Two Months to Live

Chapter Twelve: A Rendezvous and a Visit

A Fanfiction by: Corisu Li, , home page

This is a sequel to One Month for Romance. It is complete in 27 chapters. It has a few plot twists that will shock you.I'm posting it here with the permission of the author. I found it at .  Enjoy.  Tim Seltzer

Disclaimer:  Corisu Li: First order of business... *looks at Kunoichi*
Kunoichi: *is seated at a table with a bored look on her face*
Corisu Li: ...It's time to give out the sweet stuff! *whistles loudly*
Aamalie: *runs up* Where's the fire, cap'n?
Corisu Li: *sweatdrop* Er... could ya call out the sweets you suggested?
Aamalie: Oh yeeeaah... *peeks at review* Here we go! MILKY WAY, SKITTLES, BLACKOUT CAKE, ICE CREAM, TWIX, SNICKERS!!!!
Kunoichi: Oooooooh!!! *all mentioned sweets appear on the table in front of her and she starts to stuff her face*
Corisu Li: Thanks, Aamalie-chan!
Aamalie: *huge grin, prances off*
Corisu Li: And one more... *whistles again*
Jennifer: *appears with a small black dog and looks around* Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...
Toto: Arf!
Corisu Li: Can you just say the sweets, please?
Kunoichi: CHOICE!!! *gobbles*
Corisu Li: Er, click your heels together and... well, you know the drill...
Jennifer: There's no place like home, there's no place like home... *vanishes*
Corisu Li: *sigh* Well, now all there is to do is to wait until Kuno-chan finishes...Oh, and cookies go out to Sapphrine Nayomi (duh), badgerwolf, Momentum, and Vampire-Elf for guessing correctly. Ah, and one more thing...
Vampire-Elf: *chants* M/S lime! M/S lime!
Corisu Li: *blinks* Weeeeeellll...I give the people what they want... if enough people show interest, then I'll definitely look into it. Keep in mind that there's LOTS of plot to go through. Okay, enough of me, I'm sure you want the next chap now... see you at the end! AND THEY'RE NOT MINE!!! WHY MUST YOU RUB IT IN?!?!?!
Kunoichi: *has a huge mound of cake in one hand, a candy bar in the other, and about 10 gummy worms hanging from her mouth* ENJOY!!!! *munches*

Summary: Sequel to One Month for Romance. Miroku finds that he has two months before the kazaana sucks him in. Will his friends be able to save his life and stake claim over the Northern Lands? And what does Kikyou want?!?!

Chapter 12: A Rendezvous and a Visit

The explanation to Akimoto was short and sweet. After everyone was cleaned up, they had walked to the castle to inform him of the group's departure. He expressed sadness that Kunoichi wanted to leave the village, but at the same time understood her need to prove her worth. This was the reason that she was allowed to leave, and why the tachi were now about two hours from Senpai.

Kunoichi stretched her arms over her head and yawned. "I'm tired..." she said, failing to surpress a huge yawn.

Inuyasha instantly stopped in his tracks and rounded on her. "You mean to tell me that after all that shit you went through to train and beg your grandfather to let you leave, you still are as big of a wimp as always? Damn, Kagome, what the hell were you teaching her wh-"


Stepping neatly over Inuyasha, Kagome put a hand on the girl's shoulder. "I know that you aren't used to all this walking, Kunoichi-san. We've been doing this for quite a while now and it didn't occur to us that you'd have trouble."

Inuyasha lifted his head enough to say, "Damn weak human wench-" before Miroku stepped onto the back of his head and pushed his face back into the dirt.

Sango and Ninsei laughed as the male hanyou squirmed, trying to prematurely break free of the spell. Shippou took the opportunity to pull Inuyasha's bangs.

Kagome sighed. 'Back to normal...' she thought. To change the subject from Kunoichi's fatigue, she said, "Perhaps we can discuss this place where you're leading us, Kunoichi-san?"

Kunoichi nodded and smiled gratefully, taking the opportunity to sit on a large rock. Everyone else sat around her, eager to hear the story. Inuyasha, who had recovered (with quite a bit of dirt on his face), put up a loud argument at this, but stopped quickly at the thought of being sat, stomped, and yanked again.

The young miko looked up to the sky for a moment, then began. "A while back, as you know, a terrible youkai began to steal young maidens from Senpai. It was rumored that it always came from the same direction, and if one were to travel in said direction for two days by foot, one would reach a mountain with caverns that the youkai inhabited. They were said to be preparing for some ancient ritual that would bring darkness and sadness to the whole world. This was how it became known as the Dark Mountain."

Everyone thought for a moment, until Sango asked, "How would someone mistake a mountain for a forest, though? It makes no sense." Kunoichi shrugged, but Kagome had an answer.

"If the youkai is powerful enough, they may be able to do concealment charms or guise spells. I take it that it's powerful enough to fool most humans. Kikyou must think that we're strong enough to see through the facade."

Miroku looked interested. "Guise spells, Kagome-sama? Is there another ability that you've been hiding from us?"

He meant it as a joke, but when Kagome blushed and bowed her head, Inuyasha bristled. "WHAT?"

Kagome shouted back, "Well, it's not like it would've been much help in a battle!"

"It would've been much easier to get into the village, idiot!"

Kagome paused. "Oh...oh yeah."

Kunoichi cleared her throat, then asked, "What's a guise spell? You never taught me about those."

"A guise spell is one that changes the appearance of something, but it doesn't change what something guess I could show you." Kagome stood and deftly revealed her aura. She then closed her eyes and pressed each of her hands to the opposite shoulder. Immediately, the pink light engulfed her completely like an out-of-control flame. Seconds later, however, it fell, and Shippou squealed loudly and leapt into her arms.

Kagome had disguised herself as a perfect example of an adult kitsune. Her ears were now in the normal human place, but were pointed, very much like Shippou's. Instead of the kit's curved, youthful tail, however, she had a long, elegant one that resembled a normal fox's. Her eyes had darkened to green and her hair was the same color as Shippou's. She grinned. "How do I look?"

Shippou immediately launched into a speech on how wonderful he thought her form was, how she really looked like his mother now, and if she could stay that way all the time. Inuyasha turned up his nose and refused to look at her.

"Are there any more abilities that we should know of, Kagome-sama?" Miroku asked, awestruck. Sango had said nothing the entire time, but her mouth was slightly open in surprise.

Kagome put a finger to her mouth. "Just standard things. Nothing else spectacular. In fact-" Kagome let the guise fall and Shippou groaned in disappointment (then quickly tried to compensate by insisting that he liked her old form better anyway). "-that's one thing I wanted to speak to you all about. I have an idea of how we can make sure that we kill Naraku, not just another puppet."

Sango finally managed to speak. "Really, Kagome-chan? How?"

Kagome sat back down. "I'll need the help of Kunoichi, but since she isn't nearly as strong as we'd need, we'll probably have to convince Kikyou to help too."

Ninsei, who had been gazing at Kunoichi ever since her speech about the Dark Mountain, finally wrenched his eyes away to say, "Are you sure that she will help? It seemed to me that your arrangement was that she lead you to Naraku, not help you kill him."

Kagome nodded. "You have a point. However, I think that, when my little plan takes effect, she'll have no choice but to help us."

"What is your plan, Kagome-san?" Kunoichi asked, finally having dropped the -sensei after they'd left the village.

"Well, it's not going to be easy, but I think we can pull it off..." She then launched into her explanation, with everyone listening intently, hopes of finally defeating Naraku whirling about in their heads.


Sesshoumaru was royally pissed. His stupid hanyou half-brother hadn't yet turned up to claim the Northern Lands, and to top it all off, Rin made made a request to him that morning.

That they go visit someone. Someone very special to her.

Oh, Sesshoumaru was not pleased, indeed.

"Misa-chan, do you have another red ribbon?" Rin chirped, tying off the first and stepping back to admire her handiwork.

Ishida Misa searched through her bag, then answered, "Hai, Rin-san. Right here." She handed it to the small girl, who took it gratefully.

And tied it neatly into Sesshoumaru's white locks.

The owner of that hair was very agitated, to say the least.

Rin and Sesshoumaru had left the castle that morning, bound to visit Ishida Misa, the girl that he had saved with Tenseiga about two months ago. He had promised her that she could visit, and he was a youkai of his word. When they had arrived, Misa's mother welcomed them gracefully, spouting nonsense about him reminding her of someone. The two girls had embraced and chatted for a while, until they decided to do some hairstyling. Rin's hair was much too short to do much, however, and Misa's had just been done up, so there would be no playing around with it.

Of course, the youkai lord was the obvious replacement.

His normally sleek, neat hair was in shambles. There were random braids here and there, tied off with ribbons that matched the colors of the symbols on his robes. A gold clasp held a great clump of hair in a ponytail at the top of his head. And to top it all off, the girls had decorated his head even further- with FLOWERS, of all things!

You could never find a more exasperated Inu-youkai if you tried. Yes, that includes Inuyasha.

And what better way to top off this perfect day...

"Lord Sesshoumaru, I have found out that- Lord Sesshoumaru, what has happened to your HAIR?" Jaken couldn't repress a snort of laughter. Quick as a flash, Sesshoumaru darted forward and grabbed Jaken by the neck, snarling.

"Sesshoumaru-sama, sit down! You'll mess up your pretty hair and Rin will have to do it all over again!" The small girl tugged at his robes and he sighed.

"Why don't you play with Jaken? He's small enough to fit dress-up clothes."

Jaken looked scandalized. "B-b-b-but Milord, I don't want to-"

"You will. It is beneath me to slaughter in front of young children, but I wouldn't hesitate to kill you as soon as you step foot out of his house."

Jaken instantly broke out into a sweat, then choked, "Y-yes, Lord Sesshoumaru."

The girls gave up a cheer and dragged Jaken to Misa's room. Seconds later, Sesshoumaru could easily hear Jaken's squeals of protest and the girl's delighted laughter. He listened for a while, then began removing the various items from his hair to the sounds of "ACK! Girls, not that one! Gah! It's PINK!"


"I think that's a wonderful idea, Kagome-sama." A small voice spoke from Inuyasha's shoulder. The already irritated hanyou swatted him and flicked him to Kagome.

An almost audible sigh of relief swept the group, and Kunoichi and Ninsei looked around, confused. Seeing their faces, Sango explained. "Myouga-jiji is Inuyasha's vassal. He never shows up unless there's absolutely no danger. We're safe here, I suppose."

Meanwhile, Myouga had reinflated himself and was perched indignantly on Kagome's right ear. "I resent that! I only have *ahem* engagements. Anyway, I bring news of the Northern Lands to you, Lord Inuyasha."

Inuyasha looked up, as did Ninsei. "You bring news of my home, Myouga- jiji?"

Kagome's ear involuntarily flicked, so the flea hopped to Kagome's shoulder, where he folded his arms and sat cross-legged. "It is most peculiar. When I heard of it, I found it very hard to believe. I just had to come straight here and tell-"

Inuyasha had darted forward and was squeezing Myouga between his thumb and forefinger. "Spit it out, already!"

A rumpled Myouga returned to Kagome's shoulder and said, "It seems that Sesshoumaru has staked claim for you. He will not allow anyone to take the throne except you."

"HUH?" Inuyasha was truly perplexed. Why would Sesshoumaru do that? "I thought he would want control of the north himself! It's completely unprotected there, he could easily gain the throne if he wanted it."

"What I think, Lord Inuyasha, is that not only does he want the land, but also your life and everything that belongs to you."


"Not only Tetsusaiga..." Myouga darted a slanted glance at Kagome's face and quickly looked away. Inuyasha caught the movement, however, and cracked his knuckles.

"Bastard..." he hissed. "Just wait until we get Naraku! He'll get his!" Kagome, being at an odd angle to the flea, had missed his movement and was utterly perplexed. "Let's get a move on! I want to be there before sundown!" Inuyasha took to the trees and darted away.

Kunoichi stared. "Uh, does he know where he's going?"

Kagome shrugged, then swatted Myouga, who had bitten her. "Let's follow him before he makes a mess of things." Kagome ran, the girls and Shippou rode Kirara, and Miroku flew along on a small cloud that he'd conjured. This left Myouga to float to the ground, thinking.

'Her blood tasted strange...more potent.' He managed to get up to watch her retreating form. 'Is it possible that...hmm...I'll need more information.' He made as if to follow, then got a chill and stopped in his tracks. 'Or maybe I'll go somewhere safe. I'm sure it's nothing important!'

The cowardly flea leapt off in the opposite direction, musing.


The whole time, Inuyasha didn't slow. Kunoichi yelled out directions and he followed them, but he seemed to be very eager to reach the meeting place. Everyone was perturbed at this activity, but didn't think very much of it.

That is, everyone but Miroku. He was secretly glad that Inuyasha was hurrying so much. His right hand throbbed almost constantly now, each pulse sending a wave of pain up his arm to his shoulder. The uncomfortable pain was the only symptom, but he knew that his time was getting shorter.

An hour of top-speed travel and they had covered a very significant distance. It wasn't until Sango heard Kunoichi gasp that she looked up and saw the scene.

Before them all was a tall, craggy black mountain that was dotted here and there with caves. Reposing in those caves were several of the freakish bird- like youkai that they had encountered earlier. A dark cloud seemed to be swirling around the peak of the mountain, where a monument-like structure was perched.

Kagome took a deep breath and willed herself to see the truth. Closing her eyes briefly, she opened them again to see plain forest where the mountain once was. "Everybody, remember that this is a guise! Tell yourself to see the real thing!"

One by one, everyone gave tiny signs to show that they now were in a forest, instead of at the foot of the Dark Mountain. Kagome was still puzzled, however. "How is this a black forest?" she muttered aloud.

She had a point. This particular patch of trees was no different than any other. Being struck with a sudden idea, Miroku said, "Kagome-sama, search the trees with your other sight."

"Oh, yeah!" Kagome tried to bring into view the blue haze that let her see invisible souls, but all that happened was an effect like someone had poured ink into her eyes. Frightened, Kagome blinked furiously to clear her vision. "This place stinks of evil. I can't even see anything the other way!"

As these words left her mouth, however, something interesting happened. The trees around them took on a black color, as if they had been dipped in paint. And there, sitting in the crook of one of the trees, was a miko.

"Kikyou." Kagome acknowleged her with a nod.

Kikyou lowered herself to the ground. "I began to think that you had given up on your friend. I expected you here long ago."

Inuyasha refused to look at Kikyou, even though her gaze kept sliding to him. "So what if we're a little late? Why are we here, anyway?"

"This is Naraku's little hiding place. He doesn't think I know how to get in, so we'll have maybe two minutes until he realizes that we've arrived."

Kagome looked around and gestured. "This is Naraku's hideout?"

Kikyou gave her a look that plainly said, 'See, this is a perfect example of how dumb you are.' Instead of speaking then, she pulled an arrow from her quiver and purified it with a touch. "No..." she finally said, raking the arrow sharply through the air and cutting a pink lightening bolt shaped tear in the black air.

Immediately, everyone was drawn into the rip, which sealed neatly behind them. Now, the forest was much taller, and the trees much farther apart, with no branches or leaves on any of them. The air seemed grayish and pungent, and in the distance, a rundown castle could be seen, radiating with such evil that it made everyone squirm.

Everyone, that is, except Kikyou, who said, "THIS is Naraku's hideout."


Corisu Li: *jigs* Oh yeah, almost time for big fight scene! Whoo! Yep, the matchup is Naraku, Ayako, and Kohaku (thought I forgot him?) against alllllll the others. How will it turn out? *thinks* I'll get back to you on that. Status report, Kuno-chan!

Kunoichi: ^_________________^ CANNNNNDDDDDYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! *does the cha-cha slide on a table*

Corisu Li: Here we go again.

Kunoichi: *falls off table and rolls around room, giggling*

Corisu Li: Review, please! I really appreciate them!!! They make me happy...

Kunoichi: Do it or suffer the wrath of the flying No. 2 pencils!

Corisu Li: I'll play along. What do they do, Kuno-chan?

Kunoichi: *gives Corisu weird look* They give you lead poisoning, duh!

Corisu Li: AG! The corniness!


Two Months to Live by Corisu Li
This is a sequel to One Month of Romance. It is complete in 27 chapters. It has a few plot twists that will shock you.

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