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Attached is a list of the books I read in 1979. Sometimes I add markers like (*) to indicate books I particularly like. I also try to keep track of how many books of a particular kind (novel, etc.) and from a given country and century (Eng. 19th, etc.), I read each year. For the complete list of my reading since 1958, see

Richard Seltzer


1 Victor Hugo Les Miserables* (vol. 2 of 3) en francais 19/1 FREN N

2 ed. Tim O'Brien & DeWitt Henry Ploughshares Vol. 4, No. 4 20/1 AMER ST

March 1979

3 O.Henry The Four Million 20/2 AMER HUM

4 P.D. James 1 An Unsuitable Job for a Woman 20/1 ENG MYS

5 Harry Kemelman Friday the Rabbi Slept Late 20/3 AMER MYS

6 P.D. James 2 Cover Her Face 20/2 ENG MYS

April 1979

7 Richard Yates 2 A Good School 20/4 AMER N

Started working for Digital Equipment Corp.

8 Agatha Christie 1 Curtain 20/3 ENG MYS

9 Ernest Hemingway The Sun Also Rises 20/5 AMER N

10 ed. Halpern Antaeus #33 20/6 AMER ST

11 ed. Bill Henderson Pushcart Prize III 20/7 AMER ST

12 John Irving 2 The Water-Method Man 20/8 AMER N

13 Tim O'Brien 2 Going After Cacciato 20/9 AMER N

May 1979

14 Poirot & Groves Beginning Computer Science 20/10 AMER COMP

15 Mary Gordon 1 Final Payments 20/11 AMER N

16 Richard Selzer 1 **Mortal Lessons 20/12 AMER ES

17 James Jones 1 Whistle 20/13 AMER N

18 James Hogan 1 Inherit the Stars 20/4 ENG SF

19 Digital Introduction to Minicomputers 20/14 AMER COMP

20 James Hogan 2 Gentle Giants of Ganymede 20/5 ENG SF

21 Tim O'Brien 3 If I Die in a Combat Zone 20/15 AMER N

June 1979

22 Victor Hugo 2 Les Miserables* (concluding volume) en francais 19/2 FREN N

23 Richard Bach 2 Illusions 20/16 AMER ES

24 John Irving 3 158-Pound Marriage 20/17 AMER N

25 James Jones 2 From Here to Eternity 20/18 AMER N

July 1979

26 Rita Mae Brown 1 Rubyfruit Jungle 20/19 AMER N

27 Sidney Harcave 1 First Blood 20/20 AMER HIST

28 Joe Haldeman 1 The Forever War 20/21 AMER SF

August 1979

29 Frank Herbert 4 The Dosadai Experiment 20/22 AMER SF

30 John Gardner 2 Nickel Mountain 20/23 AMER N

31 John Gardner 3 October Light 20/24 AMER N

September 1979

32 Tillie Olsen 3 Silences 20/25 AMER ES

33 Sir Walter Scott 2 Heart of Midlothian 19/1 ENG N

34 Horace Walpole 1 The Castle of Otranto 18/1 ENG N

35 Ford Madox Ford 1 The Good Soldier 20/6 ENG N

36 Sir Walter Scott 3 Old Mortality 19/2 ENG N

October 1979

37 Thomas Hardy 2 Tess of the D'Urbervilles 19/3 ENG N

38 Anais Nin 1 Delta of Venus 20/26 AMER ST

39 Richard Leakey 1 & Roger Lewin 1 People of the Lake 20/1 KENYA ES

40 Frank Herbert 5 Whipping Star 20/27 AMER SF

41 Ray Bradbury 1 ***The Martian Chronicles 20/28 AMER SF

42 Ray Bradbury 2 *Fahrenheit 451 20/29 AMER SF

November 1979

43 Mark Saxton 1 The Islar 20/30 AMER N

44 William Sloane 1 The Craft of Writing 20/31 AMER ES

45 James Hogan 3 The Genesis Machine 20/6 ENG SF

46 Frank Herbert 6 Hellstrom's Hive 20/32 AMER SF

47 Robert Heinlein 1 Stranger in a Strange Land 20/33 AMER SF

48 D.H. Lawrence The Virgin & the Gypsy 20/7 ENG N

49 Gerold Robinson 1 Rural Russia under the Old Regime 20/34 AMER HIST

50 Barbara Tuchman 2 The Proud Tower 20/35 AMER HIST

December 1979

51 Alexander Solzhenitsyn Warning to the West 20/1 RUSS ES

52 Samuel Baron 1 Plekhanov -- Father of Russian Marxism 20/36 AMER BIO

53 Henry Adams 1 The Education of Henry Adams 19/1 AMER BIO

54 N.G. Pomyalovsky 1 Seminary Sketches 19/1 RUSS BIO

55 Robert Massie 1 Nicholas & Alexandra 20/37 AMER BIO

56 Bernard Malamud 1 ***The Fixer 20/38 AMER NOVEL  privacy statement
