

For those who are curious, attached is a list of every book I've read cover-to-cover since 1958, when I was in the seventh grade. I tend to be a bit obsessive, keeping a list of this kind. Sometimes I've added markers like (*) to indicate books I particularly liked; but I've been rather inconsistent about that. I also try to keep track of how many books of a particular kind (novel, etc.) and from a given country and century (Eng. 19th, etc.), I read each year. Richard Seltzer
For reviews of some of these books, see www.samizdat.com/isyn/reviews.html For brief notes on others, see www.samizdat.com/readrev.html

Chronological lists --
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017,2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, 1975, 1974, 1973, 1972, 1971, 1970, 1969, 1968, 1967, 1966, 1965, 1964, 1963, 1962, 1961, 1960, 1958-59

Year-by-year score

Books I want to read next

Books begun, but never finished

Uncollected articles and short stories read (starting 1997)

Thoughts about books I recently read

Book reviews and criticism by Richard Seltzer

Book reviews by Deane Rink

Recommendations and comments about books from other enthusiastic readers

Blogging about Books

Dialogue on favorite books with Deane Rink before and during his latest trek to Antarctica, with a note from Bill Ransom and contributions from Jonathan Loschi (a.k.a. Bookbabble 101) --a very long and rapidly growing document (a.k.a. Bookbabble 101)

Alphabetical list, by Author

Some of the books listed below have hyperlinks to Amazon.com. If you might want to buy such a book, just click on the title. You'll get the usual discount and service from Amazon.com, and we'll get a small commission for the referral. That could help us pay some bills and expand what we do for you.


Edward Abbey Chinua Achebe Peter Ackroyd
Amir Aczel
Adair Douglas Adams
Henry Adams
Richard Adams
Scott Adams
71 Joseph Addison 1 Cato 18/7 ENG PL38 --1967


James Agee
Anna Akhmatova Peter Akinti Vassily Aksyonov
Boris Akunin Alain-Fournier
Edward Albee
Alexa Albert Mitch Albom Louisa May Alcott
Frederick Allen
Woody Allen
Isabel Allende
Burt Alpert
Robert Alter
Lisa Alther
Jorge Amado
Taryn Ambrose
Kingsley Amis
Martin Amis
Poul Anderson Sherwood Anderson
V.C. Andrews
Katherine Anthony
Piers Anthony Donald Antrim
Apollodorus Apollonius of Rhodes Jacob Appel
Lee Arcuri
Robert Ardery
Hannah Arendt
Mary L. Day Arms
Fernando Arrabal
Roger Aschom
Maurice Ashley
Liana Asim
Isaac Asimov

Robert Asprin
Afoa Atalpra
Diana Athill
   48 Diana Athill 1 Somewhere Toward the End AMERICAN 21st 19 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2023

Anselm Atkins Kate Atkinson
Peter Atti
   46 Peter Attia 1 Outlive AMERICAN 21st 20 HEALTH 1 -- 2023

Eric Auerbach
Saint Augustine
Jane Austen
Paul Auster
Aravind Adia Marcell Ayme
Richard Bach
Francis Bacon

   13 Framcis Bacon  The Great Instauration BRITSH 17th SCIENCE 1 -- 2023
   14 Francis Bacon  The New Atlantis BRITISH 17th POLITICAL SCIENCE 1 --2023

Rupa Bajwa Nicholson Baker
Mikhail Bakhtin
Kirsten Bakis
James Baldwin
Honore de Balzac
John Kendrick Bangs Muriel Barbery Jennifer Barclay
Nicola Barker Pat Barker
John Barnes
Julian Barnes
Dagmar Barnouw
77 Dagmar Barnouw *Visible Spaces: Hannah Arendt and the German-Jewish Experience AMERICAN 20th 6 CRITICISM 1 -- 2003
Andrea Barrett
S.M. Barrett Tracy Barrett J. M. Barrie
Dave Barry
Sebastian Barry John Barth
Donald Barthelme
Roland Barthes
A. I. Basham
Frank Baum
Mary Baures
Charles Baxter
John Bayley Peter Beagle
Richard Bear
Charles Beauclerk
Samuel Beckett
Max Beerbohm
Aphra Behn
David Bell
Saul Bellow
Andrey Bely
Aimee Bender
Elizabeth Benedict Ruth Benedict
Chloe Benjamin
John Berendt Thomas Berger
Ingmar Bergman
Henri Bergson
Isaiah Berlin
Hubert Bermont
Tim Berners-Lee
Richard Bernstein

   7 Richard Bernstein 1 Pragmatic Naturalism  AMERICAN 21st 2 PHILOSOPHY 1 -- 2023

John Berryman
Ugo Betti
Ambrose Bierce Rene Bijenico James Billington
Tom Bissell Andrei Bitov
Shane Black
Irwin Blacker
Michael Blake
Amy Bloom Harold Bloom Judy Blume
Boethius Roberto Bolano Heinrich Boll
Erma Bombeck
Bette Bono
Daniel Boorstin
Jorge Luis Borges
William Boyd
T. Coraghessan Boyle
Ray Bradbury
Marion Zimmer Bradley Joan Bragar
Richard Brautigan
Jacques Brel
Berthold Brecht
Restif de la Bretonne
Hermann Broch
Fawn M. Brodie
Charlotte Bronte Emily Bronte
Max Brooks
Alice Brown
Dan Brown
Keith Brown
Norman O. Brown
Peter Brown

Rita Mae Brown

Thomas Browne
Oscar Browning
   42 Oscar Browning 1 Guelphs and Ghibelines BRITISH 19th HISTORY 6 -- 2024

Steven Brust
C.D.B. Bryan
Martin Buber
Elizabeth Buchan John Buchan
Pearl Buck
Wallis Budge Charles Bukowski
Alexander Bulatovich
Miodrag Bulatovich
Thomas Bulfinch
Mikhail Bulgakhov
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Anthony Burgess
Jonathan Burgess John Burgoyne
Edmund Burke
Edgar Rice Burroughs Richard de Bury Frederick Busch
Richard Burton Samuel Butler
James Branch Cabell
Julius Caesar Calderon
Erskine Caldwell
Italo Calvino
Andrea Camilleri Joseph Campbell Albert Camus
Elias Canetti
Ethan Canin
Truman Capote
Fritjof Capra
Peter Carey Dale Carnegie
Humphrey Carpenter
James Carroll
Lewis Carroll
Thomas Carlyle
Paul Cartledge Sean B. Carroll Raymond Carver
Joyce Cary
Jacques Casanova
Ernst Casirer
Carlos Castaneda
Thomas Cathcart
Willa Cather
Eleanor Catton
Benvenuto Cellini Enrico Cerulli Miguel Cervantes
George Chambers
Michael Chabon Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson
Raymond Chandler
Jung Chang
George Chapman Mike Chapman
Stepan Chapman
Janet Skeslien Charles Larry Chase
Elizabeth Chatsworth
Geoffrey Chaucer John Cheever
Eugenia Cheng
Anton Chekhov
Carol Janice Cherryh
A. Charles Chesnutt
G.K. Chesterton Tracy Chevalier
Noam Chomsky
Kate Chopin
Nicholas Christopher
Clayton Christensen
Agatha Christie
Carolyn Chute
Tom Clancy
Susanna Clarke Paul Claudel
James Clavell
Paul Cleage
Chris Cleave Eldridge Cleaver
Peter Clemente
Gabi Coatsworth

Jean Cocteau
Paulo Coelho

J.M. Coetzee

Eoin Colfer Rochelle Cohen
Colette Collingwood
Billy Collins John Collins
Suzanne Collins Wilkie Collins Lacy Collison-Morley Confucius
Constance Condgom
Evan Connell
Andree Connors
Joseph Conrad
Frank Conroy
Benjamin Constant
Elizabeth Cook

M.B. Cook

Robin Cook
Olivia Coolidge
James Fenimore Cooper
Frederick Copleston
Jonathan Cott Diane Croft
Douglas Coupland
Bryce Courtenay Robert Covelli
Malcolm Cowley John Cramer
Stephen Crane
Stanley G. Crawford
Robert Creeley
Diane Croft
John Crowley
e.e. cummings
Michael Cunningham
Eve Curie
Richard Dana
Leslie Daniels Daninos
Alphonse Daudet
Dmitry Davidov
   47 Dmitry Davidov 1 The Theological Views of St. John of Kronstadt RUSSIAN 21st 1 RELIGION 1 -- 2023

Robertson Davies
Fiona Davis
Kathalynn Turner Davis
Philip Davis
Richard Harding Davis
Richard Dawkins
Clarence Day
De Bernieres
Alain de Botton
Mary Dearborn
Daniel Defoe
Don DeLillo
Daniel Dennett
Thomas de Quincey Tatiana de Rosnay
Kiran Desai Rene Descartes
David Deutsch
Frans de Waal
John Dewey
Pete Dexter
Edmund de Waal
Anita Diamant66 Anita Diamant 1 The Red Tent  AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL 47 -- 2022 
Jared Diamond
Junot Diaz
Philip K. Dick
Charles Dickens
James Dickey
Emily Dickinson Gordon Dickson Dictys
16 Dictys  The Trojan War by Dictys ANCIENT GREEK 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2023

Joan Didion
Isak Dinesen
Benjamin Disraeli
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni Pam Dixon
Milovan Djilas
Bonamy Dobree
Anthony Doerr
Stephen R. Donaldson J.P. Donleavy
Ignatius Donnelly
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
Nathan Douglas
William O. Douglas
Frederick Douglass

     24 Frederick Douglass 1 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass AMERICAN 19th   BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2024

Cerdwen Dove
Arthur Conan Doyle
Margaret Drabble Theodore Dreiser
John Dryden
William Dubie

W.E.B. Dubois

Andre Dubus
Andre Dubus III
Bruce Duffy
John Dufresne
Georges Duhamel
Alexander Dumas
Daphne du Maurier
 Sarah Dunant David Duncan
Allen Drury
Margarite Duras
Lawrence Durrell
Jaclyn Easton Richard Eberhart Dikkon Eberhart Umberto Eco David Edmonds Jeff Edmunds Kim Edwards Selden Edwards
Jennifer Egan Dave Eggers Eglin Eichendorff Eidson Albert Einstein Loren Eiseley Crawford Elder Mircea Eliade George Eliot T.S. Eliot Harlan Ellison Ralph Ellison Elevitch Richard Ellman Arpad Elo Ralph Waldo Emerson Michael Ende Tan Twan Eng
Nathan Englander
Nora Ephron
Leslie Epstein Erasmus Erdrich Erik Ericksen Steve Erickson Annie Ernaux
Jenny Erpenbeck
Erskine Jane Espenson Laura Esquivel George Ethredge Jeffrey Eugenides Euripides Eusebius
Michel Faber
Fanger Nancy Farmer Philip Jose Farmer Elena Farrante
Farquhar David Farr
William Faulkner Sebastian Faulks Lucien Febvre
David Feldman Nancy Felson

Elizabeth Fenton Charles Ferguson Marilyn Ferguson Ferlinghetti Feynman Jasper Fforde Field Henry Fielding A. J. Finn
Jack Finney Fischer F. Scott Fitzgerald Penelope Fitzgerald Richard Flannagan
Gustav Flaubert Ian Fleming Fletcher Gregory Fletcher
Kathy Flower David Foenkinos
Joshua Foer
Ken Follett Fonvizin Ford Madox Ford John Ford Richard Ford Fordham Foreman Forster Forsyth Robert Forward Michel Foucault Friedrich de la Motte Fouque
Karen Joy Fowler John Fowles
Anatole France Frankl Benjamin Franklin
Sarah Franklin


Jonathan Franzen
George  Fraser Charles Frazier Freeman Tana French Sigmund Freud Friedman Kinky Friedman Richard Elliott Friedman Frisch Jean Fritz Eric Fromm Frost Fry Northrop Frye Fukuyama Fulghum Buckminster Fuller Charles Fuller Fulop-Miller Emile Gaboriau William Gaddis Eleni Gage Neil Gaiman Mavis Gallant John Galsworthy Santiago Gamboia
Georgi Gapon
      29 Father Gapon 1 The Story of My Life RUSSIAN 20th 1 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2024

Jane Gardam John Gardner Alex Garland Ortega y Gasset de Gaulle Theophile Gautier John Gay Rimpoche Nawang Gehlek Annie Proulx
Jean Genet Gelernt Adele Geras David Gerrold Amitav Ghosh
Giannetti Edward Gibbon Kay Gibbons William Gibson Andre Gide Gilbert and Sullivan Cherry Gilchrist Ellen Gilchrist Tom Gilling Charlotte Gilman Allen Ginsberg Jean Giono
George Gissing Malcolm Gladwell Julia Glass Gleick C. S. Godshalk
Gail Godwin Goethe Nikolai Gogol Arthur Golden William Golding Francisco Goldman Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr. Oliver Goldsmith Nancy Goldstone Barry Goldwater Gombrowicz J. B. Goodenough
Allegra Goodman

Nadine Gordimer

Jaimy Gordon Mary Gordon Maxim Gorky Rene Gosciny Stephen Jay Gould Loren Graham
Gunter Grass Robert Graves Fergindand Greorovius Stephen Greenblatt
Brian Greene Graham Greene Robert Greene
John Gribbin Grabbe Grannunzio John Grisham David Grossman
Lev Grossman
Vassily Grossman Michael Gruber Sara Gruen Faisa Guene G.I. Gurdieff Gurney David Guterson Guthrie John Habberton
Mark Haddon John Hagel von Hagen H. Rider Haggard Joe Haldeman Benjamin Hale
Brian Hall Linda Hall Oakley Hall Richard Hall Richard Halliburton
Lisa Halliday
Pete Hamill

Edith Hamilton

Jane Hamilton Dashiell Hammett Knut Hamsun Catherine Hanley
Kirstin Hannah
Sophie Hannah
Brooks Hansen Yval Noah Harari

Sidney Harcave Paul Harding Thomas Hardy Deborah Harkness
Kyle Harper
Joanne Harris Frazer Harrison Harry Harrison Jim Harrison Bret Harte Jim Hartman Samantha Harvey
Jaroslav Hasek Gerhardt Hauptmann Haviaras Hawkes Stephen Hawking Paula Hawkins
Nathaniel Hawthorne Mo Hayder
Hayes Cynthia Haynes Seamus Heaney Lafcadio Hearn Anthony Hecht Hegel Heggen Heiddegger Heilbronner Heidi Heilig
    21 Heidi Heilig  The Girl from Everywhere AMERICAN 21st 7 NOVEL 17 -- 2023

Heinrich Heine Robert Heinlein Joseph Heller Lillian Hellman Mark Helprin Ernest Hemingway Greer Hendricks
Emily Henry
O. Henry G.A. Henty Frank Herbert Martin Herman
Herodotus John Hersey Hesiod Herman Hesse Claire Heywood
Carl Hiaase
Oscar Hijuelos Bridget Hill
Tony Hillerman Suzanne Hinman
Russell Hoban David Hodges Peter Hoeg Hoff Banesh Hoffman Alice Hoffman
E.T.A. Hoffmann Hofstadter James Hogan James Hogg Florence Holbrook Holderlin Edmond Holmes Holscher Tom Holt Homer Jason Hook Horovitz Horowitz Khaded Hosseini Michel Houellebecq
Robert Howard Roy Howard
George Howe

   23 George Howe  Mathematics for the Practical Man  BRITSH 20th 2 MATH ! -- 2023

Dean Howells Hugh Howey
David Huddle Carl Huffakker Victor Hugo Huizinga Hulme Charles Humana Aldous Huxley Hyginus
Ibanez Heinrik Ibsen Ilf and Petrov Illich Imperato Jesse Inchape
Ionesco John Irving Walter Isaacson
Moses Isegawa Kazuo Ishiguro Vyacheslav Ivanov
Alex Jack Robert Louis Jackson Shirley Jackson
Howard Jacobson
Noemi Jaffe
E. L. James
Henry James P. D. James
William James Sebastian Japrisot Randall Jarrell Jaspers Julian Jaynes
Thomas Jefferson Jerome K. Jerome Jesman Jimenez Ha Jin

Adam Johnson

Louise Johnson
19 Louse Johnson 1 The Story of Australia AUSTRALIAN 21st 1 HISTORY 2 -- 2022

Samuel Johnson

Jonas Jonasson
James Jones Leroi Jones Oscar Jones
   43 Dan Jones 1 Crusaders AMERICAN 21st HISTORY 7 -- 2024

Tayari Jones
Erica Jong Ben Jonson Jordanes
39 Jordanes 1 The Origin and Deeds of the Goths ROMAN 7th 1 HISTORY 5 -- 2024

Jeremy Josephs Flavius Josephus
Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar
Philip Jourdain James Joyce Rachel Joyce
Karl Jung Norton Juster Rachel Kadish
Franz Kafka Daniel Kahneman
Michio Kaku

Robert Kalechofsky

Roberta Kalechofsky Kamen Immanuel Kant S. A. Kapadia
Jerry Kaplan Mary Karr
I. S. Katsnelson Guy Kawasaki Nikos Kazantzakis John Keats Daniel Kehlmann
Kehoe Keillor Keller Helen Keller
Kay Kelley Kevin Kelly Harry Kemelman Keneally John F. Kennedy William Kennedy Stephen Kern Jack Kerouac Ken Kesey Daniel Keyes Omar Khayyam
Sue Monk Kidd
Kidder Suki Kim Stephen King Charles Kingsley Kingsolver Maxine Hong Kingston Kinsella Rudyard Kipling Ethyn Kirby Gwen Kirby
   1 Gwen Kirby 1  Shit Cassandra Saw AMERICAN 21st 1 STORIES 1 -- 2023

Kirsch Alexander Kiselev
Kleist Christina Baker Kline
Chuck Klosterman
Knight John Knowles Arthur Koestler Leszek Kolakowski Jerzy Kosinski Richard Kostelanetz Kostyev Sonya Kovalevsky
Harley Jane Kozak Kozvintsev Kramer Krasnov F. Krindach
Saul Kripke
Jaan Kross Kundera Hari Kunru Kuprin Kurosawa Allen Kurzweil Ray Kurzweil Thomas Kyd Philippe Labro Gary Lachman
Laclos Madame de LaFayette Selma Lagerlof Jhumpa Lahiri

R.D. Laing

Jay Lake Charles Lamb Anne Lamott

3 Anne Lamott 1 *Bird by Bird AMERICAN 20th 3 ESSAYS 1 -- 2001


Bruce Lancaster
Tommaso Landolfi Lao-Tzu Erik Larson Steig Larsson Emanuel Lasker Joachim Latacz Evelyn Lau Mary Lavin D.H. Lawrence Halldor Laxness Richard Leakey Marc LeCard John Le Carre J.M.G. Le Clezio Harper Lee Chang-Rae Lee
Nathaniel Lee Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu Ursula Le Guin Dennis Lehane Fritz Leiber Murray Leinster Leithauser Stanislaw Lem Gloria Lembo
L'Engle Lenin George Lensen Elmore Leonard Lermontov Gaston Leroux Lessing Doris Lessing Primo Levi Levin Claude Levi-Strauss Deborah Levy
Steven Levy
C.S. Lewis Michael Lewis Paul Lewis R.W.B. Lewis Sinclair Lewis Marina Lewycka Mark Leyner Lightman George Lillo Lindgren Kelly Link Clarice Lispector
David Liss Litvinov Livy Llosa Father Jerome Lobo Christopher Locke Jack London Longus Barry Longyear Lord Lovecraft Robert Lowell Lowry Lucian Lucretius
   41 Lucretius 1 (trans. Alicia Stallings) The Nature of Things ROMAN BC 1 POETRY 11 -- 2024

Ludlum George Lukacs Michael David Lukas David Lupher
     46 David Lupher 1 **** Romans in a New World AMERICAN 21st 1 HISTORY 9 -- 2024

Lisa Lutz Lycophron Jim Lynch
John Lyons George MacDonald
Machado de Assis
Nicolo Machiavelli Charles Mackay
Norman MacLean John Maddox Magnus Gregory Maguire Naguib Mahfouz Norman Mailer Andrei Makine Bernard Malamud Kate Maloy Andre Malraux Thomas Mandel Sir John de Mandeville Henning Mankell
Charles Mann

    19 Charles Mann  1491 AMERICAN 21st 6 HISTORY 3 -- 2023

Paul de Mann Thomas Mann Olivia Manning Hilary Mantel
Alessandro Manzoni David Markson Herbert Marcuse Marie de France
Christopher Marlowe Gabriel Marquez Anthony Marra
John Marshall SLA Marshall Marston Yann Martel Christopher Martin George R.R. Martin James Martin W.A.P.Martin William Martin Carole Martinez
Karl Marx Maslennikov Massie Peter Matthiesen Somerset Maugham Mauldin Guy de Maupassant Francois Mauriac Francois Maurois Debby Mayer Joyce Maynard
McCaffrey Alison McBain  

Colum McCann Cormac McCarthy Carole Spearin McCauley
James McClure
Kristin McCloy William Burton McCormick
Elizabeth McCracken McCrumb Carson McCullers Coleen McCullough David McCullough Ian McEwan Marshall McLuhan McMurtry Marion Mead
Gita Mehta Pauline Melville Herman Melville Menander H.L. Mencken Vivian Mercier

Prosper Merimee

John Meyendorff Nicholas Meyer Ben Mezrich James Michener
Middleton A. D. Miller
Arthur Miller Henry Miller James Miller Madeline Miller
Walter Miller A.A. Milne Milosz John Milton Minot Minsky Mirsky Mishima David Mitchell Margaret Mitchell Mochulsky Patrick Modiano
Walter Moers Moliere Tom Montag Montaigne Montesquieu Rick Moody Christopher Moore F.H. Moore Geoffrey Moore Alan Moorehead Morazzoni Thomas More William Morris Donna Morrissey

    13 Donna Morrissey 1 ***Kit's Law CANADIAN 20th 3 NOVEL 8 -- 2023

Toni Morrison
James Morro
Ottesa Moshfegh
Mrozkek Zak Mucha John Muir Harry Mulisch Alice Munro
Brett Munro H.H. Munro, see Saki

Haruki  Murakami

Lady Muraskai Iris Murdoch Ian Murray Robert Musil Vladimir Nabokov Naipul Thomas Nashe

Nathan Margarite de Navarre Patrick Neate Jacob Needleman Nicholas Negroponte
Gerard de Nerval
Jo Nesbo
Nevinson Sandra Newman
Celeste Ng
Charles Nicholl
Friedrich Nietzsche Audrey Niffenegger Nikolayevsky Aron Nimzovitch Anais Nin Larry Niven Lawrence Norfolk Howard Norman Laurie Notaro Amelie Nothomb Novalis Joyce Carol Oates
Josiah Ober
Flann O'Brien Tim O'Brien

Hilton Obenzinger

Tea Obreht Sean O'Casey Flannery O'Connor Richard O'Connor Oe Julia O'Faolain Maggie O'Farrell
Yoko Ogawa
Oldenbourg Patrick O'Leary Olesha Oliver Tillie Olsen Riku Onda60 Riku Onda 1 **** Honeybees ad Distnt Thunder JAPANESE 21st 1 NOVEL 41 -- 2023
Michael Ondaatje Eugene O'Neill Andre Orbeliani Orerry Henri d'Orleans Orlov Orme George Orwell John Osborne Otway Leonid Ouspensky P.D. Ouspensky Gary Owen
Delia Owens
Amos Oz Ruth Ozeki
Cynthia Ozick Elaine Pagels Marcel Pagnol Thomas Paine Charles Palliser Felix Palma
Orhan Pamuk
Katherine Pancol
Christopher Paoling Papert Jay Parini Robert Parker C.N. Parkinson John Dos Passos Boris Pasternak Ann Patchett Alan Paton Pavic Peacock Matthew Pearl Iain Pears Peck Pekarkova Borislav Pekic Victor Pelevin
Pendlebury Sean Penn
Samuel Pepys Walker Percy Arturo Perez-Reverte Perkinson Elliot Perlman David Perlmutter
Laurence Peter Elizabeth Peters W.M. Flinders Petrie Petronius Petrov (of Ilf and Petrov) Arthur Phillips
Jayne Anne Phillips Marie Phillips Michael Phillips Philostratus

Julia Pierpont

Valentin Pikul
Pilnyak Pinchuk Steven Pinker Harold Pinter Pipes Pirandello Pirsig Sylvia Plath Plato Plautus Pliny the Elder Plumer Plutarch Edgar Allan Poe Frederik Pohl Larry Polin
Marco Polo Polybius Sarah Pomeroy Pomyalovsky Lizzie Pook

   22 Lizzie Pook  Moonlight and the Pearler's Daughter  AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 18 -- 2023


Francis Porretto

Eleanor Porter

  • 34 Eleanor Porter 1 ***Pollyanna AMERICAN 19th 8 NOVEL 21 -- 2009
  • 36 Eleanor Porter 2 Pollyanna Grows Up AMERICAN 20th 7 NOVEL 22 -- 2009
  • Katherine Ann Porter David Pottruck Anthony Powell Dawn Powell J.W. Powell Sophie Powell
    Richard Powers Prescott Abbe Prevost Steven Price Procopius Annie Proulx Marcel Proust Eugene Pugh Philip Pullman Purdy Alexander Pushkin Howard Pyle Barbara Pym

    Thomas Pynchon

    Pyziur David Quammen Raymond Queneau Quevedo Rabelais Tom Rachman Racine Raymond Radiguet Kris Radish Richard Rahn Walter Raleigh


    Lisa Randall Samuel Rapaport Valentin Rasputin Rattigan David Raup
    George Rawlinson Ray Chet Raymo

    Eric Raymond

    Mary Rayt James Redfield Charles Reich Reed Reid Fred Reinfeld George Andrew Reisner Eric Maria Remarque Jules Renard
    Mary Renault Richard Reti Frederick Reuss Karin Rex Howard Rheingold Jean Rhys
    Anne Rice Mark Rich Simon Rich
    Richmond John Clark Ridpath
    Glenn Rifkin

         25 Glen Rifkin 1  The Ultimate Entrepreneur AMERICAN 20th 3 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2024

    Rilke Arthur Rimbaud J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts) Allain Robbe-Grillet Richard Robbins Tom Robbins Wayne Robbins Jane Roberts
    Kim Stanley Robinson Ronald Robinson Spider Robinson Rodzianko Theodore Roethke Romain Rolland
    Katie Roiphe Theodore Roosevelt M.J. Rose Reginald Rose David Rosenberg Chris Rosenfeld Judith Rossner Dick Roth

    Joseph Roth

    Philip Roth Carlo Rovelli
    J. K. Rowling Arundhati Roy Rozanov Rudy Rucker Rush Rushdie Bertrand Russell Richard Russo
    Adam Rutherford
    Edward Rutherford
    Geoff Ryman Raphael Sabatini Sablinsky Oliver Sacks Marquis de Sade Carl Sagan Francoise Sagan Nayantara Sahgal Antoine de Saint-Exupery Consuelo de Saint-Exupery Saki (H.H. Munro) Sakkharov J.D. Salinger Harrison Salisbury Sallust


    Cynthia Salvadori Sanchez Georges Sand Samuel Sandmel
    Edward Sapir Jose Saramago William Saroyan Nathalie Sarraute Jean-Paul Sartre Mark Saxton Dorothy Sayers Maurice Sceve George Schaeffer Jack Schaefer Jesse Schell Friedrich Schiller Cathleen Schine Arthur Schlesinger Gershom Scholem
    Ken Scholes Robert Scholes Olive Schreiner Bruno Schulz Schultze Schwartz Moacyr Scliar
    Sir Walter Scott Kevin Scrantz W. G. Sebald
    Alice Sebold
    David Sedaris
  • 32 David Sedaris 1 The Santaland Diaries AMERICAN 20th 19 PLAY 1 -- 2001
  • 33 David Sedaris 2 Season's Greetings AMERICAN 20th 20 PLAY 2 -- 2001
  • 40 David Sedaris 3 **Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk AMERICAN 21st 7 SHORT STORIES 2 -- 2010
  • Carolyn See
    Barbara Seels Segal Eric Segal W. C. Sellar
    Sellassie Bob Seltzer
    Helen Seltzer
    Henry Hocker Seltzer Michael Seltzer Paul Seltzer
    Sallie Seltzer Richard Selzer Richard Seltzer, Sr. Jan-Philipp Sendker
    Seneca Peter Senge Vikram Seth
    Maneesh Sethi Diane Setterfield Elizabeth Sewall Rex Sexton Martin Seymour-Smith

    Peter Shaeffer

    Mary Ann Shaffer William Shakespeare Shapiro Elena Mauli Shapiro James Shapiro
    George Bernard Shaw Ian Shaw Sheldon Mary Shelley

    Richard Brinsley Sheridan

    Margaret Sherwood Shevchenko Carol Shields Amit Shilo
     William Shirer Mikhail Sholokhov Anita Shreve Dai Sijie Silone Silverberg Clifford Simak George Simenon
    Simmons Ethelyn Simon and Joseph Anderson
    Isaac Singer B.F. Skinner Josef Skvorecky Sloane Jane Smiley Alexander McCall Smith Edward Smith Harry Smith Janet Smith Martin Cruz Smith Zadie Smith Smullyan Quintus Smyrnaeus Ruth Smythers
    C.P. Snow Dava Sobel Sokolov Sologub Vladimir Solovyov Alexander Solzhenitsyn Sophocles Sophrony Muriel Spark Nicholoas Sparks Jonathan Spence Spender

    Madmae de Stael


    Alicia Stallings
    John Bryan Starr--2023 Richard Steele
    Wallace Stegner Jeanne Steig Garth Stein
    Gertrude Stein John Steinbeck George Steiner Wendy Steiner

    Stendhal Neal Stephenson Bruce Sterling Laurence Sterne Robert Louis Stevenson Jon Stewart Gary Steyngart
    Stoll Tom Stoppard Storm Lytton Strachey Barry Strauss

       17 Barry Strauss The Trojan War AMERICAN 21st 5 HISTORY 2 -- 2023

    Joseph Strayer Whitley Strieber Strindberg Elizabeth Strout
    Julia Stuart snorri Sturluson

    35 Snorri Sturluson 1 Ynglinga Saga OLD NORSE 12th 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2024
    36 Snorri Sturlson 2 The Saga of the Volsungs OLD NORSE 12th 2 HISTORY 2 -- 2024
    38 Snorri Sturlson 3 The Prose Edda OLD NORSE 12th 4 HISTORY 4 -- 2024

    Sturgeon William Styron Suetonius Ron Sukenick J. Courtney Sullivan
    Monague Summers

    Manil Suri Ellen Sussman

    Italo Svevo

    Graham Swift Jonathan Swift Kara Swisher Daniel Sysoev
    Tacitus Strobe Talbott Amy Tan Tanizaki Tannen Tarle Donna Tartt
    Achilles Tatius
    Taulbut G.P. Taylor


    Alfred Lord Tennyson Terence
    Albert Payson Terhune
    Tey Theroux William Makepeace Thackeray D.M. Thomas Dylan Thomas High Thomas Jeffrey Thomas Thompson Thompson Arthur Thompson Joyce Thompson Ruth Plumly Thompson Thornton Thucydides Thurber Laszlo Tikos Paul Tillich E. M. W. Tillyard
    James Tiptree, Jr. Alvin Toffler
    Colm Toibin
    Olga Tokarczuk
    J.R.R. Tolkien Tolstaya Leo Tolstoy John Kennedy Toole Tourneur Tournier Towles
    Trask Anthony Trollope Trotsky Jack Trout Troyat Chretien de Troyes
    Trudeau Gail Tsukuyama Barbara Tuchman Jerome Tuccille Colin Turnbull Ivan Turgenev Mark Twain Anne Tyler Brady Udall Unamuno Unsworth John Updike Leon Uris Luis Alberto Urrea
    Paul Valery Smon Van Booy
    Jack Vance Jeff Vandermeer Elizabeth Vandiver
    James Van Pelt John Varley Lope de Vega Athina Veloudou
    Abraham Vergese --

    Jules Verne

    Gore Vidal Alfred de Vigny Joan Vinge Virgil Voltaire Kurt Vonnegut Mark Vonnegut Sarah Vowell Waitzkin Dan Wakefield Wald Walker Karen Thompson Walker
    Daniel Wallace David Foster Wallace Irving Wallace Lew Wallace Robert James Waller Gay Walley Horace Walpole Jo Walton
    Wangerin Ruth Ware
    Timothy Ware Warner Mercy Warren Robert Penn Warren Rosanna Warren Booker T. Washington Wasserstein Libby Waterford
    Watson Webster Arthur Weigall David Weinberger Andy Weir
    Rene Wellek H.G. Wells Rebecca Wells Eudora Welty Mary Wesley
    Nathaniel West Rebecca West
    Donald Westlake Weston Westwood Edith Wharton E.B. White Patrick White T. H. White Alfred North Whitehead Walt Whitman Norbert Wiener Richard Wilbur Frank Wilczek
    Wild Oscar Wilde Laura Wilder Marshall Wilder Thornton Wilder Will Tennessee Williams Terry Tempest Williams Thomas Williams William Carlos Williams Susan Ford Wilshire
    Edmund Wilson G. Willow Wilson

    John Wilson Kevin Wilson
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