Richard Seltzer's home
page Publishing
Business on the Web -- where "word of keystroke" begins
Richard Seltzer and Sudha Jamthe are now running a new series of
business chat sessions, on alternate Wednesdays, from 3-4 PM Eastern
Time. Check http://iblogcom.blogspot.com/
for news about
upcoming sessions and also to access the chat room.
Transcript of the first two of these sessions:
Who Needs a Desktop? Part 1 -- Web-Based
Applications, March 22, 2006
The Magic of Blogs. Part 1, April 5, 2006
Richard Seltzer used to run weekly chat sessions Thursdays 12 noon-1
PM (US Eastern Time = GMT -5 when Standard Time, GMT -4 when
Daylight Savings). These sessions ran from June 1996 to November
2003. For an explanation of why he discontinued them, see the chat
farewell article at www.samizdat.com/chatfarewell.html
He will continue to write articles related to Business on the Web
topics and post these for free access at his Web site. If you
would like to receive email alerts when such articles are posted,
send a blank email message to businessonthewebchats-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
or go to http://groups.yahoo.com/businessonthewebchats
and sign up there.
Transcripts of past sessions are available here. See
hyper-linked list below.
Please send email with your follow-on questions and comments, and
suggestions for topics we should focus on in future sessions. So
long as the volume of email responses is manageable, I'll post the
most pertinent ones here for all to see.
For an article on how to make chat work for your business, see www.samizdat.com/events.html.
"Who needs a
desktop?" first of a new series of business on the Web chat
sessions, Wed. March 22, 2006
Transcripts of previous chat sessions
Selling at eBay: focus on research techniques
November 6, 2003
(edited transcript) Tracy Marks (who has an eBay feedback rating of
over 2470) sharing tips and insights about selling at eBay.
Virtual teams
2003 (raw transcript) Simon Priest talking about virtual
teams. "Virtual teams (of two or more members) work together on
aligned tasks, maintain healthy relationships, and use online
communication to overcome barriers of geography, time, language, and
culture. Online communication technologies include: chat, email,
fax, whiteboard, telephone, video,web browsers, and other
conferencing tools. Electronic facilitators enhance virtual team
performance by guiding members to reflect on their teamwork
processes such as trust, communication, collaboration, problem
solving, decision making, planning, and leadership."
Using Email Discussion lists for marketing
2003 (raw transcript) Shel Horowitz talking about how to find
the right emaildiscussion groups, how to market online without being
flamed, and how to harness the viral power of the list to become
seen as an expert, and more.
Personal extranets with Ashu Bhatnagar
2003 (raw transcript)
Teleseminars with Jenny Hamby and Preston Campbell
Feb. 13, 2003
(edited transcript) -- Conducting, promoting and archiving
teleseminars, with Jenny Hamby www.hambycommunications.com
and Preston Campbell www.teleseminarsuccess.com
(suggested by Heidi Perry hperry@advantage-online.com) Related article
The Bombast Transcripts by Christopher Locke
2003 (raw transcript) -- Christopher Locke, author of The
Bombast Transcripts and co-author of The Cluetrain
Manifesto. He was on two previous chat programs of ours
talking about Cluetrain (with David Weinberger and Rick Levine).
Those transcripts are available at
February 3, 2000
Feb. 10, 2000
See my review of The
ClueTrain Manifesto
See my review of The
Bombast Transcripts
Brainstorming about international communities
2003 (raw transcript) -- with Berthold Langer, manager
of IS Client Support Services at Avid Technology. Born in Germany,
Berthold has, like many expatriates, tried to stay in contact with
his family, friends and culture throughout his stay in the US or
travels around the world. With the commercialization of the Internet
and the advent of the Web he has found more and more ways to keep in
touch and explore options to bridge the gap. Prior to joining Avid,
Berthold was a technical and marketing consultant at Digital
Equipment Corporation for over 10 years, where he was an early
member of Digital's Internet efforts. Berthold is a native of
Germany and lived in the USA for over 13 years now. I worked closely
with him in Digital's Internet Business Group, back 1994-96; and in
January 1994, he and I put together the pioneering videotape "A
Glimpse of the Future", which helped wake up many companies to the
business potential of the Web. If you are in the mood for Internet
nostalgia and have a fast connection and the RealPlayer,
you can view that tape at http://www.samizdat.com/audio/glimpse.rm
(It's only a few minutes long).
Radio, elearning, ecommerce, and shareware, with radio
talk-show host Dave Sciuto
2002 (raw transcript) -- with Dave Sciuto, host of the
weekly radio show "The Computer Report," heard every Sunday from
noon to 2:00 pm on WOTW in Nashua, NH and WGAW in Gardner MA, and
co-author of the syndicated column weekly column, "The Shareware
Report" that appears in such newspapers as the Nashua Sunday
Telegraph and the MetroWest Daily News. Part-time, he also teaches
Intro to HTML, DHTML, XML, JavaScript, and e-Business management
courses at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Boston
University, and University of Phoenix. Full-time, he is a learning
engineer at Hewlett-Packard in Nashua NH and Littleton MA.
"Smart Mobs" by Howard Rheingold
5 (raw transcript) -- with Howard Rheingold, author of Smart
Mobs and The Virtual Community. In my review of Smart Mobs, I wrote:
"Even before the Web, Rheingold sensed the importance of social
interaction in his experiences with the online community at the
Well. He explored the implications of new kinds of behavior and
relationships on the Internet in his seminal book The Virtual
Community. Now that much of what he foresaw has become reality, he
looks ahead at the changes likely to transform our world --
socially, business-wise, and politically -- in the next wave, based
on wireless communication. Technology makes it possible that
wireless person-to-person interaction, without central control, and
with very inexpensive access available to all could change our world
even more profoundly than the Internet has."
Small Pieces Loosely Joined by David Weinberger
21 (raw transcript) -- with David Weinberger, author of Small
Loosely Joined and co-author of The
Manifesto. Small Pieces emphasizes the human and
paradoxical aspects of hte Web -- how we behave and interact there
and what that says about what it means to be human. He was on two
previous chat programs of ours talking about Cluetrain (with Chris
Locke and Rick Levine). Those transcripts are available at
February 3, 2000
Feb. 10, 2000
See my review of The
ClueTrain Manifesto
See my review of
Small Pieces.
PR in tough times
Nov. 14 (edited
transcript) -- What you can and should do differently. Online PR
opportunities you may have overlooked. What to do until you have
money to spend. Ethel Kaiden
Training ROI
(raw transcript) -- Ray Vasser
The classroom as a database
Oct. 24 (edited
transcript) -- Kathleen Gilroy, CEO of The Otter Group, an
e-learning company.
Where and how to buy things to sell at online auctions
Oct. 10 (edited
transcript) -- Heidi Perry hperry@advantage-online.com, and Evette
Eleese (author of How To Make Money With Internet Auctions: A
Proven Method)
Update on selling at online auctions, especially eBay
Oct. 3, 2002 (edited
-- Evette Elise, author of How To Make Money With Internet
Auctions: A Proven Method shared her experience and provided
useful tips.
Roberta Kalechofsy -- novelist, essayist, speaker, and
2002 (raw transcript) -- Roberta Kalechofsky (http://www.micahbooks.com)
talked about her works and also about experiences and learnings from
the realms of traditional small press publishing, print-on-demand,
and marketing over the Internet. I first met Roberta in the
mid-1970s when we were both exhibiting frequently at small press
books fairs. Now that my venture of publishing books on CD ROM is
taking off -- with good response to collections of public domain
books -- starting with Roberta, I'm going to begin publishing
contemporary, copyrighted works, paying royalties to authors. I hope
to have a CD with half a dozen of her books available in a few
weeks. (Please check out my other offerings at my online store http://store.yahoo.com/samizdat).
Developing applications for speech, with Ken Ingham of
May 2, 2002 --
Kenneth R. Ingham, President of Amazability, Inc. talks about
applications developed for speech as opposed to voice adaptations of
graphical presentations. The discussion centers on an alternative
technology for assistive systems (for the blind/visually impaired),
wherein the where speech is the initial design goal,
versus the typical approach, where the starting point is the visual
presentation. Here "speech" includes both voice recognition
and text-to-speech. Related article: "With voice for
input and output, computing enters a new realm"
A new way to make quality "spoken" books
2002 (raw transcript) -- guest Nick Hodson explained his
method of "massaging" etext files so they sound good when "read" by
a speech engine (text-to-voice converter). For now, he is focusing
on ISpeak from Fonix. Click here to download
a 2 Mbyte, 17 minute audio sample (in mp3 format) put together by
Nick, 100Kbyte, 25 second audio sample
(in mp3 format) created using the
latest version of ISpeak
Building, selling, and reading ebooks the easy way (for use on
PCs, without encryption; e.g., plain text ebooks on CD ROM).
2002 (raw transcript) -- Mainly talking about the CD books
we're building at Samizdat Express. See our online store at http://store.yahoo.com/samizdat
Yaga, business models for selling content
2002 (raw transcript) -- guest Arnaud Fischer from Yaga. Yaga
has been striving to build a digital content marketplace based on
P2P and online payment technology. We want to find out what
they have learned -- what works and what doesn't and why.
(transcript not yet available)
Chatterbox, a new voice conferencing platform
Nov. 15, 2001 (text
notes from the discussion; streaming audio
[for RealPlayer] of the full hour of discussion related article).
Discussion and demo of a great new voice conferencing platform, with
Peter Carlson, vp of technology with Simple Software (the company
that developed it), and George Buys, an enthusiastic user.
Business use of voice recognition
Nov. 1 (edited
transcript) -- guest Bill De Stefanis, vp of product development at
Lernout*Hauspie (the company that bought Dragon). They just released
version 6 of Dragon Speaking Naturally. related article
Radio and the Internet
25 (raw transcript) -- guests Dave Sciuto and Bill Dubie of
the weekly radio show The Computer Report, broadcast on WCAP in
Yaga, a P2P company with new revenue models for content
October 18, 2001
(edited transcript) Arnaud Fischer from Yaga explained the company's
new business model and how content providers can benefit form it,
including a paid subscription service, with the content providers
sharing a large portion of the subscription money. see related
article "Yaga, Yaga do! -- P2P meets micropayments" at http://www.samizdat.com/yaga.html
Quick Topic Document Review
2001 (raw transcript) Dan Kalikow demoed a unique online
discussion tool, where your comments are tied to specific parts of
particular documents, using Quick Topic Document Review. See related
article A great way to
get feedback -- but will anyone use it?
Global Learn Day
Oct. 4, 2001 we held a "rehearsal". To see archives of this event
(both text and voice), go to
Tapped In MOO
September 27, 2001,
(raw transcript) Guided tour of TAPPED IN (http://www.tappedin.org)
an online conference center hosting an international community of
education professionals. Teachers, librarians, professional
development staff, researchers and students engage in professional
development programs and informal collaborative activities with
colleagues and attend online dicussions and classes. Led by Keiko
Impatica for Powerpoint
September 20, 2001, notes not yet available.
Being found by search engines
On Wednesday August 29, 2001 at www.horizonlive.com, I
delivered a full-blown presentation (including audio and slides)
about How to use content to attract traffic to your Web
site, even when branding rules saddle you with a search-engine
unfriendly design at HorizonLive www.horizonlive.com. The
archive of that presentation is now avaiable at
Please let me know if you'd like me to hold a followup discussion on
the same topic as one of our upcoming chat sessions.
Getting ready for Global Learn Day
August 23, 2001 -- summarizing the results our experiments with
text-chat platforms. Edited
July 26, 2001 -- testing Bravenet chat, with a brief addendum
testing AOL Messenger's chat-room capability. Raw transcript
July 12 and 19, 2001 -- no transcript (testing multiple
applications) See related article "Text Chat Choices" http://www.samizdat.com/textchat.html
July 5, 2001. We tested the capability of merging the capabilities
of PalTalk (telephony) to the Franklin Telephone Room and archiving
of same. People in the PalTalk room could hear the people talking in
the telephone room, and people in the telephone room could hear the
people talking in the PalTalk room, without confusion. An annoying
background buzz interfered; but discovering and fixing such problems
was an important goal of the experiment. That session prompted me to
write a description/explanation of the importance of Global Learn
Day http://www.samizdat.com/mcluhan.html
(audio version at http://www.samizdat.com/audio/gld.rm)
Experimenting with voice discussion
For a white paper based largely on this series of experiments, see http://www.samizdat.com/real.html
June 14, 2001. Part 7: Using HorizonLive. The archive for the first
fifteen minutes the June 14 presentation is available at: http://asu.horizonlive.com/launcher.cgi?channel=FoxOnline_2001_0614_1156_57
The rest of the session is at http://asu.horizonlive.com/launcher.cgi?channel=FoxOnline_2001_0614_1211_24.
This URL is case sensitive and that there are underscores between
the groups of numbers. There is no audio for the first couple of
minutes since, while people were logging on. Just let it play and
the audio will begin. The text chat comments are available at: http://www.public.asu.edu/~shogun/dl/hlivelog.html
Thanks to Steve Salik, Technology Support Analyst, College of
Business, Arizona State University,shsalik@asu.edu
June 7, 2001. Part 6: Using Webtrain as a distance ed platform. No
transcript. (Notes to come).
May 31, 2001. Part 5: Using Paltalk to discuss voice chat issues and
possibilities. Audio file available at www.samizdat.com/audio/chat0531.mp3,
summary at www.samizdat.com/paltalk
May 24, 2001. Part 4: Paltalk revisited (32 participants), audio
file available at www.samizdat.com/audio/chat0524.mp3,
details at www.samizdat.com/paltalk
May 17, 2001. Part 3: Paltalk. Third in our series of voice chat
experiments. for details see www.samizdat.com/paltalk
May 10, 2001.
Part 2: Telcopoint. Second of a series of experiments dealing with
voice chat and related solutions.
March 1, 2001.
Part 1: Plain Old Telephone System (POTS). First of a series of
experiments dealing with voice chat and related solutions.
Search engine update
March 15, 2001, March 22, 2001 What's new? What's changed? What's
your favorite tool and why? Tips on how to search well. The edited
transcript is not yet available. Meanwhile, pelase check the raw
Discussion tools and voice
March 1, 2001 What's available today, what's free, what's desirable?
This session will be run by John Hibbs, using both this chat room
and also voice over ordinary telephone lines. The edited transcript
from this session is not yet available. Meanwhile, please check the
What free stuff is left and why
February 15, 2001Februrary 22, 2001 What
free stuff is left and why? Many companies used to offer free stuff
and services to quickly build a large audience, with the idea of
either selling advertising or selling the business based on the
number of registered users. With the dot-com stock market crash,
lots of free offers and the companies that depended on them have
disappeared over the last year. What's still available? What's
useful? What isn't worth the price? And what's the future of the
Internet business model of giveaways?
DSL vs. Cable for high-speed access
January 18 – DSL vs. cable and hooking up multiple systems for your
home office (see related article at http://www.samizdat.com/dsl.html)
The edited transcript from this session is not yet available.
Meanwhile, please check the raw
Global Learn Day
January 11 -- guest = John Hibbs, Director of the Benjamin Franklin
Institute of Global Education, in San Diego, talking about distance
education and collaboration, and, in particular, Global Learn Day. )
The edited transcript from this session is not yet available).
Meanwhile, please check the raw
MangoMind, your shared disk drive on the Web
Thursday, December 14 -- Scott Davis, vp and cto of MangoSoft,
talking about their MangoMind service. Now you can have your own
disk drive on the Web -- disk space that you access with the same
commands and the same ease as the hard drive on your computer or the
shared hard drives on your LAN, only this disk is out on the Web and
accessible from anywhere. The space is secure and you can share it
with designated partners and colleagues. Check my article about it
at www.samizdat.com/mango.html
and their Web site at www.mangosoft.com
For a brief bio of Scott Davis (an early developer of clustering
technology) see www.mangosoft.com/about/management.asp?expand=cto.The
transcript from this session is not yet available. Meanwhile, please
check the raw
DEC, not Digital
Thursday, December 7 -- How would you write the DEC story? An editor
at Wiley has expressed interest in the proposed book "DEC, not
Digital." So Richard would like to take this opportunity to get your
suggestions/reminiscences etc. about DEC. You can see the proposed
book intro at www.samizdat.com/dec.html.
To see reader reactions and react to them forum-style, please go to
the related discussion space at http://webworkzone.com/bootcamp
The edited transcript from this session is not yet available.
Meanwhile, please check the raw
Global Learn Day
November 16 -- Guest = W. Sean Chamberlin, PhD, Online
Coordinator/Assistant Professor, Fullerton College, standing in for
John Hibbs, Director of the Benjamin Franklin Institute of Global
Education, in San Diego. Talking about distance education and
collaboration, and, in particular, Global Learn Day. The edited
transcript from this session is not yet available.
Practical experience in distance education
October 26, Guest = Kathleen Gilroy, founder and CEO of the Otter
Group www.ottergroup.com,
an e-learning company that focuses on programs for university
alumni. She has been developing e-learning programs since the early
1980s and has pioneered the use of satellite communications and the
Internet for professional audiences. Her current clients include
Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, where she is developing an
e-learning series on leadership, and MIT's Sloan School of
Management, where she is developing an e-learning program on
financial technology and investments. She also developed the first
e-learning program for scientists in the early 1980s and developed
Harvard Business School's first e-learning program in the early
1990s. In 1995 her company developed the first e-learning program on
e-commerce. The edited transcript from this session is not yet
Java Puzzle Cards
October 19, guest
= Scott Cramer, talking about Java puzzle cards, an interesting new
app, now in beta. On the one hand this goes one better than e-cards.
You can quickly create puzzles from any photo with whatever words
you want right on the image and email them. The recipient gets a URL
that takes him/her to a Web page where the pieces are scrambled. You
click and drag to put the pieces together (this is very slick). The
puzzle solving is fun and addictive (this is far is
involving/participative, while e-cards are not). And depending on
the complexity (number of pieces chosen in the creation process), it
can be quite a surprise as the picture and the words come together.
These puzzle cards could have interesting benefits as part of viral
marketing campaigns and for early childhood education. Please try it
out at www.javapuzzlecards.com(This
best from Windows PCs. There are still a few bugs to be worked out
for Macintosh).
Business implications of free massive disk space on the Web
Thursday, October 12.
See related article at www.samizdat.com/leap.html
New directions in scifi, with author Patrick O'Leary
Thursday, October 5,
guest = Scifi author Patrick O'Leary. If you don't have them
already, run out and buy his works: Door Number Three, The Gift, The
Impossible Bird, and Other Voices, Other Doors. Check my book review.
Check his Web site.
Print-on-demand from the perspective of the do-it-yourself
September 21, 2000 guest
Michael Joyce (translator of Good Soldier Svejk) review of his book
Internet-based market research
September 14, 2000
guest = Ray Deck from eglean.com
eBookIt: a quick way to create multimedia books
September 7, 2000
guest = Bob Zwick, talking about his eBookIt project and other ebook
alternatives. www.cottagemicro.com/ebooks.
Check The Lizard of Oz,
for an example of an audio book made using eBookIt. To hear the
narration, you need to use Microsoft Internet Explorer and you must
have RealPlayer.
Coola: a fast new way to move info to your palm
July 20, 2000 --
guests: Sameer Agarwal and David Agress from Coola, www.coola.com
Punktown by Jeff Thomas
July 13, 2000 --
Jeff Thomas, author of "Punktown" a powerful collection of short
stories that creatively pose age-old questions through bizarre and
intriguing circumstances on another planet in the future. See review
at http://www.samizdat.com/isyn/punktown.html
Identity is Destiny
July 6, 2000 (transcript not yet available) -- Larry Ackerman,
author of Identity
Destiny To see an excerpt and other info about the book, check
Metro and Ministry of Whimsy Press, including the role of
ebooks the Internet in small press publishing
June 22, 2000, June 29, 2000
(guests: Jeff Edmunds, author of the novel Metro, and Jeff
VanderMeer from the publisher, Ministry of Whimsy Press) The
complete book is available online for free at www.mindspring.com/~toones/ministry.html).
review at www.samizdat.com/isyn/metro.html
Recruiting for Internet starups
June 1, 2000,
June 8, 2000 (edited transcript not yet available)
Differentiate or Die
May 18, 2000 -- (guest: Jack Trout, author of Differentiate
Die You can see his profile at www.tenagra.com/ips/private/Wiley/differentiate/profile.html
, an excerpt from the book at www.samizdat.com/diff.html,
and a related article at www.samizdat.com/raging.html
(edited transcript not yet avaliable)
Clicks and Mortar
May 11, 2000 (guest:
Pearce, co-author with David Pottruck of Clicks
Mortar: Passion Driven Growth in an Internet Driven World)
related article www.samizdat.com/startups.html
Affiliate selling
April 20, 2000 (guests:
Helmstetter and Pamela Metivier, authors of the book Affiliate
Building Revenue on the Web. For details and an
excerpt see www.samizdat.com/affil.html
related article www.samizdat.com/affil2.html
Sales channels and the Web
March 30, 2000 (guest:
Owen) Related article www.samizdat.com/channels.html
(related transcripts from April 6 and April 13 still in the
works, sorry for the delay)
Virtual worlds and 3D shopping/advertising
February 17, 2000 See
articles Internet-on-a-Disk
#34 and www.samizdat.com/3d.html
The Cluetrain Manifesto (with three of the four co-authors)
February 3, 2000
Feb. 10, 2000 (guests:
Christopher Locke, Rick Levine, and David Weinberger). For a review
of this book see www.samizdat.com/clue.html
related article www.samizdat.com/listen.html
Sprint marketing: what should you do when time is more
important than money?
January 27, 2000 (still editing that transcript, sorry for the
Grassroots democracy: is the Internet making a difference
January 20, 2000 (still editing that transcript, sorry for the
FairMarket: hosting branded auctions
January 13, 2000 (guest:
Supnik from FairMarket)
Online shopping, lessons from the holidays
January 6, 2000
Online auctions
December 2, 1999 (guest:
Joseph Sinclair), December
1999 (guest: Calvin from AuctionRover)
Selling content/getting paid for content on the Web
October 21, 1999 ,
October 28, 1999,
November 4, 1999
(guests: Greg Schmergel and Carolyn Unger from ExpertCentral.com; Chris
Wills from Learnlots.com)
What's happening to Money
October 14, 1999 (transcript not yet available) (guests: Richard
Rahn, author of The
of Money, and Russ Jones, marketing manager for MilliCent, a microcommerce
system from Compaq)
Wireless Internet
September 30, 1999
October 7, 1999
(guest: Alan Reiter, president of Wireless Internet & Mobile
Computing, a wireless data consulting company) Related article on
wireless Internet, Second article on
wireless Internet
Business opportunities opened by high-speed Internet access
September 23, 1999 (guests
The Computer Report, radio show broadcast in Lowell, MA, Sundays,
7-8:30 AM, on WCAP 980 AM in Lowell/Boston, MA) an article based on this
DSL vs. Cable for high-speed Internet access
September 16, 1999 (guests
Acunet and MediaOne), see also an article based on this
Ebay and ecommerce lessons
April 8, 1999, May 6, 1999, May 13, 1999, May 20, 1999, May 27, 1999,June 3, 1999, see
also articles based on these discussions, eBay for sellers, and
practical advice for eBay sellers
Business implications of the Linux development model
March 18, 1999, March 25, 1999, April 1, 1999 (book review of The
Cathedral and the Bazaar by Eric Raymond)
The new Web business environment and how to cope
January 7, 1999
Shopping on the Internet
November 12, 1998,
November 19, 1998
Finding jobs and getting consulting work
October 8, 1998, October 15, 1998, October 22, 1998, October 29, 1998
Selling books and magazines on-line -- Getting paid for content
July 9, 1998, September 24, 1998,
October 1, 1998
Internet marketing/advertising tactics (including brand)
June 18, 1998 July 2, 1998
MOO, an environment for on-line discussion, business
communities and distance education
May 7, 1998 May 14, 1998 May 21, 1998
Live demo of AltaVista Forum, a tool for building business
communities and for distance education
April 23, 1998
Building business communities
March 26, 1998, April 2, 1998, April 9, 1998, April 16, 1998
Distance education and training
March 19, 1998, March 5, 1998 , February 26, 1998,
February 19, 1998,
February 12, 1998 February 5, 1998,January 29, 1998, January 22, 1998 ,
January 15, 1998 ,
January 8, 1998 December 18, 1997
Bazaars: Low-cost store fronts
December 4, 1997,
November 20, 1997
The Social Web -- varieties of "community" experience and their
implications for business
November 13, 1997 ,
November 6, 1997 (also
discussing Placeware), October 30, 1997October 2, 1997,September
25, 1997, September
18, 1997 , September
11, 1997 September
4, 1997, August
28, 1997 ,
Value-added services from ISPs and others: an alternative
business model for commercial Web sites
August 7, 1997, July 31, 1997 , July 24, 1997
Internet telephony and FAX
July 17, 1997, July 10, 1997, July 3, 1997,June 26, 1997
Web-access to databases and database-enabled Web applications
June 19, 1997, June 12, 1997 , June 5, 1997,May 29, 1997
Web-hosting prices, modular Web sites, chat, and other subjects
May 13, 1997
Putting a face on your Web presence and serving customers
on-line (including Groceries to Go and a study of 1000 commercial
Web sites
May 1, 1997, April 24, 1997
Serving customers on-line
April 17, 1997 April 10, 1997
On-line advertising/promotion and electronic commerce
April 3, 1997, March 27, 1997 , March 20, 1997, March 13, 1997,March 6, 1997 February 27,1997
Distance education/training
February 20, 1997 (plus
International aspects of Web business
February 13, 1997 (plus
education/training), Februrary
1997 January
30, 1997 (wireless Internet)
Wireless Internet
January 23, 1997
Techniques for personalizing Web sites
January 16, 1997
Intranet development
January 9, 1997, January 2, 1997
Year-end wrapup
December 19, 1996
From Internet World in New York City
December 12, 1996
Impact of search engines on Internet business
December 5, 1996 ,
November 21, 1996
, November 14, 1996 ,
November 7, 1996
New kinds of money
October 31, 1996 October 24, 1996
Low-cost Web-access devices (like WebTV)
October 17, 1996 ,
October 10, 1996 ,
October 3, 1996
International business
September 26, 1996
(plus Malaysia)
Virtual companies
September 19, 1996,
September 5, 1996
Chat/Forum and related applications
August 29, 1996
August 22, 1996
Video over the Internet
August 15, 1996
August 8,1996, August 1, 1996
Electronic Commerce
July 18, 1996
General Internet Business
July 25, 1996, July 11, 1996
How to Make
Business Chat Work an article by Richard Seltzer