For those who are curious, attached is a list of every book I've
read cover-to-cover since 1958, when I was in the seventh grade. I
tend to be a bit obsessive, keeping a list of this kind. Sometimes
I've added markers like (*) to indicate books I particularly liked;
but I've been rather inconsistent about that. I also try to keep
track of how many books of a particular kind (novel, etc.) and from
a given country and century (Eng. 19th, etc.), I read each year. Richard Seltzer
For reviews of some of these books, see www.samizdat.com/isyn/reviews.html
For brief notes on others, see www.samizdat.com/readrev.html
Chronological lists --
2025, 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017,2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985, 1984, 1983, 1982, 1981, 1980, 1979, 1978, 1977, 1976, 1975, 1974, 1973, 1972, 1971, 1970, 1969, 1968, 1967, 1966, 1965, 1964, 1963, 1962, 1961, 1960, 1958-59
Year-by-year score
Books I want to read next
Books begun, but never finished
Uncollected articles and short stories
read (starting 1997)
Thoughts about books I recently read
Book reviews and criticism by Richard
Book reviews by Deane Rink
Recommendations and comments about
books from other enthusiastic readers
Blogging about Books
Dialogue on favorite books with Deane Rink before and during his
latest trek to Antarctica, with a note from Bill Ransom and
contributions from Jonathan Loschi (a.k.a. Bookbabble 101) --a
very long and rapidly growing document (a.k.a. Bookbabble 101)
Alphabetical list, by Author
Some of the books listed below have hyperlinks to Amazon.com. If
you might want to buy such a book, just click on the title. You'll
get the usual discount and service from Amazon.com, and we'll get
a small commission for the referral. That could help us pay some
bills and expand what we do for you.
- The Bible -- 1958
- 1 Epic of Gilgamesh BC/1 SUMERIAN NOVEL 1 -- 1964
- 82 anonymous The Alexandrian War ROMAN 1st BC 2 HISTORY 9 --
- 84 anonymous The African War ROMAN 1st BC 3 HISTORY 10 -- 2001
- 43 The Upanishads INDIAN BC 1 REL1GION 1-- 1971
- 44 Bhagavad Gita INDIAN BC 2 RELIGION 2 -- 1971
- 18 Medieval Hebrew (including the Midrash and Kabbalah)
[electronic book] AMERICAN 19th 1 RELIGION 1 -- 2003
- 12 The Nibelungenlied GERMAN 12th 1 NOVEL 5 -- 1971
- 94 Njal's Saga NORSE 10th SAGA 1 -- 2009
- 36 moine de l'orient La Priere de Jesus (francais) 20th 4
RELIGION 2 -- 1972
- 1 The Way of A Pilgrim/The Pilgrim Continues RUSSIAN 19th 1
RELIGION 1 -- 1975
- 25 Kama Sutra INDIAN 1 -- 1992
- 33 Lazarillo de Tormes 16th SPANISH1 NOVEL19 -- 1994
- 120The Thousand and One Arabian Nights trans. by William Lane
PERSIAN 13th 1 NOVEL 46 -- 2000
- 23 Israel Abrahams 1 Judaism [electronic book] AMERICAN 20th 4
RELIGION -- 2003
- 37 Anonymous Forbidden Fruit BRITISH 19th 8 NOVEL 23 --
- Anonymous 1 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (trans. by
Borroff) ENGLISH 14th 2 POETRY 2 -- 2012
- Anonymous 2 Gilgamesh (trans. Ferry) SUMERICAN BC
1 POETRY 3 -- 2012
- 32 Anonymous (trans. Vladimir Nabokov) The Song of Igor's
Campaign 12th 1 Ukrainian 1 -- 2024
- 33 Anonymous (trans. Hatto) Nibelungenlied GERMAN 12th 1
POETRY 4 -- 2024
- 34 Anonymous (trans Heaney) Beowulf ANGLO-SAXON 11th 1 POETRY
5 -- 2024
- 37 Anonymous (trans. Larrington) The Poetic Edda OLD NORSE
12th 3 HISTORY 3 -- 2024
- 8
William Buck (editor/translator) 1 Ramayana INDIA BC 1 EPIC 1
-- 2021
- 59
Anonymous The Taming of a Shrew BRITISH 16th 8
PLAY 5 -- 2020
- 79
Anonymous The Book of Enoch HEBREW BC 1
RELIGION 1 -- 2020
- 54
Anonymous - Orientation for the Pacific Theater (US
Army, 1944) AMERICAN 20th 5 HISTORY 1 -- 2018
- 13
Anonymous The Origins of the Flemings and Their Place in
History BRITISH 21st 1 HISTORY 4 -- 2017
- 45
Anonymous Sir Gawain and the Green Knight British
BRITISH 14th 1 ROMANCE 1 -- 2024
- 47 Anonymous Tristan
and Isolde GERMAN 12th 1 ROMANCE 3 -- 2024
- 23 Magazine - Granta #129 BRITISH 21st 1 MAGAZINE
1 -- 2015
- 5 Granta, Issue #145 BRITISH 21st 1 MAGAZINE 1 -- 2019
- 37
Granta Issue #154 BRITISH 21st 1 MAGAZINES 1 -- 2021
- 46
Granta Issue #153 Second Nature BRITISH 21st 2 MAGAZINES 2
-- 2021
- 55 Granta Issue
#156 Interiors BRITISH 21st 2 MAGAZINES 23
- 45 Granta #163 Best of Young British Novelists BRITISH 21st
MAGAZINE 1 -- 2023
- 10 Glimmer Train, Issue #101 AMERICAN 21st 3 MAGAZINE 1
-- 2018
- 15 Granta, Issue #142 BRITISH 21st 1 MAGAZINE 2 -- 2018
- 47 Granta, Issue #143 BRITISH 21st 3 MAGAZINE 3 -- 2018
- 52 Granta issue 168 BRITISH 21st 1 MAGAZINE 1 -- 2024
Edward Abbey
- 82 Edward Abbey 1 Desert Solitaire AMERICAN 20th 23 NATURE 5
-- 2005
Chinua Achebe
- 8 Chinua Achebe 1 **Things Fall Apart IBO 20th 1 NOVEL 2 --
1998 review
Peter Ackroyd
- 100 Peter Ackroyd 1 Shakespeare, The Biography BRITISH 21st 7
BIOGRAPHY 10 -- 2019
Amir Aczel
- 3 Amir Aczel 1 The Mystery of the Aleph AMERICAN 21st 1 MATH 1
-- 2018
- 2 Gilbert Adair 1 The Holy Innocents 20/2 AMER N2 -- 1989
Douglas Adams
- 27 Douglas Adams 1 Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 20/1 ENG
SF1 --1983
- 29 Douglas Adams 2 Restaurant at the End of the Universe 20/2
ENG SF2 -- 1983
- 30 Douglas Adams 3 Life, the Universe & Everything 20/3
ENG SF3 -- 1983
- 46 Douglas Adams 4 So Long, & Thanks for All the Fish 20/5
ENG SF7 -- 1985
- 24 Douglas Adams 5 Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
20/3 ENG SF2 -- 1988
- 5 Douglas Adams 6 Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Radio
Script ENG5 SF1 -- 1993
- 6 Douglas Adams 7 The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul ENG6 SF2
-- 1993
- 2 Douglas Adams 8 Mostly Harmless 20th ENG2 -- 1994
- 20 Douglas Adams 9 The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 12
episodes, radio version (audio) ENGLISH 20th 7 FANTASY 8 -- 2005
Henry Adams
- 53 Henry Adams 1 The Education of Henry Adams 19/1 AMER BIO --
Richard Adams
- 36 Richard Adams 1 Watership Down* 20/1 ENG N -- 1975
Scott Adams
- 38 Scott Adams 1 **The Dilbert Principle AMER 20th 27 HUMOR 1
-- 1996
- 3 Scott Adams 2 Dogbert's Management Handbook AMER 20th 1
HUMOR 1 -- 1997
- 102 Scott Adams 3 The Dilbert Future AMERICAN 20th 68 HUMOR 2
-- 1997 review
71 Joseph Addison 1 Cato 18/7 ENG PL38 --1967
- 4 Aeschylus 1 Agamemnon BC/1 GRE PL1 -- 1964, 1970, 2022
- 5 Aeschylus 2 The Libation Bearers BC/2 GRE PL2 -- 1964
- 8 Aeschylus 3 Eumenides BC/3 GRE PL3 -- 1964
- 40 Aeschylus 4 Prometheus Bound BC/2 GRE PL14 -- 1968, 1969
- 60 Aeschylus 5 The Persians BC/4 GRE PL25 --1968, 2022
- 59 Aeschylus 6 Seven Against Thebes BC/4 GRE PL29 -- 1969
James Agee
- 34 James Agee 1 A Death in the Family* 20/25 AMER N -- 1978
Anna Akhmatova
- 8 Anna Akhmatova 1 (trans. Judith Hemschemeyer) Selected
Poems RUSSIAN 20th 1 POETRY 2 -- 2011
Peter Akinti
- Peter Akinti 1 Forest Gate BRITISH 21st 1 NOVEL 11 -- 2010
Vassily Aksyonov
- 11 Vassily Aksyonov 1 The Island of Crimea 20/1 RUSS N3 --
- 61 Vassily Aksyonov The Island of Crimea RUSSIAN 20th 1
FANTASY 28 -- 2005 (second time)
Boris Akunin
- 53 Boris Akunin 1 The Death of Achilles RUSSIAN 21st 1
MYSTERY 4 -- 2006
- 1 Alain-Fournier 1 Le Grand Meaulnes (francais) 20/1 FREN N1
-- 1972
Edward Albee
- 69 Edward Albee 1 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf 20/12 AMER
PL24 -- 1965
- 13 Edward Albee 2 The Zoo Story 20/5 AMER PL2 -- 1966
- 14 Edward Albee 3 American Dream 20/6 AMER PL3 -- 1966
- 21 Edward Albee 4 The Sandbox 20/11 AMER PL4 -- 1966
Alexa Albert
- 9 Alexa Albert 1 Brothel: Mustang Ranch and Its Women
AMERICAN 21st 3 ESSAY 2 -- 2003
Mitch Albom
- 66. Mitch Albom 1 Tuesdays with Morrie AMERICAN 21st ESSAYS
5 -- 2007
- 57 Mitch Albom 2 **The Time Keeper AMERICAN 21st 25 NOVEL 46
-- 2012
Louisa May Alcott
- 5
Louisa May Alcott 1 ****Little Women AMERICAN 19th 1 NOVEL 3
-- 2020
- 10
Louisa May Alcott 2 Good Wives AMERICAN 19th 2 NOVEL 5 --
Frederick Allen
- 13 Fredrick Allen 1 Only Yesterday 20/3 AMER HIS4 -- 1962
Woody Allen
- 18 Woody Allen 1 Zelig (screen play) 10 AMER SP4 -- 1991
- 19 Woody Allen 2 Broadway Danny Rose (screen play)11 AMER SP5
-- 1991
- 20 Woody Allen 3 The Purple Rose of Cairo 12 AMER SP6 -- 1991
- 39 Woody Allen 4 Annie Hall 26 AMER SP9 --1991
- 40 Woody Allen 5 Interiors 27 AMER SP10 -- 1991
- 41 Woody Allen 6 Manhattan 28 AMER SP11 -- 1991
- 42 Woody Allen 7 Stardust Memories 29 AMER SP12 -- 1991
Isabel Allende
- 19 Isabel Allende 1 Of Love and Shadows CHILE 20th 1 NOVEL 11
-- 1995
Burt Alpert
- 2 Burt Alpert 1 Inversions 20/2 AMER ES -- 1975
- 12 Burt Alpert 2 Organizing 20/10 AMER ES --1975
Robert Alter
- 53
Robert Alter 1 Genesis AMERICAN 20th 5 CRITICISM 2 --
Lisa Alther
- 5 Lisa Alther 1 Kin Flicks 20/2 AMER N -- 1978
Jorge Amado
- 5 Jorge Amado 1 Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon 20/1 BRAZ N2 --
Taryn Ambrose
- 82
Taryn Ambrose 1 Hold On AMERICAN 21st 20 POETRY 2 -- 2020
Kingsley Amis
- 36 Kingsley Amis 1 Lucky Jim 19/3 ENG N -- 1978
Martin Amis
- 22 Martin Amis 1 London Fields ENGLISH 20th 6 NOVEL 7 -- 2000
- 27 Sherwood Anderson 1 Winesburg, Ohio AMERICAN 20th 17
NOVEL 17 -- 2001
V.C. Andrews
- 1 V.C. Andrews 1 Flowers in the Attic 20/1 AMER N1 --1982
- 47 V.C. Andrews 2 Petals on the Wind 20/28 AMER N16 --1986
- 27 Anouilh 1 L'Allouette (fran) 20/2 FREN PL12 -- 1964
- 51 Anouilh 2 Antigone (fran) 20/6 FREN PL18 -- 1964
- 12 Jean Anouilh The Lark [trans. by Craig Schneider, in mss.]
20/1 FREN PL1 --1986
Katherine Anthony
- 8 Katherine Anthony 1 First Lady of the Revolution 20/7 AMER
HIST -- 1975
Piers Anthony
- 56 Piers Anthony 1 A Spell for Chameleon [Xanth #1] AMERICAN
20th 16 FANTASY 26 -- 2005
Donald Antrim
- 67 Donald Antrim 1 The Hundred Brothers AMERICAN 20th 44 NOVEL
27 -- 1997
- 47 Apollodorus 1 The Library, Book 1, 1st Century BC 1
REFERENCE 1 -- 2006
- 48 Apollodorus 2 The Library, Book 2, 1st Century BC 2
REFERENCE 2 -- 2006
- 49 Apollodorus 3 The Library, Book 3, 1st Century BC 3
REFERENCE 3 -- 2006
- 50 Apollodorus 4 Epitome 1st Century BC 4 REFERENCE 4 --
- 52 Apollodorus 1 The Library GREEK BC 1 MYTHOLOGY 2 --
Apollonius of Rhodes
- 36 Apollonius of Rhodes 1 The Voyage of the Argo GREEK 3rd
Century BC 1 NOVEL 24 -- 2006
Jacob Appel
- 61
Jacob Appel 1 Courophobia & Fata Morgana AMERICAN 21st
15 STORIES 4 -- 2021
- 60 Apuleius 1 The Golden Ass ROMAN NORTH AFRICA 2nd 1 NOVEL 34
-- 1999
Lee Arcuri
- 12 Lee Arcuri 1 The Screen (at Zoetrope Screenplays) AMER 20th
10 SCREENPLAY 3 -- 1999
Robert Ardery
- 58 Robert Ardery 1 African Genesis 20/14 AMER ANTH -- 1972
Hannah Arendt
- 7 Hannah Arendt 1 The Human Condition 20/1 GER PH5 -- 1966
- 67 Ann Arensberg Group Sex 20/51 AMER N25 -- 1987
- 12 Ludovico Ariosto 1 Orlando Furioso 16/1 ITAL N6 -- 1970,
- 10 Aristotle 1 Poetics BC/3 GRE PH7 -- 1966
- 66 Aristotle 2 Metaphysics GREEK BC 3 PHILOSOPHY 1 -- 2001
- 40 Aristotle 3 On the Soul Greek BC 2 PHILOSOPHY 1 -- 2007
- 65 Aristotle Posterior Analytics ANCIENT GREEK
- 23 Aristophanes 1 Lysistrata BC/2 GREEK PLAY 3 -- 1961, 2002
- 14 Aristophanes 2 Clouds BC/1 GREEK PLAY 1 -- 1962
- 17 Aristophanes 3 Frogs BC/2 GREEK PLAY 2 -- 1962, 1971, 2018
- 50 Aristophanes 4 Acharnians BC/1 GREEK PLA Y 17 -- 1965
- 39 Aristophanes 5 Birds BC/4 GREEK PLAY 4 -- 1971
- 40 Aristophanes 6 Peace BC/5 GREEK PLAY 5 -- 1971
Mary L. Day Arms
- 10 Mary L. Day Arms 1 The World As I Have Found It AMERICAN
19th 1 ESSAY 3 -- 2014
Fernando Arrabal
- 5 Fernando Arrabal 1 The Red Virgin SPANISH 1 NOVEL 2 -- 1997
Roger Aschom
- 5 Roger Aschom 1 The Scholemaster 16/1 ENG ESS1 --
Maurice Ashley
- 35 Ashley 1 England in the 17th Century 20/9 ENG HIS5 -- 1965,
Liana Asim
- 30 Liana Asim 1 (performance, Boston Center for the Arts)
The King of Love Is Dead AMERICAN 21st 9 PLAY 5 -- 2015
Isaac Asimov
- 41 Isaac Asimov 1 Foundation 20/31 AMER SF -- 1978
- 42 Isaac Asimov 2 Foundation & Empire 20/32 AMER SF --
- 43 Isaac Asimov 3 Second Foundation 20/33 AMER SF -- 1978
- 1 Isaac Asimov 4 I, Robot 20/1 AMER SF1 --1981
- Isaac Asimov 5 Foundation's Edge -- 1987
- 58 Isaac Asimov 5 The Stars, Like Dust 20/43 AMER SF8 -- 1987
- 59 Isaac Asimov 6 The Currents of Space 20/44 AMER SF9 -- 1987
- 60 Isaac Asimov 7 Pebble in the Sky 20/45 AMER SF10 -- 1987
- 10 Isaac Asimov 8 Prelude to Foundation 20/8 AMER SF8 -- 1989
- 11 Isaac Asimov 9 Foundation and Earth 20/9 AMER SF2 --1989,
- 85 Isaac Asimov 12 The Robots of Dawn AMERICAN 20th 12 SCIFI
9/MYSTERY 10 -- 2007
- 86 Isaac Asimov 13 *Robots and Empire AMERICAN 20th 13 SCIFI
10/MYSTERY 11 -- 2007
- 87 Isaac Asimov 14 *Asimov's Mysteries AMERICAN 20th 14 SCIFI
11/MYSTERY 12 -- 2007
- 108 Isaac Asimov 15 ***Bicentennial Man (in
The Hugo Winners Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th
30 SCIFI 27 -- 2007
- 127 Isaac Asimov 16 *Forward the Foundation AMERICAN 20th 43
SCIFI 40 -- 2007129 Isaac Asimov 17 *The Caves of Steel AMERICAN
20th 44 SCIFI 41
- 130 Isaac Asimov 18 ***The Naked Sun AMERICAN 20th 45 SCIFI 42
Robert Asprin
- 1 Robert Asprin 1 Another Fine Myth 20/1 AMER SF1 -- 1985,
- 2 Robert Asprin 2 Myth Conceptions 20/2 AMER SF2 -- 1985, 1999
- 34 Robert Asprin 3 Myth Directions 20/22 AMER SF5 --1985, 1999
- 36 Robert Asprin 4 Hit or Myth 20/24 AMER SF6 -- 1985, 1999
- 1 Robert Asprin 5 Mything Persons 20/1 AMER FAN1 -- 1987, 1999
- 34 Robert Asprin 6 Little Myth Marker 20/24 AMER SF4 -- 1987,
- 2 Robert Asprin 7 M.Y.T.H., Inc. Link 20/2 AMER SF1 --1988,
- 14 Robert Asprin 8 M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action AMER N6 --1992,
- 7 Robert Asprin 9 The Bug Wars AMER1 SF3 -- 1993, 1999
- Robert Asprin 10 Phule's Company AMER -- 1993
- 47 Robert Asprin 11 Sweet Myth-tery of Life AMER 20th 30 NOVEL
33 -- 1995, 1999
- 25 Robert Asprin 12 Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections (out loud)
AMER 20th 18 NOVEL 14 -- 1999
- 57 Robert Asprin 13 Myth-ion Improbable AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL
29 -- 2002
- 12 Robert Asprin 14 Something MYTH Inc. AMERICAN 21st 1
FANTASY 2 -- 2005
- 13 Robert Asprin 15 and Jody Lynn Nye Myth-Told Tales AMERICAN
21st 2 FANTASY 3 -- 2005
- 19 Robert Asprin 16 and Jody Lynn Nye Myth Alliances AMERICAN
21st 4 FANTASY 6 -- 2005
- 26 Robert Asprin 17 and Jody Lynn Nye Myth-Taken Identity
AMERICAN 21st 7 FANTASY 13 -- 2005
- 60 Robert Asprin 18 and Jody Lynn Nye Class Dis-Mythed
AMERICAN 21st 15 HUMOR 1 -- 2006
- 16 Miguel Angel Asturias 1 El Senor Presidente 20/1 GUAT N
Afoa Atalpra
- 41
Afia Atakora 1 Conjure Women AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 20 --
Diana Athill
48 Diana Athill 1 Somewhere Toward the End AMERICAN
21st 19 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2023
Anselm Atkins
- 39 Anselm Atkins 1 The Notebooks of Lana Skimnest AMERICAN
20th 24 NOVEL 25 -- 2001
Kate Atkinson
- 15 Kate Atkinson 1 ****Life After Life BRITISH 21st 2 NOVEL
6 -- 2014
- 36 Kate Atkinson 2 ***A God in Ruins British 21st 2 NOVEL 21
-- 2015
- 75 Kate Atkinson 3 Transcription BRITISH 21st 5 NOVEL 20 --
- 2 Kate Atkinson 4 Behind the Scenes at the
Museum BRITISH 20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2023
- 6 Kate Atkinson 5 Shrines of
Gaiety BRTISH 21st 1 NOVEL 4 -- 2023
- 38 Kate Atkinson 4 One Good Turn
BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 34 -- 2022
- 39 Kate Atkinson 5 Case Histories BRITISH
21st 4 NOVEL 35 -- 2022
- 40 Kate Atkinson 6 When Will There Be Good
News? BRITISH 21st 5 NOVEL 36 -- 2022
- 42 Kate Atkinson 7 Started Early, Took My Dog
BRITISH 21st 6 NOVEL 38 -- 2022
- 43 Kate Atkinson 8 Big Sky BRITISH 21st
7 NOVEL 39 -- 2022
- 46 Kate Atkinson 9 Emotionally Weird BRITISH
21st 8 NOVEL 42 -- 2022
- 75 Kate Atkinson 3 Transcription BRITISH 21st
5 NOVEL 20 -- 2019
Peter Atti
46 Peter Attia 1 Outlive AMERICAN 21st 20 HEALTH 1 --
- 18 Margaret Atwood 1 The Handmaid's Tale 20/14 CANADIAN NOVEL
6 --1987
- 45 Margaret Atwood 2 Robber Bride CANADIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 22 --
- 72 Margaret Atwood 3***The Blind Assassin CANADIAN 21st 1
NOVEL 39 -- 2002
- 9
Margaret Atwood 4 ***The Penelopiad CANADIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 5 --
Eric Auerbach
- 46 Eric Auerbach 1 *****Mimesis AMERICAN 20th 4 LITERARY
CRITICISM 1 -- 2018
Saint Augustine
- 17 Friedrich de la Motte Fouque 1 Undine GERMAN 19th 1
ROMANCE 2 -- 2018
Jane Austen
- 16 Jane Austen 1 Pride & Prejudice 19/3 ENG N10 -- 1961
- 59 Jane Austen 2 Mansfield Park 19/5 ENG N23 -- 1964
- 5 Jane Austen 3 Sense & Sensibility 19/1 ENG N3 -- 1968
- 62 Jane Austen 4 (on CD) (on Kindle)EmmaENGLISH 19th 13 NOVEL
24 -- 2007
- 22 Jane Austen 5 (on CD) (on Kindle) Lady Susan BRITISH 19th 4
NOVEL 16 -- 2009
- 24 Jane Austen 6 (on CD) (on Kindle) **Persuasion BRITISH 19th
5 NOVEL 17 -- 2009
- 26 Jane Austen 7 (on CD) (on Kindle) **Northanger Abbey
BRITISH 19th 6 NOVEL 18 -- 2009
Paul Auster
- 52 Paul Auster 1 ***The Book of Illusions AMERICAN 21st 19
NOVEL 38 -- 2004
- 27 Paul Auster 2 **Oracle Night AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 2 --
- 10 Paul Auster 3 ***The Brooklyn Follies AMERICAN 21st NOVEL
4 -- 2006
- 31 Paul Auster 4 City of Glass AMERICAN 20th 3
NOVEL 19 -- 2006
- 32 Paul Auster 5 Ghosts AMERICAN 20th 4 NOVEL 20 -- 2006
- 33 Paul Auster 6 Locked Room AMERICAN 20th 5 NOVEL 21 --
- 82 Paul Auster 7 ***Man in the Dark AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL
44 -- 2009
- 2 Paul Auster 8 ** Moon Palace AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 2
-- 2011
- 93 Paul Auster 9 **Sunset Park AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL 53 --
Aravind Adia
- Aravind Adiga 1 ***The White Tiger INDIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 7 --
Marcell Ayme
- 36 Marcel Ayme 1 La Tete des Autres (en francais) 20/5 FREN
PL11 -- 1963
Richard Bach
- 6 Richard Bach 1 Jonathan Livingston Seagull* 20/3 AMER J1 --
- 23 Richard Bach 2 Illusions 20/16 AMER ES -- 1979
Francis Bacon
13 Framcis Bacon The Great Instauration BRITSH
17th SCIENCE 1 -- 2023
14 Francis Bacon The New
Atlantis BRITISH 17th POLITICAL SCIENCE 1 --2023
Rupa Bajwa
- 37 Rupa Bajwa 1 * The Sari Shop INDIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 4 --
Nicholson Baker
- 22 Nicholson Baker 1 **VOX AMER9 N12 -- 1993
- 5 Nicholson Baker 2 **The Mezzanine 20th AMER5 NOVEL7 -- 1994
- 17 Nicholson Baker 3 ***Fermata AMER 20th 9 NOVEL 9 -- 1995
- 25 Nicholson Baker 4 ****Room Temperature AMER 20th 15 NOVEL
14 -- 1995
- 27 Nicholson Baker 5 ***U and I AMER 20th 17 NOVEL 16 -- 1995
- 55 Nicholson Baker 6 ***The Size of Thoughts AMERICAN 20th 35
ESSAY 4 -- 1997
- 8 Nicholson Baker 7 - Checkpoint AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL 2 --
- 78 Nicholson Baker 8 *The Anthologist AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL
40 -- 2009
Mikhail Bakhtin
- 25 Mikhail Bakhtin Problems of Dostoevsky's Poetics 20/3 RUSS
CRIT -- 1976
Kirsten Bakis
- mso-list:l127 level1 lfo137;tab-stops:list .5in"> 53
Kirsten Bakis 1 Lives of the Monster Dogs AMERICAN 20th 33 NOVEL
25 -- 1997
James Baldwin
- 2 James Baldwin 1 The Fire Next Time 20/1 AMER ES1 -- 1965
- 34 Richard Balkin 1 Writer's Guide to Book Publishing20/25
AMER ES --1977
Honore de Balzac
- 20 Honore de Balzac 1 Old Goriot 19/2 FREN N14 -- 1961
- 35 Honore de Balzac 2 Eugenie Grandet (en francais) 19/3 FREN
N13 -- 1964
- 21 Honore de Balzac 3 La Cousine Bette (francais) 19/1 FREN
N11 -- 1971
- 8 Honore de Balzac 4 Les Chouans (francais) 19/3 FREN N8
- 13 Honore de Balzac 5 La Recherche to l'Absolu (fran.) 19/4
FREN N12 -- 1972
- 49 Honore de Balzac 6 Cousin Pons (in English) FRENCH 19th 4
NOVEL 28 -- 2009
- 61 Honore de Balzac 7 Droll Stories Volume 1 FRENCH 19th 6
- 11 Honore de Balzac 8 Two Poets (Lost Illusions) FRENCH 19th 1
NOVEL 9 -- 2013
John Kendrick Bangs
- 11 John Kendrick Bangs 1 [ebook] House-Boat on the Styx
AMERICAN 20th 2 HUMOR 1 -- 2007
Muriel Barbery
- 74 Muriel Barbery 1 Gourmet Rhapsody FRENCH 21st 1 NOVEL 36
-- 2009
- 77 Muriel Barbery 2 *****The Elegance of the Hedgehog
FRENCH 21st 2 NOVEL 39 -- 2009 review
- 7 Muriel Barbery 3 The Life of Elves FRENCH 21st 1
NOVEL 4 -- 2016
- 33 Muriel Barbery 4 A Single Rose FRENCH 21st 1 NOVEL 30 --
- 34 Muriel Barbery 5 The Writer's Cats FRENCH 21st 2 NOVEL 31
-- 2022
Jennifer Barclay
- 12 Jennifer Barclay **Falling in Honey BRITISH 21st 1 BIO 2
-- 2014
Nicola Barker
- 6 Nicola Barker 1 Darkmans BRITISH 1 21st
1 NOVEL 5 -- 2011
Pat Barker
- 66
Pat Barker 1 The Silence of the Girls BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL
30 -- 2018
- 59
Pat Barker 2 The Women of Troy BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 28
-- 2021
John Barnes
- 11 John Barnes 1 Mother of Storms AMER 20th 9 NOVEL 10 -- 1996
Julian Barnes
- 20 Julian Barnes 1 Flaubert's Parrot 20/3 ENG N8 --1986
- 4 Julian Barnes 2 ***History of the World in 10-1/2 Chapters 1
ENG N2 -- 1991
- 43 Julian Barnes 3 Staring at the Sun 2 ENG N13 -- 1991
- 31 Julian Barnes 4 Talking It Over 2 ENG N12 -- 1992
- 32 Julian Barnes 5 Metroland 3 ENG N13 --1992
- 26 Julian Barnes 6 The Porcupine 20th ENG9 NOVEL13 -- 1994
- 65 Julian Barnes 7 Letters from London ENGLISH 20th 3 ESSAY 5
-- 1997
- 89 Julian Barnes 8 England,England ENGLISH 20th 8 NOVEL 35 --
- 25 Julian Barnes 9 ****Arthur and George ENGLISH 21st 5 NOVEL
16 -- 2006
- 86 Julian Barnes 10 Nothing to Be Frightened Of BRITISH 21st 4
ESSAYS 7 -- 2009
- 100 Julian Barnes 11 The Sense of Ending BRITISH 21st 12 NOVEL
59 -- 2011, second time 2013
- 104 Julian Barnes 12 Pulse BRITISH 21st 13 SHORT STORIES 4 --
- 3 Julien Barnes 13 **Levels of Life BRITISH 21st 1 ESSAY 2 --
- 3 Julian Barnes 14 The Noise of Time BRITISH 21st
- 37 Julian Barnes 15 ****The Only Story BRITISH 21st 2 NOVEL 13
-- 2018
- 19
Julian Barnes 16 Nothing to the Frightened of [second
time] BRITISH 21st ESSAY 3 -- 2020
Dagmar Barnouw
77 Dagmar Barnouw *Visible Spaces: Hannah Arendt and
the German-Jewish Experience AMERICAN 20th 6 CRITICISM 1 -- 2003
- 52 Samuel Baron 1 Plekhanov -- Father of Russian Marxism 20/36
AMER BIO -- 1979
Andrea Barrett
- 93 Andrea Barrett 1 Voyage of the Narwhal AMERICAN 20th 41
NOVEL 47 -- 1998
S.M. Barrett
- 69 S.M. Barrett 1 Geronimo's Story of His Life AMERICAN 20th
16 HISTORY 1 -- 2005
Tracy Barrett
- 22 Tracy Barrett 1 Anna of Byzantium AMERICAN 20th 3
NOVEL 15 -- 2011
J. M. Barrie
- 52 J. M. Barrie 1 The Admirable Mr. Crichton BRITISH
20th 1 PLAY 1 -- 2014
- 18 Raymond Barrio 1 The Plum Plum Pickers 20/13 AMER N -- 1976
Dave Barry
- 35 David Barry 1 Babies, and Other Consequences of Sex 20/24
AMER HU2 -- 1984
- Dave Barry 2 The Taming of the Screw AMERICAN 20th HUMOR
- 57 Dave Barry 3 Stay Fit and Healthy Until You're Dead 20/39
AMER HU2 -- 1985
- Dave Barry 4 Homes and Other Black Holes AMERICAN 20th HUMOR
- Dave Barry 5 Claw Your Way to the Top AMERICAN 20th HUMOR
- Dave Barry 6 Dave Barry Slept Here AMERICAN 20th HUMOR
- Dave Barry 7 Mariage and/or Sex AMERICAN 20th HUMOR
- Dave Barry 8 Bad Habits AMERICAN 20th HUMOR
- 14 Dave Barry 9 Big Trouble AMERICAN 20th 4 HUMOR 1 -- 2000
- 45 Dave Barry 10 Dave Barry is from Mars and Venus
AMERICAN 20th 5 HUMOR 1 -- 2004
- 65 Dave Barry 11 Dave Barry Talks Back AMERICAN 20th 7 HUMOR 4
-- 2006
- 66 Dave Barry 12 Dave Barry Turns 40 AMERICAN 20th 8
HUMOR 5 -- 2006
- 67 Dave Barry 13 Dave Barry's Greatest Hits AMERICAN 20th 9
HUMOR 6 -- 2006
- 7 Dave Barry 14 *** Insane City AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL 6 --
- 8 Dave Barry 15 and Ridley Pearson 1 Peter and the
Starcatchers AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 7 --2013
Sebastian Barry
- 86 Sebastian Barry 1 *****The Secret Scripture IRISH 21st 2
NOVEL 47 -- 2011
- 105 Sebastian Barry 2 **On Canaan's Side IRISH 21st 5 NOVEL
63 -- 2011
John Barth
- 6 John Barth 1 End of the Road 20/2 AMER N5 -- 1967
- 17 John Barth 2 *The Last Voyage of Somebody the Sailor 20th
AMER7 NOVEL9-- 1994
- 21 John Barth 3 Chimera AMER 20th 12 NOVEL 13 -- 1995
- 82 John Barth 4 Giles Goat-Boy AMERICAN 20th 56 NOVEL 37 --
- 116 John Barth 5*** The Sotweed Factor AMERICAN 20th 35 NOVEL
44 -- 2000
- 4 John Barth 6 Lost in the Funhouse
AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 3 -- 2023
Donald Barthelme
- 17 Donald Barthelme 1 Snow White 20/5 AMER N10 -- 1970
Roland Barthes
- 25 Roland Barthes Sade/Fourier/Loyola 20/1 FREN CR1 --1982
- 8 Baruch 1 One Little Boy 20/4 AMER PSY1 -- 1966
A. I. Basham
- 10
A. L. Basham 1 The Origins and Development of Classical
Hinduism BRITISH 20th 2 RELIGION 2-- 2021
Frank Baum
- 18 Frank Baum 1 The Wizard of Oz 20/4 AMER CHILDREN -- 1974
- 35 Frank Baum 2 The Land of Oz 20/20 AMER CHILDREN 1 -- 1981
- 41 Frank Baum 3 Ozma of Oz 20/22 AMER CHILDREN 2 -- 1981
- 9 Frank Baum 4 Dorothy & the Wizard of Oz 20/7 AMER
CHILDREN 1 -- 1982
- 21 Frank Baum 5 The Road to Oz 20/12 AMER CHILDREN 2 -- 1982
- 28 Frank Baum The Land of Oz [second time, aloud] AMER 20th 18
CHILDREN 1 -- 1995
- 32 Frank Baum Ozma of Oz [send time, aloud] AMER 20th 19
CHILDREN 2 -- 1995
- 40 Frank Baum Dorothy & the Wizard in Oz [second time,
aloud] AMER 20th 23 CHILDREN 3 -- 1995
- 42 Frank Baum The Road to Oz [second time, aloud] AMER 20th 26
CHILDREN 4 -- 1995
- 41 Frank Baum 6 The Emerald City of Oz [aloud] AMER 20th 30
CHILDREN 1 -- 1996
- 49 Frank Baum 7 The Patchwork Girl of Oz [aloud] AMER 20th 36
CHILDREN 2 -- 1996
- 2 Frank Baum 8 Tik-Tok of Oz [aloud]AMER 20th 1 CHILDREN 1 --
- 9 Frank Baum 9 The Scarecrow of Oz [aloud] AMER 20th 7
CHILDREN 2 -- 1997
- 22 Frank Baum 10 Rinkitink in Oz (outloud) AMER 20th 16
CHILDREN 3 -- 1997
- 35 Frank Baum 11 The Lost Princess of Oz (outloud) AMER 20th
27 CHILDREN 4 -- 1997
- 44 Frank Baum 12 The Tin Woodman of Oz (out loud) AMER 20th 30
CHILDREN 5 -- 1997
- 59 Frank Baum 13 The Magic of Oz [out loud] AMERICAN 20th 39
CHILDREN 6 -- 1997
- 66 Frank Baum 14 Glinda of Oz [out loud] AMERICAN 20th 43
CHILDREN 7 -- 1997
Mary Baures
- 56 Mary Baures 1 **Undaunted Spirits AMERICAN 20th 8
PSYCHOLOGY 1 -- 2013
Charles Baxter
- 73 ed. by Charles Baxter 1 Ploughshares, Vo.. 25, Nos.
2&#, fall 1999 AMER 20th 44 MAGAZINE 1 -- 1999
John Bayley
- 37 John Bayley 1 Elegy for Iris ENGLISH 20th 8 BIOGRAPHY 7
-- 2002
Peter Beagle
- 29 Peter Beagle 1 The Last Unicorn 20/13 AMER N15 -- 1971
- 9 Peter Beagle 2 **A Fine and Private Place AMERICAN 20th 1
NOVEL 7 -- 2015
- 3 Peter Beagle 3 In Calabria
AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 1 -- 2017
Richard Bear
- 23 Richard Bear 1 **Desire for the Land AMER 20th 14 POETRY 1
-- 1995
- 40 Ann Beattie 1 Love Always 20/29 AMER N18 -- 1987
Charles Beauclerk
- 34 Charles Beauclerk 1 Nell Gwyn BRITISH 21st 4 BIOGRAPHY 5
-- 2019
Samuel Beckett
- 42 Samuel Beckett 1 En Attendant Godot (francais) 20/2 IR PL15
-- 1965
- 10 Samuel Beckett 2 Murphy 20/1 IR N5 -- 1970
- 42 Samuel Beckett 3 Proust 20/1 IR CR5 -- 1972
- 3 Samuel Beckett 4 Molloy IRISH 20th 1 NOVEL 2 --2008, 2021
Max Beerbohm
- 23
Max Beerbohm 1 Seven Men and Two Others BRITISH 20th 5 STORIES
1 -- 2020
Aphra Behn
- 12 Aphra Behn 1 The Rover, Part I BRITISH 17th 1 PLAY 5 --
- 14 Aphra Behn 2 The Rover, Part 2 BRITISH 17th 2 PLAY 6 --
- 15 Aphra Behn 3 The Dutch Lover BRITISH 17th 3 PLAY 7 -- 2019
- 16 Aphra Behn 4 The Round-Heads BRITISH 17th 4 PLAY 8 -- 2019
- 19 Aphra Behn 5 Abdelazer BRITISH 17th 5 PLAY 9 -- 2019
- 25 Aphra Behn 5 The Young King BRITISH 17th 6 PLAY 10 -- 2019
- 26 Aphra Behn 6 Oroonoko BRITISH 17th 7 NOVEL 6 -- 2019
David Bell
- 34 David Bell 1 Cemetery Girl AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 27 --
Saul Bellow
- 5 Saul Bellow 1 Herzog 20/1 AMER N4 -- 1967
- 66 Baul Bellow 2 *Henderson the Rain King 20/23 AMER N32 --
- 25 Saul Bellow 3 *Humboldt's Gift 20/19 AMER N -- 1978
- 3 Saul Bellow 4 The Victim 20/3 AMER N3 -- 1982
- 33 Saul Bellow 5 The Bellarosa Connection 21 AMER N10 -- 1991
- 86 Saul Bellow 6 The Adventures of Augie March AMERICAN 20th
56 NOVEL 39 -- 1997
- 42 Saul Bellow 7 Ravelstein AMERICAN 20th 22 NOVEL 13 -- 2000
- 105 Saul Bellow 8 Seize the Day AMERICAN 20th 30 NOVEL 40 --
- 106 Saul Bellow 9 The Last Analysis AMERICAN 20th 31 PLAY 9 --
- 110 Saul Bellow 10 *Mr. Sammler's Planet AMERICAN 20th 34
NOVEL 43 -- 2000
Andrey Bely
- 10 Andrey Bely 1 Petersburg 20/1 RUSS N10 -- 1972, 1973
- 57 Andrey Bely 2 Kotik Letaev 20/7 RUSS N36 -- 1972
- 9 Andrey Biely 3 The Silver Dove 20/1 RUSS N -- 1976
Aimee Bender
- 39 Aimee Bender 1 The Girl in the Flammable Skirt AMERICAN
21st 7 NOVEL 17 -- 2003
Elizabeth Benedict
- 91 Elizabeth Benedict 1 Almost AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL 51 --
Ruth Benedict
- 52 Ruth Benedict 1 Chrysanthemum and Sword 35 AMER AN1 --1991
Chloe Benjamin
- 70
Chloe Benjamin 1 The Immortalists AMERICAN 21st 23 NOVEL 31
-- 2018
- 72
Chloe Benjamin 2 **The Anatomy of Dreams AMERICAN 21st 24
NOVEL 32 -- 2018
- 2 Pierre Benoit 1 L'Atlantide 20/2 FREN N2 -- 1972
- 51 Berdyayev 1 Dostoevksi 20/3 RUSS CR3 -- 1969
- 28 Berdyayev 2 Dream and Reality 20/7 RUSS ESS -- 1973
- 16 Nicolas Berdyaev 3 The Russian Revolution 20/2 RUSS HIS5 --
John Berendt
- John Berendt 1 **Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 5 -- 2010
Thomas Berger
- 25 Thomas Berger 1 Crazy in Berlin 20/12 AMER N13 --1988
Ingmar Bergman
- 14 Ingmar Bergman 1 Through a Glass Darkly 1 SWED SP1 -- 1991
- 15 Ingmar Bergman 2 The Communicants (or Winter Light) 2 SWED
SP2 -- 1991
- 16 Ingmar Bergman 3 The Silence (screen play) 3 SWED SP3 --
Henri Bergson
- 46 Bergson 1 Le Rire (en francais) 20/11 FREN PH4 -- 1963
- 73 Henri Bergson 2 Introduction to Metaphysics 20/16 FREN PH5
-- 1965
- 57 Henri Bergson 3 Dreams FRENCH 19th 5 PHILOSOPHY 5 -- 2009
Isaiah Berlin
- 51 Isaiah Berlin 1 Hedgehog & the Fox 20/2 ENG CR7 -- 1968
- 117 Isaiah Berlin [second time] The Hedgehog and the Fox 20th
ENGLISH 24 ESSAY 2 -- 2002
Hubert Bermont
- 98 Hubert Bermont 1 How to Become a Successful Consultant in
Your Own Field AMERICAN 20th 46 BUSINESS 1 1998
Tim Berners-Lee
- 12 Tim Berners-Lee 1 *Weaving the Web : The Original Design
and Ultimate Destiny of the World Wide Web ENGLISH 20th 2
INTERNET 1 -- 2000 review
Richard Bernstein
7 Richard Bernstein 1 Pragmatic Naturalism AMERICAN 21st 2
PHILOSOPHY 1 -- 2023
John Berryman
- 56 John Berryman 1 Berryman's Sonnets 20/19 AMER P2 -- 1970
Ugo Betti
- 59 Ugo Betti 1 The Queen and the Rebels 20/3 ITAL PL16 -- 1970
Ambrose Bierce
- 34 Ambrose Bierce 1 Can Such Things Be? [electronic book]
AMERICAN 19th 3 STORIES 3 -- 2003
- 36 Ambrose Bierce 2 Present at a Hanging [electronic book]
AMERICAN 19th 4 STORIES 4 -- 2003
- 38 Ambrose Bierce 3 [ebook] The Devil's Dictionary
AMERICAN 19th ESSAYS 3 -- 2007
- 33 Ambrose Bierce 4 A Cynic Looks at Life
AMERICAN 20th 4 ESSAYS 3 -- 2011
Rene Bijenico
- 21 Rene Bijenico 1 Aliens in the Mind, 6 episodes, radio
version (audio) ENGLISH 20th 8 FANTASY 9 -- 2005
James Billington
- 57 James H. Billington 1 The Icon and the Axe 20/19 AMER ES13
-- 1971
Tom Bissell
- 34 Tom Bissell 1 Extra Lives AMERICAN 21st 8 ESSAY 1 -- 2010
Andrei Bitov
- 43 Andrei Bitov 1 The Monkey Link RUSS 20th 1 NOVEL 21 -- 1997
Shane Black
- 16 Shane Black 1 Lethal Weapon (screenplay) 15 AMER SP4 --
Irwin Blacker
- 8 Irwin R. Blacker 1 The Elements of Screenwriting 7 AMER MOV4
Michael Blake
- 2 Michael Blake 1 Runs with Wolves 2 AMER N1 -- 1991
- 12 Kenneth Blanchard The One Minute Manager 20/9 AMER BUS1 --
- 19 Corey Bleckman 1 Dominick & Eugene (screenplay) 18 AMER
SP6 -- 1990
Amy Bloom
- 112 Amy Bloom 1 **Away AMERICAN 21st 20 NOVEL 36 -- 2007
- 40 Amy Bloom 2 Lucky Us AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 28 -- 2014
Harold Bloom
- 61 Harold Bloom 1 *** The Western Canon AMERICAN 21st 11
ESSAYS 10 -- 2011
Judy Blume
- 29 Judy Blume 1 Wifey 20/19 AMER N11 -- 1984
- 1 Boccacio 1 The Decameron 14/1 ITAL N1 -- 1962
- 49 Boethius 1 [ebook] The Consolation of Philosophy
Roberto Bolano
- 95 Roberto Bolano 1 2666: The Part About the Critics CHILE
21st 1 NOVEL 54 -- 2009
- 96 Roberto Bolano 2 2666: The Part About Amalfitano CHILE
21st 2 NOVEL 55 -- 2009
- 97 Roberto Bolano 3 2666:The Part About Fate CHILE 21st 3
NOVEL 56 ;'-- 2009
- Roberto Bolano 4 2666: The Part about the Crimes CHILE 21st
1 NOVEL 1 -- 2010
- Roberto Bolano 5 266: The Part about Archimboldi CHILE 21st
2 NOVEL 2 -- 2010
Heinrich Boll
- 47 Heinrich Boll 1 The Clown GERMAN 20th 1 NOVEL 35 -- 1996
Erma Bombeck
- 14 Erma Bombeck 1 I Lost Everything in the Post-Natal
Depression 20/7 AMER HU -- 1980
- 1 Erma Bombeck 2 Family -- Ties that Bind and Gag 20/1 AMER
HUM1 -- 1988
- Erma Bombeck 3 -- If Life is a Bowl of Cherries -- Why am I
always in the Pits? -- 1988
- Erma Bombeck 4 -- The Grass is Always Greener over the Septic
Tank -- 1988
- Erma Bombeck 5 -- Motherhood, the Second Oldest Profession --
- 39 Erma Bombeck 6 Best of Erma Bombeck, 5 episodes, radio
version (audio) AMERICAN 20th 8 HUMOR 1 -- 2005
- 101 Bonaventura 1 Nachtwachen (deutsch) 19/5 GER N21 -- 1968
Bette Bono
- 111 Bette Bono 1 The Better Angels AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 37
-- 2019
- 60
Bette Bono 2 Fear Itself AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 29 -- 2021
- 25 Bette Bono 3 Neighbors and Other Stories AMERICAN 21st 18
STORIES 1 -- 2022
Daniel Boorstin
- 70 Daniel Boorstin 1 Sociology of the Absurd 20/25 AMER HIS1
-- 1970
- 24 Borden 1 Federalism of James Bayard 20/5 AMER HIS3 -- 1963
Jorge Luis Borges
- 44 Jorge Luis Borges 1 Ficcones 20/1 ARGEN ST5 -- 1969
- 21 Jorge Borges 2 Other Inquisitions 20/1 ARGEN ST --
- 29 Paul Bowles 1 The Sheltering Sky 18 AMER N9 -- 1991
William Boyd
- 43 William Boyd 1 ***Ordinary Thunderstorms BRITISH 21st 2
NOVEL 36 -- 2013
T. Coraghessan Boyle
- 51 T. Coraghessan Boyle 1 **Greasy Lake AMER 20th 33 SHORT
STORIES 5 -- 1995
- 3 T. Coraghessan Boyle 2 East is East AMER 20th 3 NOVEL 2 --
- 10 T. Corghessan Boyle 3 The Road to Wellville AMER 20th 8
NOVEL 9 -- 1996
- 40 T. Coraghessan Boyle 4 **Water Music AMER 20th 29 NOVEL 30
-- 1996
- 45 T. Coraghessan Boyle 5 *World's End AMER 20th 34 NOVEL 33
-- 1996
Ray Bradbury
- 41 Ray Bradbury 1 **The Martian Chronicles 20/28 AMER SF --
- 42 Ray Bradbury 2 *Fahrenheit 451 20/29 AMER SF -- 1979, 2018
- 20 Ray Bradbury 3 Wonderful Ice Cream Suit, etc. 20th AMER8
- 62 Ray Bradbury 4 A Graveyard for Lunatics AMERICAN 20th 41
NOVEL 26 --1997
- 63 Ray Bradbury 5 **I Sing the Body Electric AMERICAN 20th 42
Short Stories 6 -- 1997
- 38 Ray Bradbury 6 Bradbury 13, 13 episodes, radio version
(audio) ENGLISH 20th 9 FANTASY 18 -- 2005
- 43 Ray Bradbury 7 *The Illustrated Man AMERICAN 20th 11
FANTASY 20 -- 2005
- 10 Ray Bradbury One More For the Road AMERICAN 20th 4
- 47 Virginia Bradford 1 Laughter Outside [mss.] 20/6 ENG PL1 --
- 38 Virginia Bradford 2 Autobiography (mss.) AMERICAN 20th 23
BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2001
Marion Zimmer Bradley
- 73 Marion Zimmer Bradley 1 The Firebrand AMERICAN 20th 45
NOVEL 35 -- 2001
Joan Bragar
- 33 Joan Bragar 1 Leading for Results AMERICAN 21st 12
MANAGEMENT 1 -- 2013
- 42 Ignatius Brianchaninov 1 On the Prayer of Jesus 19/2 RUSS
REL2 -- 1981
Richard Brautigan
- 63 Richard Brautigan 1 The Abortion AMERICAN 20th 5
NOVEL 29 -- 2018
Jacques Brel
- 11 Jacques Brel 1 Poesie et Chansons 20/4 FREN P2 -- 1965
Berthold Brecht
- 12 Bertold Brecht 1 Mother Courage 20/1 GER PL1 -- 1966
- 38 Bertold Brecht 2 Gute Mensch von Sezuan (deutsch) 20/1 GER
PL23 -- 1969
- 3 Berthold Brecht Galileo GER 20th 1 PLAY -- 1995
- 16 Bredvold 1 Milieu of John Dryden 20/4 AMER CR2 -- 1968
Restif de la Bretonne
- 63 Resif de la Bretonne 1 Pleasures and Follies 18/3 FREN N41
-- 1972
- 27 George A. Brinkley 1 The Volunteer Army & Allied
Intervention in South Russia 20/8 AMER HIST -- 1974
Hermann Broch
- 20 Hermann Broch 1 Sleepwalkers: The Romantic 20/2 GER N9 --
- 21 Hermann Broch 2 Sleepwalkers: The Anarchist 20/3 GER N10 --
- 23 Hermann Broch 3 Sleepwalkers: The Realist 20/4 GER N12 --
Fawn M. Brodie
- 76 Fawn M. Brodie 1 The Devil Drives: a Life of Sir Richard
Burton AMERICAN 20th 33 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2000
Charlotte Bronte
- 13 Charlotte Bronte 1 [ebook] Jane Eyre ENGLISH 19th 1 NOVEL
7 -- 2007
Emily Bronte
- 7 Emily Bronte 1 Wuthering Heights 19/1 ENG N6 -- 1960, 1968
- 33 Anita Brookner 1 Debut 20/23 AMER N14 -- 198
Max Brooks
- 24 Max Brooks 1 World War Z AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 13 -- 2014
Alice Brown
- 8 Alice Brown 1 Mercy Warren AMERICAN 20th 1 BIOGRAPHY 1
-- 2019
Dan Brown
- 65 Dan Brown 1 **The Da Vinci Code AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL 34
-- 2003
- 3 Dan Brown 2 Angels and Demons AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 2 --
- 58 Dan Brown 3 Deception Point AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL 35 --
- 85 Dan Brown 4 The Lost Symbol AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL
47 -- 2009
- 27 Dan Brown 5 Inferno AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 23 --
Keith Brown
- 92
Keith Brown 1 ***Buying Into Fair Trade AMERICAN 21st
26 SOCIOLOGY 1 -- 2018
Norman O. Brown
- 43 Norman O. Brown Life Against Death 20/8 AMER PSY1 -- 1972
Peter Brown
- 102 Peter Brown 1 Augustine of Hippo AMERICAN 20th 29
Rita Mae Brown
- 26 Rita Mae Brown 1 Rubyfruit Jungle 20/19 AMER N-- 1979
Thomas Browne
- 52 Thomas Browne 1 Religio Medici 17/13 ENG ESS1 -- 1967
- 54 Thomas Browne 2 Hydriotaphia 17/14 ENG ESS2 -- 1967
Oscar Browning
42 Oscar Browning 1 Guelphs
and Ghibelines BRITISH 19th HISTORY 6 -- 2024
Steven Brust
- 49 Steven Brust 1 Jhereg 20/35 AMER SF8 -- 1985
C.D.B. Bryan
- 72 C.D.B. Bryan 1 Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind: Alien
Abduction, UFOs, and the Conference at MIT AMERICAN 20th 33
Martin Buber
- 44 Martin Buber 1 I and Thou 20/1 ISR PH2 -- 1968
Elizabeth Buchan
- 19 Elizabeth Buchan 1 Revenge of the Middle-Aged Woman
John Buchan
- 59 John Buchan 1 Prester John (electronic) ENGLISH 19th 3
NOVEL 30 -- 1998
- 32 Buchner 1 Lenz (deutsch) 19/2 GER PL8 -- 1968
- 12 Buchner 2 Woyzeck (deutsch) 19/1 GER PL4 -- 1969
Pearl Buck
- 14 Pearl Buck 1 The Long Love 20/2 AMER N5 -- 1964
- 45 Pearl Buck 2 The Exile 20/26 AMER HI -- 1980
- 46 Pearl Buck 3 Fighting Angel 20/27 AMER HI -- 1980
- 2 Pearl Buck 4 *****The Good Earth AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 1 --
- 15 Pearl Buck 5 Sons AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL 11 --
- 16 Pear Buck 6 A House Divided AMERICAN 20th 4 NOVEL 12 --
- 79 Buckingham 1 The Rehearsal 17/20 ENG PL37 -- 1968
Wallis Budge
- 20 Wallis Budge 1 Egyptian Religion BRITISH 19th 1 HISTORY 2
-- 2010
- 21 Wallis Budge 2 Egyptian Book of the Dead EGYTPTIAN
BC 1 RELIGION 1 -- 2010
- 32 Wallis Budge 3 Legends of the Gods EGYPTIAN BC 4 RELIGION
4 -- 2010
Charles Bukowski
- 81
Charles Bukowski 1 Betting on the Muse AMERICAN 20th 8
POETRY 1 -- 2018
Alexander Bulatovich
- 3 Alexander Bulatovich 1 Moya Bor'ba s imyabortsami na svyatoy
gorye 20/1 RUSS BIO2 -- 1973
- 12 Alexander Bulatovich 2 S Voyskami Menelika II 20/5 RUSS
HIST -- 1974, 1992, 1999 (translation)
- 10 Alexander Bulatovich 3 Ot Entotto do Reki Baro 2 RUSS HIS1
-- 1992, 1999 (translation)
- 46
Alexander Bulatovich 4 My Third Journey to Ethiopia,
1899-1900 RUSSIAN 20th 1 HISTORY 4 -- 2020
Miodrag Bulatovich
- 42 Miodrag Bulatovich 1 A Hero on a Donkey 20/1 YUGO N -- 1973
Thomas Bulfinch
- 115 Thomas Bulfinch 1 Legends of Charlemagne AMERICAN 19th 2
Mikhail Bulgakhov
- 42 Bulgakhov 1 Master and Margarita 20/1 RUSS N12 -- 1968,
- 47 Bulgakhov 2 Days of the Turbins 20/3 RUSS PL16 -- 1968
- 50 Bulgakhov 3 Heart of a Dog 20/4 RUSS N14 -- 1968
- 36 Mihail Bulgakhov 4 The Fatal Eggs & Other 20/12 RUSS ST
-- 1973
- 37 Mihail Bulgakhov 5 A Cabal of Hypocrites 20/13 RUSS PL --
- 38 Mihail Bulgakhov 6 Black Snow 20/14 RUSS N -- 1973
- 1 Mihail Bulgakov 7 The White Guard 20/1 RUSS N -- 1974
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
- 9 Bulwer-Lytton The Last Days of Pompeii 19/2 ENG N8 -- 1960
- 1 Bundesen 1 Toward Manhood 20/1 AMER SCI1 -- 1961
Anthony Burgess
- 60 Anthony Burgess 1 The Wanting Seed 20/7 ENG N29 -- 1970
- 21 Anthony Burgess 2 A Clockwork Orange 20/3 ENG N17 -- 1972
- 13 Anthony Burgess 3 ReJoyce 20/2 ENG CRT1
Jonathan Burgess
- 42 Jonathan Burgess 1 The Tradition of the Trojan War in
Homer and the Epic Cycle HISTORY 1 -- 2007
John Burgoyne
- 87
Anonymous A Sketch of the Life of Lieutenant-General
Burgoyne BRITISH 18th 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2-19
- 88
John Burgoyne 1 Eudora, a Tragedy BRITISH 18th 2 PLAY 2 --
- 90
John Burgoyne 2 The Viceroy, a Tragedy BRITISH 18th 3 PLAY 3
-- 2018
- 91
John Burgoyne 3 The Heroine of Cambria BRITISH 18th 4 PLAY 4
-- 2018
- 93
John Burgoyne 4 The Maid of the Oaks BRITISH 18th 5 PLAY 5
-- 2018
- 94
John Burgoyne 5 The Heiress BRITISH 18th 6 PLAY 6 --2018
- 1 John Burgoyne 6 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 2 The Camp
BRITISH 18th 1 PLAY 1 -- 2019
- 2
John Burgoyne 7 The Lord of the Manor BRITISH 18th 2
PLAY 2 -- 2019
- 3 John Burgoyne 8 Richard Coeur de Lion BRITISH 18th 3
PLAY 3 -- 2019
- 6 John Burgoyne 9 Orderly Book of General John Burgoyne
BRITISH 18th 4 HISTORY 1 -- 2019
Edmund Burke
- 33 Edmund Burke 1 Reflections on Rev. in France 18/1 ENG HIS4
-- 1965
Edgar Rice Burroughs
- 47 Edgar Rice Burroughs 1 (on CD) (on Kindle)A Princess of
Mars (Barsoom series #1) AMERICAN 20th 3 SCIFI 1 -- 2008
- 48 Edgar Rice Burroughs 2 (on CD) (on Kindle)
The Gods of Mars (Barsoom series #2) AMERICAN 20th 4 SCIFI 2
-- 2008
- 49 Edgar Rice Burroughs 3 (on CD) (on Kindle)Warlord
of Mars (Barsoom series #3) AMERICAN 20th 5 SCIFI 3 -- 2008
- 50 Edgar Rice Burroughs 4 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Thuvia, Maid of Mars (Barsoom series
#4) AMERICAN 20th 6 SCIFI 4 -- 2008
- 51 Edgar Rice Burroughs 5 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Chessmen of Mars (Barsoom series #5) AMERICAN
20th 7 SCIFI 5 -- 2008
- 52 Edgar Rice Burroughs 6 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Tarzan of the Apes AMERICAN 20th 8 SCIFI 6 --
- 53 Edgar Rice Burroughs 7 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Return of Tarzan AMERICAN 20th 9 SCIFI 7 -- 2008
- 54 Edgar Rice Burroughs 8 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Son of Tarzan AMERICAN 20th 10 SCIFI 8 -- 2008
- 56 Edgar Rice Burroughs 9 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar AMERICAN 20th 11
SCIFI 9 -- 2008
- 57 Edgar Rice Burroughs 10 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Jungle Tales of Tarzan AMERICAN 20th 12 SCIFI 10
-- 2008
Richard de Bury
- 63 Richard de Bury 1 Philobiblion [electronic book] ENGLISH
14th 1 ESSAY 3 -- 2001
Frederick Busch
- 35 Frederick Busch 1 **The Night Inspector AMER 20th 26 NOVEL
18 -- 1999
Richard Burton
- 55 Richard Burton 1 (translator) Arabian Nights (volume 1 of
16) [electronic book] ARABIAN 10th 1 NOVEL 28 -- 2002
- 24 Anonymous, Richard Burton 2 (translator) Arabian Nights
(volume 2 of 16) [electronic book] ARABIAN 1 NOVEL 10 -- 2003
- 30 Richard Burton 3 Arabian Nights volume 3
ARABIAN Medieval 1 SHORT STORIES 2 -- 2009
- 31 Richard Burton 4 Arabian Nights volume 4
ARABIAN Medieval 2 SHORT STORIES 3 -- 2009
- 26 Richard Burton 5 Arabian Nights volume 5 ARABIAN Medieval
1 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2010
Samuel Butler
- 74
Samuel Butler 1 **The Way of All Flesh BRITISH 19th 2 NOVEL
34 -- 2018
- 39
Samuel Butler 2 The Authoress of the Odyssey BRITISH 19th 2
ESSAY 1 -- 2021
- A.S. Byatt 1 ****Possession 20th ENGLISH 2 NOVEL 1 -- 1993
- 31 A.S. Byatt 2 *The Biographer's Tale ENGLISH 20th 5
NOVEL 21 -- 2001
- 65 A.S. Byatt 3 On Histories and Stories ENGLISH 20th 8 ESSAY
4 -- 2001
- 73 A.S. Byatt 4 ***The Virgin in the Garden ENGLISH 20th 16
NOVEL 40 -- 2002
- 10 Byron 1 Don Juan ENGLISH 19th 2 POETRY 3 -- 1967
- 7 Byron 2 Cain ENGLISH 19th 1 POETRY 1 -- 1971
- 43 Lord Byron 3 Childe Harold's Pilgrimage [twice] ENGLISH
19th 1 POETRY 2 -- 1999, 2012
James Branch Cabell
- 52 James Branch Cabell 1 **Jurgen AMERICAN 20th 25 NOVEL 16 --
Julius Caesar
- 81 Julius Caesar 1 The Civil War ROMAN 1st BC 1 HISTORY 8 --
- 25 Calderon 1 Secret Vengeance 17/3 SPAN PLAY 11 -- 1969
- 57 Calderon 2 Devotion to the Cross 17/5 SPAN PLAY 28 -- 1969
- 69 Calderon 3 Life is a Dream 17/6 SPAN PLAY 32 -- 1969
- 8 Calderon 4 The Great Theater of the World 17/1 SPAN PLAY 1
-- 1971
Erskine Caldwell
- 52 Erskine Caldwell 1 Tobacco Road 20/15 AMER NOVEL 28 -- 1970
Italo Calvino
- 99 Italo Calvino 1 Invisible Cities ITALIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 49 --
- 1 Italo Calvino 2 ***If on a Winter's Night a Traveler
ITALIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2008
- 11
Italo Calvino 3 If on a winter's night a traveler [second
time] ITALIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 6 -- 2021
Andrea Camilleri
- 5 Andrea Camilleri 1 The Shape of Water ITALIAN 21st 1
MYSTERY 4 -- 2005
- 9 Andrea Camilleri 2 The Snack Thief ITALIAN 21st 2 MYSTERY
8 -- 2005
- 10 Andrea Camilleri 3 The Terra-Cotta Dog ITALIAN 21st 3
MYSTERY 9 -- 2005
Joseph Campbell
- 58 Joseph Campbell 1 The Hero with a Thousand Faces AMERICAN
20th 15 ESSAYS 8 -- 2011
Albert Camus
- 2 Albert Camus 1 L'Etranger (en francais) FRENCH 20th 1
ALGERIAN 20th 1 NOVEL2 -- 1963
- 35 Albert Camus 2 La Peste (en francais) FRENCH 20th 4
ALGERIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 16 -- 1963
- 3 Albert Camus 3 La Chute (francais) FRENCH 20th 2 ALGERIAN
20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 1965
- 21 Albert Camus 4 Le Mythe de Sisyphe (francais) FRENCH 20th 4
ALGERIAN 20th 2 PHILOSOPHY 2 -- 1965
- 40 Albert Camus 5 Caligula (francais) FRENCH 20th 9 ALGERIAN
20th 3 PLAY 13 -- 1965
- 41 Albert Camus 6 Les Justes (francais) FRENCH 20th 10
ALGERIAN 20th 4 PLAY 14 -- 1965
- 43 Albert Camus 7 L'Exil et le Royaume FRENCH 20th 11 ALGERIAN
20th 5 NOVEL 12 -- 1965
- 78 Albert Camus 8 ***Le Premier Homme (The First Man) (en
francais) FRENCH 20th 5 ALGERIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 39 -- 1998
Elias Canetti
- 5 Elias Canetti 1 Die Befristeten (deutsch) 20/1 GER PL
- 27 Elias Canetti Auto da Fe 1 ROM N13 -- 1990
Ethan Canin
- Ethan Canin 1 **Emperor of the Air AMER 20th SHORT STORIES
- 9 Ethan Canin 2 **Blue River AMER 20th NOVEL 5 -- 1995
- 60 Ethan Canin 3 **The Palace Thief AMER 20th 38 SHORT STORIES
7 -- 1995
- 49 Ethan Canin 4 ***Carry Me Across the Water AMERICAN 21st 4
NOVEL 24 -- 2002
- 67 Ethan Canin 5 For Kings and Planets AMERICAN 20th 20 NOVEL
36 -- 2002
- 32 J.R. Capablanca Chess Fundamentals 20/1 CUBA CH1 -- 1985
Truman Capote
- 1 Truman Capote 1 Breakfast at Tiffany's AMERICAN 20th 1
NOVEL 1 -- 2018
Fritjof Capra
- 8 Fritjof Capra 1 The Tao of Physics 20/5 AMER ES -- 1978
- 12 Fritjof Capra 2 The Turning Point 20/7 AMER ES1 -- 1984
- 3 Orson Scott Card 1 *****Ender's Game 20/3 AMER SF1 -- 1987,
1998 review
- 13 Orson Scott Card 2 Speaker for the Dead 20/10 AMER SF3 --
- 9 Orson Scott Card 3 *The Worthing Saga AMER3 SF5 -- 1993
- 72 Orson Scott Card 4 The Seventh Son (Alvin Maker Book 1)
AMERICAN 20th 48 NOVEL 31 -- 1997
- 26 Orson Scott Card 5 ***Ender's Shadow AMERICAN 20th 11 SCIFI
2 -- 2000 review
- 1 Orson Scott Card 6 Shadow of the Hegemon (an Ender book)
AMERICAN 20th 1 SCIFI 1 -- 2002
- 113 Orson Scott Card 7 Shadow Puppets 21st AMERICAN 9 NOVEL 57
- 33 Orson Scott Card 8 Red Prophet (Alvin Maker Book 2)
AMERICAN 20th 6 FANTASY 16 -- 2005
- 52 Orson Scott Card 9Prentice Alvin (Alvin Maker Book 3)
- 20 Orson Scott Card 10 ***Saints AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 12 --
- 3 Orson Scott Card 11 Empire AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 2 --
- 71 Orson Scott Card 12 *A War of Gifts AMERICAN 21st
SCIFI -- 2009
- 13 Orson Scott Card 14 ***Xenocide
AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL 8 --2022
- 14 Orson Scott Card 15 **Duplex
AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 9 -- 2022
- 15 Orson Scott Card 16 Children of the Mind
AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 10 -- 2022
- 32 Orson Scott Card 16 Wakers AMERICAN
21st 12 NOVEL 17 -- 2022
Peter Carey
- 28 Peter Carey 1 **True History of the Kelly Gang AUSTRALIAN
21st 1 NOVEL 8 -- 2002
- 12 Peter Carey 2 **Amnesia AUSTRALIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 9 -- 2015
- 41 Peter Carey 3 A Long Way from Home AUSTRALIA 21st 1
NOVEL 10 --2019
Dale Carnegie
- 13 Dale Carnegie 1 Quick & Easy Way to Effective Speaking
AMER6 ES1 -- 1993
Humphrey Carpenter
- 22 Humphrey Carpenter 1 Tolkien 20/2 ENG BIO1 --1989
- 47 Humphrey Carpenter 1 ** Geniuses Together: American Writers
in Paris in the 1920s AMERICAN 20th 7 HISTORY 4 -- 2011
James Carroll
- 30 James Carroll 1 **Madonna Red 20/22 AMER N -- 1977
- 17 James Carroll 2 **Mortal Friends 20/11 AMER N -- 1978
- 6 James Carroll 3 Fault Lines 20/4 AMER N6 -- 1982
- 8 James Carroll 4 Family Trade 20/7 AMER N3 -- 1983
- 13 James Carroll 5 **An American Requiem AMER 20th 10
BIOGRAPHY 1 --1997
Lewis Carroll
- 18 Lewis Carroll 1 Through the Looking Glass 19/2 ENG N9 --
1971, 1986
- 19 Lewis Carroll 2 Alice's Adventures Underground 19/3 ENG N10
-- 1971
Thomas Carlyle
- 23 Thomas Carlyle 1 Heroes and Hero-Worship 19/1 ENG ESS1 --
- 40 Thomas Carlyle 2 Sartor Resartus ENGLISH 19th 1 ESSAY 2 --
- 24 Thomas Carlyle 3 (on CD) (on Kindle) Early Kings of
Norway BRITISH 19th 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2008
- 31 Thomas Carlyle 4 (on CD)(on
Kindle) On the Choice of Books BRITISH 19th 3 ESSAY 3 --
Paul Cartledge
- 53 Paul Cartledge 1 Spartan Reflections ENGLISH 21st 3
HISTORY 5 -- 2002
Sean B. Carroll
- 84 Sean B. Carroll 1 Endless Forms Most Beautiful AMERICAN
21st 20 BIOLOGY 1/NATURE 7 -- 2005
Raymond Carver
- 43 Raymond Carver 1 Cathedral 20/32 AMER ST1 -- 1987
- 119 Raymond Carver 2 Short Cuts AMERICAN 20th 38 SHORT STORIES
6 -- 2000
Joyce Cary
- 17 Joyce Cary 1 The Horse's Mouth* 20/4 ENG N8 --1985
- 39 Joyce Cary 2 Mister Johnson 20/5 ENG N
- 39 Joyce Cary 3 Herself Surprised* 20th ENG11 NOVEL24 -- 1994
Jacques Casanova
- 11 Jacques Casanova 1 Memoirs Volume 1A Childhood [electronic
book] ITALIAN 18th 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2002
- 13 Jacquese Casanova 2 Memoirs Volume 1B A Cleric in Naples
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 2 BIOGRAPHY2 -- 2002
- 14 Jacques Casanova 3 Memoris Volume 1C Military Career
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 3 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2002
- 15 Jacques Casanova 4 Memoirs Volume 1D Return to Venice
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 4 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2002
- 17 Jacques Casanova 5 Memoirs Volume 1E Milan and Mantua
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 5 BIOGRAPHY 5 -- 2002
- 20 Jacques Casanova 6 Memoirs Volume 2A Paris [electronic
book] ITALIAN 18th 6 BIOGRAPHY 6 -- 2002
- 56 Jacques Casanova 7 Memoirs Volume 2B Venice [electronic
book] ITALIAN 18th 7 BIOGRAPHY 7 -- 2002
- 79 Jacques Casanova 8 Memoirs, volume 2C, Convent Affairs
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 8 BIOGRAPHY 8 -- 2002
- 86 Jacques Casanova 9 Memoirs, volume 2D, The False Nun
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 9 BIOGRAPHY 9 -- 2002
- 95 Jacques Casanova 10 Memoirs, volume 2E, Under the Leads
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 10 BIOGRPHY 10 -- 2002
- 98 Jacques Casanova 11 Memoirs, volume 3A Paris and
Holland [electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 11 BIOGRAPHY 11 --
- 118 Jacques Casanova 12 Memoirs, volume 3B Return to
Paris [electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 12 BIOGRAPHY 12 --
- 119 Jacques Casanova 13 Memoirs, volume 3C Holland and Germany
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 132 BIOGRAPHY 13 -- 2002
- 122 Jacques Casanova 14 Memoirs, volume 3D Switzerland
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 14 BIOGRAPHY 14 -- 2002
- 21 Jacques Casanova 15 Memoirs, volume 3E With Voltaire
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2003
- 22 Jacques Casanova 16 Memoirs, volume 4A Adventures in the
South, Depart Switzerland [electronic book]
ITALIAN 18th 2 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2003
- 23 Jacques Casanova 17 Memoirs, volume 4B, Adventures in the
South, Return to Italy [electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 3
BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2003
- 33 Jacques Casanova 18 Memoirs, volume 4c [electronic book]
ITALIAN 18th 4 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2003
- 34 Jacques Casanova 19 Memoirs, volume 4d [electronic book]
ITALIAN 18th 5 BIOGRAPHY 5 -- 2003
- 62 Jacques Casanova 20 Memoirs, volume 4e: Milan, [electronic
book] ITALIAN 18th 6 BIOGRAPHY 7 -- 2003
- 64 Jacques Casanova 21 Memoirs, volume 51: South of
France, [electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 7 BIOGRAPHY 8 -- 2003
- 71 Jacques Casanova 21 Memoirs, volume 5b: To London,
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 7 BIOGRAPHY 8 -- 2003
- 73 Jacques Casanova 22 Memoirs, volume 5c: The English,
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 8 BIOGRAPHY 9 -- 2003
- 79 Jacques Casanova 22 Memoirs, volume 5d [electronic book]
ITALIAN 18th 9 BIOGRAPHY 10 -- 2003
- 86 Jacques Casanova 23 Memoirs, volume 5e Russia and Poland
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 10 BIOGRAPHY 11 -- 2003
- 1 Jacques Casanova 24 Memoirs, volume 6a Spain [electronic
book] ITALIAN 18th 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2004
- 6 Jacques Casanova 25 Memoirs, volume 6b Exiled from Spain
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 2 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2003
- 7 Jacques Casanova 26 Memoirs, volume 6c Rome [electronic
book] ITALIAN 18th 3 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2004
- 8 Jacques Casanova 27 Memoirs, volume 6d Florence to Trieste
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 4 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2004
- 9 Jacques Casanova 24 Memoirs, volume 63 Old Age and Death
[electronic book] ITALIAN 18th 5 BIOGRAPHY 5 -- 2004
Ernst Casirer
- 58 Ernst Casirer 1 Language and Myth 20/4 GER CR6 -- 1969
Carlos Castaneda
- 18 Carlos Castaneda 1 The Teachings of Don Juan 20/16 AMER ES1
-- 1981
- 54 Castiglione 1 Book of the Courtier 16/1 ITAL N14 -- 1969
Thomas Cathcart
- 21 Thomas Cathcart 1 Heidegger and a Hippo Walk Through
Those Pearly Gates AMERICAN 21st 3 HUMOR 1 -- 2014
Willa Cather
- 39 Willa Cather 1 My Antonia 20/22 AMER N15 -- 1986
- 61 Willa Cather 2 My Mortal Enemy 20/46 AMER N23 -- 1987
- 7 Willa Cather 2 My Antonia
(second time) AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 4 -- 2017
Eleanor Catton
- 51 Eleanor Catton 1 ***The Luminaries NEW ZEALAND 21st 1
NOVEL 40 -- 2014
Benvenuto Cellini
- 31 Benvenuto Cellini 1 The Autobiography of Benvenuto
Cellini, Part 1 ITALIAN 16th 1 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2011
- 32 Benvenuto Cellini 2 The Autobiography of Benvenuto
Cellini Part 2 ITALIAN 16th 2 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2011
Enrico Cerulli
- 25 Enrico Cerulli 1 The Folk Literature of the Galla of
Southern Abyssinia [electronic book] ITALIAN 20th 1
Miguel Cervantes
- 74 Cervantes 1 Don Quixote, book 1 17/7 SPAN N20 -- 1969
- 68 Cervantes 2 Don Quixote, part 2 17/1 SPAN N34 -- 1969
- 51 Miguel Cervantes 3 The Siege of Numantia SPANISH 17th 1
PLAY 1 -- 2024
George Chambers
- 35 George Chambers 1 0 Null Set 20/26 AMER N -- 1977
Michael Chabon
- 25 Michael Chabon 1 The Mysteries of Pittsburgh AMERICAN
20th 2 NOVEL 18 -- 2004
- 37 Michael Chabon 2 ***The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier
and Clay AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 29 -- 2004
Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson
61 Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson 1 **We Have No Idea: a Guide
to the Unknown Universe AMERICAN 21st 19 SCIENCE 3 -- 2018
Raymond Chandler
- 11 Raymond Chandler 1 ** The Big Sleep AMERICAN 20th 10
MYSTERY 1 -- 2001
- 56 Robert Parker 28 and Raymond Chandler 2 Poodle Springs
AMERICAN 20th 38 MYSTERY 2 -- 2001
- 21 Raymond Chandler 3 *Farewell, My Lovely AMERICAN 20th 3
MYSTERY 1 -- 2002
- 22 Raymond Chandler 4 *The High Window AMERICAN 20th 4
MYSTERY 2 -- 2002
- 23 Raymond Chandler 5 *The Lady in the Lake AMERICAN 20th 5
MYSTERY 3 -- 2002
- 23 Raymond Chandler 5 The Little Sister AMERICAN 20th 5
MYSTERY 3 -- 2002
- 24 Raymond Chandler 7 ****The Long Goodbye AMERICAN 20th 7
MYSTERY 5 -- 2002
- 25 Raymond Chandler 8 Playback AMERICAN 20th 8 MYSTERY 6 --
Jung Chang
- 82
Jung Chang 1 Empress Dowager Cixi CHINESE 20th 1 HISTORY 1
-- 2018
George Chapman
- 65 George Chapman Bussy d'Ambois ENGLISH 17th 1
PLAY 1 -- 2006
Mike Chapman
- 14 Mike Chapman 1 Hidden Heroes (mss.) 20/9 AMER N -- 1978
- 18 Mike Chapman 2 Town at the End of the World (mss) 20/12
AMER N -- 1978
Stepan Chapman
- 68 Stepan Chapman 1 Troika AMERICAN 20th 28 NOVEL 33 -- 1998
Janet Skeslien Charles
- 76 Janet Skeslien Charles 1 ***Moonlight in Odessa AMERICAN
21st 11 NOVEL 38 -- 2009
- 12
Janet Skeslien Charles 2 **The Paris Library AMERICAN 21st 4
NOVEL-- 2021
Larry Chase
- 55 Larry Chase 1 Essential Business Tactics for the Net
AMERICAN 20th 22 INTERNET 3 -- 1998
Elizabeth Chatsworth
- 51
Elizabeth Chatsworth 1 Ten Minutes Past Teatime
AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 25 -- 2020
- 5
Elizabeth Chatsworth 2 The Brass Queen AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL
4 - 2021
- 1 Bruce Chatwin 1 Songlines ENG1 ANTHRO -- 1993
- 45 Bruce Chatwin 2 Utz ENGLISH 20th 2 NOVEL 14 -- 2007
Geoffrey Chaucer
- 106 Geoffrey Chaucer 1 Canterbury Tales ENGLISH
14th 1 SHORT STORIES 5 -- 2011
- Chaucer 2 Troilus and Cressida (trans. by
Morrison) ENGLISH 14th 1 POETRY 1 -- 2012
John Cheever
- 23 John Cheever 1 Falconer 20/17 AMER N -- 1978
Eugenia Cheng
- 65
Eugenia Cheng 1 ***** Beyond Infinity AMERICAN 21st 22 MATH
2 -- 2018
Anton Chekhov
- 51 Anton Chekhov 1 Three Sisters 19/1 RUSS PL18 -- 1965
- 54 Anton Chekhov 2 Uncle Vanya 19/2 RUSS PL20 -- 1965
- 26 Anton Chekhov 3 The Cherry Orchard 19/1 RUSS PL4 -- 1967
- 28 Anton Chekhov 4 The Seagull 19/3 RUSS PL5 -- 1967
- 30 Anton Chekhov 5 My Life 20/6 RUSS BIO -- 1973
- 8 Anton Chekhov 6 Ward Number 6 19/2 RUSS ST2 -- 1973
- 3 Chekhov 7 Great Short Stories of Chekhov (ed. Greene) 19/1
RUSS ST -- 1978
- 23 Anton Chekhov 8 The Schoolmaster and Other Stories RUSSIAN
19th 1 STORIES -- 2017
- 25 Anton Chekhov 9 The Party and Other Stories RUSSIAN 19th 2
STORIES 4 -- 2017
- 27 Anton Chekhov 10 Love and Other Stories RUSSIAN 19th 3
STORIES 6 -- 2017
Carol Janice Cherryh
- 48 Carol Janice Cherryh 1 **** Foreigner AMERICAN 20th 5
NOVEL 12 -- 2024
- 53 Carol Janice Cherryh 2 *****Cyteen AMERICAN 205h 6 NOVEL
13 -- 2024
A. Charles Chesnutt
- 41A
Charles Chesnutt 1 The Conjure Woman AMERICAN 19th NOVEL 21
-- 2020
G.K. Chesterton
- 33 G.K. Chesterton 1 [ebook] The Innocence of Father Brown
ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 10 -- 2007
- 25 G.K. Chesterton 2 (on CD) (on Kindle) Varied Types
BRITISH 20th 1 LIT CRIT 1 -- 2008
- 30 G.K. Chesterton 3 (on CD) (on Kindle)
The Victorian Age BRITISH 20th 2 LIT CRIT 2 -- 2008
- 4 G.K. Chesterton 4 (on CD) (on Kindle) ***Heretics
BRITISH 20th 1 ESSAYS 1 --2009
- 7 G.K. Chesterton 5 (on CD) (on Kindle) ***Orthodoxy
BRITISH 20th 2 ESSAYS 2 -- 2009
- 8 G.K. Chesterton 6 (on CD) (on Kindle) The Wisdom of Father
Brown BRITISH 20th 3 NOVEL 6 -- 2009
- 29 G.K. Chesterton 7 All Things Considered BRITISH
20th 3 ESSAYS 2 -- 2011
- 30 G.K. Chesterton 8 A Short History of England
BRITISH 20th 4 HISTORY -- 2011
- 36 G.K. Chesterton 9 What's Wrong with the World
BRITISH 20th 6 ESSAYS 5 -- 2011
Tracy Chevalier
- 21 Tracy Chevalier 1 *Girl with a Pearl Earring AMERICAN 20th
8 NOVEL 6 -- 2000 review
- 110 Tracy Chevalier 2 ** Falling Angels AMERICAN 21st 9 NOVEL
55 -- 2002
- 40 Tracy Chevalier 3 ***The Virgin Blue AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL
18 -- 2003
- 16 Tracy Chevalier 4 **The Lady and the Unicorn AMERICAN 21st
- 8 Tracy Chevalier 5 At the End
of the Orchard AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 5 -- 2016
Noam Chomsky
- 25 Noam Chomsky Language and Mind 20/10 AMER ESS5 -- 1971
Kate Chopin
- 41 Kate Chopin 1 The Awakening 20th AMER17 NOVEL26 -- 1994
Nicholas Christopher
- 42 Nicholas Christopher 1 A Trip to the Stars AMERICAN 21st
20 NOVEL 35 -- 2013
- 67 R.F. Christian Critical Introduction to Tolstoy 20/5 ENG
CR6 -- 1972
Clayton Christensen
- 117 **Clayton Christensen The Innovators Dilemma AMERICAN 20th
36 BUSINESS 3 -- 2000
Agatha Christie
- 8 Agatha Christie 1 Curtain 20/3 ENG MYS -- 1979
- 7 Agatha Christie 2 Murder in the Vicarage 20/2 ENG MY1 --
- 14 Agatha Christie 3 Cards on the Table 20/3 ENG MY2 -- 1986
- 15 Chute 1 Shakespeare of London 20/3 ENG BIO3 -- 1960
Carolyn Chute
- 29 Carolyn Chute The Beans of Egypt, Maine 20/14 AMER N11 --
Tom Clancy
- 31 Tom Clancy 1 Debt of Honor AMER 20th 24 NOVEL 11 -- 1997
Susanna Clarke
- 5 Susanna Clark 1 ***Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
ENGLISH 1 21st 1 FANTASY 2 -- 2006, 2019
- 21 Susan Clarke 2 *The Ladies of Grace Adieu BRITISH 21st 3
STORIES 1 -- 2019
- 48
Susanna Clarke 3 Piranesi BRITISH 21st 2 NOVEL 22 --
Paul Claudel
- 30 Paul Claudel 1 Partage de Midi (en francais) FRENCH 20th 1
PLAY 3 -- 1999
- 10 Clausewitz 1 The Principles of War 19/1 GER HIS3 -- 1962
James Clavell
- 20 James Clavell 1 Shogun 20/14 AMER N -- 1976
- 14 James Clavell 2 Tai Pan 20/14 AMER N8 -- 1981
- 38 James Clavell 3 Noble House 20/22 AMER N21 -- 1982
- 38 James Clavell 4 King Rat 25 AMER N12 -- 1991
Paul Cleage
- 62 Pearl Cleage 1 Blues for an Alabama Sky [saw the play in
London- =AMERICAN 21st 21 PLAY 10 -- 2022
- 23 Cleator 1 Lost Languages 20/7 AMER SC1 -- 1962
Chris Cleave
- 18 Chris Cleave 1 **Little Bee BRITISH 21st 1 NOVEL 15 --
Eldridge Cleaver
- 27 Eldridge Cleaver 1 Soul on Ice 20/6 AMER ESS2 -- 1970
Peter Clemente
- 53 Peter Clemente 1 The State of the Net AMERICAN 20th 21
INTERNET 2 -- 1998
Gabi Coatsworth
- 22 Gabi Coatsworth 1
Jove's Journey Home, a Memoir BRITISH 21st 1 AUTOBIO 1 --
- 11 Gabi Coatsworth A Beginner's Guide to Starting Over
AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 11 -- 2023
Jean Cocteau
- 15 Jean Cocteau 1 Orphee (en francais) 20/3 FREN PL2 -- 1963
- 40 Jean Cocteau 2 Les Enfants Terribles 20/9 FREN N18 -- 1963
- 37 Jean Cocteau 3 La Machine infernale (en fran.) 20/4 FREN
PL16 -- 1964
- 18 Richard Coe 1 Samuel Beckett 20/1 AUST CRI1 --1989
Paulo Coelho
- 13 Paulo Coelho 1 **The Alchemist BRAZIL 20th 1 NOVEL 7 --
J.M. Coetzee
- 58 J.M. Coetzee 1 The Master of Petersburg S.AFRICA 20th 1
NOVEL 42 -- 1995
- 30
J. M. Coetzee 2 Life and Times of Michael K. SOUTH AFRICAN
20th 1 NOVEL 17 -- 2021
- 6 Hillis Cole Complete Guide to Standard Script Formats Part I
5 AMER MOV2 -- 1990
- 10 Coleridge 1 Selected Poetry & Prose 19/1 ENG P1 --
- 42 Collette 1 La Chatte (francais) 20/5 FREN N13 -- 1966
Eoin Colfer
- 94 Eoin Colfer 1 Artemis Fowl (aloud) IRISH 20th 1 NOVEL 41
-- 2001
- 58 Eoin Colfer 2 Artemis Fowl: the Arctic Incident IRISH
21st 1 NOVEL 30 -- 2002
- 4 Eoin Colfer 3 Artemis Fowl: the Eternity Code IRISH 21st 1
NOVEL 3 -- 2004
- 58 Eoin Colfer 4 Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception IRISH 21st
1 FANTASY 27 -- 2005
Rochelle Cohen
- 53 Rochelle Cohen Ode for the Time Being AMERICAN 21st 7
POETRY 1 -- 2019
- 39 Colette 1 La Chatte [in French] FRENCH 20th 2 NOVEL 26 --
- 24 Collingwood 1 Principles of Art 20/2 ENG PH9 -- 1966
Billy Collins
- 6 Billy Collins 1 The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems
AMERICAN 20th 1 POETRY 1 -- 2007
John Collins
- 25 John Collins 1 My Seven Chess Prodigies 20/18 AMER CH1 --
Suzanne Collins
- 18 Suzanne Collins 1 The Hunger Games AMERICAN 21st 3
-- 2012
- 19 Suzanne Collins 2 Catching Fire AMERICAN 21st 4 -- 2012
- 20 Suzanne Collins 3 Mockingjay AMERICAN 21st 5 -- 2012
Wilkie Collins
- 92 Wilkie Collins 1 **The Woman in White ENGLISH 19th 14
NOVEL 33 -- 2007
Lacy Collison-Morley
- 16 Lacy Collision-Morley 1 [ebook] Greek and Roman Ghost
Stories ENGLISH 19th 1 CRITICISM 1 -- 2006
- 16 Confucius 1 Analects BC/2 CHIN PH4 -- 1967
Constance Condgom
- 29 Constance Congdon 1 (performance, Boston Center for the
Arts) Hair of the Dog AMERICAN 21st 8 PLAY 4 -- 2015
- 69 Congreve 1 The Way of the World 18/5 ENG PL36
Evan Connell
- 29 Evan Connell 1 The Alchymist's Journal AMER 20th 22 NOVEL
10 -- 1997
Andree Connors
- 33 Andree Connors 1 Amateur People 20/24 AMER N -- 1977
Joseph Conrad
- 29 Joseph Conrad 1 Nigger of the Narcissus 20/1 POL N10 --
- 17 Joseph Conrad 2 Lord Jim 20/1 POL N2 -- 1966
- 19 Joseph Conrad 3 Heart of Darkness 20/2 POL N12 -- 1970
- 55 Joseph Conrad 4 Nostromo 20/3 POL N21 -- 1971
- 72 Joseph Conrad 5 The Secret Agent 20/4 POL N27 -- 1971
- 73 Joseph Conrad 6 Under Western Eyes 20/5 POL N28 -- 1971
- 1 Joseph Conrad 7 Victory ENG 20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 1995
- 2 Joseph Conrad 8 Tales of Unrest ENG 20th 2 SHORT STORIES 1
-- 1995
- 4 Joseph Conrad 9 Secret Sharer ENG 20th 3 NOVEL 2 -- 1995
- 5 Joseph Conrad 10 The End of the Tether ENG 20th 4 NOVEL 3 --
- 14 Joseph Conrad 11 **Chance BRITISH 19th 1 NOVEL 12 -- 2013
Frank Conroy
- 53 Frank Conroy 1 ** Stop-Time AMERICAN 20th 26 AUTOBIOGRAPHY
1 -- 2000
- 81 Frank Conroy 2 ***Body and Soul AMERICAN 20th 6 NOVEL 39 --
Benjamin Constant
- 3 Benjamin Constant 1 Adolphe (en francais) FRENCH 19th 1
NOVEL 2 -- 1999
Elizabeth Cook
- 38 Elizabeth Cook 1 Achilles AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 13
M.B. Cook
- 43 M.B. Cook 1 Japan -- a Sailor's Visit 19/1 AMER HI7 -- 1981
Robin Cook
- 6 Robin Cook 1 Coma 20/6 AMER N4 --1981
Olivia Coolidge
- 32 Olivia Coolidge 1 The Trojan War HIS9 -- 1958, second time
(out loud) -- 1958, 1998
- 31 Cooper Talleyrand 20/7 ENG HIS3 -- 1965
James Fenimore Cooper
- 13 James F. Cooper 1 Last of the Mohicans 19/4 AMER N9 -- 1960
Frederick Copleston
- 58 Copleston 1 History of Philosophy, v.7, I 20/4 ENG PH10 --
- 45 Copleston 2 Hist. of Phil., v. 2, part 1 20/1 ENG PH3 --
- 29 Frederick Copleston 3 Hist. of Phil. Vol 2 Medieval
Philosophy Part II 20/20 AMER PHIL -- 1976
- 58 Robert Cormier 1 I Am the Cheese 37 AMER N20 -- 1991
- 45 Corneille 1 Le Cid (en francais) 17/2 FREN PL13 -- 1963,
- 51 Corneille 2 Horace (en francais) 17/3 FREN PL14 -- 1963
- 35 Corneille 3 Oedipe (en francais) 17/1 FREN PL10 -- 1968
- 92 Corneille 4 Polyeucte (en francais) 17/2 FREN PL45 -- 1968
- 16 Corneille 5 Le Menteur (en francais) 17/1 FREN PL7 -- 1969
- 4 Julio Cortazar 1 Hopscotch 20/1 ARGENTINA N4 -- 1972
- 9 Thomas Costain 1 The Darkness and the Dawn 20/3 ENG N7 --
Jonathan Cott
- 28 Jonathan Cott 1 ***The Search for Omm Seti BRITISH
20th 2 HISTORY 3 -- 2010
Diane Croft
- 52 Diane Croft 1 Blinded at Birth available on the Web at
www.samizdat.com/croft.htmlAMERICAN 20th 27 POETRY 1 review
- 17 Diane Croft 2 **Unseen Partner AMERICAN 21st 8 POETRY 1 --
Douglas Coupland
- 37 Douglas Coupland 1 Generation X 20th CANADIAN NOVEL22 --
- 38 Douglas Coupland 2 Shampoo Planet 20th CANADIAN NOVEL23 --
- 6 Douglas Coupland 3 Microserfs AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 4 --
Bryce Courtenay
- 80 Bryce Courtenay 1 ****The Power of One SOUTH AFRICAN 20th
1 NOVEL 38 -- 2003
Robert Covelli
- 31 Robert Covelli 1 Black Sheep AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 24
Malcolm Cowley
- 46 Malcolm Cowley 1 ***Exile's Return AMERICAN 20th 6
HISTORY 3 -- 2011
John Cramer
- 24 John Cramer 1 Einstein's Bridge AMERICAN 20th 9 SCIFI 1
Stephen Crane
- Stephen Crane 1 The Red Badge of Courage 19 AMER -- 1961
- 31 Stephen Crane 2 Maggie: A Girl of the Streets 19th AMER12
NOVEL17 -- 1994
- 32 Stephen Crane 3 George's Mother 19th AMER13 NOVEL18 --
Stanley G. Crawford
- 43 Stanley G. Crawford 1 *Log of the S.S. the Mrs. Unguentine
AMER 20th 27 NOVEL 30 -- 1995
Robert Creeley
- 1 Robert Creeley 1 Poems 1950-65 20/1 AMER P1 -- 1968
- Michael Crichton 1 The Andromeda Strain 20/2 AMER N1 -- 1981
- 9 Michael Crichton 2 Jurassic Park 6 AMER N5 --1992
- 74 Michael Crichton 3 Time Line AMERICAN 20th 22 NOVEL 41 --
- 2 Michael Crichton 4 **Prey AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2004
Diane Croft
- 33 Diane Croft 1 **Holy Longing (manuscript) edited and
renamed Blinded at Birth available on the Web at
www.samizdat.com/croft.html AMER 20th 25 POETRY 1 -- 1999, 2001
John Crowley
- 14
John Crowley 1 Lord Byron's Novel: The Evening Land AMERICAN
21st 2 NOVEL 6 -- 2020
- 34 Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow 21 AMER ES3 --1992
e.e. cummings
- 16 e.e. cummings 1 100 Selected Poems 20/8 AMER P3 -- 1966
- 30 e.e. cummings 2 The Enormous Room 20/15 AMER BI1 --1986
Michael Cunningham
- 30 Michael Cunningham 1 The Hours AMERICAN 20th 18 NOVEL 20
-- 2001
- 28 Michael Cunningham 2 ** Specimen Days AMERICAN 21st 9
NOVEL 17 -- 2006
Eve Curie
- 25 Eve Curie 1 Marie Curie (en francais) 20/1 FREN BIO2 --
Richard Dana
- 19 Richard Dana 1 Two Years Before the Mast 19/5 AMER N13 --
Leslie Daniels
- 22 Leslie Daniels 1 Cleaning Nabokov's House AMERICAN
21st 7 NOVEL 16 -- 2012
- 19 Daninos Carnets du Major Thompson (fran.)20/1 FREN N7 --
- 22 Dante 1 Inferno 14/1 ITAL N14 -- 1970, 1986
- 32 Dante Alighieri Purgatorio 14/2 ITAL P2 -- 1986
Alphonse Daudet
- 21 Alphonse Daudet 1 Lettres de Mon Moulin (en francais)
FRENCH 19th 1 STORIES 1 -- 2017
- 83 Davenant 1 Siege of Rhodes 17/22 ENG PL39
Dmitry Davidov
47 Dmitry Davidov 1 The Theological Views of St. John
of Kronstadt RUSSIAN 21st 1 RELIGION 1 -- 2023
Robertson Davies
- 44 Robertson Davies 1 *Fifth Business 20th CAN1 NOVEL27 --
- 22 Robertson Davies 2 The Lyre of Orpheus CANADIAN 20th 1
NOVEL 5 -- 2019
Fiona Davis
- 43 Fiona Davis 1 The Address AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 12 --
Kathalynn Turner Davis
- 12
Kathalynn Turner Davis 1 Kiss Me, Swami AMERICAN 21st
2 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2020
Philip Davis
- 13 Philip Davis The Mathematical Experience 8 AMER MAT1 --
Richard Harding Davis
- 4 Richard H. Davis 1 Soldiers of Fortune 19/1 AMER N2 -- 1958
- 6 Richard H. Davis 2 Captain Macklin 19/3 AMER N5 -- 1960
- 2 Richard H. Davis 3 The King's Jackal 19/1 AMER N1 -- 1961
- 3 Richard H. Davis 4 Reporter Who Made Himself 19/2 AMER N2 --
Richard Dawkins
- 61 Richard Dawkins 1 ***River Out of Eden ENG 20th 9 ESSAY 5
-- 1995
Clarence Day
- 1 Clarence Day 1 Life with Father 19/1 AMER N1 -- 1960
- 64 Clarence Day 2 This Simian World 20/49 AMER ES6 -- 1987
De Bernieres
- 57 Louis de Bernieres *****Corelli's Mandolin ENG 20th 8 NOVEL
41 -- 1995
- 49 Louis de Bernieres 2 *Senor Vivo and the Coca Lord
ENGLISH 20th 6 NOVEL 25 -- 1998
- 52 Louis de Bernieres 3 *The War of Don Emmanuel's Nether
Parts ENGLISH 20th 7 NOVEL 28 -- 1998
- 81 Louis De Bernieres 4 The Troublesome Offspring of Guzman
- 90 Louis de Bernieres 5 **Birds Without Wings ENGLISH
21st 4 NOVEL 10 -- 2005
- 6 Louis de Bernieres 6 The Dust that Falls from Dreams BRITISH
21st 2 NOVEL 3 -- 2016
Alain de Botton
- 7 Alain de Botton 1 ***How Proust Can Change Your Life ENGLISH
20th 1 ESSAY2 -- 1998 review
- 28 Alain de Botton 2 *Kiss and Tell ENGLISH 20th 2 NOVEL 14 --
- 29 Alain de Botton 3 **The Romantic Movement: Sex, Shopping,
and the Novel ENGLISH 20th 3 NOVEL 15 -- 1998
- 34 Alain de Botton 4 *On Love ENGLISH 20th 4 NOVEL 17 -- 1998
- 60 Alain de Botton 5 **The Consolations of Philosophy ENGLISH
21st 2 ESSAY 5 -- 2000
- 112 Alain de Botton 6 ** The Art of Travel 21st ENGLISH 6
ESSAY 1 -- 2002
- 50 Alain de Botton 7 Status Anxiety 7 ENGLISH 21st 6
ESSAYS 1 -- 2004
- 28 Alain de Botton 8 The Architecture of Happiness
ENGLISH 21st 1 ESSAYS 2 -- 2007
- 40 Alain de Botton 9 ****The Pleasues and Sorrows of Work
ENGLISH 21st 1 ESSAYS 4 -- 2009
- 109 Alain de Botton 10 The Course of Love BRITISH
21st 8 NOVEL 36 -- 2019
- 1
Alain de Boton 11 How to Think More about Sex BRITISH 21st 1
ESSAY 1 -- 2020
Mary Dearborn
- 61 Mary V. Dearborn 1 Queen of Bohemia: The Life of Louise
Bryant AMERICAN 20th 23 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 1998
Daniel Defoe
- Daniel Defoe 1 Robinson Crusoe ENGLISH 18th NOVEL -- 1958
- 98 Daniel Defoe 2 A Journal of the Plague Year ENGLISH 18th 1
NOVEL 48 -- 1997 review
- 80
Daniel Defoe 4 Roxanna BRITISH 18th 1 NOVEL 40 -- 2018
- 12 Daniel Defoe 3 Moll Flanders ENG 18th 1 NOVEL 5 -- 1998
- 34 Dekker 1 Shoemaker's Holiday 17/1 ENG PL11 -- 1967
Don DeLillo
- 48 Don DeLillo 1 End Zone 20th AMER20 NOVEL30 -- 1994
- 76 Don DeLillo 2 ****Underworld AMERICAN 20th 32 NOVEL 37 --
- 29 Don Delillo 3 *The Body Artist AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 19 --
- 26 Don DeLillo 4 * White Noise AMERICAN 20th 9 NOVEL 3 -- 2002
- 46 Don DeLillo 5 *Falling Man AMERICAN 21st NOVEL 15 --
Daniel Dennett
- 31 Douglas Hofstadter 1 & Daniel Dennett 1 *The Mind's I
20 AMER SCI1 --1991
- 18 Daniel Dennett 2 **Consciousness Explained AMER 20th
SCIENCE 2 ESSAY 4 -- 1998 review
- 45 Daniel C. Dennett 2 ***From Bacteria to Bach and Back
AMERICAN 21st 15 SCIENCE 1 -- 2018
Thomas de Quincey
- 42 Thomas de Quincey 1 Confessions of an Opium Eater ENGLISH
19th 9 ESSAYS 5 -- 2009
Tatiana de Rosnay
- 14 Tatiana de Rosnay ** 1 A Paris Affair FRENCH 21st 1 NOVEL
3 -- 2018
Kiran Desai
- 5 Kiran Desai 1 The Inheritance of Loss INDIAN 21st 1 NOVEL
3 -- 2008
Rene Descartes
- 32 Descartes 1 Discours de la Methode (en francais) 17/3 FREN
PH2 -- 1964
- 47 Desquier 1 Marche des civilisations (en francais) 20/12
FREN HIS5 --1963
David Deutsch
- 23 David Deutsch 2
***** The Beginning of Infinity: Explanations That Transform
the World AMERICAN 21st 12 SCIENCE 2 -- 2022
- 14 Isaac Deutscher 1 The Non-Jewish Jew & Other Essays
20/1 POL ES1 -- 1983
Frans de Waal
- 51
Frans de Waal 1 Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart
Animals Are? AMERICAN 21st 10 SCIENCE 5 -- 2021
John Dewey
- 26 John Dewey 1 Human Nature and Conduct 20/17 AMER PH1 --
1984, 2023
- 15 John Dewey Reconstruction in Philosophy
Pete Dexter
- 5 Pete Dexter 1 **The Paperboy AMER 20th 5 NOVEL 4 -- 1996
Edmund de Waal
- 37 Edmund de Waal 1 * The Hare with Amber Eyes BRITISH 21st
4 BIO 3 -- 2014
Anita Diamant66 Anita Diamant 1 The Red Tent AMERICAN 20th 3
NOVEL 47 -- 2022
- 25 Anita Diamant 2 Good Harbor AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL
19 -- 2023
- 28 Anita Diamant 3 The Last Days of Dogtown AMERICAN 21st 10
NOVEL 20 -2023
- 29 Anita Diamant 4 The Boston Girl AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 21
-- 2023
- 30 Anita Diamant 5 Day After Night AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL 22
-- 2023
Jared Diamond
- 60 Jared Diamond 1 ***The Third Chimpanzee AMERICAN 20th 40
SCIENCE 2 -- 1997
- 28 Jared Diamond 2 ****Guns, Germs, and Steel AMERICAN 20th 13
SCIENCE 1 -- 2000
- 54 Jared Diamond 3 Collapse AMERICAN 21st 12 ECOLOGY 1 -- 2007
Junot Diaz
- Junot Diaz 1 **The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 6 -- 2010
Philip K. Dick
- 67 Philip K. Dick 1 The World Jones Made AMERICAN 20th 30
SCIFI 3 -- 2000
- 68 Philip K. Dick 2 Now Wait for Last Year AMERICAN 20th 31
SCIFI 4 -- 2000
- 69 Philip K. Dick 3 The Game-Players of Titan AMERICAN 20th 32
SCIFI 5 -- 2000
- 88 Philip K. Dick 4 Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said AMERICAN
20th 36 SCIFI 6 -- 2000
- 94 Philip K. Dick 5 The Man in the High Castle AMERICAN 20th
38 SCIFI 8 -- 2000
- 56 Philip Dick 6 Adjustment Team (complete stories volume 2)
AMERICAN 20th SCIFI 9 -- 2024
- 1 Philip Dick 7 We can Remember it for You Wholesale
AMERICAN 20th 1 SCFI 1 -- 2025
Charles Dickens
- 1 Charles Dickens 1 Tale of Two Cities 19/1 ENG N1 -- 1958
- 5 Charles Dickens 2 Hard Times 19/1 ENG N4 -- 1962
- 24 Charles Dickens 3 Little Dorrit 19/3 ENG N8 -- 1968
- 4 Charles Dickens 4 Oliver Twist 19/1 ENG N --1976
- 54 Charles Dickens 5 The Chimes 19/2 ENG N22 -- 1985
- 48 Charles Dickens 6 **Great Expectations 19/1 ENG N17 --1985,
- 2 Charles Dickens 7 Cricket on the Hearth 19/1 ENG N2 -- 1986
- 3 Charles Dickens 8 **Nicholas Nickleby ENG3 N2 -- 1993
- 41 Charles Dickens 9 ***Our Mutual Friend ENGLISH 19th 1 NOVEL
21 -- 1998
- 57 Charles Dickens 10 ***Bleak House ENGLISH 19th 2 NOVEL 29
-- 1998
- 70 Charles Dickens 11 American Notes for General Circulation
ENGLISH 19th 1 HISTORY 9 -- 2002
- 84 Charles Dickens 12 Barnaby Rudge [electronic book] ENGLISH
19th 3 NOVEL 45 -- 2002
- 85 Charles Dickens 13 ***David Copperfield [electronic book]
ENGLISH 19th 4 NOVEL 46 -- 2002, 2023
- 29 Charles Dickens 14 The Old Curiosity Shop ENGLISH 19th
11 NOVEL 8 -- 2007
- 11 Charles Dickens 15 (on CD) (on Kindle) Dombey and Son
BRITISH 19th 2 NOVEL 8 -- 2009
- 28 Charles Dickens 16 (on CD) (on Kindle) The
Mystery of Edwin Drood ENGLISH 19th 7 NOVEL 20 -- 2009
- 27
Charles Dickens 17 ***The Pickwick Papers BRITISH 19th 1 NOVEL
13 -- 2020
James Dickey
- 64 James Dickey 1 Deliverance 20/22 AMER N30 -- 1970
Emily Dickinson
- 45 Emily Dickinson 1 Poems, Series 1 AMERICAN 19th 9 POETRY
2 -- 2009
- 46 Emily Dickinson 2 Poems, Series 2 AMERICAN 19th 10 POETRY
3 -- 2009
- 47 Emily Dickinson 3 Poems, Series 3 AMERICAN 19th 11 POETRY
4 -- 2009
Gordon Dickson
- 77 Gordon Dickson 1 Soldier, Ask Not (in The Hugo Winners -
Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by
Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 11 SCIFI 8 -- 2007
- 124 Gordon R. Dickson **Lost Dorsai (in The Hugo Winners,
Volume 5: Nine Prizewinning Science Fiction Stories (1980 -
AMERICAN 20th 40 SCIFI 37 -- 2007
16 Dictys The Trojan War by Dictys
- 65 Diderot 1 La Religieuse (francais) 18/1 FREN N22 -- 1965
Joan Didion
- 15 Joan Didion 1 A Book of Common Prayer 20/10 AMER N -- 1978
- 66 Joan Didion 2 ***The Year of Magical Thinking AMERICAN 21st
30 ESSAY 2 -- 2012
- 30 Annie Dillard 1 Pilgrim at Tinker Creek 19 AMER ESS1 --
Isak Dinesen
- 42 Isak Dinesen 1 Out of Africa 20/1 DANISH BI2 -- 1986
- 43 Isak Dinesen 2 Shadows on the Grass 20/2 DANISH B13 -- 1986
- 77 Iak Dinesen 3 Seven Gothic Tales DANISH 20th 1 STORIES 6 --
- 83 Isak Dinesen 4 Winter's Tales DANISH 20th 2 STORIES 7 --
Benjamin Disraeli
- 3 Benjamin Disraeli 1 Coningsby 19/1 ENG N3 -- 1963
Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
- 64 Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni 1 *** Sister of My Heart INDIA
20th 1 NOVEL 26 -- 2007
Pam Dixon
- 101 Pam Dixon 1 Virtual College AMERICAN 20th 67 INTERNET 3 --
Milovan Djilas
- 26 Djilas 1 Conversations with Stalin 20/1 YUGO HIS7 -- 1962
- 27 Djilas 2 New Class 20/2 YUGO HIS8 -- 1962
- 13 Alfred Doblin 1 Berlin Alexanderplatz 20/1 GER N5 -- 1986
Bonamy Dobree
- 100 Bonamy Dobree Restoration Tragedy 20/7 ENG CR15 -- 1968
- 2 E.L. Doctorow 1 Ragtime 20/2 AMER N2 --1982
- 66 E.L. Doctorow The March AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 40 -- 2006
- 66 E.R. Dodds 1 Greeks & the Irrational 20/4 ENG CR9 --
Anthony Doerr
- 33 Anthony Doerr 1 ****All the Light We Cannot See AMERICAN
21st 12 NOVEL 18m -- 2015
- 57
Anthony Doerr 2 **** Cloud Cuckoo Land AMERICAN 21st 12
NOVEL 26 -- 2021
- 62 Anthony Doerr 3 ****About Grace AMERICAN 21st 20 NOVEL 43
-- 2023
- 63 Anthony Doerr 4 ****Memory Wall AMERICAN 21st 21 STORIES
2 -- 2023
- 64 Anthony Doerr 5 ***Shell Collector AMERICAN 21st 22
STORIES 3 -- 2023
- 65 Anthony Doerr 6 **Four Seasons in Rome AMERICAN 21st 23
BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2023
Stephen R. Donaldson
- 32 Stephen R. Donaldson 1 The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
the Unbeliver: Book One Lord Foul's BaneAMERICAN 20th 5
FANTASY 15 -- 2005
- 35 Stephen R. Donaldson 2 The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
the Unbeliever: Book Two The Illearth War AMERICAN 20th 7
FANTASY 17 -- 2005
- 41 Stephen R. Donaldson 3 The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
the Unbeliever: Book Three The Power that Preserves AMERICAN
20th 10 FANTASY 19 -- 2005
- 48 Stephen R. Donaldson 4 The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant
the Unbeliever: Book Four: The Wounded LandAMERICAN 20th 13
FANTASY 22 -- 2005
- 72 Stephen Donaldson 5 The Chonricles of Thomas Covenant the
Unbeliever: Book Five: The One Tree AMERICAN 20th 17 FANTASY
35 -- 2005
- 76 Stephen Donaldson 6 The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the
Unbeliever: Book Six: White Gold Wielder AMERICAN 20th 19
FANTASY 36 -- 2005
J.P. Donleavy
- 25 J.P. Donleavy 1 The Ginger Man 20/18 IRISH N -- 1977
Ignatius Donnelly
- 12 Ignatius Donnelly 1 Atlantis 19/4 AMER HIS3 -- 1961
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
- 17 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 1 The Idiot 19/1 RUSS N10 -- 1960
- 17 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 2 Poor Folk 19/1 RUSS N11 -- 1961
- 8 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 3 Insulted and Injured 19/1 RUSS N7 --
- 49 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 4 Crime and Punishment 19/3 RUSS N23 --
- 27 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 5 Letters from Underground 19/2 RUSS N9
-- 1967, 1973
- 22 Dostoyevsky 6 The Possessed 19/3 RUSS N6 -- 1969, 1973
- 45 Fyodor Dostoyevky 7 Brothers Karamazov 19/4 RUSS N11 --
- 50 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 8 A Raw Youth 19/1 RUSS N26 -- 1970
- 51 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 9 The Double 19/2 RUSS N27 -- 1970, 2023
- 4 Dostoevsky 10 Winter Notes on Summer Impressions 19/1 RUSS
ES2 -- 1971
- 10 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 11 White Nights 19/3 RUSS N1 -- 1973,
1980, 2023
- 17 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 12 The Eternal Husband 19/9 RUSS N6 --
1973, 1980, 2023
- 29 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 13 The Landlady 19/5 RUSS N -- 1980,
- 25 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 14 A Disgraceful Affair 19/2 RUSS N --
- 27 Fyodor Dostoyevsky 15 The Gambler 19/3 RUSS N -- 1980, 2023
- 55 Fyodor Dostoevsky Diary of a Ridiculous Man RUSSIAN
19th 7 NOVEL 36 -- 2023
- 50 Fyodor Dostoevksy 16 Notes from a Dead House RUSSIAN
19th 3 NOVEL 32 -- 2023
Nathan Douglas
- 15 Nathan Douglas 1 The Defiant Ones (screenplay) 14 AMER SP3
-- 1990
William O. Douglas
- William O. Douglas Points of Rebellion 20/10 AMER ESS4 -- 1970
Frederick Douglass
24 Frederick Douglass 1 Narrative of the
Life of Frederick Douglass AMERICAN 19th BIOGRAPHY 2 --
Cerdwen Dove
Arthur Conan Doyle
- 16 A. Conan Doyle 1 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes19/4 ENG
MYS -- 1976
- 2 A. Conan Doyle 2 A Study in Scarlet 20/1 ENG ST -- 1977
- 3 A. Conan Doyle 3 The Sign of the Four 20/2 ENG ST-- 1977
Margaret Drabble
- 17 Margaret Drabble 1 The Seven Sisters ENGLISH 21st 1 NOVEL
11 -- 2004
Theodore Dreiser
- 71 Theodore Dreiser 1 An American Tragedy 20/26 AMER N36 --
- 7 Theodore Dreiser 2 Sister Carrie* 20/5 AMER N7 -- 1982
John Dryden
- 59 John Dryden 1 All for Love 17/17 ENG PL28 -- 1967, 1968
- 19 John Dryden 2 The State of Innocence 17/2 ENG PL3
- 22 John Dryden 3 Conquest of Granada, Part 1 17/3 ENG PL4
- 23 Dryden 4/Lee 1 Oedipus 17/4 ENG PL5 -- 1968
- 25 John Dryden 5 Literary Criticism (e.d Kirsch) 17/5 ENG CR4
-- 1968
- 26 John Dryden 6 Conquest of Granada, Part 2 17/6 ENG PL6 --
- 27 John Dryden 7 Aureng-Zebe 17/7 ENG PL6 -- 1968
- 64 John Dryden 8 Don Sebastian 17/11 ENG PL27 -- 1968, 1969
- 65 John Dryden 9 Marriage a la Mode 17/12 ENG PL28 -- 1968
- 68 John Dryden 10 Cleomenes 17/14 ENG PL30 -- 1968, 1969
- 70 John Dryden 11 The Wild Gallant 17/15 ENG PL31 -- 1968
- 74 John Dryden 12 The Rival Ladies 17/16 ENG PL32 -- 1968
- 75 John Dryden 13 The Indian Queen 17/17 ENG PL33 -- 1968
- 77 John Dryden 14 The Indian Emperor 17/18 ENG PL35 -- 1968
- 78 John Dryden 15 The Spanish Friar 17/19 ENG PL36 -- 1968
- 80 John Dryden 16 Tyrannick Love 17/21 ENG PL38 -- 1968
- 95 John Dryden 17 King Arthur 17/28 ENG PL47 -- 1968
- 7 Dryden 18 Albion and Albanius 17/1 ENG PL3 -- 1969
- 15 John Dryden 19 Secret Love or Maiden Queen 17/3 ENG PL6 --
- 27 John Dryden 20 Amboyna 17/4 ENG PL13 -- 1969
- 28 John Dryden 21 Troilus and Cressida 17/5 ENG PL14 -- 1969
- 29 John Dryden 22 The Tempest 17/6 ENG PL15 -- 1969
- 30 John Dryden 23 An Evening's Love 17/7 ENG PL16 -- 1969
- 31 John Dryden 24 Amphitryon 17/8 ENG PL17 -- 1969
- 32 John Dryden 25 Love Triumphant 17/9 ENG PL18 -- 1969
William Dubie
- 30 William Dubie 1 Field Notes: New and Collected Poems
AMERICAN 21st 2 POETRY 1 2002
W.E.B. Dubois
- 40 W.E.B. Dubois (on CD) (on Kindle) The Souls
of Black Folks AMERICAN 20th 2 ESSAY 5 -- 2008
Andre Dubus
- 37 Andre Dubus 1 Separate Flights 20/27 AMER ST -- 1977
- 27 Andre Dubus 2 The Last Worthless Evening 20/14 AMER ST1 --
Andre Dubus III
- 7 Andre Dubus III 1 **House of Sand and Fog House of Sand
and Fog AMERICAN 20th 6 NOVEL 5 -- 2001
Bruce Duffy
- 37 Bruce Duffy 1 ***** The World as I Found It [Wittgenstein]
20/16 AMER N21 -- 1988
- 69 Bruce Duffy 2 *Last Comes the Egg AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL 35
-- 2003
John Dufresne
- 54 John Dufresne 1 *****Louisiana Power and Light AMER 20th 34
NOVEL 38 -- 1995
- 18 John Dufresne 2 **The Way that Water Enters Stone AMER 20th
14 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 1997
- 27 John Dufresne 3 **Love Warps the Mind a Little AMER 20th 20
NOVEL 9 -- 1997 review
- 29 John Dufresne 4 ***Deep in the Shade of Paradise AMERICAN
21st 1 NOVEL 9 -- 2002
- 56 Duggan 1 New Zealand Poems 20/1 N.Z. P9 -- 1966
Georges Duhamel
- 9 Georges Duhamel 1 Le Notaire du Havre (en francais) 20/4
FREN N3 -- 1965
- 25 Georges Duhamel 2 Nuit de la Saint-Jean (en francais) 20/7
FREN N7 -- 1965
Alexander Dumas
- 29 Alexandre Dumas 1 The Borgias (from Celebrated Crimes) 19th
3 FRENCH HISTORY 6 -- 1961
- 4 Alexandre Dumas 2 The Cenci (from Celebrated Crimes) 19th 1
- 72 Alexandre Dumas 3 ***Les Trois Mousquetaires (en francais)
FRENCH 19th 1 NOVEL 35 -- 1998
- 77 Alexandre Dumas 4 Vingt Ans Apres (first sequel to Three
Musketeers (en francais) FRENCH 19th 2 NOVEL 38 -- 1998
- 4 Alexandre Dumas 5 Le Vicomte to Bragelonne: Part 1 -- Le
Vicomte, (second sequel to Three Mustketeers) (en francais)
FRENCH 19th 2 NOVEL 3 -- 1999
- 14 Alexandre Dumas 6 Le Vicomte to Bragelonne: Part 2 --
Louise de la Valliere, (second sequel to Three Musketeers) (en
francais) FRENCH 19th 3 NOVEL 10 -- 1999
- 16 Alexandre Dumas 7 Le Vicomte to Bragelonne: Part 3 -- Le
Masque de Fer , (second sequel to the Three Musketters) (en
francais) FRENCH 19th 4 NOVEL 11 -- 1999
- 85 Alexandre Dumas 8 Le Comte de Monte-Cristo Volume 1 of 2
(en francais) FRENCH 19th 5 NOVEL 47 -- 1999
- 79 Alexandre Dumas 9 The Man in the Iron Mask (from Celebrated
Crimes) FRENCH 19th 1 HISTORY 4 -- 2000
- 80 Alexandre Dumas 10 Martin Guerre (from Celebrated Crimes)
FRENCH 19th 2 HISTORY 5 -- 2000
- 81 Alexandre Dumas 11 Joan of Naples (from Celebrated Crimes)
FRENCH 19th 3 HISTORY 6 -- 2000
- 98 Alexandre Dumas 12 Le Comte de Monte-Cristo (part 2 of 2)
[en francais] 19th FRENCH 4 NOVEL 38 -- 2000
- 112 Alexandre Dumas 13 Massacres of the South (Celebrated
Crimes) FRENCH 19th 4 HISTORY 7 -- 2000
- 23 Alexander Dumas 14 Karl-Ludwig Sand (from Celebrated
Crimes) FRENCH 19th 1 BIO 1-- 2001
- 86 Alexandre Dumas 15 The Black Tulip [electronic book] FRENCH
19th 1 NOVEL 43 -- 2003
- 62 Alexandre Dumas 16 *La Reine Margot [en francais]
FRENCH 19th 3 NOVEL 37 -- 2006
- 64 Alexandre Dumas 17 La Dame de Monsoreau
[en francais] FRENCH 19th 4 NOVEL 39 -- 2006
- 71 Alexander Dumas 18 Mary Stuart from Celebrated Crimes
FRENCH 19th 4 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2006
- 5 Alexander Dumas 19Les Quarante-Cinq (en francais) FRENCH
19th 1 NOVEL 4 -- 2007
- 53 Alexandre Dumas 20 Le Capitaine Pamphile FRENCH 19th 2
NOVEL 19 -- 2007
Daphne du Maurier
- 17 Daphne du Maurier 1 ***The House on the Strand AMERICAN
20th 2 NOVEL 12 -- 2015
Sarah Dunant
- 22 Sarah Dunant 1 In the Company of the Courtesan ENGLISH
21st 4 NOVEL 14 -- 2006
- 51 Sarah Dunant 2 **The Birth of Venus ENGLISH 21st 6 NOVEL
31 -- 2006
David Duncan
- 19 David Duncan 1 **The River Why AMER7 N10 -- 1993
- 47 David Duncan ***The Brothers K 20th AMER20 NOVEL29 -- 1994
Allen Drury
- 14 Allen Drury 1 Advise and Consent 20/7 AMER N9 -- 1961
Margarite Duras
- 37 Margarite Duras 1 Moderato Cantabile (en francais) 20/2
FREN N11 -- 1968
Lawrence Durrell
- 42 Lawrence Durrell 1 Justine 20/3 ENG N18 -- 1970
- 5 Laurence Durrell 2 Balthazar 20/1 ENG N5 -- 1972
- 9 Laurence Durrell 3 Mountolive 20/2 ENG N9 -- 1972
- 22 Laurence Durrell 4 Clea 20/4 ENG N18 -- 1972
- 33 Durrenmatt 1 Romulus der Grosse (deutsch) 20/3 GER PL10 --
- 26 Tom Dykstra 1 Heresy on Mount Athos [mss.] 20/13 AMER HIS4
- 22 Tom Dykstra 2 ***Hallowed Be Thy Name AMERICAN 21st 4
THEOLOGY 1 -- 2014
- 65
Tom Dykstra 3 Mark, Canonizer of Paul AMERICAN 21st 18
RELIGION 5 -- 2021
Jaclyn Easton
- 18 Jaclyn Easton 1
StrikingItRich.com: Profiles of 23 Incredibly Successful
Websites You've Probably Never Heard Of AMER 20th 14 INTERNET 1
-- 1999
Richard Eberhart
- Richard Eberhart 1 Selected Poems
Dikkon Eberhart
- 13 Dikkon Eberhart 1 On the Verge
AMER 20th 8 NOVEL 6 -- 1998
- 17 Dikkon Eberhart 2 **ParadiseAMER
20th 12 NOVEL 8 -- 1998
Umberto Eco
- 24 Umberto Eco 1 **The Name of the
Rose 20/1 ITAL N10 --1984
- 6 Umberto Eco 2 **Foucault's
Pendulum 20th ITAL1 NOVEL3 --1994
- 15 Umberto Eco 3 Island of the Day
Before ITALIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 5 -- 1997
- 60 Umberto Eco 4 **Baudolino ITALIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 23 --
- 65 Umberto Eco 5 ***The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana
ITALIAN 21st NOVEL 27 -- 2007
- 68 Umberto Eco 6 Misreadings ITALIAN 21st 2 ESSAYS 6 -- 2007
- 88 Umberto Eco 7 Six Walks in the Fictional Woods ITALIAN 20th
1 ESSAYS 7 -- 2007
- 8 Umberto Eco 8 How to Travel with a Salmon and Other Essays
ITALIAN 20th 2 ESSAYS 1 -- 2008
- Umberto Eco 9 The Prague Cemetery ITALIAN 21st 1
NOVEL 1 -- 2012
- 46 Umberto Eco 10 Numero Zero ITALIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 33 -- 2015
David Edmonds
- 55 David Edmonds 1 and John Eidinow 1 Wittgenstein's Poker
ENGLISH 21st 2 PHILOSOPHY 1 -- 2005
Jeff Edmunds
- 51 Jeff Edmunds 1 Metro [electronic
book] AMERICAN 20th 24 NOVEL 15 -- 2000 review
Kim Edwards
- 56 Kim Edwards 1 The Memory Keeper's Daughter AMERICAN 21st 14
NOVEL 20 2007
Selden Edwards
- 35 Selden Edwards 1 ***The Little Book AMERICAN 21st 15
NOVEL 28 -- 2012
Jennifer Egan
- 57 Jennifer Egan 1 A Visit from the Goon Squad AMERICAN 21st 9
NOVEL 30 -- 2011
Dave Eggers
- 35 Dave Eggers 1 A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL 27 -- 2004
- 36 Dave Eggers 2 A Hologram for the King AMERICAN 21st 15
NOVEL 29 -- 2013
- 44 Dave Eggers 3 ***What Is the What? AMERICAN 21st 21 NOVEL
37 -- 2013
- 53 Dave Eggers 4 ****The Circle AMERICAN 21st 26 NOVEL 44 --
- 22 Dave Eggers 5 Her Right Foot AMERICAN 21st 7 CHILDREN
3 -- 2018
- 39 Dave Eggers 6 ** The Parade AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL 9 -- 2019
- 40 Eugene Eglin 1 Requiem Contra
Requiem 20/27 AMER N -- 1975
- 34 Eichendorff 1 Aus dem Leben
eines Taugenichts 19/3 GER N10 -- 1968
- 15 Bill Eidson 1 Dangerous Waters
11 AMER N7 -- 1992
- 16 Bill Eidson 2 Deadly Games
(mss.) 12 AMER N8 --1992
- 15 Bill Eidson 3 *The Little
Brother AMER 20th 10 NOVEL 7 -- 1998
Albert Einstein
- 71 Albert Einstein 1 Relativity
20/2 GER SC1 -- 1965
Loren Eiseley
- 57 Loren Eiseley 1 The Immense
Journey 20/24 AMER SC1 -- 1966
- 8 Loren Eiseley 2 The Unexpected
Universe 20/6 AMER ES1 --1987
Crawford Elder
- 48 Crawford Elder 1 Appropriating
Hegel 20/25 AMER PH2 -- 1981
Mircea Eliade
- 20 Marcea Eliade 1 Myth and Reality
20/1 FREN ESS3 -- 1971
- 42 Mircea Eliade 2 The Forge &
the Crucible 20/2 FREN ESS9 -- 1971
George Eliot
- 48 George Eliot 1 Silas Marner 19/1
ENG N20 -- 1964
- 3 George Eliot 2 Middlemarch 19/1
ENG N3 -- 1972
- 13
George Eliot 3 Adam Bede BRITISH 19th 1 NOVEL 6 -- 2020
- 18
George Eliot 4 Daniel Deronda BRITISH 19th 2 NOVEL 8 -- 2020
- 31
George Eliot 5 ***Romola BRITISH 19th 1 NOVEL 18 -- 2021
T.S. Eliot
- 32 T.S. Eliot 1 Selected Poems 20/8
ENG P4 -- 1965
- 58 T.S. Eliot 2 Four Quartets 20/13
ENG P6 -- 1965
- 63 T.S. Eliot 3 The Family Reunion
20/14 ENG P7 -- 1965
- 23 T.S. Eliot 4 Murder in the
Cathedral 20/7 AMER PL2 -- 1967
- 24 T.S. Eliot 5 The Cocktail Party
20/8 AMER PL3 -- 1967
- 18 T.S. Eliot 6 The Uses of Poetry
20/5 AMER CR3 -- 1968
- 30 T.S. Eliot 7 The Sacred Wood
20/22 AMER ES4 -- 1987
Harlan Ellison
- 100 Harlan Ellision 1 The Deathbird (in The Hugo Winners
Volume 3
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 22 SCIFI 19
-- 2007
- 102 Harlan Ellison 2 Adrfit Off the Islets of Langerhaus (in
The Hugo Winners Volume 3
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th
24 SCIFI 21 -- 2007
- 115 Harlan Ellison 3 ***Jeffry Is Five (in The Hugo Winners
Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 34 SCIFI
31-- 2007
Ralph Ellison
- 45 Ralph Ellison 1 The Invisibile
Man 20/12 AMER N21 -- 1970
- 15 M.D. Elevitch Grips 20/11 AMER N
-- 1976
Richard Ellman
- 106 Richard Ellman 1 ***James Joyce AMERICAN 20th 23
Arpad Elo
- 14 Arpad Elo 1 Ratings of
Chessplayers 20/12 AMER ES2 -- 1989
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- 50 Ralph Waldo Emerson 1 Nature
AMERICAN 19th 1 ESSAY 3 -- 1997
- 97 Ralph Waldo Emerson 2
Representative Men AMERICAN 19th 1 ESSAY 7 -- 2000
- 44 Ralph Waldo Emerson 3 *Essays First Series
AMERICAN 19th 1 ESSAYS 1 -- 2010
- 22 Ralph Waldo Emerson 4 Essays, Second Series AMERICAN 19th 3
ESSAYS 2 -- 2017
Michael Ende
- 13 Michael Ende 1 ***The
Neverending Story 20/1 GER N5 -- 1985
- 41 Michael Ende 2 **Momo GERMAN 20th 1 NOVEL 25 -- 2009
Tan Twan Eng
- 25
Tan Twan Eng 1 *****The Garden of Evening Mists MALAY 1 NOVEL
12 -- 2020
- 32
Tan Twan Eng 2 *****The Gift of Rain MALAY 2 NOVEL 17 --
Nathan Englander
- 50 Nathan Englander 1 ***For the Relief of Unbearable Urges
Nora Ephron
- 51 Nora Ephron 1 I Feel Bad About My Neck AMERICAN 21st 22
ESSAYS 1 -- 2012
Leslie Epstein
- 31 Leslie Epstein 1 Pinto and Son
27 AMER N17 -- 1990
- 83 Leslie Epstein 2 San Remo Drive AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 41
- 46 Erasmus 1 Praise of Folly 16/1
DUT N12 -- 1969
- 22 Louise Erdrich 1 *Love Medicine
20/16 AMER N9 -- 1987
- 38 Louise Erdrich 2 Beet Queen
20/17 AMER N22 -- 1988
- 2 Louise Erdrich 3 *Tracks [worth
rereading] 2 AMER N2 -- 1990
- 56 Louise Edrich 4 *****Bingo
Palace AMER 20th 36 NOVEL 40 -- 1995
- 80 Louise Erdrich 5 *Tales of
Burning Love AMERICAN 20th 47 NOVEL 43 -- 1999
- 85 Louise Erdrich 6 *The Antelope
Wife AMERICAN 20th 34 NOVEL 32 -- 2000
- 62 Louise Erdrich 7 **Last Report on the Miracles at Little No
Horse AMERICAN 20th 42 NOVEL 31 -- 2001
Erik Ericksen
- 30 Erik Erikson 1 Young Man Luther
20/14 AMER PSY3 -- 1966
Steve Erickson
- 41 Steve Erickson 1 **Days Between
Stations 20/30 AMER NOVEL 19 -- 1987
- 63 Steve Erickson 2 *Rubicon Beach
20/48 AMER NOVEL 24 --1987
- 29 Steve Erickson 3 *Tours of the
Black Clock 25 AMER NOVEL 15 -- 1990
- 23 Steve Erickson 4 Leap Year 13
AMER HISTORY 2 -- 1991
- 53 Steve Erickson 5 ***Arc d'X AMER
20th 39 NOVEL 40 -- 1996
- 34 Steve Erickson 6 *Amnesiascope
AMER 20th 26 NOVEL 13 -- 1997 review
- 62 Steve Erickson 7 ***The Sea Came
in at Midnight AMER 20th 39 NOVEL 35 -- 1999 review
- 15 Steve Erickson 8 Our Ecstatic Days AMERICAN
21st NOVEL 9 -- 2006
- 72 Steve Erickson 9 ***Zeroville AMERICAN 21st 9
NOVEL 35 -- 2009
- 40 Steve Erickson 10 ***These Dreams of You AMERICAN
21st 17 NOVEL 31 -- 2012
Annie Ernaux
- 58 Annie Ernaux 1 Le Jeune Homme [en francais] FRENCH 21st 2
NOVEL 45 -- 2022
- 12 Annie Ernaux 2 L'Evenement FRENCH 21st 1 NOVEL 12 --
- 19 Annie Ernaux 3 Memoire de Fille FRENCH 21st 2 NOVEL 16 --
Jenny Erpenbeck
- 43 Jenny Erpenbeck 1 ***The End of Days GERMAN 21st 1 NOVEL 18
-- 2018
- 15 Erskine 1 Private Life of Helen
of Troy 20/3 AMER N8 -- 1962
Jane Espenson
- 1 ed. Jane Espenson 1Finding Serenity AMERICAN 21st 1 ESSAYS 1
Laura Esquivel
- 84 Laura Esquivel 1 Like Water for
Chocolate MEXICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 31 -- 2000
George Ethredge
- 68 George Ethredge 1 The Man of
Mode 17/20 ENG PL35 -- 1967
Jeffrey Eugenides
- 15 Jeffrey Eugenides 1 ****Middlesex AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 9
-- 2004
- 16 Jeffrey Eugenides 2 The Virgin Suicides 21st 6 NOVEL 10 --
- 102 Jeffrey Eugenides 3 ***The Marriage Plot AMERICAN 21st 22
NOVEL 61 -- 2011
- 26 Euripides 1 Iphigenia in Taurus
BC/3 GRE PL1 -- 1958, 1970, 2011
- 26 Euripides 2 Medea BC/5 GRE PL6
-- 1961, 1971
- 50 Euripides 3 The Bacchae BC/2 GRE
PL25 -- 1969, 2018
- 68 Euripides 4 Heracles BC/6 GRE
PL31 -- 1969
- 80 Euripides 5 Iphigenia at Aulis
BC/9 GRE PL36 -- 1969
- 29 Euripides 6 Orestes BC/3 GRE PL8
-- 1970
- 33 Euripides 7 Helen BC/4 GRE PL10
-- 1970
- 35 Euripides 8 The Phoenician Women
BC/6 GRE PL12 -- 1970
- 36 Euripides 9 The Trojan Women
BC/7 GRE PL13 -- 1970, 2022
- 37 Euripides 10 Andromache BC/8 GRE
PL14 -- 1970, 2001, 2022
- 47 Euripides 11 The Cyclops [saw
the play in Cambridge, UK] GREEK BC 1 PLAY 1 -- 2022
- 65 Euripides 12 Hecuba GREEK
BC 1 PLAY 11 -- 2022
- 31 Eusebius 1 The History of the
Church PALESTINE 4th 1 HISTORY 1 -- ?, 2021
Michel Faber
- 111 Michel Faber 1 The Crimson and the White 21st
ENGLISH 5 NOVEL 56 -- 2002
- 53 Michel Faber 2 *The Book of Strange New Things BRITISH 21st
6 NOVEL 41 -- 2014
- 3 Donald Fanger 1 Dostoevsky and
Romantic Realism 20/3 AMER CR1 -- 1971
Nancy Farmer
- 87 Nancy Farmer 1 *The House of the Scorpion AMERICAN 21st 22
FANTASY 38 -- 2005
Philip Jose Farmer
- 32 Philip Jose Farmer 1 ***To Your
Scattered Bodies Go 20/16 AMER SF --1980
- 33 Philip Jose Farmer 2 The
Fabulous Riverboat 20/17 AMER SF-- 1980
- 31 Jose Philip Farmer 3 Barnstormer
in Oz 20/22 AMER SF4 -- 1983
- 80 Philip Jose Farmer 4 Riders of the Purple Wage
(in The Hugo Winners - Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 11 SCIFI 8 -- 2007
Elena Farrante
- 9 Elena
Farrante 1 My Brilliant Friend ITALIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 6 -- 2016
- 67 Farquhar 1 The Beaux Stratagem
17/13 ENG PL29 -- 1968
David Farr
- 61 David Farr 1 Dead Body in Taos [saw the play in
London] BRITISH 21st 11 PLAY 9 -- 2022
William Faulkner
- 20 William Faulkner 1 The Rievers
20/6 (his last novel) AMER N9 -- 1962
- 30 William Faulkner 2 The
Unvanquished 20/6 AMER N11 -- 1964
- 26 William Faulkner 3 The Sound
& the Fury 20/5 AMER N8 -- 1965
- 34 William Faulkner 4 As I Lay
Dying 20/17 AMER N9 -- 1966
- 39 William Faulkner 5 Requiem for a
Nun 20/19 AMER N11 -- 1966
- 22 William Faulkner 6 Sanctuary
20/6 AMER N7 -- 1967
- 6 William Faulkner 7 Absalom,
Absalom! 20/1 AMER N1 -- 1970
- 46 William Faulkner 8 The Wishing
Tree 20/13 AMER N22 -- 1970
- 49 William Faulkner 9 Light in
August 20/14 AMER N25 -- 1970
- 12 William Faulkner 10 The Bear
20/2 AMER N11 -- 1972
- 9 William Faulkner 11 Go Down,
Moses 20th ENG4 NOVEL5 -- 1994
- 121 William Faulkner 12 *The Hamlet
(part of the Snopes trilogy) (published 1931, set c. 1905)
AMERICAN 20th 39 NOVEL 47 -- 2000
- 122 William Faulkner 13 *The Town
(part of the Snopes trilogy) (published 1957 set c. 1905-1925)
AMERICAN 20th 40 NOVEL 48 -- 20001 William Faulkner 14 *The
Mansion (part of the Snopes trilogy) (published 1955 set c.
1908-1946) AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2001
- 5 William Faulkner 15 **Intruder in
the Dust (part of the Snopes trilogy) (published 1948, set c.
1946) AMERICAN 20th 4 NOVEL 4 -- 2001
- 6 William Faulkner 16 Knight's
Gambit (part of the Snopes trilogy) (published 1949, set c.
1940-42) AMERICAN 20th 5 SHORT STORIES -- 2001
- 9 William Faulkner 17 Old Man
AMERICAN 20th 8 NOVEL 6 -- 2001
- 10 William Faulkner 18 If I Forget
Thee, Jerusalem (The Wild Palms) AMERICAN 20th 9 NOVEL 7 -- 2001
- 22 William Faulkner 19 -- (awful)
Soldiers' Pay (his first novel) AMERICAN 20th 13 NOVEL 14 --
- 24 William Faulkner 20 - Mosquitoes
(his second novel) AMERICAN 20th 14 NOVEL 15 -- 2001
- 25 William Faulkner 21 *Flags in
the Dust (his third novel), (published 1927, set c. 1918-1927,
Sartoris and Snopes) AMERICAN 20th 15 NOVEL 16 -- 2001
- 3 William Faulkner 26 Collected Stories AMERICAN 20th 2
STORIES 1 -- 2003
- 4 William Faulkner 27 Pylon AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL1 -- 2003
- 11 William Faulkner 28 [???] A Fable AMERICAN 20th 3
NOVEL 6 -- 2003
Sebastian Faulks
- 2 Sebastian Faulks 1 Birdsong
ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 1998
- 16 Sebastian Faulks 2 On Green Dolphin Street AMERICAN 21st 6
NOVEL 9 -- 2003
Lucien Febvre
- 8
Lucien Febvre 1 Life in Renaissance France FRENCH 20th 1
HISTORY 1 -- 2020
David Feldman
- 4 David Feldman 1 Nature's Gambit
20/4 AMER PSY1 -- 1987
- 19 David Feldman 2 Beyond
Universals in Cognitive Development 20/15 AMER PSY2 -- 1987
Nancy Felson
- 7
Nancy Felson 1 Regarding Penelope AMERICAN 20th 1 CRITICISM 1
-- 2021, 2024
Elizabeth Fenton
- 26 Elizabeth Fenton Public
Testimony 20/18 AMER POET -- 1975
Charles Ferguson
- 66 Charles Ferguson 1 High Stakes,
No Prisoners AMERICAN 20th 29 INTERNET 5 -- 2000 review
Marilyn Ferguson
- 44 Marilyn Ferguson 1 The Aquarian
Conspiracy 20/25 AMER ED4 -- 1986
- 22 Ferlinghetti 1 Coney Island of
the Mind 20/12 AMER P5 --1966
- 22 Richard Feynman 1 Surely You're
Joking 21 AMER BIO1 -- 1990
- 20 Richard Feynman 2 Six Easy
Pieces AMERICAN 20th 5 SCIENCE 2 -- 2023
Jasper Fforde
- 29 Jasper Fforde 1 The Eyre Affair ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 12 --
- 30 Jasper Fforde 2 *Lost in a Good Book ENGLISH 21st 5 NOVEL
23 -- 2004
- 55 Jasper Fforde 3 The Well of Lost Plots ENGLISH 2st 7 NOVEL
41 -- 2004
- 5 Syd Field 1 Screenplay 4 AMER
MOV1 -- 1990
- 7 Syd Field 2 Selling a Screenplay
6 AMER MOV3 -- 1990
- 18 Syd Field 3 The Screenwriter's
Workbook 17 AMER MOV5 -- 1990
Henry Fielding
- 6 Henry Fielding 1 Joseph Andrews
18/1 ENG N5 -- 1963
- 52 Henry Fielding 2 Tom Thumb 18/1
ENG PL19 -- 1964
- 3 Henry Fielding 3 Shamela 18/1 ENG
- 20 Henry Fielding 4 Jonathan Wild [electronic book]
ENGLISH 18th 1 NOVEL 10 -- 2003
- 55 Henry Fielding 2 **** Tom Jones ENGLISH 18th 1 NOVEL 29 --
A. J. Finn
- 81 A. J. Finn **The Woman in the Window AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL
25 -- 2019
Jack Finney
- 19 Jack Finney 1 Time & Again
20/17 AMER SF6 -- 1981
- 55 Jack Finney 2 From Time to Time
AMER 20th 35 NOVEL 39 -- 1995
- 26 Carrie Fischer 1 Postcards from
the Edge 23 AMER N12 -- 1990
F. Scott Fitzgerald
- 47 F. Scott Fitzgerald 1 Beautiful
& the Damned 20/12 AMER N19 -- 1964
- 32 F. Scott Fitzgerald 2 **** The
Great Gatsby 20/16 AMER N7 -- 1966, 2011
- 37 F. Scott Fitzgerald 3 Babylon
Revisited & Other Stories24 AMER ST3 --1991
- 53 F. Scott Fitzgerald 4 *** Tender is the Night
AMERICAN 20th 12 NOVEL 27 -- 2011
- 54 F. Scott Fitzgerald 5 * This Side of Paradise
AMERICAN 20th 13 NOVEL 28 -- 2011
Penelope Fitzgerald
- 71 Penelope Fitzgerald 1 The Gate of Angels ENGLISH 20th 9
NOVEL 34 -- 2001
- 91 Penelope Fitzgerald 2 *The Book Shop ENGLISH 20th 10 NOVEL
39 -- 2001
- 92 Penelope Fitzgerald 3 ** The Beginning of Spring English
20th 11 NOVEL 40 -- 2001
- 7 Penelope Fitzgerald 4 *Innocence ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL
1 -- 2002
- 27 Penelope Fitzgerald 5 *Offshore ENGLISH 20th 3 NOVEL 7 --
- 31 Penelope Fitzgerald 6 **Human Voices ENGLISH 20th 4 NOVEL 8
-- 2002
- 32 Penelope Fitzgerald 7 The Means of Escape ENGLISH 21st 1
- 36 Penelope Fitzgerald 8 At Freddie's ENGLISH 20th 7 NOVEL 12
-- 2002
- 39 Penelope Fitzgerald 9 *The Golden Child ENGLISH 20th 9
NOVEL 14 -- 2002
- 40 Penelope Fitzgerald 10 *The Blue Flower ENGLISH 20th 10
NOVEL 15 -- 2002
Richard Flannagan
- 20 Richard Flannagan 1
Gould's Book of Fish AUSTRALIAN 21st 2 NOVEL 11 -- 2022
Gustav Flaubert
- 4 Gustave Flaubert 1 Madame Bovary
19/1 FREN N3 -- 1961, 1972, 2023
- 60 Gustave Flaubert 2 Trois Contes
(francais) 19/4 FREN ST2 -- 1964
- 4 Gustave Flaubert 3 La Tentation
de Saint Antoine 19/1 FREN N -- 1974
- 34 Gustave Flaubert 4 Salammbo
FRENCH 19th 1 NOVEL 24 -- 2023
Ian Fleming
- 23 Ian Fleming 1 From Russia with
Love 1 ENG N9 --1992
- 35 Fletcher/Beaumont 1 Knight of
Burning Pestle 17/2 ENG PL12 -- 1967
- 38 Fletcher/Beaumont 2 King &
No King 17/3 ENG PL15 -- 1967
- 13 Beaumont/Fletcher 3 Maid's
Tragedy 17/2 ENG PL5 -- 1969
Gregory Fletcher
- 31 Gregory Fletcher 1 (performance, Boston Center for the
Arts) Uploaded AMERICAN 21st 10 PLAY 6 -- 2015
Kathy Flower
- 48 Kathy Flower 1 Culture Smart: China AMERICAN
21st 6 TRAVEL 1 -- 2011
David Foenkinos
- 59 David Foenkinos 1 *****Le Mystere Henri Pick 21st FRENCH 2
NOVEL 26 -- 2018
- 71
David Foenkinos 2 La Delicatesse FRENCH 21st 3 NOVEL 32
-- 2018
- 90 David Foenkinos 3 *** Vers la beaute [en francais] FRENCH
21st 1 NOVEL 32 -- 2019
- 91 David Foenkinos 4 *** Charlotte [en francais] FRENCH 21st 2
NOVEL 33 -- 2019
- 92 David Foenkinos 5 *** Deux Soeur [en francais] FRENCH 21st
3 NOVEL 34 -- 2019
- 106 David Foenkinos 6 ***Le Potentiel Erotique de ma Femme [en
francais] FRENCH 21st 4 NOVEL 35 -- 2019
Joshua Foer
- 62 Joshua Foer 1 *****Moonwalking with Einstein AMERICAN 21st
27 SCIENCE 3 -- 2012
Ken Follett
- 6 Ken Follett 1 The Man from St.
Petersburg 20/5 AMER N2 --1983
- 88 Fonvizin 1 Nedorosl (po russkii)
18/3 RUSS PL42 -- 1968
Ford Madox Ford
- 35 Ford Madox Ford 1 The Good
Soldier 20/6 ENG N -- 1979
John Ford
- 43 John Ford 1 Broken Heart 17/8
ENG PL20 -- 1967
Richard Ford
- 45 Richard Ford 1 The Sportswriter
20/34 AMER N20 -- 1987
- 4 Richard Ford 2 ****Canada
AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 3 -- 2013
- 36 Fordham 1 Intro to Jung's
Psychology 20/10 ENG PSY1 -- 1965
- 13 Carl Foreman 1 High Noon
(screenplay) 12 AMER SP1 -- 1990
- 48 Forster 1 A Passage to India
20/5 ENG N24 -- 1970
- 53 E.M. Forster 2 A Room with a View ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 24
-- 2003
- 35 Frederick Forsyth 1 The Day of
the Jackal 20/5 ENG SU -- 1980
Robert Forward
- 7 Robert Forward 1 Dragon's Egg
20/7 AMER SF2 -- 1981
- 8 Robert Forward 2 Timemaster AMER2
SF4 -- 1993
Michel Foucault
- 26 Michel Foucault 1 History of
Sexuality Vol. I 20/1 FREN HI3 --1981
Friedrich de la Motte Fouque
- 17 Friedrich de la Motte Fouque 1 Undine GERMAN 19th 1 ROMANCE
2 --2018
Karen Joy Fowler
- 31 Karen Joy Fowler 1 **The Jane Austen Book Club AMERICAN
21st 10 NOVEL 24 -- 2004
John Fowles
- 33 John Fowles 1 ****The Magus BRITISH 20th 6 NOVEL 6 -- 2019
- 58 John Fowles 2 The Collector BRITISH 20th 7 NOVEL 16 -- 2019
- 7
John Fowles 3 ***The French Lieutenant's Woman BRITISH 20th 1
NOVEL 4 -- 2020
Anatole France
- 54 Anatole France 1 Thais FREN 20th
1 NOVEL -- 1973
- 38 Anatole France 2 Les Dieux On Soif [in French] FRENCH 20th
1 NOVEL 25 -- 2006
- 54 Anatole France 3 Penguin Island FRENCH 20th 3 NOVEL 43 --
- 23 Anatole France 4 Thais (in French) FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 12
-- 2014
- 9 Frankl 1 Man's Search for Meaning
20/1 AUST PSY2 -- 1971
Benjamin Franklin
- 27 Benjamin Franklin 1 Autobio of
Ben Franklin 18/1 AMER BIO1 -- 1961
- 2 Benjamin Franklin 2 Poor
Richard's Almanac AMERICAN 18th 1 PROVERBS 1 -- 2018
Sarah Franklin
- 74 Sarah Franklin 1 Daughter of Troy AMERICAN 20th 46 NOVEL 36
-- 2001
- 1 Frankopan 1
The Silk Roads BRITISH 21st 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2017
Jonathan Franzen
- 70 Jonathan Franzen 1 *The
Twenty-Seventh City AMERICAN 20th 47 NOVEL 30 -- 1997
- 87 Jonathan Franzen 2 *The Corrections AMERICAN 20th 47 NOVEL
37 -- 2001
- 42 Jonathan Franzen 3 **Freedom AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 25 --
- 42 Jonathan Franzen 4 *Purity AMERICAN 21st 16
NOVEL 26 -- 2015
George Fraser
- 93 George MacDonald Fraser 1
Flashman's Lady ENGLISH 20th 5 NOVEL 45 -- 1998
Charles Frazier
- 30 Charles Frazier 1 *Cold Mountain
AMERICAN 20th 13 NOVEL 16 -- 1998
- 69 Charles Frazier 2 **Thirteen Moons AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL
41 -- 2006
- 17 Derek Freeman 1 Margaret Mead
& Samoa 13 AMER ANTHROPOLOGY 1--1992
Tana French
- Tana French 1 ****The Likeness IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 4 -- 2010
- 23 Tana French 2 ****In the Woods IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 16 --
- 71 Tana French 3 **** Faithful Place IRISH 21st 2 NOVEL
35 -- 2011
- 12 Tana French 4 **Broken Harbor IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 10
-- 2013
- 56 Tana French 5 ****The Secret Place IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 43 --
- 33 Tana French 6 ****The Trespasser IRISH 21st 1 MYSTERY 1 --
- 115 Tana French 7 The Witch Elm BRITISH 21st 9 NOVEL 38
-- 2019
- 72
Tana French 8 The Searcher IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 34
-- 2020
- 15
Tana French 9 The Hunter IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 4 --2024
Sigmund Freud
- 12 Sigmund Freud 1 Contributions to
Theory of Sex 20/1 AUST SC1 -- 1963
- 14 Sigmund Freud 2 Totem &
Taboo 20/2 AUST SC2 -- 1963
- 16 Sigmund Freud 3 Hist. of
Psychoanalytic Movement 20/3 AUST SC3 -- 1963
- 11 Sigmund Freud 4 Intro to
Psychoanalysis 20/1 AUST PSY2 -- 1966
- 75 Sigmund Freud Civilization and
its Discontents 20/2 AUST PSY2 -- 1970, 1972
- 12 Friedman 1 Pogromchik 20/7 AMER
HIST -- 1978
Kinky Friedman
- 15 Kinky Friedman 1 Spanking Watson
AMERICAN 20th 5 HUMOR 2 -- 2000
Richard Elliott Friedman
- 7 Richard Elliott Friedman 1 Who
Wrote the Bible? AMER 20th 5 HISTORY 2 -- 1997
- 20 Frisch 1 Homo Faber (deutsch)
20/2 GER N7 -- 1967
- 49 Frisch 2 Graf Oderland (deutsch)
20/4 GER PL24 -- 1967
Jean Fritz
- 11 Jean Fritz 1 Cast for a
Revolution 20/9 AMER HIST -- 1975
- 69 Jean Fritz 2 * Homesick CHINESE 20th 1/AMERICAN 20th 18
BIOGRAPHY 9 -- 2011
Eric Fromm
- 1 Erich Fromm 1 The Art of Loving
20/1 AMER PSY1 -- 1971
- 29 J. William Frost The Quaker
Family in Colonial America 20/20 AMER HIST -- 1975
- 64 Fry 1 A Phoenix too Frequent
20/15 ENG PL23 -- 1965
Northrop Frye
- 9 Northrop Frye 1 Anatomy of
Criticism 20/1 CAN CR1 -- 1968
- 17 Fukuyama 1 The End of History
and the Last Man AMER 20th8 ESSAY3 -- 1995
- 66 Fancis Fukuyama 2 **The Great
Disruption AMER 20th 41 ESSAY 3 -- 1999
- 40 Robert Fulghum All I Really Need
to Know I Learned in Kindergarten 20/18 AMER ES1 -- 1988
Buckminster Fuller
- 53 Buckminster Fuller 1 Operating
Manual for Spaceship Earth 20/39 AMER ES5 -- 1987
Charles Fuller
- 11 Charles Fuller 1 A Soldier's
Play 7 AMER PL1 -- 1992
- 32 Fulop-Miller 1 Rasputin: the
Holy Devil 20/1 GER BIO3 -- 1972
Emile Gaboriau
- 12 Emile Gaboriau 1 (on CD) (on Kindle) L'Argent
des Autres (in French) FRENCH 19th 1 NOVEL 9 -- 2009
William Gaddis
- 10 William Gaddis 1 The
Recognitions 20/6 AMER N -- 1978
- 17 William Gaddis 2 Carpenter's
Gothic 20/13 AMER N5 -- 1987
- 43 William Gaddis 3
****JR AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 33 -- 2012
Eleni Gage
- 16 Eleni Gage 1 Other Waters AMERICAN 21st 2 -- 2012
Neil Gaiman
- 1 Neil Gaiman 1 American Gods AMERICAN 21st 1
NOVEL 1 -- 2011, 2017
- 5 Neil Gaiman 2 Neverwhere
AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 3 -- 2017
- 55
Neil Gaiman 3 ***** The Ocean at the End of the Lane BRITISH
21st 2 NOVEL 28 -- 2020
- 61
Neil Gaiman 4 ***Anansi Boys BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 32 -- 2020
Mavis Gallant
- 87 Mavis Gallant 1 ***Paris Stories CANADIAN 21st 1 SHORT
STORIES 3 -- 2011
John Galsworthy
- 57 John Galsworthy 1 The Man of Property ENGLISH 20th 2 NOVEL
28 -- 2003
Santiago Gamboia
- 37 Santiago Gamboa 1 Necropolis COLOMBIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 30 --
Georgi Gapon
29 Father
Gapon 1 The Story of My Life RUSSIAN 20th 1 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2024
Jane Gardam
- 92 Jane Gardam 1 ***Old Filth BRITISH 21st 7 NOVEL 52 -- 2009
John Gardner
- 26 John Gardner 1 The Sunlight
Dialogues 20/19 AMER N -- 1977
- 30 John Gardner 2 Nickel Mountain
20/23 AMER N-- 1979
- 31 John Gardner 3 October Light
20/24 AMER N -- 1979
- 39 John Gardner 4 Grendel AMER 20th
23 NOVEL 26 -- 1995
Alex Garland
- 8 Alex Garland 1 The Beach AMER
20th 6 NOVEL 3 --1997
Ortega y Gasset
- 29 Ortega y Gasset 1 Dehumanization
of Art 20/1 SPAN CR5 -- 1968
de Gaulle
- 38 De Gaulle 1 Le fil de l'epee
20/7 FREN HIS4 -- 1963
Theophile Gautier
- 15 Theophile Gautier 1 Mademoiselle
de Maupin (fran.) 19/5 FREN N13 -- 1972
- 18 Theophile Gautier 2 Le Roman de
la Momie (fran.) 19/6 FREN N14 -- 1972
John Gay
- 64 John Gay 1 The Beggar's Opera
18/2 ENG PL31 -- 1967
Rimpoche Nawang Gehlek
- 75 Rimpoche Nawang Gehlek 1 Good Life, Good Death: Tibetan
Wisdom on Reincarnation TIBETAN 21st 1 RELIGION 5 -- 2003
Annie Proulx
Jean Genet
- 53 Jean Genet 1 Le Balcon 20/4 FREN
PL20 -- 1968
- 28 Gelernt 1 L'Heptameron 20/7 AMER
CR3 -- 1970
Adele Geras
- 71 Adele Geras 1 Troy ENGLISH 21st 4 NOVEL 38 -- 2002
David Gerrold
- 6 David Gerrold 1 The Trouble with
Tribbles 20/4 AMER PLAY -- 1976
- 4 David Gerrold 2 Yesterday's
Children 20/4 AMER SF -- 1980
Amitav Ghosh
- 36 Amitav Ghosh 1 ****Sea of Poppies INDIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 25 --
- 38 Amitav Ghosh 2 River of Smoke INDIAN 21st 2 NOVEL 26 --
- 50 Amitav Ghosh 3 **The Hungry Tide INDIAN 21st 3 NOVEL 39 --
- 16 Louis Giannetti Understanding
Movies 20/4 AMER ES1 -- 1973
Edward Gibbon
- 82 Edward Gibbon 1 (on CD) (on Kindle) The
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. 1 of 6 ENGLISH 18th 1
HISTORY 12 -- 2002
- 100 Edward Gibbon 2 (on CD) (on Kindle) The
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. 2 of 6 ENGLISH 18th 2
HISTORY 13 -- 2002
- 107 Edward Gibbon 3 (on CD) (on Kindle) The
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. 3 of 6 ENGLISH
18th 3 HISTORY 14 -- 2002
- 27 Edward Gibbon 4 (on CD) (on Kindle) The Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire, vol. 4 of 6 BRITISH 18th 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2008
- 43 Edward Gibbon 5 (on CD)(on Kindle) The Decline and Fall of
the Roman Empire, vol. 5 of 6 BRITISH 18th 3 HISTORY 4 -- 2008
Kay Gibbons
- 100 Kaye Gibbons 1 A Virtuous Woman
AMERICAN 20th 66 NOVEL 50 -- 1997
William Gibson
- 19 William Gibson 1 Neuromancer 1
CAN SF2 -- 1992
- 21 William Gibson 2 and Bruce
Sterling 1 The Difference Engine 2 CAN SF3 --1992
- 22 William Gibson 3 Mona Lisa
Overdrive 3 CAN SF4 -- 1992
- 21 William Gibson 4 **Pattern Recognition AMERICAN 21st 7
NOVEL 15 -- 2004
- 63 William Gibson 5 Spook Country AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL 25 --
- 81 Gibson, William 6 Zero History AMERICAN 21st 15
NOVEL 42 -- 2011
Andre Gide
- 7 Andre Gide 1 La Symphonie
Pastorale (francais) 20/3 FREN N6 -- 1963
- 33 Andre Gide 2 L'Immoraliste 20/4
- 49 Andre Gide 3 Les Faux-Monnayeurs
(francais) 20/6 FREN N16 -- 1965
- 52 Andre Gide 4 Journal des
Faux-Monnayeurs (fran) 20/9FREN CR1 --1965
Gilbert and Sullivan
- 18 Gilbert and Sullivan 1 [ebook] The Gondoliers ENGLISH 19th
4 PLAY 1 -- 2007
- 19 Gilbert and Sullivan 2 [ebook] The Grand Duke ENGLISH 19th
5 PLAY 2 -- 2007
- 20 Gilbert and Sullivan 3 [ebook] HMS Pinafore ENGLISH 19th 6
PLAY 3 -- 2007
- 21 Gilbert and Sullivan 4 [ebook] Iolanthe ENGLISH 19th 7 PLAY
4 -- 2007
- 26 Gilbert and Sullivan 6 [ebook] The Pirates of Penzance
ENGLISH 19th 10 PLAY 6 --2007
Cherry Gilchrist
- 30 Cherry Gilchrist 1 Theosophy:
The Wisdom of the Ages AMER 20th 23 RELIGION/HISTORY 5 -- 1997
Ellen Gilchrist
- 34 Ellen Gilchrist 1 **Light Can Be
Both Wave and Particle AMER 20th 21 SHORT STORIES 3 -- 1995
Tom Gilling
7 Tom Gilling 1 Sooterkin AUSTRALIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 5 -- 2008
Charlotte Gilman
- 3 Charlotte Gilman 1 Herland AMERICAN 19th SATIRE 1 -- 2006
Allen Ginsberg
- 18 Ginsberg 2 Howl 20/5 AMER P5 --
Jean Giono
- 62 Jean Giono Colline (in French) FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 52
-- 2013
George Gissing
- 38 George Gissing 1 (on CD) (on Kindle) ****New Grub Street
ENGLISH 19th 8 NOVEL 24 -- 2009
Malcolm Gladwell
- 56 Malcolm Gladwell 1 *** Blink AMERICAN 21st 7 ESSAYS 7 --
- 59 Malcolm Gladwell 2 ** The Tipping Point AMERICAN 21st 10
ESSAYS 9 -- 2011
Julia Glass
- 42 Julia Glass 1 Three Junes AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL 32 -- 2004
- 25 James Gleick 1 ***Chaos AMERICAN
20th SCIENCE 2 -- 1989
- 54 James Gleick 2 ***Genius
AMERICAN 20th 34 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 1997
- 60 James Gleick 3 What Just Happened AMERICAN 21st 13 INTERNET
1 -- 2005
- 93 James Gleick 4 Faster AMERICAN 20th 24 INTERNET 2 -- 2005
- 94 James Gleick 5 ***The Information AMERICAN 21st 20
COMPUTING 1 -- 2011
- 81
James Gleick 6 ***Isaac Newton AMERICAN 21st 19
BIOGRAPHY 6 -- 2020
C. S. Godshalk
- 15 C. S. Godshalk 1 ***Kalimantaan American 20th 3 NOVEL 13 --
Gail Godwin
- 46 Gail Godwin 1 ***The Good
Husband AMER 20th 35 NOVEL 34 -- 1996
- 80 Gail Godwin 2 Father
Melancholy's Daughter AMERICAN 20th 54 NOVEL 35
- 31 Goethe 1 Faust Part 1 19/3 GER
PL9 -- 1963
- 9 Goethe 2 Faust, Part 2 19/2 GER
PL4 -- 1964
- 42 Goethe 3 Sorrows of Young
Werther 19/3 GER N17 -- 1964, 1972
- 70 Goethe 4 Hermann und Dorothea
(auf deutsch) 18/5 GER PL33 -- 1969
- 1 Goethe (repeat) Leiden des Jungen
Werthers (auf deutsch) 18/1 GER N1 -- 1969
- 3 Goethe 5 Iphigenie auf Taurus
(auf deutsch) 19/1 GER PL2 -- 1970
- 30 Goethe (repeat) Faust, part 2
(deutsch) 19/2 GER PL9 -- 1970
- 24 Goethe (repeat) Faust, part 1
(auf deutsch) 19/1 GER PL6 -- 1970
- 44 Goethe 6 Elective Affinities GERMAN 19th 2 NOVEL 26 -- 2009
Nikolai Gogol
- 22 Nikolai Gogol 1 Dead Souls 19/2
RUSS N11 -- 1962
- 38 Gogol 2 Revizor (russkii) 19/1
RUSS PL1 -- 1972
- 4 Nikolai Gogol 3 Mirgorod 19/1
RUSS ST1 -- 1973
Arthur Golden
- 2 Arthur Golden ***Memoirs of a
Geisha AMER20th 2 NOVEL 1 -- 1998
William Golding
- 21 William Golding 1 The Lord of
the Flies 20/2 ENG N10 -- 1962
- 28 William Golding 2 Pincher Martin
20/6 ENG N9 -- 1965
- 16 William Golding 3 Darkness
Visible 20/1 ENG N9 -- 1981
- 35 William Golding 4 **The Double
Tongue BRITISH 20th 1 NOVEL 20 -- 2015
Francisco Goldman
- 78 Francisco Goldman 1 ***The
Ordinary Seaman AMERICAN 20th 52 NOVEL 34 -- 1997
- 94 Francisco Goldman 2 ***The Long
Night of the White Chickens AMERICAN 20th 62 NOVEL 46 -- 1997
Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr.
- 19 Arthur Goldschmidt, Jr. A Brief History of Egypt AMERICAN
21st 7 HISTORY 1 -- 2010
Oliver Goldsmith
- 70 Oliver Goldsmith 1 She Stoops to
Conquer 18/6 ENG PL37 -- 1967
Nancy Goldstone
- 24 Nancy Goldstone 1 Four Queens: The Provencal Sisters
Who Ruled Europe AMERICAN 21st HISTORY 1 -- 2012
Barry Goldwater
- 3 Barry Goldwater 1 Conscience of a
Conservative 20/1 AMER HIS1 -- 1964
- 15 Witold Gombrowicz 1 Cosmos 20/2
POL N7 -- 1971
- 15 Witold Gombrowicz 2 Ferdydurke
20/1 POL N -- 1975
J. B. Goodenough
- 16 J. B. Goodenough 1 ***Milking in November AMERICAN 21st 3
POETRY 1 -- 2015
Allegra Goodman
- 9 Allegra Goodman 1 Kaaterskill Falls AMERICAN 20th 2
NOVEL 3 -- 2002
Nadine Gordimer
- 48 Nadine Gordimer 1 None to
Accompany Me S. AFRICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 36 -- 1996
Jaimy Gordon
- 7 Jaimy Gordon 1 Shamp of the
City-Solo 20/5 AMER N -- 1976
Mary Gordon
- 15 Mary Gordon 1 Final Payments
20/11 AMER N --1979
Maxim Gorky
- 28 Maxim Gorky 1 A Sky-Blue Life
& Other Stories 20/1 RUSS ST1 -- 1971
- 59 Gorky 2 Mother 20/8 RUSS N38 --
- 65 Gorky 3 Ispoved (russki) 19/14
RUSS N42 -- 1972
- 7 Maxim Gorky 4 My Childhood 20/2
RUSS BIO3 -- 1973
- 3 Maxim Gorky 5 In the World 20/3
RUSS BIO -- 1974
- 17 Maxim Gorky 6 My Universities
20/6 RUSS BIO -- 1974
Rene Gosciny
- 8 Rene Goscinny 1 *Le Petit Nicolas (en francais) French 20th
2 NOVEL 4 -- 2012
Stephen Jay Gould
- 17 Stephen Jay Gould 1 Ever Since
Darwin 20/11 AMER SCIENCE 2 --1988
- 6 Stephen Jay Gould **Full House
AMER 20th 4 SCIENCE 1 -- 1997 review
Loren Graham
- 39 Loren Graham 1 and Jean-Michel Kantor Naming Infinity
AMERICAN 21st 16 SCIENCE-- 2023
Gunter Grass
- 53 Gunter Grass 1 **Cat and Mouse
20/5 GER N12 -- 1967
- 69 Gunter Grass 2 **Dog Years 20/2
GER N17 -- 1968
- 65 Gunter Grass 3 Local Anaesthetic
20/2 GER N31 -- 1970
- 84 Gunter Grass 4 Tin Drum GERMAN
20th 1 NOVEL 38 -- 1997
Robert Graves
- 58 Robert Graves 1 Poems 1938-1945
20/6 ENG P3 -- 1970
- 74 Robert Graves 2 **Homer's
Daughter ENGLISH 20th 6 NOVEL 40 -- 1999
- Robert Graves 3 **I, Claudius
ENGLISH 20th 4 NOVEL 4 -- 2000
- 18 Robert Graves 4 *Claudius the
God ENGLISH 20th 5 NOVEL 5 -- 2000
Fergindand Greorovius
- 41 Ferdinand Gregorovius 1 Lucretia Boria ITALIAN 16th 3
BIOGRAPHY 5 -- 2011
Stephen Greenblatt
- 1 Stephen Greenblatt 1 ***The Swerve AMERICAN 21st 1
ESSAY 1 -- 2014
Brian Greene
- 36 Brian Greene 1 ***The Elegant Universe AMERICAN 20th 22
SCIENCE 1 review -- 2001
- 63 Brian Greene 2 ****The Fabric of the Cosmos AMERICAN 21st
15 SCIENCE 1 -- 2005
- 20 Brian Greene 3 *****The Hidden Reality AMERICAN 21st 4
SCIENCE 1 -- 2011
- 27
Brian Greene 4 ***Until the End of Time AMERICAN 21st 6
SCIENCE 2-- 2021
Graham Greene
- 41 Graham Greene 1 The Quiet
American 20/2 ENG 5 N17 -- 1970
- 28 Graham Greene 2 **Our Man in
Havana ENG 20th NOVEL 20 -- 1996
- 29 Graham Greene 3 *The Honorary
Consul ENG 20th 2 NOVEL 21 -- 1996
- 30 Graham Greene 4 The Heart of the
Matter ENG 20th 3 NOVEL 22 -- 1996
- 31 Graham Greene 5 The Shipwrecked
ENG 20th 4 NOVEL 23 -- 1996
- 30 Graham Greene 6 ***The Comedians
20th 2 NOVEL 26 -- 2013
- 31 Graham Greene 7 **The End of the
Affair BRITISH 20th 3 NOVEL 27 -- 2013
Robert Greene
- 67
Robert Greene 1 Menaphon BRITISH 16th 1 POEM 1 -- 2018
John Gribbin
- 7 John Gribbin 1 In Search of
Schroedinger's Cat 20/5 AMER SC1 -- 1985
- 55 John Gribbin 2 In Search of the
Big Bang 20/8 ENG PHY2 -- 1987
- 22 John Gribbin 3 The Search for
Superstrings AMER 20th 16 SCIENCE 1 -- 1999
- 29 John Gribbin 4 In Search of the Double Helix
AMERICAN 20th 5 SCIENCE 1 -- 2008
- 21 Paul Grabbe 1 Windows on the
River Neva 20/3 RUSS HIS7 -- 1983
- 17 Mitch Grannunzio 1 Second Sight
(screenplay) 16 AMER SP5 -- 1990
John Grisham
- 10 John Grisham 1 *The Pelican
Brief AMER4 N4 -- 1993
- 11 John Grisham 2 *The Firm AMER5
N5 -- 1993
- 116 John Grisham 3 - [bad] The Summons 21st AMERICAN 10 NOVEL
59 -- 2002
- 5 John Grisham 4 --- [terrible] Skipping Christams AMERICAN
21st 1 NOVEL 2 -- 2003
- 1 John Grisham 5 [the ending doesn't work] The Appeal
AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2009
- 9 John Grisham 6 The Whistler
AMERICAN 21st NOVEL 5 -- 2017
- 19 John Grisham 7 Camino Island
AMERICAN 21st 6 NOVEL 8 == 2017
David Grossman
- 58 David Grossman 1 ***To the End of the Land ISRAELI 21st 1
NOVEL 48 --2013
Lev Grossman
- 42 Lev Grossman 1 The Magicians AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL
32 -- 2012
Vassily Grossman
- 8 Vassily Grossman 1 **Life and
Fate 20th RUSS1 NOVEL4 --1994
Michael Gruber
- 17 Michael Gruber 1 ****The Forgery of Venus AMERICAN 21st 6
NOVEL 13 -- 2011
Sara Gruen
- 118 Sara Gruen 1 ****Water for Elephants AMERICAN 21st 21
NOVEL 37 -- 2007
Faisa Guene
- 61 Faisa Guene 1 Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow FRENCH 21st 1 NOVEL 36
-- 2006
G.I. Gurdieff
- 76 G.I. Gurdjieff 1 Meetings with Remarkable Men
RUSSIAN 2 20th BIOGRAPHY 5 -- 2001
- 49 Gurney 1 The Hittites 20/8 ENG
HIS7 -- 1964
David Guterson
- 73 David Guterson 1 **Snow Falling
on Cedars AMERICAN 20th 49 NOVEL 32 --1997
- 39 David Guterson 2 **East of the
Mountains AMER 20th 28 NOVEL 22 -- 1999
- 94 David Guterson 3 Our Lady of the Forest AMERICAN 21st 24
NOVEL 12 -- 2005
- 38 Guthrie 1 The Greeks & Their
Gods 20/4 ENG ESS8 -- 1971
John Habberton
- 11 John Habberton 1 Helen's Babies AMERICAN 20th 3 CHILDREN--
Mark Haddon
- 29 Mark Haddon 1 ***The Curious Incident of the Dog in the
Night-Time ENGLISH 21st 4 NOVEL 22 -- 2004
John Hagel
- 57 John Hagel & Arthur
Armstrong Net Gain: Expanding Markets Through Virtual
Communities AMERICAN 20th 37 BUSINESS 3 -- 1997
von Hagen
- 9 Von Hagen 1 The World of the Maya
AMERICAN 20th 4 HISTORY 1 -- 1961
- 10 Von Hagen 2 The Aztec: Man and
Tribe AMERICAN 20th 5 HISTORY 2 -- 1961
H. Rider Haggard
- 41 H. Rider Haggard 1 King
Solomon's Mines ENGLISH 19th 1 NOVEL 23 -- 1999
- 37 H. Rider Haggard 2 She [electronic book] ENGLISH 19th 3
NOVEL 15 -- 2003
- 38 H. Rider Haggard 3 Ayesha (sequel to She) [electronic book]
ENGLISH 19th 4 NOVEL 16 -- 2003
Joe Haldeman
- 28 Joe Haldeman 1 The Forever War
- 109 Joe Haldeman 2 *Tricentennial (in The Hugo Winners
Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 31 SCIFI 28
-- 2007
Benjamin Hale
- 77
Benjamin Hale 1 The Evolution of Bruno Littlemore AMERICAN
21st NOVEL 37 -- 2018
Brian Hall
- 90 Brian Hall 1 **The Saskiad
AMERICAN 20th 38 NOVEL 44 -- 1998
Linda Hall
- 27 Linda Hall 1 **Margaret's Peace
CANADIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 13 -- 1998
- 35 Linda Hall 2 November Veil
CANADIAN 20th 2 MYSTERY 4 --1998
- 81 Linda Hall 3 August Gamble
CANADIAN 20th 4 MYSTERY 10 -- 1998
- 34 Linda Hall 4 **Island Refuge
CANADIAN 20th 1 MYSTERY 3 -- 1999
- 23 Linda Hall 5 **Katheryn's Secret
CANADIAN 1 20th MYSTERY 2 -- 2000 review
- 46 Linda Hall 6 **Sadie's Song CANADIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 28 --
2001 review
- 59 Linda Hall 7 *Steal Away CANADIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 30 --
Oakley Hall
- 10 Oakley Hall 1 Ambrose Bierce and the Trey of Pearls
AMERICAN 21st 6 MYSTERY 1 -- 2007
- 27 Oakley Hall 2 Ambrose Bierce and the Ace of Shoots AMERICAN
21st 7 MYSTERY 5 -- 2007
Richard Hall
- 6 Richard Hall 1 Stanley ENGLISH
20th 4 HISTORY -- 1977
Richard Halliburton
- 85
Richard Halliburton 1 Complete Book of Marvels Volume 1
AMERICAN 20th 9 GEOGRAPHY 1 -- 2018
- 86
Richard Halliburton 2 Complete Book of Marvels Volume 2
AMERICAN 20th 10 GEOGRAPHY 2 -- 2018
Lisa Halliday
- 36 Lisa Halliday 1 *****Asymmetry AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL 12 --
Pete Hamill
- 128 Pete Hamill 1 Forever AMERICAN 21st 22 NOVEL 39
Edith Hamilton
- Edith Hamilton The Greek Way
AMERICAN 20th ESSAY -- before high school and in high school
Jane Hamilton
- 20 Jane Hamilton 1 ****A Map of the
World AMERICAN 20th 11 NOVEL 12 -- 1995
- 74 Jane Hamilton 2 **The Book of
Ruth AMERICAN 20th 50 NOVEL 33 -- 1997
Dashiell Hammett
- 34 Dashiell Hammett 1 The Thin Man
20/17 AMERICAN MYSTERY 4 -- 1986
- 62 Dashiell Hammett 2 Red Harvest
AMERICAN 20th 24 MYSTERY 8 -- 1998
- 63 Dashiell Hammett 3 The Maltese
Falcon AMERICAN 20th 25 MYSTERY 9 -- 1998
Knut Hamsun
- 14 Knut Hamsun 1 Hunger 19/1 NOR N
Catherine Hanley
- 42
Catherine Hanley ***Matilda: Empres, Queen, Warrior BRITISH
21st 2 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2021
Kirstin Hannah
- 70 Kristin Hannah 1 ***The NIghtingale AMERICAN 21st 9 NOVEL
17 -- 2019
Sophie Hannah
- 53 Sophie Hannah 1 [Terrible] The Wrong Mother AMERICAN 21st
23 NOVEL 42 -- 1012
Brooks Hansen
- 37 Brooks Hansen 1 ***The Chess
Garden (intriguing, worth reading a second time) AMERICAN 20th
16 NOVEL 19 -- 1998
Yval Noah Harari
- 4 Yuval Noah Harari 1 ISRAELI 21st ESSAY 1 -- 2016
Sidney Harcave
- 27 Sidney Harcave 1 First Blood
20/20 AMER HIST -- 1979
Paul Harding
- 17 Paul Harding 1 (minus **, terrible) Tinkers AMERICAN 21st 6
NOVEL 14 -- 2010
Thomas Hardy
- 3 Thomas Hardy 1 Mayor of
Casterbridge 19/2 AMER N3 -- 1962
- 37 Thomas Hardy 2 Tess of the
D'Urbervilles 19/3 ENG N -- 1979
- 6 Thomas Hardy 3 Jude the Obscure
19/1 ENG N -- 1980
- Thomas Hardy 4 Return of the Native
19 ENG N -- 1980
Deborah Harkness
- 50 Deborah Harkness 1 A Discovery of Witches AMERICAN
21st 21 NOVEL 40 -- 2012
- 55 Deborah Harkness 2 Shadow of Night AMERICAN 21st 24 NOVEL
44 -- 2012
Kyle Harper
- 38
Kyle Harper 1 ***The Fate of Rome AMERICAN 21st 8 HISTORY 1 --
Joanne Harris
- 92 Joanne Harris 1 *Chocolat
ENGLISH 20th 9 NOVEL 36 -- 2000
- 26 Joanne Harris 2 Blackberry Wine ENGLISH 21st 3 NOVEL 19 --
- 16 Joanne Harris 3 ****The Girl With No Shadow BRITISH 21st 3
NOVEL 12 -- 2011
Frazer Harrison
- 24 Frazer Harrison 1 Dark Angel
(Aspects of Victorian Sexuality) 20/3 ENG HI1 -- 1981
Harry Harrison
- 4 Harry Harrison 1 The Stainless
Steel Rat 20/1 AMER SF1 -- 1986
- 9 Harry Harrison 2 The Stainless
Steel Rat's Revenge20/4 AMER SF2 -- 1986
- 10 Harry Harrison 3 The Stainless
Steel Rat Saves the World 20/5 AMER SF3 -- 1986
Jim Harrison
- 27 Jim Harrison 1 ***The Beast God Forgot to Invent AMERICAN
21st STORIES 2 -- 2003
Bret Harte
- 43 Bret Harte 1 The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Tales
[electronic book] AMERICAN 19th 5 STORIES 5 -- 2003
Jim Hartman
- 15 Jim Hartman 1 Letters (at
Zoetrope Screenplays) AMER 20th 12 SCREENPLAY 4 -- 1999
Samantha Harvey
- 3 Samantha Harvey Orbital AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL? 2 --
Jaroslav Hasek
- 62 Jarosav Hasek 1 The Fateful
Adventures of the Good Soldier Svejk, Book One CZECH 20th 1
NOVEL 22 -- 2000
Gerhardt Hauptmann
- 26 Gerhart Hamptmann Das
Friedensfest (deutsch) 19/6 GER PL12 -- 1969
- 19 Stratis Haviaras 1 The Heroic
Age* 20/1 GREEK N7 -- 1986
- 30 John Hawkes 1 The Lime Twig
20/10 AMER N -- 1974
- 17 John Hawkes 2 The Passion Artist
20/11 AMER N5 -- 1984
Stephen Hawking
- 4 Stephen Hawking 1 A Brief History
of Time 20/1 ENG SCI1 -- 1989
- 17 Stephen Hawking 2 The Grand Design BRITISH 21st 1 -- 2012
Paula Hawkins
- 27 Paula Hawkins 1 ****The Girl on the Train BRITISH 21st 1
NOVEL 17 -- 2015
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- 17 Nathaniel Hawthorne 1 Scarlet
Letter 19/1 AMER N10 -- 1963, 2019
- 2 Nathaniel Hawthorne 2 Portable
Hawthorne (13 stories) 19/1 AMER ST -- 1978
- 14 Nathaniel Hawthorne 3 Blithedale
Romance` 19/1 AMER N5 --1988
- 15 Nathaniel Hawthorne 4 House of
the Seven Gables 19/2 AMER N6 -- 1988
- 61 Nathaniel Hawthorne 5 The Whole History of Grandfather's
Chair (New England History 1620-1808) [electronic book] AMERICAN
19th 1 HISTORY 6 -- 2001
- 35 Nathaniel Hawthorne 10 The Portable Hawthorne (the short
stories) AMERICAN 19th 1 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2019
44 Nathaniel Hawthorne 6 The Great Stone Face [electronic book]
AMERICAN 19th 6 STORIES 6 -- 2003
45 Nathaniel Hawthorne 7 The Snow Image [electronic book] AMERICAN
19th 7 STORIES 7 -- 2003
46 Nathaniel Hawthorne 8 Mosses from an Old Manse [electronic
book] AMERICAN 19th 8 STORIES 8 -- 2003
- 47 Nathaniel Hawthorne 9 Twice-Told Tales [electronic book]
AMERICAN 19th 9 STORIES 9 -- 2003
Mo Hayder
- 48 Mo Hayder 1 ** Poppet BRITISH 21st 6 NOVEL 37 -- 2014
- 39 ed. Hayes 1 Claude Levi-Strauss:
Anthropological Hero 20/9 AMER CR4 -- 1970
Cynthia Haynes
- 55 ed. Cynthia Haynes and Jan Rune
Holmevik High Wired: On the Design, Use, and Theory of
Educational MOOs AMERICAN 20th 22 INTERNET 3 review -- 1998
Seamus Heaney
- 11 Seamus Heaney 1 Crediting Poetry
IRISH 20th 1 ESSAY 1 -- 1997
Lafcadio Hearn
- Lafcadio Hearn 1 In Ghostly Japan JAPANESE 20th 1 ESSAYS 4 --
- Lafcadio Hearn 2 Japan An Attempt at Interpretation JAPANESE
20th 2 ESSAY 5 -- 2010
- 13 Ladcadio Hearn 3 Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of
Strange Things JAPANESE 20th 1 ESSAYS 1 -- 2011
Anthony Hecht
- 21 Anthony Hecht 1 The Hard Hours
20/6 AMER P4 -- 1968, 1972
- 77 Hegel 1 The Spirit of
Christianity 19/9 GER PH4 -- 1969
- 12 Thomas Heggen Mister Roberts 8
AMER PL2 -- 1992
- 16 Martin Heiddegger 1 On the Way
to Language 20/1 GER PHL1
- 9 Robert Heilbronner 1 The Worldly
Philosophers 20/2 AMER ECON --1974, 2024
Heidi Heilig
21 Heidi Heilig The Girl from Everywhere
AMERICAN 21st 7 NOVEL 17 -- 2023
64 Heliodorus 1 An Ethiopian Romance GREEK 2nd 1 NOVEL 46 --
Heinrich Heine
- 23 Heinrich Heine 1 Die Harzreise
(deutsch) 19/4 GER N7 -- 1969
Robert Heinlein
- 47 Robert Heinlein 1 Stranger in a
Strange Land 20/33 AMER SF -- 1979
- 46 Robert Heinlein 2 Farnham's Freehold AMERICAN 20th 12
FANTASY 21 -- 2006
Joseph Heller
- 67 Joseph Heller 1 Catch-22 20/24
AMER N33 -- 1970
- 33 Joseph Heller 2 Closing Time
AMER 20th 23 NOVEL 24 -- 1996
Lillian Hellman
- 21 Lillian Hellman 1 Little Foxes
20/13 AMER PL2 -- 1985
- 11 Lillian Hellman 2 The Children's
Hour (performance)20/9 AMER PL1 -- 1988
Mark Helprin
- 36 Mark Helprin 1 **Memoir from an
Antproof Case AMER 20th 25 NOVEL 27 -- 1996
- 29 Mark Helprin 2 ***Winter's Tale
AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 18 -- 2014
Ernest Hemingway
- 44 Ernest Hemingway 1 Farewell to
Arms 20/6 AMER N13 -- 1965, 2011
- 74 Ernest Hemingway 2 Old Man &
the Sea 20/13 AMER N24 -- 1965
- 54 Ernest Hemingway 3 For Whom the
Bell Tolls 20/17 AMER N20 -- 1971
- 60 Ernest Hemingway **** 4 The Sun
Also Rises 20/15 AMER N -- 1973, 1979, 2011
- 62 Ernest Hemingway 5 The Green
Hills of Africa 20/16 AMER ST -- 1973
- 36 Ernest Hemingway **** 6 A
Moveable Feast 20/19 AMER BIOGRAPHY --1986, 2011, 2017
- 5 Ernest Hemmingway 7 Complete
Short Stories 4 AMER ST2 -- 1991
- 51 Ernest Hemingway 8 To Have and To Have Not
AMERICAN 20th 10 NOVEL 26 -- 2011
- 62 Ernest Hemingway 9 True at First Light AMERICAN
20th 17 NOVEL 32 -- 2011
Greer Hendricks
- 78 Greer Hendricks 1 and Sarah Pekkanen 1 The Wife Between us
AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL 22 -- 2019
Emily Henry
- 28 Emily Henry 1 Book Lovers AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL 16 -- 2022
O. Henry
- 11 O. Henry 1 Gentle Grafter 20/2
AMER ST1 -- 1962
- 19 O. Henry 2 Whirligigs 20/5 AMER
ST2 -- 1962
- 3 O.Henry 3 The Four Million 20/2
AMER HUM -- 1979
- 50 O. Henry 4 The Ransom of Red
Chief 20/38 AMER ST2 -- 1987
- 97 O. Henry 5 Sixes and Sevens AMERICAN 19th 1 SHORT STORIES 3
-- 2005
- 98 O. Henry 6 The Heart of the West AMERICAN 19th 2 SHORT
STORIES 4 -- 2005
- 99 O. Henry 7 The Trimmed Lamp AMERICAN 19th 3 SHORT STORIES 5
-- 2005
G.A. Henty
- 58 G.A. Henty 1 The Lion of the North [electronic book]
ENGLISH 19th 7 NOVEL 29 -- 2003
- 76 G.A. Henty 2 *Won by the Sword [electronic book] ENGLISH
19th 8 NOVEL 37 -- 2003
Frank Herbert
- 38 Frank Herbert 1 Dune 20/28 AMER
SF -- 1977
- 40 Frank Herbert 2 Dune Messiah
20/29 AMER SF -- 1977
- 41 Frank Herbert 3 Children of Dune
20/30 AMER SF -- 1977
- 29 Frank Herbert 4 The Dosadai
Experiment 20/22 AMER SF -- 1979
- 40 Frank Herbert 5 Whipping Star
20/27 AMER SF -- 1979
- 46 Frank Herbert 6 Hellstrom's Hive
20/32 AMER SF -- 1979
- 22 Frank Herbert 7 Bill Ransom 1
The Jesus Incident 20/12 AMER SF -- 1980
- 36 Frank Herbert 8 Destination Void
20/21 AMER SF8 --1981
- 33 Frank Herbert 9 God, Emperor of
Dune 20/18 AMER SF7 -- 1982
- 9 Frank Herbert 10 The Lazarus
Effect 20/7 AMER SF4 -- 1985
- 56 Frank Herbert 11 The Eyes of
Heisenberg 20/41 AMER SF7 -- 1987
- 57 Frank Herbert 12 Soul Catcher
20/42 AMER N22-- 1987
Martin Herman
- 48 Martin Herman 1 The Jefferson Files AMERICAN 21st 15 NOVEL
19 -- 2018
- 4 Herodotus 1 ***The History (AKA
-- The Persian Wars) GREEK BC 1 HISTORY 1 -- 1997
John Hersey
- 1 John Hersey 1 The Child Buyer
20/1 AMER N1 -- 1966
- 40 John Hersey 2 Too Far to Walk
20/20 AMER N12 -- 1966
- 15 John Hersey 3 A Single Pebble
20/9 AMER N6 -- 1985
- 37 John Hersey 4 A Bell for Adano*
20/20 AMER N14 --1986
- 38 John Hersey 5 Hiroshima 20/21
AMER HIS1 -- 1986
- 41 Hesiod 1 Works and Days BC/6
GREEK POETRY 3 -- 1971, 2006
- 45 Hesiod 2 Theogony BC/7 GREEK
POETRY 4 -- 1971, 2006, 2021
- 45 Hesiod 3 The Catalogues of Women and the Eoiae 8th Century
BC 3 POETRY 4 --2006
Herman Hesse
- 6 Herman Hesse 1 *Journey to the
East 20/1 GER N3 -- 1964
- 18 Herman Hesse 2 *Magister Ludi
20/2 GER N6 -- 1964
- 67 Herman Hesse 3 ***Siddhartha
20/1 GER N23 -- 1965
- 55 Herman Hesse 4 **Demian 20/2 GER
N20 -- 1966
- 61 Herman Hesse 5 **Steppenwolf
20/6 GER N15 -- 1967
- 81 Herman Hesse 6 **Narziss und
Goldmund (auf deutsch) 20/3 GER N18 -- 1968
- 69 Herman Hesse 7 Unterm Rad (auf
deutsch) 20/3 GER N35 -- 1970
- 18 Hermann Hesse 8 Knulp 20th GERM1
NOVEL10 -- 1994
- 71 Hermann Hesse 9 Rosshalde GERMAN
1 20th NOVEL 27 -- 2000
Claire Heywood
- 68 Claire Heywood 1 Daughters of Sparta AMERICAN 21st 23 NOVEL
49 -- 2022
Carl Hiaase
- 3 Carl Hiaasen 1 Stormy Weather AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 2
-- 2013
Oscar Hijuelos
- 26 Oscar Hijuelos 1 **Mambo Kings
Sing Songs of Love 15 AMER N7 --1991
- 3 Oscar Hijuelos 2 Our House in the
Last World 3 AMER N2 --1992
- 21 Oscar Hijuelos 3 **Empress of
the Splendid Season AMER 20th 15 NOVEL 13 -- 1999
- 45 Oscar Hijuelos 4 *** The
Fourteen Sisters of Emilio Montez O'Brien AMER 20th 32 NOVEL 25
-- 1999
- 65 Oscar Hijuelos 5 **A Simple Habana Melody AMERICAN 21st 6
NOVEL 34 -- 2002
- 83 Oscar Hijuelos 6 **Mr. Ives' Christmas AMERICAN 20th 26
NOVEL 44 -- 2002
Bridget Hill
- 24 Bridget Hill 1 The Republican Virago (Catharine Macaulay)
BRITISH 20th 5 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2019
Tony Hillerman
- 73 Tony Hillerman 1 Dance Hall of the Dead AMERICAN 20th 18
MYSTERY 12 -- 2005
- 79 Tony Hillerman 2 A Thief of Time AMERICAN 20th 22 MYSTERY
13 -- 2005
Suzanne Hinman
- 40
Suzanne Hinman 1 The Grandest Madison Square Garden AMERICAN
21st 7 HISTORY 2 -- 2020
Russell Hoban
- 33 Russell Hoban 1 Pilgermann 20/6
ENG N15 -- 1984
- 3 Russell Hoban 2 Riddley Walker
20/1 ENG N1 -- 1985
- 3 Russell Hoban 3 ***Turtle
Diary*** 20/1 ENG N1 -- 1987
- 24 Russell Hoban 4 The Medusa
Frequency 5 ENG N5 -- 1991
- 46 Russell Hoban 5 Her Name Was Lola ENGLISH 21st 6
NOVEL 35 -- 2004
David Hodges
- 5 David Hodges 1 From Village Green
(on the Web) AMER 20th 4 POETRY 1 -- 1998
Peter Hoeg
- 9 Peter Hoeg 1 ***Smilla's Sense of
Snow DANISH 20th 1 NOVEL 8 -- 1996
- 20 Peter Hoeg 2 *The History of
Danish Dreams DANISH 20th 1 NOVEL 6 -- 1997
- 38 Peter Hoeg 3 The Woman and the
Ape DANISH 20th 2 NOVEL 16 -- 1997
- 46 Peter Hoeg 4 *Borderliners
DENMARK 20th 3 NOVEL 23 -- 1997
- 1 Benjamin Hoff 1 **The Tao of Pooh
20th ENG1 ESSAY1 -- 1994
Banesh Hoffman
- 49 Banesh Hoffman 1 Strange Story
of the Quantum 20/37 AMER PHY1 -- 1987
Alice Hoffman
- 23 Alice Hoffman 1 ***The Marriage of Opposites AMERICAN 21st
8 NOVEL 4 -- 2018
- 31 Alice Hoffman 2 The Dovekeepers AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL 23
-- 2023
E.T.A. Hoffmann
- 17 E.T.A. Hoffmann 1 Der Goldene
Topf (deutsch) 19/2 GER N4 -- 1969
- 33 E.T.A. Hoffman 2 ***The Best Tales of Hoffman GERMAN 19th 1
- 31 Douglas Hofstadter 1 &
Daniel Dennett 1The Mind's I 20 AMER SCI1 --1991
- 25 Hofstadter 2 **Godel, Escher,
Bach AMER11 SCI1 -- 1993
James Hogan
- 18 James Hogan 1 **Inherit the
Stars 20/4 ENG SF -- 1979
- 20 James Hogan 2 Gentle Giants of
Ganymede 20/5 ENG SF -- 1979
- 45 James Hogan 3 The Genesis
Machine 20/6 ENG SF -- 1979
- 17 James Hogan 4 Two Faces of
Tomorrow 20/3 ENG SF -- 1980
- 19 James Hogan 5 Thrice Upon a Time
20/4 ENG SF -- 1980
- 20 Jim Hogan 6 Giants' Star 20/2
ENG SF7 -- 1981
- 29 James Hogan 7 Voyage from
Yesteryear 20/3 ENG SF3 --1982
- 22 James Hogan 8 Code of the Life
Maker 20/15 AMER SF4 -- 1984
- 6 James Hogan 9 The Proteus
Operation 20/1 ENG SF2 -- 1987
- 15 James Hogan 10 Minds, Machines,
& Evolution 20/13 AMER ST1 -- 1989
- 35 James Hogan 11 Endgame Enigma 22
AMER SF3 -- 1991
- 36 James Hogan 12 Infinity Gambit
23 AMER N11 -- 1991
- 36 James Hogan 13 Out of Time AMER
20th 22 NOVEL 24 -- 1995
- 41 James Hogan 14 *Realtime
Interrupt AMER 20th 25 NOVEL 28 -- 1995
- 89 James Hogan 15 *Bug
Park AMERICAN 20th 48 SCIFI 1 -- 2001
- 50 James Hogan 16 **Cradle of Saturn AMERICAN 20th 13 FANTASY
23 -- 2005
- 51 James Hogan 17 The Anguished Dawn AMERICAN 21st 12 FANTASY
24 -- 2005
- 66 James Hogan 18 Entoverse AMERICAN 20th 14 FANTASY 31 --
- 67 James Hogan 19 ** Mission to Minerva AMERICAN 21st 18
FANTASY 32 -- 2005
- 68 James Hogan 20 ****Paths to Otherwhere AMERICAN 20th 15
FANTASY 33 -- 2005
- 71 James Hogan 21 ****Multiplex Man AMERICAN 20th 17 FANTASY
34 -- 2005
James Hogg
- 9 James Hogg 1 (on CD) (on Kindle) The Private Memoirs and
Confessions of a Justified Sinner SCOTTISH 19th 1 NOVEL 6 --
Florence Holbrook
- 15 Florence Holbrook 1 (on CD) (on Kindle) Northland Heroes
AMERICAN 19th 3 SAGA 1 -- 2009
- 47 Holderlin 1 Empedocles (deutsch)
19/7 GER PL24 -- 1969
- 72 Holderlin 2 Hyperion (deutsch)
19/8 GER N19 -- 1969
Edmond Holmes
- 57 Edmond Holmes 1 Albigensian
Heresy 20/3 ENG HIS1 -- 1967
- 63 Uvo Holscher 1 Empedokles und
Holderlin (deut.) 20/6 GER CR7 -- 1969
Tom Holt
- 5 Tom Holt 1 *Olympiad AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 1 -- 2002
- 14 Homer 1 The Iliad (Pope
translation) GREEK BC 1 NOVEL 11 -- 1958, 1961
- 15 Homer 2 The Odyssey (Butcher and
Lang translation) GREEK BC 2 NOVEL 12 -- 1958
- 44 Homer ***The Iliad (Fagles translation) GREEK BC 1 NOVEL 26
-- 2001
- 66 Homer ***The Odyssey (Fagles translation) GREEK BC 2 NOVEL
32 -- 2001, 2021
- 46 Homer 3 The Epic Cycle 8th Century BC 4 NOVEL 30 -- 2006
- 39 Homer 4 Homeric Hymns Greek BC1 POETRY 1 -- 2007,
- 3 Homer The Iliad, Lattimore
translation GREEK BC 1 NOVEL 2 -- 2023
Jason Hook
- 70 Jason Hook 1 The Apaches AMERICAN 20th 17 HISTORY 2 -- 2005
- 11 Israel Horovitz 1 First Season
20/1 AMER PLAY 1 -- 1972
- 37 Horowitz 1 How to Win in the
Chess Openings 20/25 AMER CHESS 2 -- 1984
Khaded Hosseini
- 4 Khaled Hosseini 1 The Kite Runner AFGHAN 21st 1 NOVEL 3 --
- 48 Khaled Hosseini 2 **** A Thousand Splendid Suns AFGHAN 21st
2 NOVEL 17 -- 2007
- 28 Khaled Hosseini 3 ****And the Mountains Echoed 21st AFGHAN
1 NOVEL 24 -- 2013
Michel Houellebecq
- 22
Michel Houellebecq Soumission [en francais] FRENCH 21st
1 NOVEL 13 -- 2021
- 45 Michel Houellebecq 2 Serotonine [en francais] FRENCH 21st 1
NOVEL 41 -- 2022
Robert Howard
- 84 Robert Howard 2 Duke of Lerma
17/23 ENG PLAY 40 -- 1968
Roy Howard
- 5 Roy J. Howard 1 Three Faces of Hermeneutics
AMERICAN 20th 1 PHILOSOPHY 1 -- 2022
George Howe
23 George Howe Mathematics for the Practical Man
BRITSH 20th 2 MATH ! -- 2023
Dean Howells
- 2 Dean Howells 1 Rise of Silas
Lapham 19/1 AMER N2 -- 1962
Hugh Howey
- 26 Hugh Howey 1 Wool AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 22 -- 2013
David Huddle
- 20 David Huddle 1 **Intimates AMER
20th 16 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 1996
Carl Huffakker
- 13 Carl Huffakker 1 Cowboy and
Cossack 20/11 AMER N8 -- 1989
Victor Hugo
- 33 Victor Hugo 1 Ruy Blas 19/2 FREN
PL14 -- 1964
- 7 Victor Hugo 2 Notre-Dame de Paris
(francais) 19/2 FREN N7 -- 1972
- 30 Victor Hugo 3 Les Miserables*
Part I Fantine (francais) 19/1 FREN N -- 1976
- 31 Victor Hugo 4 Les Miserables*
Part II Cosette (francais) 19/2 FREN N -- 1976
- 1 Victor Hugo 5 Les Miserables*
(vol. 2 of 3) en francais 19/1 FREN N -- 1979
- 22 Victor Hugo 6 Les Miserables*
(concluding volume) en francais 19/2 FREN N -- 1979
- 40 Victor Hugo 7 Quatrevingt-treize [in French] FRENCH
19th 1 NOVEL 27 -- 2006
- 35 Victor Hugo 8 The Man Who Laughed FRENCH 19th 2 NOVEL
25 -- 2023
- 32 Johann Huizinga 1 The Waning of
the Middle Ages 20/1 NETH HI6 -- 1981
- 18 Keri Hulme 1 The Bone People
20/1 NZ N7 --1988
Charles Humana
- 11 Charles Humana 1 The Keeper of
the Bed 20/2 ENG HI -- 1980
Aldous Huxley
- 41 Aldous Huxley 1 Point
Counterpoint 20/7 AMER N19 -- 1963
- 48 Aldous Huxley 2 Brave New World
20/5 ENG N22 -- 1963
- 2 Aldous Huxley 3 Brave New World
Revisited 20/1 ENG N2 -- 1964
- 24 Aldous Huxley 4 Ape and Essence
20/4 ENG N9 -- 1964
- 75 Aldous Huxley 5 Genius & the
Goddess 20/16 ENG N25 -- 1965
- 21 Aldous Huxley 6 Island 20/3 ENG
- 24 Hyginus 1 Fabulae ROMAN BC 1 MYTHOLOGY 1 -- 2018
- 37 Ibanez 1 **The Blood of the Arena SPANISH 20th 1
NOVEL 21 -- 2011
Heinrik Ibsen
- 23 Heinrik Ibsen 1 Ghosts 19/1 NOR
PL3 -- 1963
- 92 Henrik Ibsen 2 A Doll's House NORWEGIAN 19th 1 PLAY 7 --
- 93 Henrik Ibsen 3 Hedda Gabler NORWEGIAN 19th 2 PLAY 8 -- 2002
- 97 Henrik Ibsen 4 Rosmersholm NORWEGIAN 19th 3 PLAY 9 -- 2002
- 56 Henrik Ibsen 5 John Gabriel Borkman [saw the play in
London] NORWEGIAN 19th 1 PLAY 6 -- 2022
Ilf and Petrov
- 59 Ilya Ilf and Yevgeniy Petrov 1
The Twelve Chairs RUSSIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 20 -- 2000
- 40 Ivan Illich 1 Deschooling
Society 20/23 AMER ED3 -- 1986
- 24 Pascal James Imperato 1 They
Married Adventure AMERICAN 10 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 1993
- 32 Pascal James Imperato 2 *Quest
for the Jade Sea AMERICAN 20th 16 HISTORY 2 -- 2000 review
Jesse Inchape
- 38 Jessie Inchaspe 1 Glucose Revolution AMERICAN 21st 15
SCIENCE 4 -- 2023
- 50 Ionesco 1 L'Impromptu de l'Alma
(fran.) 20/5 FREN PL17 -- 1964
- 26 Ionesco 2 Les Chaises (francais)
20/1 FREN PL5 -- 1966
- 27 Ionesco 3 La Lecon (francais)
20/2 FREN PL6 -- 1966
- 29 Ionesco 4 La Cantatrice Chauve
(francais) 20/3 FREN PL7 -- 1966
- 21 Ionesco 5 Le Rhinoceros
(francais) 20/4 FREN PL1 -- 1967
John Irving
- 22 John Irving 1 ****The World
According to Garp* 20/16 AMER N -- 1978
- 12 John Irving 2 The Water-Method
Man 20/8 AMER N -- 1979
- 24 John Irving 3 158-Pound Marriage
20/17 AMER N -- 1979
- 36 John Irving 4 Hotel New
Hampshire, 20/21 AMER N19 -- 1982
- 18 John Irving 5 ****Cider House
Rules* 20/9 AMER N6 --1986
- 5 John Irving 6 ***Prayer for Owen
Meany 20/4 AMER N3 -- 1989
- 46 John Irving 7 ***A Son of the
Circus AMER 20th 29 NOVEL 32 -- 1995
- 19 John Irving 8 **Trying to Save
Piggy Sneed AMER 20th 15 ESSAYS 2 -- 1997 review
- 50 John Irving 9 ****A Widow for
One Year AMERICAN 20th 19 NOVEL 26 -- 1998 review
- 86 John Irving 10 My Movie Business
AMERICAN 20th 48 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 1999
- 57 John Irving 11 The Fourth Hand AMERICAN 20th 39 NOVEL 31 --
- 86 John Irving 12 **Until I Find You AMERICAN 21st 21 NOVEL 12
-- 2005
- 83 John Irving 13 ***Last Night in Twisted River AMERICAN 21st
15 NOVEL 45 -- 2009
- 6 John Irving 14 *****In One Person AMERICAN 21st
3 NOVEL 5 -- 2013
- 5 John Irving 15 Avenue of Mysteries AMERICAN 21st NOVEL
2 -- 2016
Walter Isaacson
- 8 Walter Isaacson 1 Steve Jobs AMERICAN 21st 4 BIO 1 --
Moses Isegawa
- 37 Moses Isegawa 1 *Abyssinian Chronicles UGANDA 20th 1 NOVEL
24 -- 2001
Kazuo Ishiguro
- 17 Kazuo Ishiguro 1 *** Remains of
the Day ENG9 N9 -- 1993
- 48 Kazuo Ishiguro 1 **The
Unconsoled ENGLISH 20th 2 NOVEL 24 -- 1997
- 21 Kazuo Ishiguro 3 **When We Were
Orphans ENGLISH 20th 3 JAPANESE 20th 2 -- 2001
- 54 Kazuo Ishiguro 4 *An Artist of the Floating World JAPANESE
20th 1 NOVEL 25 -- 2003
- 34 Kazuo Ishiguro 5 A Pale View of Hills JAPANESE 20th
1/ENGLISH 20th 2 NOVEL 26 -- 2004
- 13 Kazuo Ishiguro 6 ****Never Let Me Go ENGLISH 21st 2 NOVEL 7
-- 2006
- 73 Kazuo Ishiguro 7 **Nocturnes BRITISH 21st 3 SHORT
STORIES 1 -- 2009
- 40 Kazuo Ishiguro 8 The Buried Giant BRITISH 21st 3
NOVEL 24 -- 2015
- 13
Kazuo Ishiguro *****Klara and the Sun BRITISH 21st 1
NOVEL 8 -- 2021
Vyacheslav Ivanov
- 55 Vyacheslav Ivanov 1 Dostoevsky:
Freedom & Tragic Life 20/4 RUSS CR4 -- 1969
- 76 J. The Sensuous Woman 20/29 AMER
PSY3 -- 1970
Alex Jack
- 12 Alex Jack The Adamantine
Sherlock Holmes 20/9 AMER MYS -- 1976
Robert Louis Jackson
- 53 Robert L. Jackson 1 Dostoevsky's
Quest for Form 20/16 AMER CR5 -- 1970
Shirley Jackson
- 45
Shirley Jackson 1 ***The Lottery and Other Stories AMERICAN
20th 3 STORIES 3 -- 2020
- 57
Shirley Jackson 1 The Haunting of Hill House AMERICAN 20th 5
NOVEL 29 -- 2020
Howard Jacobson
- 3 Howard Jacobson 1 J BRITISH 21st 1 NOVEL 1 --
Noemi Jaffe
- 39
Noemi Jaffe 1 What Are the Blind Men Dreaming?
BRAZILIAN 21st 1 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2020
E. L. James
- 28 E. L. James 1 Fifty Shades of Grey AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 21
-- 2012
- 29 E. L. James 2 Fifty Shades Darker AMERICAN 21st 9 NOVEL 22
-- 2012
- 30 E. L. James 3 Fifty Shades Freed AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 23
Henry James
- 20 Henry James 1 The American 19/2
AMER N12 -- 1963
- 11 Henry James 2 The Spoils of
Poynton 19/1 AMER N3 -- 1968
- 2 Henry James 3 The Aspern Papers
19/1 AMER N -- 1976
- 37 Henry James 4 The Turn of the
Screw 19/2 AMER ST --1978, 2009
- 24 Henry James 5 Hawthorne 19/2
AMER BIO1 -- 1987
- 26 Henry James 6 The Europeans 19
AMER12 N13 -- 1993
- 13 Henry James 7 (on CD) (on Kindle) ***Daisy Miller
AMERICAN 19th 1 NOVEL 10 -- 2009
- 14 Henry James 8 (on CD) (on Kindle) *What Maisy Knew AMERICAN
19th 2 NOVEL 11 -- 2009
- 20 Henry James 9 (on CD) (on Kindle) Washington Square
AMERICAN 19th 6 NOVEL 14 -- 2009
- Henry James 10 **** Portrait of a Lady, Volume 1 AMERICAN 19th
1 NOVEL 22 -- 2011
- Henry James 11 **** Portrait of a Lady, Volume 2 AMERICAN 19th
2 NOVEL 23 -- 2011
- 4 Henry James 12 The Ambassadors, Volume 1 AMERICAN 19th
1 NOVEL 2 -- 2015
- 5 Henry James 13 The Ambassadors, Volume 2 AMERICAN 19th
2 NOVEL 3 -- 2015
- 6 Henry James 14 The Lesson of the Master AMERICAN 19th
3 NOVEL 4 -- 2015
- 7 Henry James 15 Madame de Mauve AMERICAN 19th 4 NOVEL 5
-- 2015
- 8 Henry James 16 The Beast of the Jungle AMERICAN 19th 5
NOVEL 6 -- 2015
- 10 Henry James 17 An International Episode AMERICAN 19th 6
NOVEL 8 -- 2015
- 11 Henry James 18 The Art of Fiction AMERICAN 19th 7 ESSAY 1
-- 2015
- 13 Henry James 19 The Author of Beltraffio AMERICAN 19th 7
NOVEL 10 - 2015
- 17 Henry James 20 Partial Portraits AMERICAN 19th 1 BIOGRAPHY
1 -- 2017
- 20 Henry James 21 Wings of a DOVE AMERICAN 19th 2 NOVEL 9 --
- 57 Henry James 22 The Sense of the Past AMERICAN 20th 10 NOVEL
14 -- 2024
P. D. James
- 4 P.D. James 1 An Unsuitable Job
for a Woman 20/1 ENG MYS -- 1979
- 6 P.D. James 2 Cover Her Face 20/2
ENG MYS -- 1979
- 17 P.D. James 3 Devices and Desires ENGLISH 20th MYSTERY 1 --
- 4 PD James 4 The Murder Room ENGLISH 21st 1 MYSTERY 1 --2008
- 90 P.D. James 5 Talking About Detective Fiction BRITISH 21st 6
MYSTERY 3 -- 2009
- 88 P. D. James 6 **The Lighthouse BRITISH 21st 5 NOVEL
48 -- 2011
- 23 P. D. James 7 Death Comes to Pemberley BRITISH 21st 2 NOVEL
17 -- 2012
William James
- 23 William James 1 Varieties of
Religious Experience 20/17 AMER PSY3 -- 1987
- 18 William James 2 ****Pragmatism
AMER 20th PHIL 1 -- 1996
- 96 William James 3 Some Problems of Philosophy AMERICAN 20th
26 PHILOSOPHY 2 -- 2005
- 50 William James 4 A Pluralistic Universe AMERICAN
20th 3 PHILOSOPHY 2 -- 2007
- 19 William James 5 (on CD) (on Kindle) The Meaning
of Truth AMERICAN 19th 5 PHILOSOPHY 1 --2009
- 43 William James 6 ****Talks to Teachers on Psychology
AMERICAN 19th 8 PHILOSOPHY 2 -- 2009
- 56 William James 7 **Memories and Studies AMERICAN 19th 12
PHILOSOPHY 4 -- 2009
- 7 William James 8 **The Will to Believe AMERICAN 19th 1
PHILOSOPHY 1 -- 2012
Sebastian Japrisot
- 35 Sebastian Japrisot 1 ***A Very
Long Engagement FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 26 -- 1996
- 42 Sebastien Japrisot 2 *The
Sleeping Car Murders FRENCH 20th 2 NOVEL 20 -- 1997
- 42 Sebastian Japrisot 3 *Trap for
Cinderella FRENCH 20th 2 MYSTERY 5 -- 1998
- 43 Sebastian Japrisot 4 *The Lady
in the Car FRENCH 20th 3 MYSTERY 6 -- 1998
- 47 Sebastian Japrisot 5 **One
Deadly Summer FRENCH 20th 4 MYSTERY 7 -- 1998
Randall Jarrell
- 15 Randall Jarrell 1 Woman at the
Washingon Zoo 20/7 AMER P2 -- 1966
- 18 Randall Jarrell 2 Lost World
20/9 AMER P4 -- 1966
- 78 Jaspers 1 Truth and Symbol 20/3
GER PH7 -- 1965
Julian Jaynes
- 27 Julian Jaynes 1 *** The Origin of Consciousness in the
Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind AMERICAN 20th 4 PHILOSOPHY 2 --
Thomas Jefferson
- 51 Thomas Jefferson 1 Autobiography
AMERICAN 19th 2 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 1997
Jerome K. Jerome
- 51 Jerome K. Jerome 1 Three Men in a Boat [electronic
book] ENGLISH 19th 5 HUMOR 1 -- 2003
- 16 Czeslaw Jesman 1 The Russians in
Ethiopia HIS1 -- 1972
- 43 Czeslaw Jesman 2 The Ethiopian
Paradox 20/1 CZECH HIST -- 1972
- 67 Jimenez 1 Platero and I 20/2
SPAN N17 -- 1969
Ha Jin
- 15 Ha Jin 1 Waiting AMERICAN 20th 12 CHINESE 20th 2 NOVEL 9 --
Adam Johnson
- 51 Adam Johnson 1 ****The Orphan Masters's Son AMERICAN 21st
25 NOVEL 42 -- 2013
Louise Johnson
19 Louse Johnson 1 The
Story of Australia AUSTRALIAN 21st 1 HISTORY 2 -- 2022
Samuel Johnson
- 55 Samuel Johnson 1 Rasselas 3 ENG
N18 --1991
- 16 Samuel Johnson 2 Journey to the
Western Islands of Scotland BRITISH 18th 1 TRAVEL 1 -- 2017
Jonas Jonasson
- 32 Jonas Jonasson 1 ***The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out
the Window and Disappeared SWEDISH 21st 1 NOVEL 21 -- 2014
James Jones
- 17 James Jones 1 Whistle 20/13 AMER
N -- 1979
- 25 James Jones 2 From Here to
Eternity 20/18 AMER N -- 1979
Leroi Jones
- 5 Leroi Jones 1 Dutchman 20/1 AMER
PL1 -- 1969
- 6 Leroi Jones 2 The Slave 20/2 AMER
PL2 -- 1969
Oscar Jones
43 Dan Jones 1 Crusaders AMERICAN 21st HISTORY 7 --
Tayari Jones
- 73
Tayari Jones 1 ****An American Marriage AMERICAN 21st 25 NOVEL
33 -- 2018
Erica Jong
- 20 Erica Jong 1 Fear of Flying
20/14 AMER N -- 1978
Ben Jonson
- 47 Ben Jonson 1 Volpone 17/10 ENG
PL22 -- 1967
- 102 Ben Jonson 2 Epicene 17/29 ENG
PL49 -- 1968
- 34 Ben Jonson 3 The Alchemist 17/10
ENG PL19 -- 1969
39 Jordanes 1 The Origin and Deeds of the Goths ROMAN 7th 1 HISTORY
5 -- 2024
Jeremy Josephs
- 43 Jeremy Josephs 1 Un Chateau en Dordogne (en francais)
ENGLISH 20th 7 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2001
Flavius Josephus
- 66
Flavius Josephus Life of Flavius Josephus HEBREW 1st 1
BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2021
- 16 Flavius Josephus 2 Revolt in Judea: The Road
to Masada (abridgement of Wars of the Jews) ROMAN 1st 1
HISTORY 1 -- 2022
Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar
- 75
Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar 1 ****The Map of Salt and Stars
AMERICAN 21st 26 NOVEL 35 -- 2018
Philip Jourdain
- 41 Philip Jourdain 1 Nature of
Mathematics 20/3 FREN SC1 -- 1968
James Joyce
- 39 James Joyce 1 Portrait of Artist
as a Young Man 20/1 IR N11 -- 1965
- 48 James Joyce 2 Collected Poems
20/1 IR P8 -- 1966
- 28 James Joyce 3 Ulysses 20/1 IR N9
-- 1968
- 42 James Joyce 4 Dubliners 20/1 IR
ST3 -- 1969
- 106 Richard Ellman 1 ***James Joyce AMERICAN 20th 23
Rachel Joyce
- 16 Rachel Joyce 1 ****Perfect BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 7 -- 2014
- 19 Rachel Joyce 2 *****The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Frye
BRITISH 21st 4 NOVEL 10 -- 2014
- 26 Rachel Joyce 3 The Music Shop BRITISH 21st 1 NOVEL 24 --
- 27 Rachel Joyce 4 Miss Benson's Beetle BRITISH 21st 2 NOVEL 25
-- 2022
- 50 Rachel Joyce 5 The Love Song of Miss Queenie Hennessy
BRITISH 21st 10 NOVEL 44 -- 2022
Karl Jung
- 31 Jung 1, Kerenyi 1 Essays on a
Science of Mythology 20/1 SWIS ESS3 -- 1970
- 16 Karl Jung 2 Mandala Symbolism
SWISS 20th 1 PSYCHOLOGY 1 -- 2018
Norton Juster
- 27 Norton Juster 1 The Phantom
Tollbooth 20/12 AMER N14 -- 1971
- Norton Juster 2 The Dot and the
Rachel Kadish
- 53 Rachel Kadish 1 *****The Weight of Ink AMERICAN 21st 8
NOVEL 15 -- 2019
Franz Kafka
- 16 Franz Kafka 1 The Trial 20/1
CZECH NOVEL 4 -- 1965
- 24 Franz Kafka 2 Metamorphosis
(collection of stories) 20/2 CZECH STORIES 1 -- 1965
- 46 Franz Kafka 3 Die Verwandlung
(deutsch) 20/1 CZECH NOVEL 11 -- 1967
- 23 Franz Kafka 4 The Castle 1 CZECH
NOVEL 9 -- 1990
- 65 Franz Kafka 5 Amerika CZECH 20th
2 NOVEL 25 -- 2000
Daniel Kahneman
- 41 Daniel Kahneman 1 ****Thinking Fast and Slow AMERICAN 21st
18 SCIENCE 2 -- 2012
Michio Kaku
- 36 Michio Kaku 1 Parallel Worlds AMERICAN 21st SCIENCE 3 --
- 37 Michio Kaku 2 ***Physics of the Future AMERICAN 21st
SCIENCE 1 -- 2012
Robert Kalechofsky
- 63 Robert Kalechofsky 1 The
Persistence of Error 40 AMER ESS2 -- 1991
- 23 Robert Kalechofsky 2 Great
Brain Book (in mss.) AMERICAN 21st 9 PHILOSOPHY -- 2013
- 46 Robert Kalechofsky 3 **The
Enfolded Brain: Thinking About Thinking AMERICAN 21st 22
PHILOSOPHY 2 -- 2013
- 11
Robert Kalechofsky An Intellectual/Psychological Journey
[second time] AMERICAN 21st 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- , 2018, 2020
Roberta Kalechofsky
- 41 Roberta Kalechofsky1 Justice, My
Brother 20/28 AMER N -- 1975
- 43 Roberta Kalechofsky2 Stephen's
Passion 20/29 AMER N -- 1975
- 24 Roberta Kalechofsky3 Orestes in
Progress 20/17 AMER N --1976 the full text of this book is
available online for free
- 9 Roberta Kalechofsky 4 La Hoya
(AKA A View from Toledo) 20/3 AMER N -- 1977 the full text of
this book is available online for free
- 7 Roberta Kalechofsky 5 ***Bodmin
1349 AMER N4 -- 1992
- 90 Roberta Kalechofsky 6 **Solomon's Wisdom and Other
Stories AMERICAN 20th 49 STORIES 8 -- 2001
- 21 Roberta Kalechofsky 7 K'tia: a Savoior of the Jewish
People AMERICAN 21st 6 -- 2012
- 2 Roberta Kalechofsky 8 ***The Book of Anonymities,
first draft, in mss. AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2014
- 45 Roberta Kalechofksy 9 ***The Book of Anonymities, second
draft, in mss., then final draft AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL 33
-- 2014, 2017
- 30 Henry Kamen 1 The Spanish
Inquisition 20/2 ENG HIS1 -- 1971
Immanuel Kant
- 19 Emmanuel Kant 1 Metaphysics of
Morals 18/1 GER PH5 -- 1967
- 20 Emmanuel Kant 2 Dreams of a
Spirit-Seer 18/1 GER PH1 -- 1968
- 61 Emmanuel Kant 3 Critique of
Practical Reason 18/4 GER PH2 -- 1969
- 79 Emmanuel Kant 4 Critique of
Judgement 18/5 GER PH5 -- 1969
S. A. Kapadia
- 47
S. A. Kapadia 1 The Teachings of Zoroaster BRITISH 20th
1 RELIGION 3 -- 2021
Jerry Kaplan
- 39 Jerry Kaplan 1 **Startup
AMERICAN 20th 20 BUSINESS 1 -- 2000
Mary Karr
- 55 Mary Karr 1 Lit AMERICAN 21st 15 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2014
I. S. Katsnelson
- 53 Katsnelson 1 Bulatovich --
Gusar, Zemlepokhodets, Skhimnik 20/19 RUSS HIST -- 1973
- 1 Katsnelson 2 Po Neizvedannym
Zemlyam Efiopii 20/1 RUSS HIST -- 1977
Guy Kawasaki
- 31 Guy Kawaskai 1 Rules for
Revolutionaries AMER 20th 23 BUSINESS 1/INTERNET 3 -- 1999
Nikos Kazantzakis
- 1 Nikos Kazantzakis 1 Report to
Greco 20/1 GREEK BIO1 -- 1973
- 50 Nikos Kazantzakis 2 The Last
Temptation of Christ 20/2 GREEK N -- 1973
- 56 Nikos Kazantzakis 3 Saint
Francis 20/3 GREEK N -- 1973
- 28 Nikos Kazantzakis 4 Zorba the
Greek 20/1 GREEK N -- 1974
- 13 Nikos Kazantzakis 5 Journeys
GREEK 20th a TRAVEL 1 -- 2014
John Keats
- 18 John Keats 1 Poems Published in
1820 19/2 ENG P3 -- 1965
Daniel Kehlmann
- 47 Daniel Kehlmann 1 ***Measuring the World AUSTRIAN
21st 1 NOVEL 35 -- 2014
- 24 Brendan Kehoe 1 Zen and the Art
of the Internet 17 AMER COM1 -- 1992
- 35 Garrison Keillor 1 Lake Wobegon
Days 20/18 AMER N12 -- 1986
- 56 Garrison Keillor 2 Lake Wobegon Summer 1956 AMERICAN 21st
22 NOVEL 42 -- 2004
- 24 Keller 1 Romeo und Julia am
Dorfe (deut.) 19/5 GER N8 -- 1969
Helen Keller
- 11 Helen Keller 1 ****The Story of My Life AMERICAN 20th 1 BIO
1 -- 2014
Kay Kelley
- 10 Kay Kelley 1 The Happy Housewife
Cartoon Book 20/7 AMER HUM -- 1976
- 11 Kay Kelley 2 Mother Goose Turned
Loose 20/8 AMER HUM -- 1976
Kevin Kelly
- 89 Kevin Kelly 1 New Rules for the
New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World
AMERICAN 20th 37 INTERNET 6 -- 1998
Harry Kemelman
- 5 Harry Kemelman Friday the Rabbi
Slept Late 20/3 AMER MYS -- 1979
- 38 Harry Kemelman 2 Monday the Rabbi Took Off AMERICAN 20th 3
MYSTERY 2 -- 2004
- 39 Harry Kemelman 3 Tuesday the Rabbi Saw Red AMERICAN 20th 4
MYSTERY 3 -- 2004
- 25 Thomas Keneally 1 To Asmara 14
- 84 Thomas Keneally 2 **Schindler's List AUSTRALIAN 20th 1
HISTORY 3 -- 2003
John F. Kennedy
- 21 John F. Kennedy 1 Why England
Slept AMERICAN 20th 5 HISTORY 2 -- 1964
William Kennedy
- 60 William Kennedy 1 *****Ironweed AMERICAN 20th 16 NOVEL 31
-- 2011
- 72 William Kennedy 2 ***Legs AMERICAN 20th 19 NOVEL 36 -- 2011
- 89 William Kennedy 3 ****Billy Phelan's Greatest Game AMERICAN
20th 22 NOVEL 49 -- 2011
- 98 William Kennedy 4 Quinn's Book AMERICAN 20th 23 NOVEL
57 -- 2011
- 101 William Kennedy 5 **Roscoe AMERICAN 21st 21 NOVEL 60
- 6 William Kennedy 6 The Flaming Corsage AMERICAN
20th 1 NOVEL 3 -- 2012
- 46 William Kennedy 7 ****Very Old Bones AMERICAN 21st 20 NOVEL
36 -- 2012
- 47 William Kennedy 8 ***Cahngo's Beads and Two-Tone Shoes
AMERICAN 21st 21 NOVEL 37 -- 2012
Stephen Kern
- 49 Stephen Kern 1 ***The Culture of
Time and Space 1880-1918 AMERICAN 20th 31 HISTORY 6 -- 1997
Jack Kerouac
- 23 Jack Kerouac 1 On the Road 20/15
AMER N -- 1975, 2015
Ken Kesey
- 9 Ken Kesey 1 One Flew Over the
Cuckoo's Nest 20/2 AMER N4 -- 1970
Daniel Keyes
- 73 Daniel Keyes 1 Flowers for Algernon (in The Hugo Winners -
Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 7 SCIFI 4 -- 2007
Omar Khayyam
- 57 Omar Khayyam 1 Rubaiyat 12/1 PER
P5 -- 1965
Sue Monk Kidd
- 33 Sue Monk Kidd 1 The Secret Life of Bees AMERICAN 21st 11
NOVEL 25 -- 2004
- 41 Tracy Kidder 1 The Soul of a New
Machine 20/24 AMER COM1 -- 1982
Suki Kim
- 24 Suki Kim 1 *** The Interpreter KOREAN 21st 1/AMERICAN 21st
6 NOVEL 15 -- 2006
Stephen King
- 11 Stephen King 1 Carrie AMER 20th
9 NOVEL 10 -- 1996
- 34 Stephen King 2 Green Mile #1
AMER 20th 24 NOVEL 25 -- 1996
- 35 Stephen King 3 The Girl Who
Loved Tom Gordon AMERICAN 20th 21 NOVEL 23 -- 2001
- 11 Stephen King 4 The Gunslinger (Dark Tower #1) AMERICAN 20th
1 FANTASY 1 -- 2005
- 14 Stephen King 5 The Drawing of the Three (Dark Tower #2)
AMERICAN 20th 2 FANTASY 4 -- 2005
- 15 Stephen King 6 The Waste Lands (Dark Tower #3) AMERICAN
20th 3 FANTASY 5 -- 2005
- 23 Stephen King 7 Wizard and Glass (Dark Tower #4) AMERICAN
20th 5 FANTASY 10 -- 2005
- 24 Stephen King 8 Wolves of the Calla (Dark Tower #5) AMERICAN
21st 5 FANTASY 11 -- 2005
- 25 Stephen King 9 Song of Susannah (Dark Tower #6) AMERICAN
21st 6 FANTASY 12 -- 2005
- 30 Stephen King 10 The Dark Tower (Dark Tower #7) AMERICAN
21st 10 FANTASY 14 -- 2005
- 89 Stephen King 11 On Writing AMERICAN 21st 20 ESSAYS 8 --
- 58 Stephen King 12 *****11/22/63 AMERICAN 21st 26 NOVEL
47 -- 2012
- 28 Stephen King 13 *** The Wind Through the Keyhole AMERICAN
21st 5 NOVEL 17 -- 2014
- 43 Stephen King 14 **Dreamcatcher AERMICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 31 -
Charles Kingsley
- 81 Charles Kingsley 1 Alexandria and Her Schools [electronic
book] ENGLISH 19th 2 HISTORY 11 -- 2002
- 9 Charles Kingsley 2 The Water Babies BRITISH 19th 1
CHILDREN 1 -- 2018
- 16 Barbara Kingsolver 1 Pigs in
Heaven 20th AMER6 NOVEL8 --1994
- 72 Barbara Kingsolver 2 The
Poisonwood Bible AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 18 -- 2019
- 76 Barbara Kingsolver 3 The Bean
Trees AMERICAN 20th 5 NOVEL 21 -- 2019
Maxine Hong Kingston
- 37 Maxine Hong Kingston 1
**Tripmaster Monkey AMER 20th 26 NOVEL 28 -- 1996
- 7 W.P. Kinsella 1 The Iowa Baseball
Confederacy 20th CANADIAN N5 -- 1989
- 8 W.P. Kinsella 2 Shoeless Joe 20th
CANADIAN N6 --1989
- 9 W.P. Kinsella 3 The Thrill of the
Grass 20th CANADIAN STORIES 1 -- 1990
- 1 W.P. Kinsella 4 Further
Adventures of Slugger McBatt 20th CANADIAN STORIES 1-- 1991
- 21 W.P. Kinsella 5 Dixon Cornbelt
League 20th CANADIAN STORIES 2 -- 1996
Rudyard Kipling
- 8 Rudyard Kipling 1 The Light that
Failed 19th ENGLISH 2 NOVEL 7 -- 1961
- 13 Rudyard Kipling 2 The Story of
the Gadsbys 19 ENGLISH 3 NOVEL -- 1976
- 16 Rudyard Kipling 3 [ebook] Just So Stories ENGLISH 19th 2
CHILDREN'S 1 -- 2007
- 17 Rudyard Kipling 4 [ebook] The Jungle Book ENGLISH 19th 3
CHILDREN'S 2 -- 2007
- 22 Rudyard Kipling 5 [ebook] The Second Jungle Book ENGLISH
19th 8 CHILDREN'S 3 -- 2007
Ethyn Kirby
- 33 Ethyn Kirby 1 William Prynne
20th AMER 5 BIOGRAPHY 2 --1969
Gwen Kirby
1 Gwen Kirby 1 Shit Cassandra Saw AMERICAN 21st 1 STORIES 1
-- 2023
- 31 Kirsch 1 Dryden's Heroic Drama
20th AMER 7 CRITICISM 6 -- 1968
Alexander Kiselev
- 34 Alexander Kiselev 1 Blank Spots in Biographies of
Bulatovich [n Russian[ Ukrainian 21st 1 HISTORY 4 -- 2022
- 96 Kleist 1 Prinz Friedrich von
Homburg (auf deutsch) 19/4 GER PL48 -- 1968
Christina Baker Kline
- 11 Christine Baker Kline 1 A Piece of the World AMERICAN 21st
3 NOVEL 5 -- 2017
- 42
Christina Baker Kline 2 ***The Exiles AMERICAN 21st 9 NOVEL 21
-- 2020
Chuck Klosterman
- 33 Chuck Klosterman 1 The Visible Man AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL
26 -- 2012
- 18 Knight 1 This Above All 20/1 ENG
N12 -- 1961
John Knowles
- 35 John Knowles 1 A Separate Peace
20/26 AMER N -- 1978
Arthur Koestler
- 54 Arthur Koestler 1 *****Darkness
at Noon 20/1 HUNG N26 -- 1963
- 22 Arthur Koestler 2 Arrival and
Departure 20/1 HUNG N8 -- 1964
- 19 Arthur Koestler 3 **Dialogue with Death HUNGARIAN 20th 1
BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2011
- 24 Arthur Koestler 4 The Gladiators HUNGARIAN 20th 2
NOVEL 17 -- 2011
- 63 Arthur Koestler 5 *****The Sleepwalkers HUNGARIAN
20th 1 SCIENCE 4 - 2012
Leszek Kolakowski
- 5 Leszek Kolakowski 1 The Key to
Heaven 20/1 POL PHIL -- 1974
- 6 Leszek Kolakowski 2 Conversations
with the Devil 20/2 POL PHIL -- 1974
- 10 Leszek Kolakowski 3 Toward a
Marxist Humanism 20/3 POL PHIL -- 1974
Jerzy Kosinski
- 8 Jerzy Kosinski 1 Steps 20/1 POL
N3 -- 1970
- 10 Jerzy Kosinski 2 The Painted
Bird 20/1 POL N3 -- 1971
- 19 Jerzy Kosinski 3 Being There
20/1 POL N15 -- 1972
- 14 Jerzy Kosinski 4 The Devil Tree
20/3 POL N --1974
- 53 Jerzy Kosinski 5 Blind Date 20/2
POL N21 -- 1985
- 52 Jerzy Kosinski 6 Pinball 20/1
POL N20 -- 1985
- 1 Jerzy Kosinski 7 Cockpit 20/1 POL
N1 -- 1986
Richard Kostelanetz
- 5 Richard Kostelanetz 1 The End of
Intelligent Writing 20/3 AMER ES -- 1976
- 4 Aleksander Kostyev 1 40 Lessons
for the Club Player 1 RUSS CH1 --1992
Sonya Kovalevsky
- 41 Sonya Kovalevsky 1 Recollections of
Childhood RUSSIAN 19th 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2023
- 42 Sonya Kovalevsky 2 Girl Nihilist RUSSIAN
19th 2 NOVEL 29 -- 2023
Harley Jane Kozak
- 59 Harley Jane Kozak 1 Dating is Murder AMERICAN 21st 14
MYSTERY 5 -- 2006
- 24 Kosvintsev 1 Chyornyi Bunt
[russki] 20/6 RUSS HIST -- 1973
- 38 Kathryn Kramer 1 Handbook for
Visitors from Outer Space 20/28 AMER N16 -- 1987
- 26 P.N. Krasnov 1 From Double Eagle
to Red Flag (Vol. I) 20/1 RUSS N15 -- 1982
F. Krindach
- 30 F. Krindach Russiy Kavalerist [in Russian] RUSSIAN 20th 2
HISTOrY 2 -- 2022
Saul Kripke
- 23
Saul Kripke 1 Naming and Necessity AMERICAN 20th 2 PHILOSOPHY
4 -- 2021
Jaan Kross
- 8 Jaan Kross 1 The Czar's Madman
ESTONIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 7 -- 1996
- 10 Milan Kundera 1 ***The
Unbearable Lightness of Being 20/1 CZECH N3 -- 1988
- 22 Milan Kundera 2 Life is
Elsewhere 20/2 CZECH N11 -- 1988
- 16 Milan Kundera 3 **Immortality
CZECH1 N8 -- 1993
- 38 Milan Kundera 4 **The Art of the
Novel CZECH 20th 1 ESSAY4 -- 1995
- 41 Milan Kundera 5 *Slowness CZECH
20th 1 NOVEL 19 -- 1997
Hari Kunru
- 28 Hari Kunzru 1 **The Impressionist INDIAN 21st 1 NOVEL
11 -- 2003
- 39 Alexander Kuprin 1 Yama 20/7
RUSS N19 -- 1981
- 22 Akira Kurosawa 1 Rashomon
(screen play) 1 JAPAN SP8 -- 1991
Allen Kurzweil
- 17 Allen Kurzweil 1 ***A Case of
Curiosities AMER 20th NOVEL 14 -- 1996
Ray Kurzweil
- 65 Ray Kurzweil 1 ***The Age of
Spiritual Machines AMER 20th 40 ESSAY 2 -- 1999
- 34 Ray Kuzweil 2 ** How to Create a
Thomas Kyd
- 11 Thomas Kyd 1 The Spanish Tragedy
16/2 ENG PL4 -- 1970
Philippe Labro
- Philippe Labro 1 ***Le Petit Garcon (en francais) FRENCH 20th
1 NOVEL 2 -- 2012
Gary Lachman
- ES 1 36 Gary Lachman 1 Swedenborg: an Introduction to His Life
and Ideas AMERICAN 21st 2 BIOGRAPHY 6 -- 2019
- 60 Laclos 1 Les Liaison Dangereuses
18/1 FREN N39 -- 1972
Madame de LaFayette
- 58 Madame de Lafayette 1 Princesse
de Cleves 17/3 FREN N37 -- 1972
Selma Lagerlof
- 13 Selma Lagerlof 1 The Treasure
20/1 SWED N -- 1975
Jhumpa Lahiri
- 12 Jhumpa Lahiri 1 Interpreter of Maladies AMERICAN 20th 10
INDIAN 20th 1 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2001
- 20 Jhumpa Lahiri 2 ***The Namesake INDIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 14 --
- 44 Jumpa Lahiri 3 ***The Lowland INDIAN 21st 19 NOVEL 31 --
R.D. Laing
- 73 R.D. Laing 1 The Politics of
Experience 20/28 AMER PSY1 --1970
- 32 R.D. Laing 2 The Divided Self
20/14 AMER PSY3 -- 1971
Jay Lake
- 64 Jay Lake 1 *Rocket Science AMERICAN 21st 16 FANTASY 29 --
Charles Lamb
- 68 Charles Lamb Elia BRITISH 19th 15 ESSAYS 8 -- 2009
Anne Lamott
3 Anne Lamott 1
*Bird by Bird AMERICAN 20th 3 ESSAYS 1 -- 2001
- 19 Guiseppe di Lampedusa The
Leopard 20/1 ITAL N -- 1975
Bruce Lancaster
- 44 Bruce Lancaster 1 The American Heritage Book of the
Revolution AMERICAN 20th 2 HISTORY 4 -- 2019
Tommaso Landolfi
- 34 Tommaso Landolfi 1 Gogol's Wife ITALIAN 20th 1 SHORT
STORIES 1 -- 2005
- 9 Lao-Tzu 1 The Way of Lao-Tzu BC/1
CHIN PH2 -- 1967
- Ursula
Le Guin 16 translatioin/adaptation of Lao Tzu Tao te Ching
Erik Larson
- 100 Erik Larson 1 The Devil in the White City AMERICAN 21st
HISTORY 4 -- 2005
Steig Larsson
- 91 Stieg Larsson 1 *****The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo SWEDISH
21st 1 NOVEL 51 -- 2011
- 95 Stieg Larsson 2 *****The Girl Who Played with Fire SWEDISH
21st 2 NOVEL 54 -- 2011
- 97 Steig Larsson 3 *****The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
SWEDISH 21st 3 NOVEL 56 -- 2011
Emanuel Lasker
- Common Sense in Chess CHESS -- year
Joachim Latacz
- 54 Joachim Latacz 1 *Troy and Homer GERMAN 21st 1 HISTORY 1 --
Evelyn Lau
- 53 Evelyn Lau 1 Fresh Girls CANDIAN
20th 1 SHORT STORIES 6 -- 1995
Mary Lavin
- 39 Mary Lavin 1 The Shrine 20/1
IRISH ST -- 1977
D.H. Lawrence
- 22 D.H. Lawrence 1 Lady
Chatterley's Lover 20/5 ENG N5 -- 1965
- 65 D.H. Lawrence 2 Women in Love
20/8 ENG N22 -- 1971
- 48 D.H. Lawrence 3 The Virgin &
the Gypsy 20/7 ENG N -- 1979
- 30 D.H. Lawrence 4 The Fox 20/4 ENG
N14 -- 1981
- 32 D.H. Lawrence 5 (on CD)(on Kindle) Sons and Lovers
BRITISH 20th 1 NOVEL 15 -- 2008
Halldor Laxness
- 76 Halldor Laxness 1 ***Independent
People by Halldor Laxness ICELAND 20th 1 NOVEL 34 -- 1997
Richard Leakey
- 39 Richard Leakey 1 & Roger
Lewin 1 People of the Lake 20/1 KENYA ES -- 1979
Marc LeCard
- 46 Tiny Little Troubles by Marc Lecard AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL
19 -- 2008
John Le Carre
- 36 John Le Carre 1 The Spy Who Came
in From the Cold 20/6 ENG SU -- 1980
J.M.G. Le Clezio
- 32 J.M.G. Le Clezio 1 The
Prospector FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 12 -- 1997
Harper Lee
- 1 Harper Lee 1 To Kill a
Mockingbird 20/1 AMER N1 -- 1963
- 38 Harper Lee 2 Go Set a Watchman
AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 22 -- 2015
Chang-Rae Lee
- 55 Chang-Rae Lee ***Native Speaker AMERICAN 20th 7 NOVEL 46 --
- 60 Chang-Rae Lee 2 ****A Gesture Life AMERICAN 205h 9 NOVEL 50
-- 2013
Nathaniel Lee
- 23 Dryden 4/Lee 1 Oedipus 17/4 ENG
PL5 -- 1968
- 85 Nathaniel Lee 2 The Rival Queens
17/24 ENG PL41 -- 1968
Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
- 12 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 1 [ebook] Ghostly Tales Volume
1(Schalken the Painter and an Accout of Some Strange
Disturbances in Aungier Street) IRISH 19th 1 MYSTERY 2 -- 2007
- 14 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 2 [ebook] Green Tea IRISH 19th 2
MYSTERY 3 -- 2007
- 15 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 2 [ebook] Mr. Justice Harbottle
IRISH 19th 3 MYSTERY 4 -- 2007
Ursula Le Guin
- 7 Ursula Le Guin 1 A Wizard of
Earthsea 20/5 AMER SF -- 1980
- 13 Ursula Le Guin 2 The Tombs of
Atuan 20/6 AMER SF -- 1980
- 16 Ursula Le Guin 3 The Farthest
Shore 29/9 AMER SF -- 1980
- 18 Ursula Le Guin 4 The Left Hand
of Darkness 20/10 AMER SF -- 1980
- 39 Ursula Le Guin 5 The Language of
Darkness 20/23 AMER ES3 -- 1982
- 42 Ursula Le Guin 6 The Beginning
Place 20/31 AMER SF5 -- 1987
- 19 Ursula K. Le Guin 7 **A
Fisherman of the Inland Sea AMER 20th SCIFI 1
- 40 Ursula Le Guin 8 *Tehanu AMER
20th 30 NOVEL 18 -- 1997
- 67 Ursula Le Guin 9 **Tales of Earthsea AMERICAN 20th 43
STORIES 5 -- 2001
- 67 Ursula Le Guin 10 **The Word for World Is Forest AMERICAN
20th 44 SCIENCE FICTION 1 -- 2001
- 44 Ursula Le Guin 11 The Telling AMERICAN 20th 11 NOVEL 19 --
- 45 Ursula Le Guin 12 The Other Wind AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEl 20
-- 2002
- 46 Ursula Le Guin 13 Rocannon's World AMERICAN 20th 12 NOVEL
21 -- 2002
- 47 Ursula Le Guin 14 Planet of Exile AMERICAN 20th 13 NOVEL 22
-- 2002
- 48 Ursula Le Guin 15 City of Illusions AMERICAN 20th 14 NOVEL
23 -- 2002
- 25
Ursula Le Guin 16 translatioin/adaptation of Lao Tzu Tao te
Ching AMERICAN 20th POETRY 1 -- 2021
Dennis Lehane
- 70 Dennis Lehane 1 ****Shutter Island AMERICAN 21st NOVEL --
- 81 Dennis Lehane 2 The Given Day AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL 43 --
Fritz Leiber
- 93 Fritz Leiber 1 Ship of Shadows (in The Hugo Winners Volume
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 15 SCIFI 12 -- 2007
- 94 Fritz Leiber 2 Ill Met in Lankhmar (in The Hugo Winners
Volume 3
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 16 SCIFI 13
-- 2007
- 105 Fritz Leiber 3 Catch That Zeppelin! (in The Hugo
Winners Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 27 SCIFI 24
-- 2007
Murray Leinster
- 71 Murray Leinster 1 Exportaion Team (in The Hugo Winners -
Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 5 SCIFI 2 -- 2007
- 10 Brad Leithauser 1 Hence 9 AMER
N5 -- 1990
Stanislaw Lem
- 20 Stanislaw Lem 1 The
Futurological Congress 20/1 POL SF -- 1980
- 15 Stanislaw Lem 2 **The
Investigation 20/1 POL SF1 -- 1982
- 16 Stanislaw Lem 3 **The Invincible
20/2 POL SF2 -- 1982
- 31 Stanislaw Lem 4 Return to the
Stars 20/4 POL SF5 -- 1982
- 65 Stanislaw Lem 5 Solaris 20/1 POL
SF11 -- 1987
- 32 Stanislaw Lem 6 *One Human
Minute 1 POL SF1 --1991
- 34 Stanislaw Lem 7 Memoirs of a
Space Traveler 2 POL SF2 -- 1991
- 45 Stanislaw Lem 8 Tales of Pirx
Pilot 3 POL SF4 --1991
- 49 Stanislaw Lem 9 Cyberiad 4 POL
SF5 -- 1991
- 15 Stanislaw Lem 10 Memoirs Found
in a Bathtub POL 20th 1 NOVEL 8 -- 1995
- 50 Stanislaw Lem 11 **A Perfect
Vacuum POLISH 20th 1 STORIES 3 -- 2000 review
- 54 Stanislaw Lem 12 Highcastle
- 58 Stanislaw Lem 13 The Chain of
Chance POLISH 20th 3 NOVEL 19 -- 2000
- 44 Stanislaw Lem 14 Mortal Engines POLISH 20th 1 FANTASY 21 --
Gloria Lembo
- 9 Gloria Lembo 1 The Complete Beginner's Guide to AI AMERICAN
21st 1 TECH 1 -- 2025
- 45 Madaline L'Engle 1 A Wrinkle in
Time 20/33 AMER J2 -- 1985
- 4 Madeleine L'Engle 2 A Swiftly
Tilting Planet AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 2 -- 2018
- 37 Lenin 1 What is to be Done? 20/4
RUSS ES1 -- 1972
George Lensen
- 5 George Lensen 1 The Russo-Chinese
War 20/2 AMER HIS3 --1973
Elmore Leonard
- 95 Elmore Leonard 1 Gold Coast
AMERICAN 20th 43 MYSTERY 11 -- 1998
- 96 Elmore Leonard 2 The Moonshine
War AMERICAN 20th 44 MYSTERY 12 -- 1998
- 97 Elmore Leonard 3 *Glitz AMERICAN
20th 45 MYSTERY 13 -- 1998
- 1 Elmore Leonard 4 Freaky Deaky
AMER 20th 1 MYSTERY 1 -- 1999
- 39 Lermontov 1 Geroy nashevo
vremini (po russkii) 19/2 RUSS N24 -- 1972
Gaston Leroux
- 18 Gaston Leroux 1 (on CD) (on Kindle) La Chambre
Jaune (in French) FRENCH 19th 2 NOVEL 13 -- 2009
- 21 Gaston Leroux 2 (on CD) (on Kindle) The Phantom
of the Opera FRENCH 19th 3 NOVEL 15 -- 2009
- 63 Lessing 1 Nathan der Weise (auf
deutsch) 18/2 GER PL26 -- 1968
Doris Lessing
- 4 Doris Lessing 1 Martha Quest 20/1
RHOD N4 -- 1982
- 5 Doris Lessing 2 A Proper Marriage
20/2 RHOD N5 --1982
- 20 Doris Lessing 3 A Ripple from
the Storm 20/3 RHOD N13 -- 1982
- 32 Doris Lessing 4 Four-Gated City
20/4 RHOD N16 -- 1982
- 70 Doris Lessing 5 The Golden Notebook RHODESIAN 20th 1
NOVEL 33 -- 2001
Primo Levi
- 63 Primo Levi 1 The Monkey's Wrench ITALIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 33 --
- 3 Ira Levin 1 The Boys from Brazil
20/3 AMER N2 -- 1981
Claude Levi-Strauss
- 11 Claude Levi-Strauss1 Tristes
Tropiques 20/1 FREN ANTH --1974
Deborah Levy
- 4 Deborah Levy 1 The Man Who Saw Everything BRITISH 21st 1
NOVEL 3 -- 2025
Steven Levy
- 5 Steven Levy 1 Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution
AMERICAN 21st 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2025
C.S. Lewis
- 4 C.S. Lewis 1 Intro to Paradise
Lost 20/1 ENG CR1-- 1967
- 94 C.S. Lewis 2 The Allegory of
Love 20/6 ENG CR14 -- 1968
- 14 C.S. Lewis 3 The Lion, the Witch
& the Wardrobe 20/1 ENG N6 -- 1971
- 16 C.S. Lewis 4 Prince Caspian
(read aloud) 20/2 ENG JUV1 --1987
- 120 C.S. Lewis 5 Voyage of the Dawn Treader ENGLISH 20th 7
CHILDREN'S 4 -- 2007
- 67 C. S. Lewis 6 A Grief Observed BRITISH 20th 1 ESSAY 3
-- 2012
- 17
C. S. Lewis 7 The Discarded Image BRITISH 20th 4 ESSAY 2 --
Michael Lewis
- 100 Michael Lewis 1The New New
Thing AMERICAN 21st 15 INTERNET 6 -- 2000 review
Paul Lewis
- 9 Paul Lewis 1 The Man Who Lost
America 20/8 AMER HIST -- 1975
R.W.B. Lewis
- 72 R.W.B. Lewis 1 The American Adam
20/10 AMER CR10 -- 1968
- 13 RWB Lewis 2 The Jameses AMER
20th 11 BIO 1 -- 1996
- 50 RWB Lewis 3 Dante AMERICAN 20th 25 BIOGRAPHY 4 -- 2001,
Sinclair Lewis
- 36 Sinclair Lewis 1 Dodsworth 20/7
AMER N14 -- 1964
Marina Lewycka
- 87 Marina Lewycka 1 A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian
BRITISH 21st 5 NOVEL 48 -- 2009
Mark Leyner
- 87 Mark Leyner 1 My Cousin the
Gastroenterologist AMERICAN 20th 57 NOVEL 40 -- 1997
- 3 Alan Lightman 1 *Einstein's
Dreams 20th AMER1 NOVEL1 -- 1994
- 4 Alan Lightman **Good Benito 20th
AMER3 NOVEL2 --1996
- 95 Alan Lightman 3 **The Diagnosis
AMERICAN 21th 14 NOVEL 36 -- 2000
- 63 Alan Lightman 4 **Reunion AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 33 -- 2003
George Lillo
- 60 George Lillo 1 The London
Merchant 18/1 ENG PL29 -- 1967
- 5 Astrid Lindgren 1 Pippi
Longstocking J1 -- 1986
Kelly Link
- 26 Kelly Link 1 ** Magic for Beginners AMERICAN 21st 7 SHORT
STORIES 2 -- 2006
Clarice Lispector
- 39 Clarice Lispector 1 ***The Chandelier BRAZILIAN 20th 1
NOVEL 15 -- 2018
David Liss
43 David Liss 1 *The Coffee Trader AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 33 --
- 22 Pavel Litvinov 1 The
Demonstration in Pushkin Sq. 20/8 RUSS HIST -- 1974
- 54 Livy 1 *Early History of Rome
ROMAN 1 BC 1 HISTORY 3 -- 1998
72 Livy 2 Rome and Italy ROMAN 1st 5 HISTORY 6 -- 2001
80 Livy 3 The War with Hannibal ROMAN 1st 6 HISTORY 7 2001
- 24 Mario Vargas Llosa 1 War at the
End of the World 1 PERU N10 -- 1990
Father Jerome Lobo
- 58 Father Jerome Lobo 1 Voyage to
Abyssinia (electronic) PORTUGUESE 17th 1 HISTORY 4 -- 1998
Christopher Locke
- 19 Christopher Locke, Rick Levine,
David Weinberger, and Doc Searls 1 **The Cluetrain Manifesto
AMERICAN 20th 6 INTERNET 1 -- 2000 review
- 10 Christopher Locke 2 The Bombast Transcripts AMERICAN 21st 4
INTERNET 1 -- 2003
Jack London
- 22 Jack London 1 Martin Eden 19/3
AMER N14 -- 1963
- 50 Jack London 2 Call of the Wild
(out loud) AMER 19th 2 NOVEL 29 -- 1999
- 45 Longus 1 Daphnis & Chloe
BC/2 GRE N10 -- 1967, 2020
Barry Longyear
- 121 Barry Longyear ****Enemy Mine (in The Hugo Winners, Volume
5: Nine Prizewinning Science Fiction Stories (1980 - 1982)
AMERICAN 20th 37 SCIFI 34 -- 2007
- 11 Lord 1 The Good Years 20/2 AMER
HIS2 -- 1958
- 30 H.P. Lovecraft 1 At the
Mountains of Madness 20/17 AMER SF4 -- 1982
Robert Lowell
- 41 Robert Lowell 1 For the Union
Dead 20/21 AMER P7 -- 1966
- 4 Robert Lowell 2 Near the Ocean
20/3 AMER P2 -- 1968
- 10 Malcolm Lowry 1 Under the
Volcano 20/3 ENG N3 -- 1984
- 17 Lucian 1 A True Story BC/2 GRE
N8 -- 1971
- 26 Lucian 2 Satirical Sketches 1
GREEK -- 1992
- 27 Lucian 3 Selected Writings 2
GREEK --1992
41 Lucretius 1 (trans. Alicia Stallings) The Nature of
Things ROMAN BC 1 POETRY 11 -- 2024
- 35 Robert Ludlum 1 The Matarese
Circle 20/20 AMER N18 -- 1982
George Lukacs
- 63 Georg Lukacs 1 Realism in Our
Time 20/1 HUNG CR7 -- 1970
- 58 Georg Lukacs 2 Solzhenitsyn 20/1
HUNG CR2 -- 1971
- 59 Georg Lukacs 3 Studies in
European Realism 20/2 HUNG CR3 -- 1971
- 60 Georg Lukacs 4 Lenin 20/3 HUNG
CR4 -- 1971
- 62 Georg Lukacs 5 Writer &
Critic 20/4 HUNG CR6-- 1971
- 26 Georg Lukacs 6 Theory of the
Novel 20/1 HUNG CR3
- 10 Georg Lukacs 7 Essays on Thomas
Mann 20/1 HUNG CR1 -- 1985
Michael David Lukas
- 7 Michael David Lukas 1 *The Oracle of Stamboul AMERICAN
21st 5 NOVEL 6 -- 2011
David Lupher
46 David Lupher 1 **** Romans in a New
World AMERICAN 21st 1 HISTORY 9 -- 2024
Lisa Lutz
- Lisa Lutz 1 The Spellman Files AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 3 -- 2010
- 38 Lycophron 1 Alexandra BC/1 GREEK
POETRY -- 1975
- 37 Lycophron 1 Alexandra [second time] GREEK 3rd Century BC 2
Jim Lynch
- 40 Jim Lynch 1 ****The Highest Tide AMERICAN 21st 18 NOVEL 33
-- 2013
John Lyons
- 74 John Lyons 1 Chomsky 20/9 ENG
CR8 -- 1970
George MacDonald
- 7 George MacDonald 1 Phantastes BRITISH 19th 1 ROMANCE 1 --
Machado de Assis
- 1 Machado de Assis 1 Brazilian Tales BRAZILIAN 20th 1
Nicolo Machiavelli
- 9 Niccolo Machiavelli 1 The Prince
16/1 ITAL HIS2 -- 1962, 1969
- 28 Niccolo Machiavelli 2 Mandragola
16/2 ITAL PL3 -- 1962
- 38 Machiavelli 3 Clizia 16/1 ITAL
PL12 -- 1968
Charles Mackay
- 2 Charles MacKay 1 Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions,
Volume 1 BRITISH 19th 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2015
- 8 Charles Mackay 2 Memoirs of
Extraordinary Popular Delusions volume 2 AMERICAN 19th 1
HISTORY 2 -- 2017
Norman MacLean
- 56 Norman MacLean 1 **A River Runs
Through It AMERICAN 20th 36 SHORT STORIES 5 -- 1997
John Maddox
- 77 John Maddox 1 What Remains to Be
Discovered: Mapping the Secrets of the Universe, the Origins of
Life, and the Future of the Human Race ENGLISH 20th 7 SCIENCE 2
-- 2000 review
- 37 Magnus 1 Gladstone 20/11 ENG
BIO1 -- 1965
Gregory Maguire
- 82 Gregory Maguire 1 ***Wicked AMERICAN 20th 7 NOVEL 40 --
2003 review
- 48 Gregory Maguire 2 **Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
AMERICAN 20th 6 NOVEL 36 -- 2004 review
- 53 Gregory Maguire 3 ***Mirror, Mirror AMERICAN 21st 20 NOVEL
39 -- 2004 review
- 54 Gregory Maguire 4 ***Lost AMERICAN 21st 21 NOVEL 40 -- 2004
- 1 Gregory Maguire 5 Son of a Witch AMERICAN 21st 1
FANTASY 1 -- 2006 review
Naguib Mahfouz
- 44 Naguib Mahfouz 1 **The Journey
of Ibn Fattouma EGYPTIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 31 -- 1995
- 23 Naguib Mafouz 2 **Palace Walk EGYPTIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 16 --
- 24 Naguib Mafouz 3 **Palace of Desire EGYPTIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 17
-- 2010
- 25 Naguib Mafouz 4 **Sugar Street EGYPTIAN 20th 3 NOVEL 18 --
Norman Mailer
- 58 Norman Mailer 1 An American
Dream 20/8 AMER N15-- 1968
- 38 Norman Mailer 2 Armies of the
Night 20/8 AMER N16 -- 1969
- Norman Mailer 3 Miami & the
Siege of Chicago 20th AMER ESSAY -- 1969
- 23 Norman Maile4 4 Harlot's Ghost
20th AMER9 NOVEL12 -- 1994
- 25 Norman Mailer 5 Prisoner of Sex
20th AMER9 ESSAY3 -- 1994
- 78 Norman Mailer 6 *The Naked and
the Dead AMERCAN 20th 34 NOVEL 29 -- 2000
- 52 Norman Mailer 7 The Castle in the Forest AMERICAN 21st 11
NOVEL 18 -- 2007
Andrei Makine
- 60 Andrei Makine 1 Reqiem for a Lost Empire RUSSIAN 20th 1
NOVEL 31 -- 2003
Bernard Malamud
- 56 Bernard Malamud 1 The Fixer
20/38 AMER N -- 1979
- 35 Bernard Malamud 2 The Natural*
20/23 AMER N12 -- 1985
- 37 Bernard Malamud 3 God's Grace
20/25 AMER N13 --1985
- 38 Bernard Malamud 4 Dubin's Lives
20/26 AMER N14 --1985
- 39 Bernard Malamud 5 The Tenants
20/27 AMER N15 -- 1985
- 42 Bernard Malamud 6 The Magic
Barrel 20/30 AMER ST2 -- 1985
- 44 Bernard Malamud 7 Rembrandt's
Hat 20/32 AMER ST4 --1985
Kate Maloy
- Kate Maloy 1 Every Last Cuckoo AMERICAN 21st 6 NOVEL 18 --
Andre Malraux
- 3 Malraux 1 La Condition Humaine
(francais) 20/3 FREN N3 -- 1967
- 61 Andre Malraux Les Conquerants
20/2 FREN N -- 1973
Thomas Mandel
- 58 Thomas Mandel & Gerard Van
der Leun Rules of the Net AMERICAN 20th 38 BUSINESS 4 -- 1997
Sir John de Mandeville
- 60 Sir John Mandeville 1 Travels of
Sir John Mandeville (electronic) ENGLISH 14th HISTORY 5 -- 1998
Henning Mankell
- 27 Henning Mankell 1 Faceless Killers 20th SWEDISH 1
NOVEL 16 -- 2014
Charles Mann
Charles Mann 1491 AMERICAN 21st 6 HISTORY 3 -- 2023
Paul de Mann
- 27 Paul de Mann 1 Blindness and
Insight 20/5 AMER CR4 -- 1972
Thomas Mann
- 41 Thomas Mann 1 Death in Venice
& Stories 20/3 GER ST2 -- 1969, 2018
- 8 Thomas Mann 2 Doctor Faustus 20/1
GER N -- 1980
- 18 Thomas Mann 3 The Holy Sinner
20/1 GER N13 -- 1982, 2023
- 56 Thomas Mann 4 **Buddenbrooks (in English) GERMAN 20th 1
NOVEL 45 -- 2012
- 59 Thomas Mann 7 The Transposed Heads GERMAN 20th 2 NOVEL 40
-- 2023
Olivia Manning
- 28 Olivia Manning 1 The Great
Fortune (Balkan) 20/4 ENG N14 -- 1988
- 29 Olivia Manning 2 The Spoilt City
(Balkan) 20/5 ENG N15 -- 1988
- 30 Olivia Manning 3 Friends and
Heroes (Balkan) 20/6 ENG N16 -- 1988
- 32 Olivia Manning 4 The Danger Tree
(Levant) 20/7 ENG N18 --1988
- 33 Olivia Manning 5 The Battle Lost
and Won (Levant) 20/8 ENG N19 -- 1988
- 34 Olivia Manning 6 The Sum of
Things (Levant) 20/9 ENG N20 -- 1988
Hilary Mantel
- 54 Hilary Mantel 1 **Bring Up the Bodies BRITISH 21st 7 NOVEL
42 -- 2014
Alessandro Manzoni
- 45 Alessandro Manzoni 1 The
Betrothed (I Promessi Sposi) 19th ITAL1 NOVEL28 -- 1994
David Markson
- 36 David Markson 1 *Wittgenstein's
Mistress AMER 20th 28 NOVEL 14 -- 1997
Herbert Marcuse
- 62 Herbert Marcuse 1
One-Dimensional Man 20/5 GER PH3 -- 1969
- 54 Herbert Marcuse 2 An Essay on
Liberation 20/17 AMER PH1 -- 1970
Marie de France
- 8 Marie de France 1 The Lais of Marie de France FRENCH 12th 1
STORIES 1 -- 2019
Christopher Marlowe
- 32 Marlowe 1 Dr. Faustus 16/3 ENG
PL10 -- 1963
- 39 Marlowe 2 Tamburlaine, part 1
17/4 ENG PL16 -- 1967
- 33 Marlowe 3 Tamburlaine, Part 2
17/8 ENG PL9 -- 1968
- 32 Marlowe 4 Dido BRITISH
16th 1 PLAY 1 -- 2013
- 6
Christopher Marlowe 5 The Massacre at Paris BRITISH 16th 2
PLAY 1 -- 2020
- 31
Christopher Marlowe 6 Edward II BRITISH 16th 4 PLAY 1
-- 2020
Gabriel Marquez
- 18 Garcia Marquez 1 Hundred Years
of Solitude 20/1 COL N11 -- 1970
- 59 Gabriel Marquez 2 Leaf Storm
& Other Stories 20/1 COL ST -- 1973
- 29 Gabriel Marquez 3 Autumn of the
Patriarch 20/1 COLUM ST -- 1978
- 31 Gabriel Marquez 4 Chronicle of a
Death Foretold 20/1 COL N17 --1988
- 9 Gabriel Marquez 5 Love in the
Time of Cholera 20/1 COL N7 -- 1989
- 64 Gabriel Marquez 6 The General in
His Labyrinth 1 COL N23 -- 1991
Anthony Marra
- 24 Anthony Marra 1 ****A Constellation of Vital Phenomena
AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 14 -- 2015
John Marshall
- John Marshall 1 ***The Life of George Washington, volume 1
AMERICAN 19th 2 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2010
SLA Marshall
- 49 SLA Marshall 1 World War I 20/11
AMER HIST -- 1973
- 48 Marston 1 Malcontent 17/11 ENG
PL23 -- 1967
Yann Martel
- 30 Yann Martel 1 The Life of Pi CANADIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 13
-- 2003, 2022
- 92 Yann Martel 2 The Facts Behind the Helsinki Roccamatios
- 15 Yann Martel 3 Beatrice and Virgil
CANADIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 11 -- 2011
Christopher Martin
- 2 Christopher Martin 1 The Boxer
Rebellion 20/1 AMER HIS1 -- 1973
George R.R. Martin
- 101 George R.R. Martin 1 A Song for Lya (in The Hugo Winners
Volume 3
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 23 SCIFI 20
-- 2007
- 122 George R.R. Martin 2 ****Sandkings (in The Hugo Winners,
Volume 5: Nine Prizewinning Science Fiction Stories (1980 -
AMERICAN 20th 38 SCIFI 35 -- 2007
- 123 George R.R. Martin 3 **The Way of Cross and Dragon (in The
Hugo Winners, Volume 5: Nine Prizewinning Science Fiction
Stories (1980 - 1982)
AMERICAN 20th 39 SCIFI 36 --2007
- 77 George R. R. Martin 4 A Game of Thrones
AMERICAN 20th 20 NOVEL 38 -- 2011
- 78 George R. R. Martin 5 A Clash of Kings AMERICAN
20th 21 NOVEL 39 -- 2011
- 79 George R. R. Martin 6 A Storm of Swords AMERICAN 21st
13 NOVEL 40 -- 2011
- 80 George R. R. Martin 7 A Feast of Crows AMERICAN 21st
14 NOVEL 41 -- 2011
- 90 George R.R. Martin 8 A Dance with Dragons AMERICAN 21st 18
NOVEL 50 -- 2011
James Martin
- 73 James Martin 1 *Cybercorp
AMERICAN 20th 30 INTERNET 6 review -- 1998
- 43 W.A.P. Martin 1 A Cycle of
Cathay 19/1 AMER HI -- 1980
William Martin
- 95 William Martin 1 Back Bay AMERICAN 20th 25 NOVEL 13 -- 2005
Carole Martinez
- 25 Carole Martinez 1 *** The Threads of the Heart FRENCH 21st
1 NOVEL 21 -- 2013
Karl Marx
- 9 Karl Marx 1 Communist Manifesto
19/1 GER HIS1 -- 1963
- 46 Karl Marx 3 Basic Writings on
Politics & Philosophy 19/1 GER PH1 -- 1981
- 14 Maslenikov 1 The Frenzied Poets
20/2 RUSS CR1 -- 1972
- 55 Robert Massie 1 Nicholas &
Alexandra 20/37 AMER BIO -- 1979
Peter Matthiesen
- 96 Peter Matthiessen 1 Baikal: The
Sacred Sea of Siberia AMERICAN 20th 64 SCIENCE 3 -- 1997
Somerset Maugham
- 42 Somerset Maugham 1 Then and Now
20/4 ENG N20 -- 1963
- 13 Somerset Maugham 2 **The Razor's
Edge 20/1 ENG N -- 1974, 2024
- 16 Somerset Maugham 3 The Moon
& Sixpence 20/2 ENG N -- 1974
- 32 Somerset Maugham 4 *Of Human Bondage ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL
25 -- 2004
- 24
Somerset Maugham 6 Complete Short Stories Volume 2 BRITISH
20th 6 STORIES 2 -- 2020
- 49
Somerset Maugham 7 * Cakes and Ale BRITISH 20th 8 NOVEL 23
-- 2020
- 50
Somerset Maugham 8 *****The Painted Veil BRITISH 20th 9
NOVEL 24 -- 2020
- 53
Somerset Maugham 9 ****Up at the Villa BRITISH 20th 10
NOVEL 27 -- 2020
- 58 Somerset
Maugham 10 ****The Narrow Corner BRITISH 20th 11 NOVEL
30 -- 2020
- 60 Somerset
Maugham 11 *****Theatre BRITISH 20th 12 NOVEL 31 --
- 78 Somerset
Maugham 12 ***Mrs. Craddock BRITISH 20th 13 NOVEL 39
-- 2020
- 67 Somerset
Maugham 5 The Complete Short Stories, Volume 1
- 19 Mauldin 1 Up Front 20/4 AMER
CAR1 -- 1963
Guy de Maupassant
- 52 Guy de Maupassant 1 Bel-Ami (en
francais) 19/1 FREN N24 -- 1963
- 12 Guy de Maupassant 2 Le Horla
19/1 FREN ST1 -- 1964
- 24 Guy de Maupassant 3 Boule de
Suif (en francais) FRENCH 19th 2 STORIES 3 -- 2017
- 25 Anton Chekhov 9 The Party and
Other Stories RUSSIAN 19th 2 STORIES 4 -- 2017
- 76
Guy de Maupassant 5 Pierre et Jean (en francais) FRENCH
19th 1 NOVEL 36 -- 2018
Francois Mauriac
- 38 Francois Mauriac 1 Genitrix 20/8
FREN N10 -- 1965
- 51 Francois Mauriac 2 Le Desert de
l'Amour (francais) 20/8 FREN N18 -- 1966
Francois Maurois
- 53 Francois Maurois 1 Climats (en
francais) 20/13 FREN N25 -- 1963
Debby Mayer
- 18 Debby Mayer 1 Literary Agents 14
AMER ES1 --1992
Joyce Maynard
- 73 Joyce Maynard 1 ***At Home in the World AMERICAN 20th 4
BIOGRAPHY 8 -- 2019
- 39 Anne McCaffrey 1 ***Dragonsong
20/21 AMER SF -- 1980
- 41 Anne McCaffrey 2 **Dragonsinger
20/23 AMER SF -- 1980
- 13 Anne McCaffrey 3 **Dragon Drums
20/13 AMER SF5 --1981
- 79 Anne McCaffrey 4 ***Weyr Search (in The Hugo Winners -
Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 11 SCIFI 8 -- 2007
Alison McBain
- 60 Alison McBain (editor) 1
Imagining Monsters AMERICAN 21st 9 SHORT STORIES 2 -- 2019
- 14 Alison McBain The New Empire 21st 3 NOVEL 9 -- 2023
Colum McCann
- 16 Colum McCann 1 ****Let the Great World Spin IRISH 21st
2/AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 13 -- 2010
Cormac McCarthy
- 39 Cormac McCarthy 1 *Blood
Meridian AMER 20th 29 NOVEL 17 -- 1997 review
- 46 Cormac McCarthy 2 ***All the
Pretty Horses (Border Trilogy #1) AMER 20th 33 NOVEL 26 -- 1999
- 67 Cormac McCarthy 3 **The Crossing
(Border Trilogy #2) AMER 20th 42 NOVEL 38 -- 1999 review
- 68 Cormac McCarthy 4 ***Cities of
the Plain (Border Trilogy #3) AMER 20th 43 NOVEL 39 -- 1999
- 18 Cormac McCarthy 5 Child of God
AMERICAN 20th 12 NOVEL 11 -- 2001
- 56 Cormac McCarthy 6 The Orchard Keeper AMERICAN 20th 5
NOVEL 27 -- 2003
- 57 Cormac McCarthy 7 No Country for Old Men AMERICAN
21st 12 NOVEL 34 -- 2006
- 63 Cormac McCarthy 8 *The Road AMERICAN 21st 16
NOVEL 38 -- 2006
- Cormac McCarthy 9 **Suttree AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 8 -- 2010
- 99 Cormac McCarthy 10 The Sunset Unlimited AMERICAN 20th
24 NOVEL 58 -- 2011
Carole Spearin McCauley
- 31 Carole Spearin McCauley 1 ***Cold Steal AMERICAN 21st 7
NOVEL 20 -- 2014
- 34 Carole Spearin McCauley 2 A Winning Death AMERICAN 21st 9
NOVEL 23 -- 2014
James McClure
- 28 James McClure 1 (performance, Gloucester, MA) ****1959 Pink
Thunderbird AMERICAN 20th 4 PLAY 3 -- 2015
Kristin McCloy
- 48 Kristin McCloy 1 Some Girls AMER
20th 31 NOVEL 34 -- 1995
William Burton McCormick
- 62
William Burton McCormick 1 and John Christmas 1 ***KGB Banker
AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL 30 -- 2021
Elizabeth McCracken
- 41 Elizabeth McCracken 1 The Giant's House AMERICAN 21st 9
NOVEL 19 -- 2003
- 48 Elizabeth McCracken 2 Niagara Falls All Over Again AMERICAN
21st 10 NOVEL 21 -- 2003
- Elizabeth McCracken 3 An Exact Replica of a Figment of My
Imagination AMERICAN 21st 2 AUTOBIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2010
- 41 Sharyn McCrumb1 Bimbos of the
Death Sun 20/19 AMER MYS1 --1988
Carson McCullers
- 60 Carson McCullers 1 ***The Heart is a Lonely Hunter AMERICAN
20th 15 NOVEL 30 -- 2002
- 61 Carson McCullers 2 Reflections in a Golden Eye AMERICAN
20th 16 NOVEL 31 -- 2002
- 62 Carson McCullers 3 The Ballad of the Sad Cafe AMERICAN 20th
17 NOVEL 32 -- 2002
- 64 Carson McCullers 4 The Member of the Wedding AMERICAN 20th
18 NOVEL 33 -- 2002
- 66 Carson McCullers 5 Clock Without Hands AMERICAN 20th 19
NOVEL 35 -- 2002
Coleen McCullough
- 16 Coleen McCullough 1 The Thorn
Birds 20/1 AUST N -- 1978
David McCullough
- 44 David McCullough 1 [awful] The Great Journey AMERICAN
21st 6 HISTORY 2 -- 2011
Ian McEwan
- 83 Ian McEwan 1 **The Daydreamer
[outloud] ENGLISH 20th 9 SHORT STORIES 2 -- 1998
- 100 Ian McEwan 2 *AmsterdamENGLISH
20th 11 NOVEL 49 -- 1998
- 20 Ian McEwan 3 Enduring Love
ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 12 -- 1999
- 42 Ian McEwan 4 ****Atonement ENGLISH 21st 2 NOVEL 17 -- 2002
- 49 Ian McEwan 5 **Black Dogs ENGLISH 21st 3 NOVEL 22 -- 2003
- 54 Ian McEwan 6 ****SaturdayENGLISH 21st 1 NOVEL 9 -- 2005
- 44 Ian McEwan 7 **** On Chesil Beach ENGLISH 21st 2
NOVEL 13 -- 2007
- 15 Ian McEwan 8 *Solar AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL 12 -- 2010
- 84 Ian McEwan 9 ***The Child in Time BRITISH 20th 10
NOVEL 45 -- 2011
- 24 Ian McEwan 10 The Comfort of Strangers BRITISH 20th 1
NOVEL 20 -- 2013
- 52 Ian McEwan 11 ****Sweet Tooth BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 43
-- 2013
- 41 Ian McEwan 15 The Children Act BRITISH 21st 4 NOVEL
25 -- 2015
- 59 Ian McEwan 13 Lessons BRITISH 21st 11 NOVEL 46 -- 2022
Marshall McLuhan
- 23 Marshall McLuhan 1 The Medium is
the Massage 20/1 CAN ESS4 -- 1971
- 31 Marshall McLuhan 2 Understanding
Media 20/2 CAN ESS6 -- 1971
- 6 Larry McMurtry 1 Texasville 20/5
AMER N4 -- 1989
- 3 Larry McMurtry 2 Anything for
Billy 3 AMER N3 -- 1990
Marion Mead
- 52
Marion Meade 1 Eleanor of Aquitaine AMERICAN 21st 10 BIOGRAPHY
3 -- 2021
Gita Mehta
- 28 Gita Mehta A River Sutra 20th
INDIA1 NOVEL15 -- 1994
Pauline Melville
- 43 Pauline Melville 1 *** The Ventriloquist's Tale ENGLISH
20th 1 NOVEL 12 -- 2007
Herman Melville
- 22 Herman Melville 1 Moby Dick 19/4
AMER N14 -- 1958
- 26 Herman Melville 2 Billy Budd
19/3 AMER N10 --1987
- 31 Herman Melville 3 Benito Cereno
19/4 AMER N13 -- 1987
- 29 Herman Melville 4 ***Bartleby
AMER 19th 1 NOVEL 18 -- 1995
- 30 Herman Melville 5 **The
Encantadas AMER 19th 2 NOVEL 19 -- 1995
- 31 Herman Melville ****Benito
Cereno [second time] AMER 19th 3 NOVEL 20 -- 1995
- 37 Herman Melville 6 The Confidence
Man AMER 19th 4 NOVEL 25 -- 1995
- 14 Herman Melville 7 Typee AMER
19th 1 NOVEL 12 -- 1996
- 15 Herman Melville 8 Omoo AMER 19th
2 NOVEL 13 -- 1996
- 26 Menander 1 The Girl from Samos
BC/4 GRE PL11 -- 1964
H.L. Mencken
- 39 H.L. Mencken (on CD) (on Kindle) Damn! A Book of
Calumny AMERICAN 20th 1 ESSAY 4 -- 2008
Vivian Mercier
- Vivian Mercier (editor) Great Irish Short Stories IRISH
19th 1 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2010
Prosper Merimee
- 24 Prosper Merimee Colomba
(francais) 19/8 FREN N20 -- 1972
- 25 Prosper Merimee Carmen
(francais) 19/9 FREN N21 -- 1972
John Meyendorff
- 30 John Meyendorff 1 The Orthodox
Church 20/3 FREN REL1 -- 1972
- 23 John Meyendorff 2 A Study of
Gregory Palamas 20/9 RUSS REL -- 1974
Nicholas Meyer
- Nicholas Meyer The Seven Percent
Solution 20 AMER MY -- 1978
- 7 Nicholas Meyer 1 The West End
Horror 20/4 AMER MY -- 1978
Ben Mezrich
- 25 Ben Mezrich 1 *Threshold AMER
20th 20 NOVEL 17 -- 1996
James Michener
- 42 James Michener 1 *** Hawaii AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 11 --
- 52 James Michener 2 ****Tales of the South Pacific AMERICAN
20th 2 NOVEL 14 -- 2019
- 44 Middleton/Rowley 1 The
Changeling 17/9 ENG PL21 -- 1967
A. D. Miller
- 29 A. D. Miller 1 *Snowdrops BRITISH 21st 1 NOVEL 25 --
Arthur Miller
- 17 Arthur Miller 1 All My Sons 20/3
AMER PL9 -- 1964
- 13 Arthur Miller 2 The Crucible
20/3 AMER PL5 -- 1965
- 37 Arthur Miller 3 Death of a
Salesman 20/18 AMER PL10 -- 1966
- 13 Arthur Miller 4 A View from the
Bridge 9 AMER PL3 --1992
Henry Miller
- 96 Henry Miller 1 Tropic of Cancer AMERICAN 20th 27 NOVEL 50
-- 2002
James Miller
- 18 ed. James Miller 1 Myth &
Method 20/12 AMER CRIT -- 1975
Madeline Miller
- 76
Madeline Miller 2 ***Circe AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL 38 -- 2020
Walter Miller
- 15 Walter Miller 1 A Canticle for
Leibowitz 20/9 AMER SCIFI 3 -- 1984
- 70 Walter Miller 2 The Darfsteller (in The Hugo Winners -
Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 4 SCIFI 1 -- 2007
A.A. Milne
- 4 A.A. Milne 1 Winnie-the-Pooh
(read to Bobby) 20/1 ENG CHIL -- 1978
- 17 Czeslaw Milosz 1 The Captive
Mind 20/3 POL ES1 --1982
John Milton
- 10 Milton 1 Paradise Lost 17/1 ENG
P2 -- 1967
- 51 Milton 2 Comus 17/12 ENG PL26 --
- 15 Susan Minot 1 Monkeys 20/12 AMER
N4 --1987
- 92 Susan Minot 2
****EveningAMERICAN 20th 40 NOVEL 46 -- 1998
- 49 Susan Minot 3 FollyAMER 20th 34
NOVEL 28 -- 1999
- 5 Marvin Minsky 1 The Society of
Mind 4 AMER SC1 --1992
- 61 Mirsky 1 History of Russian
Literature 20/5 RUSS CR8 -- 1968
- 16 Yukio Mishima 1 Thirst for Love
20/1 JAP N7--1985
David Mitchell
- 35David Mitchell 1 ***Ghostwritten BRITISH 20th 5 NOVEL 19 --
- 36 David Mitchell 2 ***The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet
BRITISH 21st 2 NOVEL 20 -- 2010
- 37 David Mitchell 3 ***Black Swan Green BRITISH 20th 6 NOVEL
21 -- 2010
- 38 David Mitchell 4 ****Cloud Atlas BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 22 --
- 39 David Michell 5 *Number9 Dream BRITISH 20th 7 NOVEL 23 --
- 48 David Mitchell 6 ***The Bone Clocks BRITISH 21st 5 NOVEL 36
-- 2014
- 43 David Mitchell 7 Slade House BRITISH 21st 18 NOVEL 29 --
Margaret Mitchell
- 4 Margaret Mitchell 1 Gone with the
Wind 20/1 AMER N4 -- 1960
- 22 Konstantin Mochulsky Bely 20/2
RUSS CR2 -- 1981
Patrick Modiano
- 49 Patrick Modiano 1 *** Voyage de Noces [en francais) FRENCH
20th 1 NOVEL 20 -- 2018
- 50 Patrick Modiano 2 Dora Bruder [en francais] FRENCH 20th 2
NOVEL 21 -- 2018
- 51 Patrick Modiano 3 Pour que tu ne te perdes pas dans le
quartier FRENCH 21st 1 NOVEL 22 -- 2018
Walter Moers
- 79 Walter Moers 1 ***The 13-1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear
GERMAN 21st 1 NOVEL 41 -- 2009
- 84 Walter Moers 2 The City of Dreaming Books GERMAN 21st 2
NOVEL 46 -- 2009
- 30 Moliere 1 Le Misanthrope (en
francais) 17/1 FREN PL8 -- 1963
- 15 Moliere 2 Le Bourgeois
Gentilhomme (fran.) 17/2 FREN PL7 -- 1964
- 4 Moliere 3 L'Avare (francais) 17/1
FREN PL1 -- 1965
- 19 Moliere 4 Les Femmes savantes
(francais) 17/2 FREN PL8 -- 1965
- 29 Moliere 5 Dom Juan (francais)
17/3 FREN PL11 -- 1965, 1994
- 44 Moliere 6 Le Tartuffe (francais)
17/1 FREN PL11 -- 1966
- 23 Moliere 7 L'Ecole des Maris (en
francais) FRENCH 17th 1 PLAY 2 -- 1999
- 19 Moliere 8 Sganarelle ou Le Cocu Imaginaire FRENCH 17th 1
Tom Montag
- 24 Tom Montag 1 Concern/s 20/17
AMER ES -- 1977
- 38 Montaigne 1 Essays Volume 1 FRENCH 16th 1 ESSAYS 6 --
- 15 Montaigne 2 Essays volume 2 FRENCH 16th 1 ESSAYS 1 -- 2017
- 23 Montaigne 3 Essays of Montaigne Volume 3 FRENCH 16th 1
ESSAYS 1 -- 2019
- 13 Montesquieu 1 Lettres Persanes
18/1 FREN N4 -- 1964
Rick Moody
- 68 Rick Moody 1 ***Purple America
AMERICAN 20th 45 NOVEL 28 -- 1997
- 88 Rick Moody 2 * The Ice Storm
AMERICAN 20th 58 NOVEL 41 -- 1997
- 89 Rick Moody 3 Garden State
AMERICAN 20th 59 NOVEL 42 -- 1997
- 86 Rick Moody 4 *The Ring of
Brightest Angels Around Heaven AMERICAN 20th 35 NOVEL 33 -- 2000
- 16 Rick Moody 5 Demonology AMERICAN
21st 1 SHORT STORIES 3 -- 2001
- 18 Rick Moody 6 ***The Diviners AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL 10
review -- 2006
Christopher Moore
- 36 Christopher Moore 1 **Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff,
Christ's Childhood Pal AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL 28 -- 2004
- 18 Christopher Moore 2 Practical Demonkeeping AMERICAN
20th 4 FANTASY 6 -=- 2005
- 21
Christopher Moore 3 Shakespeare for Squirrels AMERICAN 21st 4
NOVEL 10 -- 2020
F.H. Moore
- 82 F.H. Moore 1 The Nobler Pleasure
20/11 AMER CR11
Geoffrey Moore
- 16 Geoffrey Moore 1 ***Crossing the
Chasm AMER 20th 12 BUSINESS 1 -- 1997
- 52 Geoffrey Moore 2 ***Inside the
Tornado AMERICAN 20th 32 BUSINESS 2 -- 1997
- 122 Geoffrey Moore 3 Living on the
Fault Line: Managing for Shareholder Value in the Age of the
Internet AMERICAN 21st 17 INTERNET 7, BUSINESS 4 -- 2000
Alan Moorehead
- Alan Moorehead 1 The Russian
Revolution 20 AMER HIS -- 1958
- 33 Alan Moorehead 2 The Blue Nile
20/6 AMER HIS2 -- 1972
- 9 Alan Moorehead 3 Darwin and the
Beagle 20/7 AMER BIO1 -- 1987
- 68 Marta Morazzoni 1 Girl in a
Turban 1 ITAL ST4 -- 1991
- 50 Marta Morazzoni 2 *****The
Invention of Truth ITAL 20th 1 NOVEL 36 -- 1995
Thomas More
- 48 Thomas More 1 Utopia 16/2 ENG
N13 -- 1969
William Morris
- 36 William Morris 1 The Wood Beyond
the World 20/6 ENG SF -- 1977
- 57 William Morris 2 News from Nowhere BRITISH 19th 2 NOVEL 47
-- 2013
Donna Morrissey
13 Donna Morrissey 1 ***Kit's Law CANADIAN 20th 3
NOVEL 8 -- 2023
Toni Morrison
- 48 Toni Morrison 1 Beloved AMERICAN 20th 6 NOVEL 40 -- 2013
James Morro
- 91 James Morrow 1 Towing Jehovah AMERICAN 20th 39 NOVEL 45 --
Ottesa Moshfegh
- 60 Ottesa Moshfegh 1 ***Eileen AMERICAN 21st 18 NOVEL 27 --
- 27 Slawomir Mrozkek 1 Vatzlav 20/1
CZECH PL1 -- 1989
Zak Mucha
- 109 Zak Mucha 1 **The Beggar's
Shore AMERICAN 20th 33 NOVEL 42 -- 2000 review
John Muir
- 74 John Muir 1 Steep Trails [electronic book] AMERICAN 19th 1
NATURE 1 -- 2005
- 72 John Muir 2 The Story of My Boryhood and Youth AMERICAN
19th 1 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2006
Harry Mulisch
- 25 Harry Mulisch 1 ***The Discovery of Heaven DUTCH 20th 1
NOVEL 18 -- 2012
- 38 Harry Mulisch 2 *****The Assault DUTCH 20th 2 NOVEL 30--
Alice Munro
- 29 Alice Munro 1 Who Do You Think You Are? CANADA 20th 1 NOVEL
27 -- 2022
- 30 Alice Munro 2 Lives of Girls and Women CANADA 21st 2 NOVEL
28 -- 2022
- 31 Alice Munro 3 Runaway CANADA 21st 3 STORIES 1 -- 2022
- 35 Alice Munro 4 The Love of a Good Woman CANADA 20th 2 NOVEL
32 -- 2022
- 37 Alice Munro 5 Dance of the Happy Shades CANADA 20th 3 NOVEL
33 -- 2022
Brett Munro
- 10 Brett Munro 1 Alliance (at
Zoetrope Screenplays) AMER 20th 8 SCREENPLAY 1 -- 1999
H.H. Munro, see Saki
Haruki Murakami
- 114 Haruki Murakami 1 The Elephant Vanishes 20th JAPANESE 1
- 115 Haruki Murakami 2 **The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle 20th
- 14 Haruki Murakami 3 **Kafka on the Shore JAPANESE 21st 1
NOVEL 8 -- 2006
- 9 Haruki Murakami 4 Hard-Boiled Wonderland and The End of the
World JAPANESE 20th 1 NOVEL 8 -- 2013
- 20 Haruki Murakami 5 **** 1Q1984, Book 1 JAPANESE 21st 1
NOVEL 17 -- 2013
- 21 Haruki Murakami 6 **** 1Q1984, Book 2 JAPANESE 21st 2
NOVEL 18 -- 2013
- 22 Haruki Murakami 7 **** 1Q1984, Book 3 JAPANESE 21st 3
NOVEL 19 -- 2013
Lady Muraskai
- 80 Lady Murasaki 1 * The Tale of
Genji JAPANESE 11th 1 NOVEL 41 -- 1998
Iris Murdoch
- 46 Iris Murdoch 1 The Sovreignty of
Good 20/5 ENG ES10 -- 1971
- 10 Iris Murdoch 2 The Unicorn 20/1
ENG N9 -- 1982
- 75 Iris Murdoch 3 Sartre: Romantic Rationalist ENGLISH
20th 20 ESSAY 5 -- 2001
- 35 Iris Murdoch 4 *The Red and the Green ENGLISH 20th 6 NOVEL
11 -- 2002
- (about her) 37 John Bayley 1 Elegy for Iris ENGLISH 20th 8
BIOGRAPHY 7 -- 2002
- 43 Iris Murdoch 5 Sandcastle ENGLISH 20th 12 NOVEL 18 -- 2002
- 91 Iris Murdoch 6 **The Sea, the Sea ENGLISH 20th 21 NOVEL 48
-- 2002
Ian Murray
- 73 ed. Ian Murray 1 The New Penguin Book of Scottish Short
Stories SCOTTISH 1 SHORT STORIES 4 -- 2006
Robert Musil
- 40 Robert Musil 1 Young Torless
20/2 AUSTRIAN NOVEL 10 -- 1969
- 21 Robert Musil 2 The Man Without
Qualities Part One 20/1 AUSTRIAN NOVEL13 --1970
- 29 Robert Musil 3 Unions 20/1
- 83 Robert Musil 4 Three Women
Vladimir Nabokov
- 7 Vladimir Nabokov 1 Lolita 20/1
RUSS N5 -- 1962
- 19 Vladimir Nabokov 2 Invitation to
a Beheading 20/1 RUSS N3 -- 1966
- 46 Vladimir Nabokov 3 Pnin 20/2
RUSS N13 -- 1968
- 10 Vladimir Nabokov 4 Nikolai Gogol
20/1 RUSS CR2 -- 1969
- 7 Vladimir Nabokov 5 Pale Fire 20/1
RUSS N2 --1970, 1973
- 69 Vladimir Nabokov 6 Real Life of
Sebastian Knight 20/10 RUSS N45 -- 1972
- 64 Vladimir Nabokov 7 Speak, Memory
20/9 RUSS BIO4 -- 1972
- 40 Vladimir Nabokov 8 Ada 20/5 RUSS
N25 -- 1972
- 3 Vladimir Nabokov 9 Laughter in
the Dark 20/1 RUSS N1 -- 1984
- 52 Vladimir Nabokov 10 The Defense
20/1 RUSS N21 -- 1987
- 19 Vadimir Nabokov 11 The Gift 20/1
RUSS N8 -- 1988
- 36 Vladimir Nabokov 12 Lectures on
Literature 20/2 RUSS CRT2 -- 1988
- 57 Valdimir Nabokov 13 Mary RUSSIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 43 -- 2004
- 3 Vladimir Nabokov 14 Bend Sinister RUSSIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 1 --
- 32 Anonymous (trans. Vladimir Nabokov) The Song of Igor's
Campaign 12th 1 Ukrainian 1 -- 2024
- 5 V.S. Naipul 1 Guerrillas
20/1CARRIB N3 -- 1985
Thomas Nashe
- 62
Thomas Nashe 1 Pierce Penniless BRITISH 16th 9 ESSAY 5 -- 2020
- 17 Joe Nathan 1 Micro-Myths 20/8
AMER ED2 -- 1986
Margarite de Navarre
- 26 Marguerite de Navarre 1
L'Heptameron (francais) 16/1 FREN N15 -- 1970
Patrick Neate
- 34 Patrick Neate 1 City of Lights ENGLISH 21st 6 NOVEL 22 --
Jacob Needleman
- 33 Jacob Needlemann 1 The New
Religions 20/15 AMER ESS7 -- 1971
Nicholas Negroponte
- 13 Nicholas Negroponte 1 ***Being
Digital AMER 20th6 ESSAY1 -- 1995
Gerard de Nerval
- 90 Gerard de Nerval 1 Sylvie (in French) FRENCH 19th 3 NOVEL
31 -- 2007
Jo Nesbo
- 26 Jo Nesbo 1 **** The Snowman NORWEGIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 15 --
- 41 Jo Nesbo 2 **The Bat NORWEGIAN 21st 2 NOVEL 29 -- 2014
- 42 Jo Nesbo 3 **Cockroaches NORWEGIAN 21st 2 NOVEL 29 --2014
- 37 Jo Nesbo 4 **Police NORWEGIAN 1 MYSTERY 1 -- 2015
- 44 Henry Nevinson 1 The Dawn in
Russia 20/5 ENG HI8 -- 1981
Sandra Newman
- 38 Sandra Newman 1 ****The Heavens AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 8 --
Celeste Ng
- 55 Celeste Ng ***Little Fires Everywhere AMERICAN 21st 16
NOVEL 23 -- 2018
Charles Nicholl
- 44
Charles Nicholl 1 The Reckoning (about Christopher
Marlowe BRITISH 20th 7 HISTORY 3 -- 2020
Friedrich Nietzsche
- 27 Friedrich Nietzsche 1 Thus Spake
Zarathustra 19/2 GER PH2 -- 1963
- 7 Friedrich Nietzsche 2 Birth of
Tragedy 19/1 GER PH1 -- 1964
- 9 Friedrich Nietzsche 3 Genealogy
of Morals 19/1 GER PH6 -- 1966
- 5 Friedrich Nietzsche 4 The Use
& Abuse of History 19/1 GER PH1 -- 1983
- 53 Friedrich Nietzsche 5 Beyond Good and Evil GERMAN 19th 3
PHILOSOPHY 3 -- 2009
Audrey Niffenegger
- 41 Audrey Niffenegger 1 **The Time Traveler's Wife AMERICAN
21st 15 NOVEL 31 -- 2004
- 93 Audrey Niffenegger 2 Her Fearful Symmetry BRITISH 21st 8
NOVEL 53 -- 2009
- 31 Boris Nikolayevsky 1 Aseff the
Spy 20/3 RUSS BIO2 -- 1972
Aron Nimzovitch
- My System RUSS CHESS -- year?
Anais Nin
- 38 Anais Nin 1 Delta of Venus 20/26
AMER ST -- 1979
- Anais Nin 2 Little Birds
- 9 Anais Nin 3 Spy in the House of
Love 6 AMER N3 -- 1991
- 18 Anais Nin 4 The Diary of Anais
Nin, Volume One 1931-1934 FRENCH 20th 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2015
- 83
Anais Nin 5 The Diary of Anais Nin, Volume 520 1934-1939
FRENCH 20th 3 DIARY 1 -- 2018
Larry Niven
- 11 Larry Niven 1 Ring World 20/11
AMER SF3 -- 1981
- 12 Larry Niven 2 Ring World
Engineers 20/12 AMER SF4 -- 1981
- 57 Larry Niven 3 The Integral Trees
36 AMER SF7 -- 1991
- 97 Larry Niven 4 **Inconstant Moon (in The Hugo Winners Volume
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 19 SCIFI 16 -- 2007
- 104 Larry Niven 5 The Borderland of Sol (in The
Hugo Winners Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th
26 SCIFI 23 --2007
Lawrence Norfolk
- 14 Lawrence Norfolk 1 Lempriere's
Dictionary ENG 20th 5 NOVEL 7 -- 1995
Howard Norman
- 18 Howard Norman 1 ***The Bird
Artist CANADIAN 20th NOVEL 10 -- 1995
- 25 Howard Norman 2 Kiss in the
Hotel Joseph Conrad CANADIAN 1 SHORT STORIES 2 -- 1997
- 34 Howard Norman 3 The Museum Guard AMERICAN 20th 10 NOVEL 10
-- 2002
- 23 Howard Norman 4 The Chauffeur AMERICAN 2st 5 SHORT
STORIES 1 -- 2006
Laurie Notaro
- 68 Laurie Notaro 1 The Idiot Girls' Action Adventure Club
AMERICAN 21st 15 HUMOR 1 -- 2003
Amelie Nothomb
- 19 Amelie Nothomb 1 **Fear and Trembling JAPANESE 21st
2/FRENCH 21st 1 NOVEL 11 -- 2006
- 2 Novalis 1 Heinrich von
Ofterdingen (deut.) 18/2 GER N2 -- 1969
Joyce Carol Oates
- 30
Joyce Carol Oates 1 *****We Were the Mulvaneys AMERICAN 20th 1
NOVEL 16 -- 2020
Josiah Ober
- 63 Josiah Ober 1 The Rise and Fall of Classical Greece
AMERICAN 21st 22 HISTORY 5 -- 2022
Flann O'Brien
- 37 Flann O'Brien 1 The Third
Policeman IRISH 20th 1 NOVEL 20 -- 1999
Tim O'Brien
- 18 Tim O'Brien 1 Northern Lights
20/12 AMER N -- 1977
- 13 Tim O'Brien 2 Going After
Cacciato 20/9 AMER N -- 1979
- 21 Tim O'Brien 3 If I Die in a
Combat Zone 20/15 AMER N -- 1979
- 69 Tim O'Brien 4 July, July AMERICAN 21st 18 NOVEL 29 -- 2007
Hilton Obenzinger
- 14 Hilton Obenzinger 1 Cannibal
Eliot and the Lost Histories of San Francisco AMER 20th 9
STORIES 1 -- 1998
Tea Obreht
- 10 Tea Obreht 1 ****The Tiger's Wife SERBIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 7
Sean O'Casey
- 24 Sean O'Casey 1 Juno and the
Paycock 20/1 IRISH PLAY 3 -- 1985
- 25 Sean O'Casey 2 The Plough and
the Stars 20/2 IRISH PLAY 4 --1985
Flannery O'Connor
- 36 Flannery O'Connor 1 Wise Blood
20/16 AMER N17 -- 1971, 1984
- 19 Flannery O'Connor 2 The Violent
Bear It Away 20/13 AMER N7 -- 1984
- 20 Flannery O'Connor 3 Everything
that Rises Must Converge 20/14 AMER ST1 -- 1984
- 25 Flannery O'Connor 4 The Complete
Stories 20/16 AMER ST2 -- 1984
Richard O'Connor
- 21 Richard O'Connor 1 The Spirit
Soldiers 20/15 AMER HIST -- 1976
- 42 Kenzaburo Oe 1 A Personal Matter
JAPAN 20th 1 NOVEL -- 1975
- 10 Kenzaburo Oe 2J JAPAN 20th 1
NOVEL 3 -- 1998
- 11 Kenzaburo Oe 3 Seventeen JAPAN
20th 2 NOVEL 4 -- 1998
Julia O'Faolain
- 96 Julia O'Faolain 1 ***No Country for Young Men IRISH 20th 1
NOVEL 55 -- 2011
Maggie O'Farrell
- 75
Maggie O'Farrell 1 Hamnet BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 37 --
Yoko Ogawa
- 31 Yoko Ogawa 1 Mina's Matchbox JAPANESE 21st 1 NOVEL 11 --
- 28 Zoe Oldenbourg 1 Massacre at
Montsegur 20/1 FREN HIST -- 1976
Patrick O'Leary
- 90 Patrick O'Leary 1 *Other Voices,
Other Doors AMERICAN 21st 13 STORIES 4 -- 2000 review
- 93 Patrick O'Leary 2 *Door Number
Three AMERICAN 20th 37 SCIFI 7 -- 2000 review
- 108 Patrick O'Leary 3 **The Gift
- 21 Yuri Olesha 1 Envy 20/1 RUSS N10
- 55 Roland Oliver 1 A Short History
of Africa 20/1 ENG HIST -- 1973
Tillie Olsen
- 14 Tillie Olsen 1 Tell Me a Riddle
20/8 AMER ST -- 1977
- 15 Tillie Olsen 2 Yonondio 20/9
AMER N -- 1977
- 32 Tillie Olsen 3 Silences 20/25
AMER ES -- 1979
Riku Onda60 Riku Onda 1 **** Honeybees ad Distnt Thunder JAPANESE
21st 1 NOVEL 41 -- 2023
- 61 Riku Onda 2 Fish Swimming in Dappled Sunlight JAPANESE 21st
2 NOVEL 42 -- 2023
- 66 Riku Onda 3 The Aosawa Murders JAPANESE 21st 3 NOVEL 44
Michael Ondaatje
- 50 Michael Ondaatje 1 **The English
Patient SRI LANKA/CANADA 20th 1 NOVEL 38 -- 1996
- 44 Michael Ondaatje 2 *In the Skin
of a Lion SRI LANKA/CANADA 20th 3 NOVEL 22 -- 1998
- 38 Michael Ondaatje 3 Handwriting
SRI LANKA/CANADA 20th 1 POETRY 1 -- 2000
- 40 Michael Ondaatje 4 ***Anil's
Ghost SRI LANKA/CANADA 20th 2 NOVEL 12 -- 2000 review
- 47 Michael Ondaatje 5 **DivisaderoSRI LANKAN 21st
1/CANADIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 16 -- 2007
- 103 Michael Ondaatje 6 The Cat's Table CANADIAN
21st 3 NOVEL 62 -- 2011
Eugene O'Neill
- 20 Eugene O'Neill 3 Emperor Jones
20/12 AMER PL1 -- 1985
- 26 Eugene O'Neill 4 Ah, Wilderness
20/16 AMER PL5 --1985
- 27 Eugene O'Neill 5 A Touch of the
Poet 20/17 AMER PL6 --1985
- 28 Eugene O'Neill 6 Hughie 20/18
AMER PL7 --1985
- 29 Eugene O'Neill 7 A Moon for the
Misbegotten 20/19 AMER PL8 --1985
- 30 Eugene O'Neill 8 Long Day's
Journey into Night 20/20 AMER PL9 --1985
- 31 Eugene O'Neill 9 Mourning
Becomes Electra 20/21 AMER PL10 --1985
Andre Orbeliani
- 7 Andre Oreliani 1 The Scarlet Lady
20/4 RUSS N -- 1974
- 93 Orerry 1 Mustapha 17/27 ENG PL46
Henri d'Orleans
- 28 Henri d'Orleans 1 Une Visite a
l'Empereur Menelek [en francais] 19/10 FREN BIO1 -- 1972
- 22 Nikolai A. Orlov 1 Zabaykaltsy v
Manchuri v 1900 [po russkii] 20/4 RUSS HIST -- 1973
- 8 Orme 1 Comes the Comrade N7--
George Orwell
- 2 George Orwell 1 Animal Farm 20/1
ENG N2 -- 1960
- 3 George Orwell 2 1984 20/2 ENG N3
-- 1960
- 23 George Orwell 3 Essays 20/3 ENG
ESS1 -- 1964
- 25 George Orwell 4 Homage to
Catalonia 20/5 ENG HIS3 -- 1964
- 52 George Orwell 5 Down & Out
in Paris & London 20/13 ENG BIO2 -- 1965
John Osborne
- 72 Osborne 1 Look Back in Anger
20/16 ENG PL25 -- 1965
- 25 John Osborne 2 Luther 20/1 ENG
PL7 -- 1970
- 58 Otway 1 Venice Preserved 17/16
ENG PL27 -- 1967
- 90 Otway 2 Don Carlos 17/25 ENG
PL43 -- 1968
- 91 Otway 3 Orphan 17/26 ENG PL44 --
Leonid Ouspensky
- 40 Leonid Ouspensky 1 Theology of
the Icon 20/2 RUSS REL1 -- 1982
P.D. Ouspensky
- 30 P.D. Ouspensky 1 The Psychology
of Man's Possible Evolution 3 RUSS ES2 -- 1992
Gary Owen
- 48 Gary Owen 1 Iphigenia in Splott [saw the play in London]
BRITISH 21st 9 PLAY 2 -- 2022
Delia Owens
- 52 Delia Owens 1 Where the Crawdads Sing AMERICAN 21st 6 NOVEL
13 -- 2019
Amos Oz
- 33 Amos Oz My Michael 20/1 ISR N11
-- 1985
Ruth Ozeki
- 19 Ruth Ozeki 1 ***A Tale for the Time Being AMERICAN 21st 8
NOVEL 16 -- 2013
- 58
Ruth Ozeki 2 ***The Book of Form and Emptiness AMERICAN 21st
13 NOVEL 27 -- 2021
Cynthia Ozick
- 43 Cynthia Ozick 1 The Pagan Rabbi
20/31 AMER ST3 --1985
- 54 Cynthia Ozick 2 Bloodshed 20/40
AMER ST3 -- 1987
- Cynthia
Ozick ***"The Coast of Newe Zealand" New Yorker Jun 21, 2021
-- 2021
- 33
Cynthia Ozick 3 ***The Messiah of Stockholm AMERICAN 20th 3
NOVEL 19 -- 2021
- 34
Cynthia Ozick 4 Levitation AMERICAN 20th 4 SHORT STORIES 1 --
Elaine Pagels
- 17 Elaine Pagels 1 The Gnostic
Gospels AMER 20th 13 RELIGION/HISTORY 2 -- 1997
- 24 Elaine Pagels 2 * The Origin of
Satan AMER 20th 18 RELIGION/HISTORY 3 -- 1997
Marcel Pagnol
- 37 Marcel Pagnol 1 Fanny (en
francais) 20/6 FREN PL12 -- 1963
Thomas Paine
- 39 Thomas Paine 1 Common Sense 18/1
AMER HIS4 -- 1964
Charles Palliser
- 4 Charles Palliser 1 The Qunicunx
ENG4 N3 -- 1993
- 55 Charles Palliser 2 The Unburied ENGLISH 20th 2 NOVEL 26 --
Felix Palma
- 36 Felix Palma 1 **The Map of Time SPANISH 21xt 1 NOVEL 29 --
Orhan Pamuk
- 5 Orhan Pamuk 1 **Snow TURKISH 21st 1 NOVEL 4 -- 2013
Katherine Pancol
- 4 Katherine Pancol 1 The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles FRENCH 21st
1 NOVEL 2 -- 2014
Christopher Paoling
- 5 Christopher Paolini 1 **Eragon AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 4 --
- 88 Christopher Paolini 2 Eldest AMERICAN 21st 22 FANTASY 39 --
- 1
Christoopher Paolini 3 ***To Sleep in a Sea of Stars AMERICAN
21st 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2021
- 16 Seymour Papert 1 Mindstorms
20/10 AMER ES3 -- 1984
Jay Parini
- Jay Parini 1 The Last Station: A Novel of Tolstoy's Final Year
AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 10 -- 1010
Robert Parker
- 27 Robert Parker 1 Looking for
Rachel Wallace 20/15 AMER MY1 --1982
- 28 Robert Parker 2 Early Autumn
20/16 AMER MY2 -- 1982
- 4 Robert Parker 3 A Savage Place
20/4 AMER MY1 -- 1983
- 7 Robert Parker 4 Ceremony 20/6
AMER MY2 -- 1983
- 9 Robert Parker 5 God Save the
Child 20/8 AMER MY3 -- 1983
- 24 Robert Parker 6 Mortal Stakes
20/18 AMER MY4 -- 1983
- 25 Robert Parker 7 The Godwulf
Manuscript 20/19 AMER MY5 --1983
- 26 Robert Parker 8 The Promised
Land 20/20 AMER MY6 -- 1983
- 28 Robert Parker 9 The Judas Goat
20/21 AMER MY7 -- 1983
- 1 Robert Parker 10 Wilderness 20/1
AMER MY1 -- 1984
- 11 Robert Parker 11 The Widening
Gyre 20/6 AMER MY5 -- 1984
- 32 Robert Parker 12 Love &
Glory 20/22 AMER N14 -- 1984
- 8 Robert Parker 13 Valediction 20/6
AMER MY1 -- 1985
- 7 Robert Parker 14 A Catskill Eagle
20/5 AMER MYS1 -- 1987
- 36 Robert Parker 15 Taming a Sea
Horse 20/26 AMER MY1 -- 1987
- Robert Parker 16 Crimson Joy AMER
- 20 Robert Parker 17 Playmates 19
AMER MY1 -- 1990
- 27 Robert Parker 18 Stardust 16
AMER MYS4 -- 1991
- 5 Robert Parker 19 Perchance to
Dream 20th AMER2 -- 1994
- 12 Robert Parker 20 Walking Shadow
AMER 20th 9 MYSTERY 1 -- 1997
- 104 Robert Parker 21 Paper Doll
AMERICAN 20th 70 MYSTERY 2 -- 1997 review
- 1 Robert Parker 22 Thin Air AMER
20th 1 MYSTERY 1 -- 1998 review
- 3 Robert Parker 23 Pastime AMER
20th 2 MYSTERY 2 -- 1998 review
- 4 Robert Parker 24 Chance AMER 20th
3 MYSTERY 3 -- 1998 review
- 44 Robert Parker 25 * All Our
Yesterdays AMER 20th 31 NOVEL 24 -- 1999
- 56 Robert Parker 26 Night Passage
AMER 29th 38 MYSTERY 4 -- 1999
- 13 Robert Parker 27 Family Honor
AMERICAN 20th 3 MYSTERY 1 -- 2000
- 56 Robert Parker 28 and Raymond Chandler 2 Poodle Springs
AMERICAN 20th 38 MYSTERY 2 -- 2001
- 58 Robert Parker 29 Sudden Mischief AMERICAN 20th 39 MYSTERY 3
-- 2001
- 59 Robert Parker 30 Trouble in Paradise AMERICAN 20th 40
MYSTERY 4 -- 2001
- 60 Robert Parker 31 Hush Money AMERICAN 20th 41 MYSTERY 5 --
- 17 Robert Parker 32 Widow's Walk AMERICAN 21st 7 MYSTERY 1 --
- 10 Robert Parker 33*Shrink Rap AMERICAN 21st 3 MYSTERY 1 --
- 24 Robert Parker 34 Back Story AMERICAN 21st 9 MYSTERY 1 --
- 22 Robert Parker 35 Melancholy Baby AMERICAN 21st 5 MYSTERY 11
-- 2005
- 27 Robert Parker 36 Cold Service AMERICAN 21st 8 MYSTERY
2 2006
- 24 Robert Parker 37 Hundred-Dollar Baby AMERICAN 21st 7
MYSTERY 5 --2007
- 41 Robert Parker 38 Blue Screen AMERICAN 21st MYSTERY 7 --
- 3 Robert Parker 39 School Days AMERICAN 21st 18 MYSTERY 9 --
C.N. Parkinson
- 19 C. N. Parkinson 1 Parkinson's
Law 20/13 AMER ES -- 1977
John Dos Passos
- 25 John Dos Passos 1 42nd Parallel
20/6 AMER N -- 1974
- 26 John Dos Passos 2 1919 20/7 AMER
N --1974
Boris Pasternak
- 6 Boris Pasternak 1 Doctor Zhivago
20/1 RUSS N4 -- 1958
Ann Patchett
- 101 Ann Pachett 1 **Bel Canto AMERICAN 21st NOVEL 14 -- 2005
- 88 Ann Patchett 2 Run AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 49 -- 2009
- 26 Ann Patchett 3 **** State of Wonder AMERICAN 21st 7 NOVEL
16 -- 2015
Alan Paton
- 60 Alan Paton 1 Cry, the Beloved
Country 20/1 S.A. N19 -- 1965
- 26 Milorad Pavic 1 Dictionary of
the Khazars 20/1 YUGO N12 -- 1989
- 6 Milorad Pavic 2 Landscape Painted
with Tea 1 YUGO N3 --1992
- 56 Peacock 1 Nightmare Abbey 19/4
ENG N22 -- 1964
Matthew Pearl
- 22 Matthew Pearl 1 ****The Dante Club AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 16
-- 2004
- 29 Matthew Pearl 2 **The Poe Shadow AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 18
-- 2006
- 27 Matthew Pearl 3 **The Last Dickens AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 19
-- 2009
- 15 Matthew Pearl 4 The Technologists AMERICAN 21st 1 -- 2012
- 25 Matthew Pearl 5 The Last Bookaneer AMERICAN
21st 6 NOVEL 15 -- 2015
- 20
Matthew Pearl 6 *** The Dante Chamber AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 9
-- 2020
Iain Pears
- 80 Iain Pears 1 ****The Dream of Scipio ENGLISH 21st 3 NOVEL
43 -- 2002
- 104 Iain Pears 2 The Raphael Affair ENGLISH 20th 22 NOVEL 53
-- 2002
- 108 Iain Pears 3 ***An Instance of the Fingerpost ENGLISH 20th
23 NOVEL 54 -- 2002
- 9 Iain Pears 4 *The Portrait AMERICAN 21st NOVEL 3 -- 2005
- 29 Robert Peck 1 *A Day No Pigs
Would Die 20/21 AMER N12 -- 1987
- 37 Robert Peck 2 Soup on Wheels
20/27 AMER JUV2 -- 1987
- 36 Iva Pekarkova 1 Truck Stop
Rainbows 20th CZECH1 NOVEL21 -- 1994
Borislav Pekic
- 87 Borislav Pekic 1 **The Time of Miracles YUGOSLAV 20th 1
NOVEL 47 -- 2002
Victor Pelevin
- 70 Victor Pelevin 1 **Buddha's
Little Finger RUSSIAN 3 20th NOVEL 26 -- 2000 review
- 83 Victor Pelevin 2 The Yellow
Arrow RUSSIAN 20th 4 NOVEL 30 -- 2000
- 87 Victor Pelevin 3 *Omon Ra
RUSSIAN 20th 5 NOVEL 34 -- 2000
- 91 Victor Pelevin 4 *A Werewolf
Problem in Central Russia RUSSIAN 20th 6 STORIES 5 -- 2000
- 96 Victor Pelevin 5 The Life of Insects (well worth a second
reading) RUSSIAN 20th 7 NOVEL 37-- 2000 review
- 13 Victor Pelevin 6 The Blue Lantern The Blue Lantern RUSSIAN
20th 1 SHORT STORIES 2 -- 2001
- 86 B.J. Pendlebury Dryden's Heroic
Plays 20/5 ENG CR12 -- 1968
Sean Penn
- 34 Sean Penn 1 Bob Honey How Just Do Stuff AMERICAN 21st
12 NOVEL 11 -- 2018
Samuel Pepys
- 25 Samuel Pepys 1 Samuel Pepys' Diary ENGLISH 17th 1 DIARY 1
-- 2007
Walker Percy
- 30 Walker Percy 1 Lancelot 20/22
AMER N -- 1978
Arturo Perez-Reverte
- 65 Arturo Perez-Reverte **The Club
Dumas SPANISH 20th 1 NOVEL 31 review -- 1998
- 75 Arturo Perez-Reverte 2 **The
Flanders Panel COLOMBIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 36 review -- 1998
- 79 Arturo Perez-Reverte 3 **The
Seville Communion SPANISH 20th 3 NOVEL 40 -- 1998
- 48 Arturo Perez-Reverte 4 The
Fencing Master SPANISH 20th 1 NOVEL 27 -- 1999
- 88 Arturo Perez-Reverte 5
*The Nautical Chart SPANISH 20th 1 NOVEL 38 -- 2001
- 6 Arturo Perez-Reverte 6 ***The Queen of the South SPANISH
21st 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2006
- 11 Arturo Perez-Reverte 7 Captain Alatriste SPANISH 21st 2
NOVEL 5 -- 2006
- 12 Arturo Perez-Reverte 8 Purity of Blood SPANISH 21st 3 NOVEL
6 -- 2006
- 15 Henry Perkinson 1 Learning from
Our Mistakes 20/7 AMER ED1 --1986
Elliot Perlman
- 35 Elliot Perlman 1 ****Seven Types of Ambiguity AUSTRALIA
21st 1 NOVEL 23 -- 2006
- 32 Elliot Perlman 2 ** Three Dollars AUSTRALIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 9
-- 2007
David Perlmutter
- 28 David Perlmutter 1 Honey and Salt CANADA 21st 1 NOVEL 26 --
Laurence Peter
- 17 Laurence Peter 1 The Peter
Principle 20/11 AMER ES -- 1977
- 20 Laurence Peter 2 The Peter
Prescription 20/14 AMER ES -- 1977
Elizabeth Peters
- 99 Elizabeth Peters 1The Dead Sea
Cipher AMERICAN 20th MYSTERY14 -- 1998
W.M. Flinders Petrie
- 30 W.M. Flinders Petrie 1 Egyptian Tales volume 1 EGYPTIAN BC
2 RELIGION 3 -- 2010
- 31 W.M. Flinders Petrie 2 Egyptian Tales volulme 2 EGYPTIAN BC
3 RELIGION 3 -- 2010
- 2 Petronius 1 The Satyricon ROMAN
1st 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2000
Petrov (of Ilf and Petrov)
- 59 Ilya Ilf and Yevgeniy Petrov 1
The Twelve Chairs RUSSIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 20 -- 2000, 2022
Arthur Phillips
- 21
Arthur Phillips 1 The Tragedy of ARTHUR AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL
12 -- 2021
Jayne Anne Phillips
- 40 Jayne Anne Phillips 1 Machine
Dreams 20/28 AMER N16 -- 1985
- 41 Jayne Anne Phillips 2 Black
Tickets 20/29 AMER ST1 --1985
Marie Phillips
- 66 Marie Phillips 1 Gods Behaving Badly AMERICAN 21st 6 NOVEL
31 -- 2009
Michael Phillips
- 22 Michael Phillips The Seven Laws
of Money 20/14 AMER ES -- 1975
- 83 Philostratus 1 Life of
Apollonius GREEK 2nd 1 BIOGRAPHY 1 -1999
Julia Pierpont
- 45 Julia Pierpont 1 Among the Ten Thousand Things AMERICAN
21st 20 NOVEL 32 -- 2015
Valentin Pikul
- 29 Valentin Pikul Gusar na Verblyude [in Russian[
RUSSIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 17 -- 2022
- 35 Boris Pilnyak 1 Mahogany 20th
- 19 Boris Pilnyak 1 The Naked Year
20th RUSSIAN 2 STORIES -- 1976
- 25 Ben-Cion Pinchuk 1 Octobrists in
the Third Duma 20/1 ISR HI2 --1981
Steven Pinker
- 97 Steven Pinker 1 ***The Language
Instinct AMERICAN 20th SCIENCE 4 -- 1997 review
- 71 Steven Pinker 2 ****How the Mind
Works AMERICAN 20th 29 SCIENCE 3 -- 1998
- 55 Steven Pinker 3 The Blank Slate AMERICAN 21st 13 PSYCHOLOGY
1 -- 2007
- 44 Steven Pinker 4 ****The Sense of Style AMERICAN 21st 14
ESSAY 1 -- 2018
Harold Pinter
- 17 Harold Pinter 1 The Dumb Waiter
20/5 ENGLISH PL7 -- 1965
- 13 Richard Pipes 1 Social Democracy
& St. Petersburg Labor 20/11 AMER HIS3 -- 1983
- 29 Pirandello 1 In Search of an
Author 20/2 ITAL PL6 -- 1967
- 20 Pirandello 2 Henry IV 20/1 ITAL
PL5 -- 1970
- 57 Pirandello 3 To Clothe the Naked
20/2 ITAL PL15 -- 1970
- 30 Robert Pirsig 1 Zen & Art of
Motorcycle Maintenance 20/20 AMER N12 -- 1984
- 20 Robert Pirsig 2 Lila AMER8 N11
-- 1993
Sylvia Plath
- 49 Sylvia Plath 1 Ariel 20/6 AMER
P2 -- 1969
- 10 Plato 1 The Republic BC/1 GRE
PH1 -- 1960
- 66 Plato 2 Euthyphro BC/2 GRE PH3
-- 1965
- 4 Plato 3 Apology BC/1 GRE PH2 --
1966, 1986, 2000
- 5 Plato 4 Crito BC/2 GRE PH3 --
1966, 1986, 2000
- 7 Plato 5 Symposium BC/1 GRE PH1 --
1967, 2018
- 47 Plato 6 Timaeus BC/8 GRE PH1
- 48 Plato 7 Phaedrus BC/9 GRE PH2 --
1971, 2021
- 27 Plato 8 Phaedo BC/3 GREEK PH3 --
1986, 2000, 2021
- 46 Plato 9 Charmides GREEK BC 4
PHILOSOPHY 4 -- 2000
- 47 Plato 10 Laches GREEK BC 5
PHILOSOPHY 5 -- 2000
- 55 Plato 11 Lysis GREEK BC 6
PHILOSOPHY 6 -- 2000
- 74 Plato 12 Hippias GREEK BC 7
- 75 Plato 13 Ion GREEK BC 8
PHILOSOPHY 8 -- 2000, 2021
- 103 Plato 13 Gorgias GREEK BC 9
PHILOSOPHY 9 -- 2000
- 104 Plato 14 Protagoras GREEK BC 10
PHILOSOPHY 10 -- 2000
- 111 Plato 15 Euthydemus GREEK BC 11
PHILOSOPHY 11 -- 2000
- 114 Plato 16 Cratylus GREEK BC 12
PHILOSOPHY 12 -- 2000
- 10 Plato 17 Critias GREEK BC 1 PHILOSOPHY1 -- 2002
- 12 Plato 18 Theaetetus GREEK BC 2 PHILOSOPHY 2 -- 2002
- 16 Plato 19 The Sophist GREEK BC 3 PHILOSOPHY 3 -- 2002
- 4 Plautus 1 The Menaechmi Twins
ROMAN BC 1 PLAY 2 -- 2000
- 5 Plautus 2 Prisoners of War ROMAN
BC 2 PLAY 3 -- 2000
- 6 Plautus 3 The Rope ROMAN BC 3
PLAY 4 -- 2000
- 7 Plautus 4 The Merchant ROMAN BC 4
PLAY 5 -- 2000
Pliny the Elder
- 68 Pliny the Elder 1 Natural History (a selection, Penguin)
- 58 Plumer 1 England in the 18th
Century 20/9 ENG HIS8 -- 1964
- 85 Plutarch 1 Plutarch's Lives (volume 1 of 5)
GREEK 1st AD 1 HISTORY 11 -- 2001
- 2 Plutarch 2 Plutarch's Lives (volume 2 of 5) GREEK 1st AD 1
HISTORY 1 -- 2002
- 54 Plutarch 3 Plutarch's Lives (Volume 3 of 5) GREEK 1st 2
HISTORY 6 -- 2002
- 59 Plutarch 4 Plutarch's Lives (Volume 4 of 5) GREEK 1st 3
HISTORY 7 -- 2002
- 68 Plutarch 5 Plutarch's Lives (Volume 5 of 5) GREEK 1st 4
HISTORY 8 -- 2002
Edgar Allan Poe
- 52 Edgar Allan Poe 1 Dupin Stories AMERICAN 19th 1 SHORT
STORIES 3 -- 2006
- 34 Edgar Allan Poe 2 [ebook] Eureka AMERICAN 19th 1 SCIENCE 2
-- 2007
- 41 Edgar Allan Poe 3 Tamerlane AMERICAN 19th 1 POETRY 4
-- 2022
Frederik Pohl
- 34 Frederik Pohl 1 Gateway 20/23
AMER SF5 -- 1984
- 38 Frederik Pohl 2 Beyond the Blue
Event Horizon 20/26 AMER SF6-- 1984
- 6 Fredrick Pohl 3 Heechee
Rendezvous 20/4 AMER SF3 --1985
- 51 Frederick Pohl 4 Annals of the
Heechee 34 AMER SF6 -- 1991
Larry Polin
- 71 Larry Polin 1 The Autobiography of a Schizoid Personality:
A Turbulent Odyssey Through American Civilization AMERICAN 21st
10 BIOGRAPHY 7 -- 2019
Marco Polo
- 28 Marco Polo 1 Travels of Marco Polo volume 1 ITALIAN 13th 1
BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2011
- 40 Polybius 1 The Rise of the Roman
Empire Greek BC 1 HISTORY 2 -- 1998
Sarah Pomeroy
- 76 Sarah Pomeroy 1 Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women
in Classical Antiquity AMERICAN 20th 23 HISTORY 10 -- 2002
- 54 N.G. Pomyalovsky 1 Seminary
Sketches 19/1 RUSS BIO -- 1979
Lizzie Pook
22 Lizzie Pook Moonlight and the Pearler's
Daughter AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 18 -- 2023
- 51 Karl Popper & Eccles The
Self and Its Brain/Dialogues 20/7 ENG PSY3 --1987
Francis Porretto
- 83
Francis Porretto 1 Priestesses AMERICAN 21st 21 NOVEL 41 --
Eleanor Porter
34 Eleanor Porter 1 ***Pollyanna AMERICAN 19th 8 NOVEL 21 --
36 Eleanor Porter 2 Pollyanna Grows Up AMERICAN 20th 7 NOVEL
22 -- 2009
Katherine Ann Porter
- 61 Katherine Anne Porter 1 Pale
Horse, Pale Rider 20/20 AMER ST1 -- 1970
- 33 Katherine Anne Porter 2 Ship of
Fools* 20/16 AMER N12 -- 1986
David Pottruck
- 41 David Pottruck and Terry Peace
Clicks and Mortar AMERICAN 20th 21 BUSINESS 2 -- 2000
Anthony Powell
- 40 Anthony Powell 1 Afternoon Men
20/4 ENG N -- 1978
- 21 Anthony Powell 2 A Question of
Upbringing 20/5 ENG N8
Dawn Powell
- 69 Dawn Powell 1 Dance Night AMERICAN 20th 21 NOVEL 37 -- 2002
J.W. Powell
- 75 J.W. Powell 1 Canyons of the Colorado [electronic book]
AMERICAN 19th 2 NATURE 2 -- 2005
Sophie Powell
- 37
Sophie Powell 1 The Mushroom Man AMERICAN 21st 6 NOVEL 19 --
Richard Powers
- 6 Richard Powers 1 ***Three Farmers
on their Way to a Dance 20/5 AMER N2 -- 1988
- 11 Richard Powers 2 *Prisoner's
Dilemma 10 AMER N6 -- 1990
- 29 Richard Powers 3 *****The
Goldbug Variations 20 AMER N11 -- 1992
- 27 Richard Powers 4 Operation
Wandering Soul 20th AMER10 NOVEL14 -- 1994
- 26 Richard Powers 5 ***Galatea 2.2
AMER 20th 16 NOVEL 15 -- 1995
- 67 Richard Powers 6 ****Gain
AMERICAN 20th 27 NOVEL 32 -- 1998 review
- 57 Richard Powers 7 ** Plowing the
Dark AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 18 -- 2000 review
- 70 Richard Powers 8 ****The Time of Our Singing AMERICAN 21st
20 NOVEL 42 -- 2006
- 2 Richard Powers 9 ***The Echo Maker AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 1
-- 2007
- 69 Richard Powers 10 *****Generosity: an Enhancement
AMERICAN 21st 7 NOVEL 32 -- 2009
- 39 Richard Powers 11 ***Orfeo AMERICAN 21st 15 NOVEL 23 --
- 62 Richard Powers 12 ***The Overstory AMERICAN 21st 20 NOVEL
28 -- 2018
- 56
Richard Powers 13 **** Bewilderment American 21st 11 NOVEL 25
-- 2021
- 7
Richard Powers 14 *****Playground AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 5 --
- 41 Prescott 1 Philip II, vol. 1
19/1 AMER HIS5 -- 1964
Abbe Prevost
- 48 Abbe Prevost 1 Manon Lescaut [cf. Moll Flanders] (en
francais) FRENCH 18th 1 NOVEL 29 -- 2001
Steven Price
- 4 Steven Price 1 1001 Insults, Put-Downs, and Comebacks
AMERICAN 21st 2 HUMOR 2 -- 2006
- 74 Procopius 1 The Secret History BYZANTINE 6th 1 HISTORY 1 --
2003, 2024
Annie Proulx
- 95 Annie Proulx 1 ***The Shipping
News AMERICAN 20th 63 NOVEL 47 -- 1997
Marcel Proust
- 79 Marcel Proust 1 Un Amour de
Swann (francais) 20/16 FREN N27 -- 1965, 1966
- 17 Marcel Proust 2 Combray
(francais) 20/1 FREN N7 -- 1968
- 70 Marcel Proust 3 Autour de Madame
Swann (fran.) 20/5 FREN N46 -- 1972
- 72 Marcel Proust 4 Noms de Pays
(francais) 20/6 FREN N47 -- 1972
- 73 Marcel Proust 5 Cote de
Guermantes I (francais) 20/7 FREN N48 -- 1972
- 74 Marcel Proust 6 Cote de
Guermantes II (francais) 20/8 FREN N49 -- 1972
- 77 Marcel Proust 7 Sodome et
Gomorrhe I (francais) 20/9 FREN N51 -- 1972
- 78 Marcel Proust 8 Sodome et
Gomorrhe II (francais) 20/10 FREN N52 -- 1972
- 79 Marcel Proust 9 La Prisonniere
(francais) 20/11 FREN N53 -- 1972
- 80 Marcel Proust 10 Albertine
Disparue (francais) 20/12 FREN N54 -- 1972
- 81 Marcel Proust 11 Le Temps
Retrouve (francais) 20/13 FREN N55 --1972
Eugene Pugh
- 16 Eugene Pugh 1 The Successful
Technocrat [mss] 20/10 AMER ES -- 1977
Philip Pullman
- 110 Philip Pullman 1 ***The Golden Compass ENGLISH 20th 4
NOVEL 34 -- 2007
- 111 Philip Pullman 2 ***The Subtle Knife ENGLISH 20th 5 NOVEL
35 -- 2007
- 119 Philip Pullman 3 **The Amber Spyglass ENGLISH 20th 6 NOVEL
-- 2007
- 19 James Purdy 1 Jeremy's Version
20/11 AMER N9 --1985
Alexander Pushkin
- 30 Pushkin 1 Boris Godunov (po
russkii)19/2 RUSS PL7 -- 1968
- 97 Pushkin 2 Ruslan i Ludmila (po
russkii) 19/3 RUSS P5 -- 1968
- 98 Pushkin 3 Povesti Belkina (po
russkii) 19/4 RUSS ST2 -- 1968, 2024
- 99 Pushkin 4 Kapitanskaya Dochka
(no russkii) 19/5 RUSS N20 -- 1968
- 35 Pushkin 5 Evgenii Onegin (po
russkii) 19/2 RUSS N16 -- 1971
- 22 Pushkin (repeat) Eugene Onegin
(English) 19/1 RUSS N14 -- 1982
- 61 Alexander Pushkin (repeat) Eugene Onegin, Nabokov
translation RUSSIAN 19th 1 NOVEL 32 POEM 1 -- 2003, 2024
Howard Pyle
- 23 Howard Pyle 1 Robin Hood 19/3
ENG HIS5 -- 1958
- 24 Howard Pyle 2 Otto of the Silver
Hand 19/4 ENG N15 -- 1958
Barbara Pym
- 41 Barbara Pym 1 Jane and Prudence ENGLISH 20th 11 NOVEL 16 --
Thomas Pynchon
- 2 Thomas Pynchon 1 ****Crying of
Lot 49 20/2 AMER N1 --1968
- 15 Thomas Pynchon 2 ***V 20/4 AMER
N8 -- 1970
- 28 Thomas Pynchon 3 ***Gravity's
Rainbow 20/9 AMER N -- 1974
- 14 Thomas Pynchon 4 Slow Learner
20/11 AMER ST1 -- 1987
- 1 Thomas Pynchon 5 Vineland [awful]
1 AMER N1 -- 1990
- 118 Thomas Pynchon 6 Mason and
Dixon AMERICAN 20th 37 NOVEL 45 -- 2000
- 63 Thomas Pynchon 7 **Inherent Vice AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 30
-- 2009
- 89 Thomas Pynchon 8 *Against the Day AMERICAN 21st 18 NOVEL 50
-- 2009
- 59 Thomas Pynchon 9 * Bleeding Edge AMERICAN 21st 27 NOVEL 49
-- 2013
- 31 Eugene Pyziur 1 Doctrine of
Anarchism of Michael A. Bakunin 20/19 AMER HI5 --1981
David Quammen
- 22 David Quammen 1 To Walk the Line
AMER 20th 8 N12 -- 1971
- 45 David Quammen 2 Natural Acts
AMER 20th 26 ESSAY1 --1986
- 52 David Quammen 3 ***Song of the
Dodo AMER 20th 38 SCIENCE ESSAY -- 1996
- 9 David Quammen 4 The Flight of the
Iguana AMER 20th 7 SCIENCE 1 ESSAY3 -- 1998
- 68 David Quammen 5 ***Spillover
AMERICAN 21st 31 SCIENCE 5 -- 2013
- 65
David Quammen 6 ****The Tangled Tree AMERICAN 21st 21
SCIENCE 3 -- 2018
Raymond Queneau
- 46 Raymond Queneau 1 Zazie dans le
Metro (francais) 20/13 FREN N15 -- 1965
- 34 Francisco de Quevedo 1 The
Swindler 17th SPANISH1 NOVEL20 -- 1994
- 66 Rabelais 1 Pantagruel (francais)
16/1 FREN N16 -- 1969
- 71 Rabelais 2 Gargantua (francais)
16/2 FREN N18 -- 1969
- 76 Rabelais 3 Le Tiers Livre
(francais) 16/3 FREN N21 -- 1969
Tom Rachman
- 4 Tom Rachman 1 **** The Imperfectionists AMERICAN 21st 3
NOVEL 3 -- 2011
- 11 Racine 1 Andromaque (en
francais) 17/1 FREN PL6 -- 1964
- 55 Racine 2 Bajazet 17/4 FREN PL21
-- 1964
- 53 Racine 3 Phaedra 17/1 FREN PL1
-- 1971
- 9 Racine 4 Berenice (en francais)
17/1 FREN PL -- 1978
Raymond Radiguet
- 38 Raymond Radiguet 1 Le Diable au
Corps (en francais) FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 20 -- 1998
Kris Radish
- 8 Kris Radish 1 Dancing Naked at the Edge of Dawn AMERICAN
21st 5 NOVEL 6 -- 2007
Richard Rahn
- 78 Richard Rahn 1 The End of Money
AMERICAN 20th 46 ESSAY 5 -- 1999
Walter Raleigh
- 58 Walter Raleigh 1 Robert Louis Stevenson ENGLISH 19th 11
BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2009
- 6 Ramsey 1 Religious Language 20/1
ENG PH4 --1966
Lisa Randall
- 31 Lisa Randall 1 Warped Passages: Unravelling the Mysteries
of the Universe's Hidden Dimensions AMERICN 21st 8 SCIENCE 1 --
- 2 Lisa Randall
2 Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs AMERICAN 21st 1 SCIENCE 1 --
- 12 Lisa Randall
3 Higgs Discovery AMERICAN 21st 4 SCIENCE 2 -- 2017
- 5 Lisa Randall 4 Knocking on Heaven's Door AMERICAN 21st
2 SCIENCE 1 -- 2018
Samuel Rapaport
- 19 Samuel Rapaport 1 Tales and Maxims from the Midrash
[electronic book] AMERICAN 19th 1 RELIGION 2 -- 2003
Valentin Rasputin
- 19 Valentin Rasputin 1 Live and
Remember 20th RUSS 2 NOVEL11 -- 1995
- 5 Rattigan 1 The Browning Version
20/1 ENG PL2 -- 1965
- 8 Rattigan 2 Harlequinade 20/2 ENG
PL4 -- 1965
David Raup
- 69
David Raup 1 Extinction AMERICAN 20th 6 SCIENCE 5 -- 2018
George Rawlinson
- 29 George Rawlinson 1 Ancient Egypt BRITISH 20th 3
HISTORY 4 -- 2010
- 21 Satyajit Ray 1 The Chess Players
(screen play) 1 INDIA SP7 --1991
Chet Raymo
- 95 Chet Raymo 1 An Intimate Look at the Night Sky AMERICAN
21st 6 SCIENCE 3
Eric Raymond
- 20 Eric Raymond 1 ***The Cathedral
and the Bazaar AMERICAN 20th 7 INTERNET 2 -- 2000 review
Mary Rayt
- 41 M.V. Rayt Russkie Ekspeditsii v
Efiopii 20/6 RUSS HIS3 -- 1972
James Redfield
- 23 James Redfield 1 *The Celestine
Prophecy AMER 20th 17 NOVEL/RELIGION 8 -- 1997
Charles Reich
- 2 Charles Reich 1 The Greening of
America 20/2 AMER ESS1 -- 1971
- 47 John Reed 1 Ten Days that Shook
the World 20/24 AMER HI10 -- 1981
- 3 Constance Reid 1 Hilbert 3 AMER
BIO1 --1991
- 6 Constance Reid 2 Courant 5 AMER
BIO2 -- 1991
Fred Reinfeld
- 43 Fred Reinfeld 1 How to Play
Winning Chess 20/10 AMER CH1 -- 1964
George Andrew Reisner
- 22 George Andrew Reisner 1 The Egyptian Conception of
Immortality BRITISH 19th 2 RELIGION 2 -- 2010
Eric Maria Remarque
- 46 Eric M. Remarque 1 Time to Love
& Time to Die 20/3 GER N18 -- 1964
- 14 Erich M. Remarque 2 Drei
Kamaraden (deutsch) 20/1 GER N6 -- 1967
Jules Renard
- 22
Jules Renard 1 *** Poil de Carotte FRENCH 19th 1 NOVEL 11 --
Mary Renault
- 8 Mary Renault 1 The King Must Die
20/2 ENG N6 -- 1958
- 4 Mary Renault 2 The Bull from the
Sea 20/1 ENG N4 -- 1963
Richard Reti
- 48 Richard Reti 1 Modern Ideas in
Chess 20/2 CZECH CHS -- 1973
Frederick Reuss
- 38 Frederick Reuss 1 **Horace Afoot
AMER 20th 27 NOVEL 21 -- 1999
Karin Rex
- 48 Karin Rex 1 Internet Search
Techniques: ZDU Student Manual AMERICAN 20th 18 INTERNET 1
Howard Rheingold
- 20 Howard Rheingold 1 Virtual
Reality 16 AMER SC2 --1992
- 75 Howard Rheingold 2 **The Virtual
Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier AMERICAN 20th
BUSINESS 5 -- 1997
- 109 Howard Rheingold 3 ****Smart Mobs AMERICAN 21st 8 INTERNET
2 review -- 2002
Jean Rhys
- 21 Jean Rhys 1 Wide
Sargasso Sea BRITISH 20th 1 NOVEL 12 -- 2022
Anne Rice
- 46 Anne Rice 1 TaltosAMERICAN 20th
18 NOVEL 24 -- 1998
- 55 Anne Rice 2 Interview with the Vampire AMERICAN 20th 6
NOVEL 32 -- 2006
Mark Rich
- 23 Mark Rich 1 **Across the Sky AMERICAN 21st SCIFI 1 -- 2009
Simon Rich
- 14 Simon Rich 1 **The Last Girlfriend on Earth AMERICAN 21st 1
- 4 Gary Richmond 1 View from the Zoo
(Claude friend)20/3 AMER SCI1 -- 1988
John Clark Ridpath
- 17 John Clark Ridpath 1 James Otis the Pre-Revolutionist
AMERICAN 19th 1 HISTORY 3 -- 2019
Glenn Rifkin
25 Glen Rifkin 1 The Ultimate
Entrepreneur AMERICAN 20th 3 BIOGRAPHY 3 -- 2024
- 35 Rilke 1 Notebooks of Malte
Laurids Brigge 20/2 GER N23 -- 1972
Arthur Rimbaud
- 63 Rimbaud 1 Une Saison en Enfer;
Illuminations (francais) 19/2 FREN P6 -- 1971
J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts)
- 40 J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts) 1 Glory in Death AMERICAN 20th 9
MYSTERY 11 -- 2005
Allain Robbe-Grillet
- 16 Allain Robbe-Grillet 1 Les
Gommes (francais) 20/1 FREN N9 -- 1970
Richard Robbins
- 27 Richard Robbins 1 Famine in
Russia 1891-92 20/18 AMER HI4 -- 1981
Tom Robbins
- 22 Tom Robbins 1 Still Life with
Woodpecker 20/10 AMER N9 --1986
- 39 Tom Robbins ***Half Asleep in
Frog Pajamas AMER 20th 28 NOVEL 29 -- 1996
- 51 Tom Robbins 3 *Jitterbug Perfume
AMER 20th 37 NOVEL 39 -- 1996
- 74 Tom Robbins 4 **Skinny Legs and
All AMERICAN 20th 31 NOVEL 35 -- 1998 review
- 54 Tom Robbins 5 *Another Roadside
Attraction AMER 20th 37 NOVEL 30 -- 1999
- 56 Tom Robbins 6 **Fierce Invalids
Home from Hot Climates AMERICAN 20th 27 NOVEL 17 -- 2000 review
- 44 Tom Robbins 7 *Villa Incognito AMERICAN 21st 18 NOVEL 34 --
- 7 Tom Robbins 8 Wild Ducks Flying Backward AMERICAN 21st 3
ESSAYS 1 -- 2005
Wayne Robbins
- 5 Wayne Robbins 1 Sherman 20/1 AMER
N -- 1977
Jane Roberts
- 18 Jane Roberts 1 The Education of Oversoul Seven
AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 15 Gerold Robinson-- 2013
- 49 Gerold Robinson 1 Rural Russia
under the Old Regime 20/34 AMER HIST -- 1979
Kim Stanley Robinson
- 93 Kim Stanley Robinson 1
Antarctica AMERICAN 20th 42 NOVEL 48 -- 1998
Ronald Robinson
- 8 Ronald Robinson 1 Africa &
the Victorians 20/5 ENG HIST -- 1977
Spider Robinson
- 106 Spider Robinson 1 By Any Other Name (in The Hugo
Winners Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 28 SCIFI 25
-- 2007
- 113 Spider Robinson 2 and Jeanne Robinson 1 ****Stardance (in
The Hugo Winners Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th
32 SCIFI 29 -- 2007
- 9 M. Rodzianko 1 The Truth about
the Russian Church Abroad 20/1 RUSS TH -- 1980
Theodore Roethke
- 8 Theodore Roethke 1 The Lost Son
20/3 AMER P1 -- 1967
Romain Rolland
- 54
Romain Rolland 1 L'Aube [en francais] FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 24
-- 2021
Katie Roiphe
- 13 Katie Roiphe 1 *Still She Haunts Me [Lewis Carroll]
AMERICAN 21st 5 NOVEL 7 -- 2003
Theodore Roosevelt
- 43 Theodore Roosevelt 1 The Winning of the West, Volume 1
AMERICAN 19th 3 HISTORY 1 -- 2011
- 73 Theodore Roosevelt 2 The Winning of the West, volume
2 AMERICAN 19th 5 HISTORY 4 -- 2011
- 74 Theodore Roosevelt 3 The Winning of the West, volume
3 AMERICAN 19th 6 HISTORY 5 -- 2011
- 75 Theodore Roosevelt 4 The Winning of the West, volume
4 AMERICAN 19th 7 HISTORY 6 -- 2011
M.J. Rose
- 113 M.J. Rose 1 In Fidelity
AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL 44 -- 2000
Reginald Rose
- 14 Reginald Rose 1 Twelve Angry Men
(screenplay) 13 AMER SP2 -- 1990
David Rosenberg
- 22 David Rosenberg 1 Dreams of Being Eaten Alive: the Literary
Core of the Kabbalah AMERICAN 20th 3 RELIGION -- 2003
Chris Rosenfeld
- 22 Chris Rosenfeld 1 Empress Taitu
[mss] 20/15 AMER HIS -- 1977
- 17 Chris Prouty (Rosenfeld) 1
Empress Taitu & Menikek II 20/15 AMER HIS1 -- 1989
Judith Rossner
- 31 Judith Rossner 1 Looking for Mr.
Goodbar 20/15 AMER N -- 1980
Dick Roth
- 26 Dick Roth
1 No, It's Not Hot in Here AMERICAN 20th 16 MEDICAL 1 -- 2001
Joseph Roth
- 47 Joseph Roth 1 The Hotel Savoy
Philip Roth
- 21 Philip Roth 1 Portnoy's
Complaint 20/11 AMER N -- 1980
- 28 Philip Roth 2 The Ghost Writer
20/13 AMER N10 -- 1986
- 64 Philip Roth 3 I Married a
Communist AMERICAN 20th 28 NOVEL 24 -- 2000
- 85 Philip Roth 4 ***The Human Stain
AMERICAN 21st 18 NOVEL 42 -- 2003
- 18 Philip Roth 5 ***American Pastoral AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 12
-- 2004
- 42 Philip Roth 6 ***The Plot Against America AMERICAN
21st 11 NOVEL 5 -- 2005
- 7 Philip Roth 7 Everyman AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL 5 -- 2007
- 75 Philip Roth 8 Indignation AMERICAN 21st 10
NOVEL 37 -- 2009
- 69 Philip Roth 9 The Counterlife AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL 16 --
Carlo Rovelli
- 57 Carlo Rovellil 1 ****The Order of Time ITALIAN 21st 1
SCIENCE 2 -- 2018
- 26
Carlo Rovelli 1 **** Helgoland ITALIAN 21st 2 SCIENCE 1 --
- 32
Carlo Rovelli 2 Reality Is Not What It Seems ITALIAN 21st 2
SCIENCE 3 -- 2021
- 53 Carlo Rovelli 3 ***White Holes ITALIAN 21st 1 SCIENCE 5 --
J. K. Rowling
- 82 J. K. Rowling 1 ***Harry Potter
and the Sorcerer's Stone (out loud) ENGLISH 20th 9 NOVEL 45
--1999 review
- 11 J. K. Rowling 2 ***Harry Potter
and the Chamber of Secrets (out loud) ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 2 --
2000 review
- 16 J. K. Rowling 3 ***Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban (out loud) ENGLISH 20th 3 NOVEL 3 --
2000 review
- 63 J.K Rowling 4 ***Harry Potter
and the Goblet of Fire ENGLISH 21st 3 NOVEL 23 -- 2000 review
- 31 J.K. Rowling 5 ***Harry Potter and the Order of the
Phoenix ENGLISH 21st 2 NOVEL 14 -- 2003
- 80 J.K. Rowling 6 ***Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
ENGLISH 21st 3 FANTASY 37 -- 2005
- 57 J.K. Rowling 7 ***Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
ENGLISH 21st 3 NOVEL 21 -- 2007
- 61 J.K. Rowling 8 *****The Casual Vacancy BRITISH 21st 4
NOVEL 50 -- 2012
Arundhati Roy
- 92 Arundhati Roy 1 **The God of
Small Things INDIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 44 -- 1997
- 25 Rozanov 1 Legend of the Grand
Inquisitor 19/12 RUSS CR -- 1973
Rudy Rucker
- 28 Rudy Rucker 1 The Fourth
Dimension 20/20 AMER ES3 -- 1987
- 27 Norman Rush 1 Mating 18 AMER N10
- 23 Salman Rushdie 1 The Satanic
Verses 20/1 IND N10 -- 1989
- 70 Salman Rushdie 2 Midnight's
Children INDIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 34 -- 1998
- 42 Salman Rushdie 3 **Shalimar the Clown INDIAN 21st 1 NOVEL
29 -- 2006
Bertrand Russell
- 16 Bertrand Russell 1 Understanding
History 20/1 ENG PH1 -- 1962
- 33 Bertrand Russell 2 Power 20/3
ENG PH3 -- 1963
Richard Russo
- 7 Richard Russo 1 ****Empire Falls AMERICAN 21st
5 NOVEL 3 -- 2022
Adam Rutherford
- 68
Adam Rutherford 1 A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived
BRITISH 21st 4 SCIENCE 4 -- 2018
Edward Rutherford
- 25 Edward Rutherford 1 ****Paris, the Novel BRITISH 21st 1
NOVEL 5 -- 2018
Geoff Ryman
- 15 Geoff Ryman 1 ***Was ENG8 N7 --
Raphael Sabatini
- 42 Raphael Sabatini 1 The Life of Cesare Borgia ITALIAN 16th 4
BIOGRAPHY 6 -- 2011
- 45 Walter Sablinsky 1 The Road to
Bloody Sunday 20/23 AMER HI9 -- 1981
Oliver Sacks
- 10 Oliver Sacks 1 ***An
Anthropologist on Mars AMER 20th3 ESSAYS1 -- 1995
Marquis de Sade
- 61 de Sade 1 Philosophy in the
Bedroom 18/2 FREN ESS1 -- 1972
Carl Sagan
- 10 Carl Sagan 1 The Dragons of Eden
20/8 AMER ES2 -- 1987
Francoise Sagan
- 39 Francoise Sagan 1 Bonjour
Tristesse 20/8 FREN N17 -- 1963
- 45 Francoise Sagan 2 Chateau en
Suede (francais) 20/12 FREN N14 -- 1965
- 80 Francoise Sagan 3 Les
Merveilleux Nuages (fran.) 20/17 FREN N28 -- 1965
Nayantara Sahgal
- 35 Nayantara Sahgal ***Mistaken
Identity INDIA 20th 1 NOVEL 23 -- 1995
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
- 6 Saint-Exupery 1 Le Petit Prince
(francais) 20/3 FREN N2 -- 1965
- 23 Saint-Exupery 2 Terre des hommes
(francais) 20/6 FREN N6 -- 1965
- 59 Saint Exupery 3 Vol de Nuit
(francais) 20/14 FREN N18 -- 1965
- 12 Consuelo de Saint-Exupery 1 *The Tale of the Rose
Consuelo de Saint-Exupery
- 12 Consuelo de Saint-Exupery 1 *The Tale of the Rose
Saki (H.H. Munro)
- 120 Saki (H.H. Munro) 1 The Best of Saki (chosen by Graham
Greene) ENGLISH 20th 25 SHORT STORIES 3 -- 2002
- 21 Andrei Sakharov 1 Sakharov
Speaks 20/7 RUSS ES --1974
J.D. Salinger
- 18 J.D. Salinger 1 Catcher in the
Rye 20/3 AMER N11 -- 1963, 1966
- 34 J.D. Salinger 2 Franny and Zooey
20/6 AMER N15 -- 1963, 2023
- 50 J.D. Salinger 3 Nine Stories
20/8 AMER ST2 --1963
- 56 J.D. Salinger 4 Raise High the
Roof Beams 20/9 AMER N27 -- 1963
Harrison Salisbury
- 3 Harrison Salisbury 1 Black Night,
White Snow 20/3 AMER HIS1 -- 1989
- 54 Sallust 1 The Conspiracy of Cataline ROMAN BC 1 HISTORY 1
-- 2009
- 60 Sallust 2 The Jugurthine War ROMAN BC 2 HISTORY 2 -- 2009
- 11 Saltykov 1 Gospoda Golovlevy
(russkii) 19/2 RUSS N3 -- 1969
Cynthia Salvadori
- Cynthia Salvadori 1 ****Slaves and Ivory, Continued
KENYA 21st 1 HISTORY 4 -- 2010
- 28 Thomas Sanchez 1 Rabbit Boss 24
AMER N14 -- 1990
- 30 Thomas Sanchez 2 Mile Zero 26
AMER N16 -- 1990
- 44 Thomas Sanchez 3 The Zoot Suit
Murders 30 AMER N14 --1991
Georges Sand
- 20 Georges Sand 1 Mauprat
(francais) 19/7 FREN N16 -- 1972
- 44 George Sand 2 ***La Mare au Diable (en francais) FRENCH
19th 1 NOVEL 34 -- 2012
- 45 George Sand 3 **Francois le Champi (en francais) FRENCH
19th 2 NOVEL 35 -- 2012
Samuel Sandmel
- 63
Samuel Sandmel 1 The Genius of Paul: a Study in History
AMERICAN 20th 1 RELIGION 4 -- 2021
Edward Sapir
- 70 Edward Sapir 1 Language 20/20
AMER ES14 -- 1971
Jose Saramago
- 35 Jose Saramgo 1 **The History of
the Siege of Lisbon PORTUGUESE 20th 1 NOVEL 10 -- 2000 review.
- 19 Jose Saramago 2
**BlindnessPORTUGUESE 20th 1 NOVEL 12 -- 2001
- 31 Jose Saramago 3 ****The Cave PORTUGUESE 20th 1 NOVEL 2 --
- 36 Jose Saramago 4 ****All the Names PORTUGUESE 20th 2 NOVEL 3
-- 2005
- 45 Jose Sarmago 5 *The Stone Raft PORTUGUESE 20th 3 NOVEL 6 --
- 49 Jose Saramago 6 Baltasar and Blimunda PORTUGUESE 20th 4
NOVEL 7 -- 2005
- 89 Jose Saramago 7 **The Year of the Death of Ricardo
Reis PORTUGUESE 5 NOVEL 9 -- 2005
- 59 Jose Saramago 8 The Gospel According to Jesus Christ
PORTUGUESE 20th 1 NOVEL -- 2007
- 67 Jose Sarmago 9 **The Double PORTUGUESE 21st 1 NOVEL
28 -- 2007
- 6 Jose Saramago 10 Seeing PORTUGUESE 21st 1 NOVEL 4 -- 2008
- 41 Jose Saramago 11 *The Elephant's Journey
PORTUGUESE 21st NOVEL 24 -- 2010
William Saroyan
- 11 William Saroyan 1 ***The Human
Comedy AMER 20th4 NOVEL 6 -- 1995
Nathalie Sarraute
- 54 Nathalie Sarraute 1 Martereau
20/10 FREN N19 -- 1966
- 1 Nathalie Sarraute 2 Le
Planetarium (francais) 20/1 FREN N1 -- 1967
- 2 Nathalie Sarraute 3 Les Fruits
d'Or (francais) 20/2 FREN N2 -- 1967
Jean-Paul Sartre
- 5 Jean-Paul Sartre 1 Les Mouches
(en francais) 20/2 FREN PL1 -- 1963
- 43 Jean-Paul Sartre 2 Le Mur 20/10
FREN ST1 -- 1963
- 28 Jean-Paul Sartre 3 Huis Clos
20/3 FREN PL13 -- 1964
- 62 Jean-Paul Sartre 4 La Naussee
20/15 FREN N21 -- 1965
- 81 Jean-Paul Sartre 5 Sur la
question juive (fran.) 20/18 FREN PH8 -- 1965
- 22 Jean-Paul Sartre 6 The Age of
Reason FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 7 --2024
- 23 Jean-Paul Sartre 7 The Reprieve
FRENCH 20th 2 NOVEL 8 -- 2024
- 26 Jean-Paul Sartre 8 Troubled
Sleep FRENCH 20th 3 NOVEL 9 -- 2924
Mark Saxton
- 43 Mark Saxton 1 The Islar 20/30
AMER N -- 1979
Dorothy Sayers
- 59 Dorothy Sayers 1 Whose Body? (Lord Peter Whimsey #1)
ENGLISH 20th 3 MYSTERY 5 -- 2004
- 60 Dorothy Sayers 2 Clouds of Witness (Lord Peter Whimsey #2)
ENGLISH 20th 4 MYSTERY 6 --2004
- 61 Dorothy Sayers 3 Unnatural Death (Lord Peter Whimsey #3)
ENGLISH 20th 5 MYSTERY 7 -- 2004
- 62 Dorothy Sayers 4 The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club
(Lord Peter Whimsey #4) ENGLISH 20th 6 MYSTERY 8 --2004
- 63 Dorothy Sayers 5 Strong Poison (Lord Peter Whimsey #5)
ENGLISH 20th 7 MYSTERY 9 -- 2004
- 1 Dorothy Sayers 6 The Five Red Herrings (Lord Peter Whimsey
#6) ENGLISH 20th 1 MYSTERY 1 -- 2005
- 2 Dorothy Sayers 7 Have His Carcase (Lord Peter Whimsey #7)
ENGLISH 20th 2 MYSTERY 2 -- 2005
- 4 Dorothy Sayers 8 The Nine Tailors (Lord Peter Whimsey #8)
ENGLISH 20th 3 MYSTERY 3 -- 2005
- 6 Dorothy Sayers 9 Gaudy Night (Lord Peter Whimsey #9) ENGLISH
20th 4 MYSTERY 5 -- 2005
- 7 Dorothy Sayers 10 Busman's Honeymoon (Lord Peter Whimsey
#10) ENGLISH 20th 5 MYSTERY 6 -- 2005
- 8 Dorothy Sayers 11 and Jill Paton Walsh 1 Thrones,
Dominations (Lord Peter Whimsey #11) ENGLISH 20th 6 MYSTERY 7 --
Maurice Sceve
- 32 Maurice Sceve 1 Delie (francais)
16/2 FREN P1 -- 1970
George Schaeffer
- 3 George Schaeffer 1 The Expectant
Father 20/3 AMER ES -- 1975
Jack Schaefer
- 8 Jack Schaefer 1 Shane 20/6 AMER N
-- 1976
Jesse Schell
- Jesse Schell 1 ***The Art of Game Design AMERICAN 21st 10
ESSAY 3 -- 2010
Friedrich Schiller
- 76 Schiller 1 Die Rauber (deutsch)
18/3 GER PL34 --1968
- 56 Schiller 2 Uber Naive &nd
Sentimentalische Dichtung (deutsch) 18/3 GER CR5 -- 1969
- 72 Friedrich Schiller 3 The Robbers [electronic book] GERMAN
19th 1 PLAY 2 -- 2003
- 78 Friedrich Schiller 4 The Thirty Years War [electronic book]
GERMAN 18th 1 HISTORY 2 --2003
- 33 Frederick Schiller 5 (on CD)(on Kindle) History
of the Revolt of the Netherlands GERMAN 19th 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2008
Cathleen Schine
- 37 Cathleen Schine 1 Rameau's Niece
AMER 20th 28 NOVEL 15 -- 1997
Arthur Schlesinger
- 47 Schlesinger 1 Crisis of the Old
Order 20/23 AMER HIS1 -- 1966
Gershom Scholem
Ken Scholes
- 68 Ken Scholes 1 Last Flight of the Goddess AMERICAN 21st 18
FANTASY 3 -- 2006
- 59 Ken Scholes 2 **Long Walks, Last Flights and Other Strange
Journeys AMERICAN 21st 4 SCIFI 11 -- 2008
Robert Scholes
- 13 Robert Scholes 1 The Fabulators
20/3 AMER CR2 -- 1970
- 74 Scholes 2, Kellogg 1 The Nature
of Narrative 20/21 AMER CR7 -- 1971
- 2 Robert Scholes 3 Structuralism in
Literature 20/2 AMER CR -- 1980
- 3 Robert Scholes 4 Structural
Fabulation 20/3 AMER CR -- 1980
Olive Schreiner
- 5 Olive Schreiner 1 (on CD)
***The Story of an African Farm SOUTH AFRICAN 19th 1 NOVEL 4 --
Bruno Schulz
- 14 Bruno Schulz 1 Street of
Crocodiles POL1 N6 -- 1993, 2021
- 44
Bruno Schultz 2 Sanatorium, Under the Sign of the Hourglass
POLISH 20th 2 STORIES 3 -- 2021
- 52 Bernhard Schultze 1 Der Streit
um die Gottlichkiet des Namens Jesus 20/1 GER REL -- 1973
- 44 Harry Schwartz 1 Tsars,
Mandarins & Commissars 20/25 AMER HI -- 1980
Moacyr Scliar
- 32 Moacyr Scliar 1 The Centaur in the Garden BRAZILIAN 20th 1
ROMANCE 3 -- 2018
Sir Walter Scott
- 53 Sir Walter Scott 1 Guy Mannering
19/2 ENG N21 -- 1964, 2012
- 33 Sir Walter Scott 2 Heart of
Midlothian 19/1 ENG N -- 1979, 2008
- 36 Sir Walter Scott 3 Old Mortality
19/2 ENG N --1979, 2008
- 45 Sir Walter Scott 4 *Ivanhoe (on CD) (on
Kindle) BRITISH 19th 7 NOVEL 18 -- 2008
- 2 Sir Walter Scott 5 *Castle Dangerous (on CD) (on
Kindle) BRITISH 19th 1 NOVEL 2 -- 2009
- 67 Sir Walter Scott 6 *Rob Roy BRITISH 19th 14 NOVEL 32 --
- 9 Sir Walter Scott 7 Waverley volume 1 ENGLISH 19th 1
NOVEL 5 -- 2012
- 10 Sir Walter Scott 8 Waverley volume 2 ENGLISH 19th 2 NOVEL 6
-- 2012
- 12 Sir Walter Scott 9 The Antiquary ENGLISH 19th 4 --
- 13 Sir Walter Scott 10 The Black Dwarf ENGLISH 19th 5 -- 2012
- 14 Sir Walter Scott 11 Legend of Montrose ENGLISH 19th 6 --
- 27 Sir Walter Scott 12 The Bride of Lammermoor BRITISH
19th7 NOVEL 20 -- 2012
- 49 Sir Walter Scott 13 Count Robert of Paris
BRITISH 19th 9 NOVEL 39 -- 2012
- 18 Sir Walter Scott 14 The Lady of the Lake BRITISH 18th
1 POETRY 1 -- 2019
Kevin Scrantz
- 11 Kevin Scrantz 1 *Medium Rare (at
Zoetrope Screenplays) AMER 20th 8 SCREENPLAY 2 -- 1999
W. G. Sebald
- 39 W. G. Sebald 1 ****The Emigrants GERMAN/JEWISH 20th 1 NOVEL
27 -- 2014
- 29
W. G. Sebald 2 ****Austerlitz GERMAN 21st 1 NOVEL 16 -- 2021
Alice Sebold
- 8 Alice Sebold 1 The Lovely Bones AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 5 --
David Sedaris
32 David
Sedaris 1 The Santaland Diaries AMERICAN 20th 19 PLAY 1 -- 2001
33 David
Sedaris 2 Season's Greetings AMERICAN 20th 20 PLAY 2 -- 2001
40 David Sedaris 3 **Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk AMERICAN 21st 7
Carolyn See
- 52 Carolyn See 1 [Terrible] Golden Days AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL
41 -- 2012
Barbara Seels
- 16 Barbara Seels and Rita Richey
Instructional Technology: The Definition and Domains of the
Field AMER 20th 11 EDUCATION 1 -- 1998
- 71 ed. Segel 1 18th Cent. Russ.
Lit., vol. 1 18/1 RUSS -- 1968
- 73 ed. Segel 2 18th Cent. Russ.
Lit., vol. 2 18/2 RUSS -- 1968
Eric Segal
- 72 Eric Segal 1 Love Story 20/27
AMER N37 -- 1970
W. C. Sellar
- 36 W. C. Sellar 1 1066 and All That BRITISH 20th 1 HUMOR 1 --
- 21 Zewde Sellassie 1 Johannes IV of
Ethiopia 20/1 ETH HIS -- 1977
Bob Seltzer
- 64 Bob Seltzer 1 ****The Medusa Blogs (in manuscript) AMERICAN
21st 28 NOVEL 51 -- 2012
- 13 Bob Seltzer 2 Cynk (mss.) AMERICAN 21st 7 NOVEL 11 --
- 17 Bob Seltzer 3 ****Cynk, new draft (mss.) AMERIAN 21st 1
NOVEL 8 -- 2014
- 20 Bob Seltzer 4 Cynk, new draft (mss.) AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL
11 -- 2014
- 33 Bob Seltzer 5 Cynk, new draft (mss.) AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL
22 -- 2014
- 15 Bob Seltzer 6 Cynk, new draft, mss. AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL
11 -- 2015
Helen Seltzer
- 6 Helen Seltzer 1 Ruminations AMERICAN 21st 3 POETRY 1
-- 2018
Henry Hocker Seltzer
- 64 Henry Hocker Seltzer 1 Henry
Hocker Seltzer, Pennsylvania Dutch Teacher, Civil Servant,and
Physician - Memories of 1856-1915 AMERICAN 20th 6 BIOGRAPHY 1
-- 2018
- 26 Henry Hocker Seltzer
Autobiography 20/18 AMER HIST -- 1976
- 27 Henry Hocker Seltzer
Book-Keeping on the Farm 20/19 AMER ES -- 1976
Michael Seltzer
- 77 Michael Seltzer 1 *Behind Closed
Windows (manuscript) AMERICAN 20th 45 NOVEL 42 -- 1999 (The text
is now available online at www.samizdat.com/window1.html)
- 37 Michael Seltzer 2 Life
[manuscript] AMERICAN 20th 19 NOVEL 11 -- 2000, second draft
Paul Seltzer
- 47
J. Paul Seltzer 1 Life Lessons AMERICAN 21st 10 BIOGRAPHY 4 --
- 32 Paul Seltzer 2 Big Love: a Refugee Story CANADA 21st
4 NOVEL 29 -- 2022
Sallie Seltzer
- Sallie Seltzer 1 Eugene Onegin
(manuscript) SCREEN 1 -- 1993
- 7 Sallie Seltzer 2 East Falls Story
20th (manuscript) AMER3 SCREEN1 -- 1994
- 16 Sallie Seltzer 3 The Magazine
(manuscript) AMER 20th SCREEN 1 -- 1996
- 77 Sallie Seltzer **Crazy Baby
[manuscript] AMERICAN 20th 51 SCREENPLAY 1 -- 1997
Richard Selzer
- 16 Richard Selzer 1 ***Mortal
Lessons 20/12 AMER ES-- 1979
- 20 Richard Selzer 2 Confessions of
a Knife 20/15 AMER ES2 -- 1983
- 14 Richard Selzer 3 Letters to a
Young Doctor 20/8 AMER ES2 -- 1984
- Richard Selzer 4 Rituals of Surgery
- 46 Richard Selzer 5 Taking the
World in for Repairs 20/27 AMER ES2--1986
- 12 Richard Selzer 6 ***Down from
Troy AMER 20th5 AUTOBIO 1 -- 1995
- 26 Richard Selzer 7 *Raising the
Dead AMER 20th 19 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 1997
- 33 Richard Selzer 8 **Imagine a
Woman AMER 20th 25 SHORT STORIES 3 -- 1997
- 82 Richard Selzer 9 Doctor Stories
AMERICAN 20th 33 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 1998
- 39 Richard Selzer 10 ***The Exact Location of the Soul
AMERICAN 21st 2 ESSAYS 3 -- 2009
Richard Seltzer, Sr.
- 123 Richard Seltzer, Sr. 1 Life and Times (autobiography)
AMERICAN 20th 31 BIOGRAPHY 15 -- 2002
- 2 Richard Seltzer Sr. 2 Human Relations in School
Administration AMERICAN 20th 1 ESSAY 1 -- 2003
Jan-Philipp Sendker
- 59 Jan-Philipp Sendker 1 *****The Art of Hearing Heartbeats
GERMAN 21st 1 NOVEL 48 -- 2012
- 30 Jan-Philipp Sendker 2 A Well-Tempered Heart GERMAN 21st 1
NOVEL 19 -- 2014
- 39 Seneca 1 Oedipus BC/1 ROM PL13
-- 1968
- 3 Seneca 2 Hippolytus ROMAN 1st 2
PLAY 1 -- 2000
Peter Senge
- 8 Peter Senge 1 The Fifth
Discipline 5 AMER BUS1 -- 1992
Vikram Seth
- 3
Vikram Seth 1 ***The Golden Gate INDIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 2 POETRY
1 -- 2020
Maneesh Sethi
- 51 Maneesh Sethi 1 Game Programming for Teens AMERICAN
21st 10 COMPUTER 1 -- 2007
Diane Setterfield
11 Diane Setterfield 1 ***The Thirteenth Tale BRITISH 21st 2 NOVEL
8 -- 2011
Elizabeth Sewall
- 17 Elizabeth Sewall 1 The Orphic
Voice 20/3 AMER CR2 -- 1972
Rex Sexton
- 27 Rex Sexton 1 The Queen's Coronet
[mss.] 20/20 AMER N -- 1977
- 13 Rex Sexton 2 Carrie Grimes
(mss.) 20/8 AMER N -- 1978
- 84 Rex Sexton 3 ****Desert Flower
(mss.) AMERICAN 20th 47 NOVEL 46 -- 1999
- 35 Rex Sexton 4 ***The Time Hotel AMERICAN 21st 1 SHORT
STORIES 5/POETRY 1 -- 2009
- 3 Rex Sexton 5 *** Night Without Stars AMERICAN 21st 2
- 49 Rex Sexton 6 ***Paper Moon 21st 24 NOVEL 41 -- 2013
- 13 Rex Sexton 7 Skeleton Key AMERICAN 21st 5 POETRY 1 -- 2018
Martin Seymour-Smith
- 28 Martin Seymour-Smith 1
Gnosticism: the Path of Inner Knowledge AMER 20th 21
Peter Shaeffer
- 26 Peter Shaeffer 1 Equus 20/2 ENG
PL -- 1978
Mary Ann Shaffer
- 51 Mary Ann Shaffer 1 and Annie Barrows 1 *****The Guernsey
Liteary and Potato Peel Pie Society ENGLISH 21st 2 NOVEL 30 --
William Shakespeare
- 11 Shakespeare 1 Julius Caesar 16/1
ENG PL1 -- 1960, 2019
- 21 Shakespeare 2 MacBeth 16/2 ENG
PL2 -- 1961, 2020, 2019
- 28 Shakespeare 3 Othello 16/1 ENG
PL6 -- 1963, 2019
- 29 Shakespeare 4 Twelfth Night 16/2
ENG PL7 -- 1963, 1999, 2019
- 10 Shakespeare 5 Hamlet 16/1 ENG
PL5 -- 1964, 2020, 2019
- 34 Shakespeare 6 Henry IV, Part 1
16/2 ENG PL15 -- 1964, 1968, 2019
- 15 Shakespeare 7 King Lear 16/1 ENG
PL6 -- 1965, 1999, 2020, 2019
- 27 Shakespeare 8 The Tempest 16/2
ENG PL10 -- 1965, 1967, 1999, 2020, 2019
- 34 Shakespeare 9 Cymbeline 16/3 ENG
PL12 -- 1965, 2019
- 48 Shakespeare 10 Anthony and
Cleopatra 16/4 ENG PL16 -- 1965, 2019
- 35 Shakespeare 11 Henry IV, Part 2
16/1 ENG PL8 -- 1966, 2019
- 36 Shakespeare 12 Richard III 16/2
ENG PL9 -- 1966, 1999, 2019
- 53 Shakespeare 13 Richard II 16/3
ENG PL12 -- 1966, 2019
- 31 Shakespeare 14 As You Like It
16/1 ENG PL8 -- 1967, 2019
- 32 Shakespeare 15 Comedy of Errors
16/2 ENG PL9 -- 1967, 2019
- 36 Shakespeare 16 Winter's Tale
16/3 ENG PL13 -- 1967, 2019
- 67 Shakespeare 17 Troilus &
Cressida 16/5 ENG PL34 -- 1967, 2019
- 72 Shakespeare 18 Midsummer Night's
Dream 16/6 ENG PL39 -- 1967, 1999
- 43 Shakespeare 19 Measure for
Measure 16/2 ENG PL15 -- 1968, 2019
- 48 Shakespeare 20 Love's Labor's
Lost 16/3 ENG PL17 -- 1968, 2019
- 49 Shakespeare 21 Henry V 16/4 ENG
PL18 -- 1968, 1999, 2019
- 52 Shakespeare 22 Pericles, Prince
of Tyre 16/5 ENG PL19 -- 1968, 2019
- 54 Shakespeare 23 Coriolanus 16/6
ENG PL21 -- 1968, 2019
- 57 Shakespeare 24 Timon of Athens
16/6 ENG PL24 -- 1968, 2019
- 18 Shakespeare 25 The Merchant of
Venice 16/1 ENG PL8 -- 1969, 2019
- 71 Shakespeare 26 King John 16/1
ENG PL6 -- 1971, 2019
- 51 Shakespeare
27 Romeo and Juliet BRITISH 16th 7 PLAY 21 -- 2019
- 56 William
Shakespeare 28 Titus Andronicus BRITISH 16th 10
PLAY 24 -- 2019
- 57 William Shakespeare 29
Henry VI Part 1 BRITISH 16th 11 PLAY 25 -- 2019
- 59 William Shakespeare 30 Henry VI
Part 2 BRITISH 16th 12 PLAY 26 -- 2019
- 61 William Shakespeare 31 Henry VI
Part 3 BRITISH 16th 13 PLAY 27 -- 2019
- 93 William Shakespeare 32 Henry
VIII BRITISH 16th 20 PLAY 34 -- 2019
- 94 William Shakespeare 33 Two
Gentlemen of Verona BRITISH 16th 21 PLAY 35 -- 2019
- 95 William Shakespeare 34 The
Taming of the Shrew BRITISH 16th 22 PLAY 36 -- 2019
- 101 William Shakespeare 35 The
Merry Wives of Windsor BRITISH 16th 26 PLAY 40 -- 2019
- 102 William Shakespeare 36 Much Ado
About Nothing BRITISH 16th 27 PLAY 41 -- 2019
- 108 William Shakespeare 37 All's
Well that Ends Well BRITISH 16th 32 PLAY 46 -- 2019
- 4
William Shakespeare 38 Sonnets BRITISH 16th 1 POETRY 2 --
- 9
William Shakespeare 39 Venus and Adonis BRITISH 16th 3
POETRY 3 -- 2020
- 33 William
Shakespeare 40 King Edward III BRITISH 16th 5 PLAY 2 --
- 34 William
Shakespeare 41 Sir Thomas More BRITISH 16th 6 PLAY 3 --
- 36 William
Shakespeare 42 Two Noble Kinsmen BRITISH 16th 7 PLAY 4
-- 2020
- 23 Shapiro 1 The Bureaucratic State
20/16 AMER HIST -- 1976
Elena Mauli Shapiro
- 5 Elena Mauli Shapiro 1 **** 13 Rue Therese AMERICAN 21st 4
NOVEL 4 -- 2011
James Shapiro
- 98 James Shapiro 1 Contested Will AMERICAN 21st 14 HISTORY 5
-- 2019
- 26
James Shapiro 2 A Year in the Life of William Shakespeare 1599
AMERICAN 21st 5 ESSAY 4 -- 2020
- 69
James Shapiro 3 ***The Year of Lear AMERICAN 21st 13 CRITICISM
1 -- 2020
George Bernard Shaw
- 16 George Bernard Shaw 1 Mrs.
Warren's Profession 20/2 ENG PL8 -- 1964
- 55 George Bernard Shaw 2 St. Joan
20/3 ENG PL22 -- 1968
- 10 George Bernard Shaw 3 The
Devil's Disciple 19/1 IRISH PLAY -- 1975, 1994, 2019
- 12 George Bernard Shaw 4 Man and
Superman 19th ENG5 PLAY2 -- 1994
- 14 George Bernard Shaw 5 Candida
19th ENG7 PLAY4 -- 1994, 2018
- 22 George Bernard Shaw 6 The Man of
Destiny 19th ENG8 PLAY6 -- 1994
- 24 George Bernard Shaw 7 Caesar and
Cleopatra 19th ENG9 PLAY7 -- 1994
- 29 George Bernard Shaw 8 Arms and
the Man 20th ENG10 PLAY8 -- 1994
- 43 Bernard Shaw 9 Major Barbara
20th ENG13 PLAY10 -- 1994
- 64 George Bernard Shaw 10 Preface to Back to Methusaleh
BRITISH 20th 6 ESSAYS 11 -- 2011
- 65 George Bernard Shaw 11 Back to to Methusaleh BRITISH 20th 7
DRAMA 1 --2011
Ian Shaw
- 27 Ian Shaw 1 The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt BRITISH 20th
1 HISTORY 2 -- 2010
- 12 Sidney Sheldon 1 Windmills of
the Gods 20/10 AMER N4 -- 1988
Mary Shelley
- 15 Mary Shelley 1 Frankenstein ENGLISH 19th 2 NOVEL 8 -- 2003
Richard Brinsley Sheridan
- 65 Sheridan 1 School for Scandal
18/3 ENG PL32 -- 1967
- 27 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 3 The
Rivals BRITISH 18th 4 PLAY 11 -- 2019
- 29 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 1
School for Scandal [second time] BRITISH 18th 5 PLAY 12 -- 2019
- 30 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 4 The
Critic BRITISH 18th 6 PLAY 13 -- 2019
- 31 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 5 The
Duenna BRITISH 18th 7 PLAY 14 -- 2019
Margaret Sherwood
- 8 Margaret Sherwood 1 Dryden's
Theory & Practice 19/1 AMER CR1 -- 1969
- 25 Shevchenko 1 Poems 20/2 RUSS P6
-- 1966
Carol Shields
Amit Shilo
- 52 Amit Shilo 1 Beyond Death in the Oresteia AMERICAN 21st 20
CRITICISM 1 -- 2022
William Shirer
- 15 William Shirer 1 Rise & Fall
of Third Reich 20/8 AMER HIS5 -- 1961
Mikhail Sholokhov
- 2 Mikhail Sholokhov 1 And Quiet
Flows the Don 20/2 RUSS N -- 1974
Anita Shreve
- 75 Anita Shreve 1 The Pilot's Wife
AMERICAN 20th 44 NOVEL 41 -- 1999
Dai Sijie
- 6 Dai Sijie 1 *** Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress
CHINESE 21st 1 NOVEL 3 -- 2003
- 25 Silone 1 Bread & Wine 20/1
ITAL N8 -- 1967
- 66 Robert Silverberg 1 The Realm of
Prester John 41 AMER HIS4 -- 1991
- 81 Robert Silverberg 1 ***Nightwings (in The Hugo
Winners - Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 11 SCIFI 8 -- 2007
Clifford Simak
- 72 Clifford Simak 1 The Big Front Yard (in The Hugo Winners -
Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 6 SCIFI 3 -- 2007
George Simenon
- 44 George Simenon 1 Le Chien Jaune [en francais] FRENCH 20th 1
NOVEL 40 -- 2022
- 19 Ernest Simmons Leo Tolstoy vol.
1 20/5 AMER CR1 -- 1973
- 31 Ernest Simmons 2 Leo Tolstoy
vol. 2 20/7 AMER CR2 --1973
Ethelyn Simon and Joseph Anderson
- 6 Ethelyn Simon and Joseph
Anderson 1 Teach Yourself to Read Hebrew AMERICAN 20th 2
LANGUAGE 1 -- 2017
Isaac Singer
- 15 Isaac Singer 1 The Spinoza of
Market Street 20/1 POL ST1 -- 1981
- 28 Isaac Singer 2 The Manor 20/2
POL N12 -- 1981
- 29 Isaac Singer 3 The Estate 20/3
POL N13 -- 1981
- 19 Isaac Singer 4 Shosha 20/2 POL
N4 -- 1983
B.F. Skinner
- 77 B.F. Skinner 1 Walden Two 20/15
AMER N26 -- 1965
Josef Skvorecky
- 22 Josef Skvorecky 1 *The End of
Lieutenant Boruvka CZECH 20th 1 NOVEL 15 -- 1996
- 27 Josef Skorecky 2 **The Miracle
Game CZECH 20th 2 NOVEL 19 -- 1996
- 44 William Sloane 1 The Craft of
Writing 20/31 AMER ES -- 1979
Jane Smiley
- 84 Jane Smiley 1 *Ten Days in the Hills AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL
30 -- 2007 review
- 91 Jane Smiley 2 ***A Thousand Acres AMERICAN 20th 15 NOVEL 32
-- 2007
- 55 Jane Smiley 3 **Horse Heaven AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 20 --
- 48 Jane Smiley 4 **Moo AMERICAN 20th 8 NOVEL 27 -- 2009
- Jane Smiley 5 ****Greenlanders AMERICAN 20th NOVEL 9 --
- 43 Jane Smiley 6 **The Invention of the Computer
AMERICAN 21st 9 BIOGRAPHY 1 -- 2010
- 47 Jane Smiley 7 Private Life AMERICAN 21st 23
NOVEL39 -- 2013
- 29 Jane Smiley 8 ***Some Luck AMERICAN 21st 9
NOVEL 8 -- 2018
- 30 Jane Smiley 9 ***Early Warning AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 9 --
- 31 Jane Smiley 10 **Golden Age AMERICAN 21st 11 NOVEL 10 --
- 40 Jane Smiley 11 ***13 Ways of Looking at the Novel AMERICAN
21st 14 ESSAY 1 -- 2018
- 73
Jane Smiley 12 Perestroika in Paris AMERICAN 21st 14
NOVEL 35 -- 2020
- 67 Jane Smiley 13 A Dangerous Business AMERICAN 21st 22
NOVEL 48 --2022
- 24 Jane Smiley The Questions that Matter Most
AMERICAN 21st 9 ESSAYS 1 -- 2023
Alexander McCall Smith
- 42 Alexander McCall Smith 1 The Number 1 Ladies' Detective
Agency BOTSWANA 21st 1 NOVEL 20 -- 2003
- 12 Alexander McCall Smith 2 *Morality for Beautiful Girls
BOTSWANA 21st 1 NOVEL 6 -- 2004
- 14 Alexander McCall Smith 3 *Tears of the Giraffe BOTSWANNA
21st 2 NOVEL 8 -- 2004
- 23 Alexander McCall Smith 4 **The Kalahari Typing School for
Men BOTSWANNA 21st 3 NOVEL 17 -- 2004
- 17 Alexander McCall Smith 5 The Full Cupboard of Life (#5 in
The No. 1 Ladies' Dective Agency) BOTSWANNA 21st 1 MYSTERY 10 --
- 47 Alexander McCall Smith 6 In the Company of Cheerful Ladies
BOTSWANNA 21st 2 MYSTERY 11 -- 2005
- 57 Alexander McCall Smith 7 At the Villa of Reduced
Circumstances BOTSWANNA 21st 3 NOVEL 10 -- 2005
- 85 Alexander McCall Smith 8 The Sunday Philosophy Club
BOTSWANA 21st 4 MYSTERY 14 -- 2005
- 30 Alexander McCall Smith 9 *Blue Shoes and Happiness BOTSWANA
21st 1 MYSTERY 3 -- 2006
- 56 Alexander McCall Smith 10 Espresso Tales BOTSWANA 21st 2
NOVEL 33 -- 2006
- 35 Alexander McCall Smith 11 The Good Husband of Zebra Drive
BOTSWANA 21st 1 MYSTERY 6 -- 2007
- 25 Alexander McCall Smith 12 **The Miracle at Speedy
Motors BOTSWANA 21st MYSTERY 1 -- 2009
- 31 Alexander McCall Smith 13 *** Tea Time for the
Traditiionally Built BOTSWANA 21st 2 MYSTERY 2 -- 2009
- 12 Alexander McCall Smith 14 **The Double Comfort Safari
Club BOTSWANA 21st 1 NOVEL 9 -- 2011
- 14 Alexander McCall Smith 15 **The Saturday Big Tent Wedding
Party BOTSWANA 21st 2 NOVEL 10 -- 2011
- 26 Alexander McCall Smith 16 ***The Limpopo Academy of Private
Detection BOTSWANA 21st 1 NOVEL 19 -- 2012
- 54 Alexander McCall Smith 17 ***The Minor Adjustment Beauty
Salon BOTSWANA 21st 1 NOVEL 45 -- 2013
- 49 Alexander McCall Smith 18 **The Handsome Man's De Luxe Cafe
BOTSWANA 21st 18 NOVEL 38 -- 2014
- 85 Alexander McCall Smith 19 The Woman Who Walked in
Sunshine BOTSWANA 21st 1 NOVEL 27 -- 2019
- 86 Alexander McCall Smith 20 Precious and Grace BOTSWANA 21st
2 NOVEL 28 -- 2019
- 87 Alexander McCall Smith 21 The House of Unexpected Sisters
BOTSWANA 21st 3 NOVEL 29 -- 2019
- 88 Alexander McCall Smith 22 The Colors of All the Cattle
BOTSWANA 21st 4 NOVEL 30 -- 2019
- 89 Alexander McCall Smith 23 To the Land of Long Lost Friends
BOTSWANA 21st 5 NOVEL 31 -- 2019
- 70
Alexander McCall Smith 24 How to Raise an Elephant BOTSWANA
21st 1 NOVEL 33 -- 2020
- 11
Alexander McCall Smith 25 The Joy and Light Bus Company
BOTSWANA 21st NOVEL 7 -- 2025
- 12
Alexander McCall Smoth 26 A Song of Comfortable Chairs
BOTSWANA 21st NOVEL8 -- 2025
- 13
Alexander McCall Smith 27 From a Far and Lovely Country
BOTSWANA 21st 3 -- 2025
- 14
Alexander McCall Smith 28 The Great Hippopotamus Hotel
BOTSWANA 21st 4 NOVEL 10 -- 2025
Edward Smith
- 18 Edward Smith 1 The Young Stalin
20/14 AMER HIS6 -- 1983
Harry Smith
- 34 Harry Smith 1 Trinity 20/25 AMER
POET -- 1975
Janet Smith
- 51 Janet Smith 1 House Call to the Past AMERICAN 20th 26 NOVEL
30 review -- 2001
Martin Cruz Smith
- 13 Martin Smith 1 Gorky Park 20/9
AMER N12 -- 1982
Zadie Smith
- 48 Zadie Smith 1 **White Teeth
ENGLISH 20th 7 NOVEL 14 -- 2000 review
- 70 Zadie Smith 2 *The Autograph Man ENGLISH 21st 3 NOVEL 36 --
- 21 Zadie Smith 3 *On Beauty ENGLISH 21st 3 NOVEL 13 -- 2006
- 60 Zadie Smith 4 NW BRITISH 21st 3 NOVEL 49 --
- 38
Zadie Smith 5 Intimations BRITISH 21st 1 ESSAYS 3 --
- 11 Raymond Smullyan 1 Chess
Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes 20/6 AMER CH1 -- 1986
- Raymond Smullyan 2 Chess Mysteries
of the Arabian Nights 10 AMER CH -- 1986
Quintus Smyrnaeus
- 64 Quintus Smyrnaeus 1 The Fall of Troy ROMAN 4th 1 HISTORY 7
-- 2001
Ruth Smythers
- 1 Ruth Smythers 1 Sex Tips for Husbands and Wives from
1894 BRITISH 19th 1 HUMOR 1 -- 2016
C.P. Snow
- 13 C.P. Snow 1 Science and
Government 20/2 ENG HIS2 -- 1963
- 31 C.P. Snow 2 The Masters 20/6 ENG
N12 -- 1964
Dava Sobel
- 67 Dava Sobel 1 Galileo's Daugher AMERICAN 21st 14 BIOGRPHY 9
-- 2003
- 28 Sasha Sokolov 1 School for Fools
20/2 RUSS N -- 1977 review
- 23 Fyodor Sologub 1 The Petty Demon
20/3 RUSS N11 -- 1981
- 34 Fyodor Sologub 2 Drops of Blood
20/4 RUSS N16 --1981
- 37 Fyodor Sologub 3 Queen Ortruda
20/5 RUSS N17 -- 1981
- 38 Fyodor Sologub 4 Smoke &
Ashes 20/6 RUSS N18-- 1981
Vladimir Solovyov
- 64 Vladimir Soloviev 1 Lecture on
Godmanhood 19/3 RUSS REL3 -- 1971
- 69 Vladimir Soloviev 2 Three
Conversations 19/5 RUSS N26 -- 1971
- 11 Vladimir Solovyov 3 The Meaning
of Love 19/4 RUSS REL1 -- 1973, 1981
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
- 44 Alexander Solzhenitsyn 1 Ivan
Denisovich 20/1 RUSS N21 -- 1963
- 39 Solzhenitsyn 2 The First Circle
20/2 RUSS N9 -- 1969
- 14 Solzhenitsyn 3 Cancer Ward 20/2
RUSS N7 -- 1970
- 66 Solzhenitsyn 4 For the Good of
the Cause 20/2 RUSS N23 -- 1971, 1973
- 67 Solzhenitsyn 5 Incident at
Krechetovka Station 20/3 RUSS N24 -- 1971, 1973
- 40 A. Solzhenitsyn 6 The Love-Girl
& the Innocent 20/16 RUSS ST -- 1973
- 23 A. Solzhenitsyn 7 August 1914
20/5 RUSS N -- 1973
- 24 A. Solzhenitsyn 8 Gulag
Archipelago 20/10 RUSS HIST
- 31 Solzhenitsyn 9 Gulag Archipelago
II 20/2 RUSS HIST -- 1978
- 11 Solzhenitsyn 10 Lenin in Zurich
20/2 RUSS HIST -- 1978
- 51 Solzhenitsyn 11 Warning to the
West 20/1 RUSS ES -- 1979
- 23 Solzhenitsyn 12 Gulag
Archipelago III 20/3 RUSS HI -- 1980
- 34 Alexander Solzhenitsyn 13
November 1916: The Red Wheel: Knot II RUSSIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 9
HISTORY 2 -- 2000 review
- 24 Sophocles 1 Oedipus Rex BC/3 GRE
PL4 -- 1961, 1963
- 25 Sophocles 2 Antigone BC/4 GRE
PL5 -- 1961, 1969
- 50 Sophocles 3 Oedipus at Colonus
BC/3 GRE PL25 --1967, 1969
- 36 Sophocles 4 The Women of Trachis
BC/1 GRE PL11 -- 1968
- 56 Sophocles 5 Ajax BC/3 GRE PL23
-- 1968
- 52 Sophocles 6 Philoctetes BC/3 GRE
PL26 -- 1969, 2023
- 34 Sophocles 7 Electra BC/5 GRE
PL11 -- 1970
- 12 Archimandrite Sophrony 1 The
Monk of Mount Athos 20/2 RUSS TH -- 1980
Muriel Spark
- 19 Muriel Spark 1 The Prime of Miss
Jean Brodie 20/3 ENG N -- 1974
Nicholoas Sparks
- 28 Nicholas Sparks 1 *The Notebook AMERICAN 20th 6 NOVEL 3 --
- 29 Nicholas Sparks 2 Nights in Rodanthe AMERICAN 21st 9 NOVEL
4 -- 2005
Jonathan Spence
- 8 Jonathan
Spence 1 The Search for Modern China AMERICAN 20th 7 HISTORY 1
-- 2001
- 11 Stephen Spender 1 Year of the
Young Rebels 7 AMER HIS1 -- 1991
Madmae de Stael
- 6 Madame de Stael 1 Corinne ou
l'Italie (en
francais) FRENCH 19th 1 NOVEL 2 --
Alicia Stallings
- 15 A.
E. Stallings This After Life AMERICAN 21st 4 POETRY
2 -- 2023
10 A. E. Stallings 1 Archaic Smile AMERICAN 21st 2 POETRY
1 -- 2023
- 41 Lucretius 1 (trans.
Alicia Stallings) The Nature of Things ROMAN BC 1
POETRY 11 -- 2024
Bryan Starr--2023
- 66 John Bryan Starr 1 *** Understanding China AMERICAN
21st 12 ESSAYS 12 -- 2011
Richard Steele
- 66 Richard Steele 1 The Conscious
Lovers 18/4 ENG PL33 -- 1967
Wallace Stegner
- 81 Wallace Stegner 1 Mormon Country AMERICAN 20th 22 HISTORY 3
-- 2005
- 45 Wallace Stegner 2 ****Angle of Repose AMERICAN 20th 4 NOVEL
38 -- 2013
Jeanne Steig
- 93 Jeanne Steig 1 A Gift from Zeus AMERICAN 20th 50
STORIES 9 -- 2001
Garth Stein
- 34 Garth Stein 1 **The Art of Racing in the Rain AMERICAN 21st
13 NOVEL 19 -- 2015
Gertrude Stein
- 32 Gertrude Stein 1 Three Lives
AMER 20th 22 STORIES 3 -- 1996
John Steinbeck
- 5 John Steinbeck 1 The Red Pony
20/2 AMER N4 -- 1961
- 6 John Steinbeck 2 Junius Maltby
20/3 AMER N5 -- 1961
- 38 John Steinbeck 3 The Grapes of
Wrath 20/8 AMER N15 -- 1964
- 46 John Steinbeck 4 Cannery Row
20/9 AMER N -- 1973
- 47 John Steinbeck 5 Sweet Thursday
20/10 AMER N -- 1973
- 57 John Steinbeck 6 The Winter of
Our Discontent 20/13 AMER N -- 1973
- 23 John Steinbeck 7 Tortilla Flat
20/15 AMER N10 -- 1985
- 16 John Steinbeck 8 East of Eden
20/14 AMER N9 -- 1989
- 24 John Steinbeck 9 Of Mice and Men
20/19 AMER N11 --1989
George Steiner
- 7 George Steiner 1 Tolstoy or
Dostoevsky 20/2 AMER CRIT -- 1977
Wendy Steiner
- 43
Wendy Steiner The Scandal of Pleasure AMERICAN 20th 2 ESSAY 4
-- 2020
- 43 Stendhal 1 Le Rouge et le Noir
(francais) 19/1 FREN N14 -- 1966
- 29 Stendhal 2 La Chartreuse de
Parme (fran.) 19/11 FREN N22 -- 1972
- 57 Stendhal 3 Lucien Leuwen (Part
1) (en francais) FRENCH 19th 6 NOVEL 32
Neal Stephenson
- 33 Neal Stephenson ***Snow Crash
AMERICAN 20th 20 NOVEL 22 -- 1995
- 3 Neal Stephenson 2 **Zodiac
AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL 2 -- 1996
- 7 Neal Stephenson 3 *** The Diamond
Age AMERICAN 20th 7 NOVEL 6 -- 1996
- 32 Neal Stephenson 4 ***
Cryptonomicon AMERICAN 20th 24 NOVEL 17 -- 1999
- 1 Neal Stephenson 5 In the
Beginning was the Command Line AMERICAN 20th 1 ESSAY 1 -- 2000
- 27 Neal Stephenson 6 Quicksilver AMERICAN 21st 9 NOVEL
20 -- 2004
- 28 Neal Stephenson 7 The Confusion AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 21
-- 2004
- 62 Neal Stephenson 8 ** The System of the World [volume 3 of
the Baroque Cycle]AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 11 -- 2005
- 50 Neal Stephenson 9 *****Anatham AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL
29 -- 2009
- 85 Neal Stephenson 10 *****Reamde AMERICAN 21st 17
NOVEL 46 -- 2011
- 2 Neal Stephenson 11 Seveneves AMERICAN 21st 1
SCIFI 1 -- 2016
- 56 Neal Stephenson 12 and Nicole Galland 1 ** The Rise and
Fall of DODO AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 24 -- 2018
- 80
Neal Stephenson 13 ****Fall AMERICAN 21st 18 NOVEL 40 -- 2020
- 2 Neal Stephenson 14 Termination Shock AMERICAN
21st 2 NOVEL 1 -- 2022
- 4 Neal Stephenson 15 Some Remarks
AMERICAN 21st 4 ESSAYS 1 -- 2022
- 10 Neal Stephenson 16
Polostan AMERICAN 21st NOVEL 6 -- 2025
Bruce Sterling
- 21 William Gibson 2 and Bruce
Sterling 1 The Difference Engine 2 CAN SCIFI3 --1992
- 46 Bruce Sterling Crystal Express
20th AMER SCIFI 2 -- 1994
- 26 Bruce Sterling 3 Distraction
AMER 20th 19 SCIFI 1 -- 1999
Laurence Sterne
- 6 Laurence Sterne 1 Tristram Shandy
18/2 ENG N4 -- 1968
- 89 Laurence Sterne 2 Sentimental
Journey 18/4 ENG N19 --1968
Robert Louis Stevenson
- 5 Robert Louis Stevenson 1
****Treasure Island 19/2 ENG N3 -- 1958, 1999
- 7 Robert Louis Stevenson 2 ****Dr.
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 19/1 ENG N6 -- 1961
- 14 Robert Louis Stevenson 3 A Child's Garden of Verses ENGLISH
19th 1 POETRY 1 -- 2003
- 10 Robert Louis Stevenson 4 (on CD) (on Kindle)
Island Nights' Entertainments (includes The Beach at Falesa, The
Bottle Imp, and The Isle of Voices) SCOTTISH 19th 2 SHORT
STORIES 1 -- 2008
- 11 Robert Louis Stevenson 5 (on CD) (on Kindle) Markheim
- 12 Robert Louis Stevenson 6 (on CD) (on Kindle)The
Silverado Squatters SCOTTISH 19th 4 MEMOIR 1 -- 2008
- 13 Robert Louis Stevenson 7 (on CD) (on Kindle) The Art
of Writing SCOTTISH 19th 5 ESSAYS 2 -- 2008
- 14 Robert Louis Stevenson 8 (on CD) (on Kindle) The Waif
Woman SCOTTISH 19th 6 SHORT STORIES 3 -- 2008
- 15 Robert Louis Stevenson 9 (on CD) (on Kindle) New
Arabian Nights (includes The Suicide Club, The Rajah's Diamond,
A Lodging fo the Night, The Sire de Maletroit's Door, Providence
and the Guitar) SCOTTISH 19th 7 SHORT STORIES 4 -- 2008
- 16 Robert Louis Stevenson 10 (on CD) (on Kindle)
Fables SCOTTISH 19th 7 SHORT STORIES 5 -- 2008
- 17 Robert Louis Stevenson 11 (on CD) (on Kindle) The
Dynamiter SCOTTISH 19th 8 NOVEL 7 --2008
- 18 Robert Louis Stevenson 3 (on CD) (on Kindle)
Treasure Island [second time] SCOTTISH 19th 9 NOVEL 8 --2008
- 19 Robert Louis Stevenson 12 (on CD) (on Kindle)
Kidnapped SCOTTISH 19th 10 NOVEL 9 -- 2008
- 20 Robert Louis Stevenson 13 (on CD) (on Kindle)
Catriona SCOTTISH 19th 10 NOVEL 10 -- 2008
- 21 Robert Louis Stevenson 14 (on CD) (on Kindle) Master
of Ballantrae SCOTTISH 19th 11 NOVEL 11 -- 2008
- 22 Robert Louis Stevenson 15 (on CD) (on Kindle) Black
Arrow SCOTTISH 19th 12 NOVEL 12 -- 2008
- 26 Robert Louis Stevenson 16 (on CD)(on Kindle) Familiar
Studies and Men and Books BRITISH 19th 2 LIT CRIT 2
-- 2008
- 23 Nellie Van de Grift Sanchez 1 (on CD) (on
Kindle) Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson SCOTTISH 19th 13
BIOGRAPHY 1 --2008
- 28 Robert Louis Stevenson 17 (on CD) (on Kindle) Prince Otto
British 19th 2 NOVEL 13 -- 2008
- 29 Robert Louis Stevenson 18 (on CD) (on Kindle) St. Ives
British 19th 3 NOVEL 14 -- 2008
- 17 Robert Louis Stevenson 19 (on CD) (on Kindle) **An Inland
Voyage BRITISH 19th 3 TRAVEL 1 -- 2009
- 52 Robert Louis Stevenson 20 (on CD) (on Kindle) ***Across the
Plains ENGLISH 19th 10 ESSAYS 6 -- 2009
- 59 Robert Louis Stevenson 21 ****Memories and Portraits
ENGLISH 19th 12 ESSAYS 7 -- 2009
- 62 Robert Louis Stevenson 22 Tales and Fantasies ENGLISH 19th
13 SHORT STORIES 6 -- 2009
- 10 Robert Louis Stevenson 23 Picturesque
Edinburgh BRITISH 19th 1 HISTORY 3 -- 2017
Jon Stewart
- 2 Jon Stewart 1 Naked Pictures of Famous People AMERICAN 20th
1 HUMOR 1 -- 2006
Gary Steyngart
- 10 Gary Shteyngart 1 Absurdistan RUSSIAN 21st 1/
AMERICAN 21st 6 NOVEL 8 -- 2013
- 32 Cliff Stoll 1 The Cuckoo's Egg
28 AMER BUS1 --1990
Tom Stoppard
- 53 Tom Stoppard 1 Rosencrantz &
Guilderstern 20/1 ENG PL27 -- 1969
- 42 Tom Stoppard 2 Night and Day
20th AMER18 PLAY9 -- 1994
- 75 Tom Stoppard 3 Arcadia ENGLISH 20th 17 PLAY 3 -- 2002
- 88 Tom Stoppard 4 The Real Thing ENGLISH 20th 18 PLAY 4 --
- 89 Tom Stoppard 5 **Indian Ink ENGLISH 20th 19 PLAY 5 -- 2002
- 90 Tom Stoppard 6 Hapgood ENGLISH 20th 20 PLAY 6 -- 2002
- 2
Tom Stoppard The Real Thing AMERICAN 20th 1
PLAY 1 -- 2021
- 14 Storm 1 Der Schimmelreiter
(deutsch) 19/1 GER N6 -- 1968
- 20 Theodor Storm 2 Aquis Submersus
(deutsch) 19/3 GER N5 -- 1969
Lytton Strachey
- 24 Lytton Stachey 1 The End of
Empire 20/3 ENG HIS6 -- 1962
- 71 Lytton Strachey 2 Eminent
Victorians ENGLISH 20th 4 BIOGRAPHY 5 -- 1997
Barry Strauss
17 Barry Strauss The Trojan War AMERICAN 21st 5
HISTORY 2 -- 2023
Joseph Strayer
- 18 Joseph Strayer 1 Western Europe in the Middle Ages
AMERICAN 20th HISTORY 1 -- 2011
Whitley Strieber
- 25 Whitley Strieber 1 Majestic 22
AMER N11-- 1990
- 25 Strindberg 1 Miss Julie 19/1 SWE
PL4 -- 1963
Elizabeth Strout
- 49 Elizabeth Strout 1 Lucy by the Sea AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL
43 -- 2022
Julia Stuart
- 83 Julia Stuart 1 The Tower, the Zoo, and the Tortoise
snorri Sturluson
35 Snorri Sturluson 1 Ynglinga Saga OLD NORSE
12th 1 HISTORY 1 -- 2024
36 Snorri Sturlson 2 The Saga of the Volsungs OLD NORSE 12th 2
HISTORY 2 -- 2024
38 Snorri Sturlson 3 The Prose Edda OLD NORSE 12th 4 HISTORY 4 --
- 44 Theodore Sturgeon 1 More Than
Human 20/33 AMER SF6 -- 1987
- 95 Theodore Sturgeon 2 Slow Scultpture (in The Hugo Winners
Volume 3
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 17 SCIFI 14
-- 2007
William Styron
- 59 William Styron 1 The Long March
20/9 AMER N16-- 1968
- 10 William Styron 2 Confessions of
Nat Turner 20/10 AMER N7 --1981
- 34 William Styron 3 Sophie's
Choice* 20/19 AMER N17 -- 1982
- 61 Suetonius 1 Lives of the Twelve
Caesars ROMAN 2nd 1 HISTORY 7 -- 1997
Ron Sukenick
- 35 Ronald Sukenick 1 98.6 20/26
AMER N -- 1975
J. Courtney Sullivan
- 38 J. Courtney Sullivan 1 **** The Engagements AMERICAN
21st NOVEL 31 -- 2013
- 39 J. Courtney Sullivan 2 Maine AMERICAN 21st NOVEL 32 -- 2013
- 41 J. Courtney Sullivan 3 Commencement AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL
34 -- 2013
- 58 J. Courtney Sullivan 4 ***Saints for All Occasions
AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 25 -- 2018
- 35
J. Courtney Sullivan 5 Friends and Strangers AMERICAN 21st 5
NOVEL 18 -- 2020
Monague Summers
- 10 Montague Summers 1 Introduction to the Works of Aphra Behn
BRITISH 19th 1 BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2019
Manil Suri
- 14 Manil
Suri 1 Death of Vishnu AMERICAN 20th 11 INDIAN 20th 2 NOVEL 8 --
Ellen Sussman
- 82 Ellen Sussman 1 French Lessons AMERICAN 21st 16 NOVEL
43 -- 2011
Italo Svevo
- 94 Italo Svevo 1 Confessions of Zeno ITALIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 49
-- 2002
Graham Swift
- 33 Graham Swift 1 ****Waterland 4
ENG N14 -- 1992
- 21 Graham Swift 2 Last Orders
ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 7 -- 1997
- 7 Graham Swift 3 Out of This World ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL 4 --
Jonathan Swift
- 55 Jonathan Swift 1 Tale of a Tub
17/15 ENG N13 -- 1967
- 62 Jonathan Swift 2 Gulliver's
Travels 17/18 ENG N16 -- 1967
Kara Swisher
- 64 Kara Swisher 1 aol.com AMERICAN
20th 26 INTERNET 5 review-- 1998
Daniel Sysoev
- 40 Daniel Sysoev 1 Instructions for the Immortal or what to do
if you still die RUSSIAN 21st 1 RELIGION 1 -- 2019
- 49 Tacitus 1The Annals 1st 1 HISTORY 2 -- 2001
- 53 Tacitus 2 Annals ROMAN 1st 2 HISTORY 3 -- 2001
- 54 Tacitus 3 Agricola ROMAN 1st 3 HISTORY 4 -- 2001
- 55 Tacitus 4 Germany ROMAN 1st 4 HISTORY 5 -- 2001
Strobe Talbott
- 2 Strobe Talbott 1 *The Russia Hand AMERICAN 21st 1 HISTORY 1
-- 2008 review
Amy Tan
- 28 Amy Tan 1 **The Joy Luck Club 17
AMER N8 --1991
- 10 Amy Tan 2 **The Kitchen God's
Wife 20th AMER4 NOVEL6 -- 1994
- 10 Amy Tan 3 ***The Hundred Secret
Senses AMER 20th 8 NOVEL 4 -- 1997
- 34 Amy Tan 4 ***The Bonesetter's
Daughter AMERICAN 21st 3 NOVEL 22 -- 2001
- 4 Junichiro Tanizaki 1 Naomi 1 JAP
N4 -- 1990
- 17 Deborah Tannen 1 You Just Don't
Understand 9 AMER SOC1 -- 1991
- 6 Tarle Bonaparte 20/1 FREN BIO1 --
Donna Tartt
- 18 Donna Tartt 1 **The Secret History AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 9
-- 2014
- 35 Donna Tartt 2 ***The Goldfinch AMERICAN 21st 10 NOVEL 24 --
- 46 Donna Tartt 3 The Little Friend AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 34
-- 2014
Achilles Tatius
- 35 Achilles Tatius 1 Leucippe and Clitophon GREEK 2nd Century
1 ROMANCE 4 -- 2018
- 65 Shaun Taulbut 1 How to Play the
Ruy Lopez 4 ENG CH1 -- 1991
G.P. Taylor
- 40 G.P. Taylor 1 Shadowmancer ENGLISH 21st 5 NOVEL 30 -- 2004
- 35 Mildred Taylor 1 Roll of
Thunder, Hear My Cry 20/25 AMER N15 --1987
Alfred Lord Tennyson
- 51 Tennyson 1 Idylls of the King
19/4 ENG P5 --1971
- 8 Terence 1 The Brothers ROMAN BC 5
PLAY 6 -- 2000
- 9 Terence 2 Phormio ROMAN BC 6 PLAY
7 -- 2000
- 10 Terence 3 The Woman of Andros
ROMAN BC 7 PLAY 8 -- 2000
Albert Payson Terhune
- 58 Albert Payson Terhune 1 (on CD) Black Caesar's Clan
AMERICAN 20th 13 NOVEL 19 -- 2008
- 3 Albert Payson Terhune 2 (on CD)(on Kindle) *Bruce 2 AMERICAN
20th 1 NOVEL 3 -- 2009
- 3 Albert Payson Terhune 3 (on CD) (on Kindle) *His Dog
AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 5 -- 2009
- 9 Albert Payson Terhune 4 (on CD) (on Kindle) *Further
Adventures of Lad AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL 7 -- 2009
- 21 Josephine Tey 1 Daughter of Time
20/4 ENG MY3 -- 1986
- 7 Josephine Tey 2 The Singing Sands
2 ENG MYS1 -- 1991
- 8 Josephine Tey 3 A Shilling for a
Candle 3 ENG MYS2 -- 1991
- 10 Josephine Tey 4 Brat Farrar 4
ENG MYS3 -- 1991
- 2 Paul Theroux 1 Mosquito Coast
20/2 AMER N2 -- 1983
William Makepeace Thackeray
- William Makepeace Thackeray 1 The History of Henry Esmond
BRITISH 19th 1 NOVEL 4 -- 2010
D.M. Thomas
- 12 D.M. Thomas 1 ****The White
Hotel 20/2 ENG N11 --1982
- 37 D.M. Thomas 2 The Flute Player
20/4 ENG N20 -- 1982
- 13 D.M. Thomas 3 Ararat 20/4 ENG N4
-- 1984
- 11 D.M. Thomas 4 Birthstone 20/2
ENG N4 -- 1985
- 3 D.M. Thomas 5 Swallow 20/1 ENG N3
-- 1986
- 40 D.M Thomas 6 ** Pictures at an
Exhibition 20th ENG12 NOVEL25 -- 1994
- 24 D.M. Thomas 7 Selected Poems ENG
20th 6 POETRY 2 -- 1995
- 52 D.M. Thomas 8 ***Eating Pavlova
ENG 20th 7 NOVEL 37 -- 1995
- 45 D. M. Thomas 9 Lady with a
Laptop ENGLISH 20th 4 NOVEL 23 -- 1998
Dylan Thomas
- 57 Dylan Thomas 1 Under Milk Wood
20/1 WEL PL22 -- 1964
- 32 Dylan Thomas 2 Collected Poems
20/4 ENG P1 --1987
- 54
Dylan Thomas 3 *A Child's Christmas in Wales WELSH 20th 1
POETRY 1 -- 2020
- 56
Dylan Thomas 3 Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog
WELSH 20th 2 BIOGRAPHY-- 2020
High Thomas
- 26 Hugh Thomas 1 The Spanish Civil War BRITISH 20th 1 HISTORY
1 -- 2011
Jeffrey Thomas
- 49 Jeffrey Thomas 1 **Punktown
AMERICAN 20th 23 NOVEL 15 -- 2000
- 13 Thompson 1 The Rise & Fall
of Maya Civ. 20/6 AMER HIS4 -- 1961
- 12 Thompson 1 England in the 19th
Century 20/3 ENG HIS1 -- 1965
Arthur Thompson
- 15 Arthur Thompson The Uncertain
Crusade 20/12 AMER HIS4 -- 1983
Joyce Thompson
- 29 Joyce Thompson 1 The Blue Chair
20/21 AMER SF -- 1977
Ruth Plumly Thompson
- 8 Ruth Plumly Thompson 1 Kabumpo in
Oz 20/3 AMER J2 -- 1986
- 41 Ruth Plumly Thompson 2 The
Hungry Tiger of Oz 20/24 AMER J4-- 1986
- 9 Ruth Plumly Thompson The Giant
Horse of Oz (aloud) 20/8 AMER JUV1 -- 1988
- 30 Lawrence Thornton 1 Imagining
Argentina 20th AMER11 NOVEL16 -- 1994
- 39 Thucydides 1 The Peloponnesian
War BC/2 GREEK HIST -- 1975, again 1998
- 9 James Thurber 1 My Life and Hard
Times 20/5 AMER HU1 -- 1984
Laszlo Tikos
- 85 Laszlo Tikos 1 Gogol's Art: A
Search for Identity HUNGARY 20th 1 CRITICISM 1 -- 1997
Paul Tillich
- 3 Tillich 1 Dynamics of Faith 20/3
AMER PH1 -- 1966
- 23 Tillich 2 Courage to Be 20/13
AMER PH8 -- 1966
E. M. W. Tillyard
- 16
E. M. W. Tillyard 1 The Elizabethan World Picture BRITISH 20th
3 ESSAY 1 -- 2020
James Tiptree, Jr.
- 99 James Tiptree Jr. 1 The Girl Who Was Plugged in (in The
Hugo Winners Volume 3
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th
21 SCIFI 18 -- 2007
- 107 James Tiptree Jr. 2 ***Houston, Houston, Do You
Read? (inThe Hugo Winners Volume 4
edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 29 SCIFI 26 -- 2007
Alvin Toffler
- 20 Alvin Toffler 1 Future Shock
20/5 AMER ES -- 1974
- 19 Alvin Toffler 2 The Third Wave
20/11 AMER ES2 -- 1982
Colm Toibin
- 49 Colm Toibin 1 The Master IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 37 --
- 92 Colm Toibin 2 ****Brooklyn IRISH 21st 3 NOVEL 52 -- 2011
- 9 Colm Toibin 3 House of Names IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL
5 -- 2023
Olga Tokarczuk
- 33 Olga Tokarczuk 1 Flights POLISH 21st 1 NOVEL 18 -- 2022
- 35 Olga Tokarczuk 2 Drive Your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead
POLISH 21st 2 NOVEL 19 -- 2022
- 36 Olga Tokarczuk 3 ****The Books of Jacob POLISH 21st 1
NOVEL 26 -- 2023
J.R.R. Tolkien
- 43 J.R.R. Tolkein 1 The Hobbit 20/4
ENG N19 -- 1970
- Tolkien 2 Fellowshipof the Ring 20
ENG -- 1975
- Tolkien 3 Two Towers 20 ENG -- 1975
- Tolkien 4 Return of the King 20 ENG
-- 1975
- J.R.R. Tolkien 5 Smith of Wooton
Major & Farmer Giles of Ham 20/1 ENG ST --1976
- 37 J.R.R. Tolkien 6 The Children of Hurin ENGLISH 21st
NOVEL 11 -- 2007
- 18 Tatyana Tolstaya 1 Sleepwalker
in a Fog RUSS1 STORIES1 -- 1993
- 21 Tatyana Tolstaya 2 On the Golden
Porch RUSS2 STORIES2 -- 1993
Leo Tolstoy
- 10 Leo Tolstoy 1 Anna Karenina 19/1
RUSS N8 -- 1958, 1972
- 12 Leo Tolstoy 2 War & Peace
19/1 RUSS N7 -- 1962, 1972
- 21 Leo Tolstoy 3 Happy Ever After
19/2 RUSS N13 -- 1963, 1972, 1973
- 28 Leo Tolstoy 4 The Cossacks 19/1
RUSS N5 -- 1966, 1973
- 68 Leo Tolstoy 5 Resurrection 19/4
- 71 Leo Tolstoy 6 My Confession
19/14 RUSS BIO5 -- 1972
- 76 Leo Tolstoy 7 What is Art? 19/16
RUSS ESS2 -- 1972
- 44 Leo Tolstoy 8 Childhood 19/3
RUSS N26 -- 1972, 1973
- 45 Leo Tolstoy 9 Boyhood 19/4 RUSS
N27 -- 1972
- 55 Leo Tolstoy 10 Youth 19/11 RUSS
N34 -- 1972
- 50 Leo Tolstoy 11 Death of Ivan
Ilyich 19/8 RUSS N31 -- 1972
- 52 Leo Tolstoy 12 Kreutzer Sonata
19/10 RUSS N33 -- 1972, 1973
- 48 Leo Tolstoy 13 Two Hussars 19/6
RUSS N29 -- 1972
- 31 Leo Tolstoy 14 Hadj Murad 19/3
RUSS N -- 1977
John Kennedy Toole
- 53 John Kennedy Toole 1 A Confederacy of Dunces AMERICAN 20th
15 NOVEL 8 -- 2005
- 40 Tourneur 1 Revenger's Tragedy
17/5 ENG PL17 -- 1967
- 23 Michel Tournier 1 The Four Wise
Men 20/2 FREN N9 -- 1984
- 40 Amor Towles 1 A Gentleman from Moscow AMERICAN 21st 17
NOVEL 28 -- 2023
- 30 Amor Towles 1 The Lincoln Highway AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 10
-- 2024
- 1 ed. Trask & Burtshaw
Storytellers & Their Art 20/1 AMER ST -- 1978
Anthony Trollope
- 52 Anthony Trollope 1 Barchester Towers [electronic
book] ENGLISH 19th 6 NOVEL 23 -- 2003
- 12 Leon Trotsky 1 The Russian
Revolution 20/1 RUSS HIS2 -- 1983
Jack Trout
- 36 Jack Trout 1 Differentiate or
Die AMERICAN 20th 18 INTERNET 1 -- 2000 excerpt, related article
- 5 Henri Troyat 1 Daily Life in
Russia (Tsarist) 20/1 FREN HI1 -- 1984
- 70 Henri Troyat 2 Gorky FRENCH 20th
6 BIO3 -- 1991
Chretien de Troyes
- 6 Chretien de Troyes 1 Erec and Enide FRENCH 12th 1
NOVEL 3 -- 2014
- 7 Chretien de Troyes 2 Cliges FRNCH 12th 2 NOVEL 4 -- 2014
- 8 Chretien de Troyes 3 Yvain FRENCH 12th 3 NOVEL 5 -- 2014
- 9 Chretien de Troyes 4 Lancelot FRENCH 12th 4 NOVEL 5 -- 2014
- 46 Chretien de Troyes Percival or the Story of the Grail
FRENCH 12th 1 ROMANCE 2 -- 2024
- Gary Trudeau 1 Bull Tales 20 AMER
HUMOR -- 1971
- 24 Gary Trudeau 1 Wouldn't a
Gremlin Have Been More Sensible20/12 AMER HU1 -- 1986
Gail Tsukuyama
- 2 Gail
Tsukuyama 1 *The Samurai's Garden AMERICAN 20th 2, CHINESE 20th
1, JAPANESE 20th 1 NOVEL 2 -- 2001
Barbara Tuchman
- 18 Barbara Tuchman 1 Guns of August
20/4 AMER HIS5 -- 1962
- 50 Barbara Tuchman 2 The Proud
Tower 20/35 AMER HIST -- 1979
- 38 Barbara Tuchman 3 A Distant
Mirror 20/20 AMER HI -- 1980
- 42 Barbara Tuchman 4 Stilwell &
the American Experience in China 20/24 AMER HI -- 1980
Jerome Tuccille
- 45 Jerome Tuccille 1 * A Portrait of Hemingway as a Young Man
AMERICAN 20th 5 BIOGRAPHY 7 -- 2011
Colin Turnbull
- 15 Colin Turnbull 1 The Mountain
People 20/3 AMER ANTH -- 1974
Ivan Turgenev
- 22 Ivan Turgenev 1 Fathers &
Sons 19/2 RUSS N15 -- 1961, 1972
- 57 Ivan Turgenev 2 The Torrents of
Spring 19/4 RUSS N28 -- 1963
- 13 Ivan Turgenev 3 Pyervaya Lyubov
(russkii) 19/1 RUSS N5 -- 1968
- 46 Ivan Turgenev 4 Rudin (russkii)
19/5 RUSS N28 -- 1972
- 51 Ivan Turgenev 5 On the Eve 19/9
RUSS N32 -- 1972
- 12 Ivan Turgenev 6 Diary of a
Superfluous Man 19/5 RUSS N2 -- 1973
- 13 Ivan Turgenev 7 Smoke 19/6 RUSS
N3 -- 1973
- 14 Ivan Turgenev 8 Fathers and Sons
[3rd time] 19/7 RUSS N4 -- 1973
Mark Twain
- 12 Mark Twain 1 Tom Sawyer 19/2
AMER N9 -- 1958
- 27 Mark Twain 2 ***Life on the
Mississippi 19/5 AMER HIS6 -- 1958, 1991
- 47 Mark Twain 3 Huckleberry Finn
19/1 AMER N23 -- 1970
- 20 Mark Twain 4 The Mysterious
Stranger 19/1 AMER N7-- 1987
- 61 Mark Twain 5 ***Pudd'nhead
Wilson 39 AMER N22 -- 1991
- 19 Mark Twain 6 Innocents Abroad
volume 1 AMER 19th 1 ESSAY 5 -- 1998
- 20 Mark Twain 7 Innocents Abroad
volume 2 AMER 19th 2 ESSAY 6 -- 1998
- 21 Mark Twain 8 ***The Prince and
the Pauper AMER 19th 3 NOVEL 9 -- 1998
- 22 Mark Twain 9 ***Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur's Court AMER 19th 4 NOVEL 10 -- 1998
- 23 Mark Twain 10 **Roughing It AMER
19th 5 ESSAY 7 -- 1998
- 24 Mark Twain 11 Tom Sawyer Abroad
AMER 19th 6 NOVEL 11 -- 1998
- 25 Mark Twain 12 Tom Sawyer
Detective AMER 19th 7 NOVEL 12 -- 1998
- 26 Mark Twain 13 Mark Twain's Own
Autobiography (the chapters from the North American Review) AMER
20th 13 ESSAY 8 -- 1998
- 31 Mark Twain 14 The Man that
Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories AMER 20th 14 STORIES 2 --
- 32 Mark Twain 15 Merry Tales AMER
19th 8 STORIES 3 -- 1998
- 33 Mark Twain 16 The $30,000Bequest
and Other Stories AMER 19th 9 STORIES 4 -- 1998
- 36 Mark Twain 17 *Joan of Arc
AMERICAN 20th 15 NOVEL 18 -- 1998
- 47 Mark Twain 18 Following the
Equator AMER 19th 1 TRAVEL 1 -- 1999
- 51 Mark Twain 19 Letters from the
Earth AMER 20th 34 ESSAYS 1 -- 1999
- 28 Mark Twain 20 (on CD) (on Kindle) A Tramp Abroad
AMERICAN 19th 7 TRAVEL 2 -- 2009
- 34 Mark Twain 21 American Claimant AMERICAN 19th 1 NOVEL
20 -- 2011
Anne Tyler
- 21 Anne Tyler 1 Breathing Lessons
[ending awful] 20 AMER N8 -- 1990
- 24 Anne Tyler 2 ***Ladder of Years
[the ending doesn't work] AMER20th 19 NOVEL 16 -- 1996
- 2 Anne Tyler 3 ***The Accidental
Tourist AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 2013
Brady Udall
- 66 Brady Udall 1 *Letting Loose the Hounds AMERICAN 21st 13
STORIES 10 -- 2003
- 43 Unamuno 1 Abel Sanchez 20/1 SPAN
ST4 -- 1969
- 4 Barry Unsworth 1 Sacred Hunger
20th ENG3 NOVEL2 -- 1994
John Updike
- 26 John Updike 1 Couples 20/13 AMER
N -- 1980
- 34 John Updike 2 The Coup 20/18
AMER N -- 1980
- 8 John Updike 3 **Rabbit Run 20/6
AMER N8 -- 1982
- 11 John Updike 4 **Rabbit Redux
20/8 AMER N10 --1982
- 1 John Updike 5 **Rabbit is Rich
20/1 AMER N1 --1983
- 22 John Updike 6 Bech 20/16 AMER N5
-- 1983
- 23 John Updike 7 Bech is Back 20/17
AMER N6 -- 1983
- 27 John Updike 8 The Witches of
Eastwick 20/19 AMER N11 -- 1987
- 67 John Updike 9 *Rabbit at Rest 42
AMER N24 --1991
- 43 John Updike 10 **The Centaur
AMER 20th 32 NOVEL 32 -- 1996
- 87 John Updike 11 Bech at Bay
AMERICAN 20th 35 NOVEL 42 -- 2000
- 33 John Updike 12 **Gertrude and
Claudius AMERICAN 20th 17 NOVEL 8 review -- 2000
- 99 John Updike 13 Nelson and
Annabelle (a Rabbit novella) AMERICAN 21st 14 NOVEL 39 -- 2000
Leon Uris
- 7 Leon Uris 1 Exodus 20/1 ENG N5 --
- 21 Leon Uris 2 Trinity 20/15 AMER N
Luis Alberto Urrea
- 32 Luis Albero Urrea 1 Hummingbird's Daughter AMERICAN
21st 12-- 2012
Paul Valery
- 1 Paul Valery 1 Methode de Leonard
de Vinci (fran.)20/1 FREN PH1 -- 1965
Smon Van Booy
- 44 Simon Van Booy 1 ****The Illusion of Separateness
AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL 32 -- 2014
Jack Vance
- 75 Jack Vance 1 The Dragon Masters (in The Hugo Winners -
Volumes I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac
Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 9 SCIFI 6 -- 2007
- 78 Jack Vance 2 The Last Castle (in The Hugo Winners - Volumes
I & II (Volumes 1 and 2)
, edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th
11 SCIFI 8 -- 2007
Jeff Vandermeer
- 61 Jeff Vandermeer 1 The Hoegbotton
Guide to the Early History of Amergris AMERICAN 20th 27 NOVEL 21
-- 2000
Elizabeth Vandiver
- 58 Elizabth Vandiver 1 Stand in the Trench, Achilles AMERICAN
21st 3 CRITICISM 1 -- 2024
James Van Pelt
- 65 James Van Pelt ***The Last of the O-Forms 21st 17 FANTASY
30 -- 2005
John Varley
- 116 John Varley 1 ***The Persistence of Vision (in The Hugo
Winners Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 34 SCIFI 31
-- 2007
- 126 John Varley 2 **The Pusher (in The Hugo Winners, Volume 5:
Nine Prizewinning Science Fiction Stories (1980 - 1982)
AMERICAN 20th 42 SCIFI 39 -- 2007
Lope de Vega
- 19 Lope de Vega 1 Peribanez 17/1
SPAN PL9 -- 1969
- 21 Lope de Vega 2 Fuentevejuna 17/2
SPAN PL10 -- 1969
- 35 Lope de Vega 3 Knight of Olmedo
17/4 SPAN PL20 -- 1969
Athina Veloudou
Abraham Vergese --
- 68 Abraham Verghese 1 ***** Cutting for Stone (reminds me of
John Irving and is at least as good as the best of Irving)
AMERICAN 21st 12 NOVEL 34 -- 2011
Jules Verne
- 36 Jules Verne 1 *Le Tour du Monde
en 80 Jours (en francais) FRENCH 19th 5 NOVEL 19 -- 1999
- 45 Jules Verne 2 Voyage au centre de la terre (en francais)
FRENCH 19th 2 NOVEL 27 -- 2001
- 41 Jules Verne 3 Robur le Conquerant [in French] FRENCH
19th 2 NOVEL 28 -- 2006
- 41 Jules Verne 4 Les Indes Noires [en francais] FRENCH 19th 1
NOVEL 37 -- 2022
Gore Vidal
- 6 Gore Vidal 1 Burr AMERICAN 20th 3
NOVEL -- 1978
- 101 Gore Vidal 2 **Julian AMERICAN 20th 28 NOVEL 51 -- 2002
- 103 Gore Vidal 3 Myra Breckinridge AMERICAN 20th 30 NOVEL 52
-- 2002
Alfred de Vigny
- 20 Vigny 1 Chatterton (francais)
FREN 19th 1 PLAY 9 -- 1965
- 6 Alfred de Vigny 1 Cinq-Mars
(francais) 19/1 FREN N6 -- 1972
Joan Vinge
- 114 Joan D. Vinge 1 *Eyes of Amber (in The Hugo Winners Volume
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 33 SCIFI 30 -- 2007
- 16 Virgil 1 The Aeneid BC/1 ROM N13
-- 1958, 2020 (trans. Mandelbaum)
- 11 Voltaire 1 Candide 18/1 FREN N9
-- 1963
- 50 Voltaire 2 Zadig (en francais) 1
FREN N15 -- 1991
- 53 Voltaire 3 L'Ingenu (en
francais) 2 FREN N16 -- 1991
- 54 Voltaire 4 L'Homme aux Quarante
Ecus (en francais) 3 FREN N17 -- 1991
- 56 Voltaire 5 La Princesse de
Babylone 4 FREN N19 --1991
- 59 Voltaire 6 Le Taureau Blanc (en
francais) 5 FREN N21 -- 1991
- 21 Voltaire 7 Lettres
Philosophiques (en francais) 18th FREN1 ESSAY2 -- 1994
Kurt Vonnegut
- 65 Kurt Vonnegut 1 Cat's Cradle
20/7 AMER N15 -- 1969
- 78 Kurt Vonnegut 2 Mother Night
20/8 AMER N22 --1969
- 44 Kurt Vonnegut 3 God Bless You,
Mr. Rosewater 20/11 AMER N20 -- 1970
- 5 Kurt Vonnegut 4 Slaughterhouse-5
20/4 AMER N1 -- 1971
- 11 Kurt Vonnegut 5 The Sirens of
Titan 20/6 AMER N4 -- 1971
- 12 Kurt Vonnegut 6 Breakfast of
Champions 20/6 AMER N -- 1977
- 19 Kurt Vonnegut 7 Slapstik 20/13
AMER N -- 1978
- 51 Kurt Vonnegut 8 Jailbird 20/37
AMER N19 -- 1985
- 23 Kurt Vonnegut 9 Happy Birthday,
Wanda June 20/11 AMER PL2-- 1986
- 6 Kurt Vonnegut 10 Deadeye Dick
20/2 AMER N4 --1986
- 2 Kurt Vonnegut 11 Galapagos 20/2
AMER N1 -- 1987
- 1 Kurt Vonnegut 12 Bluebeard 20/1
AMER N1 -- 1989
- 2 Kurt Vonnegut 13 Hocus Pocus 2
AMER N1 -- 1992
- 81 Kurt Vonnegut 14 Player Piano
AMERICAN 20th 55 NOVEL 36 -- 1997
- 90 Kurt Vonnegut 15 ***Timequake
AMERICAN 20th 60 NOVEL 43 -- 1997 review
- 91 Kurt Vonnegut 16 *Welcome to the
Monkey House AMERICAN 20th 61 SHORT STORIES 8 -- 1997
- 103 Kurt Vonnegut 17 *Palm Sunday
AMERICAN 20th 69 ESSAY 5 -- 1997
- 6 Kurt Vonnegut 18 Wampeters, Foma,
and Granfalloons AMER 20th 5 ESSAY 1 -- 1998
- 29 Kurt Vonnegut 19 God Bless You,
Dr. Kevorkian AMERICAN 20th 14 ESSAY 4 -- 2000
- 30 Kurt Vonnegut 20 Bagombo Snuff
Box AMERICAN 20th 15 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2000
Mark Vonnegut
- 13 Mark Vonnegut 1 The Eden Express
20/7 AMER N -- 1977
Sarah Vowell
- 9 Sarah Vowell 1 Take the Cannoli AMERICAN 21st 6 ESSAYS
2 -- 2007
- 35 Fred Waitzkin 1 Searching for
Bobby Fischer 20/15 AMER CH1 -- 1988
Dan Wakefield
- 11 Dan Wakefield 1 Going All the
Way 20/5 AMER N -- 1977
- 18 Robert M. Wald 1 Space, Time and
Gravity 20/10 AMER SC3 -- 1985
- 36 J.N. Walker 1 Chess for
Tomorrow's Champions 20/7 ENG CHS1 -- 1984
Karen Thompson Walker
- 35 Karen Thompson Walker 1 The Age of Miracles AMERICAN 21s 14
NOVEL 28 -- 2013
Daniel Wallace
- 11 Daniel Wallace 1 Big Fish AMERICAN 21st 4 NOVEL 5 -- 2004
David Foster Wallace
- 26 David Foster Wallace 1
**Infinite Jest AMER 20th 21 NOVEL 18 -- 1996 (review)
- 69 David Foster Wallace 2 The Broom
of the System AMERICAN 20th 46 NOVEL 29 -- 1997
- 79 David Foster Wallace 3 *A
Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again AMERICAN 20th 53 ESSAY
5 -- 1997
- 51 David Foster Wallace 4 Girl with
Curious Hair AMERICAN 20th 20 NOVEL 27 -- 1998
- 52 David Foster Wallace 5 **Brief
Interviews with Hideous Men AMER 20th 35 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 1999
- 51 David Foster Wallace 6 Oblivion (short stories) American
21st 18 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2004
- 59 David Foster Wallace 7 Everything and More AMERICAN 21st 12
MATH 1 --2005
- 58 David Foster Wallace 8 Consider the Lobster AMERICAN 21st
15 ESSAYS 4 -- 2007
- 21 David Foster Wallace 9 *****The Pale King AMERICAN 21st 5
NOVEL 14 -- 2011
Irving Wallace
- 45 Irving Wallace 1 The Word 20/8
AMER N -- 1973
Lew Wallace
- 13 Lew Wallace 1 The Prince of
India 19/3 AMER N10 -- 1958
- 11 Lew Wallace 2 The Fair God 19/3
AMER N8 -- 1961
Robert James Waller
- 59 Robert James Waller The Bridges
of Madison County AMER 20th 37 NOVEL 43 -- 1995
Gay Walley
- 80 Gay Walley 1 Strings Attached AMERICAN 20th 9 NOVEL 42 --
- 64
Gay Walley 2 To Any Lengths AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 31 -- 2021
- 67
Gay Walley 3 Prison Sex AMERICAN 21st 19
NOVEL 32 -- 2021
Horace Walpole
- 34 Horace Walpole 1 The Castle of
Otranto 18/1 ENG N -- 1979
Jo Walton
- 15
Jo Walton 1 The Just City (Thessaly) CANADIAN 20th 1 NOVEL 9
-- 2021
- 16
Jo Walton 2 The Philosoopher Kings (Thessaly) CANADIAN
20th 2 NOVEL 10 --2021
- 17
Jo Walton 3 Necessity (Thessaly) CANADIAN 20th 3 NOVEL 11 --
- 24
Jo Walton 4 **Among Others CANADIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 14 -- 2021
- 24
Jo Walton 5 ***Lifelode CANADIAN 21st 2 NOVEL 15 -- 2021
- 43
Jo Walton 6 Or What You Will CANADIAN 21st 3 NOVEL 21 --
- 30 Walter Wangerin Book of the Dun
Cow 20/14 AMER N/CH -- 1980
Ruth Ware
- 77 Ruth Ware 1 The Lying Game BRITISH 21st 6 NOVEL 21 -- 2019
Timothy Ware
- 10 Timothy Ware 1 The Orthodox
Church 20/1 ENG TH -- 1980
- 4 Marina Warner 1 The Dragon
Empress 20/3 ENG HIST -- 1977
Mercy Warren
- 5 Mercy Warren 1 The Group AMERICAN
18th 1 PLAY -- 1975, 2001 text on Web
- 6 Mercy Warren 2 Motley Assembly
AMERICAN 18th 2 PLAY -- 1975, 2001 text on Web
- 7 Mercy Warren 3 The Blockheads
AMERICAN 18th 3 PLAY -- 1975, 2001 text on Web
- 78 Mercy Otis Warren 4 The Adulateur AMERICAN 18th 3
PLAY 6 -- 2001 text on Web
- 79 Mercy Otis Warren 5 The Defeat AMERICAN 18th 4 PLAY 7 --
2001 text on Web
- 3 Mercy Otis Warren 6 The Rise, Progress and Termination of
the American Revolution (volume 1 of 3) AMERICAN 19th 1 HISTORY
2 -- 2002 text on Web
- 4 Mercy Otis Warren 7 The Rise, Progress and Termination of
the American Revolution (volume 2 of 3) AMERICAN 19th 2 HISTORY
2\3 -- 2002 text on Web
- 6 Mercy Otis Warren 8 The Rise, Progress and Termination of
the American Revolution (volume 3 of 3) AMERICAN 19th 3 HISTORY
4 -- 2002 text on Web
Robert Penn Warren
- 20 Robert P. Warren 1 ***All the
King's Men 20/10 AMER N4 -- 1966
- 62 Robert P. Warren 2 Incarnations:
Poems 1966-68 20/21 AMER P4 -- 1970
- 16 Robert P. Warren 3 Audobon 20/7
AMER P2 -- 1971
- 56 Robert P. Warren 4 Selected
Essays 20/18 AMER ES12 -- 1971
- 51 Robert Penn Warren 5 Meet Me in
the Green Glen 20/12 AMER N -- 1973
- 24 Robert Penn Warren 6 A Place to
Come To 20/18 AMER N -- 1978
- 40 Robert Penn Warren 7 Night Rider
20/22 AMER N -- 1980
- 5 Robert Penn Warren 8 The Circus
in the Attic 20/5 AMER CR1 -- 1981
- 8 Robert Penn Warren 9 World Enough
& Time* 20/8 AMER N5 -- 1981
- 9 Robert Penn Warren 10 *Band of
Angels 20/9 AMER N6 -- 1981
- 23 Robert Penn Warren 11 Rumor
Verified (Poems) 20/13 AMER P1 -- 1982
- 24 Robert Penn Warren 12 Being Here
(Poems) 20/14 AMER P2 -- 1982
- 8 Robert Penn Warren13 Selected
Poems 1923-1975 20/4 AMER P1 -- 1984
- 7 Robert Penn Warren14 Flood 20/3
AMER N2-- 1984
- 50 Robert Penn Warren 15 At
Heaven's Gate 20/36 AMER N18 -- 1985
- 66 Robert Penn Warren 16 Chief
Joseph of the Nez Perce 20/50 AMER P1 -- 1987
- 44 Robert Penn Warren 17 ***Talking
With Robert Penn Warren (ed. Watkins et al.) AMER 20th 33 CRIT 1
-- 1996
- 25 Robert Penn Warren 18 Portrait
of a Father AMERICAN 20th 10 ESSAY 1 -- 2000
- 27 Robert Penn Warren 19 *Jefferson
Davis Gets His Citizenship Back AMERICAN 20th 12 ESSAY 2
Rosanna Warren
- 35 Rosanna Warren 1 Stained Glass
20th AMER14 POETRY1 -- 1994
Booker T. Washington
- 5 Booker T. Washington Up from
Slavery 19/2 AMER BIO1 -- 1960
- 46 Wendy Wasserstein 1 Uncommon
Women 31 AMER PL1 -- 1991
- 47 Wendy Wasserstein 2 Isn't It
Romantic 32 AMER PL2 -- 1991
- 48 Wendy Wasserstein 3 Heidi
Chronicles 33 AMER PL3 -- 1991
Libby Waterford
- 74
Libby Waterford 1 Can't Help Falling in Love
AMERICAN 21st 15 NOVEL 36 -- 2020
- 8 Libby Waterford 2 Can't Make
You Love Me AMERICAN 21st 6 NOVEL 4 -- 2022
- 11 Libby Waterford 3 Can't Fight This Felling
AMERICAN 21st 8 NOVEL 6 -- 2022
- 12 Libby Waterford 4 Can't Hurry Love AMERICAN
21st 9 NOVEL 7 -- 2022
- 14 James D. Watson 1 The Double
Helix 20/3 ENG SC2 -- 1985
- 41 Webster 1 The White Devil 17/6
ENG PL18 -- 1967
- 42 Webster 2 Duchess of Malfi 17/7
ENG PL19 -- 1967
Arthur Weigall
- 33 Arthur Weigall 1 The Treasury of Ancient Egypt BRITISH 20th
4 HISTORY 4 -- 2010
David Weinberger
- 19 Christopher Locke, Rick Levine,
David Weinberger, and Doc Searls 1 **The Cluetrain Manifesto
AMERICAN 20th 6 -- INTERNET 1 -- 2000 review
- 105 David Weinberger 2 Small Pieces
Loosely Joined AMERICAN 21st 7 INTERNET 1 -- 2002 review
Andy Weir
- 69 Andy Weir 1 Project Hail Mary AMERICAN 21st 19 NOVEL 33 --
Rene Wellek
- 61 Rene Wellek 1 Concepts of
Criticism 20/1 CZECH CR5 -- 1971
H.G. Wells
- 31 H.G. Wells 1 Mind at the End of
its Tether 20/4 ENG ES -- 1974
- 4 H.G. Wells 2 The Time Machine
20/1 ENG SF1 --1984
- 6 H.G. Wells 3 The Island of Dr.
Moreau 20/2 ENG SF2 -- 1984
- H.G. Wells 4 First Men on the Moon BRITISH 20th 8 NOVEL 26 --
- H.G. Wells 5 Food of the Gods BRITISH 20th 9 NOVEL 27 -- 2010
- H.G. Wells 6 In the Days of the Comet BRITISH 20th 10 NOVEL 28
-- 2010
- 27 H.G. Wells 7 The Invisible Man BRITISH 20th 2 NOVEL 19 --
- 35 H.G. Wells 8 Anticipations BRITISH 20th 5
ESSAYS 4 -- 2011
- 76 H. G. Wells 9 The Island of Dr. Moreau
BRITISH 20th 9 NOVEL 37 -- 2011
Rebecca Wells
- 84 Rebecca Wells 1 **Divine Secrets
of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood AMERICAN 20th 34 NOVEL 42 -- 1998
Eudora Welty
- 38 Eudora Welty 1 A Curtain of
Green 20/29 AMER ST -- 1978, 2019
- 39 Eudora Welty 2 The Wide Net
20/30 AMER ST -- 1978
- 22 Eudora Welty 3 ***One Writer's
Beginnings AMER 20th 13 ESSAY 4 -- 1995, 2019
- 84 Eudora Welty 4 The Optimist's
Daughter AMERICAN 20th 8 NOVEL 26 -- 2019
Mary Wesley
- 84
Mary Wesley 1 A Sensible Life BRITISH 20th 4 NOVEL 41 -- 2018
- 7 Mary Wesley 2 **Jumping the Queue BRITISH 20th 1 NOVEL 1 --
- 9 Mary Wesley 3 The Camomile Lawn BRITISH 20th 2 NOVEL 2 --
- 11 Mary Wesley 4 Harnessing Peacocks BRITISH 20th 3 NOVEL 3 --
Nathaniel West
- 56 Nathaniel West 1 Miss
Lonelyhearts 20/10 AMER N14 -- 1967
- 23 Nathaniel West 2 The Day of the
Locust 20/4 AMER N19 -- 1972
Rebecca West
- 38 Rebecca West 1 *****The Fountain Overflows BRITISH 20th 1
NOVEL 14 -- 2018
- 41 Rebecca West 2 ****The Real Night BRITISH 20th 2 NOVEL 16
-- 2018
- 42 Rebecca West 3 **Cousin Rosamund British 20th 3 NOVEL 17 --
Donald Westlake
- 24 Donald Westlake 1 The Green
Eagle Score AMER 20th 17 MYSTERY 2 -- 1999
- 15 Weston 1 From Ritual to Romance
20/2 ENG CR2 -- 1967
- 22 J.N. Westwood 1 Illust. Hist. of
the Russo-Japanese War 20/5 ENG HIST -- 1976
Edith Wharton
- 46 Edith Wharton 1 Ethan Frome
20/22 AMER N15 -- 1966
- 1 Edith Wharton 2 House of Mirth
AMER 20th 1 NOVEL 1 -- 1997
- 8 Edith Wharton 3 *Age of Innocence AMERICAN 20th 1 NOVEL 2 --
E.B. White
- 26 E.B. White 1 Charlotte's Web
20/11 AMER N13 -- 1971
Patrick White
T. H. White
- 52 T.H. White 1 The Once and Future
King 20/6 ENG N19 -- 1971
- 16 T. H. White 2 **The Book of
Merlyn BRITISH 20th 1 NOVEL 14 -- 2013
Alfred North Whitehead
- 68 Whitehead 1 Function of Reason
20/11 AMER PH4 -- 1965
- Whitehead 2 The Aims of Education
Walt Whitman
- 70 Walt Whitman 1 Leaves of Grass AMERICAN 19th 3
POETRY 1 -- 2011
Norbert Wiener
- 24 Norbert Wiener 1 Cybernetics
20/9 AMER SC1 -- 1971
Richard Wilbur
- Richard Wilbur 1 Collected Poems
- 14 Richard Wilbur 2 *New and
Collected Poems AMER 20th 11 POETRY 1 -- 1997
Frank Wilczek
- 35
Frank Wilczek 1 Fundamentals: Ten Keys to Reality AMERICAN
21st 7 SCIENCE 4 -- 2021
- 76 Wild 1 Existence and World of
Freedom 20/14 AMER PH6 -- 1965
Oscar Wilde
- 54 Oscar Wilde 1 Lady Windermere's
Fan 19/3 ENG PLAY 20 -- 1964
- 53 Oscar Wilde 2 Importance of
Being Earnest 19/3 ENG PLAY 19 -- 1965
- 121 Oscar Wilde 3 A Woman of No Importance ENGLISH 19th
5 PLAY 10 -- 2002
- 1 Oscar Wilde 4 Salome ENGLISH 19th 1 PLAY 1 -- 2003
- 30 Oscar Wilde 5 Ballad of the Reading Gaol ENGLISH 19th 12
POETRY 1 -- 2007
Laura Wilder
- 31 Laura Wilder 1 Little House in
the Big Woods 20/21 AMER N13 -- 1984
- 4 Laura Wilder 2 Little House on
the Prairie 20/3 AMER N2 --1985
Marshall Wilder
- Marshall Wilder (editor) 1 ***The Wit and Humor of America,
volume 1 AMERICAN 20th 4 SHORT STORIES 3 -- 2010
- Marshall Wilder (editor) 2 ***The Wit and Humor of American,
volume 2 AMERICAN 20th 5 SHORT STORIES 4 -- 2010
- Marshall Wilder (editor) 3 ***The Wit and Humor of American,
volume 3 AMERICAN 20th 1 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2011
Thornton Wilder
- 7 Thornton Wilder 2 The Skin
of Our Teeth 20/2 AMER PL3 -- 1965, 2024
- 61 Thornton Wilder 3 Bridge of San
Luis Rey 20/10 AMER N20 -- 1965
- 55 Thornton Wilder
3 The Matchmaker AMERICAN 20th 8 PLAY 3 -- 2024
- 12 Fred Will 1 Thresholds and
Testimonies 20/10 AMER ES1 -- 1989
Tennessee Williams
- 20 Tennessee Williams 1 Glass
Menagerie 20/4 AMER PL10 -- 1964
- 55 Tennessee Williams 2 Streetcar
Named Desire 20/8 AMER PL21-- 1965
- 56 Tennessee Williams 3 Sweet Bird
of Youth 20/9 AMER PL22 -- 1965
- 30 Tennessee Williams 4 Camino Real
20/9 AMER PL7 -- 1967
Terry Tempest Williams
- 77 Terry Tempest Williams 1 Coyote's Canyon AMERICAN 20th 20
NATURE 3 -- 2005
- 78 Terry Tempest Williams 2 Pieces of White Shell AMERICAN
20th 21 NATURE 4 -- 2005
- 83 Terry Tempest Williams 3 The Open Space of Democracy
AMERICAN 21st 19 NATURE 6 -- 2005
Thomas Williams
- 45 Thomas Williams 1 ****Leah, New
Hampshire AMER 20th 28 SHORT STORIES 4 -- 1995
William Carlos Williams
- 17 William C. Williams 2 Paterson
20/4 AMER P4 -- 1967
- 2 William C. Williams 1 Pictures
from Brueghel 20/2 AMER P1 -- 1966
Susan Ford Wilshire
- 1 Susan Ford Wilshire 1 Penelope Returning
AMERICAN 21st 1 POETRY 1 -- 2022
- 38 Susan Ford Wilshire 2 the Long View: Essays,
Poems, Stories AMERICAN 21st 14 POETRY 3 -- 2022
Edmund Wilson
- 3 Edmund Wilson 1 To the Finland
Station 20/3 AMER HIS1 -- 1983
- 23 Edmund Wilson 2 **Axel's Castle
AMER 20th 18 CRITICISM 1 -- 1996
G. Willow Wilson
- 49
G. Willow Wilson 1 The Bird King AMERICAN 21st 9 NOVEL 23 --
John Wilson
- 14 John H. Wilson 1 Nell Gwyn 20/4
AMER BIO1 -- 1969
Kevin Wilson
44 Kevin Wilson 2 Now Is Not the Time to Panic AMERICAN
21st 18 NOVEL 30 -- 2023
37 Kevin Wilson 1 Nothing to See Here AMERICAN 21st 14
NOVEL 27 -- 2023
- 21 Richard Wincor How to Secure
Copyright 20/6 AMER ES -- 1973
Jeanette Winterson
17 Jeanette Winterson 1 **PowerBook ENGLISH 20th 1
NOVEL 10 -- 2001 review
28 Jeanette Winterson 2 *The Passion ENGLISH 20th 4
NOVEL 18 -- 2001
- 18 Jeanette Winterson 3 Sexing the Cherry ENGLISH 20th 1 NOVEL
2 -- 2002
- 33 Jeanette Winterson 4 Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit ENGLISH
20th 5 NOVEL 9 -- 2002
- 50 Jeanette Winterson 5 *Written on the Body ENGLISH 20th 13
NOVEL 25 -- 2002
- 51 Jeanette Winterson 6 Gut Symmetries ENGLISH 20th 14 NOVEL
26 -- 2002
- 52 Jeanette Winterson 7 Art and Lies ENGLISH 20th 15 NOVEL 27
-- 2002
Alfred Wesley Wishart
14 Alfred Wesley Wishart 1 A Short History of Monks and
Monasteries AMERICAN 20th HISTORY 2 -- 2014
- 39 Ludwig Wittgenstein 1 Tractatus
Logico-Philosophicus 20/1 AUST PH2 -- 1988
P. G. Wodehouse
- 28
P. G. Wodehouse 1 *Joy in the Morning BRITISH 20th 7 NOVEL 14
-- 2020
Christa Wolf
- 51 Christa Wolf 1 Cassandra: a Novel GERMAN 20th 1 NOVEL 51 --
Thomas Wolfe
- 40 Thomas Wolfe 1 Look Homeward
Angel 20/9 AMER N16 -- 1964
- 55 Thomas Wolfe 2 The Story of a
Novel 20/18 AMER CR6 -- 1970
- 52
Thomas Wolfe 3 *****The Lost Boy AMERICAN 20th 4 NOVEL 26 --
Tom Wolfe
- 12 Tom Wolfe 1 Bonfire of the
Vanities 11 AMER N7 -- 1990
- 91 Tom Wolfe 2 I am Charlotte Simmons AMERICAN 21st 23
NOVEL 11 -- 2005
- 65 Tom Wolfe 3 **Back to Blood AMERICAN 21st 29 NOVEL 51 --
Jurgen Wolff
- 47 Jurgen Wolff 1 Successful Sitcom Writing AMERICAN 20th 5
HOWTO 1 -- 2004
Michael Wolff
- 27 Michael Wolff 1 Burn Rate AMER
20th 20 INTERNET 2 -- 1999
Tobias Wolff
- 47 Tobias Wolff 1 In the Garden of
the North American Martyrs 20/34 AMER ST5 -- 1985
George Woodberry
- 50 George Woodberry 1 Nathaniel Hawthorne [electronic book]
AMERICAN 19th 10 BIOGRAPHY 6 -- 2003
Betsey Woodman
- 3
Betsy Woodman 2 Love Potion Number 10 AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 2
-- 2021
- 4
Betsy Woodman 3 Emeralds Included AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 3 --
Lee Woodman
- 77
Lee Woodman 1 ***Homescapes AMERICAN 21st 17 POETRY 1 --
- 84
Lee Woodman 2 ***Mindscapes AMERICAN 21st 22 POETRY 2 --2020
- 28
Lee Woodman 3 Lifescapes AMRICAN 21st POETRY 2 -- 2021
- 3 Lee Woodman 4 Artscapes
AMERICAN 21st 3 POETRY 2 -- 2022
- 14 Woodward 1 French Revolutions
20/4 ENG HIS2 --1965
Virignia Woolf
- 47 Virginia Woolf 1 ***The Waves
20/12 ENG N16 -- 1965, 2019
- 38 Woolf 2 **Mrs. Dalloway 20/3 ENG
N10 -- 1966, 2010, 2019
- 55 Virginia Woolf 3 ***To the
Lighthouse ENGLISH 20th 2 NOVEL 31 -- 1999, 2019
- 63 Virginia Woolf 4 Jacob's Room
ENGLISH 20th 3 NOVEL 36 -- 1999
- 64 Virginia Woolf 5 Orlando ENGLISH
20th 4 NOVEL 37 -- 1999, 2020
- 72 Virginia Woolf 6 ***A Room of
One's Own ENGLSH 20th 5 ESSAY 4 -- 1999
William Wordsworth
- 13 Wordsworth 1 The Prelude 19/1
ENG P3 -- 1967
Julie Wosk
- 63
Julie Wosk 1 *****My Fair Ladies AMERICAN 21st 11 ESSAY 6 --
- 4
Julie Wosk 2 **Playboy, Mad Men, and Me AMERICAN 21st 12
BIOGRAPHY 5 -- 2020
Herman Wouk
- 8 Herman Wouk 1 Youngblood Hawke
20/1 AMER N6 -- 1962
- 10 Herman Wouk 2 Nature's Way 20/2
AMER N8 -- 1964
- 49 Herman Wouk 3 Aurora Dawn 20/7
AMER N17 -- 1965
- 1 Herman Wouk 4 The Winds of War
20/1 AMER N -- 1980
- 37 Herman Wouk 5 War &
Remembrance 20/19 AMER N -- 1980
- 26 Heman Wouk 6 ****Marjorie
Morningstar AMERICAN 20th 4 NOVEL 6 -- 2018
- 28 Herman Wouk 7 ****Inside Outside
AMERICAN 20th 5 NOVEL 7 -- 2018
Wu Ch'eng-en
- 49 Wu Ch'eng-en Monkey 16/1 CHIN
N18 -- 1971
- 63 Wycherley 1 The Country Wife
17/19 ENG PL30 -- 1967
- 66 Xenophon 1 The Anabasis
GREEK 4th BC 2 HISTORY 6 -- 1998
- 86 Xenophon 2 The Polity of Athenians and Lacedaimonians GREEK
4th BC 3 HISTORY 12 -- 2001
- 48 Xenophon 3 An Ephesian Tale GREEK BC 1
NOVEL 38 -- 2012
Gao Xingjian
- 4 Gao Xingjian 1 Soul Mountain CHINESE 20th 1 NOVEL 3 -- 20016
- 1 Gao Xingjian 2 Buying a Fishing Rod for my Father CHINESE
21st 1 SHORT STORIES 1 -- 2007
Irvin Yalom
12 Irvin Yalom 1 When Nietzsche
Wept AMERICAN 20th 2 NOVEL 7 -- 2023
Richard Yates
- 23 Richard Yates 1 Disturbing the
Peace 20/16 AMER N -- 1977
- 7 Richard Yates 2 A Good School
20/4 AMER N -- 1979
- 55 Yeats 1 On Baile's Strand 20/1
IR PL15 -- 1963
- 3 Yeats 1 Selected Poetry 20/1 IR
P1 -- 1969
Evgeniy Yevtushenko
- 70 Yevtushenko 1 Selected Poems
20/1 RUSS P8 -- 1965
Jane Yolen
- 22 Jane Yolen 1 The Boy Who Spoke
Chimp 20/14 AMER J1 -- 1985
- 21 Jane Yolen 2 Guide to Writing
for Children 20/18 AMER ES3 -- 1989
- 44 Young 1 The Medici 20/11 AMER
HIS6 -- 1964
Fung Yu-Lin
- 12 Fung Yu-Lin 1 Short Hist. of
Chinese Philosophy 20/1 CHIN PH3 -- 1967
Perez Zagorm
- 9 Perez Zagorm 1 Political Thought
in Eng. Rev. 20/3 AMER HIS1 -- 1969
- 33 Evgenii Zamyatin 1 We 20/9 RUSS
N -- 1973
- 34 Evgenii Zamyatin 2 A Provincial
Tale 20/10 RUSS ST -- 1973
R. C. Zaehner
- 6 R.
C. Zaehner 1 Hinduism BRITISH 20th 1 RELIGION 1 -- 2021
Rosemarie Zagari
- 32 Rosemarie Zagarri 1 A Woman's Dilemma (bio of Mercy Warren)
- 87 Selma Zebouni 1 Dryden: Heroic
Characterization 20/12 AMER CR13 -- 1968
Roger Zelzany
- 103 Roger Zelzany 1 **Home Is the Hangman (in The Hugo Winners
Volume 4
edited by Isaac Asimov) AMERICAN 20th 25 SCIFI 22
-- 2007
- 62 ed. Zenkovsky 1 Medieval
Russia's Epics etc. -- 1968
Gabrielle Zevin
- 37 Gabrielle Zevin 1 Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow
AMERICAN 21st 13 NOVEL 20 -- 2022
- 39 Gabrielle Zevin 2 Young Jane Young AMERICAN 21st 15 NOVEL
21 -- 2022
- 40 Gabrielle Zevin 3 The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry AMERICAN
21st 15 NOVEL 22 -- 2022
- 24 Gabrielle Zevin 4 Elsewhere AMERICAN 21st 17 NOVEL 23 --
Paul Zindel
- 40 Paul Zindel 1 The Effect of
Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds AMER 20th 29 PLAY 4 --
A. Zinevich
- 31 A. Zinevich Dnevnik Poruchka [in Russian] RUSSIAN 20th
3 HISTORY 3 -- 2022
- 8 Zuckmayer 1 Hauptmann von
Kopenick (deutsch) 20/1 GER PL1 --1968
Markus Zusak
- 25 Markus Zusak 1 The Book Thief AUSTRALIAN 21st 1 NOVEL 14
Stephan Zweig
- 12 Stephan Zweig 1 Schachnovelle
[auf deutsch] 1 AUSTRIA N4 -- 1991, 2021
- 50
Stefan Zweig 2 The World of Yesterday AUSTRIAN 20th 1
BIOGRAPHY 2 -- 2021