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Attached is a list of the books I read so far in 2024. Sometimes I add markers like (*) to indicate books I particularly like. I also try to keep track of how many books of a particular kind (novel, etc.) and from a given country and century (Eng. 19th, etc.), I read each year. For the complete list of my reading since 1958, see

Richard Seltzer


1 Ovid 1  Heroides  ROMAN BC 1 POETRY 1

2 Pushkin (translated by Nabokov) Eugene Onegin RUSSIAN 19th 1 POETRY 2

3 Ovid 2 The Art of Love ROMAN BC 2 POETRY 3

4 Annie Ernaux 4 La Place (en francais) FRENCH 20th 1 MEMOIR 1

5 Hesiod Theogony and Works & Days [for the third time] GREEK BC 1 POETRY 4

6 Virgil 2 Eclogues ROMAN BC 3 POETRY 5

7 Virgil 3 Georgics ROMAN BC 4 POETRY 6

8 Herodotus The Histories GREEK BC 2 HISTORY 1

9 Lord Byron   Childe Harold's Pilgrimage BRITISH 19th 1 POETRY 7


10 John Berger 1 G BRITISH 20th 1 NOVEL 1

11 Ovid  3 Metamorphoses ROMAN BC 5

12 Thomas Mann 8 The Stories of Jacob GERMAN 20th NOVEL 2


13 C.B.F. Walker 1 Reading the Past: Cuneiform AMERICAN 20th 1 LINGUISTICS 1

14 Natalie Haynes 1 A Thousand Ships BRITISH 21st 1 NOVEL 3


15 Tana French 9 The Hunter IRISH 21st 1 NOVEL 4

16 George Orwell  Down and Out in Paris and London BRITISH 20th 1 MEMOIR 1

17 Roberta Kalechofksy 11  George Orwell AMERICAN 20th 2 BIOGRAPHY 1

18 Tom Stoppard  7 The Coast of Utopia BRITISH 21st 2 PLAY 1

19 Richard Charques 1 the Twilight of Imperial Russia BRITISH 20th 2 HISTORY 1

20 Christopher Paolini 4  Fractal Noise AMERICAN 21st 1 NOVEL 5

21 Daniel Quinn 1 Ishmael AMERICAN 20th 3 NOVEL 6


22 Jean-Paul Sartre  6 The Age of Reason FRENCH 20th 1 NOVEL 7
23 Jean-Paul Sartre 7 The Reprieve FRENCH 20th 2 NOVEL 8

24 Frederick Douglass 1 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass AMERICAN 19th   BIOGRAPHY 2
25 Glen Rifkin 1  The Ultimate Entrepreneur AMERICAN 20th 3 BIOGRAPHY 3
26 Jean-Paul Sartre 8 Troubled Sleep FRENCH 20th 3 NOVEL 9

27 Robert Heilbroner  The Worldly Philosophers [second time] AMERICAN 20th 4 ECONOMICS 1
28 Pushkin Povesti Belkina (po russkii) RUSSIAN 19th 2 STORIES 1
29 Father Gapon 1 The Story of My Life RUSSIAN 20th 1 BIOGRAPHY 4

30 Amor Towles 1 The Lincoln Highway AMERICAN 21st 2 NOVEL 10
31 Yoko Ogawa 1 Mina's Matchbox JAPANESE 21st 1 NOVEL 11
32 Anonymous (trans. Vladimir Nabokov) The Song of Igor's Campaign UKRAINIAN 12th 1 POETRY 8
33 Anonymous (trans. Hatto) Nibelungenlied GERMAN 12th 1 POETRY 9
34 Anonymous (trans Heaney) Beowulf ANGLO-SAXON 11th 1 POETRY 10
35 Snorri Sturluson 1 Ynglinga Saga OLD NORSE 12th 1 HISTORY 1

36 Snorri Sturlson 2 The Saga of the Volsungs OLD NORSE 12th 2 HISTORY 2
37 Anonymous (trans. Larrington) The Poetic Edda OLD NORSE 12th 3 HISTORY 3
38 Snorri Sturlson 3 The Prose Edda OLD NORSE 12th 4 HISTORY 4
39 Jordanes 1 The Origin and Deeds of the Goths ROMAN 6th 1 HISTORY 5
40 Jose Saramago The History of the Siege of Lisbon (second time) PORTUGUESE 20th 1 NOVEL 12
41 Lucretius 1 (trans. Alicia Stallings) The Nature of Things ROMAN BC 1 POETRY 11

42 Oscar Browning 1 Guelphs and Ghibelines BRITISH 19th HISTORY 6
43 Dan Jones 1 Crusaders AMERICAN 21st HISTORY 7
44 Procopius The Secret History BYZANTINE 6th 1 HISTORY 8

45 Anonymous  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight British BRITISH 14th 1 ROMANCE 1

46 Chretien de Troyes  Perceval or the Story of the Grail FRENCH 12th 1 ROMANCE 2
47 Anonymous  Tristan and Isolde GERMAN 12th 1 ROMANCE 3

48 Carol Janice Cherryh 1 **** Foreigner AMERICAN 20th 5 NOVEL 12
49 David Lupher 1 **** Romans in a New World AMERICAN 21st 1 HISTORY 9
50 RWB Lewis   Dante (second time) AMERICAN 21st 2 BIOGRAPHY 5
51 Miguel Cervantes  3 The Siege of Numantia SPANISH 17th 1 PLAY 1
52 Granta issue 168 BRITISH 21st 1 MAGAZINE 1


53 Carol Janice Cherryh 2 *****Cyteen AMERICAN 20th 6 NOVEL 13
54 Thornton Wilder 2  The Skin of Our Teeth AMERICAN 20th 7 PLAY 2
55 Thornton Wilder 3 The Matchmaker AMERICAN 20th 8 PLAY 3
56 Philip Dick 6 Adjustment Team (complete stories volume 2) AMERICAN 20th 9 SCIFI 1
57 Henry James 22 The Sense of the Past AMERICAN 20th 10 NOVEL 14
58 Elizabth Vandiver 1 Stand in the Trench, Achilles AMERICAN 21st 3 CRITICISM 1  privacy statement
