence, violent, violently, violet
violet, viper,
virgin, virginal, virginity, virile, virility, virtually,
virtue, virtuous, virtuously, virtuousness, virulence, virulent,
virulently, virus, visage, viscous, visible, visibly, vision,
visionary, visit
visitor, vista, vital, vitality, vitally, vitiate, vitiated,
vitiation, vituperation, vituperative, vivacious, vivaciously,
vivacity, vivid, vividly, vividness, vocal, vocalist, vocation,
vociferate, vociferation, vociferous, vociferously, vogue
voice, voiceless,
void, volatile, volcanic, volcano, volition, volley, volubility,
voluble, volume, voluminous, voluntarily, voluntary, volunteer
voluptuary, voluptuous, voluptuously, voluptuousness, vomit,
vomiting, voracioius, voraciously, voracity, vortex, votary,
vote, voting-urn, votive, vouch for
vouchsafe, vow,
vowels, voyage, voyager, vulgar, vulgarity, vulgarly,
vulnerable, vulture, wade, waft, wafting, wag, wage
wager, waggon, waif, wail, wailing, wain, waist, wait
waiting, waiting
maid, waive, wake, wakeful, wakefully, wakefulness, waking,
walk, walker, walking, walking stick, wall, walled
wallet, wallow,
walnut, wan, wand, wander, wanderer, wandering, wanderingly,
wane, wanness, want, wanting
wanton, wantonly,
wantonness, war, warble, warbler, warbling, war-cry, ward
ward, war-dance,
warden, warder, wardship, ware, warehouse, wares, warfare,
warily, wariness, warlike, warm, warm-hearted, warmly, warmth,
warn, warning
warp, warped,
warrant, warring, warrior, war-ship, wary, was, wash,
washerwoman, washing, wasp, wasp-like
nest, wassail, waste, waste away, wasted, wasteful, wastefully,
wastefulness, waster, wasting
watch, watcher,
watch fire, watchful, watchfully, watchfulness, watchman,
water, water-course, water-drinker, watered, waterfall,
water-log, waterman, water-pot, waterproof, water-tight, watery,
wattle, wattled, wattling, wave, waveless
waver, wavering,
waving, wax, waxen, way
waylay, wayside, wayward, waywardly, waywardness, way-worn, we,
weak, weaken, weakling
weakly, weak-minded,
weakness, weal, wealth, wealthily, wealthy, wean, weapon,
weaponless, wear, wear and tear, wearily, weariness, wearing
apparel, wearisome, wearisomeness, weary
weary, wearying,
weasel, weather, weather-beaten, weather-bound, weave, weaver,
weaving, web, wed, wedding, wedding feast, wedding gifts, wedge
wedge, wedlock, wee,
weed, weeds, ween, weep, weeping, weft, weigh, weighing, weight
weightiness, weighty, weird, weirdly, welcome, weld, welded,
welfare, welkin, well
well-behaved, well-being, well-born, well-bred, well-disposed,
well-doer, well-doing, well done, well-favoured, well-furnished,
well-grown, well-informed, well-intentioned, well-known,
well-meaning, well-nigh, well off, well read, welter,
well-timed, well wisher, wen, wench, wend, west, westerly,
western, westward, wet, wether, wet nurse, whale, wharf, what,
whatever, whatsoever
wheat, wheaten,
wheat meal, wheedle, wheedling, wheel, wheeled, wheelwright,
wheeze, wheezing, whelm, whelp, when, whence, whencesoever,
whenever, whensoever, where, whereas, wherefore, wheresoever,
wherever, whet, whetted, whether
whey, which, whichever, whichsoever, whiff, while, whim,
whimper, whimsical, whimsicality, whimsically, whine, whining,
whinny, whinnying, whip, whir, whirl, whirlpool, whirlwind,
whisk, whisper
whit, white, white-armed, white-crested, white-fleeced, white
lead, whiten, whiteness, whitening, white-steeded, whitewash,
whitewashed, white-winged, whither, whittle down, whizz, who,
whoever, whole, wholesale, wholesale dealer, wholesale dealing
wholesomely, wholesomeness, wholly, whoop, whore, whoredom,
whorl, whosoever, why, wick, wicked, wickedly, wickedness,
wicker, wicker work, wicket, wide, widely widen, wide-spread,
widow, widowed, widowhood, width, wield
wife, wifeless, wifely,
wig, wight, wild, wilder, wilderness, wild-eyed, wildly,
wildness, wile, wilful, wilfully, wilfulness, wiliness, will
willing, willingly,
willingness, willow, wily, win, wince, wind
wind-fall, winding, winding-sheet, wind instrument, windlass,
windless, windlessness, window, windpipe, windward, windy, wine,
wine bibber, wine bigging, wine cellar, wine cooler, wineless,
wine skin, wing, winged
wingless, wink,
winner, winning, winningly, winnow, winnowing-fan, winsome,
winsomely, winsomeness, winter, wintry, wipe, wisdom, wise,
wisely, wish,
wist, wistful, wistfully, wistfulness, wit, witch, witchcraft,
witchery, witching, with, withal, withdraw
withstand, witless, witlessly, witlessness, witness, witness
box, witticism
wittiness, wittingly, witty, wizard, wizened, woe, woebegone,
woeful, woefully, woefulness, wold, wolf, wolfish, woman,
womanhood, womanish, womankind
womanly, womb,
wonder, wonderful, wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously, wont,
wonted, woo, wood, wood-carrier, wood-cutter, wood-cutting,
wooded, wooden, woodland, wood-pecker, woodwork, woody, wooer,
woof, wooing, wool, wool-comber, wool-combing, woollen, woolly,
word, wordy, work
worker, working,
workman, workmanlike, workmanship, workshop, world
worldly, worm, wormwood, worn, worry, worse, worship,
worshipful, worshipper, worst, worth, worthily
worthless, worthlessly, worthlessness, worthy, wot, would that,
wound, wounded man, woven, wrack, wraith, wrangle, wrap
wrap, wrapping, wrath,
wrathful, wrathfully, wreak, wreath, wreathe, wreathing, wreck,
wreckage, wrecked, wrecker, wren, wrench, wrest
wrestle, wrestler,
wrestling, wrestling school, wretch, wretched, wretchedly,
wretchedness, wriggle, wright, wring, wrinkle, wrinkled, wrist,
writ, write
writhe, writing, wrong, wrong-doer, wrong-doing, wrongful,
wrongfully, wrongfulness, wrong-headed, wrong-headedness
wrongly, wroth,
wrought, wry, yap, yard, yard-arm, yard-measure, yarn, yawn,
yawning, ye, yea, yean, year, yearling, yearly, yearn, yearning,
yell, yellow, yelp
yelp, yeoman, yes,
yesterday, yet, yew, yield, yielding, yoke
yoke, yoked, yoke
fellow, yoke strap, yolk, yon, yonder, yore, you, young, young
man, your, yourself, youth
youthful, zany,
zeal, zealous, zealously, zealousness, zenith, zest, zig-zag,
Vocabulary of Proper Names
Abrocomas, Abydos, Academy, Acamas, Acanthus, Acarnania, Acastus,
Acesines, Achaea, Achaemenes, Acharnae, Achelous, Acheron,
Achillas, Achilles, Acilius, Acrisius, Acrocorinthus, Actaeon,
Acte, Actium, Actor, Adeimantus, Adige, Admetus, Adonis,
Adramyttium, Adrastea, Adrastus, Adriatic Sea, Sea, Aeacus, Aedui,
Aeetes, Aegaleos, Agean Sea, Aegeus, Aegialeus
Aegisthus, Aegyptus, Aemilius, Aeneas, Aenus, Aeolis, Aeolus,
Aerope, Aechines, Aeschylus, Aesculapius, Aesop, Aethiopia,
Aethra, Aetolia, Africa, Africanus, Agamemnon, agasias, Atathon,
Agave, Agenor, Agesilaus, Agesipolis, Agis, Aglaurus,
Agrigentum, Agrippa, Agrippina, Agyrrhius, Ahala, Ahenobarbus,
Ajax, Alba, Alban, Alcaeus, Alcamenes, Alcathous, Alcestis,
Alcibiades, Alcidas, Alcinous, Alcmaeon, alcmena, Aleppo, aleus,
Alexnder, Alexandria, Allia, Allobroges, Alope, Alphesiboea,
Alpheus, Alps, Althaea, Alyattes, Amanus, Amasis, Amathus,
Amazon, Ambracia
Ammon, Amompharetus, Amorges, Amphiaraus, amphilochia,
Amphilochus, Amphion, Amphipolis, Amphissa, Amphitryon, Amulius,
Amyclae, Amnyntas, Amyntor, Anacreon, Anactoria, Anaea, Anapus,
Anaxogoras, Anaxibius, anaximander, Ancaeus, Anchises,
Andocides, Andraemon, Androcles, Andromache, Andromeda, andros,
Androtion, Anio, antalcidas, Antandros, Antenor, Anthemus,
Anticlea, Anticyra, antigone, Antigonus, Antilochus, antimachus,
antioch, Antiochus, antipater, Antiphon, Antisthenes, antium,
antonius, Anytus, apaturia, Apelles, Aphetae, Aphidnae,
Aphrodite, apidanus, Apis, Apollo, Apollonia
Apuleius, Aquilius, Aquinus, Arabia, Arar, Araspas, Aratus,
Araxes, Arcadia, Arcesilaus, Archedamus, Archelaus,
Archestratus, Archias, Archilochus, Arch medes, Arcturus,
Arctus, Areopagus, Ares, Arethusa, Argilus, Arginusae, Argo,
Argolis, Agus, Ariadne, Ariaeus, Arimaspi, Ariminum,
Ariobarzanes, Arion, Ariovistus, Aristaeus, Aristagoras,
Aristarchus, Aristeus, Aristides, Aristippus, Aristogeiton,
Ariston, Aristonymus, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Armenia, Arne,
Arpi, Arrhibaeus, Arsaces, Artabanus, Artabazus, Artaphernes,
Artaxata, Artaxerxes, Artemis, Artemisia, Artemisium Arns,
Arverni, Ascalon, Ascanius, Asclepius, Asculum, Asea, Ashdod,
Asopius, Aspasia, Aspendus, Assinarus, Assyria, Astacus,
Astyages, Astyanax, Astyochus, Atalanta, Atarneus, Ate, Athamas,
Athena, Athenagoras, Athens, Athos, Atlantic, Atlas, Atossa,
Atropos, Atreus, Attica, Atys, Auge, Augeas, Augustus, Aulis,
Aurora, Atuonoe, Aventine Hill ,Axius, Azov
Baiae, Barca, Battus, Bedriacum, Bel, Belgae, Bellerophon,
Beroea, Bestia, Beyrout, Bias, Bibulus, Bisaltae, Bistones,
Bithynia, Black Sea, Boeotia, Bolbe, Boreas, Borystenes,
Bosphorus, Bottiaea, Branchidae, Brasidas, Brauron, Brennus,
Briareus, Britain, Brixellum, Brundisium, Butii, Brutus,
Bucephalus, Budorum, Busiris, Byzantium, Cacyparis, Cadiz,
Cadmea, Cadmus, Caeadas, Caecilius, Caecina, Caepio, Caesar,
Caicus, Caius, Calchas, Calcedon, Callias, Callicratidas,
Callimachus, Calliope, Callixenus, Calpe, Calpurnia, Calpurnius,
Calvinus, Calydon, Calypso, Camarina, Cambyses
Campania, Campus Martius, Cannae, Canopus, Canusium, Capaneus,
Caphereus, Capitol, Cappadocia, Capua, Carbo, Carcinus, Cardia,
Caria, Carnea, Carrhae, Carthage, Caryae, Carystus, Casca,
Caspian, Cassander, Cassandra, Castalia, Castor, Cataline,
Catana, Cato, Catulus, Caucasus, Caunus, Cayster, Cebriones,
Cecrops, Celaenae, Celer, Celeus, Celt, Celtic, Cenaeum,
Cenchrea, Centaur, Ceos, Cephallenia, Cephalus, Cepheus,
Cephisophon, Sephissus, Ceramicus, Cerasus, Cerberus, Ceres,
Cethegus, Chabrias, Chaereas, Chaerephon, Chaeronea, Chalcedon,
Chalcideus, Chalcidice, Chalcis, Chaldaean
Chaonia, Chaos, Chares, Charicles, Charmides, Charminus,
Charmion, Charon, Charybdis, Cheilon, Cheirisophus, Cheiron,
Chersonese, Chimaera, Chios, Chiron, Choaspes, Chrysa, Chryseis,
Chryses, Chrysippus, Chrysis, Chrysopolis, Chrysothemis, Cicero,
Cilicia, Cimbri, Cimmeria, Cimon, Cineas, Cinna, Circe, Circeii,
Cisseus, Cithaeron, Citium, Clarus, Claudius, Clazomenae,
Cleaenetus, Cleander, Cleanor, Clearchus, Cleinias, Cleisthenes,
Cleitophon, Cleitus, Cleombrotus, Cleomenes, Cleon, Ceonae,
Cleonymus, Cleopatra, Cleophon, Clio, Clitus, Clodius, Clotho,
Clusium, Cyteaemnestra, Cnemus, Cnidus, Cnossus, Cocceius,
Cocles, Cocytus, Codrus, Colchis, Colonae, Colonus, Colophon,
Colossae, Commagene, Conon, Constantinople, Copais
Corcyca, Cordova, Corinth, Cornelia, Cornelius, Coronea,
Coronus, Corsica, Corybantes, Corycian Cave, Corycus, Cos,
Cotta, Cotys, Cranaa, Cranon, Cratinus, Cremona, Creon, Crete,
Creusa, Crusis, Crimea, Crisa, Critias, Crito, Croesus,
Crommyon, Cronus, Croton, Ctesias, Ctesiphon, Cumae, Cunaxa,
Cupid, Curds, Curio, Curium, Curtius, Cyanean Rocks, Cyaxares,
Cybele, Cyclades, Cycloops, Cycnus, Cydnus, Cydonia, Cyllene,
Cylong, Cyme, Cynoscephalae, Cynossema, Cynosaura, Synthus,
Cynuria, Cyprus, Cypselus, Cyrene, Cyrus
Cyzicus, Daedalus, Calmatia, Damascus, Danae, Danai, Danaus,
Danube, Daphnae, Dardanus, Darius, Dascylium, Datis, Daulis,
Death, Decelea, Deianira, Deidamia, Deioces, Dephobus, Delos,
Delphi, Delta, Demaratus, demeter, demophon, Demosthenes, Demus,
Dercylidas, Derdas, Dexippus, Ducaliion, Diagoras, Diana,
Dictynna, Diitrephes, Dindymon, Dio, Diodotus, Diogenes, Diomed,
Diomedon, Dione, Dionysius, Dionysus, Diopeithes, Dioscuri,
Siothimus, Dium, Dirce, Dneiper, Doberus, Dodona, Dolon, Dolonci
Domitian, Domitius, Don, Dorian, Doric, Dorieus, Doris,
Doriscus, Dorus, Draco, Drusus, Dyme, Dyrrachium, Earth,
Ectatana, Echinades, Echinus, Echion, Echo, Edonian, Eetion,
Eetionea, Egeria, Egesta, Egypt, Eileithyia, Eion, Eiras,
Elaeus, Elatea, Elea, Electra, Electryon, Elephantine, Eleusis,
Eleutherae, Elis, Elymi, Elysium, Empedocles, Empusa,
Encedladus, Endius, Endymion, Enipeus, Enyalius, Enyo,
Epaminondas, Epaphus, Epeus, Ephesus, Ephialtes, Epicharmus,
Epictetus, Epicurus, Epidamnus, Epidaurus, Epigoni, Epimenides,
Epimentheus, Epipolae, Epirus, Epyaxa, Erasinades, Erasinus
Erebus, Erechtheus, Eresus, Eretria, Eriboea, Erichthonius,
Eridanus, Erineus, Erinnys, Eriphule, Eros, Erymanthus,
Erythrae, Eryx, Etecocles, Eteoclus, Eteonicus, Ethiopia, Etna,
Etruria, Etruscan, Euboea, Eubulus, Eucleides, Eucles, Emenides,
Eumolpus, Euphemus, Euphrates, Euphron, Eupolis, Euripides,
Euripus, Europe, Eurotas, Eurybiades, Eurycleia, Eurycles,
Euryelus, Eurydice, Eurylochus, Eurymachus, Eurymedon,
Euryptolemus, Eurysaces, Eurystheus, Eurytus, Eutheydemus,
Euthyphro, Euxine Sea, Evadne, Evagoras, Evander, Evenor,
Evenus, Fabius, Fabricius, Falerii, Fate, Faunus, Fustulus,
Favonius, Fetiales
Falmininus, Flaminius, Flavius, Florius, Fortune, Fregellae,
Fulvius, Furius, Fury, Gadatas, Gaea, Galatia, Glaba, Galepsus,
Gallic, Ganymede, Garonne, Gaul, Gaza, Ge, Gela, Gelo,
Geraestus, Gerania, Germany, Geryon, Getae, Giant, Gibraltar,
Gisco, Glaucia, Glaucon, Glaucus, Gnossus, Gobryas, Gomphi,
Gonatas, Gonnus, Gordium, Gogias, Gorgon, Gotyna, Goths,
Grachus, Gaces, Ganicus, Greece, Gyges, Gylippus, Gyrton,
Gythium, Hades, Haemon
Hagnon, Haliartus, Hallicarnassus, Halies, Halys, Hamilcar,
Hannibal, Hanno, Harmodius, Harmonia, Harpagus, Harpies,
Hasdrubal, Hebe, Hebrew, Hebrus, Hecataeus, Hecate, Hector,
Hecuba, Hegesipyle, Helen, helenus, Helicon, Heliopolis, Hell,
Hellanicus, Helle, Hellen, Hellenic, Hellespont, Helos, Helot,
Helvetii, Helvidius, Hephaestioin, Hephaestus, Hera, Heraclea,
Heracleidae, Heracleides, Heracles, Heralitus, Heraea,
Herculaneum, Hercules, Hermes, Hermione, Hermippus
Herod, Herodes, Herodotus, Hesiod, hesperides, Herperus,
Hiempsal, Hiero, Hieronymus, Hierophon, Himera, Hipparchus,
Hippias, Hippocrates, Hippodamia, Hippolytus, Hippomedon,
Histiaea, Histiaeus, Homer, Horatius, Hortensius, Horus,
Hyacinthus, Hyades, Hybla, Hyccara, Hydaspes, Hylas, Hyllus,
Hymen, Hyperbolus, Pypereides, Hyrcania, Hyspiae, Hystaspes,
Iacchus, Ialysus, Iapetus, Iasus, Iberia, Ibycus, Icarius,
Icarus, Iconium Ida, Idas, Idomene, Idomeneus, Ilissus, Iliad,
Ilium, Illyrian, Imbros, Inachus, Inaros, India, Ino, Insubres,
Iolaus, Iolcus, Iole
Ionia, Iophon, Iphiclus, Iphicrates, Iphigenia, Iphis, Iphitus,
Iras, Ireland, Iris, Isaeus, Isis, Isker, Ismene, Ismenias,
Ismenus, Isolcrates, Issus, Ister, Isthmus, Istone, Istria,
Italus, Italy, Ithaca, Ithome, Itys, Ixion, Janiculum, Janus,
Jason, Jerusalem, Jew, Jewish, Locasta, Juba, Judaea, Jugurtha,
Julius, Junius, Juno, Juppiter, Justice, Kelts, Kurds, Labdacus,
Labdalum, Lacedaemon, Lches, lachesis, Laconia, Laconian, Lade,
Laelius, Laertes
Lais, Laius, Lamachus, Lamia, Lampsacus, Laomedon, Lapithae,
Larissa, Latins, latona, Laurium, Lavinium, Lebadea, lebanon,
lebedus, lechaeum, Leda, Lemnos, Lentullus, Leon, Leonidas,
Leontini, Leotychides, Lepreum, Lerna, Lesbos, Lethe, leto,
Leucas, Leucothea, Leuctra, Liburni, Libya, Lichas, Licinia,
Licinius, Liguria, Lilybaeum, Lincoln, Lindus, Lipara, Liris,
Livius, Livy, Locris, Loire, London, Lotophagi, Lucania, Lucca,
Lucilius, Lucius, Lucretia, Lucretius, Lucullus, Luperci,
Lusitania, Lutantius, Lycabettus, Lycaon, Lycaonia, Lycia
Lycophron, Lycurgus, Lycus, Lydia, Lygdamis, Lyncestae, Lyncus,
Lyrnesus, Lysander, Lysias, Lysicles, Lysimachus, Lysippus,
Lysis, Lysistrata, Lysistratus, Macaria, Macedonia, Machaon,
Macrones, Maeander, Maecenas, Maenalus, Maeonia, Maeotis,
Magnesia, Mago, Maia, Malea, Malis, Mandane, Mania, Manlius,
Mantinea, Marathon, Mardonius, Marea, Maro, Marpessa, Mars,
Marseilles, Marsi, Marsyas, Masinissa, Mauretania, Mausolus,
Medea, media, Mediterranean, Megabates, Megabazus, Megabyzus,
Megacles, Megalopolis, Megara, Megareus, Melampus, Melanippe
Meletus, Melissa, Melos, Memnon, Memphis, Menander, Mende,
menelaus, Menenius, Meno, menoeceus, Meoetius, Mercury,
Meriones, Merope, Merops, Mesopotamia, Messala, Messana,
Messapians, Messene, Metapontum, Metaurus, Metellus, methone,
Methydrium, Methymna, Meton, Midas, Midias, Milan, Miletus,
Milo, Miltiades, Mindarus, Minerva, Minoa, Minos, Minotaur,
Minturnae, Minucius, Minyae, Mithra, Mithridates, Moeris,
Molossia, Molycreum, Moon, Morsimus, Motye, Mummius, Munychia,
Murena, Musaeus, Muse, Mycale, Mycalessus, Mycenae, Myconus,
Mygdonia, Mylasa, Myrcinus, Myrmidons, Myronides, Mysia
Myus, Naid, Naples, Narbo, Nasica, Naucratis, Naupactus,
Nauplia, Nauplius, Naxos, Neco, Negropont, Neleus, Nemea,
Nemesis, Neocleides, Neocles, Neon, Neoptolemus, Nepos, Neptune,
Nereid, Nereus, Nero, Nervii, Nessus, Nestor, nestus, Niceratus,
Nicias, Nicomedes, Nicomedia, Nicostratus, Night, Nile, Nineveh,
Nobe, Nisaea, Nisibis, Nisus, Nitocris, Nola, Norbanus, Notium,
Numa, Numantia, Numidians, Numitor, Nursia, Nymph, Nysa, Oean,
octavia, Oftavianus, Octavius, Odeum, Odomantes, Odryssians,
Odysseus, Odyssey, Oeagrus, Oeax, Oecalia, Oecles
Oeneus, Oeniadae, Oenoe, Oenomaus, Oenone, Oenophyta, Oenotria,
Oeta, Oileus, Olen, Olenus, Olorus, Olpae, Olympia, Olympias,
Olympus, Olynthus, Omphale, Oneum, Opus, Orchomenus, Orestes,
Oreus, Oricum, Orion, Orithyia, Orneae Orontes, Oropus, Orpheus,
Orsilochus, Osiris, Ossa, Ostia, Otho, Othrys, Otus, Oxus,
Paches, Pachynus, Pactolus, Padua, Paeligni, Paeon, Paeonia,
Pagasae, Pagondas, Palaemon, Palamedes, Palatine Hill, Palermo,
Palestine, Pallantium, Pallas, Pallene
Pan, Panactum, Panaetius, Panathenaea, Pandarus, Pandion,
Pandora, Pandrosus, Pangaeus, Pannonia, Panormus, Pansa,
Pantacyas, Panticapeum, Paphlagonia, Paphos, Papirius, Paralus,
Paris, Parmenides, Parmenio, Parnassus, Parnes, Paros,
Parrhasia, Parthaon, Parthenius, Partheopaeus, Parthia,
Parysatis, Pasargadae, pasion, pasiphae, patmost, Patroclus,
Paulinus, Pausanias, Pedaritus, Pedasa, Pegae, Pegasus,
Pelasgia, Peleus, Pelias, Pelion, Pella, Pellene, Pelopidas,
Peloponnese, Pelops
Pelusium, Penelope, Peneus, Peparethus, Perdiccas,
Pergamum, Periander, Pericles, Periclymenus, perinthus,
Perrhaebia, Persephone, Perses, Perseus, Persia,
Phaeacian, Phaeax, Phaedo, Phaedra, Phaedria, Phaedrus,
Phaethon, Phalerum, Pharnabazus, Pharnaces, Pharos, Pharsalus,
Phasels, Phasis, Pheia, Phemius, Pherae, Pheres, Phidias,
Phidippides, Phido, Philae, Philammon, Philebus, Philemo,
Philip, Philippi, Philiscus, Philo, Philocrates, Philomela,
Philopoemen, Phineus, Phlegethon, Phlegra
Phocaea, Phocion, Phocis, Phocus, Phoebe, Poebidas, Phoebus,
Poenicia, Phoenix, Pholoe, Phorbas, Phorcys, Phormio, Phrixus,
Phrygia, Phryne, Phrynichus, Phthia, Phyle, Picenum, Pieria,
Pigres, Pindar, Pindus, Piraeus, Pirene, Pirithous, Pisa,
Pisander, Pisidia, Pisistratus, Piso, Pissuthnes, Pittacus,
Pittheus, Placentia, Plancus, Plataea, Plato, Pleiad,
Pleistarchus, Pleistoanax, Pleistus, Plemmyrium, Pleuron,
Plutarch, Pluto, Plutus, Pnyx, Po, Poeas, Poecile Stoa, Pollux,
Polybius, Polybus, Polycrates, Polydueces
Polyhymnia, Polymestor, Polynices, Polyphemus, Polyxena,
Pompeii, Pompey, Pompilius, Pomponius, Pontus, Porphyrio,
Porsenna, Portugal, Porus, Poseidon, Postunius, Potidaea,
Praeneste, Prasiae, Priam, Priene, Procles, Procne, Proconnesus,
Procris, Procrustes, Proculeius, Prodicus, Proetus, Prometheus,
Propontis, Proserpine, Protagoras, Protesilaus, Proteus,
Proxenus, Prusias, Psammetichus, Ptolemy, Publicius, Publicola,
Publius, Pydna, Pylades, Pylae, Pylos, Pyramus, Pyrenees,
Pyrilampes, Pyriphthgethon, Pyrrha, Pyrrhus, Pythagoras, Pytho,
Pythodorus, Quintilius, Quintus, Quirinal Hill, Quirinus,
Red Sea, Remus, Rex, Rhadamanthus, Rhamnus, Rhea, Rhegium,
Rhenea, Rhesus, Rhine, Rhium, Rhodes, Rhodope, Rhodopis,
Rhoeteum, Rhone, Rome, Romulus, Roscius, Roxana, Rubicon, Rufus,
Sabines, Sacae, Sadyattes, Sais, Salaminia, Salamis, Salii,
Sallust, Salmoneus, Salmydesus, Samnites, Samos, Samothrace,
Sane, Sappho, Saracens, Sardanapallus, Sardinia, Sardis,
Sarmatians, Saronic, Sarpedon, Saturn, Saturninus, Satyr,
Scaevola, Scamander, Sciathus, Scione, Scipio, Sciron, Scirus,
Scopas, Scotland, Scotusa, Scribonia, Scylla, Scyrus
Seine, Selene, Seleucia, Seleucidae, Seleucus, Selinus,
Sellasia, Silli, Selymbria, Semele, Semiramis, Sempronius,
Sennacherib, Sennones, Sequani, Seriphus, Serreum, Sertorius,
Servilius, Servius, Sesostris, Sestius, Sestos, Seuthes, Sibyl,
Sicambri, Sicani, Sicely, Sicyon, Sidon, Sigeum, Silenus,
Silvia, Simo, Simois, Simonides, Sinis, Sinope, Sintians,
Siphae, Siphnus, Sipylus, Siren, Sisyphus, Sitalces, Sithonia,
Sleep, Smerdis, Smyrna, Soli, Sollium, Solois, Solon,
Sophaenetus, Sophocles, Sosis, Sostrata, Spain, Sparta,
Spartolus, Sperceus, Sphacteria, Sphinx, Sphodrias, Spurius,
Stagirus, Statira, Stesichorus
Sthenoboea, Stoics, Stratonice, Stratus, Strombichides,
Strongyle, Strophius, Struthas, Stymon, Stymphalian Lake,m Styx,
Suetonius, Suevi , Sulla, Sulpicius, Sunium, Sun, Sura, Susa,
Sybaris, Sybota, Syennesis, Syme, Symplegades, Syracuse, Syria,
Taenarus, Talaus, Talthybius, Tanagra, Tanais, Tanaus, Tantalus,
Taochi, Taphii, Tarentum, Tarpeia, Tarpeian, Tarquinii,
Tarquinius, Tarsus, Tartarus, Tartessus, Tatius, Tauris,
Tauromenium, Taurus, Taygetus, Tecmessa, Tegea, Telamon,
Telemachus, Telephus, Teleutas, Teleutias, Tellis, Temenus,
Tenos, Teos, Teres, Tereus, Terminus, terpsichore, Tethys,
Teucerk Teucri, Teutons, Thales, Thamyras, Thapsacus, Thapsus,
Thasos, Thaumas, Thebes, Themis, Themistocles, Theoclymenus,
Theodorus, Theodosia, Theogenes, Theognis, Theonoe, Theopompus,
Thera, Theamenes, Therapne, Therma, Thermodon, Thermopylae,
Theron, Thersites, Theseus, Thesmorphia, Thespiae, Thespis,
Thesprotia, Thessalonica, Thessalus, Thessaly, Thestor,
Thestius, Thetis, Thimbron, Thisbae, Thisbe, Thoas, Thrace
Thria, Thucydides, Thurii, Thyestes, Thymbra, Thyni, Thyrea,
Tibareni, Tiber, Tiberius, Tigranes, Tigranocerta, Tigris,
Timasion, Timocrates, Timoleon, Timon, Timotheus, Tiresias,
Tiribazus, Tiro, Tiryns, Tisamenus, Tisias, Tissaphernes, Titan,
Tithonus, Tithraustes, Titus, Tityus, Tlepolemus, Tmolus,
Tolmides, Tolumnius, torone, Torquatus, Trachis, Tralles,
Tapezus, Trasymene, Trebia, Triballi, Tinacria, Triopium,
Triphylia, Triptolemus, Tritogenia, Triton, Troad, Troezen,
Trogilus, Trjan, Trohonius, Troy, Tuscany, Tuscan, Tusculum,
Tydeus, Tyndareus
Tyre, Tyrrhenian, Ulysses, Umbria, Urania, Uranus, Usipetes,
Utica, Valens, Valeria, Valerius, Varro, Varus, vatinius, Veii,
Velia, Veneti, Venus, Venusia, Vergilius,