Volume 9, #1_______________________________________________________________
January, 1990
"MGMT MEMO" was written by Richard Seltzer
in Corporate Employee Communication for the Office of the
President. It was written for Digital’s managers and
supervisors to help them understand and communicate business
information to their employees. You can reach Richard at seltzer@seltzerbooks.com
On November
16, 1989, over 700 senior managers attended Digital’s State
of the Company Meeting in Merrimack, N.H. The meeting
focused on the company’s "corporate architecture." This
architecture consists of sales, services, business and
product strategies. The speakers also emphasized the
importance of teamwork and talked about a number of projects
intended to make Digital an easier company to do business
with, both internallly and externally. The following
articles are summaries of the speeches.
State Of The
Company Address by Ken Olsen, president
Ken Olsen
Responds To Questions From The Audience
Architecture by Bill Strecker, vice president,
Distributed Software Systems
Segments And What They Mean To Digital by Dom LaCava,
vice president, Low-End Systems
Approach To Selling In Europe by Pier Carlo Falotti,
president, Digital Europe
Selling In The
United States by Dave
Grainger, vice president, U.S. Sales and Services
Accounts And The New Account Workbench by Mike
Kalagher, manager, U.S. Administration
The VAX 9000
System: A Story Of Integration by Joe Zeh, Group
Manager, Large VAX Engineering
By all
traditional measures, we are doing well. We are growing and
are profitable, like the best of the big companies. In terms
of cash flow, even in Ql, which was our slow summer quarter,
we ended up with $180 million positive cash flow. We also
are investing $1.5 billion this year in new product
development and are budgeted to invest $1.2 billion in
capital expenditures.
By those
measures, we are doing well. But considering the assets we
have, we are doing poorly.
We have the
best products by far. We can say today, "Digital has it
all." We have everything from the simple terminal to the
supercomputer. Those products which we dreamed of and
planned for two and three years ago, we have today. They are
Much of the
computer industry is in serious trouble. If you look at the
list of computer companies, very few have a significant
operating system, or the products to go with it. The future
for most of them is very bleak. And we have it all. And yet.
we are not selling anywhere near as much as we should. We
are not growing like we should and not getting the
marketshare that we should.
Phil Caldwell,
our director and formerly of Ford, said we have done the
hard part. It takes years of investment to build up the
staff to generate the products, and to be able to deliver
them, sell them and service them. He said the easy part
should be to market and sell them.
But how do we do that?
If you go into
a fine restaurant, all your contact is with the maitre d’.
The maitre d’ takes care of all your wishes without a
hassle. There are chefs and many people to serve you. but
you don’t notice them. It is a pleasant evening, and you
look forward to coming back again. That’s the way it should
But instead of
operating like that, we follow modern management techniques
learned in business school. Service is way down the list of
priorities. The most important thing is to measure everybody
because, obviously, you get what you measure.
In the other
restaurant, nobody knows how many chefs there are. But in
this restaurant, there is a meat chef, a fish chef, a salad
chef, a pastry chef, a dessert chef and a wine steward. And
the important thing is to measure each one.
Then, some
customers, who are used to the other restaurant, nicely ask
the maitre d’ if could they could have a piece from that
item and mix it with this one, and they would like one side
of the steak cooked well and the other side not as much. In
this restaurant, they use "process" for making decisions. So
the maitre d’ goes back and negotiates with all the chefs,
and there is an argument about who will get what share. They
hold "woods meetings" to talk about it. Then the maitre d’
comes back and explains the problem. Meanwhile, the people
are getting hungry.
The customer
just wants a meal. He only wants to deal with the maitre d'.
He doesn’t want to get in the middle of contests between all
the different people who are measured.
We have to
remember that the measurement is not the reason we are in
business. The process of developing consensus and making
decisions is not the main reason we are here.
In the other
restaurant, the customer never notices the six people who
quietly serve. In this one, they are all vying to be the one
who serves, and they argue whose right it is to serve whom,
even though the customer doesn’t care.
In this
restaurant, when it comes to billing, the finance department
won’t allow the waiter to bring the bill until the customer
signs that he accepted everything. By then, the customer
doesn’t even want to remember what he bought and what
changes he made.
That's the way
many customers look at us. We try to tell them how beautiful
this way of operating is — that it is process that counts.
We explain why we wouldn’t want them to pay us unless they
signed for it first. We explain why we wouldn’t want them to
get the equipment, unless everybody in the organization had
their share of the order and had their lawyers argue with
one another.
Some people
believe in process like a religion. With process you don’t
have to know anything about customers or service or
products. You simply follow the process. But, unfortunately,
the more you are devoted to process, the farther you get
from the customer’s real needs.
Last night I
called Jack Smith and I said, "Jack, Pete Zotto has a
DECWORLD all planned for Boston in second week of July next
summer. How do you want to make this decision?" He said,
"Oh, quit this process stuff, Ken. Just do it." And he was
Generally, at
Digital, we would talk about a project like that for nine
months. July would be over if we followed that process. So
DECWORLD is on for July.
people complain that it takes forever to get a decision on a
proposal. But far too often, the people making the proposals
don’t state them clearly. They present all the data and
assume the committee will ask the right question. Instead,
they should pose their question in a way that can be
answered with a simple yes or no, and make clear who is
going to be responsible for the project.
Before Jack
Smith took over Engineering, Engineering was in trouble. We
had had five years with no major new products. One time we
had a woods meeting to analyze our products, I looked
around and saw that the people there were all staff people —
no product development people. We had gotten so caught up in
process that people who knew nothing about technical matters
were making decisions about products.
From then on,
we promoted the people who were running product development,
and now we are on top of the world in terms of products. But
the rest of the organization is still in love with process.
Process, when
carried to extremes, means we take our best sales people and
make them staff people - at district or area — and because
they are good, they want to control everything.
Process people
often measure their success by how thick the proposal is.
They make pie charts because their personal computer makes
pie charts. But they have no message to get across.
Many of the
committee meetings and staff meetings we hold aren’t really
needed because we have no clear questions to resolve. If the
question was clear, we could give an answer — yes or no -
without all those presentations.
Process people
need consensus to make decisions; and every time they look
for consensus, the process gets bigger.
I will tell
you how you run "consensus." Jack Smith says, "We’re making
this change. This manager moves over here, and that one over
there. Now let’s have a meeting and get consensus about it."
He makes the important decision, and then they talk about
what they are going to do.
At a drill
company which was doing very well financially, the chairman
told his top managers, "We’re in trouble. People don’t buy
our products." The sales manager, the chief engineer, and
others objected, "But we are doing so well." He said, "Yes.
But people don’t want drills, they want holes. If you insist
on selling drills, you are never going to get the point."
Likewise, people don’t buy networks or
computers. They have problems to solve.
We have to get
away from process issues and change our mindset. Instead of
explaining our internal processes to customers, we should be
focusing on solving customer problems.
For 32 years,
we have sold computer hardware and software. We have to move
beyond that now and tell our customers, "We'll solve your
We have to
give up the processes to which we have become devoted, and
act like the first restaurant where the maitre d’ makes the
decisions that satisfy the customer. We have to let our
sales people stand on their feet and make a deal. Our
process just keeps us from simply telling the customer, "We
have a solution for your problem."
Today, our
message is "we truly have an architecture." It covers the
whole problem for any customer. We’ve got the hard part
done. Now let’s solve the easy part, which is to satisfy the
Tell us more about DECWORLD next summer.
didn’t have DECWORLD this year because last time it took so
much energy. Then we realized that DECWORLD was an important
vehicle for educating the Field. In the enormous effort to
prepare for DECWORLD, people got their messages thoroughly
organized. In doing so, they got the Field involved, and
everybody learned about our products. When we dropped
DECWORLD this year, we found we needed to do additional things
to make sure that learning took place. We held the Summer
Session at Brown University to fill that gap. And as we
planned for next year’s equivalent to the Summer Session, it
became clear that we should combine it with DECWORLD. One of
the few complaints we heard about Summer Session was, "I wish
my customers could come." By combining the training with
DECWORLD next summer, sales people will be able to take their
customers. Also, we are having a traditional DECville in
France the first and second week of September. That means that
all the exhaustive preparation work we do for that can be used
twice. We’ll hold DECWORLD in the same place we had it two
years ago -- in Boston’s World Trade Center. DECWORLD will
run for three weeks, and will include training classes with
sales people and their customers. Yet, it will still be open
in the traditional DECWORLD way.
With the cost of MIPS coming down 15% to
20% a year, how are we going to make money?
isn’t everything. We have an elegant, rationalized set of
products today — something we dreamed about for a long time.
Sometimes newspapers say the microprocessor is going to wipe
out the minicomputer. Well, for years we have been using
basically the same chip in our minicomputers as in our
microcomputers. With the same chip, they have approximately
the same speed, or MIPS. One fits in a little box, one fits in
a medium box and one fits in a huge box. One costs
$10,0Q0-$2Q,000, one costs $20,000- $100,000 and one costs
over $100,000. Clearly, customers are interested in buying
something different than just MIPS. They are interested in
the size and speed of the memory;
the number, size and quality of the disks;
the quality and speed of the controller; and
the amount of bandwidth for getting information in and out.
cost very much, but the information just sits there in the
box. If you add more communications, you have a minicomputer.
If you add a lot of communication speed, you have a big
minicomputer. The little one on the desk is not going to do
the job of the big machine, and it is not going to replace it.
VAX 9000 system is great in speed. It is faster than anything
else we have, by a good measure. But customers don’t pay that
much just for speed. What we offer is a great disk system, a
great fast memory system and a lot of bandwidth in a
well-balanced machine; and that total system is worth a
million dollars. In addition, we offer a great operating
system that we’ve been working on for 15 years. Almost nobody
else has such a truly modern, truly significant operating
system. With that software, we can integrate the whole
also have an advantage in how well we tie computers together.
That’s the basis of our systems integration business. Nobody
else has the resources and the hardware and software to tie
together a single computing environment from the terminal up
to the mainframe.
How can we give account managers
budgeting responsibility if they don’t have P&L
long time ago, we learned you can't give everybody P&L
responsibility. It doesn’t work. Everybody can’t be telling
Manufacturing what to do.
you give a sales person a full P&L responsibility* the
most important things in their plans are not their
responsibility. Their success depends on Manufacturing and the
other operations in the company. That means that if they have
P&L responsibility, they will spend all their time trying
to influence the rest of the world and no time selling. We
give account managers the responsibility for their own
accounts. They propose what they will budget against an
expected rate of return. For example, they budget the space
they will use; the automobiles, telephones and computers they
need, and the software services and field service they need.
For that they promise a return. If it looks like a reasonable
plan, it will be accepted. Then it is their job to meet their
How will Digital measure and reward team
things you do because it is the right thing, not because you
are measured on it. If you are a professional person you don’t
do things just because you are being measured on them; you do
them because you are part of the corporation, part of the
team. You can’t measure everything. Trying to do so just
creates more overhead.
see extraordinary change occurring in the computer industry —
in technology and markets. Customers are expressing their
needs in terms that are significantly different from those of
just a few years ago. Competitors are as aggressive as we have
ever seen them. The financial results in the computer industry
range from disappointing for companies like Digital, to near
disastrous for companies like Unisys and Wang, with their
multi-hundred million dollar losses.
am going to focus on how we are responding to these changes by
evolving our product architecture and formalizing our overall
corporate architecture.
Simply stated,
Europe has used this mission statement for some time. It was
recently adopted by senior management as Digital’s overall
mission. "Recognized" means recognized not by us, but by our
customers. "Quality integrated information systems, networks
and services" means that the competitive differentiator is not
an isolated component excellence or process excellence, but
rather how well things work together from both a product and
services perspective. "Worldwide" means that our products will
be designed for the worldwide market, not just retrofitted.
a way to deal with complexity and change, by breaking down of
a large system into smaller elements with well-defined
functions and interfaces between the elements. By following
this approach, we can change individual elements - for
instance, to take advantage of new semiconductor technology —
without having to change the entire system. The system in
question could be as narrowly defined as a computer system or
as broadly defined as our entire corporation.
have long recognized a need for a product architecture and
have effectively used it to create a family of leadership
products. More recently, we have recognized a need for a
"corporate architecture," one that helps the entire company
manage complexity and change.
State of the Company Meeting is focused on the elements of
that corporate architecture.
than focusing on how we are organized, this architecture is
expressed in customer- oriented terms. Our traditional
organizations like Engineering, Marketing and Manufacturing
are more implicit than explicit in this architecture.
corporate architecture consists of four major elements or
strategies. What we develop for sale is based on our product
strategy. How we sell what we developed is based on our sales
strategy. How we deliver, integrate and service what we sell
is based on our services strategy. How we manage our
investments in what we develop, sell and service is based on
our business strategy.
our sales strategy, the account manager is the focal point for
understanding and establishing a customer’s needs,
orchestrating the delivery of resources to meet those needs
and ensuring that this delivery of resources is done in a
manner that is effective for the customer and profitable for
services strategy provides the expertise to translate a
customer’s needs into specific solutions; to define,
implement, and maintain these solutions, using both Digital
and non-Digital content; to provide custom hardware and
software components to complete a customer solution; and to
manage the implementation of large complex solutions.
business strategy should ensure that all components and
processes from products through the sales and services needed
for customer solutions are planned and available. This
strategy recommends the appropriate investment levels for
these components and processes and is accountable for the
overall business results from those investments.
Product Strategy
the late 1970s, our strategy was to provide a family of
computer systems built on four major architectures:
a hardware architecture that included VAX computers and the
Digital Storage Architecture;
a software architecture which included VMS, VIA (our
information management architecture) and ALL-IN-1 software;
the DECnet communications architecture; and
the Ethernet local area network interconnect.
execution of that strategy produced exceptional results. We
created a broad range of compatible or identical computer
systems. The recent announcement of the VAX 9000 series gives
the VAX family, without question, the broadest range in the
industry. VMS is a very high-quality, highly-functional
software system. No software system in the industry does as
many things as well as the VMS system does. Our program
development environment is excellent. It is used in the
industry to develop programs not only for VAX systems, but
also for systems from other vendors. We have industry-leading
networks in general, and local area networking in particular.
this has led Digital to the number two position in the
computer industry.
the VAX/VMS strategy was established, there have been a number
of significant changes in computer technology. Microprocessor
performance has been increasing at 30 to 50% a year.
Microprocessors now rival in raw computing power all but the
largest systems. This has caused a major shift in how
customers think about deploying responsive, cost- effective
computing. With the large-scale deployment of
microprocessor-based systems, distributed computing technology
now provides these systems with the coherence and
manageability of large, centralized systems.
the same time, industry standards have become pervasive in
nearly all aspects of computing. Today, differentiation
between vendors is based more on superior execution than on
superior invention.
the market, we see increased interest in information systems
solutions. With the rapid cost-performance increases in
standardized technology, many customers have little interest
in the technology itself and only want to understand how it
can solve their problems. Today, almost any significant
information system is built on or integrates the components of
multiple vendors.
(he VAX strategy was developed, our competition was primarily
the other minicomputer companies such as Data General, Hewlett
Packard, Interdata, and Modcom. Many of these companies are no
longer significant competitors. Instead, we see IBM, which we
have challenged with the size and breadth of our product
offering, and Sun, which has challenged us with aggressive
exploitation of distributed microprocessor systems based on
standards. The one competitor who has been relatively
constant is Hewlett Packard, the company that is the most
similar to Digital in its strategy based on adherence to
all these changes, we see major opportunities. First, we can
continue to provide a competitive broad-based alternative to
IBM in "bet-your-business" systems. Second, we can respond to
the challenge of Sun by providing competitive workstations and
servers. Finally. we can lead the industry in quality and in
the areas of distributed computing, application solutions and
systems integration.
exploit these opportunities, we are making a number of changes
in our product architecture.
we have to accommodate additional computer architectures, not
just VAX/VMS, because our customers need the applications that
run on these other architectures.
we need to accommodate multi-vendor networks because our
customers need these networks to link all of their information
we have to provide robust information management and
information access across the network to provide a true
alternative to IBM.
we have to establish a modern application environment to
attract applications to our systems.
addition, we have to develop a distributed system focus
because this is a key source of our differentiation.
all. the changes that we make have to be consistent with the
direction of technology and with customer expectations.
system architecture, like our VAX/VMS system architecture, has
six major layers or elements. However, a number of changes
have occurred. The hardware and operating system layers have
been combined into a single layer called the "computer layer".
This has been done because customers have little interest in
hardware differences, except in so far as they support
different operating systems. The network layer has evolved to
a multi-computer, multi-vendor architecture as known as
DECnet/OSI. The information management layer is also a
multi-computer, multi-vendor architecture. The application
Integration layer has been renamed "NAS," which stands for
Network Application Services—another multi-computer,
multi-vendor architecture. And, finally, to respond to our
customers’ need to manage complex information systems, we have
added a management layer, which includes how we plan to
manage all elements of an information system — not only
networks but also computers, information, and applications.
next step in the evolution of our overall system architecture
is the "client-server" model. This model has been given
prominence in recent discussions in the computer industry. In
this model, client systems run dedicated applications and
server systems that typically store data and sometimes store
shared applications. This collection of client and server
systems is linked by a distributed computing architecture.
two of these architectural elements — operating systems and
hardware — we have made major changes. Customers are asking
for an industry-standard, vendor-independent,
operating-system interface, and they need to use applications
that are based on UNIX.
also see customer demand for MS-DOS, OS/2 and Macintosh
operating systems. These customers want to preserve their
investments in personal computers and need to use personal
computer applications. To respond to these changes in customer
requirements, we have expanded our operating system strategy
well beyond VMS software.
are now aggressively developing both VMS and ULTRIX as
full-line operating systems. In fact, we are putting
approximately the same level of engineering investment into
both areas of development. We play no favorites here in
development or marketing or selling. We will sell the customer
what the customer wants and needs.
are working actively with multiple computer vendors to ensure
that the UNIX interface is an industry standard, as opposed to
a vendor-dominated standard, and we are aggressively
supporting standards within our VMS software. For example, our
POSIX work will make it possible to run UNIX programs on VMS
the same time, we are competitively supplying MS-DOS and OS/2,
primarily as client systems in our distributed system
architecture, and we are integrating the Macintosh into our
computing environment.
the area of hardware, technology advances in the 1980s led to
the rise of the "reduced instruction set computer" (RISC). For
equivalent hardware technology, RISC offers a two-to-one
advantage over a complex instruction set computer (CISC). (By
the way, it is important to remember that RISC only affects
the CPU portion of the system. For example, it doesn’t make
memories or disks run any faster.) This performance advantage
accounts for the enormous current interest in RISC computers.
At the current time, only UNIX-based systems can exploit RISC.
who are interested in the UNIX systems market, tend to measure
product competitiveness on the basis of CPU performance and,
therefore, favor RISC-based hardware systems.
respond to this customer preference, our overall hardware
strategy is to offer a complete line of RISC systems
primarily for ULTRIX software, in addition to a complete Sine
of VAX systems, primarily for VMS software.
use VAX systems for ULTRIX software where RISC systems are not
currently available such as at the very low and very high ends
of our product range. Wherever possible, we share components —
such as packaging, memory, controllers and peripherals —
across our RISC and VAX lines.
will use aggressive technology and implementation to maximize
VAX performance — for instance, through multi-processing,
vectors and clusters — and to minimize any disadvantage it
has compared to RISC systems. We also are doing advanced
development work on the possibility of running VMS software on
RISC machines.
other words, in one computer architecture we have VAX/VMS —
the broadest range, best price-performance, high-function
system family in the industry — and RISC ULTRIX — the broadest
range, best price-performance open UNIX family in the
Operations Committee and the business segments are new
components of Digital’s business strategy. This is a way
we’ll be focusing our internal organization so we can do
business more efficiently and better satisfy our customers.
new Operations Comittee came together last summer. In large
part, it was created to give the new business segments a forum
in which to identify and resolve issues quickly and
committee is responsible for helping the business segments of
the company meet their quarterly earnings goals. It also
provides a forum to make mid-course corrections to annual
plans, and allows for peers to review these plans.
is in the Operations Committee that the various segments
integrate their activities and integrate the major functional
areas. It is through the Operations Committee that the
segments make clear recommendations to the Executive
of these activities are important. But perhaps the most
important role of the Operations Committee is to maintain a
passion about satisfying our customers, and to inspire the
whole corporation. If we always make our decisions with
customer satisfaction as our guide, we’ll win. Meeting our
customer’s needs will be the guiding principle for
decision-making in the Operations Comittee. We'll resolve
issues between business segments by asking, "What is best for
our customers?" All other considerations are secondary.
months ago, it became apparent that despite our efforts to
move toward one company, one strategy, and one message,
Digital was still somewhat fragmented. The process of
developing and implementing annual budgets was taking longer
and longer. It was becoming more difficult for Sales and
Sales Support to secure help from the rest of the company.
the industry slowed down and as competition heated up, it
became critical for us to simplify the interna! organization.
We had to figure out some way to integrate the various parts
of the company to help the Field sell our products.
business segment approach is a means to bring all the various
facets of Digital into one focused, synchronized company,
dedicated to satisfying our customers.
there are five business segments - three product segments and
two service segments. This number is likely to change soon as
the segment concept evolves. Today’s five segments are:
Low-End Systems, Mid-Range Systems, High-Performance Systems,
Enterprise Integration Services and Customer Services. The
segments are tied to the Field through Sales Support, and all
of these groups are now working more closely together towards
common goals.
way of doing business started with the budgeting process.
Budgets from throughout the company now roll up under the five
business segments. This means that hardware, software,
applications, peripherals, services, sales and advertising now
roll up under five distinct, yet complementary budgets. This
approach makes it much easier for the company to understand
what is happening to profit and loss in five distinct pieces.
It also makes it much easier to determine responsibility and
accountability. The five segment managers see their
responsibility and accountability in the profit and loss of
their segments.
of you remember the days when the company was organized as
separate product lines. For years, that way of doing business
worked well for Digital, and the company enjoyed strong
growth. The business segment model resembles the product line
model, but the differences are also signficant.
business segments reflect the integrated approach to computing
that we must sell in the 1990s. We’ve developed the segments
as combinations of functional groups. Each will work with all
other parts of the company, and each of the segments covers a
wide range of Digital’s offerings, with minimal overlap.
Low-End Systems Segment includes terminals, printers, personal
computers and PC integration, workstations and the MicroVAX
family, as well as DECsystems, PDP-11 and real-time systems.
The segment focuses on the hardware, software, applications,
peripherals and services customers need to do productive
low-end computing — all the components, not just the hardware.
I am the Low-End Systems segment manager.
Mid-Range Systems Segment consists of all the VAX 6000
systems, and the mid-range DECsystems computers. Again, the
focus of the Mid-Range Segment is on the hardware, software,
applications, peripherals, and services that customers require
in the mid-range. Bill Demmer is the Mid-Range Systems Segment
consists of the VAX 9000 family, the new fault-tolerant
systems, clusters and on-line transaction processing. Bob
Glorioso is the High-Performance Systems Segment manager.
three product business segments include in their budgets all
the hardware and software the company sells, and the
functional budgets of Engineering, Manufacturing, Marketing,
Sales and Sales Support.
this simple segmentaton, we can track sales back more easily,
to see if we're investing money in what sells products and
what satisfies our customers.
Enterprise Integration Services Segment consists of Software
Services, Educational Services and Computer Special Systems.
This segment provides consulting, design, imple- mentations
training, and specialized manufacturing to our customers. It
is responsible for planning and budgeting for these functions.
Don Busiek is the Enterprise Integration Services Segment
Customer Services Segment includes Digital Product Services,
Vendor Support Services and Business Services. Digital Product
Services provides hardware and software support for all
Digital products. Vendor Support Services supports other
vendors’ products that are used in our accounts. Business
Services provides customized support for unique user
environments. Don Zereski is the Customer Services Segment
closely aligning these service providers, the segment model
will improve the efficiency of our internal operations. More
important, we will present to our customers one organization
for all their maintenance, consulting, programming and
training needs.
the business segments focus on several important areas that
will contribute to Digital's long-term success. These are
training and sales support, advertising, planning and the
overall profit-and-loss of the segment.
goal for training during the past year has been to bring more
of the right product information to Sales and Sales Support,
and to improve the links between the Field and internal
development groups.
effort started with DECtop University last January, when 6,000
people were trained on all our new desktop computing products.
When we announced those products on January 10. a large part
of the U.S. and GIA sales force had already attended three
days of intensive training on them.
success led to the creation of Digital University Summer
School, where more than 10,000 people from Sales and Marketing
went through three-and-a-half days of training on all of
Digital's products, with a strong emphasis on competitive
now the Digital University Institute of Technology is
providing a full week of training for more than 2,000 Sales
Support reps.
large, focused product sales training events will continue.
Each business segment is now responsible and accountable for
training Sales and Sales Support.
recent years, we’ve asked our Sales and Sales Support people
to master the details of a blizzard of new products. The
integrated computing environment we offer to our customers
makes computing easier for them, but it is built on very
sophisticated hardware, software and networking. That places
even greater demands on our Sales Support people. They must
understand all the details of our products so they can help
our customers.
cannot continue to compete and grow unless we have the most
knowledgeable Sales and Sales Support organization in the
industry. We have a reputation for technical excellence, and
our Sales Support representatives are the people who carry on
that tradition.
Support is a key link between the business segments and our
customers. From now on, each segment — together with Sales —
will focus on planning the resources and deployment of the
Sales Support people, who help sell our products. The
day-to-day management of Sales Support people will be under
Sales management.
year, the plan is to move an additional 500 people into the
U.S. Sales Suppport organization. Sales Support also will grow
in Europe and GIA. And, under the segment approach, each Sales
Support person will focus on both a product and an application
also are focusing on advertising products. Each segment is
responsible for the budgeting, the content and the placement
of ads. The advertising by business segments is distinct from
the corporate image advertising we run. The "Digital Has It
Now" campaign and the Infinite Voyage campaign will continue.
But now, in addition, you will see greatly increased
visibility for Digital through product advertising campaigns.
This started on Oct. 24 with the VAX 9000 series ads in
newspapers and magazines and will continue through the year.
year, the planning and budgeting process for the company will
start with the accounts, and finalize with the business
segment plans; and we will have a one-company plan.
segment approach is not a reorganization. Rather, it is a
commitment to a new way of thinking. Sales, Service,
Engineemg, Manufacturing, Marketing, Applications, and other
functional groups are unchanged. It is the strong leadership
of the functional managers that will make the business segment
approach a success. What's new is the way in which these
functional groups work together.
this new segment approach, we see more clearly the investment
decisions that we must make. The impact of our decisions will
show up clearly in the profit-and-loss of each segment.
there are five business segments. Over time that will change.
As the concept of business segments evolves, it may be
necessary to add new segments, combine existing ones, or
eliminate segments. Don’t concentrate on five — it’s not a
magic number. What’s important is the focus on the segments -
a tighter coupling with the Field, and a one- company plan.
sales people often are criticized. Every problem of the
company becomes their problem, and they have to fix it and
present the solution to the customer. In Europe, we have tried
to pull together each piece of the company and to integrate
them to support our sales people. Everybody has to keep in
mind that they are part of a selling effort.
the early 1980s, when our business performance in Europe was
stagnant and profits were decreasing, Jack Smith came over to
Geneva and set up task forces to understand why we had a
problem and what we could do to fix it. Essentially, we were
over-centralized in our decision-making process. We had too
many decision makers who were too far from reality.
had three different forecasts — one from product lines, one
from Sales and one from the general manager. And Manufacturing
was totally separate, doing its own planning. Every function
had its own system and its own processes.
and software people were desperately asking that we realign
ourselves to work the way customers want us to. In other
words, we needed to be able to make quick decisions; to have
one person responsible for an account. Customers wanted to
purchase complete systems, not just hardware and they wanted a
coherent Digital strategy.
that time, Digital Europe was a billion-dollar operation and
desperately needed a change. That was when we started what I
call the "integration revolution." We decentralized the
business responsibility to the country level so that people
there could make quick decisions that they felt were right for
the customers. That simple change remotivated employees. It
made them enthusiastic about fixing their own goals and making
them. It worked.
seven years after, we are going through the same process.
Today, the U.K. is a billion-dollar business; and Germany and
France should reach that level soon. Once again, we are
pushing down responsibilities to lower levels, in order to
avoid the problems we had in the early 1980s. Over the last
six months, as we’ve carried out this decentralization in the
countries, we’ve seen the same enthusiasm, the same winning
spirit that has carried us for the last six years.
in 1984, while we were decentralizing the business
responsibility, we also had to eliminate the disconnect
between Manufacturing and Sales. To accomplish that, we
created what we call the "one plan. " We made a commitment to
Manufacturing that whatever we forecast we would actually
sell. It worked very well. The results were remarkable. Now we
have the countries connected directly to Manufacturing, and we
will soon connect local offices directly to Manufacturing.
the early 1980s, we also had little focus on distribution,
order processing and administration. Many businesses used
different processes. When Don Zereski was in Geneva, I asked
him to let me have his logistics manager so that we could put
all the logistic activity together and share the expertise of
Field Service. We did that, and over the years, to that
logistics operation, we added the responsibility of handling
an order from the time we quote to the time we deliver the
product to the customers. Basically, by having one
organization, we eliminated unnecessary interfaces, simplified
significantly and reduced cost. In the last three years, we
created a single administration and logistics organization,
and our revenue grew 125% and our population grew 21 %.
the next two years, we plan to conclude a several-year project
to make sure that the sales person or the customer can order
directly from the plant, with a computer or terminal, with
little or no manual interaction.
next step was to create a single information services
organization. We took all the information services from the
different functions, and asked someone whom they all trusted
to optimize these processes. That happened in 1985 and led to
a few years of tremendous optimization of cost.
we felt that customization was not enough in the long term and
we had to create an architecture that could allow us to make
changes in systems as organizations moved. We have done this.
The next generation system will be task-oriented rather than
just functional-oriented. This integration of infrastructure
has helped us to reduce our cost and put the money saved into
expanding our selling activity.
course, we will have to continue to improve our cost situation
because the business, the competition, and the technology are
forcing us to decrease our costs constantly. And this is not a
one time effort. But now, to decrease our costs, not only do
we have to simplify further, but we have to eliminate work and
be more synergistic among the different parts of the company.
Some of the things that we liked to do in the past, we will
not be able to continue.
in 1984, while we were decreasing the cost of our
infrastructure, we had to increase sales productivity. First,
we analyzed where sales people were spending their time. It
turned out that sales people spent an average of just 18% of
their total available time in front of a customer selling and
just 4% of their time in training. Clearly, we had to increase
the selling and training time. We did that by delegating a
number of office tasks to other people. For instance, we had
too many internal meetings and we didn’t want sales people
spending their time configuring systems.
results were outstanding. We increased our selling time from
18% to 28% and doubled the sales training time, cut in half
the time it takes to make quotations and reduced internal
meeting time from 14% to 7%.
other part of our problem was that 63% of the orders at that
time were wrong when they reached Manufacturing. That led to
tremendous expense, going back and forth to the customer and
sometimes fixing the problems with free material. So, we took
a few field service engineers to work on this problem, and for
an investment of about $200,000, we reduced the percentage of
incorrect orders from 63% to 25%. In 1988, it reached 8%, and
we expect that this year only 3% of our orders will need a
correction. Those will be mainly large system orders that
can’t be configured automatically.
that was not enough. It was clear that customers want to
purchase complete systems, and don’t want to have to negotiate
separately with software, hardware and CSS. Therefore, we had
to organize to deliver a system. In 1985 we organized our
subsidiaries essentially in two separate businesses, headed by
a systems business manager and a sendee manager. System
business managers were responsible for optimizing packages for
the customer, making all decisions related to hardware,
software, consultants and CSS. They decided how to put it
together, in what mix, at what price, with what discount. The
functions provided the skills needed for selling and
a result of these changes, the whole organization has rallied
behind sales and marketing. After all, everybody in the
company wants a strong sales and marketing organization
because if you don’t sell, you don’t service, you don’t
engineer, and you don't manufacture. It’s as simple as that.
speed up the effort, we created team recognition where the
sales performance has twice the weight of other performances,
and we developed clear targets for sales people to expand
their portfolio of accounts and penetrate deeper in existing
accounts. Everybody had to be measured on customer
satisfaction (for salary reviews and stock options) and the
focus was on selling.
at that time, was becoming the leading function in planning
the products, the packaging, and the presentations for
customers. Among other things, Marketing decided to
concentrate the expertise of all of Digital — including
Software, Engineering, Educational Services and Customer
Services - into what we call Digital Competency Centers. The
first one, in Munich, West Germany, focused on manufacturing.
Then we opened one for networks and telecommunications in
Valbonne, France; one in London for financial services; and
finally one in Brussels, Belgium, for the public sector. With
that kind of effort, our systems business went up from $1.5
billion to almost $4 billion in two years.
we need to do still more to adapt to and anticipate the
changes that are coming on the horizon. We are moving more and
more in the direction of selling complete systems, complex
software, application networks, system integration and
services — all areas in which we have experience and natural
skills. To succeed in this business of selling advanced
integrated systems, we need to change everyone’s mindset. We
have to focus training and hiring to develop the expertise
required. And we have to organize to sell the whole spectrum
of products from personal computer workstations to system
integration and do it with a homogeneous organization.
Everyone needs to recognize that no single organization can do
the whole job by itself. We have to depend on one another, and
the system we use has to be interdependent and task-oriented.
new programs being put in place during FY90 are the
continuation of the evolution since 1982.
Carlo’s additional remarks on teamwork and "the dream"
appeared in the November issue of MGMT MEMO.)
we do most of our business with global customers — companies
of all sizes that are recognizing the need to expand their
global opportunities and new markets to survive and to grow.
These Digital customers expect the same consistent,
high-quality support for their applications in Malaysia or
all of our customers rely on multi-vendor systems to support
this worldwide business. Nine out of ten networks, for
instance, include equipment from more than one vendor — and
most networks use five or more vendors’ systems. These
customers want a service provider with the experience,
commitment, resources and flexibility needed to provide total
support to these diverse and often complex environments.
addition, most customers are too busy managing their core
businesses to worry about information support management. They
need a vendor who is willing to assume the responsibilities,
and risks, involved in delivering and managing service to make
their complex, global system function as a dependable utility.
In other words, most customers want increased focus and
attention managing their business, not the dizzying pace of
change in information technology.
today want more than great service from their services
provider. They need help getting a maximum return on their
current and future investments — in applications, technology,
equipment and people. They are looking for creative service
providers who can leverage their information technology
strategy to provide improved productivity, higher efficiency,
greater competitiveness and profit.
short, our customers need a business partner. And each day,
Digital is that partner to our customers.
the most outstanding demonstration of this happened just a few
weeks ago in California. During the earthquake crisis, we
flew 50 back-up Customer Services engineers into California
from around the country. We shipped $6.5 million in additional
materials and spare parts, provided 24-hour support from
Colorado Springs and a special hot-line in Dallas, and had
nearly 300 additional technicians on standby. Most important,
we provided our customers with anything they needed to get
back into business as quickly as possible.
also offered our people and resources to help local
communities. In fact, Digital provided the Office of Emergency
Services in the County of Santa Clara with use of a leased
helicopter which we used to move our people and parts. They
needed it to lift and straighten an 800-pound water tank used
for fire protection in the hills of Los Gatos. They also used
it to ship medical supplies and food into the hard-hit
Watsonville area.
may be above and beyond the typical call of duty, but it’s
part of our make-up at Digital. Today, our Customer Services
resources include 27,000 professionals in more than 60
countries around the world. They are organized into seven
distinct lines of business that range from hardware and
software support for the desktop to the data center, to
customized service solutions, to value-added networks that
leverage Digital and customer resources. Customer Services is
part of a larger team that includes all of Digital’s people
and a variety of Digital business partners.
is the key to making the Customer Services vision work for our
customers: 27,000 Customer Services people, along with many
thousands of other people who deliver Digital solutions — all
with a single focus — the Digital account.
has empowered its Account Managers to make the independent
decisions required to close business and satisfy customers,
including decisions about support when the opportunity
requires quick action. We will do whatever it takes to back up
the account team in delivering local as well as international
service solutions to meet customer needs.
make it easier for our customers to do business with Digital,
we will offer simplified warranties starting in January in the
U.S,, to be followed by international warranties for
multi-national accounts, and simplified service pricing and
billing procedures.
help Customer Services seamlessly manage international
business and business opportunities, an international service
business process has been developed and put in place. The
program provides electronic worldwide communications via
international customer support desks for the U.S., Europe and
GIA, as well as standard tools, documentation, and a review
and approval processes. This uniform set of procedures is
designed to get the appropriate geography management involved
early in the business cycle, making it easier for account
teams to exploit new business opportunities.
will soon be supported by Digital’s first worldwide remotely
accessible distributed "info base" system which we call
"Atlas. "This system begins field test in March 1990, and will
provide account managers worldwide with on-line access to
accurate information 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Specific information will include: local service capability,
service pricing, and account information.
ability to coordinate service resources to serve worldwide
customers can be seen in a new business venture that Digital
helped develop for a securities information subsidiary of
Citibank. This company wanted to offer a new service to
subscribers worldwide: a network linking global currency
traders, providing up-to-date market information and on-line
currency trading. Digital’s role is that of "network
operations manager." The services we provide include
evaluation and planning of subscriber sites, installation of
Digital, IBM and other vendor hardware, ongoing maintenance
and coordinated program management of the entire worldwide
millions of dollars of business will be transacted on it, this
network simply can’t go down — no matter what local conditions
may be. The service solution requires Digital service managers
and personnel from up to 20 nations to deliver a consistent
set of very complex services, every hour of every day.
participation, the worldwide network envisioned by the
customer would have entailed a much higher initial investment
and risk. This is because the customer lacked the global
network infrastructure required. By supporting this
subscription service with Digital’s worldwide network
infrastructure, we made it possible for the customer to take
advantage of a market opportunity that otherwise might have
been missed.
solution leverages the resources of both the customer and
Digital, to our mutual benefit. The customer provides the idea
and the banking expertise and penetrates a new market at low
risk and low investment. Digital realizes a financial return
on our leading technologies and network capability, at the
same time as we offer a unique and profitable service to a
valued customer.
in this and similar sales is imagination - and a unique set of
capabilities to turn that vision into reality.
part of that vision is "VANS" — our emerging Value Added
Network business. VANS offer Digital an opportunity to
strengthen client relationships by providing total solutions
to networking opportunities. The definition, development and
sale of these solution networks can only be done by integrated
teams representing Digital in total.
business strategies are complementary to and synergistic with
the broad industry strategies developed by the Digital
Competency Centers (DCCs) and the industry marketing staffs.
In Europe, senior VANS marketing personnel are being funded in
five key DCCs. Their charter is to develop an
industry-specific VANS strategy and to drive its
implementation within that industry. A similar approach to a
tightly integrated marketing strategy is being implemented in
the US and GIA.
addition to supporting new product development and
installation, Customer Services also is fully integrated with
the system business segments at the business strategy and
investment planning levels. When the company commits to a new
direction, Customer Services is there with new services and
resources to ensure our new offerings succeed at the customer
level. New technologies - like the VAX 9000 series - and new
markets - like the corporate computing environment — demand
new levels of support.
instance, with Digital’s new "Advanced Electronic Support"
(announced with the VAX 9000), customers can receive an
on-site service processor. This MicroVAX system will
continuously monitor the performance of VAX 9000 systems,
utilizing artificial intelligence and unique service
applications. The system itself automatically initiates and
logs service calls acting as a dedicated link to Digital’s
service experts at one of our 14 customer support centers. All
this is accomplished without altering or disrupting the way
customers do business.
network also gives direct service access to users at accounts
like Alcoa, Phillips 66, and Honeywell. Customers can provide
complete descriptions of complex problems to our service
professionals — without having to wait for a return call to
get all the details. Already these customers are seeing
productivity improvements over the old ways of reporting and
resolving problems.
recently combined two organizations devoted to providing
custom solutions to customer problems: CSS, which engineers
the hardware, and Software Services/Engineering, which
develops the software. A major responsibility of this new
group is to help create and support the evolution of
Enterprise Integration Services (EIS).
business has changed. The manner in which we are called upon
by customers to deliver solutions isn’t what it used to be. In
the past we made products and used the products to build point
solutions, and customers bought them. Now changing customer
requirements have altered the way our organization must
respond. It’s necessary to understand the customer’s business
needs and to be flexible, to form partnerships, and to be
willing to take on different risks.
traditional applications development, the customer and the
developer begin by agreeing on functional specifications,
acceptance test plan, delivery date and, of course, price.
Months or years later, the developer delivers an application
that meets the specifications at the given price.
meeting such customer requirements does not necessarily meet
the customer’s need. Frequently, the customer’s situation
changes during the development period. Original requirements
are no longer valid or don’t reflect the business environment.
rarely see requirements for flexibility or extensibility in
functional specifications because it historically has driven
up the cost of custom software. Thus, using the traditional
approach, applications tended to be inflexible and closed —
addressing only narrow, tightly focused needs. For these
applications, change is the enemy.
is to design flexibility in right from the beginning. The
result is an application that can grow when customer needs
grow, that can be configured for special purposes, and that
can be developed quickly, while it is still needed. Today, NAS
and SAFE make this possible.
the last two years, in cooperation with the Application
Integration Architecture (A1A) architects of the corporation,
we began the development of a formal program called Software
Architecture for Flexible Environments (SAFE). With SAFE we
are developing the rules, processes and methodology that
specify how to build integrated applications. This will enable
Digital to implement consistent solutions around the world —
all based on Digital’s strategic architectural directions. The
SAFE program strengthens the one architecture message by
helping developers create applications that are compatible
with our Network Application Services (NAS). It is essential
to Digital’s success in the systems integration business.
of NAS is the key that assists us in meeting changing customer
requirements. For instance, customers now ask for:
o extensible applications that can grow
without compromise when their needs grow; o integrated
applications rather than point solutions; o applications that
are fast to develop and easy to maintain; and o consistency
across multiple platforms and environments.
making application integration really happen, NAS supports all
of these requirements.
BASEstar project is an excellent example of how Digital
created a flexible, extensible application that meets
customers’ present and future needs. This is an integral part
of the Manufacturing AIP (Application Integration Platform)
which, based on NAS, integrates various applications
throughout a plant environment and can be extended to address
unique requirements.
BASEstar product took root as a result of a customer’s need,
but it is now being sold to several major accounts. Ford Motor
Co. bought it not as a short-term solution, but as a long-term
architecture for its shop floor.
in automation of the semiconductor industry is another
highlight of what Digital and NAS can do for customers. Using
VSAP (the VAX Semiconductor Automation Platform). a team of
the semiconductor industry's leading companies developed a
to clean-room chip manufacturing. Digital’s role was to bring
all the disparate technologies together into one, seamless,
integrated system. The system that VSAP enables has led to a
10% yield improvement, 20% increase in asset utilization, 25%
reduction in direct labor costs and 50% cut in material costs.
VSAP provides the kind of flexibility and growth required by
an industry that is in constant motion.
the best opportunities are in our own backyard. We used the
strengths of the Digital architecture to solve one of our own
problems — publishing software documentation for low-volume
products. We addressed a problem of high inventory
obsolescence, low availability, and poor delivery by creating
the Demand Delivery solution. This solution uses Digital's
standard imaging and electronic publishing applications and
custom third- party hardware that was developed in cooperation
with Digital.
result is a Demand Delivery solution that showcases Digital’s
architecture. This system is modular and plays in a
multi-vendor environment. You can get documentation when you
need it, and there are no inventory constraints or problems
with out-of-date information. Due to the design for
extensibility within a heterogeneous environment, it’s as
cost-effective to produce one manual as it is to produce 1000,
making this system adaptable to varying customer/business
needs. Customers are now banging on the doors for this
both image and facsimile transmission, supports videotex,
provides a single database for image and demand print files
and is independent of image resolution requirements. It is
also compliant with applicable standards such as CALS
(Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistics Support). The CALS
program is part of a Defense Department initiative to create
paperless offices by integrating electronic publishing,
databases and networks. With CALS, we can create new kinds of
data structures that are operating-system independent.
success we’ve had already, and the success we see ahead,
depend on partnerships on two levels.
the various groups within Digital, which are necessary to
reach a goal, must form partnerships with one another. We need
to draw on Digital’s resources in forming such partnerships to
allow the energy of these groups to flow together for a common
goal. We recently had a major success selling the
DECtp-compatible Reliable Transaction Router to a large
financial institution and we are field testing this with a
number of others around the world. The success of this venture
hinged directly on the joint efforts of our Software Services
Engineering group in Zurich, Base Product Marketing, and the
TPSG engineering group from High Performance Systems. Such
cooperative strategic initiatives are key to Digital’s
enhanced time-to-market and market position.
second type of strategic partnership is the one we form with
customers. The old buyer-seller relationship is no longer
appropriate for mission-critical applications and strategic
business relationships. We’ve had to make alliances with our
customers and really work in concert with them. Their
partnership with us forms a synergy that can lead to solutions
that are exactly what the customer needs.
such alliances increases the overall complexity. We have
learned how to manage these complexities and develop unique
solutions. The payback has been worth it.
Digital architecture represents a solid long-term investment.
It has already allowed the Field organization to create custom
solutions that meet current and future needs. It has allowed
customers to create business solutions for today and tomorrow.
is an extremely exciting, active and challenging time at
Digital. The industry is changing rapidly, and our customers’
needs are changing rapidly as well. Sometimes we lose
perspective on how important our contribution is to the
computer industry, to our customers and to the world in which
we live.
early September, the world’s attention was riveted on an
unprecedented event - the arrival of Voyager II to the planet
Neptune. Voyager was launched in 1977 — the same year Digital
introduced its first VAX computer and embarked on the
single-system strategy that changed the face of our company.
One of the first VAX-1 1/780 systems was installed at Jet
Propulsion Laboratories for reconstruction of photos from the
Voyager mission.
the last twelve years, the technology has evolved with
networking, clusters and graphics to produce the fantastic,
high-quality image enhancements that were transmitted back to
earth for whole world to see.
technology advanced rapidly. Twelve years ago it would have
taken a year to get the first photos back from Neptune. Five
years ago, it would have taken three months to transmit the
photos. In September 1989, those images came with the speed of
overnight express.
can all be very proud of the role that Digital technology,
products and support played in that important mission. Success
of this kind comes when we follow the basic values that have
helped us so far.
has to be the number one goal for the whole company. How do we
ensure that? I see three themes emerging.
we are empowering people on the front lines, and we are
organizing ourselves to put accountability and responsibility
in the right place. This means giving our people the authority
to make decisions. When people have authority, they take
responsibility for their actions, and ownership for the
results they expect. We have truly superb people in this
company — people who are dedicated, who want more than
anything to do the right thing for the customer and for
Digital. When they feel ownership, when they feel they have
the authority, responsibility, and support to do the job, they
are empowered, and they achieve excellence.
second theme is teamwork. If we are going to do the right
thing for the customer, then everyone who comes in contact
with the customer has to work together. This means the sales
person who leads the effort must work with the services
representative, or the systems integration consultant must
work closely with sales support specialists.
we act as one company with one architecture and one message,
customers see us as one team. This one team provides access to
Digital's outstanding resources, provides a consistent and
high level of service, and delivers the knowledge of business
solutions and dedication to customer success that our
customers need.
third theme is quality. Commitment to quality is one of
Digital’s most fundamental values. This means quality
products, services, and people.
It is in this context that I want to talk
about selling in the U.S.
Six months ago, I said that we should
focus more efficiently on the customer by: o focusing on
moving decision making closer to the customer,
increasing sales and sales support resources,
cutting red tape,
improving training and
creating a more positive and open climate for new ideas.
focusing on accounts, we are putting customers at the center
of our business. This has meant some organizational
restructuring. We no longer have nine sales areas. Today, the
U.S. sales organization looks like this:
End-user districts report to four Sales Regional vice
presidents (Central — Frank Bowden, Eastern — Rose Ann
Giordano, Southern — A1 Hall, and Western — Larry Goodwin).
Corporate and Named Accounts, which account for 60% of our
business, are the overall responsibility of Bob Hughes, our
Account Sales Program Office manager.
Account managers for Aerospace and Electronics now work with
Bob Long; Finance and Media with Ron Hevey; Manufacturing
(formerly Discrete) with Ray Wood, Petrochemical (formerly
Process) with Ron Eisenhauer; and Telecomm with Harry
Government districts work with Harvey Weiss.
Volume districts work with Jay Atlas.
changes focus senior management on accounts.
is not accomplished solely through organizational
restructuring. Rather it comes when we change our role from
telling to listening, from commanding to responding, from
internal meetings to customer meetings. We have made great
strides toward this end in the U.S.
are thousands of customers in the U.S. Each one of these is an
account with an account manager, who is fully responsible for
Digital’s activities with that customer.
the account is the basic building block of Digital. The
account manager owns the responsibility for the account plan,
and all the account plans added together equal the sum of
Digital worldwide. That puts the customer, through the account
manager, at the center of all of our planning. We will invest
in accounts and deploy our resources accordingly across the
districts, the country and internationally.
sales unit is made up of one or more accounts. Corporate
account managers and large geographic accounts will build
their plans for revenue, expenses, and headcount for the
entire account. Unit managers will incorporate information in
a plan that covers their part of any large account, plus all
their locally based accounts.
new approach is a vote of confidence in those people who
manage our sales units and accounts. They are now business
managers, with the authority and responsibility for account
plans. Those plans include revenues, as well as expenses,
human resources, support resources and investments.
simple process of account plan and unit plan approval is all
that stands between the account budget and implementation.
will lead this process by providing local management, sales
leadership and all the required support to the units. The
account sales vice presidents will provide leadership for our
large national and international accounts — and ensure the
active development of our corporate accounts.
management structure we have is as efficient and streamlined
as when I first joined Digital 20 years ago. The corporate
account manager reports to the account sales vice president
who reports to me. From the sales rep contributor to Ken
Olsen, there are now
given each manager the opportunity to request incremental
resources for identified business. This builds on the account
plans already developed from the bottom up. For the first
time, sales managers can truly plan out their business and get
the resources they need to achieve their plans. The plans will
be reviewed and approved by the account sales vice presidents
and regional sales vice presidents.
plan is all set. The decisions have been made. The managers
are being trained. Implementation begins Jan. 1, 1990.
have extended the FY90 forecasts by six months, through
calendar year 1990, to make the transition easier, and to help
us plan investments.
a big change for the Field, and some of them have a
wait-and-see attitude. They know that getting the right
resource, with the right expertise, at the right time is going
to require some mixing and matching across the corporation —
especially for scarce resources.
there is also a ground swell of excitement at all levels. Last
week 1 met with over 300 workstation sales and sales support
people in Palo Alto, Calif., for a sales rally. At this rally,
our sales people identified over 300 opportunities with a
combined business potential of $1 billion. In this exercise,
sales reps talked about what they could do if they had certain
resources. And we set out to get those resources.
is a lot of initiative and energy out there. Most important,
the sense of empowerment has the sales force out with
customers, selling, instead of worrying about the
organization or red tape.
transition from empowerment to increased revenue doesn’t
happen instantaneously, but there is cause for optimism. Sales
reps are more enthusiastic about the outlook.
months ago, the U.S. Field had over 30,000 people. I promised
that we would bring that count down by about 5%, while
increasing direct sales and sales support resources. That
effort is well under way. The total U.S. Field population was
reduced by 508 in Ql. At the same time, total sales and sales
support, including those in the pipeline and committed for
training, increased by 217. That means our headcount of those
not involved directly in sales and sales support is down by
Sales and Services has opportunities for employees within
Digital to get out to the front lines and work directly
selling and supporting customers. A lot of effort is being put
into making that transition a positive and manageable
experience. But we need the on-going support of the entire
past August, we sponsored a coming together of field and
corporate resources in Marlboro called "Career Opportunity
Days." This has already resulted in moving nearly 300
corporate and U.S. staff into the Field. And a followup event
is in the works. Sales and Sales Support resources are being
increased, and we’re focusing on where they are most needed.
months ago, we promised that we would reduce red tape. We’ve
gone in two directions to accomplish that.
we reduced the levels of management required to make
decisions. For example, I had a study completed to provide me
with lists of all the approvals needed by the Field for things
like allowances, business advances and expenses, credit lines
and relocation. The lists made up a thick book. Today, we’ve
replaced all that with a single page.
also made progress in Sales Administration. We’re working hard
to make it easier, simpler and more timely. Mike Kalagher will
discuss these changes in detail.
months ago, we stated that the Field needed more effective
training and that we would deliver. We said that every sales
person must know the customer, our products the competitors’
products, and the differences, and must know and use Digital
taken enormous strides in that direction with DECtop, the
Digital University Summer Session and the Digital University
Institute of Technology. In addition, U.S. sales has had
special training for sales managers on the new budgeting and
management process.
are seeing a transformation of the scope and depth of the
training we do. In the U.S., we have increased our training
budget by over 60% this year alone. This spring, we will
introduce the Digital Consulting Conference in Phoenix. This
is a focused educational experience for our customers,
matching some of our finest consultants to work some of the
most difficult customer needs. And don’t be surprised if we
eventually create a Digital University that combines the best
of our recent training experiences for not only Digital
employees, but for customers as well.
bottom line is we are listening to the Field and working
together with other groups in the company.
said that we wanted to be open to new ideas and innovation. To
that end we established a Corporate Quality Improvement
Program, called the DELTA Program, under Jim Pitts. DELTA is
built on the belief that innovation and ideas come from the
people who actually do the work. DELTA will help us identify
ways in which we can improve our products, services and
business procedures and priorities. Everyone can contribute.
all the change that we are going through, it is appropriate to
remind ourselves that our sales force is a precious asset.
These are skilled, determined, and committed people, who are
doing the right thing for the customer and for Digital. We
need to continue to support their leadership, to break down
barriers, to simplify, to clarify.
as Voyager II opened new worlds, we are exploring new
customers and opportunities during our voyage into the 1990s.
like to share some exciting progress in the Administrative
areas, and to enlist your support for the challenges that lie
ahead of us. I will review the highlights of many things we
have done to date to support our Accounts, and show how it all
comes together in something we are calling the Account
Workbench. Let me talk about our views of what our Accounts
the years, as we were growing rapidly, we operated with a high
degree of independence and, from time to time, got out of
alignment with one another. As the total market slowed, it
became critically important for us to get aligned.
have come a long way as a company at lining up the pieces. We
understand that each contribution is important to our total
success. It is imperative for us, today, to keep in mind the
effect on the company, as a whole, and on our customers as we
make decisions. Our account teams - our one point of contact -
should provide the total support that our customers need. When
we achieve this, there will be no doubt that we are "one
want to talk about some of the progress we’re making in
support of our accounts.
or Electronic Data Interchange is an emerging set of
international standards that govern how trading partners can
do business with each other electronically. To electronically
trade business documents with multiple outside entities -
whether they be suppliers, customers or banks - you first
need discipline and cooperation inside your own company.
three years ago, when EDI was emerging, we pulled together an
EDI Board and a crossfunctional EDI Implementation Committee.
At the time, there were a dozen independent efforts inside
Digital to develop EDI capability. We now have a "one Digital"
EDI implementation. This positions us to do business with any
of our trading partners who have invested in EDI.
across the company pooled resources, made the hard tradeoffs
and compromised on their needs and timetables. Every function
in this company that interfaces with trading partners has
helped to develop one EDI platform. This platform provides a
transmission interface, implementation of protocols and
standards, and transport of EDI records, to any internal
functional application.
developed our internal EDI implementation with a commitment to
"use what we sell and to sell what we use." We have developed
our EDI tools, approaches and business practices jointly with
our customers and suppliers.
we are taking EDI orders from 11 different customers at 25
sites. Many of these trading partners were the ones that
helped us develop our tools. We are executing financial
transactions with five banks. We have 24 vendors on line for
receiving our purchase orders and distribution transactions.
We have pilots under way with customers in Europe and the Far
East. We are well-positioned to add any of our customers,
suppliers, or financial institutions to our active EDI list of
trading partners as quickly as they are prepared with their
is just ONE of the exciting tools we are using to support our
need to align all of our people, processes, activities and
systems to ensure that those of us not on the front lines are
supporting the needs of our customers. And in the eyes of our
customers, we need to ensure that our company remains simple.
the order processing area, over the last several years, we
feel particularly proud of having evolved a single integrated
environment where, in essence, the customer can do business
with us through the ordering channel that he/she feels most
comfortable with.
believe our Electronic Store was the first in the industry.
Last year, customers accessed the Store 200,000 times. We have
learned that this utility lends itself to retrieving product
information and quickly generating valid quotes from Digital.
Our customers can then forward these quotes to their own
purchasing department for order placement.
have integrated support for our indirect channels, and our
distributors are doing the bulk of their business today
through the Electronic Store.
people who make up our telephone ordering organization
(DECdirect) today take 600.000 calls per year. About half of
those are orders. This is over 60% of the total U.S. order
volume, and approximately half of that is executed through our
Fast Ship process.
of cross-company collaboration, we have been able to pull
together a fully integrated FASTship process that has over a
thousand products.
with 50 products a few years ago, we have since added the most
popular options. Last year we added workstations, personal
computers, and software products.
list continues to expand and the utilization has skyrocketed.
Over a quarter million orders last year, worth three quarters
of a billion dollars, were executed from our FASTship Menu
and shipped to customers within 24 hours of when we received
orders are entered wherever received (telephone, Electronic
Store, EDI, or the local office account team), and are
electronically transmitted to the drop ship site with no other
intervention. In addition, we have a number of suppliers who
are connected to this process and committed to execute same
day shipments. These suppliers send us an electronic
verification so that we can invoice our customers. That is the
ultimate in "Just in Time," i.e,, instant delivery with no
Customer Satisfaction Survey
are positive breakthroughs, but only count if our customers
tell us that they count. As shown in our annual customer
survey around ease of doing business for the last six years,
we have made considerable progress.
Satisfaction (on a scale of 10)
1984 |
1985 |
1986 |
1987 |
1988 |
1989 |
Quoted Leadtime |
4.4 |
6.3 |
6.7 |
7.3 |
7.7 |
8.0 |
Order Acknowledgement |
5.2 |
6.7 |
7.1 |
7.7 |
8.2 |
8.3 |
Delivery Commitment |
4.1 |
6.4 |
6.9 |
7.5 |
8.0 |
8.2 |
Post-delivery Response |
5.7 |
6.8 |
7.0 |
7.6 |
8.1 |
8.1 |
Terms & Conditions |
6.4 |
6.7 |
6.8 |
7.2 |
7.6 |
7.6 |
1984, every question on ease of doing business with us got low
marks. Today, our customers fee! good about our lead times,
and our ability to meet their needs and expectations. Our
customers feel particularly good about our acknowledgment of
their orders in a timely fashion and our being predictable.
are feeling terrific about us meeting our delivery
commitments. In 1984, this was the lowest score. Today, we
score 8.2 on a scale of 10. This is fantastic performance.
They also are pleased today with our followup after the order
is delivered.
area that remains a high priority for us all is our business
practices. They affect the ratings customers give us on terms
and conditions of doing business with Digital.
Don Zereski mentioned, we have a solid commitment for a
January warranty simplification. In addition, we have a broad
cross-company initiative to simplify our software. This effort
impacts business practices as well as software products and
the systems that support them.
Support for Account Teams
commitment is to provide both skilled people as well as
integrated systems in support of our account teams. We have
announced to the sales force the return of sales
administrators. Any sales unit manager, who sees a need, has
the latitude today to add a sales administrator to her/his
organization, and we will provide host management and support
from the local administrative organization as required.
we are focusing our existing resources around our accounts.
Every account team will have an identified administration
member who will support the team by coordinating the delivery
of the full scope of cross-functional administrative support.
are feverishly developing tools needed for the sales force.
One of these tools is the Opportunity Investment Planning
System to help support front line sales with the management
of their return on responsibility. This tool, which was
developed in under 60 days, is very simple to use and has
received high marks from Sales Unit Managers.
program called the "Account Workbench" is an important
milestone in the evolution of integrating our company and
becoming simpler. In the past year we ran experiments in the
sales units using laptop computers. From these experiments we
learned that remote capability is not as important as the
need to integrate our fragmented applications and provide one
easy-to-use point of access. We developed a prototype — a
simple, single interface to these applications.
tested the prototype at Summer School and got valuable
feedback from the sales force. We applied this to the on-going
development of the several applications we have been working
on. These applications, as defined by the sales force, are
being integrated into a single-user interface called the
Account Workbench.
Account Workbench is in pilot today. We will begin rolling it
out across the country in January. We will provide simple menu
access to existing and future account management tools. Some
of the existing tools include mail and word processing.
Account Workbench will integrate such tools as: o the
Financial Analysis and Sales Tool;
the Software License Configurator;
XSEL, which improves in "user friendliness" with each release,
o AQS. which in its next generation will
be an easier-to-use configuration creation system resulting
from the current partnership between Sales, Engineering,
Manufacturing and Administration;
o a price look-up module which allows any
user to verify any product or price in the Price File;
o a compendium of account management
reports, aggregated into a single menu; o a new system for
generating proposals; and
o an order-status module, which allows any
authorized user to immediately get status on orders by knowing
the "DEC number," or the customer’s purchase order number, and
allows sales people to use their badge number to get the
status on any of their orders, regardless of how or where the
orders were taken.
need to continue to simplify and integrate what our company
does and how our company does it. We need to do this together.
When we do it together, we have something very powerful and
very exciting.
October. Digital announced the new VAX 9000 high performance
system. Consultants gave us rave reviews, and we received the
best press we have had for some time. The analysts agreed that
this was a major milestone for Digital.
more important than our external success, has been the good
feeling generated internally. Everyone in the company feels
proud about this system and the positive feedback Digital has
received. And that’s the way it should be.
of the most important things we have learned about selling in
the high end is that when you sell a VAX 9000 system you don’t
just sell the hardware — you sell Digital. And one of the most
important messages we would like to share today is that the
VAX 9000 system was created by the whole company. It was truly
a "one company" effort.
From the
beginning of this project we knew that we were going to go
after the high-end market. So we started off with three big
issues: o Was this a market worth entering? o If it was, could
we develop the necessary technology?
And if we could,
would we be able to position ourselves successfully in a
market dominated by IBM and its style of computing, selling
and service?
addressed the market issue first. Our VAX installed base
needed higher and more reliable computing power. They were
expecting to grow with Digital. The danger was that some
customers had the perception that the VAX/VMS family was at
its end. A few had even purchased "hot boxes" from our
felt we could win with our installed base, but we would have
to move fast. If we didn’t, we would lose some of them.
addition, there was a greater market out there. We found that
not everyone who has a mainframe today is happy. There are a
number of IBM, Unisys, CDC and Honeywell users looking for an
numbers supported us. This is a $40 billion market. Any
significant market share — even 5-10% - would be a substantial
win for Digital.
fast growing applications in areas like transaction processing
and high performance technical processing are vital to
Digital’s overall strategy. These applications often require
mainframe or even supercomputer power. If customers were going
after those new applications, we didn’t want to be left out
simply because we didn’t have a high performance system.
there was a market, but it wasn’t going to wait for us.
Time-to-market was a critical issue.
concluded that if we could combine the leadership of the
VAX/VMS family and our distributed systems and networking
environment with the characteristics necessary for mainframe
performance, we would not only have a winner in this market,
but we could actually expand the definition of "mainframe."
had to have a world-class machine to go head-to-head with the
very best in the business. This meant the highest performance
VAX hardware we could possibly produce. It required using
technology that would be new the day the product was
just happen. It has to be created. That requires substantial
financial and human commitment. It also requires the
willingness to take a risk.
we built on the underlying strength of the VAX/VMS family, we
could limit our risk to physical technologies. In addition, we
had an experienced, successful core team from the development
of the VAX 8600 system.
produce world-class quality and to do it right, we focused on
tools and technology. Working closely with manufacturing and
packaging engineers, we invested heavily in CAD/CAM
(computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) tools
and simulation. We knew that if we succeeded in building the
tools and crating the simulation methodology up front, the
risks later on would be minimal.
with Manufacturing has been a major success. Not only did our
technology breakthroughs — the Multiple Chip Unit (MCU) and
the High Density Signal Carrier (HDSC) — come in
manufacturing, but the whole manufacturing process, up to and
including systems integration, is new.
between Engineering and Manufacturing was so close that
boundaries dissolved. For example, Jim McElroy, one of the
five engineers who started the VAX 9000 project, is now MCU
Volume Manufacturing manager. And Chris McGill, from
Manufacturing, now manages Interconnect Process Development
a result of our technology breakthroughs, Digital is a
physical technology leader. The MCU and HDSC are major
achievements. This technology will change the way computers
are made. No other company in the world can mass produce this
technology today.
confined to technology, but included the way people worked
together. Instead of working on one critical path one step at
a time, the goal was to have multiple critical paths. That
meant working in parallel within the project and
cross-functionally across the company.
the beginning, we knew that competing with IBM meant high
reliability and superb service. We believe that our VAX 9000
system sets standards of its own. It has ultra- high
reliability. The system even predicts many errors before they
occur and automatically calls Customer Service for support.
wanted to meet customer’s mainframe expectations around
service. So working with cross-functional teams from Customer
Services, Enterprise Integration, Educational Services and
Sales Administration, we built a comprehensive service
program. In addition to hardware and software support, this
program includes a customized Support Implementation Plan,
featuring unlimited training, consulting and management
VAX 9000 announcement included applications as well as
technology, service, software, and storage products. Thanks to
the work of all marketing groups, the VAX 9000 system served
as the platform for announcing strong commitment to the high
end from our CMPs (complementary marketing partners). This
support brought Digital to the "glass house" and into the
supercomputer market for the first time.
learned two major lessons from our work on the VAX 9000
system. First, we learned that if we were going to create a
major new system, the whole company was going to create it
with us. We had to work as one company. Second, we learned
that if the whole company worked together, we could innovate,
take risks, enter new markets and win market share. We learned
that we can do anything if we work together.
the last year and a half, we have seen an exponential increase
in the intensity of what our accounts want us to do in systems
the recent past, our main value added was to provide our
customers with state-of-the art hardware systems, operating
systems, and user tools. Then it was the job of the customer
to provide the solution. Customers either did this themselves
in-house, or turned the job over to a third party.
our customers don’t want to engineer their solutions in-house.
They don’t want to do the installation, or the management or
enhancements. Nor do they want to seek out a third party and
manage that third party to do the work. They just want to
concentrate on their business, such as making automobiles,
airplanes, or steel, or providing insurance or banking
services. But, at the same time, they are worried about
putting this critical work in the hands of under-capitalized
small third-party operators. They also worry about giving this
job to companies that are just system integrators and leave
the continuing development of the product and process
technology to others. They want to deal with "real" people who
spend their time on a day-in-and-day-out basis learning and
providing the expertise to successfully perform this work.
simply, our customers are looking for an entity that has the
capital substance and the staying power to see these
mission-critical, "bet-your-business" projects through to
completion. They also want an entity committed to continue the
development of the product and process technology, and not put
it in the hands of others. They want an entity that has people
who really understand their problems and are willing and able
to integrate their product expertise with the understanding of
their business. They want to deal with people who work on
problems like these on a day-to-day basis.
you step back and look at this business, you see that there
really aren't many companies other than Digital who can meet
these needs. And these customers are willing to pay dearly,
because the savings to their enterprises are simply enormous.
That’s our opportunity.
leading aerospace company is a good case in point. When we
first started talking to them, we used the typical technical
hardware jargon — MIPS and megaflops and terabytes. But it
became evident very early in the conversation that this was
not what they wanted to talk about. They had a $60 billion
backlog. Factory throughput was practically down to zero. They
didn’t even measure their inventory turns because they were so
low. They wanted us to solve that problem.
we started working with them and got to know them, I asked,
"Why Digital?" They said they had looked at all the computer
companies from the point of view of their progress relative
to the return on assets over the last six or seven years, and
Digital stood out above everybody else. We had doubled our
inventory turns in a period of four years, and saved the
company a billion dollars. They said that our people must know
something to accomplish this. If we could do that for them
with their $70 billion backlog, it could result in huge
asked if there were other reasons. They said they had brought
in a pure systems integrator and another large computer
company to give presentations in addition to Digital. The
first two presentations were the most polished, professional
presentations their top management had ever seen. Nothing
could go wrong. They understood everything. The problem could
be solved. Then the Digital salesman came in and started going
through the same kind of presentation. But he finished his
introduction very quickly and said, "I have someone I want you
to talk to." He brought in a seasoned manager from
Manufacturing. Dressed casually, in stark contrast to the
polished appearance of everyone else present, he knew the
realities of a manufacturing environment. He said "Let me tell
you about shop floor control systems. No one has fouled them
up more than I have, and no one has one as good as I have
today." He went on to tell them about all the mistakes of the
past — what could go wrong, what to look out for, and what he
was doing at that point in time. He was a "real person" — the
kind of person these customers want to talk to. Two minutes
after the meeting was over, the Digital people were asked to
come back in. We had the contract. It was that simple.
to that one are numerous and enormous. Total worldwide
spending in data processing is estimated at $200 billion, and
$70 billion of that is for systems integration. Only $10 to
$15 billion of that is currently being provided by vendors.
The rest of it is being done by the customers themselves, and,
as I mentioned earlier, they don’t want to do it. They need
challenge is obvious. But, for the first time in my career, we
must worry equally about getting the business as we worry
about not getting the business. In many of these situations,
you only get one shot. If you make a mistake that shuts down
someone’s business, they'll remember it for a long time, and
they won't be bashful about passing that information on to
their friends in the industry.
flip side is that when you do it right, you have the customer
forever, and you leverage more and more business through
their enterprise.
people from other parts of that aerospace company are seeing
our work on this program and are giving us additional
is an enormous opportunity for us. I personally think that
within five years, 50% of our business will come directly from
systems integration or indirectly from leveraged business
relative to systems integration.
are fortunate because we have the people and the resources to
work with customers anywhere in the world, and we are already
considered leaders.
are leaders because we have already solved many of these
problems internally, for instance, in manufacturing, finance,
and engineering. In fact, you could look at Digital as an
in-house laboratory for these solutions for our customers.
are also leaders because we offer all the necessary
capabilities. Some of our competitors just design. Others
design and implement. Still others implement and manage. We
are among the few who have the skills to handle it all — from
planning and design to implementation and management.
have made us a leader, but what puts us into a category all by
ourselves is that we have "real people" who are experts in
their functional areas and can share their experience with
customers. We are getting these people to rotate into our
systems integration environment and take their skills with
helps our customers; and it also does a lot for us, because
the experience of working with customers puts them in the real
world where they see real problems. Our people then bring back
what they have learned to their respective environments so we
can get even better at what we are doing.
must continue to grow our leadership position, but we must be
both aggressive and careful. We cannot promise what we cannot
do. You only get one shot at this. But we have the confidence
that we know how to do it.