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Chronology of Mercy Otis Warren 1728 - 1814

by King Dykeman, Philosophy Department, Fairfield University

1728 September 25, born in Barnstable, Cape Cod, Mass. First daughter and third child in a family of 13 children.

1735 Joined her brother James in his candidate studies for Harvard with tutor Rev. Jonathan Russell.

1743 Attended Harvard Commencement and met James Warren. Continued studies with her brother James as he prepared at home for M.A. degree.

1754 November married James Warren, went to live in the Warren family estate at Eel River, Plymouth, Mass.

1757 Moved to Winslow house, Plymouth Mass. October 18, son James born.

1759 March 24, son Winslow born; died 1791.

1762 April 14, son Charles born; died 1785.

1761 February 24, James Otis’s famous civil rights speech: ‘taxation without representation is tyranny.”

1764 March 21, son Henry born.

1765 James Warren elected to Massachusetts House of Representatives

1766 September 20, son George born; died 1800.

1772 March 26 and April 23 selections from The Adulateur appear in Massachusetts Spy. October meeting in the Winslow house at which the idea for the committees of correspondence originated.

1773 The Adulateur appears as a political pamphlet. May 24 and July 19, selections from “The Defeat’ appear in Boston Gazette.

1774 January 23 and 26, selections from The Group appear in the Boston Gazette and the Massachusetts Spy. Later in the year The Group published as pamphlet in Boston, New York and Philadelphia.

1776 The Blockheads published in Boston.

1779 The Motley Assembly published in Boston.

1787 James Warren again elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Became the Speaker of the House.

1788 Observations on the New Constitution published in Feb. in Boston and New York.

1790 Poems: Dramatic and Miscellaneous published in Boston.

1805 History of...tbe American Revolution published in Boston.

1807 July through August, ten letters from John Adams and six letters from Mercy concerning her treatment of him in the History. Later published as Correspondence relating to her History.., in Boston in 1876.

1814 October 19, died in Winslow house, Plymouth, Massachusetts. privacy statement
